initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / synapse / MIMEpart.pas
1 {==============================================================================|
2 | Project : Delphree - Synapse | 001.005.002 |
3 |==============================================================================|
4 | Content: MIME support procedures and functions |
5 |==============================================================================|
6 | The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Ver. 1.1 |
7 | (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the |
8 | License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
9 | |
10 | Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, |
11 | WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for |
12 | the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. |
13 |==============================================================================|
14 | The Original Code is Synapse Delphi Library. |
15 |==============================================================================|
16 | The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lukas Gebauer (Czech Republic).|
17 | Portions created by Lukas Gebauer are Copyright (c)2000,2001. |
18 | All Rights Reserved. |
19 |==============================================================================|
20 | Contributor(s): |
21 |==============================================================================|
22 | History: see HISTORY.HTM from distribution package |
23 | (Found at URL: |
24 |==============================================================================}
26 unit MIMEpart;
28 interface
30 uses
31 KOL,SynaChar, SynaCode, SynaUtil, MIMEinLn;
33 type
35 TMimePrimary = (MP_TEXT, MP_MULTIPART,
39 ME_BASE64, ME_UU, ME_XX);
41 PMimePart = ^TMimePart;
42 TMimePart = object(TObj)
43 private
44 FPrimary: string;
45 FEncoding: string;
46 FCharset: string;
47 FPrimaryCode: TMimePrimary;
48 FEncodingCode: TMimeEncoding;
49 FCharsetCode: TMimeChar;
50 FTargetCharset: TMimeChar;
51 FSecondary: string;
52 FDescription: string;
53 FDisposition: string;
54 FContentID: string;
55 FBoundary: string;
56 FFileName: string;
57 FLines: PStrList;
58 FDecodedLines: PStream;//TMemoryStream;
59 procedure SetPrimary(Value: string);
60 procedure SetEncoding(Value: string);
61 procedure SetCharset(Value: string);
62 public
63 destructor Destroy;virtual;
64 procedure Clear;
65 function ExtractPart(Value: PStrList; BeginLine: Integer): Integer;
66 procedure DecodePart;
67 procedure EncodePart;
68 procedure MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string);
69 property Primary: string read FPrimary write SetPrimary;
70 property Encoding: string read FEncoding write SetEncoding;
71 property Charset: string read FCharset write SetCharset;
72 property PrimaryCode: TMimePrimary read FPrimaryCode Write FPrimaryCode;
73 property EncodingCode: TMimeEncoding read FEncodingCode Write FEncodingCode;
74 property CharsetCode: TMimeChar read FCharsetCode Write FCharsetCode;
75 property TargetCharset: TMimeChar read FTargetCharset Write FTargetCharset;
76 property Secondary: string read FSecondary Write FSecondary;
77 property Description: string read FDescription Write FDescription;
78 property Disposition: string read FDisposition Write FDisposition;
79 property ContentID: string read FContentID Write FContentID;
80 property Boundary: string read FBoundary Write FBoundary;
81 property FileName: string read FFileName Write FFileName;
82 property Lines: PStrList read FLines;
83 property DecodedLines: PStream read FDecodedLines;
84 end;
86 const
87 MaxMimeType = 25;
88 MimeType: array[0..MaxMimeType, 0..2] of string =
90 ('AU', 'audio', 'basic'),
91 ('AVI', 'video', 'x-msvideo'),
92 ('BMP', 'image', 'BMP'),
93 ('DOC', 'application', 'MSWord'),
94 ('EPS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
95 ('GIF', 'image', 'GIF'),
96 ('JPEG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
97 ('JPG', 'image', 'JPEG'),
98 ('MID', 'audio', 'midi'),
