Clarified that the license is BSD 3-clause. Added SPDX identifiers
[parenscript.git] / src / lib / ps-loop.lisp
1 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
3 (in-package #:parenscript)
5 ;;; bind and bind* - macros used for destructuring bindings in PS LOOP
7 (defun dot->rest (x)
8 (cond ((atom x) x)
9 ((not (listp (cdr x))) ; dotted list
10 (list (dot->rest (car x)) '&rest (dot->rest (cdr x))))
11 (t (cons (dot->rest (car x)) (dot->rest (cdr x))))))
13 (defun property-bindings-p (x)
14 (when (consp x)
15 (every (lambda (y)
16 (or (keywordp y) ; standalone property name
17 (and (consp y) ; var name paired with property name
18 (= (length y) 2)
19 (symbolp (car y))
20 (not (keywordp (car y)))
21 (keywordp (cadr y)))))
22 x)))
24 (defun extract-bindings (x)
25 ;; returns a pair of destructuring bindings and property bindings
26 (cond ((atom x) (list x nil))
27 ((property-bindings-p x)
28 (let ((var (ps-gensym)))
29 (list var (list x var))))
30 (t (loop :for y :on x
31 :for (d p) = (extract-bindings (car y))
32 :collect d :into ds
33 :when p :append p :into ps
34 :finally (return (list ds ps))))))
36 (defun property-bindings (bindings expr body)
37 `(let ,(loop :for b :in bindings
38 :for (var p) = (cond ((consp b) b) ; var name paired with property name
39 (t (list (intern (string b)) b))) ; make var from prop
40 :collect `(,var (@ ,expr ,p)))
41 ,@body))
43 (defpsmacro bind (bindings expr &body body)
44 (let ((bindings (dot->rest bindings)))
45 (destructuring-bind (d p)
46 (extract-bindings bindings)
47 (cond ((and (atom d)
48 (or (= (length bindings) 1)
49 (atom (ps-macroexpand expr))))
50 (property-bindings bindings expr body))
51 ((atom d)
52 (with-ps-gensyms (var)
53 `(let ((,var ,expr))
54 (bind ,bindings ,var ,@body))))
55 ((null p)
56 `(destructuring-bind ,bindings ,expr ,@body))
57 (t `(destructuring-bind ,d ,expr
58 (bind* ,p ,@body)))))))
60 (defpsmacro bind* (bindings &body body)
61 (cond ((= (length bindings) 2)
62 `(bind ,(car bindings) ,(cadr bindings) ,@body))
63 (t `(bind ,(car bindings) ,(cadr bindings)
64 (bind* ,(cddr bindings) ,@body)))))
66 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
67 (defvar *loop-keywords*
68 '(:named :for :repeat :with :while :until :initially :finally
69 :from :downfrom :to :below :downto :above :by :in :across :on := :then
70 :when :unless :if :else :end :do :doing :return
71 :sum :summing :collect :collecting :append :appending :count :counting
72 :minimize :minimizing :maximize :maximizing :map :mapping
73 :of :into))
75 (defun as-keyword (key)
76 (cond ((not (symbolp key)) key)
77 ((keywordp key) key)
78 (t (intern (symbol-name key) :keyword)))))
80 (defmacro loop-case (key &body forms)
81 (loop :for (match . nil) :in forms
82 :for keys = (if (listp match) match (list match)) :do
83 (loop :for k :in keys :do
84 (assert (member k (append *loop-keywords* '(t otherwise)))
85 nil "~a isn't a recognized loop keyword." k)))
86 `(case (as-keyword ,key) ,@forms))
88 (defun err (expected got)
89 (error "PS-LOOP expected ~a, got ~a." expected got))
91 (defclass loop-state ()
92 ((tokens :initarg :tokens :accessor tokens)
93 (name :initform nil :accessor name)
94 ;; A clause is either (:BODY FORM) or (:ITER PLACE INIT STEP TEST &OPTIONAL JS-OBJ)
95 (clauses :initform nil :accessor clauses)
96 (prologue :initform nil :accessor prologue)
97 (finally :initform nil :accessor finally)
98 (accum-var :initform nil :accessor accum-var)
99 (accum-kind :initform nil :accessor accum-kind)))
101 (defun push-body-clause (clause state)
102 (push (list :body clause) (clauses state)))
104 (defun push-iter-clause (clause state)
105 (push (cons :iter clause) (clauses state)))
107 (defun push-tokens (state toks)
108 (setf (tokens state) (append toks (tokens state))))
110 (defun peek (state)
111 (car (tokens state)))
113 (defun eat (state &optional what tag)
114 "Consumes the next meaningful chunk of loop for processing."
