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5 <title>Filter::Util::Call - Perl Source Filter Utility Module</title>
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12 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
13 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Filter::Util::Call - Perl Source Filter Utility Module</span></strong></big>
14 </td></tr>
15 </table>
17 <p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
18 <!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
20 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
23 <li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
24 <li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
25 <ul>
27 <li><a href="#use_filter__util__call"><strong>use Filter::Util::Call</strong></a></li>
28 <li><a href="#import__"><strong>import()</strong></a></li>
29 <li><a href="#filter___and_anonymous_sub"><strong>filter() and anonymous sub</strong></a></li>
30 </ul>
32 <li><a href="#examples">EXAMPLES</a></li>
33 <ul>
35 <li><a href="#example_1__a_simple_filter_">Example 1: A simple filter.</a></li>
36 <li><a href="#example_2__using_the_context">Example 2: Using the context</a></li>
37 <li><a href="#example_3__using_the_context_within_the_filter">Example 3: Using the context within the filter</a></li>
38 <li><a href="#example_4__using_filter_del">Example 4: Using filter_del</a></li>
39 </ul>
41 <li><a href="#filter__simple">Filter::Simple</a></li>
42 <li><a href="#author">AUTHOR</a></li>
43 <li><a href="#date">DATE</a></li>
44 </ul>
45 <!-- INDEX END -->
47 <hr />
48 <p>
49 </p>
50 <h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
51 <p>Filter::Util::Call - Perl Source Filter Utility Module</p>
52 <p>
53 </p>
54 <hr />
55 <h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
56 <pre>
57 use Filter::Util::Call ;</pre>
58 <p>
59 </p>
60 <hr />
61 <h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
62 <p>This module provides you with the framework to write <em>Source Filters</em>
63 in Perl.</p>
64 <p>An alternate interface to Filter::Util::Call is now available. See
65 <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/lib/Filter/Simple.html">the Filter::Simple manpage</a> for more details.</p>
66 <p>A <em>Perl Source Filter</em> is implemented as a Perl module. The structure
67 of the module can take one of two broadly similar formats. To
68 distinguish between them, the first will be referred to as <em>method
69 filter</em> and the second as <em>closure filter</em>.</p>
70 <p>Here is a skeleton for the <em>method filter</em>:</p>
71 <pre>
72 package MyFilter ;</pre>
73 <pre>
74 use Filter::Util::Call ;</pre>
75 <pre>
76 sub import
78 my($type, @arguments) = @_ ;
79 filter_add([]) ;
80 }</pre>
81 <pre>
82 sub filter
84 my($self) = @_ ;
85 my($status) ;</pre>
86 <pre>
87 $status = filter_read() ;
88 $status ;
89 }</pre>
90 <pre>
91 1 ;</pre>
92 <p>and this is the equivalent skeleton for the <em>closure filter</em>:</p>
93 <pre>
94 package MyFilter ;</pre>
95 <pre>
96 use Filter::Util::Call ;</pre>
97 <pre>
98 sub import
100 my($type, @arguments) = @_ ;</pre>
101 <pre>
102 filter_add(
103 sub
105 my($status) ;
106 $status = filter_read() ;
107 $status ;
109 }</pre>
110 <pre>
111 1 ;</pre>
112 <p>To make use of either of the two filter modules above, place the line
113 below in a Perl source file.</p>
114 <pre>
115 use MyFilter;</pre>
116 <p>In fact, the skeleton modules shown above are fully functional <em>Source
117 Filters</em>, albeit fairly useless ones. All they does is filter the
118 source stream without modifying it at all.</p>
119 <p>As you can see both modules have a broadly similar structure. They both
120 make use of the <code>Filter::Util::Call</code> module and both have an <code>import</code>
121 method. The difference between them is that the <em>method filter</em>
122 requires a <em>filter</em> method, whereas the <em>closure filter</em> gets the
123 equivalent of a <em>filter</em> method with the anonymous sub passed to
124 <em>filter_add</em>.</p>
125 <p>To make proper use of the <em>closure filter</em> shown above you need to
126 have a good understanding of the concept of a <em>closure</em>. See
127 <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlref.html">the perlref manpage</a> for more details on the mechanics of <em>closures</em>.</p>
129 </p>
130 <h2><a name="use_filter__util__call"><strong>use Filter::Util::Call</strong></a></h2>
131 <p>The following functions are exported by <code>Filter::Util::Call</code>:</p>
132 <pre>
133 filter_add()
134 filter_read()
135 filter_read_exact()
136 filter_del()</pre>
138 </p>
139 <h2><a name="import__"><strong>import()</strong></a></h2>
140 <p>The <code>import</code> method is used to create an instance of the filter. It is
