Remove sign-extend arg to LLVMConstInt calls.
[sbcl/llvm.git] / llvm / llvm.lisp
1 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
2 (use-package :llvm))
4 ;; HACK! make sigabrt not abort.
5 (cffi:defcfun "undoably_install_low_level_interrupt_handler" :void
6 (signal :int)
7 (handler :pointer))
9 (undoably-install-low-level-interrupt-handler 6 (cffi:null-pointer))
11 (defun sigabrt-handler (signal info context)
12 (declare (ignore signal info))
13 (declare (type system-area-pointer context))
14 (sb-sys:with-interrupts
15 (error "sigabrt at #X~X"
16 (with-alien ((context (* sb-sys:os-context-t) context))
17 (sb-sys:sap-int (sb-vm:context-pc context))))))
18 (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-posix:sigabrt #'sigabrt-handler)
20 ;; END HACK
22 (declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
24 (cffi::defcallback intern :intptr ((name :string) (package :string))
25 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (intern name package)))
27 (cffi::defcallback symbol-function :intptr ((symbol :intptr))
28 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (symbol-function (sb-kernel:make-lisp-obj symbol))))
30 (defun LispObjType ()
31 (LLVMInt64Type))
33 (defun declare-global-var (mod name type &key value thread-local constant linkage)
34 (let ((previous-global (LLVMGetNamedGlobal mod name)))
35 (if (cffi:pointer-eq previous-global (cffi:null-pointer))
36 (let ((global (LLVMAddGlobal mod type name)))
37 (when value
38 (LLVMSetInitializer global (LLVMConstInt type value)))
39 (when constant
40 (LLVMSetGlobalConstant global t))
41 (when thread-local
42 (LLVMSetThreadLocal global t))
43 (when linkage
44 (LLVMSetLinkage global linkage))))))
46 (defun declare-intrinsic-function (mod name ret-type arg-types &key global-mapping attrs)
47 (let ((previous-fun (LLVMGetNamedFunction mod name)))
48 (if (cffi:pointer-eq previous-fun (cffi:null-pointer))
49 (let ((function (LLVMAddFunction mod name
50 (LLVMFunctionType ret-type arg-types nil))))
51 (LLVMSetFunctionCallConv function (cffi:foreign-enum-value 'LLVMCallConv :LLVMCCallConv))
52 (LLVMSetLinkage function :LLVMExternalLinkage)
53 (assert (LLVMIsDeclaration function))
54 (when (eql (mismatch "llvm." name) 5) ; name starts with llvm.
55 (assert (/= 0 (LLVMGetIntrinsicID function))))
56 (when global-mapping
57 (LLVMAddGlobalMapping *jit-execution-engine*
58 function
59 global-mapping))
60 (dolist (attr attrs)
61 (LLVMAddFunctionAttr function attr))
62 function)
63 previous-fun)))
65 (defun define-support-fns (mod)
66 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "intern"
67 (LispObjType) (list (LLVMPointerType (LLVMInt8Type) 0)
68 (LLVMPointerType (LLVMInt8Type) 0))
69 :global-mapping (cffi::callback intern))
70 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "symbol-function"
71 (LispObjType) (list (LispObjType))
72 :global-mapping (cffi::callback symbol-function))
73 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "llvm.atomic.load.sub.i64.p0i64"
74 (LLVMInt64Type)
75 (list (LLVMPointerType (LLVMInt64Type) 0) (LLVMInt64Type)))
76 (declare-global-var mod "SBCL_nil" (LispObjType) :constant t :value (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address nil))
77 ;; Comes from SBCL runtime.
78 ; (declare-global-var mod "current_thread" (LispObjType) :thread-local t :linkage :LLVMExternalLinkage)
79 (declare-global-var mod "specials" (LLVMInt32Type) :constant t)
80 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "call_into_lisp"
81 (LispObjType)
82 (list (LispObjType) (LLVMPointerType (LispObjType) 0) (LLVMInt32Type)))
83 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "alloc"
84 (LLVMPointerType (LispObjType) 0)
85 (list (LLVMInt64Type)))
86 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "do_pending_interrupt"
87 (LLVMVoidType)
88 nil)
89 (declare-intrinsic-function mod "pthread_getspecific"
90 (LLVMPointerType (LLVMInt8Type) 0)
91 (list (LLVMInt32Type)) :attrs '(:LLVMNoUnwindAttribute :LLVMReadNoneAttribute))
92 ;; Function to get the TLS data. It's a bit odd that SBCL isn't using native TLS on
93 ;; linux, but lucky for me, because LLVM's JIT doesn't support TLS yet.
