Clarified that the license is BSD 3-clause. Added SPDX identifiers
[parenscript.git] / src / macros.lisp
1 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
3 (in-package #:parenscript)
4 (in-readtable :parenscript)
6 (macrolet ((define-trivial-mappings (&rest mappings)
7 `(progn
8 ,@(loop for (macro-name ps-op) on mappings by #'cddr collect
9 `(defpsmacro ,macro-name (&rest args)
10 (cons ',ps-op args))))))
11 (define-trivial-mappings
12 string= eql
13 eq eql
14 = eql
15 list array
16 elt aref))
18 (defpsmacro null (x)
19 `(equal ,x nil))
21 ;;; Math
23 (defmacro def-js-maths (&rest mathdefs)
24 `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (def) (cons 'defpsmacro def)) mathdefs)))
26 (def-js-maths
27 (max (&rest nums) `((@ *math max) ,@nums))
28 (min (&rest nums) `((@ *math min) ,@nums))
29 (floor (n &optional divisor)
30 `((@ *math floor) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
31 (ceiling (n &optional divisor)
32 `((@ *math ceil) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
33 (round (n &optional divisor)
34 `((@ *math round) ,(if divisor `(/ ,n ,divisor) n)))
35 (sin (n) `((@ *math sin) ,n))
36 (cos (n) `((@ *math cos) ,n))
37 (tan (n) `((@ *math tan) ,n))
38 (asin (n) `((@ *math asin) ,n))
39 (acos (n) `((@ *math acos) ,n))
40 (atan (y &optional x) (if x `((@ *math atan2) ,y ,x) `((@ *math atan) ,y)))
41 (sinh (x)
42 (maybe-once-only (x)
43 `(/ (- (exp ,x) (exp (- ,x))) 2)))
44 (cosh (x)
45 (maybe-once-only (x)
46 `(/ (+ (exp ,x) (exp (- ,x))) 2)))
47 (tanh (x)
48 (maybe-once-only (x)
49 `(/ (- (exp ,x) (exp (- ,x))) (+ (exp ,x) (exp (- ,x))))))
50 (asinh (x)
51 (maybe-once-only (x)
52 `(log (+ ,x (sqrt (1+ (* ,x ,x)))))))
53 (acosh (x)
54 (maybe-once-only (x)
55 `(* 2 (log (+ (sqrt (/ (1+ ,x) 2)) (sqrt (/ (1- ,x) 2)))))))
56 (atanh (x) ;; real only for -1 < x < 1, otherwise complex
57 (maybe-once-only (x)
58 `(/ (- (log (+ 1 ,x)) (log (- 1 ,x))) 2)))
59 (mod (x n)
60 (maybe-once-only (n)
61 `(rem (+ (rem ,x ,n) ,n) ,n)))
62 (1+ (n) `(+ ,n 1))
63 (1- (n) `(- ,n 1))
64 (abs (n) `((@ *math abs) ,n))
65 (evenp (n) `(not (oddp ,n)))
66 (oddp (n) `(rem ,n 2))
67 (exp (n) `((@ *math exp) ,n))
68 (expt (base power) `((@ *math pow) ,base ,power))
69 (log (n &optional base)
70 (or (and (null base) `((@ *math log) ,n))
71 (and (numberp base) (= base 10) `(* (log ,n) (@ *math *log10e*)))
72 `(/ (log ,n) (log ,base))))
73 (sqrt (n) `((@ *math sqrt) ,n))
74 (random (&optional upto) (if upto
75 `(floor (* ,upto (random)))
76 '(funcall (@ *math random)))))
78 (defpsmacro ash (integer count)
79 (let ((count (ps-macroexpand count)))
80 (cond ((and (numberp count) (> count 0)) `(<< ,integer ,count))
81 ((numberp count) `(>> ,integer ,(- count)))
82 ((complex-js-expr? count)
83 (let ((count-var (ps-gensym)))
84 `(let ((,count-var ,count))
85 (if (> ,count-var 0)
86 (<< ,integer ,count-var)
87 (>> ,integer (- ,count-var))))))
88 (t `(if (> ,count 0)
89 (<< ,integer ,count)
90 (>> ,integer (- ,count)))))))
92 (define-ps-symbol-macro pi (getprop *math '*pi*))
94 ;;; Types
96 (defpsmacro stringp (x)
97 `(string= (typeof ,x) "string"))
99 (defpsmacro numberp (x)
100 `(string= (typeof ,x) "number"))
102 (defpsmacro functionp (x)
103 `(string= (typeof ,x) "function"))
105 (defpsmacro booleanp (x)
106 `(string= (typeof ,x) "boolean"))
108 ;;; Data structures
110 (defpsmacro make-array (&rest args)
