Fold a few lines of identical code
[sbcl.git] / make-host-2.lisp
1 ;;; Set up the cross-compiler.
2 (setf *print-level* 5 *print-length* 5)
3 (load "src/cold/shared.lisp")
4 (in-package "SB-COLD")
5 ;;; FIXME: these prefixes look like non-pathnamy ways of defining a
6 ;;; relative pathname. Investigate whether they can be made relative
7 ;;; pathnames.
8 (setf *host-obj-prefix* "obj/from-host/"
9 *target-obj-prefix* "obj/from-xc/")
10 (load "src/cold/set-up-cold-packages.lisp")
11 (load "src/cold/defun-load-or-cload-xcompiler.lisp")
12 (load-or-cload-xcompiler #'host-load-stem)
14 (let ((*features* (cons :sb-xc *features*)))
15 (load "src/cold/muffler.lisp"))
16 (setq sb!c::*handled-conditions*
17 '(((or (satisfies unable-to-optimize-note-p)
18 sb!ext:code-deletion-note) . muffle-warning)))
20 (defun proclaim-target-optimization ()
21 (let ((debug (if (position :sb-show *shebang-features*) 2 1)))
22 (sb-xc:proclaim
23 `(optimize
24 (compilation-speed 1) (debug ,debug)
25 ;; CLISP's pretty-printer is fragile and tends to cause stack
26 ;; corruption or fail internal assertions, as of 2003-04-20; we
27 ;; therefore turn off as many notes as possible.
28 (sb!ext:inhibit-warnings #-clisp 2 #+clisp 3)
29 ;; SAFETY = SPEED (and < 3) should provide reasonable safety,
30 ;; but might skip some unreasonably expensive stuff
31 ;; (e.g. %DETECT-STACK-EXHAUSTION in sbcl-0.7.2).
32 (safety 2) (space 1) (speed 2)
33 ;; sbcl-internal optimization declarations:
35 ;; never insert stepper conditions
36 (sb!c:insert-step-conditions 0)
37 ;; save FP and PC for alien calls -- or not
38 (sb!c:alien-funcall-saves-fp-and-pc #!+x86 3 #!-x86 0)))))
39 (compile 'proclaim-target-optimization)
41 (defun in-target-cross-compilation-mode (fun)
42 "Call FUN with everything set up appropriately for cross-compiling
43 a target file."
44 (let (;; In order to increase microefficiency of the target Lisp,
45 ;; enable old CMU CL defined-function-types-never-change
46 ;; optimizations. (ANSI says users aren't supposed to
47 ;; redefine our functions anyway; and developers can
48 ;; fend for themselves.)
49 #!-sb-fluid
50 (sb!ext:*derive-function-types* t)
51 ;; Let the target know that we're the cross-compiler.
52 (*features* (cons :sb-xc *features*))
53 ;; We need to tweak the readtable..
54 (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
55 ;; order to make backquotes expand into target code
56 ;; instead of host code.
57 ;; FIXME: Isn't this now taken care of automatically by
58 ;; toplevel forms in the xcompiler backq.lisp file?
59 (set-macro-character #\` #'sb!impl::backquote-charmacro)
60 (set-macro-character #\, #'sb!impl::comma-charmacro)
62 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\+ #'she-reader)
63 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\- #'she-reader)
64 ;; Control optimization policy.
65 (proclaim-target-optimization)
66 ;; Specify where target machinery lives.
67 (with-additional-nickname ("SB-XC" "SB!XC")
68 (funcall fun))))
69 (compile 'in-target-cross-compilation-mode)
72 ;; Supress function/macro redefinition warnings under clisp.
73 #+clisp (setf custom:*suppress-check-redefinition* t)
75 (setf *target-compile-file* #'sb-xc:compile-file)
76 (setf *target-assemble-file* #'sb!c:assemble-file)
77 (setf *in-target-compilation-mode-fn* #'in-target-cross-compilation-mode)
79 ;;; Run the cross-compiler to produce cold fasl files.
80 ;; ... and since the cross-compiler hasn't seen a DEFMACRO for QUASIQUOTE,
81 ;; make it think it has, otherwise it fails more-or-less immediately.
82 (setf (sb!int:info :function :kind 'sb!int:quasiquote) :macro
83 (sb!int:info :function :macro-function 'sb!int:quasiquote)
84 (cl:macro-function 'sb!int:quasiquote))
85 (setq sb!c::*track-full-called-fnames* :minimal) ; Change this as desired
86 (progn ; Should be: sb-xc:with-compilation-unit () ... but
87 ;; leaving aside the question of building in any host - which shouldn't
88 ;; matter - building SBCL in SBCL can hang in a way I haven't tracked down.
89 (load "src/cold/compile-cold-sbcl.lisp"))
91 (when sb!c::*track-full-called-fnames*
92 (let (possibly-suspicious likely-suspicious)
93 (sb!c::call-with-each-globaldb-name
94 (lambda (name)
95 (let* ((cell (sb!int:info :function :emitted-full-calls name))
96 (inlinep (eq (sb!int:info :function :inlinep name) :inline))
97 (info (sb!int:info :function :info name)))
98 (if (and cell
99 (or inlinep
100 (and info (sb!c::fun-info-templates info))
101 (sb!int:info :function :compiler-macro-function name)
102 (sb!int:info :function :source-transform name)))
103 (if inlinep
104 ;; A full call to an inline function almost always indicates
105 ;; an out-of-order definition. If not an inline function,
106 ;; the call could be due to an inapplicable transformation.
107 (push (cons name cell) likely-suspicious)
108 (push (cons name cell) possibly-suspicious))))))
109 (flet ((show (label list)
110 (format t "~%~A suspicious calls:~:{~%~*~4d ~0@*~S~*~@{~% ~S~}~}~%"
111 label (sort list #'> :key #'cadr))))
112 ;; Called inlines not in the presence of a declaration to the contrary
113 ;; indicate that perhaps the function definition appeared too late.
114 (show "Likely" likely-suspicious)
115 ;; Failed transforms are considered not quite as suspicious
116 ;; because it could either be too late, or that the transform failed.
117 (show "Possibly" possibly-suspicious))))
119 ;; After cross-compiling, show me a list of types that checkgen
120 ;; would have liked to use primitive traps for but couldn't.
121 #+nil
122 (let ((l (sb-impl::%hash-table-alist sb!c::*checkgen-used-types*)))
123 (format t "~&Types needed by checkgen: ('+' = has internal error number)~%")
124 (setq l (sort l #'> :key #'cadr))
125 (loop for (type-spec . (count . interr-p)) in l
126 do (format t "~:[ ~;+~] ~5D ~S~%" interr-p count type-spec))
127 (format t "~&Error numbers not used by checkgen:~%")
128 (loop for (spec . symbol) across sb!c:+backend-internal-errors+
129 when (and (not (stringp spec))
130 (not (gethash spec sb!c::*checkgen-used-types*)))
131 do (format t " ~S~%" spec)))
133 ;; Print some information about how well the function caches performed
134 (when sb!impl::*profile-hash-cache*
135 (sb!impl::show-hash-cache-statistics))
137 Sample output
138 -------------
139 Seek Hit (%) Evict (%) Size full
140 23698219 18382256 ( 77.6%) 5313915 ( 22.4%) 2048 100.0% TYPE=-CACHE
141 23528751 23416735 ( 99.5%) 46242 ( 0.2%) 1024 20.1% VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE-CACHE
142 16755212 13072420 ( 78.0%) 3681768 ( 22.0%) 1024 100.0% CSUBTYPEP-CACHE
143 9913114 8374965 ( 84.5%) 1537893 ( 15.5%) 256 100.0% MAKE-VALUES-TYPE-CACHED-CACHE
144 7718160 4702069 ( 60.9%) 3675019 ( 47.6%) 512 100.0% TYPE-INTERSECTION2-CACHE
145 5184706 1626512 ( 31.4%) 3557973 ( 68.6%) 256 86.3% %TYPE-INTERSECTION-CACHE
146 5156044 3986450 ( 77.3%) 1169338 ( 22.7%) 256 100.0% VALUES-SUBTYPEP-CACHE
147 4550163 2969409 ( 65.3%) 1580498 ( 34.7%) 256 100.0% VALUES-TYPE-INTERSECTION-CACHE
148 3544211 2607658 ( 73.6%) 936300 ( 26.4%) 256 98.8% %TYPE-UNION-CACHE
149 2545070 2110741 ( 82.9%) 433817 ( 17.0%) 512 100.0% PRIMITIVE-TYPE-AUX-CACHE
150 2164841 1112785 ( 51.4%) 1706097 ( 78.8%) 256 100.0% TYPE-UNION2-CACHE
151 1568022 1467575 ( 93.6%) 100191 ( 6.4%) 256 100.0% TYPE-SINGLETON-P-CACHE
152 779941 703208 ( 90.2%) 76477 ( 9.8%) 256 100.0% %COERCE-TO-VALUES-CACHE
153 618605 448427 ( 72.5%) 169922 ( 27.5%) 256 100.0% VALUES-TYPE-UNION-CACHE
154 145805 29403 ( 20.2%) 116206 ( 79.7%) 256 76.6% %%MAKE-UNION-TYPE-CACHED-CACHE
155 118634 76203 ( 64.2%) 42188 ( 35.6%) 256 94.9% %%MAKE-ARRAY-TYPE-CACHED-CACHE
156 12319 12167 ( 98.8%) 47 ( 0.4%) 128 82.0% WEAKEN-TYPE-CACHE
157 10416 9492 ( 91.1%) 668 ( 6.4%) 256 100.0% TYPE-NEGATION-CACHE
160 ;;; miscellaneous tidying up and saving results
161 (let ((filename "output/object-filenames-for-genesis.lisp-expr"))
162 (ensure-directories-exist filename :verbose t)
163 ;; save the initial-symbol-values before writing the object filenames.
164 (save-initial-symbol-values)
165 (with-open-file (s filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
166 (write *target-object-file-names* :stream s :readably t)))
168 ;;; Let's check that the type system was reasonably sane. (It's easy
169 ;;; to spend a long time wandering around confused trying to debug
170 ;;; cold init if it wasn't.)
171 (when (position :sb-test *shebang-features*)
172 (load "tests/type.after-xc.lisp"))
174 ;;; If you're experimenting with the system under a cross-compilation
175 ;;; host which supports CMU-CL-style SAVE-LISP, this can be a good
176 ;;; time to run it. The resulting core isn't used in the normal build,
177 ;;; but can be handy for experimenting with the system. (See
178 ;;; for an example.)
179 (when (position :sb-after-xc-core *shebang-features*)
180 #+cmu (ext:save-lisp "output/after-xc.core" :load-init-file nil)
181 #+sbcl (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "output/after-xc.core")
182 #+openmcl (ccl::save-application "output/after-xc.core")
183 #+clisp (ext:saveinitmem "output/after-xc.core"))
184 #+cmu (ext:quit)
185 #+clisp (ext:quit)
186 #+abcl (ext:quit)