115 (case what
116 (:if (when (eq (as-keyword (peek state)) tag)
117 (eat state)
118 (values (eat state) t)))
119 (:progn (cons 'progn (loop :collect (if (consp (peek state))
120 (eat state)
121 (err "a compound form" (peek state)))
122 :until (atom (peek state)))))
123 (otherwise (let ((tok (pop (tokens state))))
124 (when (and (eq what :atom) (not (atom tok)))
125 (err "an atom" tok))
126 (when (and (eq what :symbol) (not (symbolp tok)))
127 (err "a symbol" tok))
128 tok))))
130 (defun maybe-hoist (expr state)
131 (cond ((complex-js-expr? expr)
132 (let ((var (ps-gensym)))
133 (push (list 'setf var expr) (prologue state))
134 var))
135 (t expr)))
137 (defun for-from (from-key var state)
138 (unless (atom var)
139 (err "an atom after FROM" var))
140 (let ((start (eat state))
141 (op (loop-case from-key (:downfrom '-) (otherwise '+)))
142 (test-op (loop-case from-key (:downfrom '>=) (otherwise '<=)))
143 (by nil)
144 (end nil))
145 (loop while (member (as-keyword (peek state)) '(:to :below :downto :above :by)) do
146 (let ((term (eat state)))
147 (if (eq (as-keyword term) :by)
148 (setf by (eat state))
149 (setf op (loop-case term ((:downto :above) '-) (otherwise op))
150 test-op (loop-case term (:to test-op) (:below '<) (:downto '>=) (:above '>))
151 end (eat state)))))
152 (let ((test (when test-op
153 (list test-op var (maybe-hoist end state)))))
154 (push-iter-clause `(,var ,start (,op ,var ,(or by 1)) ,test) state))))
156 (defun for-= (place state)
157 (let ((start (eat state)))
158 (multiple-value-bind (then thenp)
159 (eat state :if :then)
160 (push-iter-clause (list place start (if thenp then start) nil) state))))
162 (defun for-in (place state)
163 (let ((arr (maybe-hoist (eat state) state))
164 (index (ps-gensym)))
165 (push-tokens state `(,index :from 0 :below (length ,arr)
166 ,place := (aref ,arr ,index)))
167 (for-clause state)
168 (for-clause state)))
170 (defun for-on (place state)
171 (let* ((arr (eat state))
172 (by (or (eat state :if :by) 1))
173 (var (if (atom place) place (ps-gensym)))
174 (then (if (numberp by) `((@ ,var :slice) ,by) `(,by ,var))))
175 (push-tokens state `(,var := ,arr :then ,then))
176 (for-clause state)
177 ;; set the end-test by snooping into the iteration clause we just added
178 (setf (fifth (car (clauses state))) `(> (length ,var) 0))
179 (unless (eq place var)
180 (push-tokens state `(,place := ,var))
181 (for-clause state))))
183 (defun for-keys-of (place state)
184 (when (clauses state)
185 (error "FOR..OF is only allowed as the first clause in a loop."))
186 (when (consp place)
187 (unless (<= (length place) 2) ; length 1 is ok, treat (k) as (k nil)
188 (error "FOR..OF must be followed by a key variable or key-value pair."))
189 (unless (atom (first place))
190 (error "The key in a FOR..OF clause must be a variable.")))
191 (let ((k (or (if (atom place) place (first place)) (ps-gensym)))
192 (v (when (consp place) (second place))))
193 (let ((js-obj (eat state)))
194 (when v ; assign JS-OBJ to a local var if we need to for value binding (otherwise inline it)
195 (setf js-obj (maybe-hoist js-obj state)))
196 (push-iter-clause (list k nil nil nil js-obj) state)
197 (when v
198 (let ((val `(getprop ,js-obj ,k)))
199 (push-iter-clause (list v val val nil) state))))))
201 (defun for-clause (state)
202 (let ((place (eat state))
203 (term (eat state :atom)))
204 (loop-case term
205 ((:from :downfrom) (for-from term place state))
206 (:= (for-= place state))
207 ((:in :across) (for-in place state))
208 (:on (for-on place state))
209 (:of (for-keys-of place state))
210 (otherwise (error "FOR ~s ~s is not valid in PS-LOOP." place term)))))
212 (defun a-with-clause (state) ;; so named to avoid with-xxx macro convention
213 (let ((place (eat state)))
214 (push (list 'setf place (eat state :if :=)) (prologue state))))
216 (defun accumulate (kind item var state)
217 (when (null var)
218 (when (and (accum-kind state) (not (eq kind (accum-kind state))))
219 (error "PS-LOOP encountered illegal ~a: ~a was already declared, and there can only be one kind of implicit accumulation per loop." kind (accum-kind state)))
220 (unless (accum-var state)
221 (setf (accum-var state)
222 (ps-gensym (string (loop-case kind
223 ((:minimize :minimizing) 'min)
224 ((:maximize :maximizing) 'max)
