Increment version to 0.2.0.
[pyCraft.git] / tox.ini
1 # Tox ( is a tool for running tests
2 # in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the
3 # test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox"
4 # and then run "tox" from this directory.
6 [tox]
7 envlist = py27, py33, py34, py35, pypy, cover, flake8, pylint-errors, pylint-full, verify-manifest
9 [testenv]
10 commands = nosetests
12 deps =
13 nose
14 requests
15 cryptography
16 future
18 [testenv:py27]
19 deps =
20 {[testenv]deps}
21 mock
23 [testenv:pypy]
24 deps =
25 {[testenv]deps}
26 mock
28 [testenv:cover]
29 basepython = python3.5
30 commands =
31 nosetests --with-xunit --with-xcoverage --cover-package=minecraft --nocapture --cover-erase --cover-inclusive --cover-tests --cover-branches --cover-min-percentage=60
32 deps =
33 {[testenv]deps}
34 coverage
35 nosexcover
37 [testenv:coveralls]
38 basepython = {[testenv:cover]basepython}
39 commands =
40 {[testenv:cover]commands}
41 coveralls
42 deps =
43 {[testenv:cover]deps}
44 coveralls
46 [testenv:flake8]
47 basepython = python3.5
48 commands =
49 flake8 minecraft tests bin/
50 deps =
51 {[testenv]deps}
52 flake8
54 [testenv:pylint-errors]
55 basepython = python3.5
56 deps =
57 {[testenv]deps}
58 pylint
59 commands = pylint minecraft -E
61 [testenv:pylint-full]
62 basepython = python3.5
63 deps =
64 {[testenv]deps}
65 pylint
66 commands =
67 - pylint minecraft --disable=E
69 [testenv:docs]
70 basepython = python3.5
71 deps =
72 {[testenv:cover]deps}
73 sphinx
74 sphinx-rtd-theme
75 commands =
76 {toxinidir}/bin/build_docs
78 [testenv:verify-manifest]
79 basepython = python3.5
80 deps =
81 check-manifest
82 commands =
83 check-manifest