Simplify access to the canonical array types vector.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / early-type.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms)
14 ;;; the description of a &KEY argument
15 (defstruct (key-info #-sb-xc-host (:pure t)
16 (:copier nil))
17 ;; the key (not necessarily a keyword in ANSI Common Lisp)
18 (name (missing-arg) :type symbol :read-only t)
19 ;; the type of the argument value
20 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
22 ;;;; representations of types
24 ;;; A HAIRY-TYPE represents anything too weird to be described
25 ;;; reasonably or to be useful, such as NOT, SATISFIES, unknown types,
26 ;;; and unreasonably complicated types involving AND. We just remember
27 ;;; the original type spec.
28 ;;; A possible improvement would be for HAIRY-TYPE to have a subtype
29 ;;; named SATISFIES-TYPE for the hairy types which are specifically
30 ;;; of the form (SATISFIES pred) so that we don't have to examine
31 ;;; the sexpr repeatedly to decide whether it takes that form.
32 ;;; And as a further improvement, we might want a table that maps
33 ;;; predicates to their exactly recognized type when possible.
34 ;;; We have such a table in fact - *BACKEND-PREDICATE-TYPES*
35 ;;; as a starting point. But something like PLUSP isn't in there.
36 ;;; On the other hand, either of these points may not be sources of
37 ;;; inefficiency, and the latter if implemented might have undesirable
38 ;;; user-visible ramifications, though it seems unlikely.
39 (defstruct (hairy-type (:include ctype
40 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'hairy)))
41 (:constructor %make-hairy-type (specifier))
42 (:copier nil)
43 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
44 ;; the Common Lisp type-specifier of the type we represent
45 (specifier nil :type t :read-only t))
47 ;; ENUMERABLE-P is T because a hairy type could be equivalent to a MEMBER type.
48 ;; e.g. any SATISFIES with a predicate returning T over a finite domain.
49 ;; But in practice there's nothing that can be done with this information,
50 ;; because we don't call random predicates when performing operations on types
51 ;; as objects, only when checking for inclusion of something in the type.
52 (!define-type-class hairy :enumerable t :might-contain-other-types t)
54 ;;; An UNKNOWN-TYPE is a type not known to the type system (not yet
55 ;;; defined). We make this distinction since we don't want to complain
56 ;;; about types that are hairy but defined.
57 (defstruct (unknown-type (:include hairy-type)
58 (:copier nil)))
60 (defun maybe-reparse-specifier (type)
61 (when (unknown-type-p type)
62 (let* ((spec (unknown-type-specifier type))
63 (name (if (consp spec)
64 (car spec)
65 spec)))
66 (when (info :type :kind name)
67 (let ((new-type (specifier-type spec)))
68 (unless (unknown-type-p new-type)
69 new-type))))))
71 ;;; Evil macro.
72 (defmacro maybe-reparse-specifier! (type)
73 (assert (symbolp type))
74 (with-unique-names (new-type)
75 `(let ((,new-type (maybe-reparse-specifier ,type)))
76 (when ,new-type
77 (setf ,type ,new-type)
78 t))))
80 (defstruct (negation-type (:include ctype
81 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'negation)))
82 (:copier nil)
83 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
84 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
86 ;; Former comment was:
87 ;; FIXME: is this right? It's what they had before, anyway
88 ;; But I think the reason it's right is that "enumerable :t" is equivalent
89 ;; to "maybe" which is actually the conservative assumption, same as HAIRY.
90 (!define-type-class negation :enumerable t :might-contain-other-types t)
92 ;;; ARGS-TYPE objects are used both to represent VALUES types and
93 ;;; to represent FUNCTION types.
94 (defstruct (args-type (:include ctype)
95 (:constructor nil)
96 (:copier nil))
97 ;; Lists of the type for each required and optional argument.
98 (required nil :type list :read-only t)
99 (optional nil :type list :read-only t)
100 ;; The type for the rest arg. NIL if there is no &REST arg.
101 (rest nil :type (or ctype null) :read-only t)
102 ;; true if &KEY arguments are specified
103 (keyp nil :type boolean :read-only t)
104 ;; list of KEY-INFO structures describing the &KEY arguments
105 (keywords nil :type list :read-only t)
106 ;; true if other &KEY arguments are allowed
107 (allowp nil :type boolean :read-only t))
109 (defun canonicalize-args-type-args (required optional rest &optional keyp)
110 (when (eq rest *empty-type*)
111 ;; or vice-versa?
112 (setq rest nil))
113 (loop with last-not-rest = nil
114 for i from 0
115 for opt in optional
116 do (cond ((eq opt *empty-type*)
117 (return (values required (subseq optional i) rest)))
118 ((and (not keyp) (neq opt rest))
119 (setq last-not-rest i)))
120 finally (return (values required
121 (cond (keyp
122 optional)
123 (last-not-rest
124 (subseq optional 0 (1+ last-not-rest))))
125 rest))))
127 ;; CONTEXT is the cookie passed down from the outermost surrounding call
128 ;; of VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE. INNER-CONTEXT-KIND is an indicator of whether
129 ;; we are currently parsing a FUNCTION or a VALUES compound type specifier.