99 ('MOV', 'video', 'quicktime'),
100 ('MPEG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
101 ('MPG', 'video', 'MPEG'),
102 ('MP2', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
103 ('MP3', 'audio', 'mpeg'),
104 ('PDF', 'application', 'PDF'),
105 ('PNG', 'image', 'PNG'),
106 ('PS', 'application', 'Postscript'),
107 ('QT', 'video', 'quicktime'),
108 ('RA', 'audio', 'x-realaudio'),
109 ('RTF', 'application', 'RTF'),
110 ('SND', 'audio', 'basic'),
111 ('TIF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
112 ('TIFF', 'image', 'TIFF'),
113 ('WAV', 'audio', 'x-wav'),
114 ('WPD', 'application', 'Wordperfect5.1'),
115 ('ZIP', 'application', 'ZIP')
118 function NormalizeHeader(Value: PStrList; var Index: Integer): string;
119 function GenerateBoundary: string;
121 function NewMimePart : PMimePart;
123 implementation
125 function NormalizeHeader(Value: PStrList; var Index: Integer): string;
127 s, t: string;
128 n: Integer;
129 begin
130 s := Value.Items[Index];
131 Inc(Index);
132 if s <> '' then
133 while (Value.Count - 1) > Index do
134 begin
135 t := Value.Items[Index];
136 if t = '' then
137 Break;
138 for n := 1 to Length(t) do
139 if t[n] = #9 then
140 t[n] := ' ';
141 if t[1] <> ' ' then
142 Break
143 else
144 begin
145 s := s + ' ' + Trim(t);
146 Inc(Index);
147 end;
148 end;
149 Result := s;
150 end;
152 {==============================================================================}
155 function NewMimePart : PMimePart;
156 begin
157 New(Result,Create);
158 Result.FLines := NewStrList;//TStringList.Create;
159 Result.FDecodedLines := NewMemoryStream;//TMemoryStream.Create;
160 Result.FTargetCharset := GetCurCP;
161 end;
163 destructor TMIMEPart.Destroy;
164 begin
165 FDecodedLines.Free;
166 FLines.Free;
167 inherited Destroy;
168 end;
170 {==============================================================================}
172 procedure TMIMEPart.Clear;
173 begin
174 FPrimary := '';
175 FEncoding := '';
176 FCharset := '';
177 FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT;
178 FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT;
179 FCharsetCode := ISO_8859_1;
180 FTargetCharset := GetCurCP;
181 FSecondary := '';
182 FDisposition := '';
183 FContentID := '';
184 FDescription := '';
185 FBoundary := '';
186 FFileName := '';
187 FLines.Clear;
188 // FDecodedLines.Clear;
189 FDecodedLines.Size := 0;
190 end;
192 {==============================================================================}
194 function TMIMEPart.ExtractPart(Value: PStrList; BeginLine: Integer): Integer;
196 n, x, x1, x2: Integer;
197 t: PStrList;
198 s, su, b: string;
199 st, st2: string;
200 e: Boolean;
201 fn: string;
202 begin
203 t := NewStrList;//TStringlist.Create;
205 { defaults }
206 FLines.Clear;
207 Primary := 'text';
208 FSecondary := 'plain';
209 FDescription := '';
210 Charset := 'US-ASCII';
211 FFileName := '';
212 Encoding := '7BIT';
214 fn := '';
215 x := BeginLine;
216 b := FBoundary;
217 { if multipart - skip pre-part }
218 if b <> '' then
219 while Value.Count > x do
220 begin
221 s := Value.Items[x];
222 Inc(x);
223 if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then
224 Break;
225 end;
227 { parse header }
228 while Value.Count > x do
229 begin
230 s := NormalizeHeader(Value, x);
231 if s = '' then
232 Break;
233 su := UpperCase(s);
234 if Pos('CONTENT-TYPE:', su) = 1 then
235 begin
236 st := SeparateRight(su, ':');
237 st2 := SeparateLeft(st, ';');
238 Primary := SeparateLeft(st2, '/');
239 FSecondary := SeparateRight(st2, '/');
240 if (FSecondary = Primary) and (Pos('/', st2) < 1) then
241 FSecondary := '';
242 case FPrimaryCode of
243 MP_TEXT:
244 begin
245 Charset := UpperCase(GetParameter(s, 'charset='));
246 FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name=');
247 end;
249 FBoundary := GetParameter(s, 'Boundary=');
251 begin
252 end;
254 FFileName := GetParameter(s, 'name=');
255 end;
256 end;
257 if Pos('CONTENT-TRANSFER-ENCODING:', su) = 1 then
258 Encoding := SeparateRight(su, ':');
259 if Pos('CONTENT-DESCRIPTION:', su) = 1 then