225 (t kind)))))
226 (setf (accum-kind state) kind))
227 (setf var (accum-var state)))
228 (let ((initial (loop-case kind
229 ((:sum :summing :count :counting) 0)
230 ((:maximize :maximizing :minimize :minimizing) nil)
231 ((:collect :collecting :append :appending) '[])
232 ((:map :mapping) '{}))))
233 (push (list 'setf var initial) (prologue state)))
234 (loop-case kind
235 ((:sum :summing)`(incf ,var ,item))
236 ((:count :counting)`(when ,item (incf ,var))) ;; note the JS semantics - neither 0 nor "" will count
237 ((:minimize :minimizing) `(setf ,var (if (null ,var) ,item (min ,var ,item))))
238 ((:maximize :maximizing) `(setf ,var (if (null ,var) ,item (max ,var ,item))))
239 ((:collect :collecting) `((@ ,var 'push) ,item))
240 ((:append :appending) `(setf ,var (append ,var ,item)))
241 ((:map :mapping) (destructuring-bind (key val) item
242 `(setf (getprop ,var ,key) ,val)))))
244 (defun repeat-clause (state)
245 (let ((index (ps-gensym)))
246 (setf (tokens state) (append `(,index :from 0 :below ,(eat state)) (tokens state)))
247 (for-clause state)))
249 (defun while-clause (state)
250 (push-iter-clause (list nil nil nil (eat state)) state))
252 (defun until-clause (state)
253 (push-iter-clause (list nil nil nil `(not ,(eat state))) state))
255 (defun body-clause (term state)
256 (loop-case term
257 ((:if :when :unless)
258 (let* ((test-form (eat state))
259 (seqs (list (body-clause (eat state :atom) state)))
260 (alts (list)))
261 (loop while (eq (as-keyword (peek state)) :and)
262 do (eat state)
263 (push (body-clause (eat state :atom) state) seqs))
264 (when (eq (as-keyword (peek state)) :else)
265 (eat state)
266 (push (body-clause (eat state :atom) state) alts)
267 (loop while (eq (as-keyword (peek state)) :and)
268 do (eat state)
269 (push (body-clause (eat state :atom) state) alts)))
270 (when (eq (as-keyword (peek state)) :end)
271 (eat state))
272 (if (null alts)
273 `(,(loop-case term ((:unless) 'unless) (otherwise 'when))
274 ,test-form
275 ,@(reverse seqs))
276 `(if ,(loop-case term
277 ((:unless) `(not ,test-form))
278 (otherwise test-form))
279 (progn ,@(reverse seqs))
280 (progn ,@(reverse alts))))))
281 ((:sum :summing :collect :collecting :append :appending :count :counting
282 :minimize :minimizing :maximize :maximizing)
283 (accumulate term (eat state) (eat state :if :into) state))
284 ((:map :mapping) (let ((key (eat state)))
285 (multiple-value-bind (val valp)
286 (eat state :if :to)
287 (unless valp
288 (error "MAP must be followed by a TO to specify value."))
289 (accumulate :map (list key val) (eat state :if :into) state))))
290 ((:do :doing) (eat state :progn))
291 (:return `(return-from ,(name state) ,(eat state)))
292 (otherwise (err "a PS-LOOP keyword" term))))
294 (defun clause (state)
295 (let ((term (eat state :atom)))
296 (loop-case term
297 (:named (setf (name state) (eat state :symbol)))
298 (:with (a-with-clause state))
299 (:initially (push (eat state :progn) (prologue state)))
300 (:for (for-clause state))
301 (:repeat (repeat-clause state))
302 (:while (while-clause state))
303 (:until (until-clause state))
304 (:finally (push (eat state :progn) (finally state)))
305 (otherwise (push-body-clause (body-clause term state) state)))))
307 (defun parse-ps-loop (terms)
308 (cond ((null terms) (err "loop definition" nil))
309 (t (let ((state (make-instance 'loop-state :tokens terms)))
310 (loop :while (tokens state) :do (clause state))
311 state))))
313 (defun fold-iterations-where-possible (clauses)
314 (let ((folded '()))
315 (loop :for clause :in clauses :do
316 (assert (member (car clause) '(:iter :body)))
317 (let ((folded? nil))
318 (when (and (eq (car clause) :iter) (eq (caar folded) :iter))
319 (destructuring-bind (tag place init step test &optional js-obj) clause
320 (declare (ignore tag))
321 (when (null place) ;; can't combine two iterations that both have state
322 (assert (not (or init step js-obj)) nil "Invalid iteration ~a: PLACE should not be null." clause)
323 (assert test nil "Iteration ~a has neither PLACE nor TEST." clause)
324 (unless (sixth (car folded)) ;; js-obj means a loop and those can't have tests
325 (let ((prev-test (fifth (car folded))))
326 (setf (fifth (car folded)) (if prev-test `(and ,prev-test ,test) test))
327 (setf folded? t))))))
328 (unless folded?
