Many new parsing features; reorganization; examples added.
[mumble.git] / src / classes.lisp
2 ;;; (and elementary helper functions associated with specific classes.)
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Julian Squires <> / 2004
6 (in-package :mumble)
8 (defun make-duration (denom)
9 (when denom (/ 1 denom)))
12 (defclass music-command ()
13 ((type :reader music-command-type)
14 (value :reader music-command-value)))
16 (defun make-tempo-command (tempo)
17 (let ((cmd (make-instance 'music-command)))
18 (setf (slot-value cmd 'type) :tempo)
19 (setf (slot-value cmd 'value) tempo)
20 cmd))
22 (defun make-staccato-command (staccato)
23 (let ((cmd (make-instance 'music-command)))
24 (setf (slot-value cmd 'type) :staccato)
25 (setf (slot-value cmd 'value) staccato)
26 cmd))
28 ;; This might become a special macro-command later.
29 (defun make-arpeggio-command (n)
30 (let ((cmd (make-instance 'music-command)))
31 (setf (slot-value cmd 'type) :arpeggio)
32 (setf (slot-value cmd 'value) n)
33 cmd))
35 ;; This might become a special macro-command later.
36 (defun make-volume-envelope-command (n)
37 (let ((cmd (make-instance 'music-command)))
38 (setf (slot-value cmd 'type) :volume-envelope)
39 (setf (slot-value cmd 'value) n)
40 cmd))
43 (defclass note (music-command)
44 ((tone :reader note-tone)
45 (duration :reader note-duration))
46 (:documentation "Notes encapsulate an absolute pitch (the TONE slot)
47 and a relative length (the DURATION slot). DURATION is relative to
48 the current channel tempo."))
50 (defun make-note (tone duration)
51 (let ((note (make-instance 'note)))
52 (setf (slot-value note 'type) :note)
53 (setf (slot-value note 'tone) tone)
54 (setf (slot-value note 'duration) duration)
55 note))
57 (defmethod print-object ((obj note) stream)
58 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
59 (princ (note-tone obj) stream)
60 (princ #\Space stream)
61 (princ (note-duration obj) stream)))
64 (defclass channel ()
65 ((octave :accessor channel-octave)
66 (tempo :accessor channel-tempo)
67 (staccato :accessor channel-staccato)
68 (duration :accessor channel-default-duration)
69 (loop-point :accessor channel-loop-point)
70 ;; repeats is kind of an ugly kludge.
71 (repeats :accessor channel-repeats)
72 (data-stream :accessor channel-data-stream)))
74 (defun make-channel ()
75 (let ((channel (make-instance 'channel)))
76 (setf (channel-octave channel) *default-octave*
77 (channel-tempo channel) *default-tempo*
78 (channel-staccato channel) *default-staccato*
79 (channel-default-duration channel) *default-duration*
80 (channel-loop-point channel) nil
81 (channel-repeats channel) nil)
83 (setf (channel-data-stream channel)
84 (make-array '(0) :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
85 channel))
87 (defun channel-current-position (channel)
88 (fill-pointer (channel-data-stream channel)))
90 (defun copy-and-append-channel-data (channel begin end)
91 (loop for x from begin to end
92 do (vector-push-extend (aref (channel-data-stream channel) x)
93 (channel-data-stream channel))))
96 (defclass tune ()
97 ((channels :accessor tune-channels)
98 (replay :accessor tune-replay)
99 (tables :accessor tune-tables)
100 (metadata :accessor tune-metadata)))
102 (defun make-tune ()
103 (let ((tune (make-instance 'tune)))
104 (setf (tune-metadata tune) nil)
105 (setf (tune-tables tune) nil)
106 tune))
108 (defun tune-get-table (tune table-sym)
109 (cdr (assoc table-sym (tune-tables tune))))
111 (defun (setf tune-get-table) (value tune table-sym)
112 (setf (cdr (assoc table-sym (tune-tables tune))) value))
114 (defun tune-add-table (tune table-sym)
115 (push (cons table-sym (make-array '(0) :initial-element nil
116 :adjustable t))
117 (tune-tables tune)))
119 (defun tune-add-to-table (tune table-sym index entry)
120 (let ((table (tune-get-table tune table-sym)))
121 (when (>= index (length table))
122 (setf table (adjust-array table (list (1+ index))
123 :initial-element nil)))
124 (when (aref table index)
125 (format t "~&WARNING: ~A entry ~A already exists; replacing."
126 table-sym index))
127 (setf (aref table index) entry)
128 (setf (tune-get-table tune table-sym) table)))