Remove obsolete function and docs related to planner-directory.
[planner-el.git] / contrib / schedule.el
1 ;;; schedule.el --- calculate schedule completion time
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2008 John Wiegley.
5 ;; Author: John Wiegley <>
6 ;; Created: 20 Jan 1999
7 ;; Version: 2.0
8 ;; Keywords: calendar
9 ;; X-URL:
11 ;; This version of schedule.el is part of Planner. It is not part of
12 ;; GNU Emacs.
14 ;; Planner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
15 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
17 ;; any later version.
19 ;; Planner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
20 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 ;; General Public License for more details.
24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 ;; along with Planner; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
26 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
27 ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
29 ;;; Commentary:
31 ;; This file provides a single Lisp function:
32 ;; `schedule-completion-time'. It takes an Emacs time object and a
33 ;; quantity of seconds. It returns an Emacs time object that
34 ;; represents when the given number of seconds will be completed,
35 ;; assuming that work can only be done during work hours.
37 ;; The available work hours are affected by several factors:
39 ;; 1. If timeclock.el is being used, the amount of time left
40 ;; in the current workday (timeclock-workday-remaining)
41 ;; 2. The amount of time in each workday (schedule-workday)
42 ;; 3. The definition of a work week (schedule-week)
43 ;; 4. Any holidays defined in the Emacs calendar
44 ;; 5. Any appointments in the Emacs diary
46 ;; Taking all of the "block out" periods into account,
47 ;; `schedule-completion-time' will compute when the given number of
48 ;; seconds will be done, based on your current definitions of time
49 ;; available.
51 ;; As an example, here's a function which, given a list of durations
52 ;; in seconds, will return a list of completion times starting from
53 ;; the current moment:
55 ;; (defun compute-completion-times (&rest durations)
56 ;; "Compute completion times for a list of DURATIONS (in seconds)."
57 ;; (let ((now (current-time)))
58 ;; (mapcar
59 ;; (function
60 ;; (lambda (dura)
61 ;; (setq now (schedule-completion-time now dura))))
62 ;; durations)))
64 ;; To call this function:
66 ;; (compute-completion-times 3600 7200 3600)
68 ;;; Code:
70 (require 'calendar)
71 (require 'diary-lib)
72 (require 'holidays)
74 (defconst schedule-version "2.0"
75 "This version of schedule.")
77 (defgroup schedule nil
78 "A mode to help keep track of project schedules."
79 :group 'tasks)
81 ;;; User Variables:
83 (defvar schedule-week-length nil
84 "The length of the week in seconds.
85 This variable is computed whenever `schedule-week' is set.")
87 (defcustom schedule-workday (if (boundp 'timeclock-workday)
88 timeclock-workday
89 (* 8 60 60))
90 "*The length of a work period.
91 If the `timeclock' package is being used, it will be consulted in
92 order to determine a proper default value."
93 :type 'integer
94 :group 'schedule)
96 (defun schedule-duration-to-seconds (code)
97 "Convert the given CODE into a integer quantity of seconds."
98 (if (string-match "\\([0-9.]+\\)\\([smhdw]\\)" code)
99 (let ((amount (string-to-number (match-string 1 code)))
100 (kind (match-string 2 code)))
101 (cond ((equal kind "s")
102 amount)
103 ((equal kind "m")
104 (* amount 60))
105 ((equal kind "h")
106 (* amount 3600))
107 ((equal kind "d")
108 (* amount schedule-workday))
109 ((equal kind "w")
110 (* amount schedule-week-length))
112 (error "Invalid duration code"))))
113 (error "Invalid duration code")))
115 (defvar schedule-computed-week nil
116 "The meaning of `schedule-week', converted into numeric form.")
118 (defun schedule-calculate-week ()
119 "Convert `schedule-week' into `schedule-computed-week'."
