make it easy to modify the code so that the encounter date is changeable
[openemr.git] / interface / forms / newpatient / view.php
1 <?
2 include_once("../../globals.php");
4 $disabled = "disabled";
6 // Uncomment this if you want to allow changing encounter dates.
7 // Eventually this needs to be subject to access control:
8 //
9 //$disabled = "";
11 $months = array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12");
12 $days = array("01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17",
13 "18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31");
14 $years = array("2004","2005","2006","2007");
16 $result = sqlQuery("select * from form_encounter where id='$id'");
18 $enc_year = substr($result{'date'}, 0, 4);
19 $enc_month = substr($result{'date'}, 5, 2);
20 $enc_day = substr($result{'date'}, 8, 2);
21 $ons_year = substr($result{'onset_date'}, 0, 4);
22 $ons_month = substr($result{'onset_date'}, 5, 2);
23 $ons_day = substr($result{'onset_date'}, 8, 2);
26 <link rel=stylesheet href="<?echo $css_header;?>" type="text/css">
28 <html>
29 <head>
30 <title>New Patient Encounter</title>
32 </head>
33 <body <?echo $top_bg_line;?> topmargin=0 rightmargin=0 leftmargin=2 bottommargin=0 marginwidth=2 marginheight=0>
35 <form method=post action="<?echo $rootdir?>/forms/newpatient/save.php" name=new_encounter target=Main>
36 <input type=hidden name=mode value='update'>
37 <input type=hidden name=id value='<?echo $_GET["id"];?>'>
38 <span class=title>New Patient Encounter Form</span>
39 <br>
41 <table>
43 <tr><td><select name='facility'>
45 $fres = sqlStatement("select * from facility order by name");
46 if ($fres) {
47 for ($iter = 0; $frow = sqlFetchArray($fres); $iter++)
48 $result[$iter] = $frow;
49 foreach($result as $iter) {
51 <option <?if ($iter{name} == $result{facility}) {echo "selected";};?> value="<?echo $iter{name};?>"><?echo $iter{name};?></option>
56 </select></td><td></td></tr>
58 <tr><td><span class=text>Chief Complaint:</span></td><td></td></tr>
59 <tr><td><textarea name=reason cols=40 rows=6 wrap=virtual><?
60 echo $result{"reason"};
61 ?></textarea>
62 </td></td></tr>
64 <tr><td><span class='text'>Date Of Service:</span></td>
65 <td><select name='month' <? echo $disabled ?>>
67 foreach($months as $month){
69 <option value="<?echo $month;?>" <?if($month == $enc_month) echo "selected";?>><?echo $month?></option>
73 </select>
74 <select name='day' <? echo $disabled ?>>
76 foreach($days as $day){
78 <option value="<?echo $day;?>" <?if($day == $enc_day) echo "selected";?>><?echo $day?></option>
82 </select>
83 <select name='year' <? echo $disabled ?>>
85 foreach($years as $year){
87 <option value="<?echo $year;?>" <?if($year == $enc_year) echo "selected";?>><?echo $year?></option>
91 </select></td></tr>
93 <tr><td><span class='text'>Date of onset or hospitalization:</span></td>
94 <td><select name='onset_month'>
96 foreach($months as $month){
98 <option value="<?echo $month;?>" <?if($month == $ons_month) echo "selected";?>><?echo $month?></option>
102 </select>
103 <select name='onset_day'>
105 foreach($days as $day){
107 <option value="<?echo $day;?>" <?if($day == $ons_day) echo "selected";?>><?echo $day?></option>
111 </select>
112 <select name='onset_year'>
114 foreach($years as $year){
116 <option value="<?echo $year;?>" <?if($year == $ons_year) echo "selected";?>><?echo $year?></option>
120 </select></td></tr>
122 </table>
124 <a href="javascript:document.new_encounter.submit();" class="link_submit">[Save]</a>
125 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
126 <a href="<?echo "$rootdir/patient_file/encounter/patient_encounter.php";?>" class="link" target=Main>[Don't Save Changes]</a>
128 </form>
130 </body>
131 </html>