130 (defun parse-args-types (context lambda-listy-thing inner-context-kind)
131 (multiple-value-bind (llks required optional rest keys)
132 (parse-lambda-list
133 lambda-listy-thing
134 :context inner-context-kind
135 :accept (ecase inner-context-kind
136 (:values-type (lambda-list-keyword-mask '(&optional &rest)))
137 (:function-type (lambda-list-keyword-mask
138 '(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys))))
139 :silent t)
140 (flet ((parse-list (list)
141 (mapcar (lambda (x) (single-value-specifier-type-r context x))
142 list)))
143 (let ((required (parse-list required))
144 (optional (parse-list optional))
145 (rest (when rest (single-value-specifier-type-r context (car rest))))
146 (keywords
147 (collect ((key-info))
148 (dolist (key keys)
149 (unless (proper-list-of-length-p key 2)
150 (error "Keyword type description is not a two-list: ~S." key))
151 (let ((kwd (first key)))
152 (when (find kwd (key-info) :key #'key-info-name)
153 (error "~@<repeated keyword ~S in lambda list: ~2I~_~S~:>"
154 kwd lambda-listy-thing))
155 (key-info
156 (make-key-info
157 ;; MAKE-KEY-INFO will complain if KWD is not a symbol.
158 ;; That's good enough - we don't need an extra check here.
159 :name kwd
160 :type (single-value-specifier-type-r context (second key))))))
161 (key-info))))
162 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
163 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest
164 (ll-kwds-keyp llks))
165 (values llks required optional rest keywords))))))
167 (defstruct (values-type
168 (:include args-type
169 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'values)))
170 (:constructor %make-values-type)
171 (:predicate %values-type-p)
172 (:copier nil)))
174 (declaim (inline values-type-p))
175 (defun values-type-p (x)
176 (or (eq x *wild-type*)
177 (%values-type-p x)))
179 (defun-cached (make-values-type-cached
180 :hash-bits 8
181 :hash-function
182 (lambda (req opt rest allowp)
183 (logxor (type-list-cache-hash req)
184 (type-list-cache-hash opt)
185 (if rest
186 (type-hash-value rest)
188 ;; Results (logand #xFF (sxhash t/nil))
189 ;; hardcoded to avoid relying on the xc host.
190 ;; [but (logand (sxhash nil) #xff) => 2
191 ;; for me, so the code and comment disagree,
192 ;; but not in a way that matters.]
193 (if allowp
195 11))))
196 ((required equal-but-no-car-recursion)
197 (optional equal-but-no-car-recursion)
198 (rest eq)
199 (allowp eq))
200 (%make-values-type :required required
201 :optional optional
202 :rest rest
203 :allowp allowp))
205 (defun make-values-type (&key required optional rest allowp)
206 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
207 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
208 (cond ((and (null required)
209 (null optional)
210 (eq rest *universal-type*))
211 *wild-type*)
212 ((memq *empty-type* required)
213 *empty-type*)
214 (t (make-values-type-cached required optional
215 rest allowp)))))
217 (!define-type-class values :enumerable nil
218 :might-contain-other-types nil)
220 ;;; (SPECIFIER-TYPE 'FUNCTION) and its subtypes
221 (defstruct (fun-type (:include args-type
222 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'function)))
223 (:constructor
224 %make-fun-type (required optional rest
225 keyp keywords allowp wild-args returns)))
226 ;; true if the arguments are unrestrictive, i.e. *
227 (wild-args nil :type boolean :read-only t)
228 ;; type describing the return values. This is a values type
229 ;; when multiple values were specified for the return.
230 (returns (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
232 ;; Without this canonicalization step, I found >350 different
233 ;; (FUNCTION (T) *) representations in a sample build.
234 (declaim (type (simple-vector 4) *interned-fun-type-instances*))
235 (defglobal *interned-fun-types* (make-array 4))
236 (defun !intern-important-fun-type-instances ()
237 (setq *interned-fun-types* (make-array 4))
238 (let (required)
239 (dotimes (i 4)
240 (when (plusp i)
241 (push *universal-type* required))
242 (setf (svref *interned-fun-types* i)
243 (mark-ctype-interned
244 (%make-fun-type required nil nil nil nil nil nil *wild-type*))))))
246 (defun make-fun-type (&key required optional rest
247 keyp keywords allowp
248 wild-args returns)
249 (let ((rest (if (eq rest *empty-type*) nil rest))
250 (n (length required)))
251 (if (and (<= n 3)
252 (not optional) (not rest) (not keyp)
253 (not keywords) (not allowp) (not wild-args)
254 (eq returns *wild-type*)
255 (every (lambda (x) (eq x *universal-type*)) required))
256 (svref *interned-fun-types* n)
257 (%make-fun-type required optional rest keyp keywords
258 allowp wild-args returns))))
260 ;;; The CONSTANT-TYPE structure represents a use of the CONSTANT-ARG
261 ;;; "type specifier", which is only meaningful in function argument
262 ;;; type specifiers used within the compiler. (It represents something
263 ;;; that the compiler knows to be a constant.)
264 (defstruct (constant-type
265 (:include ctype
266 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'constant)))
267 (:copier nil))
268 ;; The type which the argument must be a constant instance of for this type
269 ;; specifier to win.
