vytvoreni zakladnich funkci plistxyz() a coordxyz()
[plist.git] / rename.txt
1 ## prejmenovani funkci knihovny sez_sour -> plist
2 ## list of functions names. Czech and english names
4 cb_sez              plist_id          
5 delka_sez           plist_distance
6 gon                 gon
7 je_sez              isplist
8 je_sez_konz         isunique
9 prev_sez            plist_hdiff
10 rad                 rad
11 sezh                plistz
12 sezxy               plistxy
13 sezxyh              plistxyz
14 sezyx               plistyx
15 sezyxh              plistyxz
16 smernik_sez         plist_bearing
17 souradnice          coord
18 sourh               coordz
19 sourx               coordx
20 soury               coordy
21 souryxh             coordxyz
22 spoj_sez            plist_join
23 tisk_sez            plist_print
24 zarad_uhel          angle2pi
25 zobr_sez            plist_plot