Turn some ASSERTs into AVERs.
[sbcl.git] / src / code / early-type.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel #+sb-xc-host :load-toplevel :execute)
13 ;; The following macros expand into either constructor calls,
14 ;; if building the cross-compiler, or forms which reference
15 ;; previously constructed objects, if running the cross-compiler.
16 #+sb-xc-host
17 (progn
18 (defmacro literal-ctype (constructor &optional specifier)
19 (declare (ignore specifier))
20 ;; Technically the instances are not read-only,
21 ;; because the hash-value slot is rewritten.
22 `(load-time-value (mark-ctype-interned ,constructor) nil))
24 (defmacro literal-ctype-vector (var)
25 `(load-time-value ,var nil)))
27 #-sb-xc-host
28 (progn
29 ;; Omitting the specifier works only if the unparser method has been
30 ;; defined in time to use it, and you're sure that constructor's result
31 ;; can be unparsed - some unparsers may be confused if called on a
32 ;; non-canonical object, such as an instance of (CONS T T) that is
33 ;; not EQ to the interned instance.
34 (sb!xc:defmacro literal-ctype (constructor
35 &optional (specifier nil specifier-p))
36 ;; The source-transform for SPECIFIER-TYPE turns this call into
37 ;; (LOAD-TIME-VALUE (!SPECIFIER-TYPE ',specifier)).
38 ;; It's best to go through the transform rather than expand directly
39 ;; into that, because the transform canonicalizes the spec,
40 ;; ensuring correctness of the hash lookups performed during genesis.
41 `(specifier-type ',(if specifier-p
42 specifier
43 (type-specifier (symbol-value constructor)))))
45 (sb!xc:defmacro literal-ctype-vector (var)
46 (let ((vector (symbol-value var)))
47 `(truly-the (simple-vector ,(length vector))
48 (load-time-value
49 (vector ,@(map 'list
50 (lambda (x)
51 (if (ctype-p x)
52 `(!specifier-type ',(type-specifier x))
53 x)) ; allow NIL or 0 in the vector
54 vector)) t))))))
56 (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms)
58 ;;;; representations of types
60 ;;; A HAIRY-TYPE represents anything too weird to be described
61 ;;; reasonably or to be useful, such as NOT, SATISFIES, unknown types,
62 ;;; and unreasonably complicated types involving AND. We just remember
63 ;;; the original type spec.
64 ;;; A possible improvement would be for HAIRY-TYPE to have a subtype
65 ;;; named SATISFIES-TYPE for the hairy types which are specifically
66 ;;; of the form (SATISFIES pred) so that we don't have to examine
67 ;;; the sexpr repeatedly to decide whether it takes that form.
68 ;;; And as a further improvement, we might want a table that maps
69 ;;; predicates to their exactly recognized type when possible.
70 ;;; We have such a table in fact - *BACKEND-PREDICATE-TYPES*
71 ;;; as a starting point. But something like PLUSP isn't in there.
72 ;;; On the other hand, either of these points may not be sources of
73 ;;; inefficiency, and the latter if implemented might have undesirable
74 ;;; user-visible ramifications, though it seems unlikely.
75 (defstruct (hairy-type (:include ctype
76 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'hairy)))
77 (:constructor %make-hairy-type (specifier))
78 (:copier nil)
79 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
80 ;; the Common Lisp type-specifier of the type we represent
81 (specifier nil :type t :read-only t))
83 ;; ENUMERABLE-P is T because a hairy type could be equivalent to a MEMBER type.
84 ;; e.g. any SATISFIES with a predicate returning T over a finite domain.
85 ;; But in practice there's nothing that can be done with this information,
86 ;; because we don't call random predicates when performing operations on types
87 ;; as objects, only when checking for inclusion of something in the type.
88 (!define-type-class hairy :enumerable t :might-contain-other-types t)
90 ;;; Without some special HAIRY cases, we massively pollute the type caches
91 ;;; with objects that are all equivalent to *EMPTY-TYPE*. e.g.
93 ;;; (AND (SATISFIES KEYWORDP) CONS). Since the compiler doesn't know
94 ;;; that they're just *EMPTY-TYPE*, its keeps building more and more complex
95 ;;; expressions involving them. I'm not sure why those two are so prevalent
96 ;;; but they definitely seem to be. We can improve performance by reducing
97 ;;; them to *EMPTY-TYPE* which means we need a way to recognize those hairy
98 ;;; types in order reason about them. Interning them is how we recognize
99 ;;; them, as they can be compared by EQ.
100 #+sb-xc-host
101 (progn
102 (defvar *satisfies-keywordp-type*
103 (mark-ctype-interned (%make-hairy-type '(satisfies keywordp))))
104 (defvar *fun-name-type*
105 (mark-ctype-interned (%make-hairy-type '(satisfies legal-fun-name-p)))))
107 ;;; An UNKNOWN-TYPE is a type not known to the type system (not yet
108 ;;; defined). We make this distinction since we don't want to complain
109 ;;; about types that are hairy but defined.
110 (defstruct (unknown-type (:include hairy-type)
111 (:copier nil)))
113 (defun maybe-reparse-specifier (type)
114 (when (unknown-type-p type)
115 (let* ((spec (unknown-type-specifier type))
116 (name (if (consp spec)
117 (car spec)
118 spec)))
119 (when (info :type :kind name)
120 (let ((new-type (specifier-type spec)))
121 (unless (unknown-type-p new-type)
122 new-type))))))
124 ;;; Evil macro.
