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1 ;;; PHOROS -- Photogrammetric Road Survey
2 ;;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2012 Bert Burgemeister
3 ;;;
4 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
8 ;;;
9 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15 ;;; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16 ;;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 (in-package :phoros)
20 (setf *js-target-version* 1.8)
22 ;;; Debug helpers. TODO: remove them.
23 (defparameter *t* nil)
24 (defparameter *tt* nil)
26 (cffi:define-foreign-library phoml
27 (:unix (:or "./"
28 "./phoml/lib/"))
29 (t (:default "libphoml")))
31 (defparameter *standard-coordinates* 4326
32 "EPSG code of the coordinate system that we use for communication.")
34 (defparameter *spherical-mercator* 900913
35 "EPSG code of the coordinate system used for some distance calculations.")
37 (defvar *verbosity* nil
38 "List of strings like \"topic:7\".")
40 (defvar *postgresql-credentials* nil
41 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
43 (defvar *postgresql-aux-credentials* nil
44 "A list: (database user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl).")
46 (defparameter *photogrammetry-mutex* (bt:make-lock "photogrammetry"))
48 (setf *read-default-float-format* 'double-float)
50 (defparameter *phoros-server* nil "Hunchentoot acceptor.")
52 (defparameter *common-root* nil
53 "Root directory; contains directories of measuring data.")
55 (defparameter *proxy-root* "phoros"
56 "First directory element of the server URL. Must correspond to the
57 proxy configuration if Phoros is hidden behind a proxy.")
59 (defparameter *login-intro* nil
60 "A few friendly words to be shown below the login form.")
62 (defparameter *number-of-images* 4
63 "Number of photos shown to the HTTP client.")
65 (defparameter *aux-numeric-labels* nil
66 "Labels for auxiliary numeric data rows shown to the HTTP client.")
68 (defparameter *aux-text-labels* nil
69 "Labels for auxiliary text data rows shown to the HTTP client.")
71 (defparameter *browser-cache-max-age* (* 3600 24 7)
72 "Value x for Cache-Control:max-age=x, for images on client.")
74 (defparameter *number-of-features-per-layer* 500
75 "What we think a browser can swallow.")
77 (defparameter *number-of-points-per-aux-linestring* 500
78 "What we think a browser can swallow.")
80 (defparameter *user-point-creation-date-format* "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ"
81 "SQL date format used for display and GeoJSON export of user points.")
83 (defparameter *phoros-version*
84 (asdf:component-version (asdf:find-system :phoros))
85 "Phoros version as defined in system definition.")
87 (defparameter *phoros-description*
88 (asdf:system-description (asdf:find-system :phoros))
89 "Phoros description as defined in system definition.")
91 (defparameter *phoros-long-description*
92 (asdf:system-long-description (asdf:find-system :phoros))
93 "Phoros long-description as defined in system definition.")
95 (defparameter *phoros-licence*
96 (asdf:system-licence (asdf:find-system :phoros))
97 "Phoros licence as defined in system definition.")
99 (defun version-number-parts (dotted-string)
100 "Return the three version number components of something like
101 \"11.22.33\"."
102 (when dotted-string
103 (values-list (mapcar #'parse-integer
104 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\. dotted-string)))))
106 (defun phoros-version (&key major minor revision)
107 "Return version of this program, either one integer part as denoted by
108 the key argument, or the whole dotted string."
109 (multiple-value-bind (major-number minor-number revision-number)
110 (version-number-parts *phoros-version*)
111 (cond (major major-number)
112 (minor minor-number)
113 (revision revision-number)
114 (t *phoros-version*))))
116 (defun check-dependencies ()
117 "Say OK if the necessary external dependencies are available."
118 (handler-case
119 (progn
120 (geographic-to-utm 33 13 52) ;check cs2cs
121 (phoros-photogrammetry:del-all) ;check photogrammetry
122 (initialize-leap-seconds) ;check source of leap second info
123 (format *error-output* "~&OK~%"))
124 (error (e) (format *error-output* "~A~&" e))))
126 (defun muffle-postgresql-warnings ()
127 "For current DB, silence PostgreSQL's warnings about implicitly
128 created stuff."
129 (unless (cli:verbosity-level :postgresql-warnings)
130 (execute "SET client_min_messages TO ERROR;")))
132 (defun check-db (db-credentials)
133 "Check postgresql connection. Return t if successful; show error on
134 *error-output* otherwise. db-credentials is a list like so: (database
135 user password host &key (port 5432) use-ssl)."
136 (let (connection)
137 (handler-case
138 (setf connection (apply #'connect db-credentials))
139 (error (e) (format *error-output* "Database connection ~S failed: ~A~&"
140 db-credentials e)))
141 (when connection
142 (disconnect connection)
143 t)))
145 (defun ignore-warnings (c) (declare (ignore c)) (muffle-warning))
147 (defmethod hunchentoot:session-cookie-name (acceptor)
148 (declare (ignore acceptor))
149 "phoros-session")
151 (defun start-server (&key (proxy-root "phoros") (http-port 8080) address
152 (common-root "/"))
153 "Start the presentation project server which listens on http-port
154 at address. Address defaults to all addresses of the local machine."
155 (setf *phoros-server*
156 (make-instance 'hunchentoot:easy-acceptor
157 :port http-port
158 :address address
159 :document-root (ensure-directories-exist
160 "unexpected_html/")
161 :error-template-directory (ensure-directories-exist
162 "unexpected_html/errors/")))
163 (setf hunchentoot:*session-max-time* (* 3600 24))
164 (setf *proxy-root* proxy-root)
165 (setf *common-root* common-root)
166 (check-db *postgresql-credentials*)
167 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
168 (assert-phoros-db-major-version))
169 (hunchentoot:reset-session-secret)
170 (hunchentoot:start *phoros-server*))
172 (defun stop-server () (hunchentoot:stop *phoros-server*))
174 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
175 (register-sql-operators :2+-ary :&& :overlaps))
177 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler phoros-handler ()
178 "First HTTP contact: if necessary, check credentials, establish new
179 session."
180 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
181 (let* ((s (cl-utilities:split-sequence
183 (hunchentoot:script-name*)
184 :remove-empty-subseqs t))
185 (presentation-project-name (second s))
186 (presentation-project-id
187 (ignore-errors
188 (presentation-project-id-from-name presentation-project-name))))
190 ;; TODO: remove the following line (which seems to function as a
191 ;; wakeup call of sorts)...
192 (get-dao 'sys-user-role 0 0)
193 ;; ...and make sure the following error doesn't occur any longer
194 ;; while accessing the HTTP server:
195 ;; #<POSTMODERN:DAO-CLASS PHOROS::SYS-USER-ROLE> cannot be printed readably.
197 (cond
198 ((null presentation-project-id)
199 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-not-found+))
200 ((and (equal (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)
201 presentation-project-name)
202 (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p))
203 (hunchentoot:redirect
204 (format nil "/~A/lib/view-~A"
205 ;; *proxy-root*
206 "phoros"
207 (phoros-version))
208 :add-session-id t))
210 (progn
211 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)
212 presentation-project-name)
213 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id)
214 presentation-project-id)
215 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)
216 (let ((bbox
217 (ignore-errors
218 (bounding-box (get-dao 'sys-presentation-project
219 presentation-project-name)))))
220 (if (or (null bbox) (eq :null bbox))
222 bbox)))
223 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'aux-data-p)
224 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
225 (view-exists-p (aux-point-view-name
226 presentation-project-name))))
227 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
228 (:body
229 :style "font-family:sans-serif;"
230 (:form
231 :method "post" :enctype "multipart/form-data"
232 :action (format nil "/~A/lib/authenticate"
233 *proxy-root*)
234 :name "login-form"
235 (:fieldset
236 (:legend (:b (:a :href ""
237 :style "text-decoration:none;"
238 "Phoros")
239 (who:fmt "&nbsp;[~A]" presentation-project-name)))
240 (:noscript
241 (:b (:em "You can't do much without JavaScript there.")))
242 (:p "User:"
244 (:input :type "text" :name "user-name"))
245 (:p "Password:"
247 (:input :type "password" :name "user-password")
248 "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
249 (:span :id "cackle"))
250 (:input :type "submit" :value "Submit"
251 :onclick (ps-inline
252 (setf (chain document
253 (get-element-by-id "cackle")
254 inner-h-t-m-l)
255 "Ok, let&#039;s see&#8230;"))))
256 (:script :type "text/javascript"
257 (who:str (ps (chain document
258 :login-form
259 :user-name
260 (focus))))))
261 (loop
262 for i in *login-intro*
263 do (who:htm (:p (who:str i))))))))))))
265 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-regex-dispatcher "/phoros/(?!lib/)"
266 'phoros-handler)
267 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
269 (defun stored-bbox ()
270 "Return stored bounding box for user and presentation project of
271 current session."
