Fix for days translation
[openemr.git] / interface / main / calendar / modules / PostCalendar / pntemplates / default / views / day / default.html
1 [-*Smarty*-]
2 [-*****************************************************************************-]
3 [-* This is the source code for both day/default.html and week/default.html. *-]
4 [-* They should always be identical. If you change one, copy to the other! *-]
5 [-*****************************************************************************-]
6 [-* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Rod Roark <> and others *-]
7 [-* *-]
8 [-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *-]
9 [-* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *-]
10 [-* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *-]
11 [-* of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *-]
12 [-*****************************************************************************-]
13 [-config_load file="default.conf"-]
14 [-*Load the Language Definitions*-]
15 [-config_load file="lang.$USER_LANG"-]
16 [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/header.html"-]
17 [-* we want to include out stylesheet for this view*-]
18 [-fetch file="$TPL_STYLE_PATH/day.css" assign="css"-]
19 [-eval var=$css-]
21 <style>
22 a {
23 text-decoration:none;
25 td {
26 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
28 .tacell {
29 font-size:10pt;
30 background-color:#ddffdd;
31 text-align:right;
33 .tucell {
34 font-size:10pt;
35 background-color:#ffbbbb;
36 text-align:right;
38 .eacell {
39 font-size:10pt;
40 background-color:#ffffff;
42 .eucell {
43 font-size:10pt;
44 background-color:#ffbbbb;
46 .bordyy {
48 .bordyn {
49 border-top-width:0px;
50 padding-top:0px;
52 .bordny {
53 border-bottom-width:0px;
54 padding-bottom:0px;
56 .bordnn {
57 border-top-width:0px;
58 border-bottom-width:0px;
59 padding-top:0px;
60 padding-bottom:0px;
62 div.tiny { width:1px; height:1px; font-size:1px; }
63 </style>
65 <style type="text/css">@import url(../../../library/dynarch_calendar.css);</style>
66 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../library/dialog.js"></script>
67 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../library/textformat.js"></script>
68 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../library/dynarch_calendar.js"></script>
69 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../library/dynarch_calendar_en.js"></script>
70 <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../library/dynarch_calendar_setup.js"></script>
72 <script language='JavaScript'>
74 var mypcc = '[-php-] echo $GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] [-/php-]';
76 // This is called from the event editor popup.
77 function refreshme() {
78 document.forms[0].submit();
81 function newEvt(startampm, starttimeh, starttimem, eventdate, providerid, catid) {
82 dlgopen('add_edit_event.php?startampm=' + startampm +
83 '&starttimeh=' + starttimeh + '&starttimem=' + starttimem +
84 '&date=' + eventdate + '&userid=' + providerid + '&catid=' + catid,
85 '_blank', 550, 270);
88 function oldEvt(eventdate, eventid) {
89 dlgopen('add_edit_event.php?eid=' + eventid, '_blank', 550, 270);
92 function goPid(pid) {
93 [-php-]
94 if ($GLOBALS['concurrent_layout']) {
95 echo " top.RTop.location = '../../patient_file/summary/demographics.php' " .
96 "+ '?set_pid=' + pid;\n";
97 } else {
98 echo " top.location = '../../patient_file/patient_file.php' " .
99 "+ '?set_pid=' + pid + '&pid=' + pid;\n";
101 [-/php-]
104 function GoToToday(theForm){
105 var todays_date = new Date();
106 var theMonth = todays_date.getMonth() + 1;
107 theMonth = theMonth < 10 ? "0" + theMonth : theMonth;
108 theForm.jumpdate.value = todays_date.getFullYear() + "-" + theMonth + "-" + todays_date.getDate();
109 theForm.submit();
112 </script>
114 <!-- Required for the popup date selectors -->
115 <div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>
117 [-php-]
119 // A_CATEGORY is an ordered array of associative-array categories.
120 // Keys of interest are: id, name, color, desc, event_duration.