125 (defmacro maybe-reparse-specifier! (type)
126 (aver (symbolp type))
127 (with-unique-names (new-type)
128 `(let ((,new-type (maybe-reparse-specifier ,type)))
129 (when ,new-type
130 (setf ,type ,new-type)
131 t))))
133 (defstruct (negation-type (:include ctype
134 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'negation)))
135 (:copier nil)
136 (:constructor make-negation-type (type))
137 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
138 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
140 ;; Former comment was:
141 ;; FIXME: is this right? It's what they had before, anyway
142 ;; But I think the reason it's right is that "enumerable :t" is equivalent
143 ;; to "maybe" which is actually the conservative assumption, same as HAIRY.
144 (!define-type-class negation :enumerable t :might-contain-other-types t)
146 (defun canonicalize-args-type-args (required optional rest &optional keyp)
147 (when (eq rest *empty-type*)
148 ;; or vice-versa?
149 (setq rest nil))
150 (loop with last-not-rest = nil
151 for i from 0
152 for opt in optional
153 do (cond ((eq opt *empty-type*)
154 (return (values required (subseq optional 0 i) rest)))
155 ((and (not keyp) (neq opt rest))
156 (setq last-not-rest i)))
157 finally (return (values required
158 (cond (keyp
159 optional)
160 (last-not-rest
161 (subseq optional 0 (1+ last-not-rest))))
162 rest))))
164 ;; CONTEXT is the cookie passed down from the outermost surrounding call
165 ;; of VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE. INNER-CONTEXT-KIND is an indicator of whether
166 ;; we are currently parsing a FUNCTION or a VALUES compound type specifier.
167 (defun parse-args-types (context lambda-listy-thing inner-context-kind)
168 (multiple-value-bind (llks required optional rest keys)
169 (parse-lambda-list
170 lambda-listy-thing
171 :context inner-context-kind
172 :accept (ecase inner-context-kind
173 (:values-type (lambda-list-keyword-mask '(&optional &rest)))
174 (:function-type (lambda-list-keyword-mask
175 '(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys))))
176 :silent t)
177 (flet ((parse-list (list)
178 (mapcar (lambda (x) (single-value-specifier-type-r context x))
179 list)))
180 (let ((required (parse-list required))
181 (optional (parse-list optional))
182 (rest (when rest (single-value-specifier-type-r context (car rest))))
183 (keywords
184 (collect ((key-info))
185 (dolist (key keys)
186 (unless (proper-list-of-length-p key 2)
187 (error "Keyword type description is not a two-list: ~S." key))
188 (let ((kwd (first key)))
189 (when (find kwd (key-info) :key #'key-info-name)
190 (error "~@<repeated keyword ~S in lambda list: ~2I~_~S~:>"
191 kwd lambda-listy-thing))
192 (key-info
193 (make-key-info
194 ;; MAKE-KEY-INFO will complain if KWD is not a symbol.
195 ;; That's good enough - we don't need an extra check here.
196 :name kwd
197 :type (single-value-specifier-type-r context (second key))))))
198 (key-info))))
199 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
200 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest
201 (ll-kwds-keyp llks))
202 (values llks required optional rest keywords))))))
204 (defstruct (values-type
205 (:include args-type
206 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'values)))
207 (:constructor %make-values-type)
208 (:predicate %values-type-p)
209 (:copier nil)))
211 (declaim (inline values-type-p))
212 (defun values-type-p (x)
213 (or (eq x *wild-type*)
214 (%values-type-p x)))
216 (defun-cached (make-values-type-cached
217 :hash-bits 8
218 :hash-function
219 (lambda (req opt rest allowp)
220 (logxor (type-list-cache-hash req)
221 (type-list-cache-hash opt)
222 (if rest
223 (type-hash-value rest)
225 ;; Results (logand #xFF (sxhash t/nil))
226 ;; hardcoded to avoid relying on the xc host.
227 ;; [but (logand (sxhash nil) #xff) => 2
228 ;; for me, so the code and comment disagree,
229 ;; but not in a way that matters.]
230 (if allowp
232 11))))
233 ((required equal-but-no-car-recursion)
234 (optional equal-but-no-car-recursion)
235 (rest eq)
236 (allowp eq))
237 (%make-values-type :required required
238 :optional optional
239 :rest rest
240 :allowp allowp))
242 (defun make-values-type (&key required optional rest allowp)
243 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
244 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
245 (cond ((and (null required)
246 (null optional)
247 (eq rest *universal-type*))
248 *wild-type*)
249 ((memq *empty-type* required)
250 *empty-type*)
251 (t (make-values-type-cached required optional
252 rest allowp)))))
254 (!define-type-class values :enumerable nil
255 :might-contain-other-types nil)
257 (!define-type-class function :enumerable nil
258 :might-contain-other-types nil)
260 #+sb-xc-host
261 (defvar *interned-fun-types*
262 (flet ((fun-type (n)
263 (mark-ctype-interned
264 (%make-fun-type (make-list n :initial-element *universal-type*)
265 nil nil nil nil nil nil *wild-type*))))
266 (vector (fun-type 0) (fun-type 1) (fun-type 2) (fun-type 3))))
268 (defun make-fun-type (&key required optional rest
269 keyp keywords allowp
270 wild-args returns
271 designator)
272 (let ((rest (if (eq rest *empty-type*) nil rest))
273 (n (length required)))
274 (cond (designator
275 (make-fun-designator-type required optional rest keyp keywords
276 allowp wild-args returns))
277 ((and
278 (<= n 3)
279 (not optional) (not rest) (not keyp)
280 (not keywords) (not allowp) (not wild-args)
281 (eq returns *wild-type*)
282 (not (find *universal-type* required :test #'neq)))
283 (svref (literal-ctype-vector *interned-fun-types*) n))
285 (%make-fun-type required optional rest keyp keywords
286 allowp wild-args returns)))))
288 ;; This seems to be used only by cltl2, and within 'cross-type',
289 ;; where it is never used, which makes sense, since pretty much we
290 ;; never want this object, but instead the classoid FUNCTION
291 ;; if we know nothing about a function's signature.