270 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
272 ;;; The NAMED-TYPE is used to represent *, T and NIL, the standard
273 ;;; special cases, as well as other special cases needed to
274 ;;; interpolate between regions of the type hierarchy, such as
275 ;;; INSTANCE (which corresponds to all those classes with slots which
276 ;;; are not funcallable), FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE (those classes with
277 ;;; slots which are funcallable) and EXTENDED-SEQUUENCE (non-LIST
278 ;;; non-VECTOR classes which are also sequences). These special cases
279 ;;; are the ones that aren't really discussed by Baker in his
280 ;;; "Decision Procedure for SUBTYPEP" paper.
281 (defstruct (named-type (:include ctype
282 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'named)))
283 (:copier nil))
284 (name nil :type symbol :read-only t))
286 ;;; a list of all the float "formats" (i.e. internal representations;
287 ;;; nothing to do with #'FORMAT), in order of decreasing precision
288 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
289 (defparameter *float-formats*
290 '(long-float double-float single-float short-float)))
292 ;;; The type of a float format.
293 (deftype float-format () `(member ,@*float-formats*))
295 ;;; A NUMERIC-TYPE represents any numeric type, including things
296 ;;; such as FIXNUM.
297 (defstruct (numeric-type (:include ctype
298 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'number)))
299 (:constructor %make-numeric-type)
300 (:copier nil))
301 ;; Formerly defined in every CTYPE, but now just in the ones
302 ;; for which enumerability is variable.
303 (enumerable nil :read-only t)
304 ;; the kind of numeric type we have, or NIL if not specified (just
307 ;; KLUDGE: A slot named CLASS for a non-CLASS value is bad.
308 ;; Especially when a CLASS value *is* stored in another slot (called
309 ;; CLASS-INFO:-). Perhaps this should be called CLASS-NAME? Also
310 ;; weird that comment above says "Numeric-Type is used to represent
311 ;; all numeric types" but this slot doesn't allow COMPLEX as an
312 ;; option.. how does this fall into "not specified" NIL case above?
313 ;; Perhaps someday we can switch to CLOS and make NUMERIC-TYPE
314 ;; be an abstract base class and INTEGER-TYPE, RATIONAL-TYPE, and
315 ;; whatnot be concrete subclasses..
316 (class nil :type (member integer rational float nil) :read-only t)
317 ;; "format" for a float type (i.e. type specifier for a CPU
318 ;; representation of floating point, e.g. 'SINGLE-FLOAT -- nothing
319 ;; to do with #'FORMAT), or NIL if not specified or not a float.
320 ;; Formats which don't exist in a given implementation don't appear
321 ;; here.
322 (format nil :type (or float-format null) :read-only t)
323 ;; Is this a complex numeric type? Null if unknown (only in NUMBER).
325 ;; FIXME: I'm bewildered by FOO-P names for things not intended to
326 ;; interpreted as truth values. Perhaps rename this COMPLEXNESS?
327 (complexp :real :type (member :real :complex nil) :read-only t)
328 ;; The upper and lower bounds on the value, or NIL if there is no
329 ;; bound. If a list of a number, the bound is exclusive. Integer
330 ;; types never have exclusive bounds, i.e. they may have them on
331 ;; input, but they're canonicalized to inclusive bounds before we
332 ;; store them here.
333 (low nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t)
334 (high nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t))
336 ;; For some numeric subtypes, uniqueness of the object representation
337 ;; is enforced. These encompass all array specializations and more.
338 (defglobal *unsigned-byte-type* -1)
339 (defglobal *integer-type* -1)
340 (defglobal *index-type* -1)
341 ;; BIGNUM is not an interned type because union types aren't interned,
342 ;; though some of the important ones probably ought to be.
343 (defglobal *positive-bignum-type* -1)
344 (defglobal *negative-bignum-type* -1)
345 (defglobal *rational-type* -1)
346 (defglobal *unsigned-byte-n-types* -1)
347 (defglobal *signed-byte-n-types* -1)
348 (defglobal *real-ffloat-type* -1)
349 (defglobal *real-dfloat-type* -1)
350 (defglobal *complex-ffloat-type* -1)
351 (defglobal *complex-dfloat-type* -1)
352 #-sb-xc-host
353 (declaim (type (simple-vector #.(1+ sb!vm:n-word-bits)) *unsigned-byte-n-types*)
354 (type (simple-vector!vm:n-word-bits) *signed-byte-n-types*))
356 ;; Called after NUMBER-TYPE type-class has been made.
357 (defun !intern-important-numeric-type-instances ()
358 (flet ((float-type (format complexp)
359 (mark-ctype-interned
360 (%make-numeric-type :class 'float :complexp complexp
361 :format format :enumerable nil)))
362 (int-type (enumerable low high)
363 (mark-ctype-interned
364 (%make-numeric-type :class 'integer :complexp :real
365 :enumerable enumerable
366 :low low :high high))))
367 (setq *real-ffloat-type* (float-type 'single-float :real)
368 *real-dfloat-type* (float-type 'double-float :real)
369 *complex-ffloat-type* (float-type 'single-float :complex)
370 *complex-dfloat-type* (float-type 'double-float :complex)
371 *rational-type* (mark-ctype-interned
372 (%make-numeric-type :class 'rational))
373 *unsigned-byte-type* (int-type nil 0 nil)
374 *integer-type* (int-type nil nil nil)
375 *index-type* (int-type nil 0 (1- sb!xc:array-dimension-limit))
376 *negative-bignum-type* (int-type nil nil (1- sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum))
377 *positive-bignum-type* (int-type nil (1+ sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) nil)
378 *unsigned-byte-n-types* (make-array (1+ sb!vm:n-word-bits))
379 *signed-byte-n-types* (make-array sb!vm:n-word-bits))
380 (dotimes (j (1+ sb!vm:n-word-bits))
381 (setf (svref *unsigned-byte-n-types* j) (int-type t 0 (1- (ash 1 j)))))
382 (dotimes (j sb!vm:n-word-bits)
383 (setf (svref *signed-byte-n-types* j)
384 (let ((high (1- (ash 1 j)))) (int-type t (- (1+ high)) high))))))
386 ;;; Impose canonicalization rules for NUMERIC-TYPE. Note that in some
387 ;;; cases, despite the name, we return *EMPTY-TYPE* instead of a
389 ;;; FIXME: The ENUMERABLE flag is unexpectedly NIL for types that
390 ;;; come from parsing MEMBER. But bounded integer ranges,
391 ;;; however large, are enumerable:
394 ;;; but, in contrast,
396 ;;; I can't figure out whether this is supposed to matter.
