mod_profile: Mark as Unmaintained
[prosody-modules.git] / mod_mam_muc / mod_mam_muc.lua
1 -- XEP-0313: Message Archive Management for Prosody MUC
2 -- Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Kim Alvefur
3 --
4 -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed.
6 if module:get_host_type() ~= "component" then
7 module:log("error", "mod_%s should be loaded only on a MUC component, not normal hosts",;
8 return;
9 end
11 -- Note: Can't implement urn:xmpp:mam:2 because we catch messages after
12 -- they have already been broadcast, so they can no longer be modified.
14 local xmlns_mam = "urn:xmpp:mam:1";
15 local xmlns_delay = "urn:xmpp:delay";
16 local xmlns_forward = "urn:xmpp:forward:0";
17 local xmlns_st_id = "urn:xmpp:sid:0";
18 local xmlns_muc_user = "";
19 local muc_form_enable = "muc#roomconfig_enablearchiving"
21 local st = require "util.stanza";
22 local rsm = require "util.rsm";
23 local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare;
24 local jid_split = require "util.jid".split;
25 local jid_prep = require "util.jid".prep;
26 local dataform = require "util.dataforms".new;
27 local it = require"util.iterators";
29 -- Support both old and new MUC code
30 local mod_muc = module:depends"muc";
31 local rooms = rawget(mod_muc, "rooms");
32 if not rooms then
33 module:log("warn", "mod_mam_muc is compatible with Prosody up to 0.10.x, use mod_muc_mam with later versions");
34 module:depends("muc_mam");
35 return;
36 end
37 local each_room = function() return it.values(rooms); end;
38 local get_room_from_jid = function (jid) return rooms[jid]; end
40 local is_stanza = st.is_stanza;
41 local tostring = tostring;
42 local time_now = os.time;
43 local m_min = math.min;
44 local timestamp, timestamp_parse = require "util.datetime".datetime, require "util.datetime".parse;
45 local default_max_items, max_max_items = 20, module:get_option_number("max_archive_query_results", 50);
47 local default_history_length = 20;
48 local max_history_length = module:get_option_number("max_history_messages", math.huge);
50 local function get_historylength(room)
51 return math.min(room._data.history_length or default_history_length, max_history_length);
52 end
54 local log_all_rooms = module:get_option_boolean("muc_log_all_rooms", false);
55 local log_by_default = module:get_option_boolean("muc_log_by_default", true);
57 local archive_store = "muc_log";
58 local archive = module:open_store(archive_store, "archive");
60 if == "null" or not archive.find then
61 if not archive.find then
62 module:log("error", "Attempt to open archive storage returned a driver without archive API support");
63 module:log("error", "mod_%s does not support archiving",
64 archive._provided_by or and "storage_""(?)" or "<unknown>");
65 else
66 module:log("error", "Attempt to open archive storage returned null driver");
67 end
68 module:log("info", "See and for more information");
69 return false;
70 end
72 local function archiving_enabled(room)
73 if log_all_rooms then
74 return true;
75 end
76 local enabled = room._data.archiving;
77 if enabled == nil then
78 return log_by_default;
79 end
80 return enabled;
81 end
83 local send_history, save_to_history;
85 -- Override history methods for all rooms.
86 do -- 0.10 or older
87 module:hook("muc-room-created", function (event)
88 local room =;
89 if archiving_enabled(room) then
90 room.send_history = send_history;
91 room.save_to_history = save_to_history;
92 end
93 end);
95 function module.load()
96 for room in each_room() do
97 if archiving_enabled(room) then
98 room.send_history = send_history;
99 room.save_to_history = save_to_history;
103 function module.unload()
104 for room in each_room() do
105 if room.send_history == send_history then
106 room.send_history = nil;
107 room.save_to_history = nil;
113 if not log_all_rooms then
114 module:hook("muc-config-form", function(event)
115 local room, form =, event.form;
116 table.insert(form,
118 name = muc_form_enable,
119 type = "boolean",
120 label = "Enable archiving?",
121 value = archiving_enabled(room),
124 end);
126 module:hook("muc-config-submitted", function(event)
127 local room, fields, changed =, event.fields, event.changed;
128 local new = fields[muc_form_enable];
129 if new ~= room._data.archiving then
130 room._data.archiving = new;
131 if type(changed) == "table" then
132 changed[muc_form_enable] = true;
133 else
134 event.changed = true;
136 if new then
137 room.send_history = send_history;
138 room.save_to_history = save_to_history;
139 else
140 room.send_history = nil;
141 room.save_to_history = nil;
144 end);
147 -- Note: We ignore the 'with' field as this is internally used for stanza types
148 local query_form = dataform {
149 { name = "FORM_TYPE"; type = "hidden"; value = xmlns_mam; };
150 { name = "with"; type = "jid-single"; };
151 { name = "start"; type = "text-single" };
152 { name = "end"; type = "text-single"; };
155 -- Serve form
156 module:hook("iq-get/bare/"..xmlns_mam..":query", function(event)
157 local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
158 origin.send(st.reply(stanza):add_child(query_form:form()));
159 return true;
160 end);
162 -- Handle archive queries
163 module:hook("iq-set/bare/"..xmlns_mam..":query", function(event)
164 local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza;
165 local room_jid =;
166 local room_node = jid_split(room_jid);
167 local orig_from = stanza.attr.from;
168 local query = stanza.tags[1];
170 local room = get_room_from_jid(room_jid);
171 if not room then
172 origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found"))
173 return true;
175 local from = jid_bare(orig_from);
177 -- Banned or not a member of a members-only room?
