add *r-interactive* variable -- set to 1 if working interactively in Common Lisp
[rclg.git] / rclg.asd
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
3 ;;; FIXME:AJR: if needed.
4 ;; (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'cffi)
6 (defpackage rclg-system
7   (:use :common-lisp :asdf))
9 (in-package :rclg-system)
11 (defsystem :rclg
12   :description "RCLG: R to CL gateway"
13   :version "2"
14   :author ","
15   :depends-on (:cffi) 
16   :components
17   ((:module src
18             :serial t
19             :components
20             ((:file "rclg-cffi-sysenv")
21              (:file "rclg-load"
22                     :depends-on ("rclg-cffi-sysenv"))
23              (:file "rclg-types")
24              (:file "rclg-util")
25              (:file "rclg-foreigns"
26                     :depends-on ("rclg-types"))
27              (:file "rclg-init"
28                     :depends-on ("rclg-foreigns"))
29              (:file "rclg-access"
30                     :depends-on ("rclg-types"))
31              (:file "rclg-convert"
32                     :depends-on ("rclg-foreigns"))
33              (:file "rclg-control" 
34                     :depends-on ("rclg-convert"
35                                  "rclg-foreigns"
36                                  "rclg-init"))
37              (:file "rclg-abstractions"
38                     :depends-on ("rclg-util"
39                                  "rclg-control"))
40              (:file "rclg" 
41                     :depends-on ("rclg-abstractions"
42                                  "rclg-access"
43                                  "rclg-convert"
44                                  "rclg-control"
45                                  "rclg-foreigns"
46                                  "rclg-init"
47                                  "rclg-load" ))))))