Added test.lisp
[netclos.git] / ipc.lisp
1 ;(require 'netclos)
2 (in-package nc)
3 ;(use-package '(sb-simple-streams))
4 ;;; Client
5 ;;;
6 (defclass meta-tcp-client (standard-class) ())
8 (defmethod validate-superclass ((class meta-tcp-client) (superclass standard-class))
9 t)
11 ;;; Now this class can be confusing,
12 ;;; it seems to be a character stream, however it supports
13 ;;; multivalent read-byte and write-byte as well for HTTP convenience
14 ;;;
15 (defclass tcp-client-stream (sb-simple-streams:socket-simple-stream)
17 (remote-host :initform nil)
18 (remote-port :initform nil)
19 ; (listen-sockaddr :initform nil :initarg :listen-sockaddr)
20 (process :initform nil :accessor tcp-stream-process)
21 (alive :initform t :accessor tcp-client-alive))
22 (:metaclass meta-tcp-client))
24 ;; (defmethod make-instance ((class meta-tcp-client) &rest args &key host port &allow-other-keys)
25 ;; )
27 (defmethod tcp-client-alive ((stream t))
28 nil)
30 (defmethod close :around ((stream tcp-client-stream) &key (abort t))
31 ;; When remote end aborts stream while we are transfering
32 ;; closing the stream can cause a Signal 13 on our end.
33 (setf (tcp-client-alive stream) nil)
34 (call-next-method))
36 (defun tcp-destroy-process (stream)
37 (let ((process (tcp-stream-process stream)))
38 ;; If closing multiple times
39 (if process
40 (acl-compat-mp:process-kill process)))
41 (setf (tcp-stream-process stream) nil))
44 ;; (setq a (make-instance 'tcp-client-stream :remote-host #(127 0 0 1) :remote-port 6600))
47 ;; (setq b (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
49 ;; (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-connect b #(127 0 0 1) 6600)
51 ;; (setq a (make-instance 'tcp-client-stream :remote-socket b :direction :io))
52 ;; (close a)
54 ;; (read-line a)
56 ;; (progn
57 ;; (format a "hello~%")
58 ;; (force-output a))
60 ;; (tcp-client-alive a)
63 ;;; Server
64 ;;;
65 (defclass meta-tcp-server (standard-class) ())
67 (defmethod validate-superclass ((class meta-tcp-server) (superclass standard-class))
70 (defclass tcp-server-stream ();socket-simple-stream)
71 ((host :initarg :host :accessor host) ;This is the local host
72 (port :initarg :port :accessor port)
73 ; (listen-socket-fd :initarg :fn-in)
74 ; (listen-sockaddr :initarg :listen-sockaddr)
75 (socket :initform nil :accessor tcp-server-socket)
76 (client-streams :initform nil)
77 (process :initform :initializing :accessor tcp-stream-process))
78 (:metaclass meta-tcp-server))
80 ;(defvar *tcp-server-terminate* nil)
82 ;; (defmethod make-instance :around ((class tcp-server-stream) &key host port);&rest initargs &key host port &allow-other-keys)
83 ;; (format t "make instance 'tcp-server-stream ~A :host ~A :port ~A~%" class host port)
84 ;; (setf (slot-value class 'host) host
85 ;; (slot-value class 'port) port)
86 ;; (initialize-tcp-server-process class)
87 ;; ; (call-next-method)
88 ;; class
89 ;; )
91 ;(setq a (make-instance 'tcp-server-stream :host "localhost" :port 8223))
93 (defmethod close #|:around|# ((stream tcp-server-stream) &key (abort t))
94 (with-slots (process) stream
95 (setq process nil))
96 (acl-compat-mp:process-allow-schedule)
97 (with-slots (client-streams) stream
98 (mapc #'(lambda (client)
99 (close (cdr client)))
100 client-streams)))
102 (defmethod initialize-tcp-server-process ((stream tcp-server-stream))
103 (format t "initialize-tcp-server-process ~A~%" stream)
104 (let ((server-name (format nil "TCP Server [~a]" (slot-value stream 'port)))
105 proc)
106 (setq proc (acl-compat-mp:process-run-function server-name
107 #'tcp-server-daemon-function
108 stream))
109 (setf (tcp-stream-process stream) proc)
110 stream))
112 ;;; Define useful errors
114 (define-condition protocol-error (error)
115 ((stream :initform nil :initarg :stream)))
117 (defun nslookup (hostname)
118 "Performs a DNS look up for HOSTNAME and returns the address as a
119 four element array, suitable for socket-connect. If HOSTNAME is
120 not found, a host-not-found-error condition is thrown."
