removed useless file
[qmc.git] / thermo.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/lua
3 local r, s, e, d = ...
5 r = tonumber(r or 666)
6 s = tonumber(s or 20)
7 e = tonumber(e or 200)
8 d = tonumber(d or 10)
10 local t = 'fmc'
11 for l = s, e, d do
12 l = string.format('%.3i', l)
13 print('==== '..t..' len = '..l..' ====')
14 os.execute('time ./'..t..' -M -s -r '..tostring(r)..' -l 200 -n '..l..' -i 1000000 -a 0.22 -o raw-L-'..l..'.'..t)
15 print()
16 os.execute('./shuffle.lua raw-L-'..l..'.'..t)
17 print()
18 end
20 os.execute('./analyze -w 3 -s 000 -l 1000 *.fmc.shf | tee mag.'..tostring(r))
21 os.execute('./analyze -w 3 -s 000 -l 1000 *.fmc.shf -q | tee sq.'..tostring(r))
23 os.execute('echo \'plot "mag.'..tostring(r)..'" using (1/$1):3:4 with yerrorlines\' >>')
24 os.execute('echo \'plot "sq.'..tostring(r)..'" using (1/$1):3:4 with yerrorlines\' >>')