some minor tweaks to some mpl files and color filter updates
[quplot.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
4 import matplotlib as mpl
5 import numpy as np
6 import as cm
7 import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9 import matplotlib.patches as patch
10 import matplotlib.colors as col
12 FOUT = '../latex2/images/dimer_sympartner.png'
13 FCOF = '../rk_out.dat'
14 FP1 = '../rk_point1.dat'
15 FP2 = '../rk_point2.dat'
16 FVEL = "../rk_velo.dat"
18 L = 2*np.pi
19 w = 0.1
20 tau = L/w
21 evry = 1 # plot periodicity, don't set < 10 (bug)
22 offx = -98 # offset of (x,y) in L
23 offy = 94
24 tfrom = 80 # from t
25 tto = 100 # to t
26 acangle = 58 # angle of ac drive
27 dcangle = 0 # angle of dc bias
28 sperx = 4 # spacial periodicity
29 spery = 3
30 pad = 0.01 # small padding so the ticks get drawn correctly...
31 msize = 40
32 res = (1440/80,900/80) # default dpi is 80
33 cmap = cm.gray_r # colormap
34 shader = False # applies ultra cool shadows to the map!
35 show_plot = False
36 xlabel = r'$x$'
37 ylabel = r'$y$'
38 cblabel = r'$\cos(x)\cos(y)+\cos(x)+\cos(y)$'
39 fs_ticks = 16
40 fs_labels = 24
41 cof_only = False
42 has_dc = False
43 test = False
44 show_cb = False
45 show_legend = False
46 show_annotations = False
47 thresh = 1
48 title = 'F = 0.1, alpha = 83, l = 3.0, a = 1.5, eta1 = 1.0, eta2 = 1.5, theta = 0'
50 ################################################################################
52 print "reading data..."
54 data_cof= mlab.csv2rec(FCOF, delimiter='\t', comments='#')
55 data_p1 = mlab.csv2rec(FP1, delimiter='\t', comments='#')
56 data_p2 = mlab.csv2rec(FP2, delimiter='\t', comments='#')
57 data_v = mlab.csv2rec(FVEL, delimiter='\t', comments='#')
59 t = data_cof.r
60 cofx = data_cof.x
61 cofy = data_cof.y
62 p1x = data_p1.x
63 p1y = data_p1.y
64 p2x = data_p2.x
65 p2y = data_p2.y
66 pxdiff = data_p2.x - data_p1.x
67 pydiff = data_p2.y - data_p1.y
68 vx = data_v.x
69 vy = data_v.y
71 print "done."
73 tstep = t[10] - t[9]
75 fromt = tfrom/tstep
76 tot = tto/tstep
78 tcx = [0.59,0.65,0.65,0.57,0.52,0.39]
79 tcy = [0.4,0.6,0.83,0.6,0.51,0.4]
80 tl = ["1","2","3","4","5","6"]
82 every = evry*tstep
83 trunc_cofx = cofx[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
84 trunc_cofy = cofy[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
85 trunc_p1x = p1x[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
86 trunc_p2x = p2x[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
87 trunc_p2y = p2y[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
88 trunc_p1y = p1y[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
89 trunc_pxdiff = pxdiff[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
90 trunc_pydiff = pydiff[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
91 trunc_t = t[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
92 trunc_vx = vx[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
93 trunc_vy = vy[fromt*tau:tot*tau:evry].tolist()
95 def uniquify(seq, idfun=None):
96 # order preserving
97 if idfun is None:
98 def idfun(x): return x