329 (push clause folded))))
330 (nreverse folded)))
332 (defun organize-iterations (clauses)
333 ;; we want clauses to start with a master loop to provide the
334 ;; skeleton for everything else. secondary iterations are ok but
335 ;; will be generated inside the body of this master loop
336 (unless (eq (caar clauses) :iter)
337 (push (list :iter nil nil nil t) clauses))
338 ;; unify adjacent test expressions by ANDing them together where possible
339 (setf clauses (fold-iterations-where-possible clauses))
340 ;; if leading iteration has a binding expression, replace it with a var
341 (destructuring-bind (tag place init step test &optional js-obj) (car clauses)
342 (assert (eq tag :iter))
343 (when (complex-js-expr? place)
344 (assert (null js-obj) nil "Invalid iteration ~a: FOR..IN can't have a binding expression." (car clauses))
345 (let ((var (ps-gensym)))
346 (pop clauses)
347 (push (list :iter place var var nil) clauses)
348 (push (list :iter var init step test) clauses))))
349 clauses)
351 (defun build-body (clauses firstvar)
352 (cond ((null clauses) nil)
353 ((eq (caar clauses) :body)
354 (cons (second (car clauses)) (build-body (cdr clauses) firstvar)))
355 (t (destructuring-bind (tag place init step test) (car clauses)
356 (assert (eq tag :iter))
357 (let ((body (build-body (cdr clauses) firstvar)))
358 (when test
359 (push `(unless ,test (break)) body))
360 (when place
361 (let ((expr (if (tree-equal init step) init `(if ,firstvar ,init ,step))))
362 (setf body
363 (cond ((and (atom place) (eq expr init))
364 `((let ((,place ,expr)) ,@body)))
365 ;; can't use LET because EXPR may reference PLACE
366 ((atom place) `((var ,place ,expr) ,@body))
367 ;; BIND has scoping problems. For example,
368 ;; (loop :for (a b) = x :then b) doesn't work
369 ;; since EXPR is referencing part of PLACE.
370 ;; But the following is ok for known uses so far.
371 (t `((bind ,place ,expr ,@body)))))))
372 body)))))
374 (defun master-loop (master-iter body)
375 (destructuring-bind (tag place init step test &optional js-obj) master-iter
376 (assert (eq tag :iter))
377 (cond ((null place) `(while ,test ,@body))
378 (js-obj
379 (assert (not (or init step test)) nil "Unexpected iteration state in loop: ~a" master-iter)
380 `(for-in (,place ,js-obj) ,@body))
381 (t (assert (atom place) nil "Unexpected destructuring list ~a in master loop" place)
382 `(for ((,place ,init)) (,(or test t)) ((setf ,place ,step)) ,@body)))))
384 (defun build-loop (clauses)
385 (destructuring-bind (master . rest) clauses
386 (assert (eq (car master) :iter) nil "First clause is not master loop: ~a" master)
387 (let* ((firstvar (loop :for (tag nil init step) :in rest
388 :when (and (eq tag :iter) (not (tree-equal init step)))
389 :do (return (ps-gensym "first"))))
390 (body (build-body rest firstvar)))
391 (when firstvar
392 (setf body (append body `((setf ,firstvar nil)))))
393 (let ((form (master-loop master body)))
394 (if firstvar `(let ((,firstvar t)) ,form) form)))))
396 (defun prologue-wrap (prologue body)
397 (cond ((null prologue) body)
398 ((equal 'setf (caar prologue))
399 (destructuring-bind (place expr) (cdr (car prologue))
400 (prologue-wrap
401 (cdr prologue)
402 (cond ((atom place) (cons `(var ,place ,expr) body))
403 (t `((bind ,place ,expr ,@body)))))))
404 (t (prologue-wrap
405 (cdr prologue)
406 (cons (car prologue) body)))))
408 (defpsmacro loop (&rest keywords-and-forms)
409 (let ((state (parse-ps-loop keywords-and-forms)))
410 (let* ((clauses (organize-iterations (reverse (clauses state))))
411 (main `(,(build-loop (organize-iterations clauses))
412 ,@(reverse (finally state))
413 ,@(awhen (accum-var state) (list it))))
414 (full `(block ,(name state) ,@(prologue-wrap (prologue state) main))))
415 (if (accum-var state)
416 (lambda-wrap full)
417 full))))