initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / units / indy / KOLClasses.pas
1 // 7-dec-2002
2 // 25-apr-2003
3 unit KOLClasses;
5 interface
7 uses KOL,Windows;
9 type
10 TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError);
12 TThreadList = object(TObj)
13 private
14 FList: PList;//TList;
15 FLock: TRTLCriticalSection;
16 FDuplicates: TDuplicates;
17 public
18 procedure Init; virtual;
19 // constructor Create;
20 destructor Destroy; virtual;//override;
21 procedure Add(Item: Pointer);
22 procedure Clear;
23 function LockList: PList;//TList;
24 procedure Remove(Item: Pointer);
25 procedure UnlockList;
26 property Duplicates: TDuplicates read FDuplicates write FDuplicates;
27 end;
29 PThreadList=^TThreadList;
31 function NewThreadList({ACollection: PCollection}): PThreadList;
33 type
35 PCollection = ^TCollection;
37 PCollectionItem = ^TCollectionItem;
38 TCollectionItem = object(TObj)
39 private
40 FCollection: PCollection;
41 FID: Integer;
42 // FACollection:PCollection;
43 function GetIndex: Integer;
44 procedure SetCollection(Value: PCollection);
45 protected
46 FACollection:PCollection;
47 procedure Changed(AllItems: Boolean);
48 function GetOwner: PObj; // override;
49 function GetDisplayName: string; virtual;
50 procedure SetIndex(Value: Integer); virtual;
51 procedure SetDisplayName(const Value: string); virtual;
52 public
53 { constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); virtual;
54 } destructor Destroy;
55 virtual;
56 procedure Init; virtual;
57 procedure Assign(Source: PCollectionItem);
58 function GetNamePath: string; //override;
59 property Collection: PCollection read FCollection write SetCollection;
60 property ID: Integer read FID;
61 property Index: Integer read GetIndex write SetIndex;
62 property DisplayName: string read GetDisplayName write SetDisplayName;
63 end;
65 TCollection = object(TObj)
66 private
67 // FItemClass: TCollectionItemClass;
68 FItems: PList;
69 FUpdateCount: Integer;
70 FNextID: Integer;
71 FPropName: string;
72 function GetCount: Integer;
73 function GetPropName: string;
74 procedure InsertItem(Item: PCollectionItem);
75 procedure RemoveItem(Item: PCollectionItem);
76 protected
77 property NextID: Integer read FNextID;
78 { Design-time editor support }
79 function GetAttrCount: Integer; // dynamic;
80 function GetAttr(Index: Integer): string; // dynamic;
81 function GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string; // dynamic;
82 procedure Changed;
83 function GetItem(Index: Integer): PCollectionItem;
84 procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: PCollectionItem);
85 procedure SetItemName(Item: PCollectionItem); virtual;
86 procedure Update(Item: PCollectionItem); virtual;
87 property PropName: string read GetPropName write FPropName;
88 property UpdateCount: Integer read FUpdateCount;
89 public
90 { constructor Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
91 } destructor Destroy;
92 virtual;
93 procedure Init; virtual;
94 function Add: PCollectionItem;
95 procedure Assign(Source: PObj); // override;
96 procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;
97 procedure Clear;
98 procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
99 procedure EndUpdate; virtual;
100 function FindItemID(ID: Integer): PCollectionItem;
101 function GetNamePath: string; // override;
102 function Insert(Index: Integer): PCollectionItem;