272 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
273 (let ((bbox (bounding-box
274 (get-dao 'sys-user-role
275 (hunchentoot:session-value
276 'user-id)
277 (hunchentoot:session-value
278 'presentation-project-id)))))
279 (if (eq :null bbox)
280 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-bbox)
281 bbox))))
283 (defun stored-cursor ()
284 "Return stored cursor position for user and presentation project of
285 current session."
286 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
287 (let ((cursor
288 (query
289 (:select (:st_x 'cursor) (:st_y 'cursor)
290 :from 'sys-user-role
291 :where (:and (:= 'user-id
292 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
293 (:= 'presentation-project-id
294 (hunchentoot:session-value
295 'presentation-project-id))
296 (:raw "cursor IS NOT NULL")))
297 :list)))
298 (when cursor
299 (format nil "~{~F~#^,~}" cursor)))))
302 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
303 (authenticate-handler :uri "/phoros/lib/authenticate"
304 :default-request-type :post)
306 "Check user credentials."
307 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
308 (let* ((user-name (hunchentoot:post-parameter "user-name"))
309 (user-password (hunchentoot:post-parameter "user-password"))
310 (presentation-project-id (hunchentoot:session-value
311 'presentation-project-id))
312 (user-info
313 (when presentation-project-id
314 (query
315 (:select
316 'sys-user.user-full-name
317 'sys-user.user-id
318 'sys-user-role.user-role
319 :from 'sys-user-role 'sys-user
320 :where (:and
321 (:= 'presentation-project-id presentation-project-id)
322 (:= 'sys-user-role.user-id 'sys-user.user-id)
323 (:= 'user-name user-name)
324 (:= 'user-password user-password)))
325 :row)))
326 (user-full-name (first user-info))
327 (user-id (second user-info))
328 (user-role (third user-info)))
329 (if user-role
330 (progn
331 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p) t
332 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name) user-name
333 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-full-name) user-full-name
334 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id) user-id
335 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role) user-role)
336 (hunchentoot:redirect
337 (format nil "/~A/lib/view-~A"
338 ;; *proxy-root*
339 "phoros"
340 (phoros-version))
341 :add-session-id t))
342 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
343 (:body
344 :style "font-family:sans-serif;"
345 (:b "Rejected. ")
346 (:a :href (format nil "/~A/~A/"
347 *proxy-root*
348 (hunchentoot:session-value
349 'presentation-project-name))
350 "Retry?")))))))
352 (defun assert-authentication ()
353 "Abort request handler on unauthorized access."
354 (unless (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
355 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-precondition-failed+)
356 (hunchentoot:abort-request-handler)))
358 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler logout-handler (bbox longitude latitude)
359 (if (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
360 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
361 (let ((presentation-project-name
362 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name))
363 (sys-user-role
364 (get-dao 'sys-user-role
365 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id)
366 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id))))
367 (when sys-user-role
368 (when bbox
369 (setf (bounding-box sys-user-role) bbox))
370 (when (and longitude latitude)
371 (let* ;; kludge: should be done by some library, not by DB query
372 ((point-form (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
373 (point-wkb (query (:select
374 (:st_geomfromtext point-form))
375 :single)))
376 (setf (cursor sys-user-role) point-wkb)))
377 (update-dao sys-user-role))
378 (hunchentoot:remove-session hunchentoot:*session*)
379 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
380 (:html
381 (:head
382 (:title (who:str
383 (concatenate
384 'string
385 "Phoros: logged out" )))
386 (:link :rel "stylesheet"
387 :href (format nil "/~A/lib/css-~A/style.css"
388 *proxy-root*
389 (phoros-version))
390 :type "text/css"))
391 (:body
392 (:h1 :id "title" "Phoros: logged out")
393 (:p "Log back in to project "
394 (:a :href (format nil "/~A/~A"
395 *proxy-root*
396 presentation-project-name)
397 (who:fmt "~A." presentation-project-name))))))))
398 "Bye (again)."))
400 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-regex-dispatcher "/logout" 'logout-handler)
401 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
403 (define-condition superseded () ()
404 (:documentation
405 "Tell a thread to finish as soon as possible taking any shortcuts
406 available."))
408 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
409 (selectable-restrictions :uri "/phoros/lib/selectable-restrictions.json"
410 :default-request-type :post)
412 "Respond with a list of restrictions the user may choose from."
413 (assert-authentication)
414 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
415 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
416 (json:encode-json-to-string
417 (query
418 (:order-by
419 (:select 'restriction-id
420 :from 'sys-selectable-restriction
421 :where (:= 'presentation-project-id
422 (hunchentoot:session-value
423 'presentation-project-id)))
424 'restriction-id)
425 :column))))
427 (defun selected-restrictions (presentation-project-id selected-restriction-ids)
428 "Get from current database connection a list of restriction clauses
429 belonging to presentation-project-id and ids from list
430 selected-restriction-ids."
431 (query
432 (sql-compile
433 `(:select 'sql-clause
434 :from 'sys-selectable-restriction
435 :where (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id
436 ,presentation-project-id)
437 (:or
438 ,@(loop for i in selected-restriction-ids
439 collect (list := 'restriction-id i))))))
440 :column))
442 (defun sql-where-conjunction (sql-boolean-clauses)
443 "Parenthesize sql-boolean-clauses and concatenate them into a
444 string, separated by \"AND\". Return \" TRUE \" if
445 sql-boolean-clauses is nil."
446 (if sql-boolean-clauses
447 (apply #'concatenate 'string (butlast (loop
448 for i in sql-boolean-clauses
449 collect " ("
450 collect i
451 collect ") "
452 collect "AND")))
453 " TRUE "))
455 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
456 (nearest-image-data :uri "/phoros/lib/nearest-image-data"
457 :default-request-type :post)
459 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
460 containing picture url, calibration parameters, and car position,
461 wrapped in an array. Wipe away any unfinished business first."
462 (assert-authentication)
463 (dolist (old-thread (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
464 (ignore-errors
465 (bt:interrupt-thread old-thread
466 #'(lambda () (signal 'superseded)))))
467 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads) nil)
468 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads) 1)
469 (push (bt:current-thread) (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
470 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
471 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
472 (let* ((presentation-project-id (hunchentoot:session-value
473 'presentation-project-id))
474 (common-table-names (common-table-names
475 presentation-project-id))
476 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
477 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
478 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
479 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
480 (zoom (cdr (assoc :zoom data)))
481 (snap-distance ;bogus distance in degrees,
482 (* 100e-5 ; assuming geographic
483 (expt 2 (- ; coordinates
484 14 ; (1m = 1e-5 degrees)
485 (max 13
486 (min 18 zoom))))))
487 (point-form (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
488 (selected-restrictions-conjunction
489 (sql-where-conjunction
490 (selected-restrictions presentation-project-id
491 (cdr (assoc :selected-restriction-ids
492 data)))))
493 (nearest-footprint-centroid-query
494 ;; Inserting the following into
495 ;; image-data-with-footprints-query as a subquery would
496 ;; work correctly but is way too slow.
