Merge pull request #5 from cuihantao/master
[pylon.git] / contrib /
1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Richard Lincoln
4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 #
10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 # limitations under the License.
15 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 """ Defines an OPF solver for Pylon using IPOPT.
18 """
20 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 # Imports:
22 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 import pyipopt
26 from numpy import \
27 array, polyder, polyval, exp, conj, Inf, ones, r_, zeros, asarray
29 from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csr_matrix, hstack, vstack
31 from pylon import REFERENCE
32 from pylon.solver import _Solver, SFLOW, IFLOW, PFLOW
34 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 # "IPOPFSolver" class:
36 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 class IPOPFSolver(_Solver):
39 """ Solves AC optimal power flow using IPOPT.
40 """
42 def __init__(self, om, flow_lim=SFLOW, opt=None):
43 """ Initialises a new IPOPFSolver instance.
44 """
45 super(IPOPFSolver, self).__init__(om)
47 #: Quantity to limit for branch flow constraints ("S", "P" or "I").
48 self.flow_lim = flow_lim
50 #: Options for the PIPS.
51 self.opt = {} if opt is None else opt
54 def _ref_bus_angle_constraint(self, buses, Va, xmin, xmax):
55 """ Adds a constraint on the reference bus angles.
56 """
57 refs = [bus._i for bus in buses if bus.type == REFERENCE]
58 Varefs = array([b.v_angle for b in buses if b.type == REFERENCE])
60 xmin[Va.i1 - 1 + refs] = Varefs
61 xmax[Va.iN - 1 + refs] = Varefs
63 return xmin, xmax
66 def solve(self):
67 """ Solves AC optimal power flow.
68 """
69 case =
70 base_mva = case.base_mva
71 # TODO: Explain this value.
72 self.opt["cost_mult"] = 1e-4
74 # Unpack the OPF model.
75 bs, ln, gn, _ = self._unpack_model(
76 # Compute problem dimensions.
77 ipol, _, nb, nl, _, ny, nxyz = self._dimension_data(bs, ln, gn)
79 # Compute problem dimensions.
80 ng = len(gn)
81 # gpol = [g for g in gn if g.pcost_model == POLYNOMIAL]
82 # Indexes of constrained lines.
83 il = array([i for i,l in enumerate(ln) if 0.0 < l.rate_a < 1e10])
84 nl2 = len(il)
86 # Linear constraints (l <= A*x <= u).
87 A, l, u =
88 # AA, bb = self._linear_constraints(
90 _, xmin, xmax = self._var_bounds()
92 # Select an interior initial point for interior point solver.
93 x0 = self._initial_interior_point(bs, gn, xmin, xmax, ny)
95 # Build admittance matrices.
96 Ybus, Yf, Yt = case.Y
98 # Optimisation variables.
99 Va ="Va")
100 Vm ="Vm")
101 Pg ="Pg")
102 Qg ="Qg")
104 # Adds a constraint on the reference bus angles.
105 # xmin, xmax = self._ref_bus_angle_constraint(bs, Va, xmin, xmax)
107 def f_fcn(x, user_data=None):
108 """ Evaluates the objective function.
110 p_gen = x[Pg.i1:Pg.iN + 1] # Active generation in p.u.
111 q_gen = x[Qg.i1:Qg.iN + 1] # Reactive generation in p.u.
113 # Polynomial cost of P and Q.
114 xx = r_[p_gen, q_gen] * base_mva
115 if len(ipol) > 0:
116 f = sum([g.total_cost(xx[i]) for i,g in enumerate(gn)])
117 else:
118 f = 0
120 # Piecewise linear cost of P and Q.
121 if ny:
122 y ="y")
123 ccost = csr_matrix((ones(ny),
124 (range(y.i1, y.iN + 1), zeros(ny))), shape=(nxyz, 1)).T
125 f = f + ccost * x
126 else:
127 ccost = zeros((1, nxyz))
128 # TODO: Generalised cost term.
130 return f
133 def df_fcn(x, usr_data=None):
134 """ Calculates gradient of the objective function.
136 p_gen = x[Pg.i1:Pg.iN + 1] # Active generation in p.u.
137 q_gen = x[Qg.i1:Qg.iN + 1] # Reactive generation in p.u.
139 xx = r_[p_gen, q_gen] * base_mva
141 if ny > 0:
142 y ="y")
143 iy = range(y.i1, y.iN + 1)
144 ccost = \
145 csr_matrix((ones(ny), (iy, zeros(ny))), shape=(nxyz, 1)).T
146 else:
147 ccost = zeros((1, nxyz))
148 # TODO: Generalised cost term.