103 property Count: Integer read GetCount;
104 // property ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass read FItemClass;
105 property Items[Index: Integer]: PCollectionItem read GetItem write SetItem;
106 end;
107 //Pllection=^ollection;
109 { Collection class that maintains an "Owner" in order to obtain property
110 path information at design-time }
112 POwnedCollection = ^TOwnedCollection;
113 TOwnedCollection = object(TCollection)
114 private
115 FOwner: PObj;
116 protected
117 function GetOwner: PObj; // override;
118 public
119 // procedure Init; virtual;
120 { constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent; ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
122 end;
123 //Plection=^llection;
124 //function Newlection(AOwner: TPersistent; ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass):Plection; type MyStupid20258=DWord;
125 function NewOwnedCollection(AOwner: PObj {;
126 ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass}): POwnedCollection;
127 function NewCollection(Collection: PCollection): PCollection;
128 function NewCollectionItem(ACollection: PCollection): PCollectionItem;
130 type
131 PStringStream=^TStringStream;
132 TStringStream=object(TStream)
133 private
134 // FDataString: string;
135 // FPosition: Integer;
136 function GetDataString:String;
137 protected
138 procedure SetSize(NewSize: Longint); //override;
139 public
140 // constructor Create(const AString: string);
141 function Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; //override;
142 function ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
143 function Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint; //override;
144 function Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint; //override;
145 procedure WriteString(const AString: string);
146 property DataString: string read GetDataString;
147 end;
149 PStringStreamData=^TStringStreamData;
150 TStringStreamData=packed record
151 FDataString: string;
152 FPosition: Integer;
153 end;
155 function NewStringStream(const AString: string):PStringStream;
159 implementation
161 function NewCollectionItem(ACollection: PCollection): PCollectionItem;
162 //constructor TCollectionItem.Create(Collection: PCollection);
163 begin
164 New(Result, Create);
165 with Result^ do
166 FACollection:=ACollection;
167 Result.Init;
168 // with Result^ do
169 // SetCollection(Collection);
170 end;
172 procedure TCollectionItem.Init;
173 begin
174 SetCollection(FACollection);//Collection);
175 end;
177 destructor TCollectionItem.Destroy;
178 begin
179 SetCollection(nil);
180 inherited Destroy;
181 end;
183 procedure TCollectionItem.Changed(AllItems: Boolean);
185 Item: PCollectionItem;
186 begin
187 if (FCollection <> nil) and (FCollection.FUpdateCount = 0) then
188 begin
189 if AllItems then
190 Item := nil
191 else
192 Item := @Self;
193 FCollection.Update(Item);
194 end;
195 end;
197 function TCollectionItem.GetIndex: Integer;
198 begin
199 if FCollection <> nil then
200 Result := FCollection.FItems.IndexOf(@Self)
201 else
202 Result := -1;
203 end;
205 function TCollectionItem.GetDisplayName: string;
206 begin
207 // Result := ClassName;
208 end;
210 function TCollectionItem.GetNamePath: string;
211 begin
212 if FCollection <> nil then
213 Result := Format('%s[%d]', [FCollection.GetNamePath, Index]);
214 { else
215 Result := ClassName;}
216 end;
218 function TCollectionItem.GetOwner: PObj;