141 called indirectly by Perl when it encounters the <code>use MyFilter</code> line
142 in a source file (See <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlfunc.html#import">import in the perlfunc manpage</a> for more details on
143 <code>import</code>).</p>
144 <p>It will always have at least one parameter automatically passed by Perl
145 - this corresponds to the name of the package. In the example above it
146 will be <code>&quot;MyFilter&quot;</code>.</p>
147 <p>Apart from the first parameter, import can accept an optional list of
148 parameters. These can be used to pass parameters to the filter. For
149 example:</p>
150 <pre>
151 use MyFilter qw(a b c) ;</pre>
152 <p>will result in the <a href="file://C|\msysgit\mingw\html/pod/perlvar.html#item___"><code>@_</code></a> array having the following values:</p>
153 <pre>
154 @_ [0] =&gt; &quot;MyFilter&quot;
155 @_ [1] =&gt; &quot;a&quot;
156 @_ [2] =&gt; &quot;b&quot;
157 @_ [3] =&gt; &quot;c&quot;</pre>
158 <p>Before terminating, the <code>import</code> function must explicitly install the
159 filter by calling <code>filter_add</code>.</p>
160 <p><strong>filter_add()</strong></p>
161 <p>The function, <code>filter_add</code>, actually installs the filter. It takes one
162 parameter which should be a reference. The kind of reference used will
163 dictate which of the two filter types will be used.</p>
164 <p>If a CODE reference is used then a <em>closure filter</em> will be assumed.</p>
165 <p>If a CODE reference is not used, a <em>method filter</em> will be assumed.
166 In a <em>method filter</em>, the reference can be used to store context
167 information. The reference will be <em>blessed</em> into the package by
168 <code>filter_add</code>.</p>
169 <p>See the filters at the end of this documents for examples of using
170 context information using both <em>method filters</em> and <em>closure
171 filters</em>.</p>
173 </p>
174 <h2><a name="filter___and_anonymous_sub"><strong>filter() and anonymous sub</strong></a></h2>
175 <p>Both the <code>filter</code> method used with a <em>method filter</em> and the
176 anonymous sub used with a <em>closure filter</em> is where the main
177 processing for the filter is done.</p>
178 <p>The big difference between the two types of filter is that the <em>method
179 filter</em> uses the object passed to the method to store any context data,
180 whereas the <em>closure filter</em> uses the lexical variables that are
181 maintained by the closure.</p>
182 <p>Note that the single parameter passed to the <em>method filter</em>,
183 <code>$self</code>, is the same reference that was passed to <code>filter_add</code>
184 blessed into the filter's package. See the example filters later on for
185 details of using <code>$self</code>.</p>
186 <p>Here is a list of the common features of the anonymous sub and the
187 <code>filter()</code> method.</p>
188 <dl>
189 <dt><strong><a name="item___"><strong>$_</strong></a></strong>
191 <dd>
192 <p>Although <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a> doesn't actually appear explicitly in the sample filters
193 above, it is implicitly used in a number of places.</p>
194 </dd>
195 <dd>
196 <p>Firstly, when either <code>filter</code> or the anonymous sub are called, a local
197 copy of <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a> will automatically be created. It will always contain the
198 empty string at this point.</p>
199 </dd>
200 <dd>
201 <p>Next, both <code>filter_read</code> and <code>filter_read_exact</code> will append any
202 source data that is read to the end of <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a>.</p>
203 </dd>
204 <dd>
205 <p>Finally, when <code>filter</code> or the anonymous sub are finished processing,
206 they are expected to return the filtered source using <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a>.</p>
207 </dd>
208 <dd>
209 <p>This implicit use of <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a> greatly simplifies the filter.</p>
210 </dd>
211 </li>
212 <dt><strong><a name="item__status"><strong>$status</strong></a></strong>
214 <dd>
215 <p>The status value that is returned by the user's <code>filter</code> method or
216 anonymous sub and the <code>filter_read</code> and <code>read_exact</code> functions take
217 the same set of values, namely:</p>
218 </dd>
219 <dd>
220 <pre>
221 &lt; 0 Error
222 = 0 EOF
223 &gt; 0 OK</pre>
224 </dd>
225 </li>
226 <dt><strong><a name="item_filter_read_and_filter_read_exact"><strong>filter_read</strong> and <strong>filter_read_exact</strong></a></strong>
228 <dd>
229 <p>These functions are used by the filter to obtain either a line or block
230 from the next filter in the chain or the actual source file if there
231 aren't any other filters.</p>
232 </dd>
233 <dd>
234 <p>The function <code>filter_read</code> takes two forms:</p>