121 (if hostname
122 (sb-bsd-sockets:host-ent-address (sb-bsd-sockets:get-host-by-name hostname))
123 nil))
125 (defmethod tcp-server-daemon-function ((stream tcp-server-stream))
126 (handler-case
127 (let ((socket (make-instance 'sb-bsd-sockets:inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))
128 (host (host stream))
129 (port (port stream))
130 (client nil))
131 (setf (tcp-server-socket stream) socket)
132 (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:sockopt-reuse-address socket) t)
133 (setf (sb-bsd-sockets:non-blocking-mode socket) t)
134 (format t "bind~%")
135 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-bind socket (nslookup host) port)
136 (format t "listen~%") (force-output)
137 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-listen socket 5)
138 ; (loop until *tcp-server-terminate* do
139 (unwind-protect
140 (block nil
141 (handler-case
142 (loop
143 (cond ((tcp-stream-process stream)
144 (setq client (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-accept socket))
145 ; (format t "accepted ~A~%" client)
146 ; (force-output)
147 (cond ((null client)
148 (sleep 0.1))
150 ((< (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-file-descriptor client) 0)
151 (format t "Accept failure~%")
152 (force-output)
153 (acl-compat-mp:without-scheduling
154 (push (cons 'protocol-error nil)
155 (slot-value stream 'client-streams))))
157 (format t "accepted ~A~%" client)
158 (force-output)
159 (acl-compat-mp:without-scheduling
160 (push (cons client t);(sb-bsd-sockets:socket-make-stream client :input t :output t :buffering :none))
161 (slot-value stream 'client-streams))))))
163 (return))
165 (sb-bsd-sockets:interrupted-error ()
166 (sleep 0.1)))))
167 (format t "exit") (force-output)
168 (sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close socket))
170 (sb-bsd-sockets:address-in-use-error ()
171 (format t "address ~A : ~A is already in use"
172 (host stream) (port stream))
173 (force-output)
174 nil)))
177 (defmethod stream-read ((stream tcp-server-stream))
178 (with-slots (client-streams) stream
179 (destructuring-bind (client . client-stream)
180 (acl-compat-mp:without-scheduling (pop client-streams))
181 (when client
182 (if (symbolp client) ;Handle future protocol errors
183 (error client :stream stream))
184 ;; (let ((host-address (sockaddr-in-addr listen-sockaddr))
185 ;; host
186 ;; (port (sockaddr-in-port listen-sockaddr)))
187 ;; (setq host (handler-case (get-host-name-by-address host-address)
188 ;; (unknown-host-name () host-address)))
189 ;; ;; Open "" can fail here?
190 ;(format t "tcp-client ~A~%"
191 (make-instance 'tcp-client-stream :remote-socket client :direction :io)))))
194 ;; (setq a (make-instance 'tcp-server-stream :host "localhost" :port 8223))
196 ;; (setq b (tcp-server-daemon-function a))
198 ;; (close a)
200 ;; (setq x1 (stream-read a))
202 ;; (progn
203 ;; (format x1 "hello, this is ~A ~A~%" (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version))
204 ;; (force-output x1))
206 ;; (read-line x1)
208 ;; (defvar *term* nil)
210 ;; (loop unless *term* do
211 ;; (format x1 "> ") (force-output x1)
212 ;; (handler-case
213 ;; (format x1 "~A~%" (eval (read x1)))
214 ;; (error (err)
215 ;; (format x1 "~A~%" err)))
216 ;; (force-output x1))
218 ;; (setq *term* t)
220 ;; (close x1)
221 ;; ;(setq *tcp-server-terminate* t)
222 ;; ;(sb-bsd-sockets:socket-close (tcp-server-socket a))
225 ;; (sb-bsd-sockets:non-blocking-mode (tcp-server-socket a))
227 ;; (read-line d)
229 ;; (format d "hello too~%")
231 ;; (type-of d)