292 ;; Maybe this should not exist unless cltl2 is loaded???
293 (defvar *universal-fun-type*
294 (make-fun-type :wild-args t :returns *wild-type*))
296 ;;; The CONSTANT-TYPE structure represents a use of the CONSTANT-ARG
297 ;;; "type specifier", which is only meaningful in function argument
298 ;;; type specifiers used within the compiler. (It represents something
299 ;;; that the compiler knows to be a constant.)
300 (defstruct (constant-type
301 (:include ctype
302 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'constant)))
303 (:copier nil))
304 ;; The type which the argument must be a constant instance of for this type
305 ;; specifier to win.
306 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
308 (!define-type-class number :enumerable #'numeric-type-enumerable
309 :might-contain-other-types nil)
311 #+sb-xc-host
312 (progn
313 ;; Work around an ABCL bug. This fails to load:
314 ;; (macrolet ((foo-it (x) `(- ,x))) (defvar *var* (foo-it 3)))
315 (defvar *interned-signed-byte-types*)
316 (defvar *interned-unsigned-byte-types*)
317 (macrolet ((int-type (low high)
318 `(mark-ctype-interned
319 (%make-numeric-type :class 'integer :enumerable t
320 :low ,low :high ,high))))
321 (setq *interned-signed-byte-types*
322 (let ((v (make-array sb!vm:n-word-bits))
323 (j -1))
324 (dotimes (i sb!vm:n-word-bits v)
325 (setf (svref v i) (int-type j (lognot j)) j (ash j 1)))))
326 (setq *interned-unsigned-byte-types*
327 (let ((v (make-array (1+ sb!vm:n-word-bits))))
328 (dotimes (i (length v) v)
329 (setf (svref v i) (int-type 0 (1- (ash 1 i)))))))))
331 ;;; Impose canonicalization rules for NUMERIC-TYPE. Note that in some
332 ;;; cases, despite the name, we return *EMPTY-TYPE* instead of a
334 ;;; FIXME: The ENUMERABLE flag is unexpectedly NIL for types that
335 ;;; come from parsing MEMBER. But bounded integer ranges,
336 ;;; however large, are enumerable:
339 ;;; but, in contrast,
341 ;;; I can't figure out whether this is supposed to matter.
342 ;;; Moreover, it seems like this function should be responsible
343 ;;; for figuring out the right value so that callers don't have to.
344 (defun make-numeric-type (&key class format (complexp :real) low high
345 enumerable)
346 (multiple-value-bind (low high)
347 (case class
348 (integer
349 ;; INTEGER types always have their LOW and HIGH bounds
350 ;; represented as inclusive, not exclusive values.
351 (values (if (consp low) (1+ (type-bound-number low)) low)
352 (if (consp high) (1- (type-bound-number high)) high)))
354 ;; no canonicalization necessary
355 (values low high)))
356 ;; if interval is empty
357 (when (and low high
358 (if (or (consp low) (consp high)) ; if either bound is exclusive
359 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
360 (> low high)))
361 (return-from make-numeric-type *empty-type*))
362 (when (and (eq class 'rational) (integerp low) (eql low high))
363 (setf class 'integer))
364 ;; Either lookup the canonical interned object for
365 ;; a point in the type lattice, or construct a new one.
366 (or (case class
367 (float
368 (macrolet ((float-type (fmt complexp)
369 `(literal-ctype
370 (%make-numeric-type :class 'float :complexp ,complexp
371 :format ',fmt :enumerable nil)
372 ,(if (eq complexp :complex) `(complex ,fmt) fmt))))
373 (when (and (null low) (null high))
374 (case format
375 (single-float
376 (case complexp
377 (:real (float-type single-float :real))
378 (:complex (float-type single-float :complex))))
379 (double-float
380 (case complexp
381 (:real (float-type double-float :real))
382 (:complex (float-type double-float :complex))))))))
383 (integer
384 (macrolet ((int-type (low high)
385 `(literal-ctype
386 (%make-numeric-type
387 :class 'integer :low ,low :high ,high
388 :enumerable (if (and ,low ,high) t nil))
389 (integer ,(or low '*) ,(or high '*)))))
390 (cond ((neq complexp :real) nil)
391 ((and (eql low 0) (eql high (1- sb!xc:array-dimension-limit)))
392 (int-type 0 #.(1- sb!xc:array-dimension-limit))) ; INDEX type
393 ((null high)
394 (cond ((not low) (int-type nil nil))
395 ((eql low 0) (int-type 0 nil))
396 ((eql low (1+ sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum))
397 ;; positive bignum
398 (int-type #.(1+ sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum) nil))))
399 ((or (eql high most-positive-word)
400 ;; is (1+ high) a power-of-2 ?
