Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / modules / gmp.lsp
1 ;; @module gmp.lsp
2 ;; @description GNU MP Bignum Library interface
3 ;; @version 1.5 - new library detection rotuine
4 ;; @author Lutz Mueller, 2007
5 ;;
6 ;; <h3>The GNU MP Bignum Library</h3>
7 ;; This modules interfaces to libgmp which can be obtained from
8 ;; @link .
9 ;;
10 ;; Source code for (UNIX) or lbgmp.dll (Win32) or libgmp.dylib (Mac OS X)
11 ;; is available at this site.
13 ;; This interface module presets the maximum precision to 1024.
14 ;; The precision can be changed to any other value by changing the
15 ;; definition of 'MAX_PRECISION' in the source of this module.
17 ;; All arguments to the GMP functions in this module must be given as strings,
18 ;; an error will be thrown otherwise. When starting with a 0 the number is
19 ;; assumed to be in octal format when starting with 0x in hexadecimal format.
21 ;; This file only imports a few functions from the many available in GNU GMP.
22 ;; See the GMP manual for more functions.
24 ;; Note, that since version 8.9.7 newLISP does all integer arithmetik with
25 ;; 64 bits giving up to 19 digits of precision. For precisions less or equal
26 ;; 19 digits newLISP's built-in 64-bit integer arithmetik is much faster.
28 ;; <h3>Usage</h3>
29 ;; At the beginning of the programfile include a 'load' statement for the module:
30 ;; <pre>
31 ;; (load "/usr/share/newlisp/modules/gmp.lsp")
32 ;; </pre>
34 ;; @example
35 ;; (GMP:+ "123456789012345678901234567890" "123456789012345678901234567890")
36 ;; => "246913578024691357802469135780"
38 ;; <h3>Adding more functions to the library</h3>
39 ;; When adding functions be aware that inside the GMP context
40 ;; +,-,*,/,=,&lt;,&gt;,&lt;=,&gt;= are overwritten for multiple precision and the
41 ;; original operators would have would have to be prefixed with MAIN when used,
42 ;; inside the 'gmp.lsp' module.
44 ;; <br/><br/>
45 ;; <center><h2>Integer arithmetik</h2></center>
46 ;; @syntax (GMP:+ <arg1> <arg2>)
47 ;; add two integers in <arg1> and <arg2>
48 ;; @syntax (GMP:- <arg1> <arg2>)
49 ;; subtract <arg2> from <arg1>
50 ;; @syntax (GMP:* <arg1> <arg2>)
51 ;; multiply <arg1> by <arg2>
52 ;; @syntax (GMP:/ <arg1> <arg2>)
53 ;; divide <arg1> by <arg2>, round towards '0' (zero)
54 ;; @syntax (GMP:% <arg1> <arg2>)
55 ;; calc rest of division <arg1>/<arg2>
56 ;; @syntax (GMP:** <arg1> <arg2>)
57 ;; calc power(<arg1>, <arg2>)
58 ;; @syntax (GMP:= <arg1> <arg2>)
59 ;; test for <arg1> equal <arg2>
60 ;; @syntax (GMP:< <arg1> <arg2>)
61 ;; test for <arg1> smaller <arg2>
62 ;; @syntax (GMP:> <arg1> <arg2>)
63 ;; test for <arg1> bigger <arg2>
64 ;; @syntax (GMP:<= <arg1> <arg2>)]
65 ;; test for <arg1> smaller or equal <arg2>
66 ;; @syntax (GMP:>= <arg1> <arg2>)
67 ;; test for <arg1> bigger or equal <arg2>
69 ;; <center><h2>Bit operations</h2></center>
70 ;; @syntax (GMP:& <arg1> <arg2>)
71 ;; bitwise <and> of <arg1>, <arg2>
72 ;; @syntax (GMP:| <arg1> <arg2>)
73 ;; bitwise inclusive <or> of <arg1>, <arg2>
74 ;; @syntax (GMP:^ <arg1> <arg2>)
75 ;; bitwise exclusive <or> of <arg1>, <arg2>
76 ;; @syntax (GMP:~ <arg>)
77 ;; bitwise complement of <arg>
79 ;; <center><h2>Number theory</h2></center>
80 ;; @syntax (GMP:prime? <arg>)
81 ;; check if <arg> is prime
82 ;; @syntax (GMP:next-prime <arg>)
83 ;; calc closes prime greater than <arg>
84 ;; @syntax (GMP:factor <arg>)
85 ;; calc a list of prime factors for <arg>
86 ;; @syntax (GMP:gcd <arg1> <arg2>)
87 ;; greatest common divisor of <arg1> and <arg2>
88 ;; @syntax (GMP:bin <arg1> <arg2>)
89 ;; calc binomial (<arg1> <arg2>)
90 ;; @syntax (GMP:fac <arg>)
91 ;; arg! factorial(<arg>)
92 ;; @syntax (GMP:fib <arg>)
93 ;; fibonacci(arg)
95 ;; <center><h2>Random numbers</h2></center>
96 ;; @syntax (GMP:seed <arg>)
97 ;; seed the random generator
98 ;; @syntax (GMP:rand <arg>)
99 ;; generate random numbers between 0 and arg - 1
102 (constant '+ add '- sub '* mul '/ div)
104 (context 'GMP)
106 ; maximum digits, can be set to any value higher if required
107 ; when choosing a different number the functions GMP:fac and GMP:fib
108 ; have to be re-calibrated for their maximum value not to overflow
109 ; the result space
111 (define MAX_PRECISION 1024)
113 (define gmp-type-error "String expected in GMP module.")
