themes: Workaround for bug where a background color of RGB 0,0,0 in Black color schem...
[ntk.git] / src / fl_font_mac.cxx
1 //
2 // "$Id: fl_font_mac.cxx 8597 2011-04-17 13:18:55Z ianmacarthur $"
3 //
4 // MacOS font selection routines for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
5 //
6 // Copyright 1998-2011 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // Library General Public License for more details.
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
19 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
21 // USA.
23 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
25 //
28 #include <config.h>
30 /* from fl_utf.c */
31 extern unsigned fl_utf8toUtf16(const char* src, unsigned srclen, unsigned short* dst, unsigned dstlen);
33 static CGAffineTransform font_mx = { 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 };
35 static CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes = NULL;
36 #endif
38 Fl_Font_Descriptor::Fl_Font_Descriptor(const char* name, Fl_Fontsize Size) {
39 next = 0;
40 # if HAVE_GL
41 listbase = 0;
42 # endif
44 // knowWidths = 0;
45 // OpenGL needs those for its font handling
46 q_name = strdup(name);
47 size = Size;
49 if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {//unfortunately, CTFontCreateWithName != NULL on 10.4 also!
50 CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
51 fontref = CTFontCreateWithName(str, size, NULL);
52 CGGlyph glyph[2];
53 const UniChar A[2]={'W','.'};
54 CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(fontref, A, glyph, 2);
55 CGSize advances[2];
56 double w;
57 CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(fontref, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, glyph, advances, 2);
58 w = advances[0].width;
59 if ( abs(advances[0].width - advances[1].width) < 1E-2 ) {//this is a fixed-width font
60 // slightly rescale fixed-width fonts so the character width has an integral value
61 CFRelease(fontref);
62 CGFloat fsize = size / ( w/floor(w + 0.5) );
63 fontref = CTFontCreateWithName(str, fsize, NULL);
64 w = CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(fontref, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, glyph, NULL, 1);
66 CFRelease(str);
67 ascent = (short)(CTFontGetAscent(fontref) + 0.5);
68 descent = (short)(CTFontGetDescent(fontref) + 0.5);
69 q_width = w + 0.5;
70 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(width)/sizeof(float*); i++) width[i] = NULL;
71 if (!attributes) {
72 static CFNumberRef zero_ref;
73 float zero = 0.;
74 zero_ref = CFNumberCreate(NULL, kCFNumberFloat32Type, &zero);
75 // deactivate kerning for all fonts, so that string width = sum of character widths
76 // which allows fast fl_width() implementation.
77 attributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
79 &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
80 &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
81 CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, kCTKernAttributeName, zero_ref);
83 if (ascent == 0) { // this may happen with some third party fonts
84 CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName, fontref);
85 CFAttributedStringRef mastr = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, CFSTR("Wj"), attributes);
86 CTLineRef ctline = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(mastr);
87 CFRelease(mastr);
88 CGFloat fascent, fdescent;
89 CTLineGetTypographicBounds(ctline, &fascent, &fdescent, NULL);
90 CFRelease(ctline);
91 ascent = (short)(fascent + 0.5);
92 descent = (short)(fdescent + 0.5);
95 else {
96 #endif
97 #if ! __LP64__
98 OSStatus err;
99 // fill our structure with a few default values
100 ascent = Size*3/4;
101 descent = Size-ascent;
102 q_width = Size*2/3;
103 // now use ATS to get the actual Glyph size information
104 // say that our passed-in name is encoded as UTF-8, since this works for plain ASCII names too...
105 CFStringRef cfname = CFStringCreateWithCString(0L, name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
106 ATSFontRef font = ATSFontFindFromName(cfname, kATSOptionFlagsDefault);
107 if (font) {
108 ATSFontMetrics m = { 0 };
109 ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics(font, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &m);
110 if (m.avgAdvanceWidth) q_width = int(m.avgAdvanceWidth*Size);
111 // playing with the offsets a little to make standard sizes fit
112 if (m.ascent) ascent = int(m.ascent*Size-0.5f);
113 if (m.descent) descent = -int(m.descent*Size-1.5f);
115 CFRelease(cfname);
116 // now we allocate everything needed to render text in this font later
117 // get us the default layout and style
118 err = ATSUCreateTextLayout(&layout);
119 UniChar mTxt[2] = { 65, 0 };
120 err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, mTxt, kATSUFromTextBeginning, 1, 1);
121 err = ATSUCreateStyle(&style);
122 err = ATSUSetRunStyle(layout, style, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd);
123 // now set the actual font, size and attributes. We also set the font matrix to
124 // render our font up-side-down, so when rendered through our inverted CGContext,
125 // text will appear normal again.