111 (or (ignore-errors
112 (destructuring-bind (dim &key (initial-element nil initial-element-p)
113 initial-contents element-type)
114 args
115 (declare (ignore element-type))
116 (and (or initial-element-p initial-contents)
117 (not (and initial-element-p initial-contents))
118 (with-ps-gensyms (arr init elt i)
119 `(let ((,arr (new (*array ,dim))))
120 ,@(when initial-element-p
121 `((let ((,elt ,initial-element))
122 (dotimes (,i (length ,arr))
123 (setf (aref ,arr ,i) ,elt)))))
124 ,@(when initial-contents
125 `((let ((,init ,initial-contents))
126 (dotimes (,i (min (length ,arr) (length ,init)))
127 (setf (aref ,arr ,i) (aref ,init ,i))))))
128 ,arr)))))
129 `(new (*array ,@args))))
131 (defpsmacro length (a)
132 `(getprop ,a 'length))
134 ;;; Getters
136 (defpsmacro with-slots (slots object &rest body)
137 (flet ((slot-var (slot)
138 (if (listp slot)
139 (first slot)
140 slot))
141 (slot-symbol (slot)
142 (if (listp slot)
143 (second slot)
144 slot)))
145 (maybe-once-only (object)
146 `(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (slot)
147 `(,(slot-var slot) (getprop ,object ',(slot-symbol slot))))
148 slots)
149 ,@body))))
151 ;;; multiple values
153 (defpsmacro multiple-value-bind (vars form &body body)
154 (let* ((form (ps-macroexpand form))
155 (progn-form
156 (when (and (consp form)
157 (member
158 (car form)
159 '(with label let flet labels macrolet symbol-macrolet progn)))
160 (pop form))))
161 (if progn-form
162 `(,progn-form
163 ,@(butlast form)
164 (multiple-value-bind ,vars
165 ,@(last form)
166 ,@body))
167 ;; assume function call
168 (with-ps-gensyms (prev-mv)
169 (let* ((fun-exp (car form))
170 (funobj (if (symbolp fun-exp)
171 fun-exp
172 (ps-gensym "funobj"))))
173 `(let (,@(unless (symbolp fun-exp) `((,funobj ,fun-exp)))
174 (,prev-mv (if (undefined __PS_MV_REG)
175 (setf __PS_MV_REG undefined)
176 __PS_MV_REG)))
177 (try
178 (let ((,(car vars) (,funobj ,@(cdr form))))
179 (destructuring-bind (&optional ,@(cdr vars))
180 (if (eql ,funobj (@ __PS_MV_REG :tag))
181 (@ __PS_MV_REG :values)
182 (list))
183 ,@body))
184 (:finally (setf __PS_MV_REG ,prev-mv)))))))))
186 ;;; conditionals
188 (defpsmacro case (value &rest clauses)
189 (let ((allowed-symbols '(t otherwise false %true)))
190 (labels ((make-switch-clause (val body more)
191 (cond ((listp val)
192 (append (mapcar #'list (butlast val))
193 (make-switch-clause
194 (if (eq t (car (last val))) ;; literal 'true'
195 '%true
196 (car (last val)))
197 body
198 more)))
199 ((and (symbolp val)
200 (symbolp (ps-macroexpand-1 val))
201 (not (keywordp val))
202 (not (member val allowed-symbols)))
203 (error "Parenscript only supports keywords, numbers, and string literals as keys in case clauses. ~S is a symbol in clauses ~S"
204 val clauses))
206 `((,(case val
207 ((t otherwise) 'default)
208 (%true t)
209 (t (ps-macroexpand-1 val)))
210 ,@body
211 ,@(when more '(break))))))))
212 `(switch ,value ,@(mapcon (lambda (clause)
213 (make-switch-clause (car (first clause))
214 (cdr (first clause))
215 (rest clause)))
216 clauses)))))
218 (defpsmacro when (test &rest body)
219 `(if ,test (progn ,@body)))
221 (defpsmacro unless (test &rest body)
222 `(when (not ,test) ,@body))
224 ;;; function definition
226 (defpsmacro defun (name lambda-list &body body)
227 "An extended defun macro that allows cool things like keyword arguments.