94 (CLLLVM_LLVMParseAssemblyString
95 "define i64* @get_thread_data() nounwind readnone {
96 start:
97 %0 = load i32* @specials
98 %1 = call i8* @pthread_getspecific(i32 %0)
99 %2 = bitcast i8* %1 to i64*
100 ret i64* %2
102 " *jit-module* *llvm-context*))
107 ; (LLVMAddGlobal mod (LLVMFunctionType (LispObjType) (list (LLVMPointerType (LispObjType) 0)) nil)
108 ; "call_into_lisp"))
109 ; (CLLLVM_LLVMParseAssemblyString
110 ;"declare i64 @call_into_lisp(i64, i64*, i32)
112 ; *jit-module* *llvm-context*))
114 ;; Do it now!
115 (define-support-fns *jit-module*)
116 ;;(LLVMDumpModule *jit-module*)
119 ;; Function to dump the IR1 nodes of a lambda expression, for debugging.
120 (defun dump-ir1 (lambda)
121 (let* ((component (first (sb-c::compile-to-ir1 nil lambda)))
122 (fun (second (sb-c::component-lambdas component))))
123 (let ((block (sb-c::ctran-block (sb-c::node-prev (sb-c::lambda-bind fun)))))
124 (sb-c::do-blocks (block (sb-c::block-component block) :both)
125 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) nil))
126 (labels ((walk (block)
127 (unless (sb-c::block-flag block)
128 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) t)
129 (when (sb-c::block-start block)
130 (dump-block block))
131 (dolist (block (sb-c::block-succ block))
132 (walk block)))))
133 (walk block)))))
135 (defun dump-block (block)
136 (format t "block start ~s~%" (sb-c::block-number block))
137 (do ((ctran (sb-c::block-start block) (sb-c::node-next (sb-c::ctran-next ctran))))
138 ((not ctran))
139 (let ((node (sb-c::ctran-next ctran)))
140 (format t "~s~%" node))))
142 ;; Now, the actual LLVM compiler
144 ;;;; Utility functions...
146 (declaim (special *current-llfun* *current-builder*))
148 (defmacro build (name &rest args)
149 (assert (symbolp name))
150 `(,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name 'LLVMBuild) (symbol-name name)))
151 *current-builder*
152 ,@args))
154 (defmacro build-after (block)
155 `(LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd *current-builder* ,block))
157 (defmacro with-builder ((builder) &body body)
158 `(let ((*current-builder* ,builder))
159 ,@body))
161 (defmacro with-load-time-builder (() &body body)
162 `(progn ,@body))
163 ; `(with-builder *ltv-builder*)
164 ; ,@body)
166 (defmacro with-fresh-builder (() &body body)
167 (let ((builder-v (gensym "BUILDER")))
168 `(let ((,builder-v))
169 (unwind-protect
170 (progn (setf ,builder-v (LLVMCreateBuilder))
171 (let ((*current-builder* ,builder-v))
172 (progn ,@body)))
173 (when ,builder-v (LLVMDisposeBuilder ,builder-v))))))
175 (defmacro with-entry-block-builder (() &body body)
176 (let ((entry-block-v (gensym "entry-block")))
177 `(with-fresh-builder ()
178 (let ((,entry-block-v (LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock *current-llfun*)))
179 (build-after ,entry-block-v)
180 (progn ,@body)))))
182 (defun raw-ptr-to-lispobj (ptr lowtag)
183 (build add
184 (build ptrtoint ptr (LispObjType))
185 (LLVMConstInt (LLVMInt64Type) lowtag)))
187 (defun raw-int-to-lispobj (ptr)
188 (build call (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "%raw-int-to-lispobj") (list ptr)))
190 (defun fixnumize (val)
191 (LLVMConstInt (LispObjType) (* val 8))) ;; FIXME: hardcoded 8...
193 (defun LLVMBuildGEP* (builder ptr indices &optional (name ""))
194 (let ((type (LLVMInt32Type)))
195 (LLVMBuildGEP builder ptr
196 (map 'list (lambda (x) (LLVMConstInt type x)) indices)
197 name)))
199 (defun llvm-ensure-block (block)
200 "Ensure that the given IR1 block has an associated LLVM block, and return it."