235 </dd>
236 <dd>
237 <pre>
238 $status = filter_read() ;
239 $status = filter_read($size) ;</pre>
240 </dd>
241 <dd>
242 <p>The first form is used to request a <em>line</em>, the second requests a
243 <em>block</em>.</p>
244 </dd>
245 <dd>
246 <p>In line mode, <code>filter_read</code> will append the next source line to the
247 end of the <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a> scalar.</p>
248 </dd>
249 <dd>
250 <p>In block mode, <code>filter_read</code> will append a block of data which is &lt;=
251 <code>$size</code> to the end of the <a href="#item___"><code>$_</code></a> scalar. It is important to emphasise
252 the that <code>filter_read</code> will not necessarily read a block which is
253 <em>precisely</em> <code>$size</code> bytes.</p>
254 </dd>
255 <dd>
256 <p>If you need to be able to read a block which has an exact size, you can
257 use the function <code>filter_read_exact</code>. It works identically to
258 <code>filter_read</code> in block mode, except it will try to read a block which
259 is exactly <code>$size</code> bytes in length. The only circumstances when it
260 will not return a block which is <code>$size</code> bytes long is on EOF or
261 error.</p>
262 </dd>
263 <dd>
264 <p>It is <em>very</em> important to check the value of <a href="#item__status"><code>$status</code></a> after <em>every</em>
265 call to <code>filter_read</code> or <code>filter_read_exact</code>.</p>
266 </dd>
267 </li>
268 <dt><strong><a name="item_filter_del"><strong>filter_del</strong></a></strong>
270 <dd>
271 <p>The function, <a href="#item_filter_del"><code>filter_del</code></a>, is used to disable the current filter. It
272 does not affect the running of the filter. All it does is tell Perl not
273 to call filter any more.</p>
274 </dd>
275 <dd>
276 <p>See <a href="#example_4__using_filter_del">Example 4: Using filter_del</a> for details.</p>
277 </dd>
278 </li>
279 </dl>
281 </p>
282 <hr />
283 <h1><a name="examples">EXAMPLES</a></h1>
284 <p>Here are a few examples which illustrate the key concepts - as such
285 most of them are of little practical use.</p>
286 <p>The <code>examples</code> sub-directory has copies of all these filters
287 implemented both as <em>method filters</em> and as <em>closure filters</em>.</p>
289 </p>
290 <h2><a name="example_1__a_simple_filter_">Example 1: A simple filter.</a></h2>
291 <p>Below is a <em>method filter</em> which is hard-wired to replace all
292 occurrences of the string <code>&quot;Joe&quot;</code> to <code>&quot;Jim&quot;</code>. Not particularly
293 Useful, but it is the first example and I wanted to keep it simple.</p>
294 <pre>
295 package Joe2Jim ;</pre>
296 <pre>
297 use Filter::Util::Call ;</pre>
298 <pre>
299 sub import
301 my($type) = @_ ;</pre>
302 <pre>
303 filter_add(bless []) ;
304 }</pre>
305 <pre>
306 sub filter
308 my($self) = @_ ;
309 my($status) ;</pre>
310 <pre>
311 s/Joe/Jim/g
312 if ($status = filter_read()) &gt; 0 ;
313 $status ;
314 }</pre>
315 <pre>
316 1 ;</pre>
317 <p>Here is an example of using the filter:</p>
318 <pre>
319 use Joe2Jim ;
320 print &quot;Where is Joe?\n&quot; ;</pre>
321 <p>And this is what the script above will print:</p>
322 <pre>
323 Where is Jim?</pre>
325 </p>
326 <h2><a name="example_2__using_the_context">Example 2: Using the context</a></h2>
327 <p>The previous example was not particularly useful. To make it more
328 general purpose we will make use of the context data and allow any
329 arbitrary <em>from</em> and <em>to</em> strings to be used. This time we will use a
330 <em>closure filter</em>. To reflect its enhanced role, the filter is called
331 <code>Subst</code>.</p>
332 <pre>
333 package Subst ;</pre>
334 <pre>
335 use Filter::Util::Call ;
336 use Carp ;</pre>
337 <pre>
338 sub import
340 croak(&quot;usage: use Subst qw(from to)&quot;)
341 unless @_ == 3 ;
342 my ($self, $from, $to) = @_ ;
343 filter_add(
344 sub
346 my ($status) ;
347 s/$from/$to/
348 if ($status = filter_read()) &gt; 0 ;
349 $status ;
352 1 ;</pre>
353 <p>and is used like this:</p>
354 <pre>
355 use Subst qw(Joe Jim) ;
356 print &quot;Where is Joe?\n&quot; ;</pre>
358 </p>
359 <h2><a name="example_3__using_the_context_within_the_filter">Example 3: Using the context within the filter</a></h2>
360 <p>Here is a filter which a variation of the <code>Joe2Jim</code> filter. As well as
361 substituting all occurrences of <code>&quot;Joe&quot;</code> to <code>&quot;Jim&quot;</code> it keeps a count
362 of the number of substitutions made in the context object.</p>
363 <p>Once EOF is detected (<a href="#item__status"><code>$status</code></a> is zero) the filter will insert an
364 extra line into the source stream. When this extra line is executed it
365 will print a count of the number of substitutions actually made.
