toggling between (See All) and (Just Mine) addedd
[openemr.git] / interface / main / authorizations / authorizations.php
1 <?
2 include_once("../../globals.php");
3 include_once("$srcdir/");
4 include_once("$srcdir/");
5 include_once("$srcdir/");
6 include_once("$srcdir/");
7 include_once("$srcdir/");
8 include_once("$srcdir/");
9 include_once("$srcdir/");
11 //the number of authorizations to display in the quick view:
12 // MAR 20041008 the full authorizations screen sucks... no links to the patient charts
13 // increase to a high number to make the mini frame more useful.
14 $N = 50;
16 $imauthorized = $_SESSION['userauthorized'];
18 $atemp = sqlQuery("SELECT see_auth FROM users WHERE username = '" .
19 $_SESSION['authUser'] . "'");
20 $see_auth = $atemp['see_auth'];
22 // This authorizes everything for the specified patient.
23 if (isset($_GET["mode"]) && $_GET["mode"] == "authorize" && $imauthorized) {
24 $retVal = getProviderId($_SESSION['authUser']);
25 newEvent("view", $_SESSION["authUser"], $_SESSION["authProvider"], $_GET["pid"]);
26 sqlStatement("update billing set authorized=1, provider_id = '" .
27 mysql_real_escape_string($retVal[0]['id']) .
28 "' where pid='" . $_GET["pid"] . "'");
29 sqlStatement("update forms set authorized=1 where pid='" . $_GET["pid"] . "'");
30 sqlStatement("update pnotes set authorized=1 where pid='" . $_GET["pid"] . "'");
31 sqlStatement("update transactions set authorized=1 where pid='" . $_GET["pid"] . "'");
34 <html>
35 <head>
36 <link rel='stylesheet' href="<?echo $css_header;?>" type="text/css">
37 </head>
39 <body <?echo $bottom_bg_line;?> topmargin='0' rightmargin='0' leftmargin='2' bottommargin='0'
40 marginwidth='2' marginheight='0'>
42 <?php
43 $_GET['show_all']=='yes' ? $lnkvar="'authorizations.php?show_all=no' name='Just Mine'>(Just Mine)" : $lnkvar="'authorizations.php?show_all=yes' name='See All'>(See All)";
46 <font class='title'>Patient Notes </font>
47 <a class='more' style='font-size:8pt;' href=<?php echo $lnkvar; ?></a> </font>
49 <?php
50 if ($imauthorized) {
52 <font class='title'>and
53 <a href='authorizations_full.php' target='Main'>Authorizations<font class='more'><?echo $tmore;?></font></a>
54 <?php
57 </font>
58 <font class='more'> &nbsp;
59 <a class='more' style='font-size:8pt;' href='../calendar/find_patient.php?no_nav=1&mode=reset' name='Find Patients'>(Find Patient)</a>
60 </font>
62 <?php
63 // Retrieve all active notes addressed to me (or to anybody)
64 $_GET['show_all']=='yes' ? $usrvar='' : $usrvar=$_SESSION['authUser'] ;
65 if ($result=getPnotesByDate("", 1, "id,date,body,pid,user,title,assigned_to",
66 '%', "all", 0, $usrvar))
68 echo "<table border='0'>\n";
69 echo " <tr>\n";
70 echo " <td class='bold' nowrap>Patient &nbsp;</td>\n";
71 echo " <td class='bold' nowrap>Note Type &nbsp;</td>\n";
72 echo " <td class='bold' nowrap>Timestamp and Text</td>\n";
73 echo " </tr>\n";
75 foreach ($result as $iter) {
76 $body = $iter['body'];
77 if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d\:\d\d /', $body)) {
78 $body = nl2br($body);
79 } else {
80 $body = date('Y-m-d H:i', strtotime($iter['date'])) .
81 ' (' . $iter['user'] . ') ' . nl2br($body);
84 echo " <tr>\n";
85 echo " <td valign='top' class='text'>\n";
86 echo getPatientName($iter['pid']) . "\n";
87 echo " </td>\n";
88 echo " <td valign='top'>\n";
89 echo " <a href='../../patient_file/patient_file.php" .
90 "?set_pid=" . $iter['pid'] .
91 "&noteid=" . $iter['id'] .
92 "' target='_top' class='link_submit'>" .
93 $iter['title'] . "</a>\n";
94 echo " </td>\n";
95 echo " <td valign='top' class='text'>\n";
96 echo " $body\n";
97 echo " </td>\n";
98 echo " </tr>\n";
101 echo "</table>\n";
105 <?php
106 if ($imauthorized && $see_auth > 1) {
108 // provider
109 // billing
110 // forms
111 // pnotes
112 // transactions
114 //fetch billing information:
115 if ($res = sqlStatement("select *, concat(u.fname,' ', u.lname) as user " .
116 "from billing LEFT JOIN users as u on billing.user = where " .
117 "billing.authorized = 0 and billing.activity = 1 and " .
