Add translation tools for calendar
[openemr.git] / interface / main / calendar / modules / PostCalendar / pnlang / eng / global.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 * $Id$
5 * PostCalendar::PostNuke Events Calendar Module
6 * Copyright (C) 2002 The PostCalendar Team
7 *
8 *
9 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 * (at your option) any later version.
14 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 * To read the license please read the docs/license.txt or visit
24 *
28 //=========================================================================
29 // The following define is necessary for the date and time functions
30 // set it to the locale for this language
31 //=========================================================================
32 define('_PC_LOCALE', xl ('_PC_LOCALE') );
33 //=========================================================================
34 // Defines used in all files
35 //=========================================================================
36 // new in 3.9.9
37 define('_PC_NOTIFY_ADMIN', xl ('Notify Admin About Event Submission/Modification?') );
38 define('_PC_NOTIFY_EMAIL', xl ('Admin Email Address') );
39 define('_PC_NOTIFY_UPDATE_MSG', xl("The following calendar event has been modifed:", "", "", "\n\n") );
40 define('_PC_NOTIFY_NEW_MSG', xl( "The following calendar event has been added:", "", "", "\n\n") );
41 define('_PC_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', xl ('NOTICE:: PostCalendar Submission/Modification') );
42 //...
43 define('_POSTCALENDARNOAUTH', xl ('Not authorised to access PostCalendar module') );
44 define('_POSTCALENDAR_NOAUTH', xl ('Not authorised to access PostCalendar module') );
45 define('_PC_CAN_NOT_EDIT', xl ('You are not allowed to edit this event') );
46 define('_PC_CAN_NOT_DELETE', xl ('You are not allowed to delete this event') );
47 define('_PC_DELETE_ARE_YOU_SURE', xl ('Are you sure you want to delete this event?') );
48 define('_PC_ADMIN_YES', xl ('Yes') );
49 define('_PC_FILTER_USERS', xl ('Default/Global') );
50 define('_PC_FILTER_USERS_ALL', xl ('All Users') );
51 define('_PC_FILTER_CATEGORY', xl ('All Categories') );
52 define('_PC_FILTER_TOPIC', xl ('All Topics') );
53 define('_USER_BUSY_TITLE', xl ('Busy') );
54 define('_USER_BUSY_MESSAGE', xl ('I am busy during this time.') );
55 define('_PC_JUMP_MENU_SUBMIT', xl ('go') );
56 define('_PC_TPL_VIEW_SUBMIT', xl ('change') );
57 define('_PC_SUBMIT_TEXT', xl ('Plain Text') );
58 define('_PC_SUBMIT_HTML', xl ('HTML') );
59 define('_CALJAN', xl ('January') );
60 define('_CALFEB', xl ('February') );
61 define('_CALMAR', xl ('March') );
62 define('_CALAPR', xl ('April') );
63 define('_CALMAY', xl ('May') );
64 define('_CALJUN', xl ('June') );
65 define('_CALJUL', xl ('July') );
66 define('_CALAUG', xl ('August') );
67 define('_CALSEP', xl ('September') );
68 define('_CALOCT', xl ('October') );
69 define('_CALNOV', xl ('November') );
70 define('_CALDEC', xl ('December') );
71 define('_CALPREVIOUS', xl ('Prev') );
72 define('_CALNEXT', xl ('Next') );
73 define('_CALLONGFIRSTDAY', xl ('Sunday') );
74 define('_CALLONGSECONDDAY', xl ('Monday') );
75 define('_CALLONGTHIRDDAY', xl ('Tuesday') );
76 define('_CALLONGFOURTHDAY', xl ('Wednesday') );
77 define('_CALLONGFIFTHDAY', xl ('Thurdsay') );
78 define('_CALLONGSIXTHDAY', xl ('Friday') );
79 define('_CALLONGSEVENTHDAY', xl ('Saturday') );
87 define('_CALSUNDAY', xl ('Sunday') );
88 define('_CALMONDAY', xl ('Monday') );
89 define('_CALTUESDAY', xl ('Tuesday') );
90 define('_CALWEDNESDAY', xl ('Wednesday') );
91 define('_CALTHURSDAY', xl ('Thursday') );
92 define('_CALFRIDAY', xl ('Friday') );
93 define('_CALSATURDAY', xl ('Saturday') );
94 define('_CAL_DAYVIEW', xl ('Day') );
95 define('_CAL_WEEKVIEW', xl ('Week') );
96 define('_CAL_MONTHVIEW', xl ('Month') );
97 define('_CAL_YEARVIEW', xl ('Year') );
98 define('_PC_NEW_EVENT_HEADER', xl ('Event') );
99 define('_PC_DATE_TIME', xl ('Event Date') );
100 define('_PC_ALLDAY_EVENT', xl ('All day event') );
101 define('_PC_TIMED_EVENT', xl ('Timed event') );
102 define('_PC_EVENT_TYPE', xl ('Event Category') );
103 define('_PC_SHARING', xl ('Sharing') );
104 define('_PC_EVENT_TOPIC', xl ('Topic') );
105 define('_PC_SHARE_PRIVATE', xl ('Private') );
106 define('_PC_SHARE_PUBLIC', xl ('Public') );
107 define('_PC_SHARE_SHOWBUSY', xl ('Show as Busy') );
108 define('_PC_SHARE_GLOBAL', xl ('Global') );
109 define('_PC_EVENT_STREET', xl ('Street') );
110 define('_PC_EVENT_CITY', xl ('City') );
111 define('_PC_EVENT_STATE', xl ('State') );
112 define('_PC_EVENT_POSTAL', xl ('Postal') );
