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6 <title>OpenEMR v3.2.0 Users Guide - Patient Notes & Transactions</title>
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13 <h1>OpenEMR Users Guide (version 3.2.0)</h1>
14 <h3>Table of Contents</h3>
15 <ul>
16 <li><a href="01.html">Getting Started</a></li>
17 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC1" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
18 <li><a href="02.html">Main Screen & Navigation</a></li>
19 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC2" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
20 <li><a href="03.html">Setting Up Your Clinic</a></li>
21 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC3" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
22 <li><a href="04.html">Adding a New Patient</a></li>
23 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC4" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
24 <li><a href="05.html">Using the Calendar</a></li>
25 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC5" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
26 <li><a href="06.html">New Encounters & Coding</a></li>
27 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC6" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
28 <li><a href="07.html">Issues & Immunizations</a></li>
29 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC7" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
30 <li><a href="08.html">Patient Notes & Transactions</a></li>
31 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC8" -->
32 <li>Patient Notes</li>
33 <li>Transactions</li>
34 <ul>
35 <li>Referrals</li>
36 <li>Basic Transactions</li>
37 </ul>
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39 <li><a href="09.html">Basic Billing</a></li>
40 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC9" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
41 <li><a href="10.html">Accounting & Receivables</a></li>
42 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC10" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
43 <li><a href="11.html">Reporting</a></li>
44 <ul><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="TOC11" --><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></ul>
45 <li><a href="index.html">Index</a></li>
46 </ul>
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54 <h2>Patient Notes & Transactions</h2>
55 <p>Patient notes store patient information that is unrelated to the patient's medical condition. Such information may include outstanding balances, changing insurance information or patient requests for actions by the clinic.</p>
56 <p>Transactions are somewhat similar, but record events that have already occurred. These may be referrals, requests from either the patient or the doctor, or legal transactions.</p>
57 <h3>Patient Notes</h3>
58 <p>To begin, log in to OpenEMR, and use the search function in the lower left-hand corner to locate the patient for which you would like to add a note. </p>
59 <img src="processed/088.png" />
60 <p>Click on the desired patient to bring up the 'Summary' page.</p>
61 <img src="processed/089.png" />
62 <p>If the user is not Authorized they will be unable to see the patient's medical details such as issues, immunizations and prescriptions.</p>
63 <p>Click 'Notes (more)' to add a note for this patient.</p>
64 <img src="processed/090.png" />
65 <p>The 'Patient Notes' page will present you with a text box for entering the note, as well as drop-down lists for selecting the type of note, and the person to whom the note is addressed.</p>
66 <p>Type your note in the text box and click 'Add New Note'.</p>
67 <img src="processed/091.png" />
68 <p>The new note now appears in the list of notes on the same screen. The checkbox is used to control whether the note is &quot;active&quot;. Above are options to view only the active or inactive notes. </p>
69 <p>Click 'Patient Notes (back)' to return to the patient summary.</p>
70 <img src="processed/092.png" />
71 <p>The new note is now listed on the Summary page.</p>
72 <h3>Transactions</h3>
73 <p>Select 'Patient/Client – Visits - Transact' from the navigation menu to go to the Transactions page.</p>
74 <p>The Transactions page contains two basic form types. A simple form for internal transactions such as patient requests or billing transactions, and a Referral form.</p>
75 <h3>Referrals</h3>
76 <p>Click 'Add Transaction' and select 'Referral' from the drop-down list to begin a new Referral transaction.</p>
77 <img src="processed/093.png" />
78 <p>Another drop-down contains a list of physicians and clinics from the Address Book to which you can refer your patient. Select the referring physician, risk level, etc., and enter a reason for the referral.</p>
79 <img src="processed/094.png" />
80 <p>Click 'Save Transaction'.</p>
81 <p>The referral is now in the Patient Transactions list. </p>
82 <img src="processed/095.png" />
83 <p>Click 'Referral' next to the transaction to generate a printable version of the Referral form.</p>
84 <p>Depending on your system's configuration, you may be asked to save the file, or it may be printed automatically.</p>
85 <img src="processed/096.png" />
86 <p>When you are finished return to the Transaction list and click 'Add Transaction'.</p>
87 <h3>Basic Transactions</h3>
88 <p>Other transaction types use the simple transaction form. Select the desired type from the list and enter the transaction details in the text box provided. Click 'Save Transaction' when finished.</p>
89 <img src="processed/097.png" />
90 <p>The new transaction has now been added to the list along with the referral. Click on the date of a transaction to edit its contents.</p>
91 <img src="processed/098.png" /><br /><br />
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