removed fasls
[objcffi.git] / define-objc-class.lisp
1 (in-package :objcffi)
3 (defun find-root-class (class)
4 (let ((parent (cffi:foreign-slot-value class 'objc_class 'super_class)))
5 (if (cffi:null-pointer-p parent) class
6 (find-root-class parent))))
8 (defun null-method-list ()
9 (cffi:foreign-alloc
10 :pointer :initial-element (cffi:make-pointer #xffffffff))) ;; TODO calculate this number
11 ;; (let ((method-list (cffi:foreign-alloc 'objc_method_list)))
12 ;; (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value method-list 'objc_method_list 'obsolete) (cffi:null-pointer)
13 ;; (cffi:foreign-slot-value method-list 'objc_method_list 'method_count) 0
14 ;; (cffi:foreign-slot-value method-list 'objc_method_list 'method_list) (cffi:null-pointer))
15 ;; method-list))
17 (defmacro with-named-foreign-slots ((object type) &rest body)
18 ;; possibly a useful addition to CFFI?
19 (let* ((slots (cffi:foreign-slot-names type))
20 (named-slots (mapcar
21 (lambda (slot)
22 (intern
23 (concatenate 'string (string object) "-" (string slot))))
24 slots)))
25 `(symbol-macrolet
26 ,(mapcar (lambda (slot slot-name)
27 `(,slot-name (cffi:foreign-slot-value ,object ',type ',slot)))
28 slots named-slots) ,@body)))
30 (defmacro define-objc-class (name superclass ivar-list &body body)
31 `(progn
32 (%define-objc-class ,name ,superclass
33 ',(mapcar (lambda (ivar-spec)
34 (list (first ivar-spec) (second ivar-spec)))
35 ivar-list))
36 (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcan (lambda (ivar-spec)
37 (when (= (length ivar-spec) 3)
38 (list `(,(third ivar-spec) (ivar self ,(second ivar-spec)))))) ivar-list)
39 ,@body)))
41 (defun-with-types %define-objc-class (class-name (superclass :objc-class) ivars)
42 ;; should be able to say this symbol is exported with the package here
43 ;; ivars is a list of (type objective-c-name-string)
47 (let (newclass metaclass rootclass)
49 ;; The superclass must exist
50 (when (cffi:null-pointer-p superclass)
51 (error "You cannot make a subclass of a null pointer"))
53 ;; You cannot redefine a class, check if its got the same ivars as the current definition
54 (let ((current-definition (%objc_lookUpClass class-name)))
55 (unless (cffi:null-pointer-p current-definition)
56 (if (every (lambda (ivar-spec defined-ivar)
57 (and (eq (first ivar-spec) (first defined-ivar))
58 (string= (second ivar-spec) (second defined-ivar))))
59 ivars (%list-ivars current-definition))
60 (return-from %define-objc-class current-definition)
61 (error "An incompatable definition of class \"~a\" already exists" class-name))))
63 ;; We must find the root class
64 (setq rootclass (find-root-class superclass))
66 (setq newclass (cffi:foreign-alloc 'objc_class)
67 metaclass (cffi:foreign-alloc 'objc_class))
69 (let* ((instance-size (cffi:foreign-slot-value superclass 'objc_class 'instance_size))
70 (offset instance-size)
71 (ivars-ptr (cffi:foreign-alloc
72 :char
73 :count (+ (cffi:foreign-type-size 'objc_ivar_list)
74 (* (1- (length ivars)) (cffi:foreign-type-size 'objc_ivar)))))
75 (ivar-ptr (cffi:inc-pointer
76 ivars-ptr
77 (cffi:foreign-slot-offset 'objc_ivar_list 'ivar_list))))
78 (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value ivars-ptr 'objc_ivar_list 'ivar_count) (length ivars))
79 (dolist (ivar-spec ivars)
80 (let ((ivar (cffi:mem-ref ivar-ptr 'objc_ivar)))
81 (multiple-value-bind (type-string type-size) (encode-type (first ivar-spec))
82 (if (null type-string)
83 (error "Ivar of incorrect/unsupported type: \"~a\"" (first ivar-spec)))
84 (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value ivar 'objc_ivar 'ivar_name)
85 (second ivar-spec))
86 (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value ivar 'objc_ivar 'ivar_type)
87 type-string)
88 (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value ivar 'objc_ivar 'ivar_offset)
89 offset)
90 (incf offset type-size)
91 (cffi:incf-pointer ivar-ptr (cffi:foreign-type-size 'objc_ivar)))))
93 (with-named-foreign-slots (newclass objc_class)
94 (setf newclass-isa metaclass
95 newclass-super_class superclass
96 newclass-name class-name
97 newclass-version 0
98 newclass-info CLS_CLASS
99 newclass-instance_size offset ;; this is instance-size + ivar-length
100 newclass-ivars ivars-ptr
101 newclass-methodLists (null-method-list);;(cffi:foreign-alloc 'objc_method_list)
102 newclass-cache (cffi:null-pointer)
103 newclass-protocols (cffi:null-pointer))))
105 (with-named-foreign-slots (metaclass objc_class)
106 (setf metaclass-isa (cffi:foreign-slot-value rootclass 'objc_class 'isa)
107 metaclass-super_class (cffi:foreign-slot-value superclass 'objc_class 'isa)
108 metaclass-name (cffi:foreign-slot-value newclass 'objc_class 'name)
109 metaclass-version 0
110 metaclass-info CLS_META
111 metaclass-instance_size (cffi:foreign-slot-value
112 (cffi:foreign-slot-value superclass 'objc_class 'isa)
113 'objc_class 'instance_size)
114 metaclass-ivars (cffi:null-pointer)
115 metaclass-methodLists (null-method-list);;(cffi:foreign-alloc 'objc_method_list)
116 metaclass-cache (cffi:null-pointer)
117 metaclass-protocols (cffi:null-pointer)))
119 (%objc_addClass newclass)
121 newclass))