Seems to work
[rops.git] /
1 open Types;;
2 open Environment;;
3 open Evaluator;;
4 open Printer;;
5 open Format;;
7 let print_prompt () =
8 print_newline ();
9 print_string "~> ";
10 print_flush ();;
12 let print_obj obj =
13 Printer.display Format.std_formatter obj; print_flush ();;
15 let rec print_obj_list ol =
16 match ol with
17 [] -> ()
18 | [one] -> print_obj one
19 | more::than::one -> print_obj more; print_string ", "; print_obj_list (than::one);;
21 let rec repl lexbuf state =
22 let ast = Parser.main Lexer.token lexbuf in
23 let next_state = Evaluator.eval ({ state with Evaluator.cont=[ast]; Evaluator.pending_results=[[]] }) in
24 (match next_state.Evaluator.pending_results with
25 [[res]] -> print_obj res
26 | [[]] -> ()
27 | [] -> print_string "empty"
28 | [lres] ->
29 print_string "Multiple: ";
30 print_obj_list lres
31 | lol ->
32 failwith "Unknown result";
33 List.iter print_obj_list lol;
34 print_flush());
35 print_prompt ();
36 repl lexbuf next_state;;
38 let _ =
39 try
40 let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin in
41 print_prompt ();
42 repl lexbuf { Evaluator.env = Environment.initial_env;
43 Evaluator.pending_results = [[]];
44 Evaluator.cont = [] }
45 with
46 Lexer.Eof ->
47 flush stdout;
48 exit 0
49 | Scheme_user_error (l) ->
50 List.iter (Printer.write Format.std_formatter) l;
51 exit 1 ;;