150 iPg = range(Pg.i1, Pg.iN + 1)
151 iQg = range(Qg.i1, Qg.iN + 1)
153 # Polynomial cost of P and Q.
154 df_dPgQg = zeros((2 * ng, 1)) # w.r.t p.u. Pg and Qg
155 # df_dPgQg[ipol] = matrix([g.poly_cost(xx[i], 1) for g in gpol])
156 # for i, g in enumerate(gn):
157 # der = polyder(list(g.p_cost))
158 # df_dPgQg[i] = polyval(der, xx[i]) * base_mva
159 for i in ipol:
160 df_dPgQg[i] = \
161 base_mva * polyval(polyder(list(gn[i].p_cost)), xx[i])
163 df = zeros((nxyz, 1))
164 df[iPg] = df_dPgQg[:ng]
165 df[iQg] = df_dPgQg[ng:ng + ng]
167 # Piecewise linear cost of P and Q.
168 df = df + ccost.T
169 # TODO: Generalised cost term.
171 return asarray(df).flatten()
174 def g_fcn(x, usr_data=None):
175 """ Evaluates the non-linear constraint values.
177 Pgen = x[Pg.i1:Pg.iN + 1] # Active generation in p.u.
178 Qgen = x[Qg.i1:Qg.iN + 1] # Reactive generation in p.u.
180 for i, g in enumerate(gn):
181 g.p = Pgen[i] * base_mva # active generation in MW
182 g.q = Qgen[i] * base_mva # reactive generation in MVAr
184 # Rebuild the net complex bus power injection vector in p.u.
185 Sbus = case.getSbus(bs)
187 Vang = x[Va.i1:Va.iN + 1]
188 Vmag = x[Vm.i1:Vm.iN + 1]
189 V = Vmag * exp(1j * Vang)
191 # Evaluate the power flow equations.
192 mis = V * conj(Ybus * V) - Sbus
194 # Equality constraints (power flow).
195 g = r_[mis.real, # active power mismatch for all buses
196 mis.imag] # reactive power mismatch for all buses
198 # Inequality constraints (branch flow limits).
199 # (line constraint is actually on square of limit)
200 flow_max = array([(l.rate_a / base_mva)**2 for l in ln])
201 # FIXME: There must be a more elegant method for this.
202 for i, v in enumerate(flow_max):
203 if v == 0.0:
204 flow_max[i] = Inf
206 if self.flow_lim == IFLOW:
207 If = Yf * V
208 It = Yt * V
209 # Branch current limits.
210 h = r_[(If * conj(If)) - flow_max,
211 (If * conj(It)) - flow_max]
212 else:
213 i_fbus = [e.from_bus._i for e in ln]
214 i_tbus = [e.to_bus._i for e in ln]
215 # Complex power injected at "from" bus (p.u.).
216 Sf = V[i_fbus] * conj(Yf * V)
217 # Complex power injected at "to" bus (p.u.).
218 St = V[i_tbus] * conj(Yt * V)
219 if self.flow_lim == PFLOW: # active power limit, P (Pan Wei)
220 # Branch real power limits.
221 h = r_[Sf.real()**2 - flow_max,
222 St.real()**2 - flow_max]
223 elif self.flow_lim == SFLOW: # apparent power limit, |S|
224 # Branch apparent power limits.
225 h = r_[(Sf * conj(Sf)) - flow_max,
226 (St * conj(St)) - flow_max].real
227 else:
228 raise ValueError
230 return r_[g, h]
233 def dg_fcn(x, flag, usr_data=None):
234 """ Calculates the Jacobian matrix. It takes two arguments, the
235 first is the variable x and the second is a Boolean flag. If
236 the flag is true, the function returns a tuple of arrays
237 (row, col) to indicate the sparse structure of the Jacobian
238 matrix. If the flag is false the function returns the values
239 of the Jacobian matrix with length nnzj.
241 iVa = range(Va.i1, Va.iN + 1)
242 iVm = range(Vm.i1, Vm.iN + 1)
243 iPg = range(Pg.i1, Pg.iN + 1)
244 iQg = range(Qg.i1, Qg.iN + 1)
245 iVaVmPgQg = r_[iVa, iVm, iPg, iQg].T
247 Vang = x[Va.i1:Va.iN + 1]
248 Vmag = x[Vm.i1:Vm.iN + 1]
249 V = Vmag * exp(1j * Vang)
251 # Compute partials of injected bus powers.