497 (sql-compile
498 `(:limit
499 (:select
500 'centroid
501 ,@*aggregate-view-columns*
502 :from
503 (:as
504 (:order-by
505 (:union
506 ,@(loop
507 for common-table-name
508 in common-table-names
509 for aggregate-view-name
510 = (aggregate-view-name
511 common-table-name)
512 collect
513 `(:select
514 (:as
515 (:st_distance
516 (:st_centroid 'footprint)
517 (:st_geomfromtext
518 ,point-form
519 ,*standard-coordinates*))
520 'distance)
521 (:as (:st_centroid 'footprint)
522 'centroid)
523 ,@*aggregate-view-columns*
524 :from (:as
525 (:select
527 ;; no-ops wrt self-references in
528 ;; selected-restrictions-conjunction
529 ,@(postmodern-as-clauses
530 (pairlis *aggregate-view-columns*
531 *aggregate-view-columns*))
532 :from ',aggregate-view-name)
533 'images-of-acquisition-project)
534 :where
535 (:and
536 (:= 'presentation-project-id
537 ,presentation-project-id)
538 (:st_dwithin
539 'footprint
540 (:st_geomfromtext
541 ,point-form
542 ,*standard-coordinates*)
543 ,snap-distance)
544 (:raw ,selected-restrictions-conjunction)))))
545 'distance)
546 'centroids))
547 1)))
548 (nearest-footprint-image
549 (ignore-errors (logged-query "centroid of nearest footprint"
550 nearest-footprint-centroid-query
551 :alist)))
552 (nearest-footprint-centroid
553 (cdr (assoc :centroid nearest-footprint-image)))
554 (image-data-with-footprints-query
555 (sql-compile
556 `(:limit
557 (:order-by
558 (:union
559 ,@(loop
560 for common-table-name in common-table-names
561 for aggregate-view-name
562 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
563 collect
564 `(:select
565 ,@*aggregate-view-columns*
566 (:as (:st_distance 'coordinates
567 ,nearest-footprint-centroid)
568 'distance)
569 (:as (:not (:is-null 'footprint))
570 'footprintp)
571 ,(when (cli:verbosity-level :render-footprints)
572 '(:as (:st_asewkt 'footprint)
573 'footprint-wkt))
574 :from (:as
575 (:select
577 ,@(postmodern-as-clauses
578 nearest-footprint-image)
579 :from ',aggregate-view-name)
580 'images-of-acquisition-project-plus-reference-image)
581 :where
582 (:and
583 (:= 'presentation-project-id
584 ,presentation-project-id)
585 (:st_contains 'footprint
586 ,nearest-footprint-centroid)
587 (:raw ,selected-restrictions-conjunction)))))
588 'distance)
589 ,count)))
590 (nearest-image-without-footprints-query
591 (sql-compile
592 `(:limit
593 (:order-by
594 (:union
595 ,@(loop
596 for common-table-name in common-table-names
597 for aggregate-view-name
598 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
599 collect
600 `(:select
601 ,@*aggregate-view-columns*
602 (:as (:st_distance 'coordinates
603 (:st_geomfromtext
604 ,point-form
605 ,*standard-coordinates*))
606 'distance)
607 (:as (:not (:is-null 'footprint))
608 'footprintp)
609 :from (:as
610 (:select
612 ;; no-ops wrt self-references in
613 ;; selected-restrictions-conjunction
614 ,@(postmodern-as-clauses
615 (pairlis *aggregate-view-columns*
616 *aggregate-view-columns*))
617 :from ',aggregate-view-name)
618 'images-of-acquisition-project)
619 :where
620 (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id
621 ,presentation-project-id)
622 (:st_dwithin 'coordinates
623 (:st_geomfromtext
624 ,point-form
625 ,*standard-coordinates*)
626 ,snap-distance)
627 (:raw ,selected-restrictions-conjunction)))))
628 'distance)
629 1)))
630 (nearest-image-without-footprint
631 (unless nearest-footprint-centroid ;otherwise save time
632 (ignore-errors (logged-query "no footprint, first image"
633 nearest-image-without-footprints-query
634 :alist))))
635 (image-data-without-footprints-query
636 (sql-compile
637 `(:limit
638 (:order-by
639 (:union
640 ,@(loop
641 for common-table-name in common-table-names
642 for aggregate-view-name
643 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
644 collect
645 `(:select
646 ,@*aggregate-view-columns*
647 (:as (:st_distance 'coordinates
648 (:st_geomfromtext
649 ,point-form
650 ,*standard-coordinates*))
651 'distance)
652 (:as (:not (:is-null 'footprint))
653 'footprintp)
654 :from (:as
655 (:select
657 ,@(postmodern-as-clauses
658 nearest-image-without-footprint)
659 :from ',aggregate-view-name)
660 'images-of-acquisition-project)
661 :where
662 (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id
663 ,presentation-project-id)
664 (:st_dwithin 'coordinates
665 (:st_geomfromtext
666 ,point-form
667 ,*standard-coordinates*)
668 ,snap-distance)
669 (:raw ,selected-restrictions-conjunction)))))
670 'distance)
671 ,count)))
672 (result
673 (handler-case
674 (ignore-errors
675 (if nearest-footprint-centroid
676 (logged-query "footprints are ready"
677 image-data-with-footprints-query
678 :alists)
679 (logged-query "no footprints yet"
680 image-data-without-footprints-query
681 :alists)))
682 (superseded () nil))))
683 (when (cli:verbosity-level :render-footprints)
684 (setf
685 result
686 (loop
687 for photo-parameter-set in result
688 for footprint-vertices = ;something like this:
689 ;; "SRID=4326;POLYGON((14.334342229 51.723293508 118.492667334,14.334386877 51.723294417 118.404764286,14.334347429 51.72327914 118.506316418,14.334383211 51.723279895 118.435823396,14.334342229 51.723293508 118.492667334))"
690 (ignore-errors ;probably no :footprint-wkt
691 (mapcar (lambda (p)
692 (mapcar (lambda (x)
693 (parse-number:parse-real-number x))
694 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\Space p)))
695 (subseq
696 (cl-utilities:split-sequence-if
697 (lambda (x)
698 (or (eq x #\,)
699 (eq x #\()
700 (eq x #\))))
701 (cdr (assoc :footprint-wkt photo-parameter-set)))
702 2 7)))
703 collect
704 (if footprint-vertices
705 (acons
706 :rendered-footprint
707 (pairlis
708 '(:type :coordinates)
709 (list
710 :line-string
711 (loop
712 for footprint-vertex in footprint-vertices
713 for reprojected-vertex =
714 (photogrammetry
715 :reprojection
716 ;; KLUDGE: translate keys, e.g. a1 -> a_1
717 (json:decode-json-from-string
718 (json:encode-json-to-string photo-parameter-set))
719 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
720 (proj:cs2cs
721 (list (proj:degrees-to-radians
722 (first footprint-vertex))
723 (proj:degrees-to-radians
724 (second footprint-vertex))
725 (third footprint-vertex))
726 :destination-cs
727 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
728 photo-parameter-set)))))
729 collect
730 (list (cdr (assoc :m reprojected-vertex))
731 (cdr (assoc :n reprojected-vertex))))))
732 photo-parameter-set)
733 photo-parameter-set))))
734 (decf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads))
735 (json:encode-json-to-string result))))
737 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
738 (nearest-image-urls :uri "/phoros/lib/nearest-image-urls"
739 :default-request-type :post)
741 "Receive coordinates, respond with a json array of the necessary
742 ingredients for the URLs of the 256 nearest images."
743 (assert-authentication)
744 (push (bt:current-thread) (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
745 (if (<= (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads)
746 0) ;only stuff cache if everything else is done
747 (progn
748 (incf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads))
749 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
750 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
751 (let* ((presentation-project-id (hunchentoot:session-value
752 'presentation-project-id))
753 (common-table-names (common-table-names
754 presentation-project-id))
755 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
756 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
757 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
758 (count 256)
759 (radius (* 5d-4)) ; assuming geographic coordinates
760 (point-form (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
761 (result
762 (handler-case
763 (ignore-errors
764 (query
765 (sql-compile
766 `(:limit
767 (:select
768 'directory 'filename 'byte-position
769 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser 'mounting-angle
770 :from
771 (:as
772 (:order-by
773 (:union
774 ,@(loop
775 for common-table-name
776 in common-table-names
777 for aggregate-view-name
778 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
779 collect
780 `(:select
781 'directory
782 'filename 'byte-position
783 'bayer-pattern 'color-raiser
784 'mounting-angle
785 (:as (:st_distance
786 'coordinates
787 (:st_geomfromtext
788 ,point-form
789 ,*standard-coordinates*))
790 'distance)
791 :from
792 ',aggregate-view-name
793 :where
794 (:and (:= 'presentation-project-id
795 ,presentation-project-id)
796 (:st_dwithin
797 'coordinates
798 (:st_geomfromtext
799 ,point-form
800 ,*standard-coordinates*)
801 ,radius)))))
802 'distance)
803 'raw-image-urls))
804 ,count))
805 :alists))
806 (superseded ()
807 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*)
808 hunchentoot:+http-gateway-time-out+)
809 nil))))
810 (decf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads))
811 (json:encode-json-to-string result))))
812 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-gateway-time-out+)))
814 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
815 (store-point :uri "/phoros/lib/store-point" :default-request-type :post)
817 "Receive point sent by user; store it into database."
