Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / guiserver / widgets-demo.lsp
1 #!/usr/bin/newlisp
2 ;;
3 ;; widgets-demo.lsp - demonstrate all widgets
6 ;;;; initialization
7 (set-locale "C")
8 (load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))
10 (gs:init)
12 ;(gs:set-trace true)
14 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "")
15 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel")
16 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "") ;????
17 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "javax.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel") ; ????
19 ;;;; describe the GUI
20 (gs:frame 'WidgetsDemo 200 40 640 640 "Widgets Demo")
21 (gs:set-grid-layout 'WidgetsDemo 5 1 10 1)
23 ;; the monitor area
24 (gs:text-area 'MonitorArea 'action-handler)
25 (gs:set-editable 'MonitorArea nil)
26 (gs:set-background 'MonitorArea 0.5 0.5 0.5)
27 (gs:set-font 'MonitorArea "Monospaced" 12 "plain")
28 (gs:set-foreground 'MonitorArea 1 1 0.0)
30 ;; the button panel
31 (gs:panel 'ButtonPanel)
32 (gs:set-flow-layout 'ButtonPanel "left" 10 10)
33 (gs:set-titled-border 'ButtonPanel "buttons")
34 (gs:button 'TheButton 'button-handler "button")
35 ;(gs:set-color 'TheButton 1 0 0) ; just for testing
36 (gs:image-button 'TheImageButton 'action-handler "/local/newLISP32.png")
37 (gs:toggle-button 'TheToggleButton 'action-handler " ")
38 ;(gs:set-selected 'TheToggleButton true)
39 (gs:radio-button 'TheRadioButton 'action-handler "radio button")
40 ;(gs:set-selected 'TheRadioButton true)
41 (gs:check-box 'TheCheckBox 'action-handler "check box")
42 (gs:set-selected 'TheCheckBox true)
43 (gs:button 'TheMessage 'action-handler "press")
44 (gs:add-to 'ButtonPanel 'TheButton 'TheImageButton 'TheToggleButton 'TheRadioButton 'TheCheckBox 'TheMessage)
46 ;; list and combo boxes
47 (gs:panel 'ListPanel)
48 (gs:set-flow-layout 'ListPanel "center" 50 1)
49 (gs:set-titled-border 'ListPanel "combox-box and list-box")
50 (gs:combo-box 'TheComboBox 'action-handler "one" "two" "three")
51 (gs:set-background 'TheComboBox 1.0 0.9 0.9)
52 (gs:set-foreground 'TheComboBox 0 0 1)
53 (gs:set-font 'TheComboBox "Lucida Serif Typewriter" 14 "plain")
54 (gs:list-box 'TheListBox 'action-handler "first entry" "second entry" "third entry")
55 (gs:set-background 'TheListBox 1.0 0.9 0.9)
56 (gs:set-foreground 'TheListBox 0 0 1)
57 (gs:set-size 'TheListBox 200 80)
58 (gs:add-list-item 'TheListBox "fourth entry" "fifth entry" "sixth entry" "seventh entry")
59 (gs:add-list-item 'TheListBox "eight entry")
60 (gs:insert-list-item 'TheListBox "double-click me" 2)
61 ;(gs:remove-list-item 'TheListBox 2) ; just for testing
62 (gs:add-to 'ListPanel 'TheComboBox 'TheListBox )
64 ;; text entry widgets
65 (gs:panel 'TextPanel)
66 (gs:set-flow-layout 'TextPanel "left" 10 1)
67 (gs:set-titled-border 'TextPanel "text-field and text-area")
68 (gs:text-field 'TheTextField 'textfield-handler 10)
69 (gs:set-background 'TheTextField 0.7 0.8 0.8)
70 (gs:text-area 'TheTextArea 'textarea-handler 160 80)
71 (gs:set-background 'TheTextArea 0.7 0.8 0.8)
72 (gs:button 'GetTextFieldButton 'gettextfield-handler "get text field")
73 (gs:button 'GetTextAreaButton 'gettextarea-handler "get text area")
74 (gs:add-to 'TextPanel 'TheTextField 'TheTextArea 'GetTextFieldButton 'GetTextAreaButton)
76 ;; slider, progress-bar and scroll-area
77 (gs:panel 'SlidePanel)
78 (gs:set-titled-border 'SlidePanel "slider, progress-bar and scroll-pane")
79 (gs:set-flow-layout 'SlidePanel "left" 20 1)
80 (gs:slider 'TheSlider 'slider-handler "horizontal" 1 100 30)
81 (gs:label 'SliderStatus "30" "right" 30 10)
82 (gs:progress-bar 'TheProgress 1 100 30)
83 (gs:image-label 'TheLogo "/local/newLISP128.png")
84 (gs:scroll-pane 'TheScrollPane 'TheLogo 100 90)
86 (gs:add-to 'SlidePanel 'TheSlider 'SliderStatus 'TheProgress 'TheScrollPane)
89 ;; add all panels to the grid laount in the main frame
90 (gs:add-to 'WidgetsDemo 'MonitorArea 'ButtonPanel 'ListPanel 'TextPanel 'SlidePanel)
92 (gs:set-visible 'WidgetsDemo true)
94 ;;;; define actions
96 (define (button-handler)
97 (gs:dialog 'TheDialog 'WidgetsDemo "A Dialog Window" 300 200 true true))
100 ;; several widgets can be served by one handler
101 ;; the first parameter is always the source of the event
102 (define (action-handler)
103 (if (= "MAIN:TheToggleButton" (args 0))
104 (if (true? (args 1))
105 (gs:disable 'TheButton 'TheImageButton 'TheRadioButton 'TheCheckBox 'TheMessage)
106 (gs:enable 'TheButton 'TheImageButton 'TheRadioButton 'TheCheckBox 'TheMessage)
109 (if (= "MAIN:TheImageButton" (args 0))
110 (gs:color-dialog 'WidgetsDemo 'action-handler "Choose a color" 1 1 1))
112 (if (= "MAIN:TheMessage" (args 0))
113 (gs:confirm-dialog 'WidgetsDemo 'action-handler
114 "A Message" "Enjoy GUI server"
115 "yes-no"
116 ;(amb "error" "informaton" "warning" "question" "plain")
119 (let (s "")
120 (doargs (item)
121 (write-buffer s (string item " ")))
122 (write-buffer s "\n")
123 (gs:append-text 'MonitorArea s)
127 (define (textfield-handler id text)
128 (gs:append-text 'MonitorArea (base64-dec text))
129 (gs:append-text 'MonitorArea "\n")
130 (gs:add-list-item 'TheListBox (base64-dec text))
131 (gs:add-list-item 'TheComboBox (base64-dec text))
134 (define (textarea-handler)) ; not interested in keystrokes
136 (define (gettextarea-handler id text)
137 (gs:get-text 'TheTextArea 'gettextcallback-handler)
140 (define (gettextfield-handler id text)
141 (gs:get-text 'TheTextField 'gettextcallback-handler)
144 (define (gettextcallback-handler id text)
145 (if text
146 (begin
147 (gs:append-text 'MonitorArea (base64-dec text))
148 (gs:append-text 'MonitorArea "\n"))
152 (define (slider-handler id value)
153 (gs:set-text 'SliderStatus (string value))
154 (gs:set-value 'TheProgress value)
157 ;;;; listen for incoming action requests and dispatch
158 (gs:listen)
160 ;; eof