descriptionPython API for The Fucking Weather
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last changeSun, 19 Feb 2012 01:16:03 +0000 (18 19:16 -0600)
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Python API for The Fucking Weather, version 1.0
Copyright (C) 2009  Ian Weller <>

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.


I wrote this mainly for fun. The implementation is ridiculously thorough
out of irony, up to the point of writing specific error classes -- but
be glad I wasn't insane enough to create a new class for the data. (Even
though I easily could have.)

The code is self-documenting so you shouldn't have any problem using it.
The basic way to use it, if you're including it in a program, is:

>>> import thefuckingweather
>>> thefuckingweather.get_weather("Wichita, KS")

and you'll get lots of return data. The data format is documented under
get_weather(). You can also run it from a shell: this output is pretty
to the average user but can also be parsed by the likes of sed.

The Git repository is located on GitHub:

This program comes without any warranty (as stated in the copyright
disclaimer), so please don't treat it as an actual weather reporting
system or as trustworthy.

2012-02-19 Ian WellerVersion 1.0.2master1.0.2
2012-02-19 Ian WellerUpdate repo URL in README
2012-02-19 Ian WellerFix copyright date, adjust docstrings, add credits
2012-02-18 Col RiceModified REs to recognise negative temperatures.
2011-04-07 Ian WellerVersion
2011-04-07 Ian WellerSite added ugly Facebook button, work around that
2009-06-11 Ian WellerVersion 1.01.0
12 years ago 1.0.2
13 years ago 1.0.1
14 years ago 1.0
12 years ago master