126 Fixed fsize = IntToFixed(Size);
127 // ATSUFontID fontID = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef(font);
128 ATSUFontID fontID;
129 ATSUFindFontFromName(name, strlen(name), kFontFullName, kFontMacintoshPlatform, kFontRomanScript, kFontEnglishLanguage, &fontID);
131 // draw the font upside-down... Compensate for fltk/OSX origin differences
132 ATSUAttributeTag sTag[] = { kATSUFontTag, kATSUSizeTag, kATSUFontMatrixTag };
133 ByteCount sBytes[] = { sizeof(ATSUFontID), sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(CGAffineTransform) };
134 ATSUAttributeValuePtr sAttr[] = { &fontID, &fsize, &font_mx };
135 err = ATSUSetAttributes(style, 3, sTag, sBytes, sAttr);
136 // next, make sure that Quartz will only render at integer coordinates
137 ATSLineLayoutOptions llo = kATSLineUseDeviceMetrics | kATSLineDisableAllLayoutOperations;
138 ATSUAttributeTag aTag[] = { kATSULineLayoutOptionsTag };
139 ByteCount aBytes[] = { sizeof(ATSLineLayoutOptions) };
140 ATSUAttributeValuePtr aAttr[] = { &llo };
141 err = ATSUSetLineControls (layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, 1, aTag, aBytes, aAttr);
142 // now we are finally ready to measure some letter to get the bounding box
143 Fixed bBefore, bAfter, bAscent, bDescent;
144 err = ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, 1, &bBefore, &bAfter, &bAscent, &bDescent);
145 // Requesting a certain height font on Mac does not guarantee that ascent+descent
146 // equal the requested height. fl_height will reflect the actual height that we got.
147 // The font "Apple Chancery" is a pretty extreme example of overlapping letters.
148 float fa = -FixedToFloat(bAscent), fd = -FixedToFloat(bDescent);
149 if (fa>0.0f && fd>0.0f) {
150 //float f = Size/(fa+fd);
151 ascent = int(fa); //int(fa*f+0.5f);
152 descent = int(fd); //Size - ascent;
154 int w = FixedToInt(bAfter);
155 if (w)
156 q_width = FixedToInt(bAfter);
161 // Now, by way of experiment, try enabling Transient Font Matching, this will
162 // cause ATSU to find a suitable font to render any chars the current font can't do...
163 ATSUSetTransientFontMatching (layout, true);
164 # endif
165 #endif//__LP64__
168 #endif
171 Fl_Font_Descriptor::~Fl_Font_Descriptor() {
173 #if HAVE_GL
174 // ++ todo: remove OpenGL font alocations
175 // Delete list created by gl_draw(). This is not done by this code
176 // as it will link in GL unnecessarily. There should be some kind
177 // of "free" routine pointer, or a subclass?