122 // echo "<!-- A_CATEGORY = "; print_r($this->_tpl_vars['A_CATEGORY']); echo " -->\n"; // debugging
123 // echo "<!-- A_EVENTS = "; print_r($this->_tpl_vars['A_EVENTS']); echo " -->\n"; // debugging
125 $A_CATEGORY =& $this->_tpl_vars['A_CATEGORY'];
127 // [-if $PRINT_VIEW != 1-]
128 // [-*Main Navigation*-]
129 // [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/global/navigation.html"-]
130 // [-/if-]
132 $A_EVENTS =& $this->_tpl_vars['A_EVENTS'];
133 // $S_EVENTS =& $this->_tpl_vars['S_EVENTS']; // Deleted by Rod
134 $providers =& $this->_tpl_vars['providers'];
135 $times =& $this->_tpl_vars['times'];
136 $interval = $this->_tpl_vars['interval'];
137 $viewtype = $this->_tpl_vars['VIEW_TYPE'];
138 $PREV_WEEK_URL = $this->_tpl_vars['PREV_WEEK_URL'];
139 $NEXT_WEEK_URL = $this->_tpl_vars['NEXT_WEEK_URL'];
140 $PREV_DAY_URL = $this->_tpl_vars['PREV_DAY_URL'];
141 $NEXT_DAY_URL = $this->_tpl_vars['NEXT_DAY_URL'];
143 $Date = postcalendar_getDate();
144 if (!isset($y)) $y = substr($Date, 0, 4);
145 if (!isset($m)) $m = substr($Date, 4, 2);
146 if (!isset($d)) $d = substr($Date, 6, 2);
148 // echo "<!-- There are " . count($A_EVENTS) . " A_EVENTS days -->\n";
150 $MULTIDAY = count($A_EVENTS) > 1;
152 $provinfo = getProviderInfo();
154 echo "<form name='theform' action='index.php?module=PostCalendar&func=view" .
155 "&tplview=default&pc_category=&pc_topic=' " .
156 "method='post'>\n";
157 echo "<center>\n";
158 echo "<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='99%'>\n";
159 echo " <tr><td colspan='3' height='5'></td></tr>\n";
160 echo " <tr>\n";
162 // Build the scrolling selection list of providers.
163 echo " <td rowspan='2' align='left' valign='top' width='33%' nowrap>\n";
164 echo " <select multiple size='3' name='pc_username[]'>\n";
165 echo " <option value='__PC_ALL__'>" .xl ("All Users"). "</option>\n";
166 foreach ($provinfo as $doc) {
167 $username = $doc['username'];
168 echo " <option value='$username'";
169 foreach ($providers as $provider)
170 if ($provider['username'] == $username) echo " selected";
171 echo ">" . $doc['fname'] . " " . $doc['lname'] . "</option>\n";
173 echo " </select>\n";
174 echo " </td>\n";
176 // Build the date and view type selectors and the Go button and the Today button.
177 echo " <td align='center' valign='top' width='34%' nowrap>\n";
179 echo " <input type='text' size='10' name='jumpdate' id='jumpdate'\n" .
180 " value='$y-$m-$d' title='yyyy-mm-dd date to go to'\n" .
181 " onkeyup='datekeyup(this,mypcc)' onblur='dateblur(this,mypcc)' />\n" .
182 " <img src='../../pic/show_calendar.gif' id='img_jumpdate' align='absbottom'\n" .
183 " width='24' height='22' border='0' alt='[?]' style='cursor:pointer'\n" .
184 " title='" .xl ("Click here to choose a date"). "'>\n";
186 echo " &nbsp;<select name='viewtype'>\n";
187 foreach ( array ('day' => xl("Day View"), 'week' => xl("Week View"), 'month' => xl("Month View"), 'year' => xl("Year View"))
188 as $key => $value) {
189 echo " <option value='$key'";
190 if ($key == $viewtype) echo " selected";
191 echo ">$value</option>\n";
193 echo " </select>\n";
194 echo " &nbsp;<input type='submit' name='bnsubmit' value='" .xl ("Go"). "' />\n";
195 echo " &nbsp;<input type='submit' name='bnsubmit' value='" .xl ("Today"). "' onClick='GoToToday(theform);' />\n";
196 echo " </td>\n";
198 // Show the Add and Search buttons.
199 echo " <td align='right' valign='top' width='33%' nowrap>\n";
200 echo " <input type='button' value='" .xl ("Add"). "' onclick='newEvt(1, 9, 00, $Date, 0, 0)' />\n";
201 echo " <input type='button' value='" .xl ("Search"). "' onclick='location=\"index.php?module=PostCalendar&func=search\"' />\n";
202 echo " </td>\n";
203 echo " </tr>\n";
205 // Show the date/range and its previous- and next-day/week selectors.
