descriptionQt Script Generator Bindings
homepage URL
repository URLgit://
last changeThu, 4 Jun 2009 11:55:47 +0000 (4 13:55 +0200)
last refreshSat, 31 Oct 2009 21:37:24 +0000 (31 22:37 +0100)
content tags
Qt Script Generator is a tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script. With the generated bindings you get access to substantial portions of the Qt API from within Qt Script.
2009-06-04 Kent Hansenadd bindings for QGraphicsSceneDragDropEventmaster
2009-06-03 Kent Hansensupport #warning directive
2009-03-26 Kent HansenFixes: add build_all.txt and qtscript_masterinclude...
2009-03-19 Kent HansenFixes: separate bindings init function from plugin...
2009-02-20 Kent HansenFixes: warn when the bindings can't be loaded
2009-02-04 Kent HansenFixes: move QTextCodecPlugin binding from gui to...
2009-02-02 Kent HansenFixes: use QScriptValue::isNumber() to check for...
2009-01-27 Kent HansenFixes: add bindings for QDrag and QDropEvent
2009-01-08 Kent HansenFixes: make sure plugins get the 'd' suffix if appro...
2009-01-05 Kent HansenFixes: make phonon bindings compile when the generat...
2008-12-23 Kent HansenFixes: make sure that function parameters are not...
2008-12-23 Kent HansenFixes: make sure pointers are valid
2008-12-23 Kent HansenFixes: add bindings for QAbstractTableModel
2008-12-23 Kent HansenFixes: kill the QPainter(QPaintDevice*) constructor
2008-12-23 Kent HansenFixes: make work
2008-12-17 Kent HansenFixes: integrate the qtscript debugger into the...
14 years ago 4.6
14 years ago master
Cached version (6481s old)
qtscriptgenerator/amarok.git Amarok branch of qtscriptgenerator 15 years ago