118 "groupname = '$groupname'"))
120 for ($iter = 0;$row = sqlFetchArray($res);$iter++)
121 $result[$iter] = $row;
122 if ($result) {
123 foreach ($result as $iter) {
124 $authorize{$iter{"pid"}}{"billing"} .= "<span class=text>" .
125 $iter{"code_text"} . " " . date("n/j/Y",strtotime($iter{"date"})) .
126 "</span><br>\n";
128 //$authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"billing"} = substr($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"billing"},0,strlen($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"billing"}));
132 //fetch transaction information:
133 if ($res = sqlStatement("select * from transactions where " .
134 "authorized = 0 and groupname = '$groupname'"))
136 for ($iter = 0;$row = sqlFetchArray($res);$iter++)
137 $result2[$iter] = $row;
138 if ($result2) {
139 foreach ($result2 as $iter) {
140 $authorize{$iter{"pid"}}{"transaction"} .= "<span class=text>" .
141 $iter{"title"} . ": " . stripslashes(strterm($iter{"body"},25)) .
142 " " . date("n/j/Y",strtotime($iter{"date"})) . "</span><br>\n";
144 //$authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"transaction"} = substr($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"transaction"},0,strlen($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"transaction"}));
148 //fetch pnotes information:
149 if ($res = sqlStatement("select * from pnotes where authorized = 0 and " .
150 "groupname = '$groupname'"))
152 for ($iter = 0;$row = sqlFetchArray($res);$iter++)
153 $result3[$iter] = $row;
154 if ($result3) {
155 foreach ($result3 as $iter) {
156 $authorize{$iter{"pid"}}{"pnotes"} .= "<span class=text>" .
157 stripslashes(strterm($iter{"body"},25)) . " " .
158 date("n/j/Y",strtotime($iter{"date"})) . "</span><br>\n";
160 //$authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"pnotes"} = substr($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"pnotes"},0,strlen($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"pnotes"}));
164 //fetch forms information:
165 if ($res = sqlStatement("select * from forms where authorized = 0 and " .
166 "groupname = '$groupname'"))
168 for ($iter = 0;$row = sqlFetchArray($res);$iter++)
169 $result4[$iter] = $row;
170 if ($result4) {
171 foreach ($result4 as $iter) {
172 $authorize{$iter{"pid"}}{"forms"} .= "<span class=text>" .
173 $iter{"form_name"} . " " . date("n/j/Y",strtotime($iter{"date"})) .
174 "</span><br>\n";
176 //$authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"forms"} = substr($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"forms"},0,strlen($authorize[$iter{"pid"}]{"forms"}));
181 <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2' width='100%'>
182 <tr>
183 <td valign='top'>
186 if ($authorize) {
187 $count = 0;
189 while (list($ppid,$patient) = each($authorize)) {
190 $name = getPatientData($ppid);
192 // If I want to see mine only and this patient is not mine, skip it.
193 if ($see_auth == 2 && $_SESSION['authUserID'] != $name['id'])
194 continue;
196 if ($count >= $N) {
197 print "<tr><td colspan='5' align='center'><a target='Main' " .
198 "href='authorizations_full.php?active=1' class='alert'>" .
199 "Some authorizations were not displayed. Click here to view all" .
200 "</a></td></tr>\n";
201 break;
204 echo "<tr><td valign='top'>" .
205 "<a href='$rootdir/patient_file/patient_file.php?set_pid=$ppid' " .
206 "target='_top'><span class='bold'>" . $name{"fname"} . " " .
207 $name{"lname"} . "</span></a><br>" .
208 "<a class=link_submit href='authorizations.php?mode=authorize" .
209 "&pid=$ppid'>Authorize</a></td>\n";
211 /****
212 //Michael A Rowley MD 20041012.
213 // added below 4 lines to add provider to authorizations for ez reference.
214 $providerID = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement(
215 "select providerID from patient_data where pid=$ppid"));
216 $userID=$providerID{"providerID"};
217 $providerName = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement(
218 "select lname from users where id=$userID"));
219 ****/
220 // Don't use sqlQuery because there might be no match.
221 $providerName = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement(
222 "select lname from users where id = " . $name['providerID']));
223 /****/
225 echo "<td valign=top><span class=bold>Provider:</span><span class=text><br>" .
226 $providerName{"lname"} . "</td>\n";
227 // ha ha, see if that works....mar.
228 echo "<td valign=top><span class=bold>Billing:</span><span class=text><br>" .
229 $patient{"billing"} . "</td>\n";
230 echo "<td valign=top><span class=bold>Transactions:</span><span class=text><br>" .
231 $patient{"transaction"} . "</td>\n";
232 echo "<td valign=top><span class=bold>Patient Notes:</span><span class=text><br>" .
233 $patient{"pnotes"} . "</td>\n";
234 echo "<td valign=top><span class=bold>Encounter Forms:</span><span class=text><br>" .
235 $patient{"forms"} . "</td>\n";
236 echo "</tr>\n";
238 $count++;
243 </td>
245 </tr>
246 </table>
248 <?php } ?>
250 </body>
251 </html>