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2 # Copyright (C) 2007 Mark Seaborn
4 # chroot_build is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
6 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
7 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 # chroot_build is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 # License along with chroot_build; if not, write to the Free Software
16 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
17 # 02110-1301, USA.
19 import os
20 import subprocess
21 import time
23 from buildutils import remove_prefix
24 import lxml.etree as etree
27 class NodeStream(object):
29 def __init__(self, output):
30 self.output = output
31 self._names = set()
33 def alloc_name(self, name):
34 if name in self._names:
35 suffix = 1
36 while True:
37 new_name = "%s_%i" % (name, suffix)
38 if new_name not in self._names:
39 break
40 suffix += 1
41 else:
42 new_name = name
43 self._names.add(new_name)
44 return new_name
47 class NodeWriter(object):
49 def __init__(self, stream, id):
50 self._stream = stream
51 self._id = id
53 def new_child(self, tag_name, attrs=[], id_name=None):
54 if id_name is None:
55 id_name = tag_name
56 new_id = self._stream.alloc_name(id_name)
57 self._stream.output.write("%s add %s %s\n" %
58 (self._id, tag_name, new_id))
59 child = NodeWriter(self._stream, new_id)
60 for key, value in attrs:
61 child.add_attr(key, value)
62 return child
64 def add_attr(self, key, value):
65 assert isinstance(key, str)
66 assert isinstance(value, str)
67 assert " " not in key
68 assert "\n" not in key
69 assert "\n" not in value
70 self._stream.output.write("%s %s %s\n" % (self._id, key, value))
73 class StreamReader(object):
75 def __init__(self):
76 self._root_node = etree.Element("root")
77 self._map = {"root": self._root_node}
79 def process_line(self, line):
80 node_id, attr, arg = line.split(" ", 2)
81 node = self._map[node_id]
82 if attr == "add":
83 tag_name, new_node_id = arg.split(" ", 1)
84 new_node = etree.Element(tag_name)
85 assert arg not in self._map
86 self._map[new_node_id] = new_node
87 node.append(new_node)
88 else:
89 node.attrib[attr] = arg
91 def process_file(self, fh):
92 for line in fh:
93 self.process_line(line.rstrip("\n"))
95 def get_root(self):
96 return self._root_node
99 def get_xml_from_log(input_file):
100 reader = StreamReader()
101 reader.process_file(input_file)
102 return reader.get_root()
105 class LogDir(object):
107 def __init__(self, dir_path, get_time=time.time):
108 self._dir_path = dir_path
109 self._get_time = get_time
110 self._counter = 0
111 self._log_file = os.path.join(self._dir_path, "0000-log")
113 def make_filename(self, name):
114 self._counter += 1
115 basename = "%04i-%s" % (self._counter, name)
116 return basename, os.path.join(self._dir_path, basename)
118 def make_logger(self):
119 assert not os.path.exists(self._log_file)
120 stream = NodeStream(open(self._log_file, "w", buffering=0))
121 log = LogWriter(NodeWriter(stream, "root"),
122 self, "root", self._get_time)
123 log.start()
124 return log
126 def get_xml(self):
127 log = get_xml_from_log(open(self._log_file, "r"))
128 for file_node in log.xpath(".//file"):
129 file_node.attrib["pathname"] = \
130 os.path.join(self._dir_path, file_node.attrib["filename"])
131 return log
133 def get_timestamp(self):
134 return os.stat(self._log_file).st_mtime
137 class LogWriter(object):
139 def __init__(self, node, log_dir, name, get_time):
140 self._node = node
141 self._log_dir = log_dir
142 self._name = name
143 self._get_time = get_time
145 def start(self):
146 self._node.add_attr("start_time", str(self._get_time()))
148 def message(self, message):
149 self._node.new_child("message", [("text", message)])
151 def child_log(self, name, do_start=True):
152 sublog = LogWriter(self._node.new_child("log", [("name", name)],
153 id_name=name),
154 self._log_dir, name, self._get_time)
155 if do_start:
156 sublog.start()
157 return sublog
159 def make_file(self):
160 relative_name, filename = self._log_dir.make_filename(self._name)
161 self._node.new_child("file", [("filename", relative_name)])
162 assert not os.path.exists(filename)
163 return open(filename, "w")
165 def finish(self, result):
166 self._node.add_attr("end_time", str(self._get_time()))
167 self._node.add_attr("result", str(result))
170 class DummyLogWriter(object):
172 def start(self):
173 pass
175 def message(self, message):
176 pass
178 def child_log(self, name, do_start=True):
179 return DummyLogWriter()
181 def make_file(self):
182 return open("/dev/null", "w")
184 def finish(self, result):
185 pass
188 class LogSetDir(object):
190 def __init__(self, dir_path, get_time=time.time):
191 self._dir = dir_path
192 self._get_time = get_time
194 def make_logger(self):
195 time_now = time.gmtime(self._get_time())
196 subdir_base = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d", time_now)
197 i = 0
198 while True:
199 log_dir = os.path.join(self._dir, "%s/%04i" % (subdir_base, i))
200 if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
201 break
202 i += 1
203 os.makedirs(log_dir)
204 return LogDir(log_dir, self._get_time).make_logger()
206 def _sorted_leafnames(self, dir_path):
207 # For compatibility with existing log dirs, sort by number not
208 # by string.