201 (let ((existing-block (sb-c::block-info block)))
202 (if existing-block
203 existing-block
204 (setf (sb-c::block-info block)
205 (LLVMAppendBasicBlock *current-llfun* (format nil "block~d" (sb-c::block-number block)))))))
208 (defun build-alloca-in-entry (name)
209 (with-entry-block-builder ()
210 (build alloca (LispObjType) name)))
212 (defun llvm-ensure-lvar (lvar)
213 "Ensure that the given IR1 lvar object has an associated LLVM variable, and return it"
214 (let ((existing-lvar (sb-c::lvar-info lvar)))
215 (if existing-lvar
216 existing-lvar
217 (setf (sb-c::lvar-info lvar) (build-alloca-in-entry "lvar")))))
219 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
220 (defvar *llvm-primitives* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
222 (defmacro def-llvmfun (name args &body body)
223 "Sorta the equivalent of defining a VOP.
225 NAME should be a known function, and your function will be called to do something
226 special instead of building a full call to that function."
227 (let ((real-name (intern (concatenate 'string "LLVMFUN-" (symbol-name name)))))
228 `(progn
229 (defun ,real-name
230 ,args
231 ,@body)
232 (setf (gethash ',name *llvm-primitives*) (function ,real-name)))))
240 ;; Main entry point
241 (defun llvm-compile (lambda)
242 (let* ((component (first (sb-c::compile-to-ir1 nil lambda)))
243 (fun (second (sb-c::component-lambdas component))))
244 (build-function fun *jit-module-provider*)))
246 (defun unboxed-type (ctype)
247 (cond
248 ((sb-c::csubtypep ctype '(unsigned-byte 64))
249 :unsigned-int)
250 ((sb-c::csubtypep ctype '(signed-byte 64))
251 :signed-int)
252 ;; FIXME: floats, whatever else we want unboxed...
253 (t nil)))
256 (defun build-function (fun mod-provider)
257 (let* ((mod (CLLLVM_LLVMModuleProviderGetModule mod-provider))
258 (n-args (length (sb-c::lambda-vars fun)))
259 (fun-args (loop for n from 0 below n-args
260 collect (LispObjType)))
261 (*current-llfun* (LLVMAddFunction mod "anonymous"
262 (LLVMFunctionType
263 (LispObjType)
264 fun-args
265 nil)))
266 (setup-block (LLVMAppendBasicBlock *current-llfun* "setup")))
267 (LLVMSetFunctionCallConv *current-llfun* (cffi:foreign-enum-value 'LLVMCallConv :LLVMCCallConv))
269 (with-entry-block-builder ()
270 (loop for node in (sb-c::lambda-vars fun)
271 for n from 0
273 (let ((param-alloca (build alloca (LispObjType) "arg")))
274 (setf (sb-c::leaf-info node) param-alloca)
275 (build store (LLVMGetParam *current-llfun* n) param-alloca))))
277 (with-fresh-builder ()
278 (let ((block (sb-c::ctran-block (sb-c::node-prev (sb-c::lambda-bind fun)))))
279 (sb-c::do-blocks (block (sb-c::block-component block) :both)
280 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) nil))
281 (labels ((walk (block)
282 (unless (sb-c::block-flag block)
283 (setf (sb-c::block-flag block) t)
284 (when (sb-c::block-start block)
285 (build-block block))
286 (dolist (block (sb-c::block-succ block))
287 (walk block)))))
288 (walk block))
289 (build-after setup-block)
290 (build br (llvm-ensure-block block))))
292 (format t ";; Pre-optimization:~%")
293 (LLVMDumpValue *current-llfun*)
294 ;;(LLVMVerifyModule mod :LLVMPrintMessageAction (cffi:null-pointer))
295 (LLVMRunFunctionPassManager *jit-pass-manager* *current-llfun*)
296 (format t ";; Post-optimization:~%")
297 (LLVMDumpValue *current-llfun*)
299 *current-llfun*))
301 ;; Call this to run your function!
302 (defmacro run-fun (fun &rest args)
303 (let ((ffp-args (loop for arg in args
304 collect :intptr
305 collect `(sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address ,arg)))
306 (fun-ptr-v (gensym "fun-ptr")))
307 `(let ((,fun-ptr-v (LLVMGetPointerToGlobal *jit-execution-engine* ,fun)))
308 (sb-kernel:make-lisp-obj (cffi:foreign-funcall-pointer ,fun-ptr-v () ,@ffp-args :intptr)))))
311 ;;;; Creating blocks...