219 begin
220 Result := FCollection;
221 end;
223 procedure TCollectionItem.SetCollection(Value: PCollection);
224 begin
225 if FCollection <> Value then
226 begin
227 if FCollection <> nil then
228 FCollection.RemoveItem(@Self);
229 if Value <> nil then
230 Value.InsertItem(@Self);
231 end;
232 end;
234 procedure TCollectionItem.SetDisplayName(const Value: string);
235 begin
236 Changed(False);
237 end;
239 procedure TCollectionItem.SetIndex(Value: Integer);
241 CurIndex: Integer;
242 begin
243 CurIndex := GetIndex;
244 if (CurIndex >= 0) and (CurIndex <> Value) then
245 begin
246 FCollection.FItems.MoveItem(CurIndex, Value);
247 Changed(True);
248 end;
249 end;
251 { TCollection }
253 function NewCollection(Collection: PCollection): PCollection;
254 //constructor TCollection.Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
255 begin
256 New(Result, Create);
257 Result.Init;
258 { with Result^ do
259 begin
260 // FItemClass := ItemClass;
261 FItems := NewList; //TList.Create;
262 end; }
263 end;
265 procedure TCollection.Init;
266 begin
267 // FItemClass := ItemClass;
268 FItems := NewList; //TList.Create;
269 end;
271 destructor TCollection.Destroy;
272 begin
273 FUpdateCount := 1;
274 if FItems <> nil then
275 Clear;
276 FItems.Free;
277 inherited Destroy;
278 end;
280 function TCollection.Add: PCollectionItem;
281 begin
282 Result := NewCollectionItem(@Self); //FItemClass.Create(Self);
283 end;
285 procedure TCollection.Assign(Source: PObj);
287 I: Integer;
288 begin
289 if TCollection.AncestorOfObject(Source) { is TCollection} then
290 begin
291 BeginUpdate;
293 Clear;
294 for I := 0 to PCollection(Source).Count - 1 do
295 Add.Assign(PCollection(Source).Items[I]);
296 finally
297 EndUpdate;
298 end;
299 Exit;
300 end;
301 // inherited Assign(Source);
302 end;
304 procedure TCollection.BeginUpdate;
305 begin
306 Inc(FUpdateCount);
307 end;
309 procedure TCollection.Changed;
310 begin
311 if FUpdateCount = 0 then
312 Update(nil);
313 end;
315 procedure TCollection.Clear;
316 begin
317 if FItems.Count > 0 then
318 begin
319 BeginUpdate;
321 while FItems.Count > 0 do
322 PCollectionItem(FItems.Last).Free;
323 finally
324 EndUpdate;
325 end;
326 end;
327 end;
329 procedure TCollection.EndUpdate;
330 begin
331 Dec(FUpdateCount);
332 Changed;
333 end;
335 function TCollection.FindItemID(ID: Integer): PCollectionItem;
337 I: Integer;
338 begin
339 for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
340 begin
341 Result := PCollectionItem(FItems.Items[I]);
342 if Result.ID = ID then
343 Exit;
344 end;
345 Result := nil;
346 end;
348 function TCollection.GetAttrCount: Integer;
349 begin
350 Result := 0;
351 end;
353 function TCollection.GetAttr(Index: Integer): string;
354 begin
355 Result := '';
356 end;
358 function TCollection.GetItemAttr(Index, ItemIndex: Integer): string;
359 begin
360 Result := Items[ItemIndex].DisplayName;
361 end;
363 function TCollection.GetCount: Integer;
364 begin
365 Result := FItems.Count;
366 end;
368 function TCollection.GetItem(Index: Integer): PCollectionItem;
369 begin
370 Result := FItems.Items[Index];
371 end;
373 function TCollection.GetNamePath: string;
375 S, P: string;
376 begin
377 // Result := ClassName;
378 // if GetOwner = nil then Exit;
379 // S := GetOwner.GetNamePath;
380 if S = '' then
381 Exit;
382 P := PropName;
383 if P = '' then
384 Exit;
385 Result := S + '.' + P;
386 end;