397 ;;; Moreover, it seems like this function should be responsible
398 ;;; for figuring out the right value so that callers don't have to.
399 (defun make-numeric-type (&key class format (complexp :real) low high
400 enumerable)
401 ;; if interval is empty
402 (if (and low
403 high
404 (if (or (consp low) (consp high)) ; if either bound is exclusive
405 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
406 (> low high)))
407 *empty-type*
408 (multiple-value-bind (low high)
409 (case class
410 (integer
411 ;; INTEGER types always have their LOW and HIGH bounds
412 ;; represented as inclusive, not exclusive values.
413 (values (if (consp low) (1+ (type-bound-number low)) low)
414 (if (consp high) (1- (type-bound-number high)) high)))
416 ;; no canonicalization necessary
417 (values low high)))
418 (when (and (eq class 'rational)
419 (integerp low)
420 (integerp high)
421 (= low high))
422 (setf class 'integer))
424 ;; Either lookup the canonical interned object for
425 ;; a point in the type lattice, or construct a new one.
426 (or (cond ((eq class 'float)
427 (when (and (null low) (null high))
428 (case format
429 (single-float
430 (case complexp
431 (:real *real-ffloat-type*)
432 (:complex *complex-ffloat-type*)))
433 (double-float
434 (case complexp
435 (:real *real-dfloat-type*)
436 (:complex *complex-dfloat-type*))))))
437 ((and (eq class 'integer) (eq complexp :real))
438 (flet ((n-bits () (integer-length (truly-the word high))))
439 (declare (inline n-bits))
440 (cond ((null high)
441 (cond ((eql low 0) *unsigned-byte-type*)
442 ((not low) *integer-type*)
443 ((eql low (1+ sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum))
444 *positive-bignum-type*)))
445 ((or (= high most-positive-word)
446 (and (typep high 'word)
447 ;; is (1+ high) a power-of-2 ?
448 (zerop (logand (1+ high) high))))
449 (cond ((eql low 0)
450 (svref *unsigned-byte-n-types* (n-bits)))
451 ((and (< high most-positive-word)
452 (eql low (lognot high)))
453 (svref *signed-byte-n-types* (n-bits)))))
454 ((and (eql low 0)
455 (eql high (1- sb!xc:array-dimension-limit)))
456 *index-type*)
457 ((and (not low)
458 (eql high (1- sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum)))
459 *negative-bignum-type*))))
460 ((and (eq class 'rational) (eq complexp :real)
461 (null low) (eq high low))
462 *rational-type*))
463 (let ((result
464 (%make-numeric-type :class class
465 :format format
466 :complexp complexp
467 :low low
468 :high high
469 :enumerable enumerable)))
470 (setf (type-hash-value result)
471 (logior (type-hash-value result)
472 +type-admits-type=-optimization+))
473 result)))))
475 (defun modified-numeric-type (base
476 &key
477 (class (numeric-type-class base))
478 (format (numeric-type-format base))
479 (complexp (numeric-type-complexp base))
480 (low (numeric-type-low base))
481 (high (numeric-type-high base))
482 (enumerable (type-enumerable base)))
483 (make-numeric-type :class class
484 :format format
485 :complexp complexp
486 :low low
487 :high high
488 :enumerable enumerable))
490 ;; Interned character-set types.
