descriptionCLI Python module for the Tango Control System
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last changeMon, 1 Feb 2010 10:06:36 +0000 (1 11:06 +0100)
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This module allow to control tango device from the command line. It provides a Device class thaht embed a waiting loop to allow writting this sort of lines: motor.position = 10 (wait until the movement finish) It also contain a ScanHelper method for the SimpleScan
2010-02-01 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * add some docmaster
2010-02-01 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * add an wait_enable command to allow waiting or not...
2010-02-01 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * add the ds_ImgGrabber
2009-10-06 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * better ascan method
2009-09-17 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * activate the scan part
2009-09-17 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * implemente for now tha ascan method (unactivate the...
2009-09-17 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * add the dscan method
2009-09-11 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * start working in the ScanHelper
2009-09-11 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * remove unneeded macros code
2009-07-27 Frédéric-Emmanuel... * the state and status of the Attenuator has changed
2009-07-02 System User* add the SimpleScan Device
2009-07-02 System User* update the ipython profile file
2009-07-02 System User* reactivate the ipython integration
2009-07-02 System User* add TgCompleter class to help readline to deal with...
2009-07-01 System User* create a clean method
2009-07-01 System User* now the reconfigure command is working
14 years ago next
14 years ago master