99 seen = {}
100 result = []
101 for item in seq:
102 marker = idfun(item)
103 # in old Python versions:
104 # # if seen.has_key(marker)
105 # # but in new ones:
106 if marker in seen: continue
107 seen[marker] = 1
108 result.append(item)
109 return result
111 trunc_p1x_eff = []
112 trunc_p2x_eff = []
113 trunc_p1y_eff = []
114 trunc_p2y_eff = []
115 trunc_pxdiff_eff = []
116 trunc_pydiff_eff = []
117 trunc_vx_eff = []
118 trunc_vy_eff = []
120 for i in range(len(trunc_cofx)):
121 assert len(trunc_cofx) == len(trunc_p1x)
122 #print i, len(trunc_p1x_eff), len(trunc_cofx)
123 vel = np.sqrt(pow(trunc_vx[i],2)+pow(trunc_vy[i],2))
124 p1 = abs(np.sqrt(pow(trunc_p1x[i],2)+pow(trunc_p1y[i],2))-np.sqrt(pow(trunc_p1x[i-1],2)+pow(trunc_p1y[i-1],2)))
125 p2 = abs(np.sqrt(pow(trunc_p2x[i],2)+pow(trunc_p2y[i],2))-np.sqrt(pow(trunc_p2x[i-1],2)+pow(trunc_p2y[i-1],2)))
126 if (i != 0):
127 if (p1 < thresh) and (p2 < thresh):
128 trunc_cofx[i] = trunc_cofx[i-1]
129 trunc_cofy[i] = trunc_cofy[i-1]
130 trunc_p1x[i] = trunc_p1x[i-1]
131 trunc_p2x[i] = trunc_p2x[i-1]
132 trunc_p1y[i] = trunc_p1y[i-1]
133 trunc_p2y[i] = trunc_p2y[i-1]
134 trunc_pxdiff[i] = trunc_pxdiff[i-1]
135 trunc_pydiff[i] = trunc_pydiff[i-1]
136 trunc_vx[i] = trunc_vx[i-1]
137 trunc_vy[i] = trunc_vy[i-1]
138 else:
139 print "velocity:",vel, "dp1:", p1, "dp2:", p2
141 set_p1x = trunc_p1x#uniquify(trunc_p1x)
142 set_p1y = trunc_p1y#uniquify(trunc_p1y)
143 set_p2x = trunc_p2x#uniquify(trunc_p2x)
144 set_p2y = trunc_p2y#uniquify(trunc_p2y)
145 set_pxdiff = trunc_pxdiff#uniquify(trunc_pxdiff)
146 set_pydiff = trunc_pydiff#uniquify(trunc_pydiff)
147 set_vx = trunc_vx#uniquify(trunc_vx)
148 set_vy = trunc_vy#uniquify(trunc_vy)
149 set_cofx = trunc_cofx
150 set_cofy = trunc_cofy
153 print len(set_cofx), len(set_cofy)
155 xmax = np.ceil(max(trunc_cofx)/L)
156 xmin = np.ceil(min(trunc_cofx)/L)
157 ymax = np.ceil(max(trunc_cofy)/L)
158 ymin = np.ceil(min(trunc_cofy)/L)
160 xdiff = np.ceil(abs(max(trunc_cofx)-min(trunc_cofx))/L)
161 ydiff = np.ceil(abs(max(trunc_cofy)-min(trunc_cofy))/L)
163 xcorr = xdiff-sperx
164 ycorr = ydiff-spery
166 #print xdiff, ydiff
167 #print xdiff-(xdiff-sper)
169 if xmax > 0:
170 limx_min = (xmin+2)*L
171 limx_max = (xmin+2+sperx)*L
172 if xmax < 0:
173 limx_min = (xmax-2-sperx)*L
174 limx_max = (xmax-2)*L
175 if ymax > 0:
176 limy_min = (ymin-2)*L
177 limy_max = (ymin-2+spery)*L
178 if ymax < 0:
179 limy_min = (ymax-spery)*L
180 limy_max = (ymax)*L
182 #print (limx_max-limx_min)/L
184 print "x:","(",limx_min,",",limx_max,")"
185 print "y:","(",limy_min,",",limy_max,")"
187 xticks = np.arange(limx_min,limx_max+pad,L)
188 yticks = np.arange(limy_min,limy_max+pad,L)
189 xlim = (limx_min-pad,limx_max+pad)
190 ylim = (limy_min-pad,limy_max+pad)
191 tlabel = ("-2L","-L","0","L","2L")
193 print "generating basemap..."
194 delta = 0.01
195 x = np.arange(limx_min,limx_max, delta)
196 y = np.arange(limy_min,limy_max, delta)
197 X,Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
198 Z = np.cos(X)*np.cos(Y)+np.cos(X)+np.cos(Y)
199 print "done."