401 (and (typep high 'word) (zerop (logand (1+ high) high))))
402 (cond ((eql low 0)
403 (svref (literal-ctype-vector *interned-unsigned-byte-types*)
404 (integer-length (truly-the word high))))
405 ((and (< high most-positive-word) (eql low (lognot high)))
406 (svref (literal-ctype-vector *interned-signed-byte-types*)
407 (integer-length (truly-the word high))))))
408 ((and (not low) (eql high (1- sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum)))
409 ;; negative bignum
410 (int-type nil #.(1- sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum))))))
411 (rational
412 (when (and (eq complexp :real) (null low) (eq high low))
413 (literal-ctype (%make-numeric-type :class 'rational) rational))))
414 (let ((result (%make-numeric-type :class class :format format
415 :complexp complexp
416 :low low :high high
417 :enumerable enumerable)))
418 (setf (type-hash-value result)
419 (logior (type-hash-value result) +type-admits-type=-optimization+))
420 result))))
422 (defun modified-numeric-type (base
423 &key
424 (class (numeric-type-class base))
425 (format (numeric-type-format base))
426 (complexp (numeric-type-complexp base))
427 (low (numeric-type-low base))
428 (high (numeric-type-high base))
429 (enumerable (type-enumerable base)))
430 (make-numeric-type :class class
431 :format format
432 :complexp complexp
433 :low low
434 :high high
435 :enumerable enumerable))
437 (defun make-character-set-type (pairs)
438 ; (aver (equal (mapcar #'car pairs)
439 ; (sort (mapcar #'car pairs) #'<)))
440 ;; aver that the cars of the list elements are sorted into increasing order
441 (when pairs
442 (do ((p pairs (cdr p)))
443 ((null (cdr p)))
444 (aver (<= (caar p) (caadr p)))))
445 (let ((pairs (let (result)
446 (do ((pairs pairs (cdr pairs)))
447 ((null pairs) (nreverse result))
448 (destructuring-bind (low . high) (car pairs)
449 (loop for (low1 . high1) in (cdr pairs)
450 if (<= low1 (1+ high))
451 do (progn (setf high (max high high1))
452 (setf pairs (cdr pairs)))
453 else do (return nil))
454 (cond
455 ((>= low sb!xc:char-code-limit))
456 ((< high 0))
457 (t (push (cons (max 0 low)
458 (min high (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
459 result))))))))
460 (unless pairs
461 (return-from make-character-set-type *empty-type*))
462 (unless (cdr pairs)
463 (macrolet ((range (low high)
464 `(return-from make-character-set-type
465 (literal-ctype (%make-character-set-type '((,low . ,high)))
466 (character-set ((,low . ,high)))))))
467 (let* ((pair (car pairs))
468 (low (car pair))
469 (high (cdr pair)))
470 (cond ((eql high (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit))
471 (cond ((eql low 0) (range 0 #.(1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
472 #!+sb-unicode
473 ((eql low base-char-code-limit)
474 (range #.base-char-code-limit
475 #.(1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))))
476 #!+sb-unicode
477 ((and (eql low 0) (eql high (1- base-char-code-limit)))
478 (range 0 #.(1- base-char-code-limit)))))))
479 (%make-character-set-type pairs)))
481 (!define-type-class array :enumerable nil
482 :might-contain-other-types nil)
484 ;; For all ctypes which are the element types of specialized arrays,
485 ;; 3 ctype objects are stored for the rank-1 arrays of that specialization,
486 ;; one for each of simple, maybe-simple, and non-simple (in that order),
487 ;; and 2 ctype objects for unknown-rank arrays, one each for simple
488 ;; and maybe-simple. (Unknown rank, known-non-simple isn't important)
489 #+sb-xc-host
490 (progn
491 (defvar *interned-array-types*
492 (labels ((make-1 (type-index dims complexp type)
493 (setf (!ctype-saetp-index type) type-index)
494 (mark-ctype-interned (%make-array-type dims complexp type type)))
495 (make-all (element-type type-index array)
496 (replace array
497 (list (make-1 type-index '(*) nil element-type)
498 (make-1 type-index '(*) :maybe element-type)
499 (make-1 type-index '(*) t element-type)
500 (make-1 type-index '* nil element-type)
501 (make-1 type-index '* :maybe element-type))
502 :start1 (* type-index 5)))
503 (integer-range (low high)
504 (make-numeric-type :class 'integer :complexp :real
505 :enumerable t :low low :high high)))
506 (let ((array (make-array (* 32 5)))
507 (index 0))
508 ;; Index 31 is available to store *WILD-TYPE*
509 ;; because there are fewer than 32 array widetags.
510 (make-all *wild-type* 31 array)
511 (dolist (x *specialized-array-element-types*
512 (progn (aver (< index 31)) array))
513 (make-all
514 ;; Produce element-type representation without parsing a spec.
515 ;; (SPECIFIER-TYPE doesn't work when bootstrapping.)
516 ;; The MAKE- constructors return an interned object as appropriate.
517 (etypecase x
518 ((cons (eql unsigned-byte))
519 (integer-range 0 (1- (ash 1 (second x)))))
520 ((cons (eql signed-byte))
521 (let ((lim (ash 1 (1- (second x)))))
522 (integer-range (- lim) (1- lim))))
523 ((eql bit) (integer-range 0 1))
524 ;; FIXNUM is its own thing, why? See comment in vm-array
525 ;; saying to "See the comment in PRIMITIVE-TYPE-AUX"
526 ((eql fixnum) ; One good kludge deserves another.