491 (defglobal *character-type* -1)
492 #!+sb-unicode
493 (progn (defglobal *base-char-type* -1)
494 (defglobal *extended-char-type* -1))
495 #+sb-xc (declaim (type ctype *character-type*
496 #!+sb-unicode *base-char-type*
497 #!+sb-unicode *extended-char-type*))
499 (defun !intern-important-character-set-type-instances ()
500 (flet ((range (low high)
501 (mark-ctype-interned
502 (%make-character-set-type (list (cons low high))))))
503 (setq *character-type* (range 0 (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
504 #!+sb-unicode
505 (setq *base-char-type* (range 0 127)
506 *extended-char-type* (range 128 (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))))
508 (defun make-character-set-type (&key pairs)
509 ; (aver (equal (mapcar #'car pairs)
510 ; (sort (mapcar #'car pairs) #'<)))
511 ;; aver that the cars of the list elements are sorted into increasing order
512 (aver (or (null pairs)
513 (do ((p pairs (cdr p)))
514 ((null (cdr p)) t)
515 (when (> (caar p) (caadr p)) (return nil)))))
516 (let ((pairs (let (result)
517 (do ((pairs pairs (cdr pairs)))
518 ((null pairs) (nreverse result))
519 (destructuring-bind (low . high) (car pairs)
520 (loop for (low1 . high1) in (cdr pairs)
521 if (<= low1 (1+ high))
522 do (progn (setf high (max high high1))
523 (setf pairs (cdr pairs)))
524 else do (return nil))
525 (cond
526 ((>= low sb!xc:char-code-limit))
527 ((< high 0))
528 (t (push (cons (max 0 low)
529 (min high (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
530 result))))))))
531 (if (null pairs)
532 *empty-type*
533 (or (and (singleton-p pairs)
534 (let* ((pair (car pairs))
535 (low (car pair)))
536 (case (cdr pair) ; high
537 (#.(1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)
538 (case low
539 (0 *character-type*)
540 #!+sb-unicode (128 *extended-char-type*)))
541 #!+sb-unicode
542 (127 (if (eql low 0) *base-char-type*)))))
543 (%make-character-set-type pairs)))))
545 ;; For all ctypes which are the element types of specialized arrays,
546 ;; 3 ctype objects are stored for the rank-1 arrays of that specialization,
547 ;; one for each of simple, maybe-simple, and non-simple (in that order),
548 ;; and 2 ctype objects for unknown-rank arrays, one each for simple
549 ;; and maybe-simple. (Unknown rank, known-non-simple isn't important)
550 (defglobal *canonical-array-ctypes* -1)
551 (defun !intern-important-array-type-instances ()
552 ;; Having made the canonical numeric and character ctypes
553 ;; representing the points in the type lattice for which there
554 ;; are array specializations, we can make the canonical array types.
555 (setq *canonical-array-ctypes* (make-array (* 32 5)))
556 (labels ((make-1 (type-index dims complexp type)
557 (setf (!ctype-saetp-index type) type-index)
558 (mark-ctype-interned (%make-array-type dims complexp type type)))
559 (make-all (element-type type-index)
560 (replace *canonical-array-ctypes*
561 (list (make-1 type-index '(*) nil element-type)
562 (make-1 type-index '(*) :maybe element-type)
563 (make-1 type-index '(*) t element-type)
564 (make-1 type-index '* nil element-type)
565 (make-1 type-index '* :maybe element-type))
566 :start1 (* type-index 5))))
567 (let ((index 0))
568 (dolist (x '#.*specialized-array-element-types*)
569 (make-all
570 (cond ((typep x '(cons (eql unsigned-byte)))
571 (aref *unsigned-byte-n-types* (cadr x)))
572 ((eq x 'bit) (aref *unsigned-byte-n-types* 1))
573 ((typep x '(cons (eql signed-byte)))
574 ;; 1- because there is no such thing as (signed-byte 0)
575 (aref *signed-byte-n-types* (1- (cadr x))))
576 ;; FIXNUM is its own thing, why? See comment in vm-array
577 ;; saying to "See the comment in PRIMITIVE-TYPE-AUX"
578 ((eq x 'fixnum) ; One good kludge deserves another.
579 (aref *signed-byte-n-types* (1- sb!vm:n-fixnum-bits)))
580 ((eq x 'single-float) *real-ffloat-type*)
581 ((eq x 'double-float) *real-dfloat-type*)
582 ((equal x '(complex single-float)) *complex-ffloat-type*)
583 ((equal x '(complex double-float)) *complex-dfloat-type*)
584 ((eq x 'character) *character-type*)
585 #!+sb-unicode ((eq x 'base-char) *base-char-type*)
586 ((eq x t) *universal-type*)
587 ((null x) *empty-type*))
588 index)
589 (incf index))
590 ;; Index 31 is available to store *WILD-TYPE*
591 ;; because there are fewer than 32 array widetags.
592 (aver (< index 31))
593 (make-all *wild-type* 31))))
595 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (t &key (:complexp t)
596 (:element-type t)
597 (:specialized-element-type t))
598 ctype) make-array-type))
599 (defun make-array-type (dimensions &key (complexp :maybe) element-type
600 (specialized-element-type *wild-type*))
601 (if (and (eq element-type specialized-element-type)
602 (or (and (eq dimensions '*) (neq complexp t))
603 (typep dimensions '(cons (eql *) null))))
604 (let ((res (svref *canonical-array-ctypes*
605 (+ (* (!ctype-saetp-index element-type) 5)
606 (if (listp dimensions) 0 3)
607 (ecase complexp ((nil) 0) ((:maybe) 1) ((t) 2))))))
608 (aver (eq (array-type-element-type res) element-type))
609 res)
610 (%make-array-type dimensions
611 complexp element-type specialized-element-type)))
613 ;;; A MEMBER-TYPE represent a use of the MEMBER type specifier. We
614 ;;; bother with this at this level because MEMBER types are fairly
615 ;;; important and union and intersection are well defined.
