mod_muc_webchat_url/README: Fix template option name
[prosody-modules.git] / mod_storage_gdbm / mod_storage_gdbm.lua
1 -- mod_storage_gdbm
2 -- Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Kim Alvefur
3 --
4 -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.
5 --
6 -- Depends on lgdbm:
7 --
8 --
9 -- luacheck: globals open purge
11 local gdbm = require"gdbm";
12 local path = require"util.paths";
13 local lfs = require"lfs";
14 local st = require"util.stanza";
15 local uuid = require"util.uuid".generate;
17 local serialization = require"util.serialization";
18 local serialize = serialization.serialize;
19 local deserialize = serialization.deserialize;
21 local g_set, g_get, g_del = gdbm.replace, gdbm.fetch, gdbm.delete;
22 local g_first, g_next = gdbm.firstkey, gdbm.nextkey;
24 local empty = {};
26 local function id(v) return v; end
28 local function is_stanza(s)
29 return getmetatable(s) == st.stanza_mt;
30 end
32 local base_path = path.resolve_relative_path(,;
33 lfs.mkdir(base_path);
35 local cache = {};
37 local keyval = {};
38 local keyval_mt = { __index = keyval, suffix = ".db" };
40 function keyval:set(user, value)
41 if type(value) == "table" and next(value) == nil then
42 value = nil;
43 end
44 if value ~= nil then
45 value = serialize(value);
46 end
47 local ok, err = (value and g_set or g_del)(self._db, user or "@", value);
48 if not ok then return nil, err; end
49 return true;
50 end
52 function keyval:get(user)
53 local data, err = g_get(self._db, user or "@");
54 if not data then return nil, err; end
55 return deserialize(data);
56 end
58 local function g_keys(db, key)
59 return (key == nil and g_first or g_next)(db, key);
60 end
62 function keyval:users()
63 return g_keys, self._db, nil;
64 end
66 local archive = {};
67 local archive_mt = { __index = archive, suffix = ".adb" };
69 archive.get = keyval.get;
70 archive.set = keyval.set;
72 function archive:append(username, key, value, when, with)
73 if type(when) ~= "number" then
74 when, with, value = value, when, with;
75 end
77 key = key or uuid();
78 local meta = self:get(username);
79 if not meta then
80 meta = {};
81 end
82 local i = meta[key] or #meta+1;
83 local type;
84 if is_stanza(value) then
85 type, value = "stanza", st.preserialize(value);
86 end
87 meta[i] = { key = key, when = when, with = with, type = type };
88 meta[key] = i;
89 local prefix = (username or "@") .. "#";
90 local ok, err = self:set(prefix..key, value);
91 if not ok then return nil, err; end
92 ok, err = self:set(username, meta);
93 if not ok then return nil, err; end
94 return key;
95 end
97 local deserialize_map = {
98 stanza = st.deserialize;
101 function archive:find(username, query)
102 query = query or empty;
103 local meta = self:get(username) or empty;
104 local prefix = (username or "@") .. "#";
105 local reverse = query.reverse;
106 local step = reverse and -1 or 1;
107 local first = meta[query.after];
108 local last = meta[query.before];
109 -- we don't want to include the actual 'after' or 'before' item
110 if first then first = first + 1; end
111 if last then last = last - 1; end
112 first, last = first or 1, last or #meta;
113 if reverse then first, last = last, first; end
114 local limit = query.limit;
115 local count = 0;
116 return function ()
117 if limit and count >= limit then return end
118 local item, value;
119 for i = first, last, step do
120 item = meta[i];
121 if (not query.with or item.with == query.with)
122 and (not query.start or item.when >= query.start)
123 and (not query["end"] or item.when <= query["end"]) then
124 first = i + step; count = count + 1;
125 value = self:get(prefix..item.key);
126 return item.key, (deserialize_map[item.type] or id)(value), item.when, item.with;
132 local drivers = {
133 keyval = keyval_mt;
134 archive = archive_mt;
137 function open(_, store, typ)
138 typ = typ or "keyval";
139 local driver_mt = drivers[typ];
140 if not driver_mt then
141 return nil, "unsupported-store";
144 local db_path = path.join(base_path, store) .. driver_mt.suffix;
146 local db = cache[db_path];
147 if not db then
148 db = assert(, "c"));
149 cache[db_path] = db;
151 return setmetatable({ _db = db; _path = db_path; store = store, type = typ }, driver_mt);
154 function purge(_, user)
155 for dir in lfs.dir(base_path) do
156 local name, ext = dir:match("^(.-)%.a?db$");
157 if ext == ".db" then
158 open(_, name, "keyval"):set(user, nil);
159 elseif ext == ".adb" then
160 open(_, name, "archive"):delete(user);
163 return true;
166 function module.unload()
167 for db_path, db in pairs(cache) do
168 module:log("debug", "Closing db at %q", db_path);
169 gdbm.reorganize(db);
170 gdbm.sync(db);
171 gdbm.close(db);
175 module:provides"storage";