descriptionD2DMP to D2DF map converter
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last changeSat, 1 May 2021 22:03:47 +0000 (2 01:03 +0300)
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mp2df - Doom 2D Multiplayer to Doom 2D Forever map converter.
Created by SovietPony 25/04/2020, licenced under GPLv3-only.
You may found latest sources at

How to use:
1. copy `data` directory form D2DMP to mp2df.exe location
2. call `mp2df.exe data/maps/YOURMAP.dlv MAP01`
3. call `mp2df.exe -l data/maps/YOURMAP.dlv`
4. pack MAP01 and files listed on step 3 to zip file
5. change .zip extension to .dfz
6. now you can open your dfz in editor or game
2021-05-01 DeaDDooMERfix float parsingmaster
2020-04-28 DeaDDooMERdo not write empty blocks
2020-04-26 DeaDDooMERupdate readme
2020-04-26 DeaDDooMERtypo fix
2020-04-26 DeaDDooMERfix access violation on empty argument
2020-04-26 DeaDDooMERtypo fixes
2020-04-26 DeaDDooMERfirst public version
2 years ago master