Added test.lisp
[netclos.git] / distribute.lisp
1 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; name : distribute
3 ;;; description: Metaclasses and classes necessary to distribute objects across several
4 ;;; object spaces. Most important are:
5 ;;; Metaclass mobile-object-class. Instances of Classes of this Metaclass
6 ;;; can be moved from one object space to another. At class definition you
7 ;;; specify, which content of the object stays when the object is moved, and
8 ;;; which content follows.
9 ;;; Class Proxy. Proxies work as remote references to objects in other object
10 ;;; spaces. When a pargeneric or a slot access is applied to a proxy, it gets
11 ;;; forwarded to the object the proxy points to.
12 ;;; notes : I have to define proxies for future to be able to use futures as arguments
13 ;;; for remote calls. But using futures as arguments to methods is problematic,
14 ;;; because of correct method-dispatch (how can you use the result-type for
15 ;;; dispatch?). So I will tackle this problem later (hehe, *much* later in fact).
16 ;;; contact : me (Michael Trowe)
17 ;;; copyright :
18 ;;; history :
19 ;;; contents :
20 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 (in-package nc)
23 ;;;;-------------------------------------------------
24 ;;;; classes
25 ;;;;-------------------------------------------------
27 ;;; metaclasses for mobile-objects
28 ;;;-------------------------------
29 (defclass mobile-object-class (standard-class)
31 (:documentation "Instances of this class are classes which instances can be moved
32 and accessed remotely."))
34 (defclass mobile-direct-slot-definition (standard-direct-slot-definition)
35 ((moving-behavior :initarg :moving-behavior :initform ()
36 :accessor slot-definition-moving-behavior)))
38 (defclass mobile-effective-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)
39 ((moving-behavior :accessor slot-definition-moving-behavior)))
42 ;;; metaclasses for proxies
43 ;;;-------------------------------
45 (defclass proxy-class (standard-class)
46 ())
48 (defclass effective-local-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)
49 ())
51 (defclass effective-remote-slot-definition (standard-effective-slot-definition)
52 ())
54 ;; need to validate superclass proxy-class for proxy
55 (defmethod validate-superclass ((class proxy-class) (superclass standard-class))
58 ;;; the superclasses for proxies and mobile-objects
59 ;;;------------------------------------------------
60 (defclass proxy (concurrency-obj)
61 ((remote-address :accessor remote-address
62 :initarg :remote-address)
63 (remote-os :accessor remote-os
64 :initarg :remote-os)
65 (masterclass-name :accessor masterclass-name
66 :initarg :masterclass-name)
67 (master-pack-string :accessor master-pack-string)
68 (other-pack-string :accessor other-pack-string))
69 (:metaclass proxy-class))
71 (defclass mobile-object ()
72 ((object-lock :reader object-lock
73 :initform (acl-compat-mp:make-process-lock))))
76 ;;; generic-functions that aslo work on proxies
77 ;;;--------------------------------------------
78 (defclass ncl-gf (sending-gf)
80 (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class))
82 (defclass ncl-setf (ncl-gf setf-gf)
84 (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class))
86 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------
87 ;;; PROXIES
88 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------
92 ;;; creation and initialization of proxies.