527 (integer-range sb!xc:most-negative-fixnum
528 sb!xc:most-positive-fixnum))
529 ((member single-float double-float)
530 (make-numeric-type :class 'float :format x :complexp :real))
531 ((cons (eql complex))
532 (make-numeric-type :class 'float :format (cadr x)
533 :complexp :complex))
534 ((eql character)
535 (make-character-set-type `((0 . ,(1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))))
536 #!+sb-unicode
537 ((eql base-char)
538 (make-character-set-type `((0 . ,(1- base-char-code-limit)))))
539 ((eql t) *universal-type*)
540 ((eql nil) *empty-type*))
541 index array)
542 (incf index)))))
543 (defvar *parsed-specialized-array-element-types*
544 (let ((a (make-array (length *specialized-array-element-types*))))
545 (loop for i below (length a)
546 do (setf (aref a i) (array-type-specialized-element-type
547 (aref *interned-array-types* (* i 5)))))
548 a)))
550 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (t &key (:complexp t)
551 (:element-type t)
552 (:specialized-element-type t))
553 ctype) make-array-type))
554 (defun make-array-type (dimensions &key (complexp :maybe) element-type
555 (specialized-element-type *wild-type*))
556 (if (and (eq element-type specialized-element-type)
557 (or (and (eq dimensions '*) (neq complexp t))
558 (typep dimensions '(cons (eql *) null))))
559 (let ((res (svref (literal-ctype-vector *interned-array-types*)
560 (+ (* (!ctype-saetp-index element-type) 5)
561 (if (listp dimensions) 0 3)
562 (ecase complexp ((nil) 0) ((:maybe) 1) ((t) 2))))))
563 (aver (eq (array-type-element-type res) element-type))
564 res)
565 (%make-array-type dimensions
566 complexp element-type specialized-element-type)))
568 (!define-type-class member :enumerable t
569 :might-contain-other-types nil)
571 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (xset list) ctype) make-member-type))
572 (defun member-type-from-list (members)
573 (let ((xset (alloc-xset))
574 (fp-zeroes))
575 (dolist (elt members (make-member-type xset fp-zeroes))
576 (if (fp-zero-p elt)
577 (pushnew elt fp-zeroes)
578 (add-to-xset elt xset)))))
579 (defun make-eql-type (elt) (member-type-from-list (list elt)))
580 ;; Return possibly a union of a MEMBER type and a NUMERIC type,
581 ;; or just one or the other, or *EMPTY-TYPE* depending on what's in the XSET
582 ;; and the FP-ZEROES. XSET should not contains characters or real numbers.
583 (defun make-member-type (xset fp-zeroes)
584 ;; if we have a pair of zeros (e.g. 0.0d0 and -0.0d0), then we can
585 ;; canonicalize to (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0d0 0.0d0), because numeric
586 ;; ranges are compared by arithmetic operators (while MEMBERship is
587 ;; compared by EQL). -- CSR, 2003-04-23
588 (let ((presence 0)
589 (unpaired nil)
590 (float-types nil))
591 (when fp-zeroes ; avoid doing two passes of nothing
592 (dotimes (pass 2)
593 (dolist (z fp-zeroes)
594 (let ((sign (if (minusp (nth-value 2 (integer-decode-float z))) 1 0))
595 (pair-idx
596 (etypecase z
597 (single-float 0)
598 (double-float 2
599 #!+long-float (long-float 4)))))
600 (if (= pass 0)
601 (setf (ldb (byte 1 (+ pair-idx sign)) presence) 1)
602 (if (= (ldb (byte 2 pair-idx) presence) #b11)
603 (when (= sign 0)
604 (push (ctype-of z) float-types))
605 (push z unpaired)))))))
606 (let ((member-type
607 (block nil
608 (unless unpaired
609 (macrolet ((member-type (&rest elts)
610 `(literal-ctype
611 (%make-member-type (xset-from-list ',elts) nil)
612 (member ,@elts))))
613 (let ((elts (xset-data xset)))
614 (when (singleton-p elts)
615 (case (first elts)
616 ((nil) (return (member-type nil)))
617 ((t) (return (member-type t)))))
618 (when (or (equal elts '(t nil)) (equal elts '(nil t)))
619 ;; Semantically this is fine - XSETs
620 ;; are not order-preserving except by accident
621 ;; (when not represented as a hash-table).
622 (return (member-type t nil))))))
623 (when (or unpaired (not (xset-empty-p xset)))
624 (let ((result (%make-member-type xset unpaired)))
625 (setf (type-hash-value result)
626 (logior (type-hash-value result)
627 +type-admits-type=-optimization+))
628 result)))))
629 ;; The actual member-type contains the XSET (with no FP zeroes),
630 ;; and a list of unpaired zeroes.
631 (if float-types
632 (make-union-type t (if member-type
633 (cons member-type float-types)
634 float-types))
635 (or member-type *empty-type*)))))
637 (defun member-type-size (type)
638 (+ (length (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
639 (xset-count (member-type-xset type))))
641 (defun member-type-member-p (x type)
642 (if (fp-zero-p x)
643 (and (member x (member-type-fp-zeroes type)) t)
644 (xset-member-p x (member-type-xset type))))
646 (defun mapcar-member-type-members (function type)
647 (declare (function function))
648 (collect ((results))
649 (map-xset (lambda (x)
650 (results (funcall function x)))
651 (member-type-xset type))
652 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
653 (results (funcall function zero)))
654 (results)))
656 (defun mapc-member-type-members (function type)
657 (declare (function function))
658 (map-xset function (member-type-xset type))
659 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
660 (funcall function zero)))
662 (defun member-type-members (type)
663 (append (member-type-fp-zeroes type)
664 (xset-members (member-type-xset type))))
666 ;;; Return TYPE converted to canonical form for a situation where the
667 ;;; "type" '* (which SBCL still represents as a type even though ANSI
668 ;;; CL defines it as a related but different kind of placeholder) is
669 ;;; equivalent to type T.