228 lambda-list::=
229 (var*
230 [&optional {var | (var [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}*]
231 [&rest var]
232 [&key {var | ({var | (keyword-name var)} [init-form [supplied-p-parameter]])}* [&allow-other-keys]]
233 [&aux {var | (var [init-form])}*])"
234 (if (symbolp name)
235 (progn (setf (gethash name *function-lambda-list*) lambda-list)
236 `(defun% ,name ,lambda-list ,@body))
237 (progn (assert (and (listp name) (= (length name) 2) (eq 'setf (car name))) ()
238 "(defun ~s ~s ...) needs to have a symbol or (setf symbol) for a name." name lambda-list)
239 `(defun-setf ,(second name) ,lambda-list ,@body))))
241 ;;; defining setf expanders
243 (defvar *defun-setf-name-prefix* '__setf_)
245 (defpsmacro defun-setf (name lambda-list &body body)
246 (let ((mangled-function-name
247 (intern (format nil "~A~A" (string *defun-setf-name-prefix*) (string name))
248 (symbol-package name))))
249 (setf (gethash name *setf-expanders*)
250 (lambda (access-args store-form)
251 `(,mangled-function-name ,store-form ,@access-args)))
252 `(defun ,mangled-function-name ,lambda-list ,@body)))
254 ;;; slightly broken WRT lambda lists
255 (defpsmacro defsetf-long (access-fn lambda-list (store-var) form)
256 (setf (gethash access-fn *setf-expanders*)
257 (compile
259 (let ((var-bindings (ordered-set-difference lambda-list
260 lambda-list-keywords)))
261 `(lambda (access-fn-args store-form)
262 (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list
263 access-fn-args
264 (let* ((,store-var (ps-gensym))
265 (gensymed-names (loop repeat ,(length var-bindings)
266 collecting (ps-gensym)))
267 (gensymed-arg-bindings (mapcar #'list
268 gensymed-names
269 (list ,@var-bindings))))
270 (destructuring-bind ,var-bindings
271 gensymed-names
272 `(let* (,@gensymed-arg-bindings
273 (,,store-var ,store-form))
274 ,,form))))))))
275 nil)
277 (defpsmacro defsetf-short (access-fn update-fn &optional docstring)
278 (declare (ignore docstring))
279 (setf (gethash access-fn *setf-expanders*)
280 (lambda (access-fn-args store-form)
281 `(,update-fn ,@access-fn-args ,store-form)))
282 nil)
284 (defpsmacro defsetf (access-fn &rest args)
285 `(,(if (= (length args) 3) 'defsetf-long 'defsetf-short) ,access-fn ,@args))
287 ;;; setf
289 (defpsmacro setf (&rest args)
290 (assert (evenp (length args)) ()
291 "~s does not have an even number of arguments." `(setf ,args))
292 `(progn ,@(loop for (place value) on args by #'cddr collect
293 (aif (and (listp place) (gethash (car place) *setf-expanders*))
294 (funcall it (cdr place) value)
295 `(ps-assign ,place ,value)))))
297 (defpsmacro psetf (&rest args)