201 if test is True:
202 raise
204 fig = plt.figure() #(figsize=res)
206 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
208 if (shader is True):
209 print "applying lightsource..."
210 ls = col.LightSource(azdeg=0,altdeg=90)
211 rgb = ls.shade(Z,cmap)
212 print "done."
213 print "plotting basemap..."
214 pot = plt.imshow(rgb, extent=[limx_min,limx_max,limy_min,limy_max])
215 print "done."
216 else:
217 print "plotting basemap..."
218 pot = plt.pcolormesh(X,Y,Z, cmap=cmap)
219 print "done."
221 if (show_cb is True):
222 cb = plt.colorbar(pot)
223 cb.set_label(cblabel)
225 print "plotting dimer onto the basemap..."
226 if (cof_only is False):
227 cof = ax.plot(trunc_cofx, trunc_cofy, c='green', marker='.',
228 lw=1, label='cof', alpha=0.5)
229 x1 = ax.scatter(set_p1x, set_p1y, c='black', marker='o', lw=0, s=msize, label='x1')
230 x2 = ax.scatter(set_p2x, set_p2y, c='grey', marker='o', lw=0, s=msize, label='x2')
233 for i in range(len(set_p1x)):
234 if trunc_t[i] >= k*every:
235 #print "plotting because",t[i],"=",k,"*",every,"(",k*every,")"
236 bond = ax.arrow(set_p1x[i], set_p1y[i],
237 set_pxdiff[i],
238 set_pydiff[i], color='black',
239 lw=1, label='bond',
240 alpha=0.5)
241 velo = ax.arrow(set_cofx[i], set_cofy[i],
242 2*set_vx[i], 2*set_vy[i],
243 color='red', lw=1,
244 head_width=0.15, shape='full',
245 label='velo')
246 k = k+1
247 elif trunc_t[i] < k*every:
248 #print "not plotting because",t[i],"!=",k,"*",every,"(",k*every,")"
249 continue
250 elif (cof_only is True):
251 cof = ax.scatter(trunc_cofx, trunc_cofy, c='red', marker='o',
252 lw=0, s=msize/4, label='cof')
253 else:
254 print "fatal error!"
257 print "done."
259 ax.arrow(limx_min+L/2,limy_min+L/2, 2*np.cos(acangle*np.pi/180),
260 2*np.sin(acangle*np.pi/180), lw=2.5, color='blue',
261 head_width=0.15, shape='full')
262 ax.arrow(limx_min+L/2,limy_min+L/2, -2*np.cos(acangle*np.pi/180),
263 -2*np.sin(acangle*np.pi/180), lw=2.5, color='blue',
264 head_width=0.15, shape='full')
265 if (has_dc is True):
266 ax.arrow(limx_min+L/2,limy_min+L/2, 2*np.cos(dcangle*np.pi/180),
267 2*np.sin(dcangle*np.pi/180), lw=2.5, color='red',
268 head_width=0.15, shape='full')
270 if (show_annotations is True):
271 for i in range(len(tcx)):
272 fig.text(tcx[i],tcy[i],tl[i],bbox=dict(boxstyle="round",
273 fc=(1.0, 0.7, 0.7), ec="none"))
276 ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, size=fs_labels)
277 ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, size=fs_labels)
278 ax.set_xticks(xticks)
279 ax.set_yticks(yticks)
280 ax.set_xlim(limx_min,limx_max)
281 ax.set_ylim(limy_min,limy_max)
282 ax.set_xticklabels(tlabel, size=fs_ticks)
283 ax.set_yticklabels(tlabel, size=fs_ticks)
285 if (show_legend is True):
286 legend = fig.legend((x1, x2, bond), (r'$\vec{r}_1$',
287 r'$\vec{r}_2$', r'$|\vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2|$'), shadow=True,
288 fancybox=True)
290 elif (cof_only is True):
291 legend = fig.legend((cof),(r'$\vec{r}_s$'), shadow=True, fancybox=True)
292 else:
293 print "fatal error!"
295 #legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.75)
298 #plt.title(title)
300 print "saving to file.."
301 plt.savefig(FOUT)
302 print "done."
304 if (show_plot is True):
305 print "showing plot..."
307 print "done."