113 define('_PC_EVENT_CONTACT', xl ('Contact') );
114 define('_PC_EVENT_PHONE', xl ('Phone') );
115 define('_PC_EVENT_EMAIL', xl ('Email') );
116 define('_PC_REPEATING_HEADER', xl ('Repeating Info:') );
117 define('_PC_NO_REPEAT', xl ('Event does not repeat') );
118 define('_PC_REPEAT', xl ('Event repeats every') );
119 define('_PC_REPEAT_ON', xl ('Event repeats on') );
120 define('_PC_OF_THE_MONTH', xl ('of the month every') );
121 define('_PC_END_DATE', xl ('End date') );
122 define('_PC_NO_END', xl ('No end date') );
123 define('_PC_TIMED_DURATION', xl ('Duration') );
124 define('_PC_TIMED_DURATION_HOURS', xl ('Hours') );
125 define('_PC_TIMED_DURATION_MINUTES', xl ('Minutes') );
126 define('_PC_EVERY', xl ('Every') );
127 define('_PC_EVERY_OTHER', xl ('Every Other') );
128 define('_PC_EVERY_THIRD', xl ('Every Third') );
129 define('_PC_EVERY_FOURTH', xl ('Every Fourth') );
130 define('_PC_EVERY_1ST', xl ('First') );
131 define('_PC_EVERY_2ND', xl ('Second') );
132 define('_PC_EVERY_3RD', xl ('Third') );
133 define('_PC_EVERY_4TH', xl ('Fourth') );
134 define('_PC_EVERY_LAST', xl ('Last') );
135 define('_PC_EVERY_SUN', xl ('Sun') );
136 define('_PC_EVERY_MON', xl ('Mon') );
137 define('_PC_EVERY_TUE', xl ('Tue') );
138 define('_PC_EVERY_WED', xl ('Wed') );
139 define('_PC_EVERY_THU', xl ('Thu') );
140 define('_PC_EVERY_FRI', xl ('Fri') );
141 define('_PC_EVERY_SAT', xl ('Sat') );
142 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_MONTH', xl ('month') );
143 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_2MONTH', xl ('other month') );
144 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_3MONTH', xl ('3 months') );
145 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_4MONTH', xl ('4 months') );
146 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_6MONTH', xl ('6 months') );
147 define('_PC_OF_EVERY_YEAR', xl ('year') );
148 define('_PC_EVERY_DAY', xl ('Day(s)') );
149 define('_PC_EVERY_WORKDAY', xl ('Day(s) M-F') );
150 define('_PC_EVERY_WEEK', xl ('Week(s)') );
151 define('_PC_EVERY_MONTH', xl ('Month(s)') );
152 define('_PC_MONTHS', xl ('Month(s)') );
153 define('_PC_EVERY_YEAR', xl ('Year(s)') );
154 define('_PC_EVERY_MWF', xl ('Mon, Wed &amp; Fri') );
155 define('_PC_EVERY_TR', xl ('Tues &amp; Thur') );
156 define('_PC_EVERY_MF', xl ('Mon thru Fri') );
157 define('_PC_EVERY_SS', xl ('Sat &amp; Sun') );
158 define('_PC_EVENT_LOCATION', xl ('Event Location') );
159 define('_PC_EVENT_CONTNAME', xl ('Contact Person') );
160 define('_PC_EVENT_CONTTEL', xl ('Contact Phone Number') );
161 define('_PC_EVENT_CONTEMAIL', xl ('Contact Email') );
162 define('_PC_EVENT_WEBSITE', xl ('Event Website') );
163 define('_PC_EVENT_FEE', xl ('Event Fee') );
164 define('_PC_EVENT_PREVIEW', xl ('Preview Event') );
165 define('_PC_EVENT_SUBMIT', xl ('Submit Event') );
166 define('_PC_EVENT_TITLE', xl ('Event Title') );
167 define('_PC_EVENT_DESC', xl ('Event Description') );
168 define('_PC_EVENT_CATEGORY', xl ('Event Category') );
169 define('_PC_LIMIT_TITLE', xl ('Limit Of Events') );
170 define('_PC_LIMIT_START_TIME', xl ('Start Time') );
171 define('_PC_LIMIT_END_TIME', xl ('End Time') );
172 define('_PC_TOPIC', xl ('Topic') );
173 define('_PC_REQUIRED', xl ('*Required') );
174 define('_PC_AM', xl ('AM') );
175 define('_PC_PM', xl ('PM') );
176 define('_PC_EVENT_SUBMISSION_FAILED', xl ('Your submission failed.') );
177 define('_PC_EVENT_SUBMISSION_SUCCESS', xl ('Your event has been submitted.') );
178 define('_PC_EVENT_EDIT_SUCCESS', xl ('Your event has been modified.') );
179 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR', xl ('There are errors with your submission. These are outlined below.') );
180 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR1', xl ('Your start date is greater than your end date') );
181 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR2', xl ('Your start date is invalid') );
182 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR3', xl ('Your end date is invalid') );
183 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR4', xl ('is a required field.') );
184 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR5', xl ('Your repeating frequency must be at least 1.') );
185 define('_PC_SUBMIT_ERROR6', xl ('Your repeating frequency must be an integer.') );
186 define('_PC_ADMIN_EVENT_ERROR', xl ('There was an error while processing your request.') );
187 define('_PC_ADMIN_EVENTS_DELETED', xl ('Your event has been deleted.') );
188 @ define('_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS', xl ('You can not access this function directly.') );