366 Note that <a href="#item__status"><code>$status</code></a> is set to <code>1</code> in this case.</p>
367 <pre>
368 package Count ;</pre>
369 <pre>
370 use Filter::Util::Call ;</pre>
371 <pre>
372 sub filter
374 my ($self) = @_ ;
375 my ($status) ;</pre>
376 <pre>
377 if (($status = filter_read()) &gt; 0 ) {
378 s/Joe/Jim/g ;
379 ++ $$self ;
381 elsif ($$self &gt;= 0) { # EOF
382 $_ = &quot;print q[Made ${$self} substitutions\n]&quot; ;
383 $status = 1 ;
384 $$self = -1 ;
385 }</pre>
386 <pre>
387 $status ;
388 }</pre>
389 <pre>
390 sub import
392 my ($self) = @_ ;
393 my ($count) = 0 ;
394 filter_add(\$count) ;
395 }</pre>
396 <pre>
397 1 ;</pre>
398 <p>Here is a script which uses it:</p>
399 <pre>
400 use Count ;
401 print &quot;Hello Joe\n&quot; ;
402 print &quot;Where is Joe\n&quot; ;</pre>
403 <p>Outputs:</p>
404 <pre>
405 Hello Jim
406 Where is Jim
407 Made 2 substitutions</pre>
409 </p>
410 <h2><a name="example_4__using_filter_del">Example 4: Using filter_del</a></h2>
411 <p>Another variation on a theme. This time we will modify the <code>Subst</code>
412 filter to allow a starting and stopping pattern to be specified as well
413 as the <em>from</em> and <em>to</em> patterns. If you know the <em>vi</em> editor, it is
414 the equivalent of this command:</p>
415 <pre>
416 :/start/,/stop/s/from/to/</pre>
417 <p>When used as a filter we want to invoke it like this:</p>
418 <pre>
419 use NewSubst qw(start stop from to) ;</pre>
420 <p>Here is the module.</p>
421 <pre>
422 package NewSubst ;</pre>
423 <pre>
424 use Filter::Util::Call ;
425 use Carp ;</pre>
426 <pre>
427 sub import
429 my ($self, $start, $stop, $from, $to) = @_ ;
430 my ($found) = 0 ;
431 croak(&quot;usage: use Subst qw(start stop from to)&quot;)
432 unless @_ == 5 ;</pre>
433 <pre>
434 filter_add(
435 sub
437 my ($status) ;</pre>
438 <pre>
439 if (($status = filter_read()) &gt; 0) {</pre>
440 <pre>
441 $found = 1
442 if $found == 0 and /$start/ ;</pre>
443 <pre>
444 if ($found) {
445 s/$from/$to/ ;
446 filter_del() if /$stop/ ;
447 }</pre>
448 <pre>
450 $status ;
451 } )</pre>
452 <pre>
453 }</pre>
454 <pre>
455 1 ;</pre>
457 </p>
458 <hr />
459 <h1><a name="filter__simple">Filter::Simple</a></h1>
460 <p>If you intend using the Filter::Call functionality, I would strongly
461 recommend that you check out Damian Conway's excellent Filter::Simple
462 module. Damian's module provides a much cleaner interface than
463 Filter::Util::Call. Although it doesn't allow the fine control that
464 Filter::Util::Call does, it should be adequate for the majority of
465 applications. It's available at</p>
466 <pre>
467 <a href=""></a>
468 <a href=""></a></pre>
470 </p>
471 <hr />
472 <h1><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h1>
473 <p>Paul Marquess</p>
475 </p>
476 <hr />
477 <h1><a name="date">DATE</a></h1>
478 <p>26th January 1996</p>
479 <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
480 <tr><td class="block" style="background-color: #cccccc" valign="middle">
481 <big><strong><span class="block">&nbsp;Filter::Util::Call - Perl Source Filter Utility Module</span></strong></big>
482 </td></tr>
483 </table>
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