209 leafnames = []
210 for leafname in os.listdir(dir_path):
211 try:
212 num = int(leafname)
213 except ValueError:
214 pass
215 else:
216 leafnames.append((num, leafname))
217 leafnames.sort(reverse=True)
218 return [name for num, name in leafnames]
220 def _get_logs(self, dir_path):
221 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_path, "0000-log")):
222 yield LogDir(dir_path, self._get_time)
223 else:
224 if os.path.exists(dir_path):
225 for leafname in self._sorted_leafnames(dir_path):
226 for log in self._get_logs(os.path.join(dir_path, leafname)):
227 yield log
229 def get_logs(self):
230 return self._get_logs(self._dir)
233 class NullPathnameMapper(object):
235 def map_pathname(self, pathname):
236 return pathname
239 class PathnameMapper(object):
241 def __init__(self, dir_path):
242 self._dir_path = dir_path
244 def map_pathname(self, pathname):
245 return remove_prefix(self._dir_path + "/", pathname)
248 def flatten(val):
249 got = []
251 def recurse(x):
252 if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
253 for y in x:
254 recurse(y)
255 else:
256 got.append(x)
258 recurse(val)
259 return got
262 def tagp(tag_name, attrs, *children):
263 element = etree.Element(tag_name)
264 for key, value in attrs:
265 element.attrib[key] = value
266 last_child = None
267 for child in flatten(children):
268 if isinstance(child, basestring):
269 assert last_child is None
270 element.text = child
271 else:
272 element.append(child)
273 last_child = child
274 return element
277 def tag(tag_name, *children):
278 return tagp(tag_name, [], *children)
281 def log_class(log):
282 if "result" not in log.attrib:
283 return "result_unknown"
284 elif int(log.attrib["result"]) == 0:
285 return "result_success"
286 else:
287 return "result_failure"
290 def format_log(log, path_mapper, filter=lambda log: True):
291 sub_logs = [format_log(sublog, path_mapper, filter)
292 for sublog in reversed(log.xpath("log"))]
293 if not filter(log):
294 return sub_logs
295 classes = ["log", log_class(log)]
296 html = tagp("div", [("class", " ".join(classes))])
297 html.append(tag("span", log_duration(log) + log.attrib.get("name", "")))
298 for file_node in log.xpath("file"):
299 pathname = file_node.attrib["pathname"]
300 relative_name = path_mapper.map_pathname(pathname)
301 if os.stat(pathname).st_size > 0:
302 html.append(tagp("a", [("href", relative_name)], "[log]"))
303 html.extend(flatten(sub_logs))
304 return html
307 def format_time(log, attr):
308 # TODO: use local timezone without breaking golden tests
309 if attr in log.attrib:
310 timeval = float(log.attrib[attr])
311 string = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M",
312 time.gmtime(timeval))
313 else:
314 string = "time not known"
315 return tagp("div", [("class", "time")], string)
318 def format_duration(seconds):
319 if int(seconds) == 0:
320 return "0s"
321 got = []
322 minutes, val = divmod(seconds, 60)
323 got.append("%02is" % val)
324 if minutes != 0:
325 hours, val = divmod(minutes, 60)
326 got.append("%02im" % val)
327 if hours != 0:
328 days, val = divmod(hours, 24)
329 got.append("%02ih" % val)
330 if days != 0:
331 got.append("%id" % days)
332 return "".join(reversed(got)).lstrip("0")
335 def log_duration(log):
336 if "start_time" in log.attrib and "end_time" in log.attrib:
337 return "[%s] " % format_duration(float(log.attrib["end_time"]) -
338 float(log.attrib["start_time"]))
339 else:
340 return ""
343 def format_top_log(log, path_mapper):
344 return tag("div",
345 format_time(log, "end_time"),
346 format_log(log, path_mapper),
347 format_time(log, "start_time"))
350 def write_xml(fh, xml):
351 fh.write(etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=True))
354 def write_xml_file(filename, xml):
355 fh = open(filename, "w")
356 try:
357 write_xml(fh, xml)
358 finally:
359 fh.close()
362 def format_logs(targets, path_mapper, dest_filename):
363 headings = tag("tr", *[tag("th", target.get_name())
364 for target in targets])
365 columns = tag("tr")
366 for target in targets:
367 column = tag("td")
368 for log in target.get_logs():
369 column.append(format_top_log(log.get_xml(), path_mapper))
370 columns.append(column)
371 html = wrap_body(tagp("table", [("class", "summary")],
372 headings, columns))
373 write_xml_file(dest_filename, html)
376 def format_short_summary(log, path_mapper):
377 table = tagp("table", [("class", "short_results")])
378 for child in reversed(log.xpath("log")):
379 row = tag("tr")
380 row.append(tag("td", child.attrib["name"]))
381 row.append(tag("td", format_time(child, "end_time")))
382 row.append(tag("td", log_duration(child)))
384 def filter(log):
385 return int(log.attrib.get("result", "0")) != 0
387 info = flatten(format_log(child, path_mapper, filter))
388 if len(info) == 0:
389 info = tagp("div", [("class", "log %s" % log_class(child))], "ok")
390 row.append(tag("td", info))
391 table.append(row)
392 return table
395 def for_some(iterator):
396 for x in iterator:
397 if x:
398 return True
399 return False
402 def log_has_failed(log):
403 return (int(log.attrib.get("result", 0)) != 0 or
404 for_some(log_has_failed(sublog) for sublog in log.xpath("log")))
407 def warn_failures(logs, stamp_time):
408 for log in logs:
409 if log_has_failed(log.get_xml()):
410 if log.get_timestamp() > stamp_time:
411 print "failed"
412"beep -l 10 -f 1000", shell=True)
413 return
414 print "no completed logs"
417 def wrap_body(body):
418 return tagp("html", [],
419 tagp("link", [("rel", "stylesheet"), ("href", "log.css")]),
420 body)