93 ;;;-----------------------------------------
95 (defun make-proxy (masterclass-name address objspace)
96 (make-instance (ensure-proxy-class masterclass-name)
97 :remote-address address
98 :remote-os objspace
99 :masterclass-name masterclass-name))
101 (let ((proxy-classes (make-hash-table)))
102 (setf (gethash 'function proxy-classes) (find-class 'proxy))
103 (defun ensure-proxy-class (masterclass-name)
104 (cond ((gethash masterclass-name proxy-classes))
105 ((subtypep masterclass-name 'function) (find-class 'proxy))
106 (t (setf (gethash masterclass-name proxy-classes)
107 (make-instance (ensure-proxy-class-class (class-of (find-class masterclass-name)))
108 :name (intern (format nil "~a~a"
109 "PROXY-"
110 (symbol-name masterclass-name)))
111 :direct-superclasses (list (find-class 'proxy)
112 (find-class masterclass-name))))
113 (setf (find-class (class-name (gethash masterclass-name proxy-classes)))
114 (gethash masterclass-name proxy-classes))
115 ))))
117 (defun ensure-proxy-class-class (masterclass-metaclass-name)
118 (class-name
119 (ensure-class
120 (intern (format nil "~a~a"
122 (symbol-name (class-name masterclass-metaclass-name))))
123 :direct-superclasses (list (find-class 'proxy-class)
124 (find-class (class-name masterclass-metaclass-name))))))
126 ;;; Der initialisierungs-prozess wird unterbunden, da proxies nur stellvertreter sind
127 (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((proxy proxy)
128 &rest initargs)
129 (setf (remote-address proxy) (second (member :remote-address initargs)))
130 (setf (remote-os proxy) (second (member :remote-os initargs)))
131 (setf (masterclass-name proxy) (second (member :masterclass-name initargs)))
132 (setf (other-pack-string proxy) (format nil "(np ~a '~a (fos \"~a\"))"
133 (remote-address proxy)
134 (format nil "~S" (masterclass-name proxy))
135 (host (remote-os proxy))))
136 (setf (master-pack-string proxy) (format nil "(fetch-obj ~a)"
137 (remote-address proxy)))
138 proxy)
140 ;;; erst nach erzeugung des proxies in objectstore
141 (defmethod initialize-local-slots ((proxy proxy))
142 (let ((local-slot-names (local-slot-names (class-of proxy))))
143 (loop for local-slot-name in local-slot-names do
144 (setf (slot-value proxy local-slot-name)
145 (get-slot-value-from-original-object proxy local-slot-name)))))
148 ;;; analog zu slot-value-using-class (s.u.) nur hier genau einmal beim Erzeugen
149 ;;; des proxies.
150 (defun get-slot-value-from-original-object (proxy local-slot-name)
151 ;;; klappt noch nicht, da verklemmung entsteht, wie?
152 ;;;(send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-value local-slot-name)
153 ;;; daher nehme initform
154 (initial-slot-value proxy local-slot-name))
158 (defmethod initial-slot-value (class slot)
159 nil)
163 ;;; kann ueberdefiniert werden, um spezielle Slots eines Proxies lokal auf jedem client
164 ;;; zu halten (makro/Kennzeichnung noch notwendig ums deklarativ zu machen)
166 (defmethod local-slot-names ((class t))
167 nil)
169 (defmethod local-slot-names ((class proxy-class))
170 (if (next-method-p)
171 (call-next-method)
172 nil))
174 (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class proxy-class) &rest initargs)
175 (let ((existing-definition-class (call-next-method))
176 (new-class
177 (find-class (let ((name (second (member :name initargs))))
178 (if (or (eq name 'remote-address)
179 (eq name 'remote-os)
180 (eq name 'masterclass-name)
181 (eq name 'master-pack-string)
182 (eq name 'other-pack-string)
183 (find name (local-slot-names class))
185 'effective-local-slot-definition
186 'effective-remote-slot-definition)))))
187 (if (not (eq existing-definition-class (find-class 'standard-effective-slot-definition)))
188 (ensure-new-slot-definition-class existing-definition-class
189 new-class)
190 new-class)))
194 (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((slot effective-remote-slot-definition)
195 &rest initargs)
196 (apply #'call-next-method
197 slot
198 :initfunction ()
199 ;:allocation :ignore
200 ;This is as bug according to the MOP-Definition,
201 ;You should be able to use allocations other then
202 ; :instance or :class. But it conforms with CLtL2.
203 :initargs ()
204 initargs))
208 ;;; the three modes of sending a message to a remote object
209 ;;; -------------------------------------------------------
211 (defmethod send-future ((proxy proxy) caller method &rest args)
212 (send-request (remote-os proxy)
213 (remote-address proxy)
214 caller
215 method
216 args))
218 (defmethod send-past ((proxy proxy) caller method &rest args)
219 (send-operation (remote-os proxy)
220 (remote-address proxy)
221 caller
222 method
223 args))
225 (defmethod send-now ((proxy proxy) caller method &rest args)
226 (touch (send-request (remote-os proxy)
227 (remote-address proxy)
228 caller
229 method
230 args)))
233 ;;; locking can't be handled as a normal method whena pplied to a proxy.
234 ;;; That's because protected objects (the objects that can be locked) specialize
235 ;;; send-now, so this special method would be used for sending, and wouldn't work.
236 ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237 (defmethod lock ((proxy proxy))
238 (touch (send-request (remote-os proxy)
239 (remote-address proxy)
240 *current-actor*
241 'lock
242 ())))
244 (defmethod unlock ((proxy proxy))
245 (touch (send-request (remote-os proxy)
246 (remote-address proxy)
247 *current-actor*
248 'unlock
249 ())))
252 ;;; These slot accessor methods may not work with code also using the MOP. The alternative is to
253 ;;; work with reader and writer gf's, but that is pretty inefficient, because it is
254 ;;; difficult to constrain the effect just to proxies.
