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last changeTue, 22 Mar 2011 16:28:57 +0000 (22 17:28 +0100)
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2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: set_del_encdec_key: fixed description for... master
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: set_del_encdec_key: improved description...
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: set_del_encdec_key: set error to -1 in case...
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: set_del_encdec_key: improved description
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: renamed command 0x5001 to set_encdec_key
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: 0x5001: do not output key after the command...
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: 0x5001: added KEY parameter
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: renamed command get_encdec_key to 0x5001
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_um: get_encdec_key: fixed key output
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: fixed description of set_del_encdec_key
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: renamed command set_del_def_encdec_key to...
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: added command set_del_encdec_key
2011-03-22 graf_chokolops3dm_sm: drive_auth help improved
2011-03-20 graf_chokolops3dm_um: get_fix_instr: fixed format string
2011-03-20 graf_chokolops3dm_um: added new command get_fix_instr
2011-03-19 graf_chokolops3dm_iim: added new command get_cisd_size
13 years ago master