670 (defun type-*-to-t (type)
671 (if (type= type *wild-type*)
672 *universal-type*
673 type))
675 (!define-type-class cons :enumerable nil :might-contain-other-types nil)
677 #+sb-xc-host
678 (declaim (ftype (sfunction (ctype ctype) (values t t)) type=))
679 (defun make-cons-type (car-type cdr-type)
680 (aver (not (or (eq car-type *wild-type*)
681 (eq cdr-type *wild-type*))))
682 (cond ((or (eq car-type *empty-type*)
683 (eq cdr-type *empty-type*))
684 *empty-type*)
685 ;; It's not a requirement that (CONS T T) be interned,
686 ;; but it improves the hit rate in the function caches.
687 ((and (type= car-type *universal-type*)
688 (type= cdr-type *universal-type*))
689 (literal-ctype (%make-cons-type *universal-type* *universal-type*)
690 cons))
692 (%make-cons-type car-type cdr-type))))
694 ;;; A SIMD-PACK-TYPE is used to represent a SIMD-PACK type.
695 #!+sb-simd-pack
696 (defstruct (simd-pack-type
697 (:include ctype (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'simd-pack)))
698 (:constructor %make-simd-pack-type (element-type))
699 (:copier nil))
700 (element-type (missing-arg)
701 :type (cons #||(member #.*simd-pack-element-types*) ||#)
702 :read-only t))
704 #!+sb-simd-pack
705 (defun make-simd-pack-type (element-type)
706 (aver (neq element-type *wild-type*))
707 (if (eq element-type *empty-type*)
708 *empty-type*
709 (%make-simd-pack-type
710 (dolist (pack-type *simd-pack-element-types*
711 (error "~S element type must be a subtype of ~
712 ~{~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/~#[~;, or ~
713 ~:;, ~]~}."
714 'simd-pack *simd-pack-element-types*))
715 (when (csubtypep element-type (specifier-type pack-type))
716 (return (list pack-type)))))))
719 ;;;; type utilities
721 ;;; Return the type structure corresponding to a type specifier.
723 ;;; Note: VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE-CACHE-CLEAR must be called whenever a
724 ;;; type is defined (or redefined).
726 ;;; As I understand things, :FORTHCOMING-DEFCLASS-TYPE behaves contrarily
727 ;;; to the CLHS intent, which is to make the type known to the compiler.
728 ;;; If we compile in one file:
729 ;;; (DEFCLASS FRUITBAT () ())
731 ;;; we see that it emits a call to %TYPEP with the symbol FRUITBAT as its
732 ;;; argument, whereas it should involve CLASSOID-CELL-TYPEP and LAYOUT-OF,
733 ;;; which (correctly) signals an error if the class were not defined by the
734 ;;; time of the call. Delayed re-parsing of FRUITBAT into any random specifier
735 ;;; at call time is wrong.
737 ;;; FIXME: symbols which are :PRIMITIVE are inconsistently accepted as singleton
738 ;;; lists. e.g. (BIT) and (ATOM) are considered legal, but (FIXNUM) and
739 ;;; (CHARACTER) are not. It has to do with whether the primitive is actually
740 ;;; a DEFTYPE. The CLHS glossary implies that the singleton is *always* legal.
741 ;;; "For every atomic type specifier, x, there is an _equivalent_ [my emphasis]
742 ;;; compound type specifier with no arguments supplied, (x)."
743 ;;; By that same reasonining, is (x) accepted if x names a class?
746 ;;; The xc host uses an ordinary hash table for memoization.
747 #+sb-xc-host
748 (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
749 (defun !values-specifier-type-memo-wrapper (thunk specifier)
750 (multiple-value-bind (type yesp) (gethash specifier table)
751 (if yesp
752 type
753 (setf (gethash specifier table) (funcall thunk)))))
754 (defun values-specifier-type-cache-clear ()
755 (clrhash table)))
756 ;;; This cache is sized extremely generously, which has payoff
757 ;;; elsewhere: it improves the TYPE= and CSUBTYPEP functions,
758 ;;; since EQ types are an immediate win.
759 #-sb-xc-host
760 (sb!impl::!define-hash-cache values-specifier-type
761 ((orig equal-but-no-car-recursion)) ()
762 :hash-function #'sxhash :hash-bits 10)
764 (defvar *pending-defstruct-type*)
765 (declaim (type classoid *pending-defstruct-type*))
767 ;;; The recursive ("-R" suffixed) entry point for this function
768 ;;; should be used for each nested parser invocation.
769 (defun values-specifier-type-r (context type-specifier)
770 (declare (type cons context))
771 (labels ((fail (spec) ; Q: Shouldn't this signal a TYPE-ERROR ?
772 #-sb-xc-host(declare (optimize allow-non-returning-tail-call))
773 (error "bad thing to be a type specifier: ~
774 ~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/"
775 spec))
776 (instance-to-ctype (x)
777 (flet ((translate (classoid)
778 ;; Hmm, perhaps this should signal PARSE-UNKNOWN-TYPE
779 ;; if CLASSOID is an instance of UNDEFINED-CLASSOID ?
780 ;; Can that happen?