252 dSbus_dVm, dSbus_dVa = case.dSbus_dV(Ybus, V)
254 i_gbus = [gen.bus._i for gen in gn]
255 neg_Cg = csr_matrix((-ones(ng), (i_gbus, range(ng))), (nb, ng))
257 # Transposed Jacobian of the power balance equality constraints.
258 dg = lil_matrix((nxyz, 2 * nb))
260 blank = csr_matrix((nb, ng))
261 dg[iVaVmPgQg, :] = vstack([
262 hstack([dSbus_dVa.real, dSbus_dVm.real, neg_Cg, blank]),
263 hstack([dSbus_dVa.imag, dSbus_dVm.imag, blank, neg_Cg])
264 ], "csr").T
266 # Compute partials of flows w.r.t V.
267 if self.flow_lim == IFLOW:
268 dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft = \
269 case.dIbr_dV(Yf, Yt, V)
270 else:
271 dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft = \
272 case.dSbr_dV(Yf, Yt, V, bs, ln)
273 if self.flow_lim == PFLOW:
274 dFf_dVa = dFf_dVa.real
275 dFf_dVm = dFf_dVm.real
276 dFt_dVa = dFt_dVa.real
277 dFt_dVm = dFt_dVm.real
278 Ff = Ff.real
279 Ft = Ft.real
281 # Squared magnitude of flow (complex power, current or real power).
282 df_dVa, df_dVm, dt_dVa, dt_dVm = \
283 case.dAbr_dV(dFf_dVa, dFf_dVm, dFt_dVa, dFt_dVm, Ff, Ft)
285 # Construct Jacobian of inequality constraints (branch limits) and
286 # transpose it.
287 dh = lil_matrix((nxyz, 2 * nl))
288 dh[r_[iVa, iVm].T, :] = vstack([hstack([df_dVa, df_dVm]),
289 hstack([dt_dVa, dt_dVm])], "csr").T
291 J = vstack([dg, dh, A]).tocoo()
293 if flag:
294 return (J.row, J.col)
295 else:
296 return
299 def h_fcn(x, lagrange, obj_factor, flag, usr_data=None):
300 """ Evaluates the Hessian of the Lagrangian.
302 neqnln = 2 * nb
303 niqnln = 2 * len(il) # no. of lines with constraints
305 Pgen = x[Pg.i1:Pg.iN + 1] # Active generation in p.u.
306 Qgen = x[Qg.i1:Qg.iN + 1] # Reactive generation in p.u.
308 for i, g in enumerate(gn):
309 g.p = Pgen[i] * base_mva # active generation in MW
310 g.q = Qgen[i] * base_mva # reactive generation in MVAr
312 Vang = x[Va.i1:Va.iN + 1]
313 Vmag = x[Vm.i1:Vm.iN + 1]
314 V = Vmag * exp(1j * Vang)
315 nxtra = nxyz - 2 * nb
317 #------------------------------------------------------------------
318 # Evaluate d2f.
319 #------------------------------------------------------------------
321 d2f_dPg2 = lil_matrix((ng, 1)) # w.r.t p.u. Pg
322 d2f_dQg2 = lil_matrix((ng, 1)) # w.r.t p.u. Qg]
324 for i in ipol:
325 d2f_dPg2[i, 0] = polyval(polyder(list(gn[i].p_cost), 2),
326 Pg.v0[i] * base_mva) * base_mva**2
327 # for i in ipol:
328 # d2f_dQg2[i] = polyval(polyder(list(gn[i].p_cost), 2),
329 # Qg.v0[i] * base_mva) * base_mva**2
331 i = r_[range(Pg.i1, Pg.iN + 1), range(Qg.i1, Qg.iN + 1)]
333 d2f = csr_matrix((vstack([d2f_dPg2, d2f_dQg2]).toarray().flatten(),
334 (i, i)), shape=(nxyz, nxyz))
335 # TODO: Generalised cost model.
336 d2f = d2f * self.opt["cost_mult"]
338 #------------------------------------------------------------------
339 # Evaluate Hessian of power balance constraints.