298 (let ((places (loop for x in args by #'cddr collect x))
299 (vals (loop for x in (cdr args) by #'cddr collect x)))
300 (let ((gensyms (loop repeat (length places) collect (ps-gensym))))
301 `(let ,(mapcar #'list gensyms vals)
302 (setf ,@(mapcan #'list places gensyms))))))
304 (defun check-setq-args (args)
305 (let ((vars (loop for x in args by #'cddr collect x)))
306 (let ((non-var (find-if (complement #'symbolp) vars)))
307 (when non-var
308 (error 'type-error :datum non-var :expected-type 'symbol)))))
310 (defpsmacro setq (&rest args)
311 (check-setq-args args)
312 `(setf ,@args))
314 (defpsmacro psetq (&rest args)
315 (check-setq-args args)
316 `(psetf ,@args))
318 ;;; iteration
320 (defun do-make-iteration-bindings (decls)
321 (mapcar (lambda (x)
322 (cond ((atom x) x)
323 ((endp (cdr x)) (list (car x)))
324 (t (subseq x 0 2))))
325 decls))
327 (defun do-make-for-steps (decls)
328 (mapcar (lambda (x)
329 `(setf ,(first x) ,(third x)))
330 (remove-if (lambda (x)
331 (or (atom x) (< (length x) 3)))
332 decls)))
334 (defun do-make-iter-psteps (decls)
335 `(psetq
336 ,@(mapcan (lambda (x)
337 (list (first x) (third x)))
338 (remove-if (lambda (x)
339 (or (atom x) (< (length x) 3)))
340 decls))))
342 (defpsmacro do* (decls (end-test &optional (result nil result?)) &body body)
343 `(block nil
344 (for ,(do-make-iteration-bindings decls)
345 ((not ,end-test))
346 ,(do-make-for-steps decls)
347 (locally ,@body))
348 ,@(when result? (list result))))
350 (defpsmacro do (decls (end-test &optional (result nil result?)) &body body)
351 (multiple-value-bind (declarations executable-body) (parse-body body)
352 `(block nil
353 (let ,(do-make-iteration-bindings decls)
354 ,@declarations
355 (for () ((not ,end-test)) ()
356 ,@executable-body
357 ,(do-make-iter-psteps decls))
358 ,@(when result? (list result))))))
360 (defpsmacro dotimes ((var count &optional (result nil result?)) &rest body)
361 `(do* ((,var 0 (1+ ,var)))
362 ((>= ,var ,count) ,@(when result? (list result)))
363 ,@body))
365 (defpsmacro dolist ((var array &optional (result nil result?)) &body body)
366 (let* ((idx (ps-gensym "_JS_IDX"))
367 (introduce-array-var? (not (symbolp array)))
368 (arrvar (if introduce-array-var?
369 (ps-gensym "_JS_ARRVAR")
370 array)))
371 `(do* (,var
372 ,@(when introduce-array-var?
373 (list (list arrvar array)))
374 (,idx 0 (1+ ,idx)))
375 ((>= ,idx (getprop ,arrvar 'length))
376 ,@(when result? (list result)))
377 (setq ,var (aref ,arrvar ,idx))
378 ,@body)))
380 ;;; Concatenation
382 (defpsmacro concatenate (result-type &rest sequences)
383 (assert (equal result-type ''string) () "Right now Parenscript 'concatenate' only support strings.")