178 // if (listbase) {
179 // int base = font->min_char_or_byte2;
180 // int size = font->max_char_or_byte2-base+1;
181 // int base = 0; int size = 256;
182 // glDeleteLists(listbase+base,size);
183 // }
184 #endif
186 if (this == fl_graphics_driver->font_descriptor()) fl_graphics_driver->font_descriptor(NULL);
188 if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {
189 CFRelease(fontref);
190 for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(width)/sizeof(float*); i++) {
191 if (width[i]) free(width[i]);
194 #endif
197 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
199 static Fl_Fontdesc built_in_table[] = {
200 {"Arial"},
201 {"Arial Bold"},
202 {"Arial Italic"},
203 {"Arial Bold Italic"},
204 {"Courier New"},
205 {"Courier New Bold"},
206 {"Courier New Italic"},
207 {"Courier New Bold Italic"},
208 {"Times New Roman"},
209 {"Times New Roman Bold"},
210 {"Times New Roman Italic"},
211 {"Times New Roman Bold Italic"},
212 {"Symbol"},
213 {"Monaco"},
214 {"Andale Mono"}, // there is no bold Monaco font on standard Mac
215 {"Webdings"},
218 static UniChar *utfWbuf = 0;
219 static unsigned utfWlen = 0;
221 static UniChar *mac_Utf8_to_Utf16(const char *txt, int len, int *new_len)
223 unsigned wlen = fl_utf8toUtf16(txt, len, (unsigned short*)utfWbuf, utfWlen);
224 if (wlen >= utfWlen)
226 utfWlen = wlen + 100;
227 if (utfWbuf) free(utfWbuf);
228 utfWbuf = (UniChar*)malloc((utfWlen)*sizeof(UniChar));
229 wlen = fl_utf8toUtf16(txt, len, (unsigned short*)utfWbuf, utfWlen);
231 *new_len = wlen;
232 return utfWbuf;
233 } // mac_Utf8_to_Utf16
235 Fl_Fontdesc* fl_fonts = built_in_table;
237 static Fl_Font_Descriptor* find(Fl_Font fnum, Fl_Fontsize size) {
238 Fl_Fontdesc* s = fl_fonts+fnum;
239 if (!s->name) s = fl_fonts; // use 0 if fnum undefined
240 Fl_Font_Descriptor* f;
241 for (f = s->first; f; f = f->next)
242 if (f->size == size) return f;
243 f = new Fl_Font_Descriptor(s->name, size);
244 f->next = s->first;
245 s->first = f;
246 return f;
249 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
250 // Public interface:
252 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::font(Fl_Font fnum, Fl_Fontsize size) {
253 if (fnum==-1) {
254 Fl_Graphics_Driver::font(0, 0);
255 return;
257 Fl_Graphics_Driver::font(fnum, size);
258 this->font_descriptor( find(fnum, size) );
261 int Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::height() {
262 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
263 Fl_Font_Descriptor *fl_fontsize = font_descriptor();
264 return fl_fontsize->ascent + fl_fontsize->descent;
267 int Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::descent() {
268 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
269 Fl_Font_Descriptor *fl_fontsize = font_descriptor();
270 return fl_fontsize->descent+1;
274 // returns width of a pair of UniChar's in the surrogate range
275 static CGFloat surrogate_width(const UniChar *txt, Fl_Font_Descriptor *fl_fontsize)
277 CTFontRef font2 = fl_fontsize->fontref;
278 bool must_release = false;
279 CGGlyph glyphs[2];
280 bool b = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font2, txt, glyphs, 2);
281 CGSize a;
282 if(!b) { // the current font doesn't contain this char
283 CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, txt, 2, kCFAllocatorNull);
284 // find a font that contains it
285 font2 = CTFontCreateForString(font2, str, CFRangeMake(0,2));
286 must_release = true;
287 CFRelease(str);
288 b = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font2, txt, glyphs, 2);
290 if (b) CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(font2, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, glyphs, &a, 1);
291 else a.width = fl_fontsize->q_width;
292 if(must_release) CFRelease(font2);
293 return a.width;
295 #endif
297 static double fl_mac_width(const UniChar* txt, int n, Fl_Font_Descriptor *fl_fontsize) {
299 if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {
300 double retval = 0;
301 UniChar uni;
302 int i;
303 for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { // loop over txt
304 uni = txt[i];
305 if (uni >= 0xD800 && uni <= 0xDBFF) { // handles the surrogate range
306 retval += surrogate_width(&txt[i], fl_fontsize);
307 i++; // because a pair of UniChar's represent a single character
308 continue;
310 const int block = 0x10000 / (sizeof(fl_fontsize->width)/sizeof(float*)); // block size
311 // r: index of the character block containing uni
312 unsigned int r = uni >> 7; // change 7 if sizeof(width) is changed