388 function TCollection.GetPropName: string;
389 //var
390 // I: Integer;
391 // Props: PPropList;
392 // TypeData: PTypeData;
393 // Owner: PObj; //TPersistent;
394 begin
395 Result := FPropName;
396 { Owner := GetOwner;
397 if (Result <> '') or (Owner = nil) or (Owner.ClassInfo = nil) then Exit;
398 TypeData := GetTypeData(Owner.ClassInfo);
399 if (TypeData = nil) or (TypeData^.PropCount = 0) then Exit;
400 GetMem(Props, TypeData^.PropCount * sizeof(Pointer));
402 GetPropInfos(Owner.ClassInfo, Props);
403 for I := 0 to TypeData^.PropCount-1 do
404 begin
405 with Props^[I]^ do
406 if (PropType^^.Kind = tkClass) and
407 (GetOrdProp(Owner, Props^[I]) = Integer(Self)) then
408 FPropName := Name;
409 end;
410 finally
411 Freemem(Props);
412 end;}
413 Result := FPropName;
414 end;
416 function TCollection.Insert(Index: Integer): PCollectionItem;
417 begin
418 Result := Add;
419 Result.Index := Index;
420 end;
422 // Out param is more code efficient for interfaces than function result
423 {procedure GetDesigner(Obj: TPersistent; out Result: IDesignerNotify);
425 Temp: TPersistent;
426 begin
427 Result := nil;
428 if Obj = nil then Exit;
429 Temp := Obj.GetOwner;
430 if Temp = nil then
431 begin
432 if (Obj is TComponent) and (csDesigning in TComponent(Obj).ComponentState) then
433 TComponent(Obj).QueryInterface(IDesignerNotify, Result);
435 else
436 begin
437 if (Obj is TComponent) and
438 not (csDesigning in TComponent(Obj).ComponentState) then Exit;
439 GetDesigner(Temp, Result);
440 end;
441 end;}
443 {function FindRootDesigner(Obj: TPersistent): IDesignerNotify;
444 begin
445 GetDesigner(Obj, Result);
446 end;}
448 {procedure NotifyDesigner(Self, Item: TPersistent; Operation: TOperation);
450 Designer: IDesignerNotify;
451 begin
452 GetDesigner(Self, Designer);
453 if Designer <> nil then
454 Designer.Notification(Item, Operation);
455 end;}
457 procedure TCollection.InsertItem(Item: PCollectionItem);
458 begin
459 // if not (Item is FItemClass) then
460 // TList.Error(@SInvalidProperty, 0);
461 FItems.Add(Item);
462 Item.FCollection := @Self;
463 Item.FID := FNextID;
464 Inc(FNextID);
465 SetItemName(Item);
466 Changed;
467 // NotifyDesigner(Self, Item, opInsert);
468 end;
470 procedure TCollection.RemoveItem(Item: PCollectionItem);
471 begin
472 // NotifyDesigner(Self, Item, opRemove);
473 FItems.Remove(Item);
474 Item.FCollection := nil;
475 Changed;
476 end;
478 procedure TCollection.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: PCollectionItem);
479 begin
480 PCollectionItem(FItems.Items[Index]).Assign(Value);
481 end;
483 procedure TCollection.SetItemName(Item: PCollectionItem);
484 begin
485 end;
487 procedure TCollection.Update(Item: PCollectionItem);
488 begin
489 end;
491 procedure TCollection.Delete(Index: Integer);
492 begin
493 PCollectionItem(FItems.Items[Index]).Free;
494 end;
496 { TOwnedCollection }
498 function NewOwnedCollection(AOwner: PObj {;
499 ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass}): POwnedCollection;
500 {constructor TOwnedCollection.Create(AOwner: TPersistent;
501 ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);}
502 begin
503 New(Result, Create);
504 with Result^ do
505 FOwner := AOwner;
506 // inherited Create(ItemClass);
507 end;
509 function TOwnedCollection.GetOwner: PObj;
510 begin
511 Result := FOwner;
512 end;
514 procedure TCollectionItem.Assign(Source: PCollectionItem);
