descriptionPHPwikiBot is a free and open source, object-oriented MediaWiki bot.
homepage URL
repository URLgit://
last changeWed, 13 Apr 2011 22:40:03 +0000 (13 18:40 -0400)
content tags

PHPwikiBot is a free and open source, object-oriented MediaWiki bot based on WikiBot, APIbot and peachy with massive modification.

Some Features are:

2011-04-13 Xiaomao ChenAdded BetterCodes Repository to README.master0.2.1
2011-04-04 Xiaomao ChenDocumented some functions and remove many useless lines...
2011-04-04 Xiaomao ChenMissing data.class.php from PHPwikiBot.phpproj.0.2.0
2011-04-04 Xiaomao ChenObject-oriented get_page and return more than just...
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenSeparated data classes to data.class.php. Added some...
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenAdded export_file() to export pages to xml files.
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenFixed documentation problem by creating a new package...
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenCan now export an array of pages using export(). Docume...
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenDocumented class UploadData.
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenObject-oriented the return value of upload()
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenAdded a class called ExportedPage for page export which...
2011-04-03 Xiaomao ChenDocumented iwimp() and impxml(), and moved their position
2011-04-02 Xiaomao ChenUsed code from upload() to finish impxml().
2011-04-02 Xiaomao ChenIgnored unneeded files.
2011-04-02 Xiaomao ChenAdded iwimp() for interwiki importing, but didn't finis...
13 years ago 0.2.1 The first public alpha release...
13 years ago 0.2.0
13 years ago 0.1.3 Fixed all error and ready to package
13 years ago 0.1.2 With unblock()
13 years ago 0.1.1 A version with some improvement
13 years ago 0.1.0 The trunk version has been marked...
13 years ago master