* Copy .desktop files, services and pictures
[qtopia-split.git] / split-tree.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 import os, re, shutil
5 def mkdirhier(dirname):
6 print dirname
7 os.system("mkdir -p %s" % dirname)
9 def try_make_dir(dirname):
10 """
11 Not yet a mkdirhier and not handling exception and not
12 testing if that file is really a dir...
13 """
14 if os.path.exists(dirname):
15 return
16 os.mkdir(dirname)
18 def module_dir_name(module_name):
19 return module_name.replace('_', '-')
21 def package_dir_name(module_name, package_suffix):
22 base_name = module_dir_name(module_name)
23 dir_name = "%s-%s" % (base_name, package_suffix)
24 return os.path.join(base_name, dir_name)
26 def expand(base, name):
27 return base.replace("${PN}", name)
29 def prepare_qtopia_tree(modules):
30 """
31 Create directories for the modules under the current working directory.
32 """
33 for (module_name, module) in modules:
34 base_name = module_dir_name(module_name)
35 try_make_dir(base_name)
36 for package_name in module.keys():
37 dir = package_dir_name(module_name, package_name)
38 try_make_dir(dir)
39 os.system("cd %s; git-init" % dir)
40 os.system("cd %s; rm -rf *" % dir)
43 def copy_qtopia_tree(modules, source_tree):
44 """
45 For every package copy the files given in the dir glob of the package
46 from the source_tree to the new location.
47 We substitute variables like ${PN} with the current package name, copy some
48 default files (e.g. license and build system boilerplate) into the package.
50 We return a list of filenames relative to the source_tree that we have used
51 to fill the package. We do not move from the source_tree for two reasons:
52 1.) Two packages might need the same file
53 2.) We might want to split the tree more than once
54 """
55 handled_files = {}
57 for (module_name, module) in modules:
58 base_name = module_dir_name(module_name)
59 try_make_dir(base_name)
60 for package_name in module.keys():
61 package_module = module[package_name]
62 assert "dir" in package_module
64 if type(package_module["dir"]) == type([]):
65 source_dirs = package_module["dir"]
66 else:
67 source_dirs = [package_module["dir"]]
69 # Copy all matching dirs to the destination
70 dir_name = package_dir_name(module_name, package_name)
71 for source_dir in source_dirs:
72 source_path = expand(source_dir, package_name)
73 source_exp = re.compile(source_path)
75 found = False
76 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_tree):
77 if (source_path in root and (root.endswith(source_path) or root[root.find(source_path)+len(source_path)] == '/')) or \
78 ("regexp" in package_module and source_exp.search(root)):
79 found = True
80 try_make_dir(os.path.join(dir_name, "src"))
82 base_path = root[root.find(source_path)+len(source_path)+1:]
84 for dir in dirs:
85 try_make_dir(os.path.join(dir_name, base_path, dir))
86 try_make_dir(os.path.join(dir_name, "src", base_path, dir))
87 for file in files:
88 source_file = os.path.join(root, file)
89 (_, extension) = os.path.splitext(file)
90 file_name = file
91 if not "nosrc" in package_module and extension in [".cpp", ".c", ".h", ".ui", ".rc"]:
92 file_name = os.path.join("src", file)
93 destination_file = os.path.join(dir_name, "src", base_path, file)
94 elif extension in [".pro", ".pri"]:
95 continue
96 else:
97 destination_file = os.path.join(dir_name, base_path, file)
99 handled_files[source_file] = 1
100 shutil.copyfile(source_file, destination_file)
102 if not found:
103 print "Not found", dir_name, source_path
105 # Copy specific files
106 if "files" in package_module:
107 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_tree):
108 for package_file in package_module["files"]:
109 file_glob = re.compile(expand(package_file, package_name))
110 for file in files:
111 path = os.path.join(root, file)
112 search = file_glob.search(path)
113 if search:
114 print "Copying", path, dir_name
115 new_path = os.path.join(dir_name, path[search.start()+1:])
116 mkdirhier(os.path.dirname(new_path))
117 shutil.copyfile(path, new_path)
118 handled_files[path] = 1
121 return handled_files
123 def patch_packages(modules):
125 Enrich the newly build packages with some more data or apply
126 patches to them.
128 pass
131 def verify_tree(touched_files, source_tree, files_to_ignore):
133 Compare which files we have touched with the ones available in the source tree
135 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_tree):
136 for file in files:
137 path = os.path.join(root, file)
138 (_, extension) = os.path.splitext(file)
139 if extension in [".pro", ".pri"]:
140 continue
141 elif "qtopiacore/qt" in path:
142 continue
143 if not path in touched_files:
144 found = False
145 for ignore in files_to_ignore:
146 if re.search(ignore, path):
147 found = True
149 if not found:
150 print "Not handled the following file: '%s'" % path
152 def tar_packages(modules):
154 Tar all directories up so they can be put somewhere or imported into git.
156 for (module_name, module) in modules:
157 for package_name in module.keys():
158 dir = package_dir_name(module_name, package_name)
159 os.system("cd %s; git-add *" % dir)
160 os.system("cd %s; git-commit -a -m 'Updated the source tree'" % dir)
161 ### use git-archive
163 def main(argv):
164 import optparse
165 parser = optparse.OptionParser(version="Qtopia Split Tree 0.1",
166 usage = """%prog [options]
168 Split up a given Qtopia Source tree into smaller chunks and enrich them
169 with patches and an alternative buildsystem
170 """)
172 parser.add_option("-s", "--source", help="The Qtopia Source Tree", action="store", dest="source", default=None)
173 options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
175 if not options.source:
176 print "You need to specify a Qtopia Source tree"
177 sys.exit(-1)
179 # Now start to do the work
180 # 1.) prepare
181 # 2.) copy around
182 # 3.) patch
183 # 4.) Remove the copied files
184 # 5.) check what is left and complain
185 # 6.) tar them up?
186 import config
188 modules = [(x,getattr(config,x)) for x in dir(config) if x.startswith('qtopia_')]
189 prepare_qtopia_tree(modules)
190 used_files = copy_qtopia_tree(modules, options.source)
191 patch_packages(modules)
192 verify_tree(used_files, options.source, config.IGNORE_LIST)
193 tar_packages(modules)
196 if __name__ == "__main__":
197 import sys
198 main(sys.argv)