313 if (!fl_fontsize->width[r]) { // this character block has not been hit yet
314 //fprintf(stderr,"r=%d size=%d name=%s\n",r,fl_fontsize->size, fl_fontsize->q_name);
315 // allocate memory to hold width of each character in the block
316 fl_fontsize->width[r] = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * block);
317 UniChar ii = r * block;
318 CGSize advance_size;
319 CGGlyph glyph;
320 for (int j = 0; j < block; j++) { // loop over the block
321 CTFontRef font2 = fl_fontsize->fontref;
322 bool must_release = false;
323 // ii spans all characters of this block
324 bool b = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font2, &ii, &glyph, 1);
325 if (!b) { // the current font doesn't contain this char
326 CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, &ii, 1, kCFAllocatorNull);
327 // find a font that contains it
328 font2 = CTFontCreateForString(font2, str, CFRangeMake(0,1));
329 must_release = true;
330 CFRelease(str);
331 b = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font2, &ii, &glyph, 1);
333 if (b) CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(font2, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation, &glyph, &advance_size, 1);
334 else advance_size.width = 0.;
335 // the width of one character of this block of characters
336 fl_fontsize->width[r][j] = advance_size.width;
337 if (must_release) CFRelease(font2);
338 ii++;
341 // sum the widths of all characters of txt
342 retval += fl_fontsize->width[r][uni & (block-1)];
344 return retval;
345 } else {
346 #endif
347 #if ! __LP64__
348 OSStatus err;
349 Fixed bBefore, bAfter, bAscent, bDescent;
350 ATSUTextLayout layout;
351 ByteCount iSize;
352 ATSUAttributeTag iTag;
353 ATSUAttributeValuePtr iValuePtr;
355 // Here's my ATSU text measuring attempt... This seems to do the Right Thing
356 // now collect our ATSU resources and measure our text string
357 layout = fl_fontsize->layout;
358 // activate the current GC
359 iSize = sizeof(CGContextRef);
360 iTag = kATSUCGContextTag;
361 iValuePtr = &fl_gc;
362 ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, &iTag, &iSize, &iValuePtr);
363 // now measure the bounding box
364 err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, txt, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, n);
365 err = ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, &bBefore, &bAfter, &bAscent, &bDescent);
366 // If err is OK then return length, else return 0. Or something...
367 int len = FixedToInt(bAfter);
368 return len;
369 #endif
372 #endif
373 return 0;
376 double Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::width(const char* txt, int n) {
377 int wc_len = n;
378 UniChar *uniStr = mac_Utf8_to_Utf16(txt, n, &wc_len);
379 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
380 return fl_mac_width(uniStr, wc_len, font_descriptor());
383 double Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::width(unsigned int wc) {
384 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
386 UniChar utf16[3];
387 int l = 1;
388 if (wc <= 0xFFFF) {
389 *utf16 = wc;
391 else {
392 // char buf[4];
393 // l = fl_utf8encode(wc, buf);
394 // l = (int)fl_utf8toUtf16(buf, l, utf16, 3);
395 l = (int)fl_ucs_to_Utf16(wc, utf16, 3);
397 return fl_mac_width(utf16, l, font_descriptor());
400 // text extent calculation
401 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::text_extents(const char *str8, int n, int &dx, int &dy, int &w, int &h) {
402 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
403 Fl_Font_Descriptor *fl_fontsize = font_descriptor();
404 UniChar *txt = mac_Utf8_to_Utf16(str8, n, &n);
406 if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {
407 CFStringRef str16 = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, txt, n, kCFAllocatorNull);
408 CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName, fl_fontsize->fontref);
409 CFAttributedStringRef mastr = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, str16, attributes);
410 CFRelease(str16);
411 CTLineRef ctline = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(mastr);
412 CFRelease(mastr);
413 CGContextSetTextPosition(fl_gc, 0, 0);
414 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, true);
415 CGRect rect = CTLineGetImageBounds(ctline, fl_gc);
416 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, false);
417 CFRelease(ctline);
418 dx = floor(rect.origin.x + 0.5);
419 dy = floor(- rect.origin.y - rect.size.height + 0.5);
420 w = rect.size.width + 0.5;
421 h = rect.size.height + 0.5;
423 else {
