initial commit
[rofl0r-KOL.git] / USrv.pas
1 Unit USrv;
3 interface
4 uses Windows, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Messages, Dialogs,
5 SysUtils;
7 const WM_GETIMAGE = WM_USER + $0429;
9 function BitmapToRegion(Bitmap: TBitmap): HRGN;
10 function CopyToBitmap(Control: TControl; Bitmap: TBitmap; Anyway: boolean): boolean;
11 procedure CopyParentImage(Control: TControl; Dest: TCanvas);
12 procedure RestoreImage(DestDC: HDC; SrcBitmap: TBitmap; r: TRect;
13 dwROP: dword); overload;
14 procedure RestoreImage(DestDC: HDC; SrcBitmap: TBitmap; l, t, w, h: integer;
15 dwROP: dword); overload;
16 procedure AjustBitmap(const M: TBitmap; S, C: TColor);
17 procedure FadeBitmap(const M: TBitmap; C: TColor; D: byte);
18 function IncColor(C: TColor; D: integer): TColor;
20 implementation
22 function BitmapToRegion(Bitmap: TBitmap): HRGN;
23 var
24 X, Y: Integer;
25 XStart: Integer;
26 TransC: TColor;
27 R: HRGN;
28 begin
29 Result := 0;
30 with Bitmap do begin
31 TransC := Canvas.Pixels[0, 0];
32 for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do begin
33 X := 0;
34 while X < Width do begin
35 while (X < Width) and (Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] = TransC) do Inc(X);
36 if X >= Width then Break;
37 XStart := X;
38 while (X < Width) and (Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] <> TransC) do Inc(X);
39 R := CreateRectRgn(XStart, Y, X, Y + 1);
40 if Result = 0 then Result := R
41 else begin
42 CombineRgn(Result, Result, R, RGN_OR);
43 DeleteObject(R);
44 end;
45 end;
46 end;
47 end;
48 end;
50 function CopyToBitmap;
51 var x, y: integer;
52 begin
53 Result := False;
54 if Control = nil then exit;
55 x := BitMap.Width - 2;
56 y := BitMap.Height - 2;
57 if (Anyway) or
58 (x + 2 <> Control.Width) or
59 (y + 2 <> Control.Height) or
60 (BitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] = $FFFFFF) or
61 (BitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] = $000000) then begin
62 BitMap.Width := Control.Width;
63 BitMap.Height := Control.Height;
64 CopyParentImage(Control, BitMap.Canvas);
65 Result := True;
66 end;
67 end;
69 type
70 TParentControl = class(TWinControl);
72 procedure CopyParentImage(Control: TControl; Dest: TCanvas);
73 var
74 I, Count, X, Y, SaveIndex: Integer;
75 DC: HDC;
76 R, SelfR, CtlR: TRect;
77 begin
78 if (Control = nil) or (Control.Parent = nil) then Exit;
79 Count := Control.Parent.ControlCount;
80 DC := Dest.Handle;
81 with Control.Parent do ControlState := ControlState + [csPaintCopy];
82 try
83 with Control do begin
84 SelfR := Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
85 X := -Left; Y := -Top;
86 end;
87 { Copy parent control image }
88 SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
89 try
90 if TParentControl(Control.Parent).Perform(
91 WM_GETIMAGE, DC, integer(@SelfR)) <> $29041961 then begin
92 SetViewportOrgEx(DC, X, Y, nil);
93 IntersectClipRect(DC, 0, 0, Control.Parent.ClientWidth,
94 Control.Parent.ClientHeight);
95 with TParentControl(Control.Parent) do begin
96 Perform(WM_ERASEBKGND, DC, 0);
97 PaintWindow(DC);
98 end;
99 end;
100 finally
101 RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
102 end;
103 { Copy images of graphic controls }
104 for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin
105 if Control.Parent.Controls[I] = Control then continue
106 else if (Control.Parent.Controls[I] <> nil) and
107 (Control.Parent.Controls[I] is TGraphicControl) then
108 begin
109 with TGraphicControl(Control.Parent.Controls[I]) do begin
110 CtlR := Bounds(Left, Top, Width, Height);
111 if Bool(IntersectRect(R, SelfR, CtlR)) and Visible then begin
112 ControlState := ControlState + [csPaintCopy];
113 SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);
115 if Perform(
116 WM_GETIMAGE, DC, integer(@SelfR)) <> $29041961 then begin
117 { SaveIndex := SaveDC(DC);}
118 SetViewportOrgEx(DC, Left + X, Top + Y, nil);
119 IntersectClipRect(DC, 0, 0, Width, Height);
120 Perform(WM_PAINT, DC, 0);
121 end;
122 finally
123 RestoreDC(DC, SaveIndex);
124 ControlState := ControlState - [csPaintCopy];
125 end;
126 end;
127 end;
128 end;
129 end;
130 finally
131 with Control.Parent do ControlState := ControlState - [csPaintCopy];
132 end;