255 ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 (defmethod slot-definition-initfunction ((slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
259 (defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class proxy-class) (proxy proxy)
260 (slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
261 (send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-value (slot-definition-name slot)))
263 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) (new-value (class proxy-class) (proxy proxy)
264 (slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
265 (send-now proxy *current-actor* '(setf slot-value) new-value (slot-definition-name slot)))
267 (defmethod slot-boundp-using-class ((class proxy-class) (proxy proxy)
268 (slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
269 (send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-boundp (slot-definition-name slot)))
271 (defmethod slot-makunbound-using-class ((class proxy-class) (proxy proxy)
272 (slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
273 (send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-makunbound (slot-definition-name slot)))
276 (defmethod slot-missing ((class proxy-class) (proxy proxy)
277 slot (setslot (eql 'slot-value)) &optional new-value)
278 (send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-missing slot setslot new-value))
281 ;;; Klassen sind (noch) keine activen objecte, daher geht nicht send-now
282 ;;; ==> active-object auf klassen erweitern
283 (defmethod slot-missing ((class standard-class) (proxy proxy-class)
284 slot (setslot (eql 'slot-value)) &optional new-value)
285 ;;;(send-now proxy *current-actor* 'slot-missing slot setslot new-value)
286 ;;; bis dahin hack:
287 ;;; aus concept-id-set-desc.lisp
288 (let ((found-slot (find slot (class-slots proxy) :key #'slot-definition-name)))
289 (when found-slot
290 (eval (slot-definition-initform found-slot))))
297 ;;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
298 ;;;; Initializing of mobile-object classes
299 ;;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------
301 ;;; I don't like all this (ensure-new-slot-definition-class etc.), but it's necessary
302 ;;; to merge my stuff with alien MOP stuff.
304 (defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class mobile-object-class)
305 &rest initargs)
306 (declare (ignore initargs))
307 (let ((existing-definition-class (call-next-method)))
308 (if (not (eq existing-definition-class (find-class 'standard-direct-slot-definition)))
309 (ensure-new-slot-definition-class existing-definition-class
310 (find-class 'mobile-direct-slot-definition))
311 (find-class 'mobile-direct-slot-definition))))
313 (defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class mobile-object-class)
314 &rest initargs)
315 (declare (ignore initargs))
316 (let ((existing-definition-class (call-next-method)))
317 (if (not (eq existing-definition-class (find-class 'standard-effective-slot-definition)))
318 (ensure-new-slot-definition-class existing-definition-class
319 (find-class 'mobile-effective-slot-definition))
320 (find-class 'mobile-effective-slot-definition))))
323 (defun ensure-new-slot-definition-class (existing-class new-class)
324 (or (find-class (intern (concatenate 'string
325 (symbol-name (class-name existing-class))
326 (symbol-name (class-name new-class)))) nil)
327 (find-class (intern (concatenate 'string
328 (symbol-name (class-name new-class))
329 (symbol-name (class-name existing-class)))) nil)
330 (let ((new-slot-definition-class
331 (ensure-class (intern (concatenate 'string
332 (symbol-name (class-name existing-class))
333 (symbol-name (class-name new-class))))
334 :direct-superclasses (list new-class existing-class))))
335 (add-method (ensure-generic-function 'moving-behavior)
336 (make-instance 'standard-method
337 :function (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
338 :follow))
339 :lambda-list (list 'x)
340 :qualifiers ()
341 :specializers (list new-slot-definition-class)))
342 new-slot-definition-class)))
345 (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class mobile-object-class) name direct-slots)
346 (declare (ignore name))
347 (let ((effective-slot (call-next-method)))
348 (set-moving-behavior class effective-slot (first direct-slots) (rest direct-slots))
349 effective-slot))
352 (defmethod set-moving-behavior ((class mobile-object-class)
353 (effective-slot mobile-effective-slot-definition)
354 (direct-slot mobile-direct-slot-definition)
355 direct-slots)
356 (if (slot-definition-moving-behavior direct-slot)
357 (setf (slot-definition-moving-behavior effective-slot)
358 (slot-definition-moving-behavior direct-slot))
359 (set-moving-behavior class effective-slot (first direct-slots) (rest direct-slots))))
363 (defmethod set-moving-behavior ((class mobile-object-class)
364 (effective-slot mobile-effective-slot-definition)
365 (direct-slot direct-slot-definition)
366 direct-slots)
367 (declare (ignore direct-slots))
368 (if (next-method-p)
369 (call-next-method)
370 (setf (slot-definition-moving-behavior effective-slot) :ignore)))
372 (defmethod set-moving-behavior ((class mobile-object-class)
373 (effective-slot mobile-effective-slot-definition)
374 (direct-slot null)
375 direct-slots)
376 (declare (ignore direct-slots))
377 (setf (slot-definition-moving-behavior effective-slot) :ignore))
380 #| this code makes all accesors of mobile-objects pargenerics, thus remotely callable.
