Don't transfer devil status and rotate arrow which is just passing into memory.
[poca-love.git] / conf.lua
1 function love.conf(t)
2 t.window.title = "Poca"
3 --t.window.icon = "icon.png"
4 t.window.width = 600
5 t.window.height = 600
6 t.window.fullscreen = false
7 t.window.resizable = true -- should be false for android portrait
8 t.identity = "poca"
9 t.version = "11.1" -- love version
10 t.externalstorage = false
11 t.modules.joystick = false
12 t.modules.physics = false
13 t.accelerometerjoystick = false
14 = true
15 t.modules.math = true
16 t.modules.sound = true
17 t.modules.system = true
18 t.modules.thread = false
19 t.window.vsync = 1
20 end