781 (or (and (built-in-classoid-p classoid)
782 (built-in-classoid-translation classoid))
783 classoid)))
784 (cond ((classoid-p x) (translate x))
785 ;; Avoid TYPEP on SB!MOP:EQL-SPECIALIZER and CLASS because
786 ;; the fake metaobjects do not allow type analysis, and
787 ;; would cause a compiler error as it tries to decide
788 ;; whether any clause of this COND subsumes another.
789 ;; Moreover, we don't require the host to support MOP.
790 #-sb-xc-host
791 ((sb!pcl::classp x) (translate (sb!pcl::class-classoid x)))
792 #-sb-xc-host
793 ((sb!pcl::eql-specializer-p type-specifier)
794 ;; FIXME: these aren't always cached. Should they be?
795 ;; It seems so, as "parsing" constructs a new object.
796 ;; Perhaps better, the EQL specializer itself could store
797 ;; (by memoizing, if not precomputing) a CTYPE
798 (make-eql-type
799 (sb!mop:eql-specializer-object type-specifier)))
800 (t (fail x))))))
801 (when (typep type-specifier 'instance)
802 (return-from values-specifier-type-r (instance-to-ctype type-specifier)))
803 (when (atom type-specifier)
804 ;; Try to bypass the cache, which avoids using a cache line for standard
805 ;; atomic specifiers. This is a trade-off- cache seek might be faster,
806 ;; but this solves the problem that a full call to (TYPEP #\A 'FIXNUM)
807 ;; consed a cache line every time the cache missed on FIXNUM (etc).
808 (awhen (info :type :builtin type-specifier)
809 (return-from values-specifier-type-r it)))
810 (!values-specifier-type-memo-wrapper
811 (lambda ()
812 (labels
813 ((recurse (spec)
814 (prog* ((head (if (listp spec) (car spec) spec))
815 (builtin (if (symbolp head)
816 (info :type :builtin head)
817 (return (fail spec)))))
818 (when (deprecated-thing-p 'type head)
819 (setf (cdr context) nil)
820 (signal 'parse-deprecated-type :specifier spec))
821 (when (atom spec)
822 ;; If spec is non-atomic, the :BUILTIN value is inapplicable.
823 ;; There used to be compound builtins, but not any more.
824 (when builtin (return builtin))
825 ;; Any spec that apparently refers to a defstruct form
826 ;; that's being macroexpanded should refer to that type.
827 (when (boundp '*pending-defstruct-type*)
828 (let ((classoid *pending-defstruct-type*))
829 (when (eq (classoid-name classoid) spec)
830 (setf (cdr context) nil) ; don't cache
831 (return classoid))))
832 (case (info :type :kind spec)
833 (:instance (return (find-classoid spec)))
834 (:forthcoming-defclass-type (go unknown))))
835 ;; Expansion brings up an interesting question - should the cache
836 ;; contain entries for intermediary types? Say A -> B -> REAL.
837 ;; As it stands, we cache the ctype corresponding to A but not B.
838 (awhen (info :type :expander head)
839 (when (listp it) ; The function translates directly to a CTYPE.
840 (return (or (funcall (car it) context spec) (fail spec))))
841 ;; The function produces a type expression.
842 (let ((expansion (funcall it (ensure-list spec))))
843 (return (if (typep expansion 'instance)
844 (instance-to-ctype expansion)
845 (recurse expansion)))))
846 ;; If the spec is (X ...) and X has neither a translator
847 ;; nor expander, and is a builtin, such as FIXNUM, fail now.
848 ;; But - see FIXME at top - it would be consistent with
849 ;; DEFTYPE to reject spec only if not a singleton.
850 (when builtin (return (fail spec)))
851 ;; SPEC has a legal form, so return an unknown type.
852 (signal 'parse-unknown-type :specifier spec)
854 (setf (cdr context) nil)
855 (return (make-unknown-type :specifier spec)))))
856 (let ((result (recurse (uncross type-specifier))))
857 (if (cdr context) ; cacheable
858 result
859 ;; (The RETURN-FROM here inhibits caching; this makes sense
860 ;; not only from a compiler diagnostics point of view,
861 ;; but also for proper workingness of VALID-TYPE-SPECIFIER-P.
862 (return-from values-specifier-type-r result)))))
863 type-specifier)))
864 (defun values-specifier-type (type-specifier)
865 (dx-let ((context (cons type-specifier t)))
866 (values-specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
868 ;;; This is like VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE, except that we guarantee to
869 ;;; never return a VALUES type.
870 (defun specifier-type-r (context type-specifier)
871 (let ((ctype (values-specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
872 (when (values-type-p ctype)
873 (error "VALUES type illegal in this context:~% ~
874 ~/sb!impl:print-type-specifier/"
875 type-specifier))
876 ctype))
877 (defun specifier-type (type-specifier)
878 (dx-let ((context (cons type-specifier t)))
879 (specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
881 ;;; Parse TYPE-SPECIFIER, returning NIL if any sub-part of it is unknown
882 (defun type-or-nil-if-unknown (type-specifier &optional allow-values)
883 (dx-let ((context (cons type-specifier t)))
884 (let ((result (values-specifier-type-r context type-specifier)))
885 (when (and (not allow-values) (values-type-p result))
886 (error "VALUES type illegal in this context:~% ~S" type-specifier))
887 ;; If it was non-cacheable, either it contained a deprecated type
888 ;; or unknown type, or was a pending defstruct definition.
