Audio specification plus better error checking.
[pyTivo/TheBayer.git] / plugins / dvdvideo /
1 import os
2 import subprocess
3 from threading import Thread
4 from dvdtitlestream import DVDTitleStream
6 import logging
7 import math
8 import os
9 import re
10 import shutil
11 import subprocess
12 import sys
13 import tempfile
14 import threading
15 import time
17 import lrucache
19 import config
20 import metadata
21 import virtualdvd
23 logger = logging.getLogger('pyTivo.dvdvideo.vobstream')
25 info_cache = lrucache.LRUCache(1000)
26 mpgcat_procs = {}
27 reapers = {}
29 BLOCKSIZE = 512 * 1024
31 TIMEOUT = 600
32 USE_FFMPEG = True
35 # subprocess is broken for me on windows so super hack
36 def patchSubprocess():
37 o = subprocess.Popen._make_inheritable
39 def _make_inheritable(self, handle):
40 if not handle: return subprocess.GetCurrentProcess()
41 return o(self, handle)
43 subprocess.Popen._make_inheritable = _make_inheritable
45 mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32")
46 if mswindows:
47 patchSubprocess()
49 def debug(msg):
50 if type(msg) == str:
51 try:
52 msg = msg.decode('utf8')
53 except:
54 if sys.platform == 'darwin':
55 msg = msg.decode('macroman')
56 else:
57 msg = msg.decode('iso8859-1')
58 logger.debug(msg)
60 def WriteSectorStreamToSubprocess( fhin, sub, event, blocksize ):
62 # Write all the data till either end is closed or done
63 while not event.isSet():
65 # Read in the block and escape if we got nothing
66 data = blocksize )
67 if len(data) == 0:
68 break
70 if sub.poll() != None and sub.stdin != None:
71 break
73 # Write the data and flush it
74 try:
75 sub.stdin.write( data )
76 sub.stdin.flush()
77 except IOError:
78 break
80 # We got less data so we must be at the end
81 if len(data) < blocksize:
82 break
84 # Close the input if it's not already closed
85 if not fhin.closed:
86 fhin.close()
88 # Close the output if it's not already closed
89 if sub.stdin != None and not sub.stdin.closed:
90 sub.stdin.close()
92 def vobstream(isQuery, inFile, outFile, tsn=''):
93 settings = {'TBD': 'TBD'}
95 if isQuery:
96 return settings
98 ffmpeg_path = config.get_bin('ffmpeg')
100 dvd = virtualdvd.VirtualDVD( inFile )
101 title = dvd.FileTitle()
102 ts = DVDTitleStream( title.Stream() )
104 vinfo = video_info( inFile )
105 vmap = vinfo['mapVideo'].replace( '.', ':' )
106 amap = vinfo['mapAudio'].replace( '.', ':' )
108 if USE_FFMPEG:
109 sp = subprocess.Popen( [ ffmpeg_path, '-i', '-', \
110 '-map', vmap, '-map', amap,
111 '-acodec', 'copy', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-f', 'vob', '-' ], \
112 stdout = subprocess.PIPE, \
113 stdin = subprocess.PIPE, \
114 bufsize = BLOCKSIZE * MAXBLOCKS )
116 # Make an event to shutdown the thread
117 sde = threading.Event()
118 sde.clear()
120 # Stream data to the subprocess
121 t = Thread( target=WriteSectorStreamToSubprocess, args=(ts,sp,sde,BLOCKSIZE) )
122 t.start()
124 mpgcat_procs[inFile] = {'stream': ts, 'start': 0, 'end': 0, \
125 'thread': t, 'process':sp, 'event':sde, \
126 'last_read': time.time(), 'blocks': []}
128 reap_process(inFile)
129 transfer_blocks(inFile, outFile)
131 def is_resumable(inFile, offset):
132 if inFile in mpgcat_procs:
133 proc = mpgcat_procs[inFile]
134 if proc['start'] <= offset < proc['end']:
135 return True
136 else:
137 cleanup(inFile)
138 return False
140 def resume_transfer(inFile, outFile, offset):
141 proc = mpgcat_procs[inFile]
142 offset -= proc['start']
143 try:
144 for block in proc['blocks']:
145 length = len(block)
146 if offset < length:
147 if offset > 0:
148 block = block[offset:]
149 outFile.write('%x\r\n' % len(block))
150 outFile.write(block)
151 outFile.write('\r\n')
152 offset -= length
153 outFile.flush()
154 except Exception, msg:
156 return
157 proc['start'] = proc['end']
158 proc['blocks'] = []
160 transfer_blocks(inFile, outFile)
162 def transfer_blocks(inFile, outFile):
163 proc = mpgcat_procs[inFile]
164 blocks = proc['blocks']
166 while True:
167 try:
168 if USE_FFMPEG:
169 block = proc['process']
170 else:
171 block = proc['stream'].read(BLOCKSIZE)
172 proc['last_read'] = time.time()
173 except Exception, msg:
175 cleanup(inFile)
176 break
178 if not block or len(block) == 0:
179 try:
180 outFile.flush()
181 proc['stream'].close()
182 except Exception, msg:
184 else:
185 cleanup(inFile)
186 break
188 blocks.append(block)
189 proc['end'] += len(block)
190 if len(blocks) > MAXBLOCKS:
191 proc['start'] += len(blocks[0])
192 blocks.pop(0)
194 try:
195 outFile.write('%x\r\n' % len(block))
196 outFile.write(block)
197 outFile.write('\r\n')
198 except Exception, msg:
200 break
202 def reap_process(inFile):
203 if inFile in mpgcat_procs:
204 proc = mpgcat_procs[inFile]
205 if proc['last_read'] + TIMEOUT < time.time():
206 cleanup(inFile)
208 else:
209 reaper = threading.Timer(TIMEOUT, reap_process, (inFile,))