120 (setq
121 schedule-week-length 0
122 schedule-computed-week
123 (mapcar
124 (function
125 (lambda (day)
126 (when day
127 (let ((start (car day)))
128 (if (functionp start)
129 (setq start (funcall start)))
130 (if (string-match "^\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\([ap]\\)m?$" start)
131 (let ((hour (string-to-number (match-string 1 start)))
132 (min (string-to-number (match-string 2 start)))
133 (ampm (match-string 3 start)))
134 (if (and (= hour 12) (string= ampm "a"))
135 (setq hour 0))
136 (if (and (< hour 12) (string= ampm "p"))
137 (setq hour (+ hour 12)))
138 (let ((length
139 (if (functionp (cadr day))
140 (funcall (cadr day))
141 (schedule-duration-to-seconds (cadr day)))))
142 (setq schedule-week-length
143 (+ schedule-week-length length))
144 (list hour min length)))
145 nil)))))
146 (symbol-value 'schedule-week)))) ; to quiet byte compiler
148 (defcustom schedule-week
149 '(nil
150 ("9:00a" "8h")
151 ("9:00a" "8h")
152 ("9:00a" "8h")
153 ("9:00a" "8h")
154 ("9:00a" "8h")
155 nil)
156 "*A description of what your regular week looks like.
157 The list should be seven elements long, the first entry being for
158 Sunday. Each entry is either nil, or a list of the form (TIME-IN
159 DURATION). TIME-IN should be a string of the form \"11:30a\", or a
160 function returning such a string; DURATION should be a duration
161 string, such as \"8h\", or a function returning a quantity of
162 seconds."
163 :set (lambda (symbol value)
164 (setq schedule-week value)
165 (schedule-calculate-week)
166 schedule-week)
167 :type '(repeat (choice (const :tag "No work" nil)
168 (list :tag "Workday"
169 (choice (string :tag "Time in")
170 function)
171 (choice (string :tag "Duration")
172 function))))
173 :group 'schedule)
175 (defcustom schedule-diary-period nil
176 "*How many days at a time we should look through the diary.
177 If you have lots of repeating appointments, things may go faster if
178 you decrease this number. If this variable is set to nil, the diary
179 won't be consulted."
180 :set (lambda (symbol value)
181 (if value
182 (require 'diary-lib))
183 (setq schedule-diary-period value))
184 :type '(choice (integer :tag "Quantum of days to examine")
185 (const :tag "Don't consult diary" nil))
186 :group 'schedule)
188 ;;; Internal Variables:
190 (defvar schedule-day-remainder nil
191 "The number of seconds remaining today.
192 Used in calculations only.")
194 (defvar schedule-diary-entries nil
195 "A list of diary entries in a period.")
197 (defvar schedule-diary-entries-begin nil
198 "The time of the beginning of `schedule-diary-entries'.")
200 (defvar schedule-holiday-list nil
201 "A list of dates on which holidays will fall.")
203 (defvar schedule-initialized nil
204 "Non-nil if the scheduling code has been initialized.")
206 ;;; User Functions:
208 ;;;###autoload
209 (defun schedule-completion-time (then count)
210 "Advance THEN by COUNT seconds, skipping the weekends and holidays.
211 THEN must not already be in a holiday or non-worktime. Make sure that
212 `schedule-align-now' is called at least once before this function ever
213 gets called."
214 (unless schedule-initialized
215 (schedule-initialize))
216 ;; determine how much time is left in the current day
217 (if (and (featurep 'timeclock)
218 (timeclock-currently-in-p)
219 (> (timeclock-workday-remaining) 0))
220 (setq schedule-day-remainder (timeclock-workday-remaining))
221 (setq then (schedule-align-now then)
222 schedule-day-remainder
223 (cdr (schedule-nearest-workday then))))
224 ;; now calculate when the timeframe will actually end
225 (while (> count 0)
226 (if (< count schedule-day-remainder)
227 (setq then (schedule-time-add-seconds then count)
228 schedule-day-remainder
229 (- schedule-day-remainder
230 count)
231 count 0)
232 (setq count (- count schedule-day-remainder)
233 then (schedule-align-now (schedule-advance-day then))
234 schedule-day-remainder
235 (cdr (schedule-nearest-workday then)))))
236 then)
238 ;;; Internal Functions:
240 (defun schedule-initialize ()
241 "Initialize the scheduling computation code."
242 ;; initialize the cached diary entry lists
243 (setq schedule-diary-entries nil
244 schedule-diary-entries-begin nil)
246 ;; if someone changes these values outside the customize buffer,
247 ;; they will have to reload this module.
248 (unless schedule-computed-week
249 (schedule-calculate-week))
251 ;; determine the holidays that will apply
252 (setq schedule-holiday-list nil)
253 (let ((h calendar-holidays))
254 (while h
255 (if (eq (caar h) 'holiday-fixed)
256 (setq schedule-holiday-list
257 (cons (list (nth 1 (car h))
258 (nth 2 (car h)))
259 schedule-holiday-list)))
260 (setq h (cdr h))))
262 (setq schedule-initialized t))
264 (defsubst schedule-time-add-seconds (time seconds)
265 "To TIME, add SECONDS. Return result as a time value."
266 (let* ((secint (truncate seconds))
267 (hi (/ secint 65536))
268 (lo (% secint 65536))
269 (calc (+ (cadr time) lo)))
270 (if (< calc 65536)
271 (list (+ (car time) hi) calc)
272 (list (+ (car time) (1+ hi)) (% calc 65536)))))
274 (defsubst schedule-advance-day (then &optional count)
275 "Given a time THEN, advance it by COUNT days."
276 (schedule-time-add-seconds then (* 86400 (or count 1))))
278 (defsubst schedule-time-to-seconds (time)
279 "Convert TIME to a floating point number."
280 (+ (* (car time) 65536.0)
281 (cadr time)
282 (/ (or (car (cdr (cdr time))) 0) 1000000.0)))
284 (defsubst schedule-seconds-to-time (seconds)
285 "Convert SECONDS (a floating point number) to an Emacs time structure."
286 (list (floor seconds 65536)
287 (floor (mod seconds 65536))
288 (floor (* (- seconds (ffloor seconds)) 1000000))))
290 (defsubst schedule-time-diff (t1 t2)
291 "Return the difference in seconds between T1 and T2."
292 (- (schedule-time-to-seconds t1)
293 (schedule-time-to-seconds t2)))
295 (defsubst schedule-time-less-p (t1 t2)
296 "Say whether time T1 is less than time T2."
297 (or (< (car t1) (car t2))
298 (and (= (car t1) (car t2))
299 (< (nth 1 t1) (nth 1 t2)))))
301 (defsubst schedule-time-date (then)
302 "Return the DATE part of THEN, in calendar friendly format."
303 (let* ((elems (decode-time then)))
304 (list (nth 4 elems)
305 (nth 3 elems)
306 (nth 5 elems))))
308 (defun schedule-seconds-to-duration (seconds)
309 "Convert SECONDS to a compact time string."
310 (let ((string
311 (cond ((< seconds 60)
312 (format "%ds" seconds))
313 ((< seconds 3600)
314 (format "%.1fm" (/ (float seconds) 60.0)))
315 ((< seconds schedule-workday)
316 (format "%.1fh" (/ (float seconds) 3600.0)))
317 ((< seconds schedule-week-length)
318 (format "%.1fd" (/ (float seconds) schedule-workday)))
320 (format "%.1fw"
321 (/ (float seconds) schedule-week-length))))))
322 (if (string-match "\\.0\\([mhdw]\\)" string)
323 (replace-match "\\1" t nil string)
324 string)))
326 (defun schedule-day-begin (then)
327 "Given a time THEN, return its beginning time and length.
328 `schedule-week' is consulted to determine what the typical begin time
329 and length are for a given day of the week. The return value is a
330 cons cell, with the car being a time value, and the cdr the number of
331 seconds during that day."
332 (let* ((elems (decode-time then))
333 (dow (nth 6 elems))
334 (today (nth dow schedule-computed-week)))
335 (if (not today)
336 (cons then 0)
337 (cons (apply 'encode-time 0 (cadr today) (car today)
338 (nthcdr 3 elems))
339 (nth 2 today)))))
341 ;; This is from "cal-desk-calendar.el". It should be part of Emacs.
342 (defun schedule-diary-entry-times (s)
343 "List of times at beginning of string S in military-style integers.
344 For example, returns 1325 for 1:25pm. Returns -9999 if no time is
345 recognized. The recognized forms are XXXX or X:XX or XX:XX (military
346 time), XXam or XXpm, and XX:XXam or XX:XXpm. If a range is given, the
347 list contains two elements which will be the start and end of the
348 range. If only one time is given, both elements of the list will
349 contain the time given."
350 (cond
351 ;; Hour and minute range XX:XX-XX:XX[ap]m
352 ((string-match
353 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>"
355 (list
356 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
357 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
358 12))
359 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
360 (if (string-equal "a"
361 (substring s (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5)))
362 0 1200))
363 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
364 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
365 12))
366 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
367 (if (string-equal "a"
368 (substring s (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5)))
369 0 1200))
370 (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 5)))))
372 ;; Military time range
373 ((string-match
374 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):?\\([0-9][0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):?\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\(\\|[^ap]\\)"
376 (list
377 (+ (* 100 (string-to-int
378 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
379 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))))
380 (+ (* 100 (string-to-int
381 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))))
382 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4))))
383 (substring s (1+ (match-end 4)))))
385 ;; Hour range HH[ap]m-HH[ap]m
386 ((string-match
387 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m-\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>" s)
388 (list
389 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
390 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
391 12))
392 (if (string-equal "a"
393 (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
394 0 1200))
395 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
396 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
397 12))
398 (if (string-equal "a"
399 (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
400 0 1200))
401 (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 4)))))
403 ;; Hour range HH-HH[ap]m
404 ((string-match
405 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>" s)
406 (list
407 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
408 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
409 12))
410 (if (string-equal "a"
411 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
412 0 1200))
413 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
414 (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
415 12))
416 (if (string-equal "a"
417 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
418 0 1200))
419 (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 3)))))
421 ;; Hour and minute range XX:XX[ap]m-XX:XX[ap]m
422 ((string-match
423 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m-\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>"
425 (list
426 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
427 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
428 12))
429 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
430 (if (string-equal "a"
431 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
432 0 1200))
433 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
434 (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
435 12))
436 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5)))
437 (if (string-equal "a"
438 (substring s (match-beginning 6) (match-end 6)))
439 0 1200))
440 (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 6)))))
442 ;; Military time
443 ((string-match
444 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):?\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\(\\>\\|[^ap]\\)" s)
445 (let ((time (+ (* 100 (string-to-int
446 (substring s (match-beginning 1)
447 (match-end 1))))
448 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2)
449 (match-end 2))))))
450 (list time time (substring s (1+ (match-end 2))))))
452 ;; Hour only XXam or XXpm
453 ((string-match
454 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>" s)
455 (let ((time (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
456 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
457 12))
458 (if (string-equal
459 "a" (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
460 0 1200))))
461 (list time time (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 2))))))
463 ;; Hour and minute XX:XXam or XX:XXpm
464 ((string-match
465 "^[ ]*\\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\>" s)
466 (let ((time (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
467 (substring s (match-beginning 1)
468 (match-end 1)))
469 12))
470 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2)
471 (match-end 2)))
472 (if (string-equal
473 "a" (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
474 0 1200))))
475 (list time time (substring s (+ 2 (match-end 3))))))
477 ;; Sunrise/sunset produced by %%(diary-sunrise-sunset)
478 ((string-match
479 "^[ ]*Sunrise \\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\> ([A-Za-z0-9+-]*), sunset \\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\> ([A-Za-z0-9+-]*)\\(.*\\)" s)
480 (let ((sunrise-time
481 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
482 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
483 12))
484 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
485 (if (string-equal "a"
486 (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
487 0 1200)))
488 (sunset-time
489 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
490 (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
491 12))
492 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 5) (match-end 5)))
493 (if (string-equal "a"
494 (substring s (match-beginning 6) (match-end 6)))
495 0 1200))))
496 (list sunrise-time sunrise-time
497 (concat "Sunrise "
498 (substring s (match-beginning 1) (match-end 2)) "am"
499 (substring s (1+ (match-end 6)))
500 (substring s (match-beginning 7) (match-end 7)))
501 sunset-time sunset-time
502 (concat "Sunset "
503 (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 5)) "pm"
504 (substring s (1+ (match-end 6)))
505 (substring s (match-beginning 7) (match-end 7))))))
507 ;; Lunar phase produced by %%(diary-phases-of-moon)
508 ((string-match
509 "^[ ]*\\(New\\|First Quarter\\|Full\\|Last Quarter\\) Moon \\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\> ([A-Z0-9+-]*)" s)
510 (let ((time
511 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
512 (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
513 12))
514 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
515 (if (string-equal
516 "a" (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
517 0 1200))))
518 (list time time s)))
520 ;; Equinox/Solstice produced by %%(diary-equinoxes-solstices)
521 ((string-match
522 "^[ ]*\\(Vernal Equinox\\|Summer Solstice\\|Autumnal Equinox\\|Winter Solstice\\) \\([0-9]?[0-9]\\):\\([0-9][0-9]\\)\\([ap]\\)m\\> ([A-Z0-9+-]*)" s)
523 (let ((time
524 (+ (* 100 (% (string-to-int
525 (substring s (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2)))
526 12))
527 (string-to-int (substring s (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3)))
528 (if (string-equal
529 "a" (substring s (match-beginning 4) (match-end 4)))
530 0 1200))))
531 (list time time s)))
533 ;; Unrecognizable
534 (t (list -9999 -9999 s))))
536 (defun schedule-convert-diary-time (date diary-time)
537 "Convert the given DATE and DIARY-TIME into a time value.
538 DIARY-TIME is an integer of the form HHMM, as returned by
539 `schedule-diary-entry-times'."
540 (let ((minutes (* (+ (* (/ diary-time 100) 60)
541 (% diary-time 100)) 60)))
542 (encode-time 0 (% minutes 60) (truncate (/ minutes 60))
543 (cadr date) (car date) (nth 2 date) nil)))
545 (defun schedule-get-diary-entries (then)
546 "Find if there are any diary entries occurring THEN (a time value).
547 Return the amount of time they are scheduled to consume."
548 (let ((then-date (schedule-time-date then))
549 (day-length (schedule-day-begin then))
550 (diff (and schedule-diary-entries-begin
551 (truncate
552 (/ (schedule-time-diff
553 then schedule-diary-entries-begin) 86400)))))
554 (if (or (not schedule-diary-entries)
555 (> diff schedule-diary-period))
556 (let ((display-hook diary-display-hook))
557 (unwind-protect
558 (save-window-excursion
559 (setq diary-display-hook nil
560 schedule-diary-entries
561 (list-diary-entries then-date
562 schedule-diary-period)
563 schedule-diary-entries-begin then))
564 (setq diary-display-hook display-hook))))
565 (let ((entry schedule-diary-entries)
566 (length 0))
567 (while entry
568 (let ((date (caar entry)))
569 (if (equal date then-date)
570 (let* ((times (schedule-diary-entry-times
571 (cadr (car entry))))
572 (first (schedule-convert-diary-time
573 (cadr (car entry)) (car times)))
574 (last (schedule-convert-diary-time
575 (cadr (car entry)) (cadr times))))
576 (if (and (schedule-time-less-p (car day-length)
577 first)
578 (schedule-time-less-p
579 last (schedule-time-add-seconds
580 (car day-length) (cdr day-length))))
581 (setq length
582 (+ length (- (schedule-time-diff last first))))))))
583 (setq entry (cdr entry)))
584 length)))
586 (defun schedule-nearest-workday (then)
587 "Given a time THEN, find the nearest workday."
588 (let ((max 8) entry)
589 (while (and (> max 0)
590 (setq entry (schedule-day-begin then))
591 (or (not entry) (= (cdr entry) 0)))
592 (setq then (schedule-advance-day then)
593 max (1- max)))
594 (if (= max 0)
595 (error "There are is no work time defined during the week"))
596 (and schedule-diary-period
597 (setcdr entry (- (cdr entry)
598 (schedule-get-diary-entries then))))
599 entry))
601 (defun schedule-nearest-true-workday (then)
602 "Given a time THEN, find the nearest real workday (not a holiday)."
603 (let ((max 365) entry)
604 (while (and (> max 0)
605 (setq entry (schedule-nearest-workday then))
606 ;; jww (1999-04-23): this will need to be updated to
607 ;; handle floating holidays
608 (let* ((date (schedule-time-date (car entry)))
609 (mon-day (list (car date) (cadr date))))
610 (member mon-day schedule-holiday-list)))
611 (setq then (car entry)
612 then (schedule-advance-day then)
613 max (1- max)))
614 (if (= max 0)
615 (error "There is no time available for at least a year"))
616 entry))
618 (defun schedule-align-now (then)
619 "Given a time THEN, move it ahead to the next valid moment."
620 (let ((day (schedule-nearest-true-workday then)))
621 (if (schedule-time-less-p then (car day))
622 (car day)
623 (if (> (- (schedule-time-diff then (car day)))
624 (cdr day))
625 (car (schedule-nearest-true-workday
626 (schedule-advance-day then)))
627 then))))
629 (provide 'schedule)
631 ;;; schedule.el ends here