114 (define gmp-size-error "Argument too big in GMP module")
115 (define gmp-divzero-error "Division by zero in GMP module")
117 (set 'files '(
118 "/opt/local/lib/libgmp.3.4.2.dylib" ;Mac OSX
119 "/opt/local/lib/libgmp.3.3.3.dylib" ;Mac OSX
120 "/opt/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib" ;Mac OSX
121 "/opt/local/lib/libgmp.dylib" ;Mac OSX
122 "/usr/local/lib/" ; Linux, BSDs
123 "libgmp-3.dll" ; Win32 in path
126 (set 'library (files (or
127 (find true (map file? files))
128 (begin (println "cannot find GMP library") (exit)))))
130 ; integer arithmetik
131 (import library "__gmpz_init")
132 (import library "__gmpz_add")
133 (import library "__gmpz_add_ui")
134 (import library "__gmpz_sub")
135 (import library "__gmpz_mul")
136 (import library "__gmpz_tdiv_q")
137 (import library "__gmpz_tdiv_r")
138 (import library "__gmpz_cmp")
139 (import library "__gmpz_cmp_si")
140 (import library "__gmpz_set_si")
141 (import library "__gmpz_divisible_p")
142 (import library "__gmpz_pow_ui")
144 ; bit operators
145 (import library "__gmpz_and")
146 (import library "__gmpz_ior")
147 (import library "__gmpz_xor")
148 (import library "__gmpz_com")
150 ; number theory
151 (import library "__gmpz_probab_prime_p")
152 (import library "__gmpz_nextprime")
153 (import library "__gmpz_gcd")
154 (import library "__gmpz_bin_ui")
155 (import library "__gmpz_fac_ui")
156 (import library "__gmpz_fib_ui")
158 ; random numbers
159 (import library "__gmpz_urandomm")
160 (import library "__gmp_randseed")
162 ; conversion functions
163 (import library "__gmpz_set_str")
164 (import library "__gmpz_get_str")
166 ; auxiliary functions
167 (import library "__gmpz_sizeinbase")
168 (import library "__gmp_randinit_default")
169 (import library "__gmp_randseed_ui")
171 ; reserve handles
172 (define op1 (dup "\000" 12))
173 (define op2 (dup "\000" 12))
174 (define rop (dup "\000" 12))
176 (define randstate (dup "\000" 60))
178 ; init handles
179 (__gmpz_init op1)
180 (__gmpz_init op2)
181 (__gmpz_init rop)
183 ; handles to speed up factor
184 (define mp-n (dup "\000" 12))
185 (define mp-d (dup "\000" 12))
186 (define mp-k (dup "\000" 12))
187 (__gmpz_init mp-n)
188 (__gmpz_init mp-d)
189 (__gmpz_init mp-k)
192 ; init randstate
193 (__gmp_randinit_default randstate)
194 (__gmp_randseed_ui randstate (time-of-day))
196 ; init / reserve result string
197 (define rops (dup "\000" (MAIN:+ 2 MAX_PRECISION)))
199 ; add two integers
201 (define (GMP:+ p1 p2)
202 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
203 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
204 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
205 (__gmpz_add rop op1 op2)
206 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
207 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
208 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
211 ; subtract two integers
213 (define (GMP:- p1 p2)
214 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
215 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
216 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
217 (__gmpz_sub rop op1 op2)
218 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
219 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
220 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
223 ; multiply two integers
225 (define (GMP:* p1 p2)
226 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
227 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
228 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
229 (__gmpz_mul rop op1 op2)
230 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
231 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
232 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
235 ; divide two integers
236 ; return floor value of result
237 (define (GMP:/ p1 p2)
238 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
239 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
240 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
241 (if (MAIN:= (__gmpz_cmp_si op2 0) 0) (throw-error gmp-divzero-error))
242 (__gmpz_tdiv_q rop op1 op2)
243 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
246 ; modulo two integers
247 ; return rest value of division result
248 (define (GMP:% p1 p2)
249 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
250 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
251 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
252 (if (MAIN:= (__gmpz_cmp_si op2 0) 0) (throw-error gmp-divzero-error))