818 (assert-authentication)
819 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
820 'presentation-project-name))
821 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
822 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
823 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
824 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
825 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
826 (ellipsoid-height (cdr (assoc :ellipsoid-height data)))
827 ;; (stdx-global (cdr (assoc :stdx-global data)))
828 ;; (stdy-global (cdr (assoc :stdy-global data)))
829 ;; (stdz-global (cdr (assoc :stdz-global data)))
830 (input-size (cdr (assoc :input-size data)))
831 (kind (cdr (assoc :kind data)))
832 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
833 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
834 (point-form
835 (format nil "SRID=4326; POINT(~S ~S ~S)"
836 longitude latitude ellipsoid-height))
837 (aux-numeric-raw (setf *t* (cdr (assoc :aux-numeric data))))
838 (aux-text-raw (cdr (assoc :aux-text data)))
839 (aux-numeric (if aux-numeric-raw
840 (nullify-nil (apply #'vector aux-numeric-raw))
841 :null))
842 (aux-text (if aux-text-raw
843 (nullify-nil (apply #'vector aux-text-raw))
844 :null))
845 (user-point-table-name
846 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
847 (assert
848 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
849 () "No write permission.")
850 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
851 (assert
852 (= 1 (execute (:insert-into user-point-table-name :set
853 'user-id user-id
854 'kind kind
855 'description description
856 'numeric-description numeric-description
857 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
858 'coordinates (:st_geomfromewkt point-form)
859 ;; 'stdx-global stdx-global
860 ;; 'stdy-global stdy-global
861 ;; 'stdz-global stdz-global
862 'input-size input-size
863 'aux-numeric aux-numeric
864 'aux-text aux-text)))
865 () "No point stored. This should not happen."))))
867 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
868 (update-point :uri "/phoros/lib/update-point" :default-request-type :post)
870 "Update point sent by user in database."
871 (assert-authentication)
872 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
873 'presentation-project-name))
874 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
875 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
876 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
877 (user-point-id (cdr (assoc :user-point-id data)))
878 (kind (cdr (assoc :kind data)))
879 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
880 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
881 (user-point-table-name
882 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
883 (assert
884 (not (string-equal user-role "read")) ;that is, "write" or "admin"
885 () "No write permission.")
886 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
887 (assert
888 (= 1 (execute
889 (:update user-point-table-name :set
890 'user-id user-id
891 'kind kind
892 'description description
893 'numeric-description numeric-description
894 'creation-date 'current-timestamp
895 :where (:and (:= 'user-point-id user-point-id)
896 (:or (:= (if (string-equal user-role
897 "admin")
898 user-id
899 'user-id)
900 user-id)
901 (:is-null 'user-id)
902 (:exists
903 (:select 'user-name
904 :from 'sys-user
905 :where (:= 'user-id
906 user-id))))))))
907 () "No point stored. Did you try to update someone else's point ~
908 without having admin permission?"))))
910 (defun increment-numeric-string (text)
911 "Increment rightmost numeric part of text if any; otherwise append a
912 three-digit numeric part."
913 (let* ((end-of-number
914 (1+ (or (position-if #'digit-char-p text :from-end t)
915 (1- (length text)))))
916 (start-of-number
917 (1+ (or (position-if-not #'digit-char-p text :from-end t
918 :end end-of-number)
919 -1)))
920 (width-of-number (- end-of-number start-of-number))
921 (prefix-text (subseq text 0 start-of-number))
922 (suffix-text (subseq text end-of-number)))
923 (when (zerop width-of-number)
924 (setf width-of-number 3))
925 (format nil "~A~V,'0D~A"
926 prefix-text
927 width-of-number
928 (1+ (or (ignore-errors
929 (parse-integer
930 text
931 :start start-of-number :end end-of-number))
933 suffix-text)))
935 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
936 (uniquify-point-attributes :uri "/phoros/lib/uniquify-point-attributes"
937 :default-request-type :post)
939 "Check if received set of point-attributes are unique. If so,
940 return null; otherwise return (as a suggestion) a uniquified version
941 of point-attributes by modifying element numeric-description."
942 (assert-authentication)
943 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
944 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
945 'presentation-project-name))
946 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
947 (user-point-id (cdr (assoc :user-point-id data)))
948 (kind (cdr (assoc :kind data)))
949 (description (cdr (assoc :description data)))
950 (numeric-description (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data)))
951 (user-point-table-name
952 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name)))
953 (flet ((uniquep (user-point-id kind description numeric-description)
954 "Check if given set of user-point attributes will be
955 unique in database"
956 (not
957 (if user-point-id
958 (query
959 (:select
960 (:exists
961 (:select
963 :from user-point-table-name
964 :where (:and (:!= 'user-point-id user-point-id)
965 (:= 'kind kind)
966 (:= 'description description)
967 (:= 'numeric-description
968 numeric-description)))))
969 :single!)
970 (query
971 (:select
972 (:exists
973 (:select
975 :from user-point-table-name
976 :where (:and (:= 'kind kind)
977 (:= 'description description)
978 (:= 'numeric-description
979 numeric-description)))))
980 :single!)))))
981 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
982 (json:encode-json-to-string
983 (unless (uniquep
984 user-point-id kind description numeric-description)
985 (loop
986 for s = numeric-description
987 then (increment-numeric-string s)
988 until (uniquep user-point-id kind description s)
989 finally
990 (setf (cdr (assoc :numeric-description data))
992 (return data))))))))
994 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
995 (delete-point :uri "/phoros/lib/delete-point" :default-request-type :post)
997 "Delete user point if user is allowed to do so."
998 (assert-authentication)
999 (let* ((presentation-project-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1000 'presentation-project-name))
1001 (user-id (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-id))
1002 (user-role (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role))
1003 (user-point-table-name
1004 (user-point-table-name presentation-project-name))
1005 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
1006 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1007 (assert
1008 (eql 1 (cond ((string-equal user-role "admin")
1009 (execute (:delete-from user-point-table-name
1010 :where (:= 'user-point-id data))))
1011 ((string-equal user-role "write")
1012 (execute
1013 (:delete-from
1014 user-point-table-name
1015 :where (:and
1016 (:= 'user-point-id data)
1017 (:or (:= 'user-id user-id)
1018 (:is-null 'user-id)
1019 (:exists
1020 (:select 'user-name
1021 :from 'sys-user
1022 :where (:= 'user-id
1023 user-id))))))))))
1024 () "No point deleted. This should not happen."))))
1026 (defun common-table-names (presentation-project-id)
1027 "Return a list of common-table-names of table sets that contain data
1028 of presentation project with presentation-project-id."
1029 (handler-case
1030 (query
1031 (:select 'common-table-name
1032 :distinct
1033 :from 'sys-presentation 'sys-measurement 'sys-acquisition-project
1034 :where (:and
1035 (:= 'sys-presentation.presentation-project-id
1036 presentation-project-id)
1037 (:= 'sys-presentation.measurement-id
1038 'sys-measurement.measurement-id)
1039 (:= 'sys-measurement.acquisition-project-id
1040 'sys-acquisition-project.acquisition-project-id)))
1041 :column)
1042 (condition (c)
1043 (cl-log:log-message
1044 :error
1045 "While fetching common-table-names of presentation-project-id ~D: ~A"
1046 presentation-project-id c))))
1048 (defun encode-geojson-to-string (features &key junk-keys)
1049 "Encode a list of property lists into a GeoJSON FeatureCollection.
1050 Each property list must contain keys for coordinates, :x, :y, :z; it
1051 may contain a numeric point :id and zero or more pieces of extra
1052 information. The extra information is stored as GeoJSON Feature
1053 properties. Exclude property list elements with keys that are in
1054 junk-keys."
1055 (with-output-to-string (s)
1056 (json:with-object (s)
1057 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature-collection s)
1058 (json:as-object-member (:features s)
1059 (json:with-array (s)
1060 (mapcar
1061 #'(lambda (point-with-properties)
1062 (dolist (junk-key junk-keys)
1063 (remf point-with-properties junk-key))
1064 (destructuring-bind (&key x y z id &allow-other-keys) ;TODO: z probably bogus
1065 point-with-properties
1066 (json:as-array-member (s)
1067 (json:with-object (s)
1068 (json:encode-object-member :type :*feature s)
1069 (json:as-object-member (:geometry s)
1070 (json:with-object (s)
1071 (json:encode-object-member :type :*point s)
1072 (json:as-object-member (:coordinates s)
1073 (json:encode-json (list x y z) s))))
1074 (json:encode-object-member :id id s)
1075 (json:as-object-member (:properties s)
1076 (dolist (key '(:x :y :z :id))
1077 (remf point-with-properties key))
1078 (json:encode-json-plist point-with-properties s))))))
1079 features)))
1080 (json:encode-object-member :phoros-version (phoros-version) s))))
1082 (defun box3d (bbox)
1083 "Return a WKT-compliant BOX3D string from string bbox."