206 echo " <tr>\n";
207 echo " <td align='center' width='34%' nowrap>\n";
208 $atmp = array_keys($A_EVENTS);
210 if ($MULTIDAY) {
211 echo "<a href='$PREV_WEEK_URL'>&lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;\n";
212 echo dateformat(strtotime($atmp[0]));
213 echo " - ";
214 echo dateformat(strtotime($atmp[count($atmp)-1]));
215 echo "&nbsp;<a href='$NEXT_WEEK_URL'>&gt;&gt;</a>\n";
216 } else {
217 echo "<a href='$PREV_DAY_URL'>&lt;&lt;</a>&nbsp;\n";
218 echo dateformat(strtotime($atmp[0]));
219 echo "&nbsp;<a href='$NEXT_DAY_URL'>&gt;&gt;</a>\n";
221 echo " </td>\n";
222 echo " <td align='right' width='33%' nowrap>\n";
223 echo " &nbsp;\n";
224 echo " </td>\n";
226 echo " </tr>\n";
227 echo "</table>\n";
228 echo "</center>\n";
229 echo "</form>\n";
231 [-/php-]
233 <script language='JavaScript'>
234 Calendar.setup({inputField:"jumpdate", ifFormat:"%Y-%m-%d", button:"img_jumpdate"});
235 </script>
237 [-assign var="dayname" value=$DATE|date_format:"%w"-]
238 [-assign var="day" value=$DATE|date_format:"%d"|string_format:"%1d"-]
239 [-assign var="month" value=$DATE|date_format:"%m"|string_format:"%1d"-]
240 [-assign var="year" value=$DATE|date_format:"%Y"|string_format:"%4d"-]
242 [-pc_sort_events var="S_EVENTS" sort="time" order="asc" value=$A_EVENTS-]
244 [-php-]
246 echo "<table width='100%' border='1' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0' >\n";
247 $tdstylearr = array('bordyy', 'bordny', 'bordyn', 'bordnn');
249 // For each day...
250 foreach ($A_EVENTS as $date => $events) {
251 $need_headers = true;
252 $eventdate = substr($date, 0, 4) . substr($date, 5, 2) . substr($date, 8, 2);
254 // If multiple days then show a date header for each.
255 if ($MULTIDAY) {
256 echo " <tr>\n";
257 echo " <td colspan='" . (count($providers) * 2) . "' align='center'>" .
258 dateformat(strtotime($date)) . "</td>";
259 echo " </tr>\n";
262 $arr_events = $S_EVENTS[$date];
263 list($slotkey, $slotevent) = each($arr_events);
265 // This is an array of provider status information for this day,
266 // used to properly assign table cell attributes.
267 $provstat = array();
269 $slotindex = 0;
270 $lastslotindex = count($times) - 1;
272 // For each time slot...
273 foreach ($times as $slottime) {
274 $startampm = ($slottime['mer']) == "pm" ? 2 : 1;
275 $starttimeh = $slottime['hour'];
276 $starttimem = $slottime['minute'];
277 $slotendmins = $starttimeh * 60 + $starttimem + $interval;
279 // Repeat doc names at 1PM. This is a kludge; omit it for released code.
280 // if ($starttimeh == 13 && $starttimem == 0) $need_headers = true;
282 // Get all events for all providers just for this time slot now, because we
283 // can pick up where we left off and because we don't want to re-scan all
284 // events for the day for each table cell.
286 $arr_slot = array();
287 for (; isset($slotkey); list($slotkey, $slotevent) = each($arr_events)) {
288 $starth = substr($slotevent['startTime'], 0, 2);
289 $startm = substr($slotevent['startTime'], 3, 2);
291 if (($starth * 60 + $startm) >= $slotendmins) break;
293 $arr_slot[$slotkey] = $slotevent;
295 $catid = $slotevent['catid'];
296 $providerid = $slotevent['aid'];
297 $durminutes = ceil($slotevent['duration'] / 60);
298 $durslots = ceil($durminutes / $interval);
300 // While we're here, collect information for cell cosmetics.
301 if ($catid == 2) { // in office
302 $provstat[$providerid]['in'] = true;
304 // Save preferred category info for this IN event.