616 (defstruct (member-type (:include ctype
617 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'member)))
618 (:copier nil)
619 (:constructor %make-member-type (xset fp-zeroes))
620 #-sb-xc-host (:pure nil))
621 (xset (missing-arg) :type xset :read-only t)
622 (fp-zeroes (missing-arg) :type list :read-only t))
624 (defglobal *null-type* -1) ; = (MEMBER NIL)
625 (defglobal *eql-t-type* -1) ; = (MEMBER T)
626 (defglobal *boolean-type* -1) ; = (MEMBER T NIL)
627 #+sb-xc (declaim (type ctype *null-type*))
629 (defun !intern-important-member-type-instances ()
630 (flet ((make-it (list)
631 (mark-ctype-interned
632 (%make-member-type (xset-from-list list) nil))))
633 (setf *null-type* (make-it '(nil))
634 *eql-t-type* (make-it '(t))
635 *boolean-type* (make-it '(t nil)))))
637 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (xset list) ctype) make-member-type))
638 (defun member-type-from-list (members)
639 (let ((xset (alloc-xset))
640 (fp-zeroes))
641 (dolist (elt members (make-member-type xset fp-zeroes))
642 (if (fp-zero-p elt)
643 (pushnew elt fp-zeroes)
644 (add-to-xset elt xset)))))
645 (defun make-eql-type (elt) (member-type-from-list (list elt)))
646 ;; Return possibly a union of a MEMBER type and a NUMERIC type,
647 ;; or just one or the other, or *EMPTY-TYPE* depending on what's in the XSET
648 ;; and the FP-ZEROES. XSET should not contains characters or real numbers.
649 (defun make-member-type (xset fp-zeroes)
650 ;; if we have a pair of zeros (e.g. 0.0d0 and -0.0d0), then we can
651 ;; canonicalize to (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0d0 0.0d0), because numeric
652 ;; ranges are compared by arithmetic operators (while MEMBERship is
653 ;; compared by EQL). -- CSR, 2003-04-23
654 (let ((presence 0)
655 (unpaired nil)
656 (float-types nil))
657 (when fp-zeroes ; avoid doing two passes of nothing
658 (dotimes (pass 2)
659 (dolist (z fp-zeroes)
660 (let ((sign (if (minusp (nth-value 2 (integer-decode-float z))) 1 0))
661 (pair-idx
662 (etypecase z
663 (single-float 0)
664 (double-float 2
665 #!+long-float (long-float 4)))))
666 (if (= pass 0)
667 (setf (ldb (byte 1 (+ pair-idx sign)) presence) 1)
668 (if (= (ldb (byte 2 pair-idx) presence) #b11)
669 (when (= sign 0)
670 (push (ctype-of z) float-types))
671 (push z unpaired)))))))
672 (let ((member-type
673 (block nil
674 (unless unpaired
675 (when (singleton-p (xset-data xset))
676 (case (first (xset-data xset))
677 ((nil) (return *null-type*))
678 ((t) (return *eql-t-type*))))
679 ;; Semantically this is fine - XSETs
680 ;; are not order-preserving except by accident
681 ;; (when not represented as a hash-table).
682 (when (or (equal (xset-data xset) '(t nil))
683 (equal (xset-data xset) '(nil t)))
684 (return *boolean-type*)))
685 (when (or unpaired (not (xset-empty-p xset)))
686 (let ((result (%make-member-type xset unpaired)))
687 (setf (type-hash-value result)
688 (logior (type-hash-value result)
689 +type-admits-type=-optimization+))
690 result)))))
691 ;; The actual member-type contains the XSET (with no FP zeroes),
692 ;; and a list of unpaired zeroes.
693 (if float-types
694 (make-union-type t (if member-type
695 (cons member-type float-types)
696 float-types))
697 (or member-type *empty-type*)))))
699 (defun member-type-size (type)
700 (+ (length (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
701 (xset-count (member-type-xset type))))
703 (defun member-type-member-p (x type)
704 (if (fp-zero-p x)
705 (and (member x (member-type-fp-zeroes type)) t)
706 (xset-member-p x (member-type-xset type))))
708 (defun mapcar-member-type-members (function type)
709 (declare (function function))
710 (collect ((results))
711 (map-xset (lambda (x)
712 (results (funcall function x)))
713 (member-type-xset type))
714 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
715 (results (funcall function zero)))
716 (results)))
718 (defun mapc-member-type-members (function type)
719 (declare (function function))
720 (map-xset function (member-type-xset type))
721 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
722 (funcall function zero)))
724 (defun member-type-members (type)
725 (append (member-type-fp-zeroes type)
726 (xset-members (member-type-xset type))))
728 ;;; Return TYPE converted to canonical form for a situation where the
729 ;;; "type" '* (which SBCL still represents as a type even though ANSI
730 ;;; CL defines it as a related but different kind of placeholder) is
731 ;;; equivalent to type T.
732 (defun type-*-to-t (type)
733 (if (type= type *wild-type*)
734 *universal-type*
735 type))
737 ;;; A CONS-TYPE is used to represent a CONS type.
738 (defstruct (cons-type (:include ctype (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'cons)))
739 (:constructor
740 %make-cons-type (car-type
741 cdr-type))
742 (:copier nil))
743 ;; the CAR and CDR element types (to support ANSI (CONS FOO BAR) types)
744 (car-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t)
745 (cdr-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
747 ;; The function caches work significantly better when there
748 ;; is a unique object that stands for the specifier (CONS T T).