1084 (concatenate 'string "BOX3D("
1085 (substitute #\Space #\,
1086 (substitute #\Space #\, bbox :count 1)
1087 :from-end t :count 1)
1088 ")"))
1090 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler (points :uri "/phoros/lib/points.json") (bbox)
1091 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
1092 (assert-authentication)
1093 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1094 (handler-case
1095 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1096 (let* ((presentation-project-id
1097 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-id))
1098 (common-table-names
1099 (common-table-names presentation-project-id)))
1100 (encode-geojson-to-string
1101 (query
1102 (sql-compile
1103 `(:limit
1104 (:order-by
1105 (:union
1106 ,@(loop
1107 for common-table-name in common-table-names
1108 for aggregate-view-name
1109 = (point-data-table-name common-table-name)
1110 ;; would have been nice, was too slow:
1111 ;; = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
1112 collect
1113 `(:select
1114 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) x)
1115 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) y)
1116 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) z)
1117 (:as 'point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
1118 'random
1119 :distinct-on 'random
1120 :from ',aggregate-view-name
1121 :natural :left-join 'sys-presentation
1122 :where
1123 (:and
1124 (:= 'presentation-project-id
1125 ,presentation-project-id)
1126 (:&&
1127 'coordinates
1128 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
1129 ,*standard-coordinates*))))))
1130 random)
1131 ,*number-of-features-per-layer*))
1132 :plists)
1133 :junk-keys '(:random))))
1134 (condition (c)
1135 (cl-log:log-message
1136 :error "While fetching points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
1137 bbox c))))
1139 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1140 (aux-points :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-points.json")
1141 (bbox)
1142 "Send a bunch of GeoJSON-encoded points from inside bbox to client."
1143 (assert-authentication)
1144 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1145 (handler-case
1146 (let ((limit *number-of-features-per-layer*)
1147 (aux-view-name
1148 (aux-point-view-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1149 'presentation-project-name))))
1150 (encode-geojson-to-string
1151 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
1152 (query
1153 (s-sql:sql-compile
1154 `(:limit
1155 (:order-by
1156 (:select
1157 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
1158 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
1159 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
1160 :from ,aux-view-name
1161 :where (:&&
1162 'coordinates
1163 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bbox) box3d)
1164 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
1165 (:random))
1166 ,limit))
1167 :plists))))
1168 (condition (c)
1169 (cl-log:log-message
1170 :error "While fetching aux-points from inside bbox ~S: ~A"
1171 bbox c))))
1173 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1174 (aux-local-data :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-local-data"
1175 :default-request-type :post)
1177 "Receive coordinates, respond with the count nearest json objects
1178 containing arrays aux-numeric, aux-text, and distance to the
1179 coordinates received, wrapped in an array."
1180 (assert-authentication)
1181 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1182 (let* ((aux-view-name
1183 (aux-point-view-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1184 'presentation-project-name)))
1185 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1186 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
1187 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
1188 (count (cdr (assoc :count data)))
1189 (point-form
1190 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
1191 (snap-distance 1e-3) ;about 100 m, TODO: make this a defparameter
1192 (bounding-box
1193 (format nil "~A,~A,~A,~A"
1194 (- longitude snap-distance)
1195 (- latitude snap-distance)
1196 (+ longitude snap-distance)
1197 (+ latitude snap-distance))))
1198 (encode-geojson-to-string
1199 (ignore-errors
1200 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
1201 (nillify-null
1202 (query
1203 (s-sql:sql-compile
1204 `(:limit
1205 (:order-by
1206 (:select
1207 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
1208 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
1209 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
1210 aux-numeric
1211 aux-text
1212 (:as
1213 (:st_distance
1214 (:st_transform
1215 'coordinates
1216 ,*spherical-mercator*)
1217 (:st_transform
1218 (:st_geomfromtext ,point-form ,*standard-coordinates*)
1219 ,*spherical-mercator*))
1220 distance)
1221 :from ',aux-view-name
1222 :where (:&& 'coordinates
1223 (:st_setsrid (:type
1224 ,(box3d bounding-box) box3d)
1225 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
1226 'distance)
1227 ,count))
1228 :plists)))))))
1230 (defun nillify-null (x)
1231 "Replace occurences of :null in nested sequence x by nil."
1232 (cond ((eq :null x) nil)
1233 ((stringp x) x)
1234 ((numberp x) x)
1235 ((symbolp x) x)
1236 (t (map (type-of x) #'nillify-null x))))
1238 (defun nullify-nil (x)
1239 "Replace occurences of nil in nested sequence x by :null."
1240 (cond ((null x) :null)
1241 ((stringp x) x)
1242 ((numberp x) x)
1243 ((symbolp x) x)
1244 (t (map (type-of x) #'nullify-nil x))))
1246 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1247 (aux-local-linestring :uri "/phoros/lib/aux-local-linestring.json"
1248 :default-request-type :post)
1250 "Receive longitude, latitude, radius, and step-size; respond
1251 with a JSON object comprising the elements linestring (a WKT
1252 linestring stitched together of the nearest auxiliary points from
1253 within radius around coordinates), current-point (the point on
1254 linestring closest to coordinates), and previous-point and next-point
1255 \(points on linestring step-size before and after current-point
1256 respectively). Wipe away any unfinished business first."
1257 (assert-authentication)
1258 (dolist (old-thread (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
1259 (ignore-errors
1260 (bt:interrupt-thread old-thread
1261 #'(lambda () (signal 'superseded)))))
1262 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads) nil)
1263 (setf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads) 1)
1264 (push (bt:current-thread) (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
1265 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1266 (handler-case
1267 (let* ((thread-aux-points-function-name
1268 (thread-aux-points-function-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1269 'presentation-project-name)))
1270 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1271 (longitude (cdr (assoc :longitude data)))
1272 (latitude (cdr (assoc :latitude data)))
1273 (radius (cdr (assoc :radius data)))
1274 (step-size (cdr (assoc :step-size data)))
1275 (azimuth (if (numberp (cdr (assoc :azimuth data)))
1276 (cdr (assoc :azimuth data))
1278 (point-form
1279 (format nil "POINT(~F ~F)" longitude latitude))
1280 (sql-response
1281 (ignore-errors
1282 (with-connection *postgresql-aux-credentials*
1283 (nillify-null
1284 (query
1285 (sql-compile
1286 `(:select '* :from
1287 (,thread-aux-points-function-name
1288 (:st_geomfromtext
1289 ,point-form ,*standard-coordinates*)
1290 ,radius
1291 ,*number-of-points-per-aux-linestring*
1292 ,step-size
1293 ,azimuth
1294 ,(proj:degrees-to-radians 91))))
1295 :plist))))))
1296 (with-output-to-string (s)
1297 (json:with-object (s)
1298 (json:encode-object-member
1299 :linestring (getf sql-response :threaded-points) s)
1300 (json:encode-object-member
1301 :current-point (getf sql-response :current-point) s)
1302 (json:encode-object-member
1303 :previous-point (getf sql-response :back-point) s)
1304 (json:encode-object-member
1305 :next-point (getf sql-response :forward-point) s)
1306 (json:encode-object-member
1307 :azimuth (getf sql-response :new-azimuth) s))))
1308 (superseded ()
1309 ;; (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-gateway-time-out+)
1310 nil)))
1312 (defun get-user-points (user-point-table-name &key
1313 (bounding-box "-180,-90,180,90")
1314 (limit :null)
1315 (order-criterion 'id)
1316 indent)
1317 "Return limit points from user-point-table-name in GeoJSON format,
1318 and the number of points returned."
1319 (let ((user-point-plist
1320 (query
1321 (s-sql:sql-compile
1322 `(:limit
1323 (:order-by
1324 (:select
1325 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'x)
1326 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'y)
1327 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'z)
1328 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid in OpenLayers
1329 ;; 'stdx-global 'stdy-global 'stdz-global
1330 'input-size
1331 'kind 'description 'numeric-description
1332 'user-name
1333 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date
1334 ,*user-point-creation-date-format*)
1335 'creation-date)
1336 'aux-numeric 'aux-text
1337 :from ,user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
1338 :where (:&& 'coordinates
1339 (:st_setsrid (:type ,(box3d bounding-box) box3d)
1340 ,*standard-coordinates*)))
1341 ,order-criterion)
1342 ,limit))
1343 :plists)))
1344 (values
1345 (if indent
1346 (indent-json
1347 (encode-geojson-to-string (nillify-null user-point-plist)))
1348 (encode-geojson-to-string (nillify-null user-point-plist)))
1349 (length user-point-plist))))
1351 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1352 (user-points :uri "/phoros/lib/user-points.json")
1353 (bbox)
1354 "Send *number-of-features-per-layer* randomly chosen GeoJSON-encoded
1355 points from inside bbox to client. If there is no bbox parameter,
1356 send all points and indent GeoJSON to make it more readable."