381 But that's pretty inefficient, so I don't use it.
382 (defmethod initialize-instance :before ((slot-definition mobile-direct-slot-definition)
383 &rest initargs &key readers writers)
384 (declare (ignore initargs))
385 (loop for reader in readers
386 do (ensure-generic-function reader
387 :generic-function-class (find-class 'ncl-gf)
388 :lambda-list '(obj)))
389 (loop for writer in writers
390 do (ensure-generic-function writer
391 :generic-function-class (find-class 'ncl-setf)
392 :lambda-list '(new-value obj))))
395 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((slot-definition mobile-direct-slot-definition)
396 &rest initargs)
397 (let ((behavior (member :moving-behavior initargs)))
398 (when (and behavior
399 (not (or (member (second behavior) '(:stay :follow :ignore))
400 (functionp (second behavior)))))
401 ;does not work, because a functionquoted symbol in the
402 ;defclass macro
403 ;is passed as list to the inititialize-instance form.
404 (error ":moving-behavior option for slot ~a unknown"
405 (slot-definition-name slot-definition)))))
410 ;;; supply mobile-object as default superclass for mobile objects
411 (defmethod initialize-instance :around ((class mobile-object-class) &rest initargs)
412 (apply #'call-next-method
413 class
414 (if (second (member :direct-superclasses initargs))
415 initargs
416 (cons :direct-superclasses
417 (cons (list (find-class 'mobile-object))
418 initargs)))))
420 (defmethod reinitialize-instance :around ((class mobile-object-class) &rest initargs)
421 (apply #'call-next-method
422 class
423 (if (second (member :direct-superclasses initargs))
424 initargs
425 (cons :direct-superclasses
426 (cons (list (find-class 'mobile-object))
427 initargs)))))
432 ;;; generate the methods for packing mobile objects
433 ;;; -----------------------------------------------
435 (defmethod finalize-inheritance :after ((class mobile-object-class))
436 (pack-method class)
437 (unpack-method class))
439 (defgeneric pack-slots (obj &optional stream))
441 (defgeneric unpack-slots (obj initargs))
446 (defun pack-method (class)
447 (let ((gf (ensure-generic-function 'pack-slots)))
448 (add-method gf
449 (make-instance 'standard-method
450 :function (compile nil (pack-lambda class))
451 :specializers (list class)
452 :qualifiers ()
453 :lambda-list '(obj &optional stream)))))
455 (defun pack-lambda (class)
456 `(lambda (obj &optional stream)
457 ,@(loop for slot in (class-slots class)
458 for form = (packform slot)
459 when form
460 collect (make-unbound-secure slot form))))
463 (defun make-unbound-secure (slot form)
464 (if (slot-definition-initfunction slot)
465 form
466 `(if (slot-boundp obj ',(slot-definition-name
467 slot))
468 ,form
469 (print :unbound stream))))
471 (defun packform (slot)
472 (let ((moving-behavior (slot-definition-moving-behavior slot)))
473 (cond ((eq moving-behavior :ignore) ())
474 ((eq moving-behavior :stay)
475 `(pack (slot-value obj ',(slot-definition-name slot)) stream))
476 ((eq moving-behavior :follow)
477 `(move-pack (slot-value obj ',(slot-definition-name slot)) stream))
478 (t ; moving-behavior should be a function
479 ; but it's just (list 'function function-name).
480 ;This confuses me a bit, but it still works fine.