384 (cons '+ sequences))
386 (defpsmacro append (arr1 &rest arrs)
387 (if arrs
388 `((@ ,arr1 concat) ,@arrs)
389 arr1))
391 ;;; Destructuring bind
393 (defun complex-js-expr? (expr)
394 (consp (if (symbolp expr) (ps-macroexpand expr) expr)))
396 (defun hoist-expr? (bindings expr)
397 (and (> (length bindings) 1) (complex-js-expr? expr)))
399 (defun pop-declarations-for-var (var declarations)
400 (loop for declarations* on declarations
401 with var-declarations = nil
402 do (setf (first declarations*)
403 (loop for spec in (first declarations*)
404 ;; We only care for SPECIAL declarations for now
406 if (and (consp spec) (eq 'special (first spec)))
407 collect
408 (let ((vars* (remove var (rest spec))))
409 (if (eq vars* (cdr spec))
410 spec
411 (progn
412 (pushnew var (getf var-declarations 'special))
413 (cons 'special vars*))))
414 else
415 collect spec))
416 finally (return
417 (loop for (sym decls) on var-declarations by #'cddr
418 collect (cons sym decls)))))
420 (defun destructuring-wrap (arr n bindings declarations body)
421 (cond ((null bindings) body)
422 ((eq (car bindings) '&rest)
423 (cond ((and (= (length bindings) 2) (atom (second bindings)))
424 `(let ((,(second bindings) (if (> (length ,arr) ,n) ((@ ,arr slice) ,n) '())))
425 (declare ,@(pop-declarations-for-var (second bindings) declarations))
426 ,body))
427 (t (error "~a is invalid in destructuring list." bindings))))
428 ((eq (car bindings) '&optional)
429 (destructuring-wrap arr n (cdr bindings) declarations body))
430 (t (let ((var (car bindings))
431 (inner-body (destructuring-wrap arr (1+ n) (cdr bindings) declarations body)))
432 (cond ((null var) inner-body)
433 ((atom var) `(let ((,var (aref ,arr ,n)))
434 (declare ,@(pop-declarations-for-var var declarations))
435 ,inner-body))
436 (t `(,'destructuring-bind ,var (aref ,arr ,n)
437 ,@declarations
438 ,inner-body)))))))
440 (defpsmacro destructuring-bind (bindings expr &body body)
441 (setf bindings (dot->rest bindings))
442 (multiple-value-bind (declarations executable-body) (parse-body body)
443 (let* ((arr (if (hoist-expr? bindings expr) (ps-gensym "_DB") expr))
444 (bound (destructuring-wrap arr 0 bindings declarations
445 (cons 'progn executable-body))))
446 (cond ((eq arr expr) bound)
447 (t `(let ((,arr ,expr)) ,bound))))))
449 ;;; Control structures
451 (defpsmacro return (&optional result)
452 `(return-from nil ,result))
454 (defpsmacro ignore-errors (&body forms)
455 (with-ps-gensyms (e)
456 `(try (progn ,@forms)
457 (:catch (,e) nil))))
459 (defpsmacro unwind-protect (protected-form cleanup-form)
460 `(try ,protected-form
461 (:finally ,cleanup-form)))
463 (defpsmacro prog1 (first &rest others)
464 (with-ps-gensyms (val)
465 `(let ((,val ,first))
466 ,@others
467 ,val)))
469 (defpsmacro prog2 (first second &rest others)
470 `(progn ,first (prog1 ,second ,@others)))
472 (defpsmacro apply (fn &rest args)
473 (let ((arglist (if (> (length args) 1)
474 `(append (list ,@(butlast args)) ,(car (last args)))
475 (first args))))
476 (if (and (listp fn)
477 (find (car fn) #(getprop chain @)))
478 (if (and (= (length fn) 3) (symbolp (second fn)))
479 `(funcall (getprop ,fn 'apply) ,(second fn) ,arglist)
480 (let ((obj (ps-gensym)) (method (ps-gensym)))
481 `(let* ((,obj ,(butlast fn))
482 (,method (,(car fn) ,obj ,(car (last fn)))))
483 (funcall (getprop ,method 'apply) ,obj ,arglist))))
484 `(funcall (getprop ,fn 'apply) this ,arglist))))
486 ;;; misc
488 (defpsmacro let* (bindings &body body)
489 (multiple-value-bind (declarations executive-body) (parse-body body)
490 (loop for binding in (cons nil (reverse bindings))
491 for var = (if (symbolp binding) binding (car binding))
492 for body = executive-body
493 then `((let (,binding)
494 (declare ,@(pop-declarations-for-var var declarations))
495 ,@body))
496 finally (return `(progn ,@body)))))
498 (defpsmacro in-package (package-designator)
499 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
500 (in-package ,package-designator)))
502 (defpsmacro use-package (package-designator &optional package)
503 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
504 (use-package ,package-designator ,@(when package (list package)))))