1357 (assert-authentication)
1358 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1359 (handler-case
1360 (let ((bounding-box (or bbox "-180,-90,180,90"))
1361 (indent (not bbox))
1362 (limit (if bbox *number-of-features-per-layer* :null))
1363 (order-criterion (if bbox '(:random) 'id))
1364 (user-point-table-name
1365 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1366 'presentation-project-name))))
1367 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1368 (nth-value 0 (get-user-points user-point-table-name
1369 :bounding-box bounding-box
1370 :limit limit
1371 :order-criterion order-criterion
1372 :indent indent))))
1373 (condition (c)
1374 (cl-log:log-message
1375 :error "While fetching user-points~@[ from inside bbox ~S~]: ~A"
1376 bbox c))))
1378 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1379 (user-point-attributes :uri "/phoros/lib/user-point-attributes.json")
1381 "Send JSON object comprising arrays kinds and descriptions,
1382 each containing unique values called kind and description
1383 respectively, and count being the frequency of value in the user point
1384 table."
1385 (assert-authentication)
1386 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1387 (handler-case
1388 (let ((user-point-table-name
1389 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1390 'presentation-project-name))))
1391 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1392 (with-output-to-string (s)
1393 (json:with-object (s)
1394 (json:as-object-member (:descriptions s)
1395 (json:with-array (s)
1396 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (json:as-array-member (s)
1397 (json:encode-json-plist x s)))
1398 (query
1399 (:limit
1400 (:order-by
1401 (:select 'description
1402 (:count 'description)
1403 :from user-point-table-name
1404 :group-by 'description)
1405 'description)
1406 100)
1407 :plists))))
1408 (json:as-object-member (:kinds s)
1409 (json:with-array (s)
1410 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (json:as-array-member (s)
1411 (json:encode-json-plist x s)))
1412 (query (format nil "~
1413 (SELECT kind, count(kind) ~
1414 FROM ((SELECT kind FROM ~A) ~
1415 UNION ALL ~
1416 (SELECT kind ~
1417 FROM (VALUES ('solitary'), ~
1418 ('polyline'), ~
1419 ('polygon')) ~
1420 AS defaults(kind))) ~
1421 AS kinds_union(kind) ~
1422 GROUP BY kind) ~
1423 ORDER BY kind LIMIT 100"
1424 ;; Counts of solitary,
1425 ;; polyline, polygon may be
1426 ;; too big by one if we
1427 ;; collect them like this.
1428 (s-sql:to-sql-name user-point-table-name))
1429 :plists))))))))
1430 (condition (c)
1431 (cl-log:log-message
1432 :error "While fetching user-point-attributes: ~A"
1433 c))))
1435 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler photo-handler
1436 ((bayer-pattern :init-form "65280,16711680")
1437 (color-raiser :init-form "1,1,1")
1438 (mounting-angle :init-form "0")
1439 brightenp)
1440 "Serve an image from a .pictures file."
1441 (assert-authentication)
1442 (handler-case
1443 (prog2
1444 (progn
1445 (push (bt:current-thread)
1446 (hunchentoot:session-value 'recent-threads))
1447 (incf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads)))
1448 (let* ((s
1449 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\/
1450 (hunchentoot:script-name*)
1451 :remove-empty-subseqs t))
1452 (directory
1453 (cdddr ;remove leading phoros, lib, photo
1454 (butlast s 2)))
1455 (file-name-and-type
1456 (cl-utilities:split-sequence #\. (first (last s 2))))
1457 (byte-position
1458 (parse-integer (car (last s)) :junk-allowed t))
1459 (path-to-file
1460 (car
1461 (directory
1462 (make-pathname
1463 :directory (append (pathname-directory *common-root*)
1464 directory
1465 '(:wild-inferiors))
1466 :name (first file-name-and-type)
1467 :type (second file-name-and-type)))))
1468 (result
1469 (flex:with-output-to-sequence (stream)
1470 (send-png
1471 stream path-to-file byte-position
1472 :bayer-pattern
1473 (apply #'vector (mapcar
1474 #'parse-integer
1475 (cl-utilities:split-sequence
1476 #\, bayer-pattern)))
1477 :color-raiser
1478 (apply #'vector (mapcar
1479 #'parse-number:parse-positive-real-number
1480 (cl-utilities:split-sequence
1482 color-raiser)))
1483 :reversep (= 180 (parse-integer mounting-angle))
1484 :brightenp brightenp))))
1485 (setf (hunchentoot:header-out 'cache-control)
1486 (format nil "max-age=~D" *browser-cache-max-age*))
1487 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "image/png")
1488 result)
1489 (decf (hunchentoot:session-value 'number-of-threads)))
1490 (superseded ()
1491 (setf (hunchentoot:return-code*) hunchentoot:+http-gateway-time-out+)
1492 nil)
1493 (condition (c)
1494 (cl-log:log-message
1495 :error "While serving image ~S: ~A" (hunchentoot:request-uri*) c))))
1497 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-prefix-dispatcher "/phoros/lib/photo"
1498 'photo-handler)
1499 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1501 ;;; for debugging; this is the multi-file OpenLayers
1502 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1503 "/phoros/lib/openlayers/" "OpenLayers-2.10/")
1504 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1506 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1507 "/phoros/lib/ol/" "ol/")
1508 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1510 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-folder-dispatcher-and-handler
1511 "/phoros/lib/public_html/" "public_html/")
1512 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1514 (pushnew (hunchentoot:create-static-file-dispatcher-and-handler
1515 "/favicon.ico" "public_html/favicon.ico")
1516 hunchentoot:*dispatch-table*)
1518 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1519 (view :uri (format nil "/phoros/lib/view-~A" (phoros-version))
1520 :default-request-type :post)
1522 "Serve the client their main workspace."
1524 (hunchentoot:session-value 'authenticated-p)
1525 (who:with-html-output-to-string (s nil :prologue t :indent t)
1526 (:html
1527 (:head
1528 (:title (who:str
1529 (concatenate
1530 'string
1531 "Phoros: " (hunchentoot:session-value
1532 'presentation-project-name))))
1533 (if (cli:verbosity-level :use-multi-file-openlayers)
1534 (who:htm
1535 (:script
1536 :src (format nil "/~A/lib/openlayers/lib/Firebug/firebug.js"
1537 *proxy-root*))
1538 (:script
1539 :src (format nil "/~A/lib/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers.js"
1540 *proxy-root*)))
1541 (who:htm
1542 (:script
1543 :src (format nil "/~A/lib/ol/OpenLayers.js"
1544 *proxy-root*))))
1545 (:link :rel "stylesheet"
1546 :href (format nil "/~A/lib/css-~A/style.css"
1547 *proxy-root*
1548 (phoros-version))
1549 :type "text/css")
1550 (:script :src (format ;variability in script name is
1551 nil ; supposed to fight browser cache
1552 "/~A/lib/phoros-~A-~A-~A.js"
1553 *proxy-root*
1554 (phoros-version)
1555 (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name)
1556 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)))
1557 (:script :src ""))
1558 (:body
1559 :onload (ps (init))
1560 (:noscript (:b (:em "You can't do much without JavaScript here.")))
