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OpenXsensor New Home

from may 2015

OXS logo


OpenXsensor is the evolution of OpenXvario and extends it to multi-sensing applications.

Discussion about this project:

Based on an Arduino platform, it connects to different sensors and transmits the measurements via several telemetry capabilities.

It is compatible with :

Functionalities provided at your choice :

Note: Setup is done editing manually the files oXs_config_basic.h and in some cases oXs_config_advanced.h All details about the requirements and the way to configure oXs are given in the file oXs_config_description.h Some explanations are given in wiki (but are not 100% up to date). It is higtly recommended to read oXs_config_description.h.
Note: The latest version of the project includes an oXs configurator. It allows:

2023-07-27 mstrensMerge pull request #73 from romoloman/mastermaster
2023-07-23 Romolo ManfrediniAdd define to debug lora.
2023-07-23 Romolo ManfrediniUpdate
2023-07-23 Romolo ManfrediniUBlox M10 Support
2022-05-02 Romolo ManfrediniFix small bug in oxs_configurator
2022-05-01 Romolo ManfrediniMerge branch 'master' of
2022-05-01 Romolo ManfrediniUpdate oXs_out_frsky.cpp
2022-03-07 mstrensMerge pull request #71 from romoloman/master
2022-02-28 Romolo ManfrediniFix config advanced file generation while calibrating...
2022-02-27 Romolo ManfrediniSupport for newer MPU
2022-02-27 Romolo ManfrediniFix small regression in oXs_configurator
2022-02-25 Romolo ManfrediniFix oXs_configurator
2022-02-25 Romolo ManfrediniSpare few bytes while slowing down trasmission of datetime
2022-02-25 Romolo ManfrediniTime now is updated once a second.
2022-02-25 Romolo ManfrediniFix regression in GPS time trasmission.
2022-02-25 Romolo ManfrediniReduce TX frequency of DATETIME
7 years ago v8.0.1
7 years ago V7.0
8 years ago v5.0
8 years ago OpenXsensor_v4.0
9 years ago OpenXsensor_v2.5
9 years ago OpenXsensor_v1.0
9 months ago master
4 years ago oXs_lora
7 years ago openXsensor-V7
8 years ago OpenXsensor_v5.0
8 years ago OpenXsensor_Arduino_1_6
9 years ago OpenXsensor_Sequencer_v3.1
9 years ago OpenXsensor_Multiplex_v3.0