481 `(funcall ,moving-behavior
482 (slot-value obj ',(slot-definition-name slot)) stream)))))
485 (defun unpack-method (class)
486 (let ((gf (ensure-generic-function 'unpack-slots)))
487 (add-method gf
488 (make-instance 'standard-method
489 :function (compile nil (unpack-lambda class))
490 :specializers (list class (find-class t))
491 :qualifiers ()
492 :lambda-list '(obj initargs)))))
494 (defun unpack-lambda (class)
495 `(lambda (obj initargs)
496 ,@(loop for slot in (class-slots class)
497 for behavior = (slot-definition-moving-behavior slot)
498 unless (eq behavior :ignore)
499 collect (unbound-secure-write slot))))
501 (defun unbound-secure-write (slot)
502 (if (slot-definition-initfunction slot)
503 `(progn
504 (setf (slot-value obj ',(slot-definition-name slot)) (first initargs))
505 (setq initargs (rest initargs)))
506 `(let ((value (prog1 (first initargs)
507 (setq initargs (rest initargs)))))
508 (unless (eq value :unbound)
509 (setf (slot-value obj ',(slot-definition-name slot))
510 value)))))
513 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
514 ;;; move-pack packs a form on a stream that, when evaluated, yields an object wtih the same
515 ;;; structure and content as the original object.
516 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
518 (defmethod move-pack :around ((obj t) &optional stream)
519 (let (temp)
520 (if (setq temp (assoc obj *pack-forms*))
521 (print (cdr temp) stream)
522 (call-next-method))))
524 (defmethod move-pack ((obj mobile-object) &optional stream)
525 (let ((reference (gentemp "I")))
526 (setq *pack-forms* (acons obj reference
527 *pack-forms*))
528 (format stream "(progn (proclaim '(special ~a))
529 (prog1 (setq ~a (make-instance '~S))
530 (unpack-slots ~a (list"
531 reference reference (class-name (class-of obj)) reference)
532 (pack-slots obj stream)
533 (write-string "))))" stream)))
535 (defmethod move-pack ((proxy proxy) &optional stream)
536 (pack proxy stream))
538 (defmethod move-pack ((obj t) &optional stream)
539 (pack obj stream))
541 (defmethod move-pack ((obj cons) &optional stream)
542 (write-string "(cons " stream)
543 (write-char #\space stream)
544 (move-pack (car obj) stream)
545 (write-char #\space stream)
546 (move-pack (cdr obj) stream)
547 (write-char #\) stream))
549 (defmethod move-pack ((struc structure-object) &optional stream)
550 (let* ((class-name (class-name (class-of struc)))
551 (class-package (symbol-package class-name)))
552 (format stream "(~A::MAKE-" (package-name class-package))
553 (write-string (string class-name) stream)
554 (write-char #\space stream)
555 (loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of struc))
556 for name = (slot-definition-name slot)
557 do (progn (write-char #\: stream)
558 (write-string (string name) stream)
559 (write-char #\space stream)
560 (move-pack (funcall (fdefinition (intern (format nil "~a-~a"
561 class-name
562 name)
563 class-package))
564 struc)
565 stream)))
566 (write-char #\) stream)))
568 (defmethod move-pack ((array array) &optional stream)
569 (write-string "(unpack-array " stream)
570 (pack (array-dimensions array) stream)
571 (write-char #\space stream)
572 (pack (array-element-type array) stream)
573 (write-char #\space stream)
574 (loop for i from 0 upto (1- (array-total-size array))
575 do (progn (move-pack (row-major-aref array i) stream)
576 (write-char #\space stream)))
577 (write-char #\) stream))
579 ;;;mu = move-unpack
580 (defun mu (type &rest initargs)
581 (let ((obj (make-instance type)))
582 (unpack-slots obj initargs)
583 obj))
587 ;;;----------------------------------------
588 ;;; initialization of ncl-gf's
589 ;;;----------------------------------------
591 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((gf ncl-gf) &rest initargs)
592 (declare (ignore initargs))
593 (add-method gf
594 (make-instance 'standard-method
595 :function (compile nil '(lambda (&rest rest)
596 (declare (ignore rest))
598 :specializers (compute-specializers gf 'proxy)
599 :qualifiers '(:test)
600 :lambda-list (generic-function-lambda-list gf))))
602 (defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((gf ncl-gf) &rest initargs)
603 (declare (ignore initargs))
604 (add-method gf
605 (make-instance 'standard-method
606 :function (compile nil '(lambda (&rest rest)
607 (declare (ignore rest))
609 :specializers (compute-specializers gf 'proxy)
610 :qualifiers '(:test)
611 :lambda-list (generic-function-lambda-list gf))))
615 ;;;-----------------------------------------
616 ;;; other stuff
617 ;;;-----------------------------------------
619 ;;; touch must be a pargeneric to work across objspace-boundaries,
620 ;;; only it doesn't even work then.