1561 ;; main header line
1562 (:h1 :id "title"
1563 "Phoros: " (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-full-name))
1564 (who:fmt " (~A)" (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-name))
1565 "with " (:span :id "user-role"
1566 (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value 'user-role)))
1567 "permission on "
1568 (:span :id "presentation-project-name"
1569 (who:str (hunchentoot:session-value
1570 'presentation-project-name)))
1571 (:span :id "presentation-project-emptiness")
1572 (:span :id "recommend-fresh-login")
1573 (:span :class "h1-right"
1574 (:span :id "caching-indicator")
1575 (:span :id "phoros-version"
1576 (who:fmt "v~A" (phoros-version)))))
1577 ;; streetmap area (northwest)
1578 (:div
1579 :class "controlled-streetmap"
1580 (:div :id "streetmap" :class "streetmap" :style "cursor:crosshair")
1581 (:div :id "streetmap-controls" :class "streetmap-controls"
1582 (:div :id "streetmap-vertical-strut"
1583 :class "streetmap-vertical-strut")
1584 (:div :id "streetmap-layer-switcher"
1585 :class "streetmap-layer-switcher")
1586 (:button :id "unselect-all-restrictions-button"
1587 :type "button"
1588 :onclick (ps-inline (unselect-all-restrictions))
1589 "clear" :br "all")
1590 (:select :id "restriction-select"
1591 :name "restriction-select"
1592 :size 3
1593 :multiple t
1594 :onchange (ps-inline (request-photos)))
1595 (:div :id "streetmap-overview" :class "streetmap-overview")
1596 (:div :id "streetmap-mouse-position"
1597 :class "streetmap-mouse-position")
1598 (:div :id "streetmap-zoom" :class "streetmap-zoom")))
1599 ;; control area (north)
1600 (:div
1601 :class "phoros-controls" :id "phoros-controls"
1602 (:div :id "real-phoros-controls"
1603 (:h2 :class "point-creator h2-phoros-controls"
1604 "Create Point")
1605 (:h2 :class "point-editor h2-phoros-controls"
1606 "Edit Point"
1607 (:span :id "creator"))
1608 (:h2 :class "point-viewer h2-phoros-controls"
1609 "View Point"
1610 (:span :id "creator"))
1611 (:h2 :class "aux-data-viewer h2-phoros-controls"
1612 "View Auxiliary Data")
1613 (:h2 :class "multiple-points-viewer"
1614 "Multiple Points Selected")
1615 (:div :class "multiple-points-viewer"
1616 (:p "You have selected multiple user points.")
1617 (:p "Unselect all but one to edit or view its properties."))
1618 (:span :class "point-creator point-editor point-viewer"
1619 (:div
1620 :id "point-kind"
1621 :class "combobox"
1622 (:select
1623 :id "point-kind-select"
1624 :name "point-kind-select"
1625 :class "combobox-select write-permission-dependent"
1626 :onchange (ps-inline
1627 (consolidate-combobox
1628 "point-kind"))
1629 :disabled t)
1630 (:input
1631 :id "point-kind-input"
1632 :name "point-kind-input"
1633 :class "combobox-input write-permission-dependent"
1634 :onchange (ps-inline
1635 (unselect-combobox-selection
1636 "point-kind"))
1637 :disabled t
1638 :type "text"))
1639 (:input :id "point-numeric-description"
1640 :class "vanilla-input write-permission-dependent"
1641 :disabled t
1642 :type "text" :name "point-numeric-description")
1644 (:div
1645 :id "point-description"
1646 :class "combobox"
1647 (:select
1648 :id "point-description-select"
1649 :name "point-description-select"
1650 :class "combobox-select write-permission-dependent"
1651 :onchange (ps-inline
1652 (consolidate-combobox
1653 "point-description"))
1654 :disabled t)
1655 (:input
1656 :id "point-description-input"
1657 :name "point-description-input"
1658 :class "combobox-input write-permission-dependent"
1659 :onchange (ps-inline
1660 (unselect-combobox-selection
1661 "point-description"))
1662 :disabled t
1663 :type "text"))
1664 (:button :id "delete-point-button" :disabled t
1665 :type "button"
1666 :onclick (ps-inline (delete-point))
1667 "del")
1668 (:button :disabled t :id "finish-point-button"
1669 :type "button"
1670 (:b "finish"))
1671 (:div :id "uniquify-buttons"
1672 (:button :id "suggest-unique-button"
1673 :type "button"
1674 :onclick (ps-inline
1675 (insert-unique-suggestion))
1676 (:b "suggest"))
1677 (:button :id "force-duplicate-button"
1678 :type "button"
1679 "push")))
1680 (:div :id "aux-point-distance-or-point-creation-date"
1681 (:code :id "point-creation-date"
1682 :class "point-editor point-viewer")
1683 (:select
1684 :id "aux-point-distance" :disabled t
1685 :class "point-creator aux-data-viewer aux-data-dependent"
1686 :size 1 :name "aux-point-distance"
1687 :onchange (ps-inline
1688 (aux-point-distance-selected))
1689 :onclick (ps-inline
1690 (enable-aux-point-selection)))
1691 (:div
1692 :id "include-aux-data"
1693 :class "point-creator aux-data-dependent"
1694 (:label
1695 (:input :id "include-aux-data-p"
1696 :class "tight-input"
1697 :type "checkbox" :checked t
1698 :name "include-aux-data-p"
1699 :onchange (ps-inline
1700 (flip-aux-data-inclusion)))
1701 "aux data"))
1702 (:div :id "display-nearest-aux-data"
1703 :class "aux-data-viewer"
1704 (:label
1705 (:input :id "display-nearest-aux-data-p"
1706 :class "tight-input"
1707 :type "checkbox" :checked t
1708 :name "display-nearest-aux-data-p"
1709 :onchange (ps-inline
1710 (flip-nearest-aux-data-display)))
1711 "display")))
1712 (:div
1713 :id "aux-data"
1714 :class "point-creator point-editor point-viewer aux-data-viewer"
1715 (:div :id "aux-numeric-list")
1716 (:div :id "aux-text-list")))
1717 (:div :class "walk-mode-controls"
1718 (:div :id "walk-mode"
1719 :class "aux-data-dependent"
1720 (:input :id "walk-p"
1721 :class "tight-input"
1722 :type "checkbox" :checked nil
1723 :onchange (ps-inline
1724 (flip-walk-mode)))
1725 (:label :for "walk-p"
1726 "snap+walk"))
1727 (:div :id "decrease-step-size"
1728 :class "aux-data-dependent"
1729 :onclick (ps-inline (decrease-step-size)))
1730 (:div :id "step-size"
1731 :class "aux-data-dependent"
1732 :onclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size))
1733 "4")
1734 (:div :id "increase-step-size"
1735 :class "aux-data-dependent"
1736 :onclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size))
1737 :ondblclick (ps-inline (increase-step-size)
1738 (increase-step-size)))
1739 (:div :id "step-button" :disabled nil
1740 :class "aux-data-dependent"
1741 :onclick (ps-inline (step))
1742 :ondblclick (ps-inline (step t))
1743 "step"))
1744 (:div :class "image-main-controls"
1745 (:div :id "auto-zoom"
1746 (:input :id "zoom-to-point-p"
1747 :class "tight-input"
1748 :type "checkbox" :checked t)
1749 (:label :for "zoom-to-point-p"
1750 "auto"))
1751 (:div :id "brighten-images"
1752 (:input :id "brighten-images-p"
1753 :class "tight-input"
1754 :type "checkbox" :checked nil)
1755 (:label :for "brighten-images-p"
1756 "bright"))
1757 (:div :id "zoom-images-to-max-extent"
1758 :onclick (ps-inline (zoom-images-to-max-extent)))
1759 (:div :id "no-footprints-p"
1760 (:b "?"))
1761 (:div :id "remove-work-layers-button" :disabled t
1762 :onclick (ps-inline (reset-layers-and-controls))
1763 "restart")))
1764 ;; help area (northeast)
1765 (:div
1766 :class "help-div"
1767 (:button
1768 :id "download-user-points-button"
1769 :type "button"
1770 :onclick (format nil
1771 "self.location.href = \"/~A/lib/user-points.json\""
1772 *proxy-root*)
1773 "download points") ;TODO: offer other formats and maybe projections
1774 (:button
1775 :id "blurb-button"
1776 :type "button"
1777 :onclick (ps-inline
1778 (chain window
1779 (open
1780 (+ "/"
1781 +proxy-root+
1782 "/lib/blurb?openlayers-version="
1783 (@ *open-layers *version_number*))
1784 "About Phoros")))
1785 (:img :src (format nil "/~A/lib/public_html/phoros-logo-plain.png"
1786 *proxy-root*)
1787 :alt "Phoros" :style "vertical-align:middle"
1788 :height 20))
1789 (:button :id "logout-button"
1790 :type "button"
1791 :onclick (ps-inline (bye))
1792 "bye")
1793 (:h2 :id "h2-help" "Help")
1794 (:div :id "help-display"))
1795 ;; image area (south)
1796 (:div :id "images" :style "clear:both"
1797 (loop
1798 for i from 0 below *number-of-images* do
1799 (who:htm
1800 (:div :class "controlled-image"
1801 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-controls" i)
1802 :class "image-controls"
1803 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-zoom" i)
1804 :class "image-zoom")
1805 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-layer-switcher" i)
1806 :class "image-layer-switcher")
1807 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-usable" i)
1808 :class "image-usable"
1809 (:b "!"))