305 $provstat[$providerid]['in_cat'] = -1;
306 $provstat[$providerid]['in_slot0'] = $slotindex;
307 $provstat[$providerid]['in_slots'] = 1;
308 if ($slotevent['prefcatid']) {
309 foreach ($A_CATEGORY as $catkey => $catval) {
310 if ($catval['id'] == $slotevent['prefcatid']) {
311 $provstat[$providerid]['in_cat'] = $catkey;
312 $provstat[$providerid]['in_slots'] =
313 ceil(ceil($catval['event_duration'] / 60) / $interval);
314 break;
317 // Debugging:
318 if ($provstat[$providerid]['in_cat'] < 0) {
319 echo "<!-- Unmatched prefcatid = " . $slotevent['prefcatid'] . " -->\n"; // debugging
324 else if ($catid == 3) { // out of office
325 $provstat[$providerid]['in'] = false;
327 else if ($catid == 4 || $catid == 8 || $catid == 11) { // unavailable types
328 // unavailable slots are marked 'res' for appropriate coloring.
329 $endindex = $slotindex + $durslots;
330 for ($i = $slotindex; $i < $endindex; ++$i) {
331 $provstat[$providerid][$i]['res'] = true;
334 // If duration > slot size then mark slots for border control. A slot
335 // marked 'ext' is not to have a border between itself and the slot below.
336 if ($durslots > 1) {
337 $endindex = $slotindex + $durslots - 1;
338 for ($i = $slotindex; $i < $endindex; ++$i) {
339 $provstat[$providerid][$i]['ext'] = true;
343 // Finished getting event information for this time slot.
345 // Write a header row with the provider names if appropriate.
346 if ($need_headers) {
347 $need_headers = false;
348 echo " <tr>\n";
349 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
350 echo " <td colspan='2' align='center'>";
351 echo $provider['fname'][0] . " " . $provider['lname'];
352 echo "</td>\n";
354 echo " </tr>\n";
357 echo " <tr>\n";
359 // We are now ready to write the table row for the current time slot.
360 // This loops once for each provider to be displayed.
362 foreach ($providers as $provider) {
363 $providerid = $provider['id'];
365 // Mark this as a no-bottom-border slot if the preferred category
366 // duration extends beyond it.
368 // echo "<!-- slotindex=$slotindex in=" . $provstat[$providerid]['in'] .
369 // " in_cat=" . $provstat[$providerid]['in_cat'] .
370 // " in_slot0=" . $provstat[$providerid]['in_slot0'] .
371 // " in_slots=" . $provstat[$providerid]['in_slots'] . " -->\n"; // debugging
373 if ($provstat[$providerid]['in']) {
374 if (($slotindex + 1 - $provstat[$providerid]['in_slot0']) % $provstat[$providerid]['in_slots'])
375 $provstat[$providerid][$slotindex]['ext'] = true;
378 $content = ""; // this will be the event cell content
380 $clsuffix = "acell";
381 if ($provstat[$providerid][$slotindex]['res'] || ! $provstat[$providerid]['in']) {
382 $clsuffix = "ucell";
385 // Remove top and/or bottom table cell borders using CSS when events span
386 // time slots or when the practitioner is not in-office. Using "rowspan"
387 // would be a difficult and inferior solution to this problem.
389 $tdstyleix = 0;
390 $timelabel = true;
391 if ($slotindex < $lastslotindex &&
392 ($provstat[$providerid][$slotindex]['ext'] || !$provstat[$providerid]['in'])) {
393 $tdstyleix += 1; // no bottom
395 if ($slotindex > 0 && ($provstat[$providerid][$slotindex-1]['ext'] ||
396 !($provstat[$providerid]['in'] || $provstat[$providerid]['wasin']))) {
397 $tdstyleix += 2; // no top
398 $timelabel = false;
400 $tdstyle = ' ' . $tdstylearr[$tdstyleix];
402 $disptimeh = ($starttimeh > 12) ? ($starttimeh - 12) : $starttimeh;
404 $in_cat_id = 0;
405 if ($provstat[$providerid]['in_cat'] >= 0) {
406 $category =& $A_CATEGORY[$provstat[$providerid]['in_cat']];
407 if ($category['id']) $in_cat_id = $category['id'];
410 // If a slot omits the top border, then we omit the TOD cell's top border
411 // and skip writing its time-of-day text. This way we can get some rows
412 // with no content at all, which should produce a more compact and readable
413 // calendar display.
