proto_80211_mac_hdr.c: add elements ts delay and tclas processing
[netsniff-ng.git] / .gitignore
1 # Editor crap (emacs, vim, ...)
2 *.swp
3 *.orig
4 \#*\#
5 .\#*
6 .*.sw[a-z]
7 *.un~
9 # Hidden files, general things
13 # Compiled object files
14 *.slo
15 *.lo
16 *.o
18 # Compiled dynamic libraries
19 *.so
21 # Compiled static libraries
22 *.lai
23 *.la
24 *.a
26 # Build and testing folders
27 src/build/
28 src/test/fuzzing/
30 # LaTeX documentation files
31 *.acn
32 *.acr
33 *.alg
34 *.aux
35 *.bbl
36 *.blg
37 *.dvi
38 *.fdb_latexmk
39 *.glg
40 *.glo
41 *.gls
42 *.idx
43 *.ilg
44 *.ind
45 *.ist
46 *.lof
47 *.log
48 *.lot
49 *.maf
50 *.mtc
51 *.mtc0
52 *.nav
53 *.nlo
54 *.out
55 *.pdfsync
56 *.ps
57 *.snm
58 *.synctex.gz
59 *.toc
60 *.vrb
61 *.xdy
63 # Other documentation ignores
64 *.md
65 *.ps
67 # Excluded from ignorance
68 !.gitignore