515 begin
516 Collection := Source.Collection;
517 FID := Source.FID; // ???
518 Index := Source.Index;
519 DisplayName := Source.DisplayName;
520 end;
522 {constructor TStringStream.Create(const AString: string);
523 begin
524 inherited Create;
525 FDataString := AString;
526 end;}
528 function TStringStream.Read(var Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
530 CData:PStringStreamData;
531 begin
532 CData:=CustomData;
533 Result := Length(CData.FDataString) - CData.FPosition;
534 if Result > Count then Result := Count;
535 Move(PChar(@CData.FDataString[Data.FPosition + 1])^, Buffer, Result);
536 Inc(CData.FPosition, Result);
537 end;
539 function TStringStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Longint): Longint;
541 CData:PStringStreamData;
542 begin
543 CData:=CustomData;
544 Result := Count;
545 SetLength(CData.FDataString, (CData.FPosition + Result));
546 Move(Buffer, PChar(@CData.FDataString[Data.FPosition + 1])^, Result);
547 Inc(CData.FPosition, Result);
548 end;
550 function TStringStream.Seek(Offset: Longint; Origin: Word): Longint;
552 CData:PStringStreamData;
553 begin
554 CData:=CustomData;
555 { case Origin of
556 soFromBeginning: FPosition := Offset;
557 soFromCurrent: FPosition := FPosition + Offset;
558 soFromEnd: FPosition := Length(FDataString) - Offset;
559 end;}
560 if CData.FPosition > Length(CData.FDataString) then
561 CData.FPosition := Length(CData.FDataString)
562 else if CData.FPosition < 0 then CData.FPosition := 0;
563 Result := CData.FPosition;
564 end;
566 function TStringStream.ReadString(Count: Longint): string;
568 Len: Integer;
569 CData:PStringStreamData;
570 begin
571 CData:=CustomData;
572 with CData^ do
573 begin
574 Len := Length(FDataString) - FPosition;
575 if Len > Count then Len := Count;
576 SetString(Result, PChar(@FDataString[FPosition + 1]), Len);
577 Inc(FPosition, Len);
578 end;
579 end;
581 procedure TStringStream.WriteString(const AString: string);
582 begin
583 Write(PChar(AString)^, Length(AString));
584 end;
586 procedure TStringStream.SetSize(NewSize: Longint);
588 CData:PStringStreamData;
589 begin
590 CData:=CustomData;
591 with CData^ do
592 begin
593 SetLength(FDataString, NewSize);
594 if FPosition > NewSize then FPosition := NewSize;
595 end;
596 end;
598 function TStringStream.GetDataString:String;
600 CData:PStringStreamData;
601 begin
602 Result:=CData.FDataString;
603 end;
605 function NewStringStream(const AString: string):PStringStream;
607 CData:PStringStreamData;
608 begin
609 // New( Result, Create );
610 // Move( StreamMethods, Result.fMethods, Sizeof( TStreamMethods ) );
611 // Result.fPMethods := @Result.fMethods;
612 Result:=PStringStream(NewMemoryStream);
614 with Result^ do
615 begin
616 // inherited Create;
617 GetMem(CData,Sizeof(CData^));
618 FillChar(CData^,Sizeof(CData^),0);
619 Result.CustomData:=CData;
621 CData.FDataString := AString;
622 end;
623 end;
625 { TThreadList }
627 procedure TThreadList.Add(Item: Pointer);
628 begin
629 LockList;
630 // try
631 if (Duplicates = dupAccept) or
632 (FList.IndexOf(Item) = -1) then
633 FList.Add(Item)
634 else if Duplicates = dupError then
635 begin
636 // FList.Error(@SDuplicateItem, Integer(Item));
637 end;
638 // finally
639 UnlockList;
640 // end;
641 end;
643 procedure TThreadList.Clear;
644 begin
645 LockList;
647 FList.Clear;
648 finally
649 UnlockList;
650 end;
652 end;
654 destructor TThreadList.Destroy;
655 begin
656 LockList; // Make sure nobody else is inside the list.
658 FList.Free;
659 inherited Destroy;
660 finally
661 UnlockList;
662 DeleteCriticalSection(FLock);
663 end;
664 end;
666 procedure TThreadList.Init;
667 begin
668 inherited;// Create;
669 InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);
670 FList := NewList;//TList.Create;
671 FDuplicates := dupIgnore;
672 end;
674 function TThreadList.LockList: PList;//TList;
675 begin
676 EnterCriticalSection(FLock);
677 Result := FList;
678 end;
680 procedure TThreadList.Remove(Item: Pointer);
681 begin
682 LockList;
684 FList.Remove(Item);
685 finally
686 UnlockList;
687 end;
688 end;
690 procedure TThreadList.UnlockList;
691 begin
692 LeaveCriticalSection(FLock);
693 end;
695 function NewThreadList({ACollection: PCollection}): PThreadList;
696 begin
697 New( Result, Create );
698 Result.Init;
699 { inherited Create;
700 InitializeCriticalSection(FLock);
701 FList := TList.Create;
702 FDuplicates := dupIgnore;}
703 end;
705 end.