178 local from_affiliation = room:get_affiliation(from);
179 if from_affiliation == "outcast" -- banned
180 or room:get_members_only() and not from_affiliation then -- members-only, not a member
181 origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden"))
182 return true;
185 local qid = query.attr.queryid;
187 -- Search query parameters
188 local qstart, qend;
189 local form = query:get_child("x", "jabber:x:data");
190 if form then
191 local err;
192 form, err = query_form:data(form);
193 if err then
194 origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", select(2, next(err))));
195 return true;
197 qstart, qend = form["start"], form["end"];
200 if qstart or qend then -- Validate timestamps
201 local vstart, vend = (qstart and timestamp_parse(qstart)), (qend and timestamp_parse(qend))
202 if (qstart and not vstart) or (qend and not vend) then
203 origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "modify", "bad-request", "Invalid timestamp"))
204 return true;
206 qstart, qend = vstart, vend;
209 module:log("debug", "Archive query id %s from %s until %s)",
210 tostring(qid),
211 qstart and timestamp(qstart) or "the dawn of time",
212 qend and timestamp(qend) or "now");
214 -- RSM stuff
215 local qset = rsm.get(query);
216 local qmax = m_min(qset and qset.max or default_max_items, max_max_items);
217 local reverse = qset and qset.before or false;
219 local before, after = qset and qset.before, qset and qset.after;
220 if type(before) ~= "string" then before = nil; end
222 -- Load all the data!
223 local data, err = archive:find(room_node, {
224 start = qstart; ["end"] = qend; -- Time range
225 limit = qmax + 1;
226 before = before; after = after;
227 reverse = reverse;
228 with = "message<groupchat";
231 if not data then
232 origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "internal-server-error"));
233 return true;
235 local total = tonumber(err);
237 local msg_reply_attr = { to = stanza.attr.from, from = };
239 local results = {};
241 -- Wrap it in stuff and deliver
242 local first, last;
243 local count = 0;
244 local complete = "true";
245 for id, item, when in data do
246 count = count + 1;
247 if count > qmax then
248 complete = nil;
249 break;
251 local fwd_st = st.message(msg_reply_attr)
252 :tag("result", { xmlns = xmlns_mam, queryid = qid, id = id })
253 :tag("forwarded", { xmlns = xmlns_forward })
254 :tag("delay", { xmlns = xmlns_delay, stamp = timestamp(when) }):up();
256 -- Strip <x> tag, containing the original senders JID, unless the room makes this public
257 if room:get_whois() ~= "anyone" then
258 item:maptags(function (tag)
259 if == "x" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_muc_user then
260 return nil;
262 return tag;
263 end);
265 if not is_stanza(item) then
266 item = st.deserialize(item);
268 item.attr.xmlns = "jabber:client";
269 fwd_st:add_child(item);
271 if not first then first = id; end
272 last = id;
274 if reverse then
275 results[count] = fwd_st;
276 else
277 origin.send(fwd_st);
281 if reverse then
282 for i = #results, 1, -1 do
283 origin.send(results[i]);
285 first, last = last, first;
288 -- That's all folks!