260 FDescription := SeparateRight(s, ':');
261 if Pos('CONTENT-DISPOSITION:', su) = 1 then
262 begin
263 FDisposition := SeparateRight(su, ':');
264 FDisposition := Trim(SeparateLeft(FDisposition, ';'));
265 fn := GetParameter(s, 'FileName=');
266 end;
267 if Pos('CONTENT-ID:', su) = 1 then
268 FContentID := SeparateRight(s, ':');
269 end;
271 if (PrimaryCode = MP_BINARY) and (FFileName = '') then
272 FFileName := fn;
273 FFileName := InlineDecode(FFileName, getCurCP);
274 FFileName := ExtractFileName(FFileName);
276 { finding part content x1-begin x2-end }
277 x1 := x;
278 x2 := Value.Count - 1;
279 { if multipart - end is before next boundary }
280 if b <> '' then
281 begin
282 for n := x to Value.Count - 1 do
283 begin
284 x2 := n;
285 s := Value.Items[n];
286 if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then
287 begin
288 Dec(x2);
289 Break;
290 end;
291 end;
292 end;
293 { if content is multipart - content is delimited by their boundaries }
294 if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then
295 begin
296 for n := x to Value.Count - 1 do
297 begin
298 s := Value.Items[n];
299 if Pos('--' + FBoundary, s) = 1 then
300 begin
301 x1 := n;
302 Break;
303 end;
304 end;
305 for n := Value.Count - 1 downto x do
306 begin
307 s := Value.Items[n];
308 if Pos('--' + FBoundary, s) = 1 then
309 begin
310 x2 := n;
311 Break;
312 end;
313 end;
314 end;
315 { copy content }
316 for n := x1 to x2 do
317 FLines.Add(Value.Items[n]);
318 Result := x2;
319 { if content is multipart - find real end }
320 if FPrimaryCode = MP_MULTIPART then
321 begin
322 e := False;
323 for n := x2 + 1 to Value.Count - 1 do
324 if Pos('--' + b, Value.Items[n]) = 1 then
325 begin
326 e := True;
327 Break;
328 end;
329 if not e then
330 Result := Value.Count - 1;
331 end;
332 { if multipart - skip ending postpart}
333 if b <> '' then
334 begin
335 x1 := Result;
336 for n := x1 to Value.Count - 1 do
337 begin
338 s := Value.Items[n];
339 if Pos('--' + b, s) = 1 then
340 begin
341 s := TrimRight(s);
342 x := Length(s);
343 if x > 4 then
344 if (s[x] = '-') and (S[x-1] = '-') then
345 Result := Value.Count - 1;
346 Break;
347 end;
348 end;
349 end;
350 finally
351 t.Free;
352 end;
353 end;
355 {==============================================================================}
357 procedure TMIMEPart.DecodePart;
358 const
359 CRLF = #13#10;
361 n: Integer;
362 s: string;
363 begin
364 FDecodedLines.Size := 0;// FDecodedLines.Clear;
365 for n := 0 to FLines.Count - 1 do
366 begin
367 s := FLines.Items[n];
368 case FEncodingCode of
369 ME_7BIT:
370 s := s + CRLF;
371 ME_8BIT:
372 begin
373 s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset);
374 s := s + CRLF;
375 end;
377 begin
378 if s = '' then
379 s := CRLF
380 else
381 if s[Length(s)] <> '=' then
382 s := s + CRLF;
383 s := DecodeQuotedPrintable(s);
384 if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then
385 s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset);
386 end;
387 ME_BASE64:
388 begin
389 if s <> '' then
390 s := DecodeBase64(s);
391 if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then
392 s := CharsetConversion(s, FCharsetCode, FTargetCharset);
393 end;
394 ME_UU:
395 if s <> '' then
396 s := DecodeUU(s);
397 ME_XX:
398 if s <> '' then
399 s := DecodeXX(s);
400 end;
401 FDecodedLines.Write(Pointer(s)^, Length(s));
402 end;
403 FDecodedLines.Seek(0,spBegin);
404 end;
406 {==============================================================================}
408 procedure TMIMEPart.EncodePart;
410 l: PStrList;
411 s, buff: string;
412 n, x: Integer;
413 begin
414 if (FEncodingCode = ME_UU) or (FEncodingCode = ME_XX) then
415 Encoding := 'base64';
416 l := NewStrList;//TStringList.Create;
417 FLines.Clear;
418 FDecodedLines.Seek(0, spBegin);
420 case FPrimaryCode of
422 FLines.LoadFromStream(FDecodedLines,false);
424 if FEncodingCode = ME_BASE64 then
425 begin
426 while FDecodedLines.Position < FDecodedLines.Size do
427 begin
428 Setlength(Buff, 54);
429 s := '';