1810 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S-trigger-time" i)
1811 :class "image-trigger-time"))
1812 (:div :id (format nil "image-~S" i)
1813 :class "image" :style "cursor:crosshair"))))))))
1814 (hunchentoot:redirect
1815 (format nil "/~A/~A"
1816 *proxy-root*
1817 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name))
1818 :add-session-id t)))
1820 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1821 (epipolar-line :uri "/phoros/lib/epipolar-line")
1823 "Receive vector of two sets of picture parameters, the first of
1824 which containing coordinates (m, n) of a clicked point. Respond with a
1825 JSON encoded epipolar-line."
1826 (assert-authentication)
1827 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1828 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
1829 (json:encode-json-to-string
1830 (photogrammetry :epipolar-line (first data) (second data)))))
1832 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1833 (estimated-positions :uri "/phoros/lib/estimated-positions")
1835 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising (1) a vector containing
1836 sets of picture-parameters with clicked (\"active\") points
1837 stored in :m, :n; and (2) a vector containing sets of
1838 picture-parameters; respond with a JSON encoded two-part vector
1839 comprising (1) a point in global coordinates; and (2) a vector of
1840 image coordinates (m, n) for the global point that correspond to the
1841 images from the received second vector. TODO: report error on bad
1842 data (ex: points too far apart)."
1843 ;; TODO: global-point-for-display should probably contain a proj string in order to make sense of the (cartesian) standard deviations.
1844 (assert-authentication)
1845 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1846 (let* ((data
1847 (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1848 (active-point-photo-parameters
1849 (first data))
1850 (number-of-active-points
1851 (length active-point-photo-parameters))
1852 (destination-photo-parameters
1853 (second data))
1854 (cartesian-system
1855 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
1856 (first active-point-photo-parameters))))
1857 (global-point-cartesian
1858 (photogrammetry
1859 :multi-position-intersection active-point-photo-parameters))
1860 (global-point-geographic-radians
1861 (proj:cs2cs (list (cdr (assoc :x-global global-point-cartesian))
1862 (cdr (assoc :y-global global-point-cartesian))
1863 (cdr (assoc :z-global global-point-cartesian)))
1864 :source-cs cartesian-system))
1865 (global-point-for-display ;points geographic cs, degrees; std deviations in cartesian cs
1866 (pairlis '(:longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height
1867 ;; :stdx-global :stdy-global :stdz-global
1868 :input-size)
1869 (list
1870 (proj:radians-to-degrees
1871 (first global-point-geographic-radians))
1872 (proj:radians-to-degrees
1873 (second global-point-geographic-radians))
1874 (third global-point-geographic-radians)
1875 ;; (cdr (assoc :stdx-global global-point-cartesian))
1876 ;; (cdr (assoc :stdy-global global-point-cartesian))
1877 ;; (cdr (assoc :stdz-global global-point-cartesian))
1878 number-of-active-points)))
1879 (image-coordinates
1880 (loop
1881 for i in destination-photo-parameters
1882 collect
1883 (ignore-errors
1884 (photogrammetry :reprojection i global-point-cartesian)))))
1885 (json:encode-json-to-string
1886 (list global-point-for-display image-coordinates))))
1888 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
1889 (user-point-positions :uri "/phoros/lib/user-point-positions")
1891 "Receive a two-part JSON vector comprising
1892 - a vector of user-point-id's and
1893 - a vector containing sets of picture-parameters;
1894 respond with a JSON object comprising the elements
1895 - image-points, a vector whose elements
1896 - correspond to the elements of the picture-parameters vector
1897 received and
1898 - are GeoJSON feature collections containing one point (in picture
1899 coordinates) for each user-point-id received;
1900 - user-point-count, the number of user-points we tried to fetch
1901 image-points for."
1902 (assert-authentication)
1903 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
1904 (with-connection *postgresql-credentials*
1905 (let* ((user-point-table-name
1906 (user-point-table-name (hunchentoot:session-value
1907 'presentation-project-name)))
1908 (data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data)))
1909 (user-point-ids (first data))
1910 (user-point-count (length user-point-ids))
1911 (destination-photo-parameters (second data))
1912 (cartesian-system
1913 (cdr (assoc :cartesian-system
1914 (first destination-photo-parameters)))) ;TODO: in rare cases, coordinate systems of the images shown may differ
1915 (user-points
1916 (query
1917 (:select
1918 (:as (:st_x 'coordinates) 'longitude)
1919 (:as (:st_y 'coordinates) 'latitude)
1920 (:as (:st_z 'coordinates) 'ellipsoid-height)
1921 (:as 'user-point-id 'id) ;becomes fid on client
1922 'kind
1923 'description
1924 'numeric-description
1925 'user-name
1926 (:as (:to-char 'creation-date "IYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS TZ")
1927 'creation-date)
1928 'aux-numeric
1929 'aux-text
1930 :from user-point-table-name :natural :left-join 'sys-user
1931 :where (:in 'user-point-id (:set user-point-ids)))
1932 :plists))
1933 (global-points-cartesian
1934 (loop
1935 for global-point-geographic in user-points
1936 collect
1937 (ignore-errors ;in case no destination-photo-parameters have been sent
1938 (pairlis '(:x-global :y-global :z-global)
1939 (proj:cs2cs
1940 (list
1941 (proj:degrees-to-radians
1942 (getf global-point-geographic :longitude))
1943 (proj:degrees-to-radians
1944 (getf global-point-geographic :latitude))
1945 (getf global-point-geographic :ellipsoid-height))
1946 :destination-cs cartesian-system)))))
1947 (image-coordinates
1948 (loop
1949 for photo-parameter-set in destination-photo-parameters
1950 collect
1951 (encode-geojson-to-string
1952 (loop
1953 for global-point-cartesian in global-points-cartesian
1954 for user-point in user-points
1955 collect
1956 (when (point-within-image-p
1957 (getf user-point :id)
1958 (hunchentoot:session-value 'presentation-project-name)
1959 (cdr (assoc :byte-position photo-parameter-set))
1960 (cdr (assoc :filename photo-parameter-set))
1961 (cdr (assoc :measurement-id photo-parameter-set)))
1962 (ignore-errors
1963 (let ((photo-coordinates
1964 (photogrammetry :reprojection
1965 photo-parameter-set
1966 global-point-cartesian))
1967 (photo-point
1968 user-point))
1969 (setf (getf photo-point :x)
1970 (cdr (assoc :m photo-coordinates)))
1971 (setf (getf photo-point :y)
1972 (cdr (assoc :n photo-coordinates)))
1973 photo-point))))
1974 :junk-keys '(:longitude :latitude :ellipsoid-height)))))
1975 (with-output-to-string (s)
1976 (json:with-object (s)
1977 (json:encode-object-member :user-point-count user-point-count s)
1978 (json:as-object-member (:image-points s)
1979 (json:with-array (s)
1980 (loop for i in image-coordinates do
1981 (json:as-array-member (s) (princ i s))))))))))
1983 (defun point-within-image-p (user-point-id presentation-project-name
1984 byte-position filename measurement-id)
1985 "Return t if either point with user-point-id is inside the footprint
1986 of the image described by byte-position, filename, and measurement-id;
1987 or if that image doesn't have a footprint. Return nil otherwise."
1988 (let* ((user-point-table-name (user-point-table-name
1989 presentation-project-name))
1990 (presentation-project-id (presentation-project-id-from-name
1991 presentation-project-name))
1992 (common-table-names (common-table-names presentation-project-id)))
1993 (query
1994 (sql-compile
1995 `(:union
1996 ,@(loop
1997 for common-table-name in common-table-names
1998 for aggregate-view-name
1999 = (aggregate-view-name common-table-name)
2000 collect
2001 `(:select
2003 :from ',aggregate-view-name
2004 :where (:and (:= 'byte-position ,byte-position)
2005 (:= 'filename ,filename)
2006 (:= 'measurement-id ,measurement-id)
2007 (:or (:is-null 'footprint)
2008 (:st_within
2009 (:select 'coordinates
2010 :from ,user-point-table-name
2011 :where (:= 'user-point-id
2012 ,user-point-id))
2013 'footprint)))))))
2014 :single)))
2016 (hunchentoot:define-easy-handler
2017 (multi-position-intersection :uri "/phoros/lib/intersection")
2019 "Receive vector of sets of picture parameters, respond with stuff."
2020 (assert-authentication)
2021 (setf (hunchentoot:content-type*) "application/json")
2022 (let* ((data (json:decode-json-from-string (hunchentoot:raw-post-data))))
2023 (json:encode-json-to-string
2024 (photogrammetry :multi-position-intersection data))))