749 (defglobal *cons-t-t-type* -1)
750 #+sb-xc (declaim (type ctype *cons-t-t-type*))
752 (defun !intern-important-cons-type-instances ()
753 (setf *cons-t-t-type*
754 (mark-ctype-interned
755 (%make-cons-type *universal-type* *universal-type*))))
757 #+sb-xc-host
758 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (ctype ctype) (values t t)) type=))
759 (defun make-cons-type (car-type cdr-type)
760 (aver (not (or (eq car-type *wild-type*)
761 (eq cdr-type *wild-type*))))
762 (cond ((or (eq car-type *empty-type*)
763 (eq cdr-type *empty-type*))
764 *empty-type*)
765 ;; It's not a requirement that (CONS T T) be interned,
766 ;; but it improves the hit rate in the function caches.
767 ((and (type= car-type *universal-type*)
768 (type= cdr-type *universal-type*))
769 *cons-t-t-type*)
771 (%make-cons-type car-type cdr-type))))
773 ;;; A SIMD-PACK-TYPE is used to represent a SIMD-PACK type.
774 #!+sb-simd-pack
775 (defstruct (simd-pack-type
776 (:include ctype (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'simd-pack)))
777 (:constructor %make-simd-pack-type (element-type))
778 (:copier nil))
779 (element-type (missing-arg)
780 :type (cons #||(member #.*simd-pack-element-types*) ||#)
781 :read-only t))
783 #!+sb-simd-pack
784 (defun make-simd-pack-type (element-type)
785 (aver (neq element-type *wild-type*))
786 (if (eq element-type *empty-type*)
787 *empty-type*
788 (%make-simd-pack-type
789 (dolist (pack-type *simd-pack-element-types*
790 (error "~S element type must be a subtype of ~
791 ~{~S~#[~;, or ~:;, ~]~}."
792 'simd-pack *simd-pack-element-types*))
793 (when (csubtypep element-type (specifier-type pack-type))
794 (return (list pack-type)))))))
797 ;;;; type utilities
799 ;;; Return the type structure corresponding to a type specifier.
801 ;;; Note: VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE-CACHE-CLEAR must be called whenever a
802 ;;; type is defined (or redefined).
804 ;;; As I understand things, :FORTHCOMING-DEFCLASS-TYPE behaves contrarily
805 ;;; to the CLHS intent, which is to make the type known to the compiler.
806 ;;; If we compile in one file:
807 ;;; (DEFCLASS FRUITBAT () ())
809 ;;; we see that it emits a call to %TYPEP with the symbol FRUITBAT as its
810 ;;; argument, whereas it should involve CLASSOID-CELL-TYPEP and LAYOUT-OF,
811 ;;; which (correctly) signals an error if the class were not defined by the
812 ;;; time of the call. Delayed re-parsing of FRUITBAT into any random specifier
813 ;;; at call time is wrong.
815 ;;; FIXME: symbols which are :PRIMITIVE are inconsistently accepted as singleton
816 ;;; lists. e.g. (BIT) and (ATOM) are considered legal, but (FIXNUM) and
817 ;;; (CHARACTER) are not. It has to do with whether the primitive is actually
818 ;;; a DEFTYPE. The CLHS glossary implies that the singleton is *always* legal.
819 ;;; "For every atomic type specifier, x, there is an _equivalent_ [my emphasis]
820 ;;; compound type specifier with no arguments supplied, (x)."
821 ;;; By that same reasonining, is (x) accepted if x names a class?
824 ;;; The xc host uses an ordinary hash table for memoization.
825 #+sb-xc-host
826 (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
827 (defun !values-specifier-type-memo-wrapper (thunk specifier)
828 (multiple-value-bind (type yesp) (gethash specifier table)
829 (if yesp
830 type
831 (setf (gethash specifier table) (funcall thunk)))))
832 (defun values-specifier-type-cache-clear ()
833 (clrhash table)))
834 ;;; This cache is sized extremely generously, which has payoff
835 ;;; elsewhere: it improves the TYPE= and CSUBTYPEP functions,
836 ;;; since EQ types are an immediate win.
837 #-sb-xc-host
838 (sb!impl::!define-hash-cache values-specifier-type
839 ((orig equal-but-no-car-recursion)) ()
840 :hash-function #'sxhash :hash-bits 10)
842 ;;; The recursive ("-R" suffixed) entry point for this function
843 ;;; should be used for each nested parser invocation.
844 (defun values-specifier-type-r (context type-specifier)
845 (declare (type cons context))
846 (labels ((fail (spec) ; Q: Shouldn't this signal a TYPE-ERROR ?
847 (error "bad thing to be a type specifier: ~S" spec))
848 (instance-to-ctype (x)
849 (flet ((translate (classoid)
850 ;; Hmm, perhaps this should signal PARSE-UNKNOWN-TYPE
851 ;; if CLASSOID is an instance of UNDEFINED-CLASSOID ?
852 ;; Can that happen?
853 (or (and (built-in-classoid-p classoid)
854 (built-in-classoid-translation classoid))
855 classoid)))
856 (cond ((classoid-p x) (translate x))
857 ;; Avoid TYPEP on SB!MOP:EQL-SPECIALIZER and CLASS because
858 ;; the fake metaobjects do not allow type analysis, and
859 ;; would cause a compiler error as it tries to decide
860 ;; whether any clause of this COND subsumes another.
861 ;; Moreover, we don't require the host to support MOP.