313 (defun finish-block (block)
314 (let* ((last (sb-c::block-last block))
315 (succ (sb-c::block-succ block)))
316 (unless (or (sb-c::if-p last) (sb-c::return-p last))
317 (assert (sb-c::singleton-p succ))
318 (let ((target (first succ)))
319 (cond ((eq target (sb-c::component-tail (sb-c::block-component block)))
320 ;; component-tail isn't a real block, so don't emit a branch to it.
321 ;; This location ought to be unreachable, so tell LLVM that.
322 (build unreachable))
323 (t (build br (llvm-ensure-block target))))))))
325 (defun build-block (block)
326 (format t "block start ~s~%" (sb-c::block-number block))
327 (let ((llblock (llvm-ensure-block block)))
328 (build-after llblock)
329 (do ((ctran (sb-c::block-start block) (sb-c::node-next (sb-c::ctran-next ctran))))
330 ((not ctran))
331 (let ((node (sb-c::ctran-next ctran)))
332 (format t "~s~%" node)
333 (etypecase node
334 (sb-c::bind nil) ;; Don't do anything; bind is entirely superfluous.
335 (sb-c::ref (llvm-convert-ref node))
336 (sb-c::combination
337 (let ((fun (sb-c::ref-leaf (sb-c::lvar-uses (sb-c::combination-fun node)))))
338 (if (and (sb-c::functional-p fun) (eq (sb-c::functional-kind fun) :let)) ; mv-let, assignment?
339 (llvm-convert-let node)
340 ;; FIXME: this data should really go into the fun-info struct from
341 ;; combination-fun-info, but for expediency, use a separate datastore
342 ;; for the moment.
343 (let ((llvm-primitive (gethash (sb-c::leaf-source-name fun) *llvm-primitives*)))
344 (if llvm-primitive
345 (llvm-convert-knowncombination node llvm-primitive)
346 (llvm-convert-combination node))))))
347 (sb-c::creturn (llvm-convert-return node))
348 (sb-c::cif (llvm-convert-if node))
349 (sb-c::cset (llvm-convert-set node)))
351 (finish-block block)))
355 ;;;; "Constant" support (many lisp constants are not LLVM constants, but rather set at load-time)
357 (defun llvm-emit-global-string (mod str)
358 (let* ((ll-str (LLVMConstString str nil))
359 (global (LLVMAddGlobal mod (LLVMTypeOf ll-str) ".str")))
360 (LLVMSetInitializer global ll-str)
361 (LLVMSetGlobalConstant global t)
362 global))
364 (defun llvm-emit-symbol-ref (value)
365 ;; Check for staticly-defined symbols?
366 (let* ((global (LLVMAddGlobal *jit-module* (LispObjType) (symbol-name value)))
367 (name-var (llvm-emit-global-string *jit-module* (symbol-name value)))
368 (package-name-var (llvm-emit-global-string *jit-module* (package-name (symbol-package value)))))
369 (LLVMSetLinkage global :LLVMInternalLinkage)
370 (LLVMSetInitializer global (LLVMConstInt (LispObjType) 0))
371 (with-load-time-builder ()
372 (build store
373 (build call (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "intern")
374 (list
375 (build GEP* name-var (list 0 0))
376 (build GEP* package-name-var (list 0 0)))
377 "intern")
378 global))
379 (build load global "symbol")))
381 (defun llvm-emit-symbol-function (value)
382 (build call (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "symbol-function")
383 (list
384 (llvm-emit-symbol-ref value))
385 "symbol-function"))
387 (defun llvm-emit-constant (leaf)
388 (let ((value (sb-c::constant-value leaf)))
389 (etypecase value
390 ;; most-*-fixnum should have sb!xc: prefix
391 ((integer #.most-negative-fixnum #.most-positive-fixnum)
392 (fixnumize value))
393 (integer
395 (character
397 (symbol
398 (llvm-emit-symbol-ref value))
400 (when (static-symbol-p value)
401 (sc-number-or-lose 'immediate)))
402 (single-float
403 (sc-number-or-lose
404 (if (eql value 0f0) 'fp-single-zero 'fp-single-immediate)))
405 (double-float
406 (sc-number-or-lose
407 (if (eql value 0d0) 'fp-double-zero 'fp-double-immediate)))
408 ((complex single-float)
409 (sc-number-or-lose
410 (if (eql value #c(0f0 0f0))
411 'fp-complex-single-zero
412 'fp-complex-single-immediate)))
413 ((complex double-float)
414 (sc-number-or-lose
415 (if (eql value #c(0d0 0d0))
416 'fp-complex-double-zero
417 'fp-complex-double-immediate)))|#)
420 ;;; Convert a REF node. The reference must not be delayed.