424 #endif
425 #if ! __LP64__
426 OSStatus err;
427 ATSUTextLayout layout;
428 ByteCount iSize;
429 ATSUAttributeTag iTag;
430 ATSUAttributeValuePtr iValuePtr;
432 // Here's my ATSU text measuring attempt... This seems to do the Right Thing
433 // now collect our ATSU resources and measure our text string
434 layout = fl_fontsize->layout;
435 // activate the current GC
436 iSize = sizeof(CGContextRef);
437 iTag = kATSUCGContextTag;
438 iValuePtr = &fl_gc;
439 ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, &iTag, &iSize, &iValuePtr);
440 // now measure the bounding box
441 err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, txt, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, n);
442 Rect bbox;
443 err = ATSUMeasureTextImage(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, 0, 0, &bbox);
444 w = bbox.right - bbox.left;
445 h = bbox.bottom -;
446 dx = bbox.left;
447 dy = -bbox.bottom;
448 //printf("r: %d l: %d t: %d b: %d w: %d h: %d\n", bbox.right, bbox.left,, bbox.bottom, w, h);
449 #endif
452 #endif
453 return;
454 } // fl_text_extents
457 static CGColorRef flcolortocgcolor(Fl_Color i)
459 uchar r, g, b;
460 Fl::get_color(i, r, g, b);
461 CGFloat components[4] = {r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f, 1.};
462 static CGColorSpaceRef cspace = NULL;
463 if (cspace == NULL) {
464 cspace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);
466 return CGColorCreate(cspace, components);
468 #endif
470 static void fl_mac_draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y, Fl_Graphics_Driver *driver) {
471 // convert to UTF-16 first
472 UniChar *uniStr = mac_Utf8_to_Utf16(str, n, &n);
474 if (fl_mac_os_version >= 100500) {
475 CFStringRef str16 = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, uniStr, n, kCFAllocatorNull);
476 if (str16 == NULL) return; // shd not happen
477 CGColorRef color = flcolortocgcolor(driver->color());
478 CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName, driver->font_descriptor()->fontref);
479 CFDictionarySetValue (attributes, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, color);
480 CFAttributedStringRef mastr = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, str16, attributes);
481 CFRelease(str16);
482 CFRelease(color);
483 CTLineRef ctline = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(mastr);
484 CFRelease(mastr);
485 CGContextSetTextMatrix(fl_gc, font_mx);
486 CGContextSetTextPosition(fl_gc, x, y);
487 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, true);
488 CTLineDraw(ctline, fl_gc);
489 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, false);
490 CFRelease(ctline);
491 } else {
492 #endif
493 #if ! __LP64__
494 OSStatus err;
495 // now collect our ATSU resources
496 ATSUTextLayout layout = driver->font_descriptor()->layout;
498 ByteCount iSize = sizeof(CGContextRef);
499 ATSUAttributeTag iTag = kATSUCGContextTag;
500 ATSUAttributeValuePtr iValuePtr=&fl_gc;
501 ATSUSetLayoutControls(layout, 1, &iTag, &iSize, &iValuePtr);
503 err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation(layout, uniStr, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, n);
504 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, true);
505 err = ATSUDrawText(layout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, n, FloatToFixed(x), FloatToFixed(y));
506 CGContextSetShouldAntialias(fl_gc, false);
507 #endif
510 #endif
513 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::draw(const char *str, int n, float x, float y) {
514 // avoid a crash if no font has been selected by user yet !
515 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
516 fl_mac_draw(str, n, x, y, this);
519 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::draw(const char* str, int n, int x, int y) {
520 // avoid a crash if no font has been selected by user yet !
521 if (!font_descriptor()) font(FL_HELVETICA, FL_NORMAL_SIZE);
522 fl_mac_draw(str, n, (float)x-0.0f, (float)y+0.5f, this);
525 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::draw(int angle, const char *str, int n, int x, int y) {
526 CGContextSaveGState(fl_gc);
527 CGContextTranslateCTM(fl_gc, x, y);
528 CGContextRotateCTM(fl_gc, - angle*(M_PI/180) );
529 draw(str, n, 0, 0);
530 CGContextRestoreGState(fl_gc);
533 void Fl_Quartz_Graphics_Driver::rtl_draw(const char* c, int n, int x, int y) {
534 int dx, dy, w, h;
535 text_extents(c, n, dx, dy, w, h);
536 draw(c, n, x - w - dx, y);
540 // End of "$Id: fl_font_mac.cxx 8597 2011-04-17 13:18:55Z ianmacarthur $".