340 #------------------------------------------------------------------
342 eqnonlin = lagrange[:neqnln]
343 # nlam = len(lagrange["eqnonlin"]) / 2
344 nlam = len(eqnonlin) / 2
345 lamP = eqnonlin[:nlam]
346 lamQ = eqnonlin[nlam:nlam + nlam]
347 Gpaa, Gpav, Gpva, Gpvv = case.d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamP)
348 Gqaa, Gqav, Gqva, Gqvv = case.d2Sbus_dV2(Ybus, V, lamQ)
350 d2G = vstack([
351 hstack([
352 vstack([hstack([Gpaa, Gpav]),
353 hstack([Gpva, Gpvv])]).real +
354 vstack([hstack([Gqaa, Gqav]),
355 hstack([Gqva, Gqvv])]).imag,
356 csr_matrix((2 * nb, nxtra))]),
357 hstack([
358 csr_matrix((nxtra, 2 * nb)),
359 csr_matrix((nxtra, nxtra))
361 ], "csr")
363 #------------------------------------------------------------------
364 # Evaluate Hessian of flow constraints.
365 #------------------------------------------------------------------
367 ineqnonlin = lagrange[neqnln:neqnln + niqnln]
368 nmu = len(ineqnonlin) / 2
369 muF = ineqnonlin[:nmu]
370 muT = ineqnonlin[nmu:nmu + nmu]
371 if self.flow_lim == "I":
372 dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, If, It = \
373 case.dIbr_dV(Yf, Yt, V)
374 Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = \
375 case.d2AIbr_dV2(dIf_dVa, dIf_dVm, If, Yf, V, muF)
376 Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = \
377 case.d2AIbr_dV2(dIt_dVa, dIt_dVm, It, Yt, V, muT)
378 else:
379 f = [e.from_bus._i for e in ln]
380 t = [e.to_bus._i for e in ln]
381 # Line-bus connection matrices.
382 Cf = csr_matrix((ones(nl), (range(nl), f)), (nl, nb))
383 Ct = csr_matrix((ones(nl), (range(nl), t)), (nl, nb))
384 dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, Sf, St = \
385 case.dSbr_dV(Yf, Yt, V)
386 if self.flow_lim == PFLOW:
387 Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = \
388 case.d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa.real(), dSf_dVm.real(),
389 Sf.real(), Cf, Yf, V, muF)
390 Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = \
391 case.d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa.real(), dSt_dVm.real(),
392 St.real(), Ct, Yt, V, muT)
393 elif self.flow_lim == SFLOW:
394 Hfaa, Hfav, Hfva, Hfvv = \
395 case.d2ASbr_dV2(dSf_dVa, dSf_dVm, Sf, Cf, Yf, V, muF)
396 Htaa, Htav, Htva, Htvv = \
397 case.d2ASbr_dV2(dSt_dVa, dSt_dVm, St, Ct, Yt, V, muT)
398 else:
399 raise ValueError
401 d2H = vstack([
402 hstack([
403 vstack([hstack([Hfaa, Hfav]),
404 hstack([Hfva, Hfvv])]) +
405 vstack([hstack([Htaa, Htav]),
406 hstack([Htva, Htvv])]),
407 csr_matrix((2 * nb, nxtra))
409 hstack([
410 csr_matrix((nxtra, 2 * nb)),
411 csr_matrix((nxtra, nxtra))
413 ], "csr")
415 H = d2f + d2G + d2H
417 if flag:
418 return (H.row, H.col)
419 else:
420 return
422 n = len(x0) # the number of variables
423 gl = r_[zeros(2 * nb), -Inf * ones(2 * nl2), l]
424 gu = r_[zeros(2 * nb), zeros(2 * nl2), u]
425 m = len(gl) # the number of constraints
426 nnzj = 0 # the number of nonzeros in Jacobian matrix
427 nnzh = 0 # the number of non-zeros in Hessian matrix
429 nlp = pyipopt.create(n, xmin, xmax, m, gl, gu, nnzj, nnzh,
430 f_fcn, df_fcn, g_fcn, dg_fcn, h_fcn)
432 # x, zl, zu, obj = nlp.solve(x0)
433 success = nlp.solve(x0)
434 nlp.close()
436 print "Success:", success
437 print "Solution of the primal variables, x"
438 # print x
439 print "Solution of the bound multipliers, z_L and z_U"
440 # print zl, zu
441 print "Objective value"
442 # print "f(x*) =", obj
445 if __name__ == "__main__":
446 import os
447 import pylon
448 c = pylon.Case.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pylon.__file__),
449 "test", "data", "case6ww.pkl"))
450 s = pylon.OPF(c, dc=False).solve(IPOPFSolver)
452 # EOF -------------------------------------------------------------------------