Improvements about calendar translation.
[openemr.git] / interface / main / calendar / modules / PostCalendar / pntemplates / default / views / month / default.html
1 [-*Smarty*-]
2 [-config_load file="default.conf"-]
3 [-*Load the Language Definitions*-]
4 [-config_load file="lang.$USER_LANG"-]
5 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/header.html"-]
6 [-* we want to include out stylesheet for this view*-]
7 [-fetch file="$TPL_STYLE_PATH/month.css" assign="css"-]
8 [-eval var=$css-]
9 [-if $PRINT_VIEW != 1-]
10 [-*Main Navigation*-]
11 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/global/navigation.html"-]
12 [-/if-]
13 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="monthheader">
14 <tr align="center">
15 <td nowrap width="100%" align="center" valign="top" class="monthheader">
16 <a href="[-$PREV_MONTH_URL-]">&lt;&lt;</a>
17 [-$DATE|pc_date_format:#_PC_DATE_FORMAT_MY#-]
18 <a href="[-$NEXT_MONTH_URL-]">&gt;&gt;</a>
19 </td>
20 [-if $PRINT_VIEW != 1-]
21 <td nowrap align="right" valign="top" class="monthheader">
22 </td>
23 [-/if-]
24 </tr>
25 </table>
27 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="calcontainer"><tr><td>
28 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
29 <tr>
30 [-foreach from=$S_LONG_DAY_NAMES item=day-]
31 <td width="14%" align="center" valign="middle" class="daynames">[-$day-]</td>
32 [-/foreach-]
33 </tr>
35 [-foreach name=weeks item=days from=$CAL_FORMAT-]
36 <tr>
37 [-foreach name=days item=date from=$days-]
38 [-if $date == $TODAY_DATE-]
39 [-assign var="stylesheet" value="monthtoday"-]
40 [-elseif ($date < $MONTH_START_DATE || $date > $MONTH_END_DATE)-]
41 [-assign var="stylesheet" value="monthoff"-]
42 [-else-]
43 [-assign var="stylesheet" value="monthon"-]
44 [-/if-]
45 <td height="75" align="left" valign="top" class="[-$stylesheet-]"
46 onmouseover="'[-#CellHighlight#-]'"
47 onmouseout="''"
48 onclick="javascript:location.href='[-pc_url action=day date=$date-]';">
49 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
50 <tr>
51 <td align="left" valign="top"><a
52 href="[-pc_url action=day date=$date-]">[-$date|date_format:"%d"-]</a>
53 [-if $smarty.foreach.days.iteration == 1-]
54 <a href="[-pc_url action=week date=$date-]">[[-#_PC_MV_WEEK#-]]</a>
55 [-/if-]
56 </td>
57 <td align="right" valign="top">
58 [-if $ACCESS_ADD eq true-]
59 <a href="[-pc_url action=submit date=$date-]"><img
60 src="[-$TPL_IMAGE_PATH-]/new.gif" width="10" height="10" border="0" /></a>
61 [-/if-]
62 </td>
63 </tr>
64 <tr>
65 <td colspan="2" valign="top" align="left">
66 [-*sort the events by category so we can make it pretty*-]
67 [-pc_sort_events var="S_EVENTS" sort="time" order="asc" value=$A_EVENTS-]
68 [-assign var="oldCat" value=""-]
69 [-foreach name=events item=event from=$S_EVENTS.$date-]
70 [-assign var="cCat" value=$event.catname-]
71 [-if $oldCat != $cCat-]
72 [-if $smarty.foreach.event.first != true-]
73 </div>
74 [-/if-]
75 <div width="100%" style="padding: 1px; background-color: [-$event.catcolor-];">
76 <span style="font-size:10pt;">[-$event.catname-]</span>
77 </div>
78 <div width="100%" style="padding: 2px; border:solid 1px [-$event.catcolor-];">
79 [-/if-]
81 [-* Here we determine if the event is an
82 all day event or a timed event
83 and determine how to display the time *-]
84 [-if $event.alldayevent != true-]
85 [-if $24HOUR_TIME-]
86 [-assign var="timestamp" value=$event.startTime|date_format:#_PC_TIME_FORMAT_24#-]
87 [-else-]
88 [-assign var="timestamp" value=$event.startTime|date_format:#_PC_TIME_FORMAT_12#-]
89 [-/if-]
90 [-*assign var="title" value=$event.title|truncate:15:"...":true*-]
91 [-assign var="title" value=$event.title|strip_tags-]
93 [-else-]
94 [-assign var="timestamp" value=""-]
95 [-*assign var="title" value=$event.title|truncate:30:"...":true*-]
96 [-assign var="title" value=$event.title|strip_tags-]
97 [-/if-]
98 [-assign var="desc" value=$event.hometext|truncate:255:"..."-]
99 [-* Here we start the actual display of the event *-]
100 <a style="font-size: 7pt; text-decoration: none;"
101 href="[-pc_url action=detail eid=$event.eid date=$date-]"
102 [-pc_popup delay="500"
103 bgcolor="$event[catcolor]"
104 timeout="3600"
105 caption="$timestamp $event[title]"
106 text="$desc"-]>
107 [-$timestamp-] [-$title-]</a>
108 <span style="font-size:7pt;text-decoration:none;">
109 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/user/patient_line.html" event=$event show_icons=false show_provider=true show_patient=true -]</span><br />
110 [-assign var="oldCat" value=$event.catname-]
111 [-if $smarty.foreach.event.last-]
112 [-* we need to close out the <div> tag *-]
113 </div>
114 [-/if-]
115 [-/foreach-]
116 </td>
117 </tr>
118 </table>
119 </td>
120 [-/foreach-]
121 </tr>
122 [-/foreach-]
123 </table>
124 </td></tr></table>
125 [-if $PRINT_VIEW != 1-]
126 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
127 <tr>
128 <td align="right">
129 <a href="[-pc_url action="month" print="true"-]">[-#_PC_THEME_PRINT#-]</a>
130 </td>
131 </tr>
132 </table>
133 [-/if-]
134 [-*footer*-]
135 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/global/footer.html"-]
136 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/footer.html"-]