889 (if (and (not (cdr context)) (contains-unknown-type-p result))
891 result))))
893 (defun single-value-specifier-type-r (context x)
894 (if (eq x '*) *universal-type* (specifier-type-r context x)))
895 (defun single-value-specifier-type (x)
896 (if (eq x '*)
897 *universal-type*
898 (specifier-type x)))
900 (defun typexpand-1 (type-specifier &optional env)
901 "Takes and expands a type specifier once like MACROEXPAND-1.
902 Returns two values: the expansion, and a boolean that is true when
903 expansion happened."
904 (declare (type type-specifier type-specifier))
905 (declare (type lexenv-designator env) (ignore env))
906 (let* ((spec type-specifier)
907 (atom (if (listp spec) (car spec) spec))
908 (expander (and (symbolp atom) (info :type :expander atom))))
909 ;; We do not expand builtins even though it'd be
910 ;; possible to do so sometimes (e.g. STRING) for two
911 ;; reasons:
913 ;; a) From a user's point of view, CL types are opaque.
916 (if (and (functionp expander) (not (info :type :builtin atom)))
917 (values (funcall expander (if (symbolp spec) (list spec) spec)) t)
918 (values type-specifier nil))))
920 (defun typexpand (type-specifier &optional env)
921 "Takes and expands a type specifier repeatedly like MACROEXPAND.
922 Returns two values: the expansion, and a boolean that is true when
923 expansion happened."
924 ;; TYPE-SPECIFIER is of type TYPE-SPECIFIER, but it is preferable to
925 ;; defer to TYPEXPAND-1 for the typecheck. Similarly for ENV.
926 (multiple-value-bind (expansion expanded)
927 (typexpand-1 type-specifier env)
928 (if expanded
929 (values (typexpand expansion env) t)
930 (values expansion expanded))))
932 ;;; Note that the type NAME has been (re)defined, updating the
933 ;;; undefined warnings and VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE cache.
934 (defun %note-type-defined (name)
935 (declare (symbol name))
936 (note-name-defined name :type)
937 (values-specifier-type-cache-clear)
938 (values))
941 (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !early-type-cold-init)
943 ;;; When cross-compiling SPECIFIER-TYPE with a quoted argument,
944 ;;; it can be rendered as a literal object unless it:
945 ;;; - mentions a classoid or unknown type
946 ;;; - uses a floating-point literal (perhaps positive zero could be allowed?)
948 ;;; This is important for type system initialization, but it will also
949 ;;; apply to hand-written calls and make-load-form expressions.
951 ;;; After the target is built, we remove this transform, both because calls
952 ;;; to SPECIFIER-TYPE do not arise organically through user code,
953 ;;; and because it is possible that user changes to types could make parsing
954 ;;; return a different thing, e.g. changing a DEFTYPE to a DEFCLASS.
956 #+sb-xc-host
957 (progn
958 (sb!c::define-source-transform specifier-type (type-spec &environment env)
959 (or (and (sb!xc:constantp type-spec env)
960 (let ((parse (specifier-type (constant-form-value type-spec env))))
961 (cond
962 ((contains-unknown-type-p parse)
963 (bug "SPECIFIER-TYPE transform parsed an unknown type"))
964 ((cold-dumpable-type-p parse)
965 ;; Obtain a canonical form by unparsing so that TYPE= specs
966 ;; coalesce in presence of DEFTYPEs. LOAD-TIME-VALUE in the
967 ;; cross-compiler has a special-case to turn !SPECIFIER-TYPE
968 ;; into a fop-funcall, which is handled by genesis.
969 `(load-time-value (!specifier-type ',(type-specifier parse))
970 t)))))
971 (values nil t)))
973 (defun cold-dumpable-type-p (ctype)
974 (named-let recurse ((ctype ctype))
975 (typecase ctype
976 (args-type
977 (and (every #'recurse (args-type-required ctype))
978 (every #'recurse (args-type-optional ctype))
979 (acond ((args-type-rest ctype) (recurse it)) (t))
980 (every (lambda (x) (recurse (key-info-type x)))
981 (args-type-keywords ctype))
982 (if (fun-type-p ctype) (recurse (fun-type-returns ctype)) t)))
983 (compound-type (every #'recurse (compound-type-types ctype)))
984 (negation-type (recurse (negation-type-type ctype)))
985 (array-type (recurse (array-type-element-type ctype)))
986 (cons-type (and (recurse (cons-type-car-type ctype))
987 (recurse (cons-type-cdr-type ctype))))
988 (member-type
989 (and (listp (xset-data (member-type-xset ctype))) ; can't dump hashtable
990 (not (member-type-fp-zeroes ctype)))) ; nor floats
991 (numeric-type
992 ;; Floating-point constants are not dumpable. (except maybe +0.0)
993 (if (or (typep (numeric-type-low ctype) '(or float (cons float)))
994 (typep (numeric-type-high ctype) '(or float (cons float))))
997 (built-in-classoid t)
998 (classoid nil)
999 ;; HAIRY is just an s-expression, so it's dumpable. Same for simd-pack
1000 ((or named-type character-set-type hairy-type #!+sb-simd-pack simd-pack-type)
1001 t))))
1003 (setf (get '!specifier-type :sb-cold-funcall-handler/for-value)
1004 (lambda (arg)
1005 (let ((specifier
1006 (if (symbolp arg) arg (sb!fasl::host-object-from-core arg))))
1007 (sb!fasl::ctype-to-core specifier (specifier-type specifier)))))
1009 (setf (info :function :where-from '!specifier-type) :declared) ; lie
1010 ) ; end PROGN