133 end;
135 procedure RestoreImage(DestDC: HDC; SrcBitmap: TBitmap; r: TRect;
136 dwROP: dword); overload;
137 begin
138 RestoreImage(DestDC, SrcBitmap, r.Left, r.Top,
139 r.Right - r.Left, r.Bottom - r.Top, dwROP);
140 end;
142 procedure RestoreImage(DestDC: HDC; SrcBitmap: TBitmap; l, t, w, h: integer;
143 dwROP: dword); overload;
144 var x, y: integer;
145 begin
146 x := l + w div 2;
147 y := t + h div 2;
148 if (SrcBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] <> $FFFFFF) and
149 (SrcBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y] <> $000000) then begin
150 x := l;
151 y := t;
152 if y + h > SrcBitMap.Height then begin
153 y := SrcBitMap.Height - h;
154 end;
155 bitblt(DestDC, l, t, w, h,
156 SrcBitMap.Canvas.Handle, x, y, dwROP);
157 end;
158 end;
160 procedure SplitColor(C: TColor; var r, g, b: integer);
161 begin
162 b := (c and $FF0000) shr 16;
163 g := (c and $00FF00) shr 08;
164 r := (c and $0000FF) shr 00;
165 end;
167 procedure AjustBitmap;
168 var i, j: integer;
169 t: TBitmap;
175 b2: integer;
176 p: PRGBTriple;
178 function CalcColor(c1, c2, c3: integer): integer;
179 begin
180 if c1 = c3 then begin
181 Result := c2;
182 exit;
183 end;
185 if c1 = 0 then begin
186 Result := 0;
187 exit;
188 end;
190 { Result := 255 * c1 div c3 - c1 * (255 - c1) * (255 - c2) div c3 div (255 - c3);
191 exit;}
193 Result := c1 * c2 div c3;
194 if c2 = 0 then Result := c1 * 150 div 255;
195 if Result > 255 then Result := 255;
196 if Result < 50 then Result := Result + 50;
197 { exit;
198 a := trunc(x1 * 3);
199 a := c1 * (255 - c1) * c2 * (255 - c2) div c3 div (255 - c3);
200 a := 255 * 255 - 4 * a;
202 x1 := Trunc((255 - sqrt(a)) / 2);
203 x2 := Trunc((255 + sqrt(a)) / 2);
204 if x1 > x2 then Result := Trunc(x1)
205 else Result := Trunc(x2);
206 except
207 Result := 0;
208 end;}
209 end;
211 begin
212 if s = c then exit;
213 if m.Width = 0 then exit;
214 if m.Height = 0 then exit;
215 t := TBitmap.Create;
216 m.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
217 t.Assign(m);
218 SplitColor(ColorToRGB(s), r, g, b);
219 if r = 0 then r := 1;
220 if g = 0 then g := 1;
221 if b = 0 then b := 1;
222 SplitColor(ColorToRGB(c), r2, g2, b2);
223 for j := 0 to t.Height - 1 do begin
224 p := t.scanline[j];
225 for i := 0 to t.Width - 1 do begin
226 p.rgbtRed := CalcColor(p.rgbtRed, r2, r);
227 p.rgbtGreen := CalcColor(p.rgbtGreen, g2, g);
228 p.rgbtBlue := CalcColor(p.rgbtBlue, b2, b);
229 inc(p);
230 end;
231 end;
232 m.Assign(t);
233 t.Free;
234 end;
236 procedure FadeBitmap;
237 var i, j: integer;
238 t: TBitmap;
241 b: integer;
242 p: PRGBTriple;
244 function CalcColor(o: byte; c: byte; b: byte): byte;
245 var d: byte;
246 begin
247 Result := c;
248 if o > c then begin
249 d := $FF - c;
250 if d > b then d := b;
251 Result := c + c * d div 255;
252 end else
253 if o < c then begin
254 d := c;
255 if d > b then d := b;
256 Result := c - c * d div 255;
257 end;
258 end;
260 begin
261 if m.Width = 0 then exit;
262 if m.Height = 0 then exit;
263 t := TBitmap.Create;
264 m.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
265 t.Assign(m);
266 SplitColor(ColorToRGB(c), r, g, b);
267 if r = 0 then r := 1;
268 if g = 0 then g := 1;
269 if b = 0 then b := 1;
270 for j := 0 to t.Height - 1 do begin
271 p := t.scanline[j];
272 for i := 0 to t.Width - 1 do begin
273 p.rgbtRed := CalcColor(p.rgbtRed, r, d);
274 p.rgbtGreen := CalcColor(p.rgbtGreen, g, d);
275 p.rgbtBlue := CalcColor(p.rgbtBlue, b, d);
276 inc(p);
277 end;
278 end;
279 m.Assign(t);
280 t.Free;
281 end;
283 function IncColor;
284 var T: TColor;
285 P: PRGBTriple;
286 begin
287 T := ColorToRGB(C);
288 p := @T;
289 if D > 0 then begin
290 if p.rgbtBlue < 255 - D then p.rgbtBlue := p.rgbtBlue + D else p.rgbtBlue := 255;
291 if p.rgbtRed < 255 - D then p.rgbtRed := p.rgbtRed + D else p.rgbtRed := 255;
292 if p.rgbtGreen < 255 - D then p.rgbtGreen := p.rgbtGreen + D else p.rgbtGreen := 255;
293 end else begin
294 if p.rgbtBlue > D then p.rgbtBlue := p.rgbtBlue - D else p.rgbtBlue := 000;
295 if p.rgbtRed > D then p.rgbtRed := p.rgbtRed - D else p.rgbtRed := 000;
296 if p.rgbtGreen > D then p.rgbtGreen := p.rgbtGreen - D else p.rgbtGreen := 000;
297 end;
298 Result := T;
299 end;
301 end.