862 ((sb!pcl::classp x) (translate (sb!pcl::class-classoid x)))
863 #-sb-xc-host
864 ((sb!pcl::eql-specializer-p type-specifier)
865 (make-eql-type
866 (sb!mop:eql-specializer-object type-specifier)))
867 (t (fail x))))))
868 (when (typep type-specifier 'instance)
869 (return-from values-specifier-type-r (instance-to-ctype type-specifier)))
870 (!values-specifier-type-memo-wrapper
871 (lambda ()
872 (labels
873 ((recurse (spec)
874 (prog* ((head (if (listp spec) (car spec) spec))
875 (builtin (if (symbolp head)
876 (info :type :builtin head)
877 (return (fail spec)))))
878 (when (deprecated-thing-p 'type head)
879 (setf (cdr context) nil)
880 (signal 'parse-deprecated-type :specifier spec))
881 (when (atom spec)
882 ;; If spec is non-atomic, the :BUILTIN value is inapplicable.
883 ;; There used to be compound builtins, but not any more.
884 (when builtin (return builtin))
885 (case (info :type :kind spec)
886 (:instance (return (find-classoid spec)))
887 (:forthcoming-defclass-type (go unknown))))
888 (awhen (info :type :translator head)
889 (return (or (funcall it context spec) (fail spec))))
890 ;; Expansion brings up an interesting question - should the cache
891 ;; contain entries for intermediary types? Say A -> B -> REAL.
892 ;; As it stands, we cache the ctype corresponding to A but not B.
893 (awhen (info :type :expander head)
894 (let ((expansion (funcall it (ensure-list spec))))
895 (return (if (typep expansion 'instance)
896 (instance-to-ctype expansion)
897 (recurse expansion)))))
898 ;; If the spec is (X ...) and X has neither a translator
899 ;; nor expander, and is a builtin, such as FIXNUM, fail now.
900 ;; But - see FIXME at top - it would be consistent with
901 ;; DEFTYPE to reject spec only if not a singleton.
902 (when builtin (return (fail spec)))
903 ;; SPEC has a legal form, so return an unknown type.
904 (signal 'parse-unknown-type :specifier spec)
906 (setf (cdr context) nil)
907 (return (make-unknown-type :specifier spec)))))
908 (let ((result (recurse (uncross type-specifier))))
909 (if (cdr context) ; cacheable
910 result
911 ;; (The RETURN-FROM here inhibits caching; this makes sense
912 ;; not only from a compiler diagnostics point of view,
913 ;; but also for proper workingness of VALID-TYPE-SPECIFIER-P.
914 (return-from values-specifier-type-r result)))))
915 type-specifier)))
916 (defun values-specifier-type (type-specifier)
917 (dx-let ((context (cons type-specifier t)))
918 (values-specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
920 ;;; This is like VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE, except that we guarantee to
921 ;;; never return a VALUES type.
922 (defun specifier-type-r (context type-specifier)
923 (let ((ctype (values-specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
924 (when (or (values-type-p ctype)
925 ;; bootstrap magic :-(
926 (and (named-type-p ctype)
927 (eq (named-type-name ctype) '*)))
928 (error "VALUES type illegal in this context:~% ~S" type-specifier))
929 ctype))
930 (defun specifier-type (type-specifier)
931 (dx-let ((context (cons type-specifier t)))
932 (specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
934 (defun single-value-specifier-type-r (context x)
935 (if (eq x '*) *universal-type* (specifier-type-r context x)))
936 (defun single-value-specifier-type (x)
937 (if (eq x '*)
938 *universal-type*
939 (specifier-type x)))
941 (defun typexpand-1 (type-specifier &optional env)
942 #!+sb-doc
943 "Takes and expands a type specifier once like MACROEXPAND-1.
944 Returns two values: the expansion, and a boolean that is true when
945 expansion happened."
946 (declare (type type-specifier type-specifier))
947 (declare (type lexenv-designator env) (ignore env))
948 (let* ((spec type-specifier)
949 (atom (if (listp spec) (car spec) spec))
950 (expander (and (symbolp atom) (info :type :expander atom))))
951 ;; We do not expand builtins even though it'd be
952 ;; possible to do so sometimes (e.g. STRING) for two
953 ;; reasons:
955 ;; a) From a user's point of view, CL types are opaque.
958 (if (and expander (not (info :type :builtin atom)))
959 (values (funcall expander (if (symbolp spec) (list spec) spec)) t)
960 (values type-specifier nil))))
962 (defun typexpand (type-specifier &optional env)
963 #!+sb-doc
964 "Takes and expands a type specifier repeatedly like MACROEXPAND.
965 Returns two values: the expansion, and a boolean that is true when
966 expansion happened."
967 ;; TYPE-SPECIFIER is of type TYPE-SPECIFIER, but it is preferable to
968 ;; defer to TYPEXPAND-1 for the typecheck. Similarly for ENV.
969 (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded)
970 (typexpand-1 type-specifier env)
971 (if expanded
972 (values (typexpand expansion env) t)
973 (values expansion expanded))))
975 ;;; Note that the type NAME has been (re)defined, updating the
976 ;;; undefined warnings and VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE cache.
977 (defun %note-type-defined (name)
978 (declare (symbol name))
979 (note-name-defined name :type)
980 (values-specifier-type-cache-clear)
981 (values))
984 (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !early-type-cold-init)