descriptionGNOME music player
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last changeThu, 14 Dec 2006 16:15:31 +0000 (14 16:15 +0000)
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This repository keeps track of Rhythmbox CVS repository Irregularly updated. If you have time to update it regularly, mail me.
2006-12-14 pcloudsudapted vi.pomaster
2006-12-14 arangelaUpdate - Macedonian translation by Arangel Angov <arang...
2006-12-14 serrador2006-12-14 Francisco Javier F. Serrador <serrador...
2006-12-14 ituohelaUpdated Finnish Translation
2006-12-14 pgeyleg*** empty log message ***
2006-12-13 arangelaUpdate - Macedonian Translation by Arangel Angov <arang...
2006-12-13 jrl2006-12-13 James Livingston <doclivingston@gmail...
2006-12-13 jmatthew2006-12-13 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan@kaolin.wh9...
2006-12-13 jmatthew2006-12-13 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan@kaolin.wh9...
2006-12-13 jmatthew2006-12-13 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan@kaolin.wh9...
2006-12-13 jmatthew2006-12-13 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan@kaolin.wh9...
2006-12-13 jmatthew2006-12-13 Jonathan Matthew <jonathan@kaolin.wh9...
2006-12-13 jrl2006-12-13 James Livingston <doclivingston@gmail...
2006-12-12 jrl2006-12-12 James Livingston <doclivingston@gmail...
2006-12-12 jrl2006-12-12 James Livingston <doclivingston@gmail...
2006-12-12 jrl2006-12-12 James Livingston <doclivingston@gmail...
16 years ago trunk
17 years ago master
17 years ago cvs_origin