253 (__gmpz_tdiv_r rop op1 op2)
254 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
257 ; exponentiation function
258 ; return power(p1 p2)
260 (define (GMP:** p1 p2 , pexp)
261 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
262 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
263 (set 'pexp (int p2 0))
264 (__gmpz_pow_ui rop op1 pexp)
265 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
266 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
267 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
270 ; test of two integers are equal, return true if equal
271 ; otherwise nil
273 (define (GMP:= p1 p2)
274 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
275 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
276 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
277 (MAIN:= (__gmpz_cmp op1 op2) 0)
280 ; test is p1 is smaller than p2
281 ; return true or nil
283 (define (GMP:< p1 p2)
284 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
285 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
286 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
287 (MAIN:< (__gmpz_cmp op1 op2) 0)
290 ; test is p1 is smaller than p2
291 ; return true or nil
293 (define (GMP:> p1 p2)
294 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
295 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
296 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
297 (MAIN:> (__gmpz_cmp op1 op2) 0)
300 ; test is p1 is smaller or eaual than p2
301 ; return true or nil
303 (define (GMP:<= p1 p2)
304 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
305 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
306 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
307 (MAIN:<= (__gmpz_cmp op1 op2) 0)
310 ; test is p1 is bigger or equal than p2
311 ; return true or nil
313 (define (GMP:>= p1 p2)
314 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
315 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
316 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
317 (MAIN:>= (__gmpz_cmp op1 op2) 0)
320 ; bitwise and two integers
322 (define (GMP:& p1 p2)
323 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
324 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
325 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
326 (__gmpz_and rop op1 op2)
327 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
330 ; bitwise inclusive or two integers
332 (define (GMP:| p1 p2)
333 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
334 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
335 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
336 (__gmpz_ior rop op1 op2)
337 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
340 ; bitwise exclusive or two integers
342 (define (GMP:^ p1 p2)
343 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
344 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
345 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
346 (__gmpz_xor rop op1 op2)
347 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
350 ; bitwise complement of one integer
352 (define (GMP:~ p1)
353 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
354 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
355 (__gmpz_com rop op1)
356 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
359 ; check if a prime
360 ; returns true if a prime
361 ; returns nil if not a primes or probably not a prime
363 (define (GMP:prime? p1 , r)
364 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
365 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
366 (set 'r (__gmpz_probab_prime_p op1 10))
368 (MAIN:= r 0) nil
369 (MAIN:= r 1) (MAIN:= (next-prime (- p1 "1")) p1)
370 (MAIN:= r 2) true)
373 ; get the next prime higher then arg
375 (define (GMP:next-prime p1)
376 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
377 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
378 (__gmpz_nextprime rop op1)
379 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
382 ; factorize n
384 (define (GMP:factor n)
385 (if (not (string? n)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
386 (set 'factors nil)
387 (set 'prevfact nil)
388 (__gmpz_set_str mp-n n 0)
389 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_cmp_si mp-n 2) 0)
390 (begin
391 (__gmpz_set_si mp-d 2)
392 (__gmpz_set_si mp-k 0)
394 (while (MAIN:!= 0 (__gmpz_divisible_p mp-n mp-d))
395 (__gmpz_tdiv_q mp-n mp-n mp-d)
396 (__gmpz_add_ui mp-k mp-k 1)
399 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_cmp_si mp-k 0) 0)