430 x := FDecodedLines.Read(pointer(Buff)^, 54);
431 for n := 1 to x do
432 s := s + Buff[n];
433 if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then
434 s := CharsetConversion(s, FTargetCharset, FCharsetCode);
435 s := EncodeBase64(s);
436 FLines.Add(s);
437 end;
439 else
440 begin
441 l.LoadFromStream(FDecodedLines,false);
442 for n := 0 to l.Count - 1 do
443 begin
444 s := l.Items[n];
445 if FPrimaryCode = MP_TEXT then
446 s := CharsetConversion(s, FTargetCharset, FCharsetCode);
447 s := EncodeQuotedPrintable(s);
448 FLines.Add(s);
449 end;
450 end;
452 end;
453 FLines.Add('');
454 FLines.Insert(0, '');
455 if FSecondary = '' then
456 case FPrimaryCode of
457 MP_TEXT:
458 FSecondary := 'plain';
460 FSecondary := 'mixed';
462 FSecondary := 'rfc822';
464 FSecondary := 'octet-stream';
465 end;
466 if FDescription <> '' then
467 FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Description: ' + FDescription);
468 if FDisposition <> '' then
469 begin
470 s := '';
471 if FFileName <> '' then
472 s := '; FileName="' + FFileName + '"';
473 FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Disposition: ' + LowerCase(FDisposition) + s);
474 end;
475 if FContentID <> '' then
476 FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-ID: ' + FContentID);
478 case FEncodingCode of
479 ME_7BIT:
480 s := '7bit';
481 ME_8BIT:
482 s := '8bit';
484 s := 'Quoted-printable';
485 ME_BASE64:
486 s := 'Base64';
487 end;
488 case FPrimaryCode of
489 MP_TEXT,
490 MP_BINARY: FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: ' + s);
491 end;
492 case FPrimaryCode of
493 MP_TEXT:
494 s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; charset=' + GetIDfromCP(FCharsetCode);
496 s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; boundary="' + FBoundary + '"';
498 s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '';
500 s := FPrimary + '/' + FSecondary + '; name="' + FFileName + '"';
501 end;
502 FLines.Insert(0, 'Content-type: ' + s);
503 finally
504 l.Free;
505 end;
506 end;
508 {==============================================================================}
510 procedure TMIMEPart.MimeTypeFromExt(Value: string);
512 s: string;
513 n: Integer;
514 begin
515 Primary := '';
516 FSecondary := '';
517 s := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Value));
518 if s = '' then
519 s := UpperCase(Value);
520 s := SeparateRight(s, '.');
521 for n := 0 to MaxMimeType do
522 if MimeType[n, 0] = s then
523 begin
524 Primary := MimeType[n, 1];
525 FSecondary := MimeType[n, 2];
526 Break;
527 end;
528 if Primary = '' then
529 Primary := 'application';
530 if FSecondary = '' then
531 FSecondary := 'octet-string';
532 end;
534 {==============================================================================}
536 procedure TMIMEPart.SetPrimary(Value: string);
538 s: string;
539 begin
540 FPrimary := Value;
541 s := UpperCase(Value);
542 FPrimaryCode := MP_BINARY;
543 if Pos('TEXT', s) = 1 then
544 FPrimaryCode := MP_TEXT;
545 if Pos('MULTIPART', s) = 1 then
546 FPrimaryCode := MP_MULTIPART;
547 if Pos('MESSAGE', s) = 1 then
548 FPrimaryCode := MP_MESSAGE;
549 end;
551 procedure TMIMEPart.SetEncoding(Value: string);
553 s: string;
554 begin
555 FEncoding := Value;
556 s := UpperCase(Value);
557 FEncodingCode := ME_7BIT;
558 if Pos('8BIT', s) = 1 then
559 FEncodingCode := ME_8BIT;
560 if Pos('QUOTED-PRINTABLE', s) = 1 then
561 FEncodingCode := ME_QUOTED_PRINTABLE;
562 if Pos('BASE64', s) = 1 then
563 FEncodingCode := ME_BASE64;
564 if Pos('X-UU', s) = 1 then
565 FEncodingCode := ME_UU;
566 if Pos('X-XX', s) = 1 then
567 FEncodingCode := ME_XX;
568 end;
570 procedure TMIMEPart.SetCharset(Value: string);
571 begin
572 FCharset := Value;
573 FCharsetCode := GetCPFromID(Value);
574 end;
576 {==============================================================================}
578 function GenerateBoundary: string;
580 x: Integer;
581 begin
582 Randomize;
583 x := Random(MaxInt);
584 Result := '--' + Int2Hex(x, 8) + '_Synapse_message_boundary--';
585 end;
587 end.