289 module:log("debug", "Archive query %s completed", tostring(qid));
291 origin.send(st.reply(stanza)
292 :tag("fin", { xmlns = xmlns_mam, queryid = qid, complete = complete })
293 :add_child(rsm.generate {
294 first = first, last = last, count = total }));
295 return true;
296 end);
298 module:hook("muc-get-history", function (event)
299 local room =;
300 if not archiving_enabled(room) then return end
301 local room_jid = room.jid;
302 local maxstanzas = event.maxstanzas or math.huge;
303 local maxchars = event.maxchars;
304 local since = event.since;
305 local to =;
307 -- Load all the data!
308 local query = {
309 limit = math.min(maxstanzas, get_historylength(room));
310 start = since;
311 reverse = true;
312 with = "message<groupchat";
314 local data, err = archive:find(jid_split(room_jid), query);
316 if not data then
317 module:log("error", "Could not fetch history: %s", tostring(err));
318 return
321 local history, i = {}, 1;
323 for id, item, when in data do
324 = to;
325 item:tag("delay", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay", from = room_jid, stamp = timestamp(when) }):up(); -- XEP-0203
326 item:tag("stanza-id", { xmlns = xmlns_st_id, by = room_jid, id = id }):up();
327 if room:get_whois() ~= "anyone" then
328 item:maptags(function (tag)
329 if == "x" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_muc_user then
330 return nil;
332 return tag;
333 end);
335 if maxchars then
336 local chars = #tostring(item);
337 if maxchars - chars < 0 then
338 break
340 maxchars = maxchars - chars;
342 history[i], i = item, i+1;
343 -- module:log("debug", tostring(item));
345 function event.next_stanza()
346 i = i - 1;
347 return history[i];
349 return true;
350 end, 1);
352 function send_history(self, to, stanza)
353 local maxchars, maxstanzas, seconds, since;
354 local history_tag = stanza:find("{}x/history")
355 if history_tag then
356 module:log("debug", tostring(history_tag));
357 local history_attr = history_tag.attr;
358 maxchars = tonumber(history_attr.maxchars);
359 maxstanzas = tonumber(history_attr.maxstanzas);
360 seconds = tonumber(history_attr.seconds);
361 since = history_attr.since;
362 if since then
363 since = timestamp_parse(since);
365 if seconds then
366 since = math.max(os.time() - seconds, since or 0);
370 local event = {
371 room = self;
372 to = to; -- `to` is required to calculate the character count for `maxchars`
373 maxchars = maxchars, maxstanzas = maxstanzas, since = since;
374 next_stanza = function() end; -- events should define this iterator
377 for msg in event.next_stanza, event do
378 self:_route_stanza(msg);
382 -- Handle messages
383 function save_to_history(self, stanza)
384 local room_node, room_host = jid_split(self.jid);
386 -- Filter out <stanza-id> that claim to be from us
387 stanza:maptags(function (tag)
388 if == "stanza-id" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_st_id
389 and jid_prep( == self.jid then
390 return nil;
392 if == "x" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_muc_user then
393 return nil;
395 return tag;
396 end);
398 local stored_stanza = stanza;
400 if == "message" and self:get_whois() == "anyone" then
401 stored_stanza = st.clone(stanza);
402 local actor = jid_bare(self._occupants[stanza.attr.from].jid);
403 local affiliation = self:get_affiliation(actor) or "none";
404 local role = self:get_role(actor) or self:get_default_role(affiliation);
405 stored_stanza:add_direct_child(st.stanza("x", { xmlns = xmlns_muc_user })
406 :tag("item", { affiliation = affiliation; role = role; jid = actor }));
409 -- Policy check
410 if not archiving_enabled(self) then -- Don't log
411 module:log("debug", "Not archiving %s", stanza:top_tag());
412 return;
414 module:log("debug", "Archiving %s", stanza:top_tag());
416 -- And stash it
417 local with =
418 if stanza.attr.type then
419 with = with .. "<" .. stanza.attr.type
422 archive:append(room_node, nil, stored_stanza, time_now(), with);
425 if not archive.delete then
426 module:log("warn", "Storage driver %s does not support deletion", archive._provided_by);
427 module:log("warn", "Archived message will persist after a room has been destroyed");
428 else
429 module:hook("muc-room-destroyed", function(event)
430 local room_node = jid_split(;
431 archive:delete(room_node);
432 end);
435 -- And role/affiliation changes?
437 module:add_feature(xmlns_mam);
439 module:hook("muc-disco#info", function(event)
440 event.reply:tag("feature", {var=xmlns_mam}):up();
441 end);