400 (push-factor mp-d mp-k))
402 (__gmpz_set_si mp-d 3)
403 (__gmpz_mul op1 mp-d mp-d)
404 (while (MAIN:<= (__gmpz_cmp op1 mp-n) 0)
405 (__gmpz_set_si mp-k 0)
406 (while (MAIN:!= 0 (__gmpz_divisible_p mp-n mp-d))
407 (__gmpz_tdiv_q mp-n mp-n mp-d)
408 (__gmpz_add_ui mp-k mp-k 1) )
409 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_cmp_si mp-k 0) 0) (push-factor mp-d mp-k))
410 (__gmpz_add_ui mp-d mp-d 2)
411 (__gmpz_mul op1 mp-d mp-d) )
415 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_cmp_si mp-n 1))
416 (if prevfact
417 (begin
418 (___gmpz_set_si op1 1)
419 (push-factor mp-n op1))
420 (begin
421 (set 'n (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 mp-n)))
422 (push n factors -1))))
423 factors
426 (define (push-factor f k)
427 (set 'f (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 f)))
428 (set 'k (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 k)))
429 (if (not prevfact)
430 (begin
431 (push f factors -1)
432 (set 'k (- k "1"))))
434 (while (> k "0")
435 (push f factors -1)
436 (set 'k (- k "1")) )
440 ; get the greates common divisor
442 (define (GMP:gcd p1 p2)
443 (if (or (not (string? p1)) (not (string? p2))) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
444 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
445 (__gmpz_set_str op2 p2 0)
446 (__gmpz_gcd rop op1 op2)
447 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
451 ; get binomial of <arg1> <arg2>
453 (define (GMP:bin n k)
454 (if (not (string? n)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
455 (__gmpz_set_str op1 n 0)
456 (set 'k (int k 0))
457 (__gmpz_bin_ui rop op1 k)
458 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
459 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
460 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
463 ; get factorial of arg
464 ; args may not be bigger than 458
465 ; for 1024 digits precision in the result
467 (define (GMP:fac p1 , n)
468 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
469 (set 'n (int p1))
470 (__gmpz_fac_ui rop n)
471 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
472 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
473 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
476 ; get fibonacci of arg
477 ; arg may not be bigger than for a 1024 digits result
479 (define (GMP:fib p1 , n)
480 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
481 (set 'n (int p1))
482 (__gmpz_fib_ui rop n)
483 (if (MAIN:> (__gmpz_sizeinbase rop 10) MAX_PRECISION)
484 (throw-error gmp-size-error))
485 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
488 ; get a random number between 0 and arg - 1
490 (define (GMP:rand p1)
491 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
492 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
493 (__gmpz_urandomm rop randstate op1)
494 (get-string (__gmpz_get_str rops 10 rop))
497 ; seed the random generator
499 (define (GMP:seed p1)
500 (if (not (string? p1)) (throw-error gmp-type-error))
501 (__gmpz_set_str op1 p1 0)
502 (__gmp_randseed randstate op1)
503 true
506 (define (check func <arg1> <arg2> result)
507 (if (MAIN:= (apply func (list <arg1> <arg2>)) result)
508 (println "GMP:" (name func) "\t-> Ok")
509 (println "Problem in GMP:" (name func)))
512 (context 'MAIN)
514 ; this test assumes that libgmp itself is correct, only the
515 ; newLISP implementation is tested
517 (define (test-GMP)
519 (GMP:check 'GMP:+ "123" "456" "579")
520 (GMP:check 'GMP:- "100" "99" "1")
521 (GMP:check 'GMP:* "123" "456" "56088")
522 (GMP:check 'GMP:/ "56088" "456" "123")
523 (GMP:check 'GMP:% "56088" "456" "0")
524 (GMP:check 'GMP:** "2" "10" "1024")
525 (GMP:check 'GMP:= "999999" "999999" true)
526 (GMP:check 'GMP:< "999999" "1000000" true)
527 (GMP:check 'GMP:> "999999" "1000000" nil)
528 (GMP:check 'GMP:<= "999999" "1000000" true)
529 (GMP:check 'GMP:>= "999999" "1000000" nil)
532 (GMP:check 'GMP:& "0xAAAA" "0xFF00" "43520")
533 (GMP:check 'GMP:| "0xAAAA" "0x5555" "65535")
534 (GMP:check 'GMP:^ "0xAAAA" "0xAAAA" "0")
535 (GMP:check 'GMP:~ "0xFFFF" nil "-65536")
538 (GMP:check 'GMP:prime? "127" nil true)
539 (GMP:check 'GMP:next-prime "127" nil "131")
540 (GMP:check 'GMP:factor "123" nil '("3" "41"))
541 (GMP:check 'GMP:gcd "20" "8" "4")
542 (GMP:check 'GMP:bin "10" "2" "45")
543 (GMP:check 'GMP:fac "5" nil "120")
544 (GMP:check 'GMP:fib "30" nil "832040")
547 (GMP:check 'GMP:seed "12345" nil true)
548 (GMP:check 'GMP:rand "1000000" nil "18235")
551 ; eof