415 echo " <td class='t$clsuffix$tdstyle'";
416 if ($slotindex == 0) echo " width='1%'";
417 echo ">";
418 if ($timelabel) {
419 echo "<a href='javascript:newEvt($startampm,$starttimeh,$starttimem,$eventdate,$providerid,$in_cat_id)'>";
420 echo "$disptimeh:$starttimem</a>";
421 } else {
422 echo "<div class=tiny></div>"; // 1x1 px content so the browser does not suppress borders
424 echo "</td>\n";
426 echo " <td class='e$clsuffix$tdstyle'";
427 if ($clsuffix == "acell" && $in_cat_id) {
428 echo " style='background-color:" . $category['color'] . "'";
429 echo " title='" . $category['name'] . "'";
431 echo ">";
433 // Scan all events for this time slot and generate the associated HTML for
434 // this doc. JavaScript is used in hrefs to reduce the volume of output.
436 reset($arr_slot);
437 while (list($eventkey, $event) = each($arr_slot)) {
438 if ($event['aid'] != $providerid) continue;
439 if ($content) $content .= " ";
440 $starth = substr($event['startTime'], 0, 2);
441 $startm = substr($event['startTime'], 3, 2);
442 $eventid = $event['eid'];
443 $patientid = $event['pid'];
444 $commapos = strpos($event['patient_name'], ",");
445 $lname = addslashes(ucfirst(strtolower(substr($event['patient_name'], 0, $commapos))));
446 $fname = addslashes(ucfirst(strtolower(substr($event['patient_name'], $commapos + 2))));
447 $patient_dob = $event['patient_dob'];
448 $patient_age = $event['patient_age'];
449 $catid = $event['catid'];
450 $catname = $event['catname'];
451 $title = "Age $patient_age ($patient_dob)";
452 if ($event['hometext'] && $GLOBALS['calendar_appt_style'] < 4)
453 $title .= " " . addslashes($event['hometext']);
454 if ($catid == 2 || $catid == 3 || $catid == 4 || $catid == 8 || $catid == 11) {
455 if ($catid == 2) $catname = "IN";
456 else if ($catid == 3) $catname = "OUT";
457 else if ($catid == 4) $catname = "VACATION";
458 else if ($catid == 8) $catname = "LUNCH";
459 else if ($catid == 11) $catname = "RESERVED";
460 // Omit lunch, vacation, etc. if the doc is not in-office.
461 if ($provstat[$providerid]['in'] || $catid < 4) {
462 $content .= "<a href='javascript:oldEvt($eventdate,$eventid)'>";
463 $content .= $catname . "</a>";
466 else { // some sort of patient appointment
467 $content .= "<a href='javascript:oldEvt($eventdate,$eventid)' title='$catname'>";
468 $content .= $starth . ':' . $startm . htmlspecialchars($event['apptstatus']) . "</a>";
469 $content .= "<a href='javascript:goPid($patientid)' title='$title'>";
470 if ($catid == 1) $content .= "<strike>";
471 $content .= $lname;
472 if ($GLOBALS['calendar_appt_style'] != 1) {
473 $content .= "," . $fname;
474 if ($event['title'] && $GLOBALS['calendar_appt_style'] >= 3) {
475 $content .= "(" . $event['title'];
476 if ($event['hometext'] && $GLOBALS['calendar_appt_style'] >= 4)
477 $content .= ": <font color='green'>" . htmlspecialchars(trim($event['hometext'])) . "</font>";
478 $content .= ")";
481 if ($catid == 1) $content .= "</strike>";
482 $content .= "</a>";
484 } // end while
486 if (! $content) $content = "<div class=tiny></div>"; // so the browser does not suppress borders
487 echo $content . "</td>\n";
489 // Keep track of whether the doc was in during the previous time slot.
490 $provstat[$providerid]['wasin'] = $provstat[$providerid]['in'];
492 } // end provider
494 echo " </tr>\n";
496 ++$slotindex;
497 } // end time slot
498 } // end day
500 echo "</table>\n";
502 // [-*footer*-]
503 // [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/global/footer.html"-]
504 // [-include file="$TPL_NAME/views/footer.html"-]
506 [-/php-]
508 </body>
509 </html>