421 (defun llvm-convert-ref (node)
422 (declare (type sb-c::ref node))
423 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
424 (leaf (sb-c::ref-leaf node))
425 (val
426 (etypecase leaf
427 (sb-c::lambda-var
428 (let ((llvm-var (sb-c::leaf-info leaf)))
429 (if (sb-c::lambda-var-indirect leaf)
430 (FIXME) #|(vop value-cell-ref node block tn res)|#
431 (build load llvm-var))))
432 (sb-c::constant
433 (or (sb-c::leaf-info leaf)
434 (llvm-emit-constant leaf)))
435 (sb-c::functional
436 (if (eq (sb-c::functional-kind leaf) :let) ;; mv-let, assignment?
437 (return-from llvm-convert-ref nil) ;; Don't need to store anything
438 (FIXME-FUNCTIONAL) #|(ir2-convert-closure node block leaf res)|#))
439 (sb-c::global-var
440 (let ((unsafe (sb-c::policy node (zerop safety)))
441 (name (sb-c::leaf-source-name leaf)))
442 (declare (ignore unsafe))
443 (ecase (sb-c::global-var-kind leaf)
444 ((:special :unknown)
445 #|(aver (symbolp name))
446 (let ((name-tn (emit-constant name)))
447 (if (or unsafe (info :variable :always-bound name))
448 (vop fast-symbol-value node block name-tn res)
449 (vop symbol-value node block name-tn res)))|#)
450 (:global
451 #|(aver (symbolp name))
452 (let ((name-tn (emit-constant name)))
453 (if (or unsafe (info :variable :always-bound name))
454 (vop fast-symbol-global-value node block name-tn res)
455 (vop symbol-global-value node block name-tn res)))|#)
456 (:global-function
457 (llvm-emit-symbol-function name)
458 #|(let ((fdefn-tn (make-load-time-constant-tn :fdefinition name)))
459 (if unsafe
460 (vop fdefn-fun node block fdefn-tn res)
461 (vop safe-fdefn-fun node block fdefn-tn res)))|#))))
463 (assert val)
464 ; (print (CLLLVM_LLVMDumpValueToString val))
465 ; (print (CLLLVM_LLVMDumpTypeToString (LLVMTypeOf (llvm-ensure-lvar lvar))))
466 ;; Store the value into the lvar.
467 (build store val (llvm-ensure-lvar lvar)))
468 (values))
470 (defun llvm-convert-let (node)
471 (let ((fun (sb-c::ref-leaf (sb-c::lvar-uses (sb-c::combination-fun node))))
472 (args (sb-c::combination-args node)))
473 (loop for node in (sb-c::lambda-vars fun)
474 for arg in args
475 for n from 0
477 (let ((param-alloca (build-alloca-in-entry "let-var")))
478 (setf (sb-c::leaf-info node) param-alloca)
479 (build store (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar arg))
480 param-alloca)))))
482 (defun llvm-convert-combination (node)
483 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
484 (arg-count (length (sb-c::combination-args node)))
485 (arg-count-llc (LLVMConstInt (LLVMInt32Type) arg-count))
486 (arg-mem (build arrayalloca (LispObjType)
487 arg-count-llc "CIL-array")))
488 (loop for arg in (sb-c::combination-args node)
489 for n from 0
491 (let ((GEP (build GEP* arg-mem (list n))))
492 (build store (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar arg)) GEP)))
494 ;; BuildGEP is because we pass array as pointer to first element.
495 (let* ((arg-mem-ptr (build GEP* arg-mem (list 0)))
496 (call-into-lisp (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "call_into_lisp"))
497 (callee (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar (sb-c::combination-fun node)))))
498 (when (cffi:pointer-eq (cffi:null-pointer) call-into-lisp)
499 (error "call-into-lisp not found!"))
500 (let ((call-result (build call call-into-lisp
501 (list callee arg-mem-ptr arg-count-llc) "call_into_lisp")))
502 ;; When lvar exists, store result of call into it.