621 ;;(defpargeneric touch :now (future))
623 ;;; create objects in other objectspaces
624 (defmethod make-instance :around ((class mobile-object-class) &rest initargs &key location)
625 (if location
626 (touch (kernel-send location
627 (rmi-message :initargs-b (copy-list initargs)
628 ; lists introduces through the rest argument
629 ; may have dynamic extent, so they must be copied.
630 :class-name (class-name class))))
631 (call-next-method)))
633 ;;; determine the location of an object
634 (defmethod location ((obj t))
635 *localspace*)
637 (defmethod location ((obj proxy))
638 (remote-os obj))
645 #| old stuff, but I hate throwing it away.
647 (defun get-optionals (lambda-list)
648 (loop for non-req in (rest (member '&optional
649 lambda-list))
650 while (not (member non-req lambda-list-keywords))
651 collect non-req))
653 (defun keys-or-restp (lambda-list)
654 (member '(&key &rest)
655 lambda-list :test #'(lambda (x y)
656 (member y x))))
660 (defmethod compute-proxy-lambda ((gf remote-generic-function) lambda-list)
661 (let ((required (required-arguments gf))
662 (optionals (mapcar #'first (get-optionals lambda-list)))
663 (suppliedp-list (mapcar #'third (get-optionals lambda-list)))
664 (rest-arg (when (keys-or-restp lambda-list)
665 (first (last lambda-list)))))
666 `(lambda ,lambda-list
667 (apply #'send-now ,(first required)
668 ',(generic-function-name gf)
669 ,@(rest required)
670 ,(non-required-arguments optionals suppliedp-list rest-arg)))))
673 (defun non-required-arguments (optionals suppliedp-list rest-arg)
674 (if (endp optionals)
675 rest-arg
676 `(if ,(first suppliedp-list)
677 (cons ,(first optionals) ,(non-required-arguments (rest optionals)
678 (rest suppliedp-list)
679 rest-arg))
680 ,rest-arg)))
682 (defun compute-lambda-list (gf)
683 (let* ((optionals (get-optionals (generic-function-lambda-list gf)))
684 (suppliedp-list (loop for arg in optionals
685 collect (gensym (symbol-name arg)))))
686 (append (required-arguments gf)
687 (when optionals
688 '(&optional))
689 (loop for opt in optionals
690 for sup in suppliedp-list
691 collect (list opt nil sup))
692 (when (keys-or-restp (generic-function-lambda-list gf))
693 (list '&rest (gensym "REST-"))))))
698 (defclass proxy (concurrency-obj)
699 ((remote-address :accessor remote-address
700 :initarg :remote-address)
701 (remote-os :accessor remote-os
702 :initarg :remote-os)
703 (master-class-name :accessor master-class-name
704 :initarg :master-class-name)))
708 (defmethod compute-applicable-methods-using-classes ((gf proxy-dispatching-gf) classes)
709 (if (loop for class in (without-concurrency-obj gf classes)
710 thereis (eq (class-name class) 'proxy))
711 (values nil nil)
712 (call-next-method)))
714 (defmethod compute-applicable-methods ((gf proxy-dispatching-gf) arguments)
715 (let* ((proxyp)
716 (classes (unite-concurrency-obj-and-others
718 (class-of (get-concurrency-obj gf arguments))
719 (loop with proxy-class = (find-class 'proxy)
720 for arg in (without-concurrency-obj gf arguments)
721 collect (if (eq (class-of arg)
722 proxy-class)
723 (progn (setf proxyp t)
724 (find-class (master-class-name arg)))
725 (class-of arg))))))
726 (if proxyp
727 (multiple-value-bind (method-list success)
728 (compute-applicable-methods-using-classes gf classes)
729 (if success
730 method-list
731 (call-next-method)))
732 (call-next-method))))
734 (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition ((class proxy-class) name direct-slots)
735 (declare (ignore name))
736 (let ((effsd (call-next-method)))
737 effsd))
740 (defmethod set-correct-behavior ((effsd effective-remote-slot-definition))
741 (setf (slot-definition-allocation effsd) :ignore)
742 (setf (slot-definition-initfunction effsd) ())
743 (setf (slot-definition-initargs effsd) ()))
745 (defmethod slot-definition-allocation ((slot effective-remote-slot-definition))
746 :ignore) ;This doesn't work either.