removed fasls
[objcffi.git] / type-encodings.lisp
1 (in-package :objcffi)
3 ;;; TODO
4 ;; doesnt support arrays yet,
5 ;; see (%list-ivars (%objc_getClass "NSConcreteFileHandle"))
7 ;; Table based on
8 ;;
9 (defparameter *type-encodings*
10 '(;; Basic CFFI types
11 (:char "c")
12 (:unsigned-char "C")
13 (:uchar "C")
14 (:short "s")
15 (:unsigned-short "S")
16 (:ushort "S")
17 (:int "i")
18 (:unsigned-int "I")
19 (:uint "I")
20 (:long "l")
21 (:unsigned-long "L")
22 (:ulong "L")
23 (:long-long "q")
24 (:llong "q")
25 (:unsigned-long-long "Q")
26 (:ullong "Q")
27 (:float "f")
28 (:double "d")
29 (:long-double "d") ;; test this on all platforms, unknown on ppc
30 (:void "v")
31 (:pointer "^v")
32 (:string "*")
34 ;; Objective C types
35 (id "@")
36 (SEL ":")
37 (BOOL "c")
38 (IMP "^?")
39 (Class "#")
40 (:unknown "?" 4))) ;; this size may be implementation specific
42 (defparameter *method-encodings*
43 '((#\r :const)
44 (#\n :in)
45 (#\N :inout)
46 (#\o :out)
47 (#\O :bycopy)
48 (#\R :byref)
49 (#\V :oneway)))
51 (defun-with-types get-method-types ((class class-name :objc-class)
52 (selector selector-name :objc-selector)
53 &optional instance-method)
54 (let ((method (funcall (if instance-method #'%class_getInstanceMethod #'%class_getClassMethod)
55 class selector)))
56 (if (cffi:null-pointer-p method)
57 (error "Class \"~a\" does not have the ~:[class~;instance~] method \"~a\""
58 (if (cffi:null-pointer-p class) "<NULL>" class-name)
59 instance-method selector-name)
60 (values (cffi:foreign-slot-value method 'objc_method 'method_types)
61 method))))
63 (defun encode-struct (struct)
64 (format nil "{~a}"
65 (apply #'concatenate 'string
66 (second struct) "=" (mapcar #'encode-type (cddr struct)))))
68 (defun encode-type (type)
69 (let ((encoding (assoc type *type-encodings*)))
70 (cond ((eq type :void) (second encoding))
71 ((and (listp type) (eq (first type) :struct)) (encode-struct type))
72 (t (values (string (second encoding))
73 (or (third encoding)
74 (cffi:foreign-type-size type)))))))
76 (defun encode-method-type (return-type parameters)
77 (apply #'concatenate 'string
78 (encode-type return-type) "@:" (mapcar #'encode-type parameters)))
81 (defun decode-type (type-string)
82 (if (char= #\^ (elt type-string 0)) :pointer
83 (first (find type-string *type-encodings* :key #'second :test #'string=))))
85 (defun decode-struct-from-method-type (stream)
86 (let ((name ())
87 (types ()))
88 (do ((char (read-char stream) (read-char stream)))
89 ((char= #\= char))
90 (push char name))
92 (when (char= (peek-char nil stream) #\")
93 (read-char stream)
94 (loop while (char/= #\" (read-char stream))))
96 (labels ((read-until-end ()
97 (do ((char (read-char stream) (read-char stream)))
98 ((char= #\} char)
99 (push char types))
100 (push char types)
101 (when (char= #\{ char)
102 (read-until-end)))))
103 (read-until-end))
104 (list* :struct
105 (coerce (reverse name) 'string)
106 (decode-method-types (coerce (reverse types) 'string)))))
108 (defun decode-method-types (method-types)
109 (let ((types ()))
110 (with-input-from-string (s method-types)
111 (do* ((token (read-char s) (read-char s nil :eof)))
112 ((eq token :eof))
113 (let ((objc-name (find (string token) *type-encodings*
114 :key #'second :test #'string=)))
115 (cond (objc-name
116 (push (first objc-name) types))
117 ((char= token #\^)
118 (push :pointer types)
119 (read-char s nil))
120 ((char= token #\{)
121 (push (decode-struct-from-method-type s) types))
122 ((char= token #\")
123 (loop while (char/= #\" (read-char s))))))))
124 (reverse types)))