503 (when lvar
504 (build store call-result (llvm-ensure-lvar lvar)))))))
506 (defun llvm-convert-knowncombination (node primitivefun)
507 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
508 (args (sb-c::combination-args node))
509 (call-result (funcall primitivefun args)))
510 ;; When lvar exists, store result of call into it.
511 (when lvar
512 (build store call-result (llvm-ensure-lvar lvar)))))
514 (defun llvm-convert-return (node)
515 ; (print (sb-c::lvar-info (sb-c::return-result node)))
516 (build ret (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar (sb-c::return-result node)))))
519 (defun llvm-convert-if (node)
520 (build condbr
521 (build icmp :LLVMIntNE
522 (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar (sb-c::if-test node)))
523 (build load (LLVMGetNamedGlobal *jit-module* "SBCL_nil"))
524 "nil?")
525 (llvm-ensure-block (sb-c::if-consequent node))
526 (llvm-ensure-block (sb-c::if-alternative node))))
528 (defun llvm-convert-set (node)
529 (let* ((lvar (sb-c::node-lvar node))
530 (leaf (sb-c::set-var node))
531 (val (sb-c::set-value node))
532 (ll-val (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar val))))
533 (etypecase leaf
534 (sb-c::lambda-var
535 (let ((llvm-var (sb-c::leaf-info leaf)))
536 (if (sb-c::lambda-var-indirect leaf)
537 (FIXME) #|(vop value-cell-ref node block tn res)|#
538 (build store ll-val llvm-var))))
539 (sb-c::global-var
540 (ecase (sb-c::global-var-kind leaf)
541 ((:special)
542 (FIXME) #|(vop set node block (emit-constant (leaf-source-name leaf)) val)|#)
543 ((:global)
544 (FIXME) #|(vop %set-symbol-global-value node
545 block (emit-constant (leaf-source-name leaf)) val)|#))))
547 ;; *Also* store into the target lvar of this set node.
548 (when lvar
549 (build store ll-val (llvm-ensure-lvar lvar)))))
552 (defun get-current-thread ()
553 (build call
554 (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "get_thread_data")
555 nil))
557 ;; FIXME: I don't really want or need to use an atomic op here, what I *really* need is an
558 ;; atomic-against-signal operation. On X86/X86-64, the tomic sub will by accident do the
559 ;; right thing, since it emits a single load/modify/write LOCK SUB instruction. It might
560 ;; make sense to just emit asm here, but LLVM's JIT doesn't deal with inline
561 ;; target-specific asm at the moment, unfortunately.
562 (defmacro with-pseudo-atomic (() &body body)
563 ;; Store 2 (arbitrary-but-not-1 value) in *pseudo-atomic-bits*
564 `(progn
565 (build store
566 (fixnumize 2)
567 (build GEP* (get-current-thread) (list sb-vm::thread-pseudo-atomic-bits-slot)))
568 ;; Run p-a-protected body
569 (prog1
570 (progn ,@body)
571 ;; Check if we were interrupted
572 (let ((orig-value (build call
573 (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "llvm.atomic.load.sub.i64.p0i64")
574 (list (build GEP* (get-current-thread) (list sb-vm::thread-pseudo-atomic-bits-slot))
575 (fixnumize 2))))
576 (do-interruption-block (LLVMAppendBasicBlock *current-llfun* "do-interruption"))
577 (continue-block (LLVMAppendBasicBlock *current-llfun* "continue")))
578 ;; If we were, ...
579 (build condbr (build icmp :LLVMIntEQ orig-value (fixnumize 2))
580 do-interruption-block
581 continue-block)
582 ;; Handle the interruption.
583 (build-after do-interruption-block)
584 (build call (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "do_pending_interrupt") nil)
585 (build br continue-block)
587 ;; Otherwise, or then, ...continue with the rest of our code
588 (build-after continue-block)))))
591 (def-llvmfun cons (args)
592 (assert (= (length args) 2))
593 (with-pseudo-atomic ()
594 (let* ((new-mem (build call (LLVMGetNamedFunction *jit-module* "alloc")
595 (list (LLVMConstInt (LLVMInt64Type) 16))))) ;; FIXME: 16 is number of bytes for a cons
596 (build store (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar (first args)))
597 (build GEP* new-mem (list sb-vm::cons-car-slot)))
598 (build store (build load (llvm-ensure-lvar (second args)))
599 (build GEP* new-mem (list sb-vm::cons-cdr-slot)))
600 ;; returns:
601 (raw-ptr-to-lispobj new-mem sb-vm::list-pointer-lowtag))))