210 reapers[inFile] = reaper
211 reaper.start()
213 def cleanup(inFile):
215 # Don't fear the reaper
216 try:
217 reapers[inFile].cancel()
218 del reapers[inFile]
219 except:
220 pass
222 if USE_FFMPEG:
223 kill(mpgcat_procs[inFile]['process'])
224 mpgcat_procs[inFile]['process'].wait()
226 # Tell thread to break out of loop
227 mpgcat_procs[inFile]['event'].set()
228 mpgcat_procs[inFile]['thread'].join()
230 del mpgcat_procs[inFile]
232 def supported_format( inFile ):
233 dvd = virtualdvd.VirtualDVD( inFile )
234 return dvd.Valid() and dvd.file_id != -1
236 def size(inFile):
237 try:
238 dvd = virtualdvd.VirtualDVD( inFile )
239 return dvd.FileTitle().Size()
240 except:
241 return 0
243 def video_info(inFile, audio_spec = "", cache=True):
244 vInfo = dict()
245 try:
246 mtime = os.stat(inFile).st_mtime
247 except:
248 mtime = 0
250 if cache:
251 if inFile in info_cache and info_cache[inFile][0] == mtime:
252 debug('CACHE HIT! %s' % inFile)
253 return info_cache[inFile][1]
255 dvd = virtualdvd.VirtualDVD( inFile )
256 if not dvd.Valid() or dvd.file_id == -1:
257 debug('Not a valid dvd file')
258 return dict()
260 ffmpeg_path = config.get_bin('ffmpeg')
262 title = dvd.FileTitle()
263 sid = title.FindBestAudioStreamID( audio_spec )
264 ts = DVDTitleStream( title.Stream() )
267 # Make a subprocess to get the information from a stream
268 proc = subprocess.Popen( [ ffmpeg_path, '-i', '-' ], \
269 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
270 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
271 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, \
274 # Make an event to shutdown the thread
275 sde = threading.Event()
276 sde.clear()
278 # Stream data to the subprocess
279 t = Thread( target=WriteSectorStreamToSubprocess, args=(ts,proc,sde,BLOCKSIZE) )
280 t.start()
282 # Readin the output from the subprocess
283 output = ""
284 while 1:
286 # Don't throw on any IO errors
287 try:
288 data = BLOCKSIZE )
289 except IOError:
290 break
292 # If we're blank, then the data stream is empty
293 if len(data) == 0:
294 break
296 # append the output
297 output += data
299 # Shutdown the helper threads/processes
300 sde.set()
301 proc.wait()
302 t.join()
304 # Close the title stream
305 ts.close()
307 #print "VOB Info:", output
308 vInfo['mapAudio'] = ''
310 attrs = {'container': r'Input #0, ([^,]+),',
311 'vCodec': r'.*Video: ([^,]+),.*', # video codec
312 'aKbps': r'.*Audio: .+, (.+) (?:kb/s).*', # audio bitrate
313 'aCodec': r'.*Audio: ([^,]+),.*', # audio codec
314 'aFreq': r'.*Audio: .+, (.+) (?:Hz).*', # audio frequency
315 'mapVideo': r'([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*: Video:.*', # video mapping
316 'mapAudio': r'([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\[0x%02x\]: Audio:.*' % sid } # Audio mapping
318 for attr in attrs:
319 rezre = re.compile(attrs[attr])
320 x =
321 if x:
322 #print attr, attrs[attr],
323 vInfo[attr] =
324 else:
325 #print attr, attrs[attr], '(None)'
326 if attr in ['container', 'vCodec']:
327 vInfo[attr] = ''
328 vInfo['Supported'] = False
329 else:
330 vInfo[attr] = None
331 #print '***************** failed at ' + attr + ' : ' + attrs[attr]
332 debug('failed at ' + attr)
334 # Get the Pixel Aspect Ratio
335 rezre = re.compile(r'.*Video: .+PAR ([0-9]+):([0-9]+) DAR [0-9:]+.*')
336 x =
337 if x and != "0" and != "0":
338 vInfo['par1'] = + ':' +
339 vInfo['par2'] = float( / float(
340 else:
341 vInfo['par1'], vInfo['par2'] = None, None
343 # Get the Display Aspect Ratio
344 rezre = re.compile(r'.*Video: .+DAR ([0-9]+):([0-9]+).*')
345 x =
346 if x and != "0" and != "0":
347 vInfo['dar1'] = + ':' +
348 else:
349 vInfo['dar1'] = None
351 # Get the video dimensions
352 rezre = re.compile(r'.*Video: .+, (\d+)x(\d+)[, ].*')
353 x =
354 if x:
355 vInfo['vWidth'] = int(
356 vInfo['vHeight'] = int(
357 else:
358 vInfo['vWidth'] = ''
359 vInfo['vHeight'] = ''
360 vInfo['Supported'] = False
361 debug('failed at vWidth/vHeight')
363 vInfo['millisecs'] = title.Time().MSecs()
364 vInfo['Supported'] = True
366 if cache:
367 info_cache[inFile] = (mtime, vInfo)
369 return vInfo
371 def kill(popen):
372 debug('killing pid=%s' % str(
373 if mswindows:
374 win32kill(
375 else:
376 import os, signal
377 for i in xrange(3):
378 debug('sending SIGTERM to pid: %s' %
379 os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
380 time.sleep(.5)
381 if popen.poll() is not None:
382 debug('process %s has exited' %
383 break
384 else:
385 while popen.poll() is None:
386 debug('sending SIGKILL to pid: %s' %
387 os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
388 time.sleep(.5)
390 def win32kill(pid):
391 import ctypes
392 handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(1, False, pid)
393 ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1)
394 ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle)