stub out the Projection classes as well as duplicating the disgusting hack used for...
[moon.git] / src / dependencyproperty.g.cpp
1 /*
2 * Automatically generated, do not edit this file directly
3 */
6 #include <config.h>
8 #include "animation.h"
9 #include "application.h"
10 #include "bitmapcache.h"
11 #include "bitmapimage.h"
12 #include "bitmapsource.h"
13 #include "border.h"
14 #include "brush.h"
15 #include "canvas.h"
16 #include "collection.h"
17 #include "color.h"
18 #include "contentcontrol.h"
19 #include "control.h"
20 #include "deepzoomimagetilesource.h"
21 #include "dependencyobject.h"
22 #include "dependencyproperty.h"
23 #include "deployment.h"
24 #include "downloader.h"
25 #include "easing.h"
26 #include "effect.h"
27 #include "frameworkelement.h"
28 #include "geometry.h"
29 #include "glyphs.h"
30 #include "grid.h"
31 #include "layoutinformation.h"
32 #include "managedtypeinfo.h"
33 #include "media.h"
34 #include "mediaelement.h"
35 #include "multiscaleimage.h"
36 #include "multiscalesubimage.h"
37 #include "namescope.h"
38 #include "panel.h"
39 #include "plugin-accessibility.h"
40 #include "popup.h"
41 #include "projection.h"
42 #include "provider.h"
43 #include "resources.h"
44 #include "shape.h"
45 #include "style.h"
46 #include "stylus.h"
47 #include "template.h"
48 #include "textblock.h"
49 #include "textbox.h"
50 #include "textoptions.h"
51 #include "tilesource.h"
52 #include "timeline.h"
53 #include "transform.h"
54 #include "trigger.h"
55 #include "uielement.h"
56 #include "usercontrol.h"
57 #include "validators.h"
59 void
60 Types::RegisterNativeProperties ()
62 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::VISUALBRUSH, "Visual", false, Type::UIELEMENT);
63 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::VIDEOBRUSH, "SourceName", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
64 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::IMAGEBRUSH, "ImageSource", false, Type::IMAGESOURCE);
65 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::IMAGEBRUSH, "DownloadProgress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
66 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RADIALGRADIENTBRUSH, "RadiusY", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
67 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RADIALGRADIENTBRUSH, "RadiusX", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
68 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RADIALGRADIENTBRUSH, "GradientOrigin", false, new Value (Point (0.5, 0.5)), Type::POINT);
69 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RADIALGRADIENTBRUSH, "Center", false, new Value (Point (0.5, 0.5)), Type::POINT);
70 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINEARGRADIENTBRUSH, "StartPoint", false, Type::POINT);
71 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINEARGRADIENTBRUSH, "EndPoint", false, new Value (Point(1,1)), Type::POINT);
72 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SOLIDCOLORBRUSH, "Color", false, new Value (Color (0x00000000)), Type::COLOR);
73 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TILEBRUSH, "Stretch", false, new Value (StretchFill), Type::INT32);
74 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TILEBRUSH, "AlignmentY", false, new Value (AlignmentYCenter), Type::INT32);
75 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TILEBRUSH, "AlignmentX", false, new Value (AlignmentXCenter), Type::INT32);
76 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRADIENTBRUSH, "SpreadMethod", false, new Value (GradientSpreadMethodPad), Type::INT32);
77 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRADIENTBRUSH, "MappingMode", false, new Value (BrushMappingModeRelativeToBoundingBox), Type::INT32);
78 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRADIENTBRUSH, "GradientStops", false, NULL, Type::GRADIENTSTOP_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
79 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRADIENTBRUSH, "ColorInterpolationMode", false, new Value (ColorInterpolationModeSRgbLinearInterpolation), Type::INT32);
80 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::INKPRESENTER, "Strokes", false, NULL, Type::STROKE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
81 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BRUSH, "Transform", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new MatrixTransform ()), Type::TRANSFORM);
82 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BRUSH, "RelativeTransform", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new MatrixTransform ()), Type::TRANSFORM);
83 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BRUSH, "Opacity", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
84 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BRUSH, "Changed", false, Type::BOOL);
85 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RECTANGLE, "RadiusY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
86 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RECTANGLE, "RadiusX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
87 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POLYLINE, "Points", false, NULL, Type::POINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
88 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POLYLINE, "FillRule", false, new Value (FillRuleEvenOdd), Type::INT32);
89 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POLYGON, "Points", false, NULL, Type::POINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
90 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POLYGON, "FillRule", false, new Value (FillRuleEvenOdd), Type::INT32);
91 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PATH, "Data", false, Type::GEOMETRY);
92 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINE, "Y2", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
93 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINE, "Y1", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
94 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINE, "X2", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
95 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINE, "X1", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
96 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "ViewportWidth", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
97 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "ViewportOrigin", false, new Value (Point(0,0)), Type::POINT, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
98 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "UseSprings", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
99 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "TileFade", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
100 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "SubImages", false, NULL, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE_COLLECTION, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
101 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "Source", false, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE);
102 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "IsIdle", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
103 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "IsDownloading", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
104 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "InternalViewportWidth", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
105 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "InternalViewportOrigin", false, new Value (Point(0,0)), Type::POINT);
106 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "BlurFactor", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
107 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "AspectRatio", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
108 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALEIMAGE, "AllowDownloading", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
109 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::IMAGE, "Source", false, NULL, Type::IMAGESOURCE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, Image::CreateDefaultImageSource, false);
110 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::USERCONTROL, "Content", false, Type::UIELEMENT);
111 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTENTCONTROL, "ContentTemplate", false, Type::DATATEMPLATE);
112 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CONTENTCONTROL, "Content", false, NULL, Type::OBJECT, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::ContentControlContentValidator, NULL, false);
113 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRID, "ShowGridLines", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
114 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "RowSpan", false, new Value (1), Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
115 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "Row", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
116 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "RowDefinitions", false, NULL, Type::ROWDEFINITION_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
117 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "ColumnSpan", false, new Value (1), Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
118 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "Column", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
119 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GRID, "ColumnDefinitions", false, NULL, Type::COLUMNDEFINITION_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
120 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CANVAS, "ZIndex", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
121 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CANVAS, "Top", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
122 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CANVAS, "Left", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
123 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "TextWrapping", false, new Value (TextWrappingNoWrap), Type::INT32);
124 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "Text", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
125 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "TextDecorations", false, new Value (TextDecorationsNone), Type::INT32);
126 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "TextAlignment", false, new Value (TextAlignmentLeft), Type::INT32);
127 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "Padding", false, new Value (Thickness (0)), Type::THICKNESS);
128 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "LineStackingStrategy", false, new Value (LineStackingStrategyMaxHeight), Type::INT32);
129 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "LineHeight", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
130 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "Inlines", false, NULL, Type::INLINE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
131 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "Foreground", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new SolidColorBrush("black")), Type::BRUSH);
132 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontWeight", false, new Value (FontWeight(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_WEIGHT)), Type::FONTWEIGHT);
133 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontStyle", false, new Value (FontStyle(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_STYLE)), Type::FONTSTYLE);
134 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontStretch", false, new Value (FontStretch(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_STRETCH)), Type::FONTSTRETCH);
135 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontSource", false, Type::FONTSOURCE);
136 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontSize", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::CreateDefaultFontSize, false);
137 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBLOCK, "FontFamily", false, new Value (FontFamily(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_FAMILY)), Type::FONTFAMILY);
138 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POPUP, "VerticalOffset", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
139 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POPUP, "IsOpen", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
140 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POPUP, "HorizontalOffset", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
141 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POPUP, "Child", false, NULL, Type::UIELEMENT, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::ContentControlContentValidator, NULL, false);
142 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Volume", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::VolumeValidator, NULL, false);
143 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Stretch", false, new Value (StretchUniform), Type::INT32);
144 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Source", false, NULL, Type::URI, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
145 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "RenderedFramesPerSecond", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
146 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Position", false, NULL, Type::TIMESPAN, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
147 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "NaturalVideoWidth", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, true, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
148 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "NaturalVideoHeight", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, true, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
149 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "NaturalDuration", false, new Value (Duration::FromSeconds (0)), Type::DURATION, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
150 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Markers", false, NULL, Type::TIMELINEMARKER_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
151 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "IsMuted", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
152 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "DroppedFramesPerSecond", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
153 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "DownloadProgress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
154 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "DownloadProgressOffset", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
155 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "CurrentState", false, new Value (MediaStateClosed), Type::INT32, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
156 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "CanSeek", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
157 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "CanPause", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
158 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "BufferingTime", false, NULL, Type::TIMESPAN, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::BufferingTimeValidator, NULL, false);
159 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "BufferingProgress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
160 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Balance", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::BalanceValidator, NULL, false);
161 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "AutoPlay", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
162 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "AudioStreamIndex", false, NULL, Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::AudioStreamIndexValidator, NULL, true);
163 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "AudioStreamCount", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
164 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIAELEMENT, "Attributes", false, NULL, Type::MEDIAATTRIBUTE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::MediaAttributeCollectionValidator, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
165 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeThickness", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
166 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeStartLineCap", false, new Value (PenLineCapFlat), Type::INT32);
167 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "Stroke", false, Type::BRUSH);
168 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeMiterLimit", false, new Value (10.0), Type::DOUBLE);
169 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeLineJoin", false, new Value (PenLineJoinMiter), Type::INT32);
170 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeEndLineCap", false, new Value (PenLineCapFlat), Type::INT32);
171 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeDashOffset", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
172 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeDashCap", false, new Value (PenLineCapFlat), Type::INT32);
173 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "StrokeDashArray", false, Type::DOUBLE_COLLECTION);
174 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SHAPE, "Stretch", false, NULL, Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, Shape::CreateDefaultStretch, false);
175 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHAPE, "Fill", false, Type::BRUSH);
176 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIABASE, "Stretch", false, new Value (StretchUniform), Type::INT32);
177 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MEDIABASE, "Source", false, NULL, Type::STRING, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
178 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIABASE, "DownloadProgress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
179 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GLYPHS, "UnicodeString", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
180 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GLYPHS, "StyleSimulations", false, new Value (StyleSimulationsNone), Type::INT32);
181 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GLYPHS, "OriginY", false, new Value (-HUGE), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::FloatValidator, NULL, false);
182 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GLYPHS, "OriginX", false, new Value (-HUGE), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::FloatValidator, NULL, false);
183 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GLYPHS, "Indices", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
184 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GLYPHS, "FontUri", false, new Value (Uri()), Type::URI, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
185 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GLYPHS, "FontRenderingEmSize", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
186 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GLYPHS, "Fill", false, Type::BRUSH);
187 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "VerticalContentAlignment", false, new Value (VerticalAlignmentCenter), Type::INT32);
188 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CONTROL, "Template", false, NULL, Type::CONTROLTEMPLATE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::TemplateValidator, NULL, false);
189 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "TabNavigation", false, new Value (KeyboardNavigationModeLocal), Type::INT32);
190 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "TabIndex", false, new Value (INT_MAX), Type::INT32);
191 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "Padding", false, new Value (Thickness(0.0)), Type::THICKNESS);
192 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CONTROL, "IsTemplateItem", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
193 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "IsTabStop", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
194 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "IsEnabled", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
195 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "HorizontalContentAlignment", false, new Value (HorizontalAlignmentCenter), Type::INT32);
196 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "Foreground", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new SolidColorBrush("black")), Type::BRUSH);
197 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "FontWeight", false, new Value (FontWeight(CONTROL_FONT_WEIGHT)), Type::FONTWEIGHT);
198 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "FontStyle", false, new Value (FontStyle(CONTROL_FONT_STYLE)), Type::FONTSTYLE);
199 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "FontStretch", false, new Value (FontStretch(CONTROL_FONT_STRETCH)), Type::FONTSTRETCH);
200 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::CONTROL, "FontSize", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::CreateDefaultFontSize, false);
201 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "FontFamily", false, new Value (FontFamily(CONTROL_FONT_FAMILY)), Type::FONTFAMILY);
202 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "DefaultStyleKey", false, Type::MANAGEDTYPEINFO);
203 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "BorderThickness", false, new Value (Thickness(0.0)), Type::THICKNESS);
204 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "BorderBrush", false, Type::BRUSH);
205 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROL, "Background", false, Type::BRUSH);
206 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PANEL, "Children", false, NULL, Type::UIELEMENT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
207 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PANEL, "Background", false, Type::BRUSH);
208 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BORDER, "Padding", false, new Value (Thickness(0)), Type::THICKNESS, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::BorderThicknessValidator, NULL, false);
209 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BORDER, "CornerRadius", false, new Value (CornerRadius(0)), Type::CORNERRADIUS, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::CornerRadiusValidator, NULL, false);
210 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BORDER, "Child", false, Type::UIELEMENT);
211 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BORDER, "BorderThickness", false, new Value (Thickness(0)), Type::THICKNESS, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::BorderThicknessValidator, NULL, false);
212 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BORDER, "BorderBrush", false, Type::BRUSH);
213 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BORDER, "Background", false, Type::BRUSH);
214 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TIMELINEGROUP, "Children", false, NULL, Type::TIMELINE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
215 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SETTER, "Value", false, NULL, Type::OBJECT, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::IsSetterSealedValidator, NULL, false);
216 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SETTER, "Property", false, NULL, Type::DEPENDENCYPROPERTY, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::IsSetterSealedValidator, NULL, false);
217 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SETTER, "ConvertedValue", false, Type::OBJECT);
218 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RUN, "Text", false, Type::STRING);
219 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RECTANGLEGEOMETRY, "Rect", false, Type::RECT);
220 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RECTANGLEGEOMETRY, "RadiusY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
221 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::RECTANGLEGEOMETRY, "RadiusX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
222 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PATHGEOMETRY, "FillRule", false, new Value (FillRuleEvenOdd), Type::INT32);
223 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PATHGEOMETRY, "Figures", false, NULL, Type::PATHFIGURE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
224 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINEGEOMETRY, "StartPoint", false, Type::POINT);
225 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINEGEOMETRY, "EndPoint", false, Type::POINT);
226 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GEOMETRYGROUP, "FillRule", false, new Value (FillRuleEvenOdd), Type::INT32);
227 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::GEOMETRYGROUP, "Children", false, NULL, Type::GEOMETRY_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
228 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ELLIPSEGEOMETRY, "RadiusY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
229 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ELLIPSEGEOMETRY, "RadiusX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
230 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ELLIPSEGEOMETRY, "Center", false, Type::POINT);
231 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEEPZOOMIMAGETILESOURCE, "UriSource", false, Type::URI);
232 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::RESOURCE_DICTIONARY, "MergedDictionaries", false, NULL, Type::RESOURCE_DICTIONARY_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
233 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "Width", false, new Value (NAN), Type::DOUBLE);
234 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "VerticalAlignment", false, new Value (VerticalAlignmentStretch), Type::INT32);
235 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "Style", false, NULL, Type::STYLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::StyleValidator, NULL, false);
236 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "MinWidth", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
237 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "MinHeight", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
238 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "MaxWidth", false, new Value (INFINITY), Type::DOUBLE);
239 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "MaxHeight", false, new Value (INFINITY), Type::DOUBLE);
240 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "Margin", false, new Value (Thickness (0)), Type::THICKNESS);
241 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "Language", false, new Value ("en-US"), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
242 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "HorizontalAlignment", false, new Value (HorizontalAlignmentStretch), Type::INT32);
243 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "Height", false, new Value (NAN), Type::DOUBLE);
244 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "DataContext", false, Type::OBJECT);
245 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "ActualWidth", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
246 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::FRAMEWORKELEMENT, "ActualHeight", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
247 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POWEREASE, "Power", false, new Value (2.0), Type::DOUBLE);
248 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EXPONENTIALEASE, "Exponent", false, new Value (2.0), Type::DOUBLE);
249 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ELASTICEASE, "Springiness", false, new Value (3.0), Type::DOUBLE);
250 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ELASTICEASE, "Oscillations", false, new Value (3), Type::INT32);
251 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BOUNCEEASE, "Bounciness", false, new Value (2.0), Type::DOUBLE);
252 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BOUNCEEASE, "Bounces", false, new Value (3), Type::INT32);
253 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BACKEASE, "Amplitude", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
254 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SPLINEPOINTKEYFRAME, "KeySpline", false, NULL, Type::KEYSPLINE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
255 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EASINGPOINTKEYFRAME, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
256 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTANIMATIONUSINGKEYFRAMES, "KeyFrames", false, NULL, Type::POINTKEYFRAME_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
257 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SPLINEDOUBLEKEYFRAME, "KeySpline", false, NULL, Type::KEYSPLINE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
258 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EASINGDOUBLEKEYFRAME, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
259 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEANIMATIONUSINGKEYFRAMES, "KeyFrames", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLEKEYFRAME_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
260 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::WINDOWSETTINGS, "Width", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
261 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::WINDOWSETTINGS, "Title", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
262 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::WINDOWSETTINGS, "Height", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
263 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINEMARKER, "Type", false, Type::STRING);
264 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINEMARKER, "Time", false, Type::TIMESPAN);
265 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINEMARKER, "Text", false, Type::STRING);
266 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINE, "SpeedRatio", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
267 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINE, "RepeatBehavior", false, new Value (RepeatBehavior ((double) 1)), Type::REPEATBEHAVIOR);
268 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINE, "FillBehavior", false, new Value (FillBehaviorHoldEnd), Type::INT32);
269 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINE, "Duration", false, new Value (Duration::Automatic), Type::DURATION);
270 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TIMELINE, "BeginTime", false, new Value ((gint64) 0, Type::TIMESPAN), Type::TIMESPAN, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
271 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TIMELINE, "AutoReverse", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
272 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLUSPOINT, "Y", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
273 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLUSPOINT, "X", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
274 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLUSPOINT, "PressureFactor", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
275 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLUSINFO, "IsInverted", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
276 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLUSINFO, "DeviceType", false, new Value (TabletDeviceTypeMouse), Type::INT32);
277 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLE, "TargetType", false, Type::MANAGEDTYPEINFO);
278 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::STYLE, "Setters", false, NULL, Type::SETTERBASE_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
279 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::STYLE, "IsSealed", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
280 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::STROKE, "StylusPoints", false, NULL, Type::STYLUSPOINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
281 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::STROKE, "DrawingAttributes", false, NULL, Type::DRAWINGATTRIBUTES, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
282 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SETTERBASE, "IsSealed", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
283 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROWDEFINITION, "MinHeight", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
284 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROWDEFINITION, "MaxHeight", false, new Value (INFINITY), Type::DOUBLE);
285 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROWDEFINITION, "Height", false, new Value (GridLength (1.0, GridUnitTypeStar)), Type::GRIDLENGTH);
286 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROWDEFINITION, "ActualHeight", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
287 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PIXELSHADER, "UriSource", false, Type::URI);
288 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PATHFIGURE, "StartPoint", false, Type::POINT);
289 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PATHFIGURE, "Segments", false, NULL, Type::PATHSEGMENT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
290 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PATHFIGURE, "IsFilled", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
291 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PATHFIGURE, "IsClosed", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
292 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "WindowSettings", false, Type::WINDOWSETTINGS);
293 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "ShowInstallMenuItem", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
294 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "ShortName", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
295 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "Icons", false, Type::ICON_COLLECTION);
296 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "EnableGPUAcceleration", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
297 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS, "Blurb", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
298 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::NAMESCOPE, "NameScope", false, NULL, Type::NAMESCOPE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
299 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE, "ZIndex", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32);
300 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE, "ViewportWidth", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
301 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE, "ViewportOrigin", false, new Value (Point(0,0)), Type::POINT);
302 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE, "Opacity", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
303 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::MULTISCALESUBIMAGE, "AspectRatio", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
304 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MEDIAATTRIBUTE, "Value", false, Type::STRING);
305 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "OffsetZ", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
306 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "OffsetY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
307 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "OffsetX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
308 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M44", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
309 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M34", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
310 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M33", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
311 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M32", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
312 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M31", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
313 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M24", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
314 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M23", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
315 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M22", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
316 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M21", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
317 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M14", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
318 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M13", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
319 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M12", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
320 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3D, "M11", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
321 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "OffsetY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
322 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "OffsetX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
323 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "M22", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
324 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "M21", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
325 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "M12", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
326 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX, "M11", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
327 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::KEYSPLINE, "ControlPoint2", false, new Value (Point (1.0, 1.0)), Type::POINT);
328 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::KEYSPLINE, "ControlPoint1", false, new Value (Point (0,0)), Type::POINT);
329 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::INPUTMETHOD, "IsInputMethodEnabled", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::IsInputMethodEnabledValidator, NULL, false);
330 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "TextDecorations", false, new Value (TextDecorationsNone), Type::INT32);
331 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::INLINE, "Language", false, new Value ("en-US"), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
332 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "Foreground", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new SolidColorBrush("black")), Type::BRUSH);
333 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "FontWeight", false, new Value (FontWeight(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_WEIGHT)), Type::FONTWEIGHT);
334 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "FontStyle", false, new Value (FontStyle(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_STYLE)), Type::FONTSTYLE);
335 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "FontStretch", false, new Value (FontStretch(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_STRETCH)), Type::FONTSTRETCH);
336 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "FontSource", false, Type::FONTSOURCE);
337 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::INLINE, "FontSize", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::CreateDefaultFontSize, false);
338 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::INLINE, "FontFamily", false, new Value (FontFamily(TEXTBLOCK_FONT_FAMILY)), Type::FONTFAMILY);
339 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ICON, "Source", false, Type::URI);
340 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ICON, "Size", false, Type::SIZE);
341 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRADIENTSTOP, "Offset", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
342 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GRADIENTSTOP, "Color", false, new Value (Color (0x00000000)), Type::COLOR);
343 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::GEOMETRY, "Transform", false, Type::TRANSFORM);
344 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DRAWINGATTRIBUTES, "Width", false, new Value (3.0), Type::DOUBLE);
345 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DRAWINGATTRIBUTES, "OutlineColor", false, new Value (Color (0x00000000)), Type::COLOR);
346 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DRAWINGATTRIBUTES, "Height", false, new Value (3.0), Type::DOUBLE);
347 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DRAWINGATTRIBUTES, "Color", false, new Value (Color (0xFF000000)), Type::COLOR);
348 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOWNLOADER, "Uri", false, Type::URI);
349 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOWNLOADER, "StatusText", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
350 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOWNLOADER, "Status", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32);
351 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOWNLOADER, "ResponseText", false, Type::STRING);
352 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOWNLOADER, "DownloadProgress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
353 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "RuntimeVersion", false, Type::STRING);
354 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "Parts", false, Type::ASSEMBLYPART_COLLECTION);
355 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "OutOfBrowserSettings", false, Type::OUTOFBROWSERSETTINGS);
356 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "ExternalParts", false, NULL, Type::EXTERNALPART_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
357 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "ExternalCallersFromCrossDomain", false, new Value (CrossDomainAccessNoAccess), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::CrossDomainValidator, NULL, false);
358 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "EntryPointType", false, Type::STRING);
359 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DEPLOYMENT, "EntryPointAssembly", false, Type::STRING);
360 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "TileWidth", false, Type::INT32);
361 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "TileOverlap", false, Type::INT32);
362 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "TileHeight", false, Type::INT32);
363 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "TileBlendTime", false, new Value ((gint64) TimeSpan_FromSecondsFloat (0.5),Type::TIMESPAN), Type::TIMESPAN);
364 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "ImageWidth", false, Type::DOUBLE);
365 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MULTISCALETILESOURCE, "ImageHeight", false, Type::DOUBLE);
366 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLUMNDEFINITION, "Width", false, new Value (GridLength (1.0, GridUnitTypeStar)), Type::GRIDLENGTH);
367 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLUMNDEFINITION, "MinWidth", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
368 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLUMNDEFINITION, "MaxWidth", false, new Value (INFINITY), Type::DOUBLE);
369 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLUMNDEFINITION, "ActualWidth", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
370 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLLECTION, "Count", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32);
371 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Visibility", false, new Value (VisibilityVisible), Type::INT32);
372 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "UseLayoutRounding", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
373 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Triggers", false, NULL, Type::TRIGGER_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
374 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Tag", true, Type::OBJECT);
375 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Resources", false, NULL, Type::RESOURCE_DICTIONARY, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
376 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "RenderTransform", false, Type::TRANSFORM);
377 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "RenderTransformOrigin", false, new Value (Point (0,0)), Type::POINT);
378 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Projection", false, Type::PROJECTION);
379 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Opacity", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
380 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "OpacityMask", false, Type::BRUSH);
381 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "IsHitTestVisible", false, new Value (true), Type::BOOL);
382 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Effect", false, Type::EFFECT);
383 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Cursor", false, new Value (MouseCursorDefault), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::CursorValidator, NULL, false);
384 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "Clip", false, Type::GEOMETRY);
385 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::UIELEMENT, "CacheMode", false, Type::CACHEMODE);
386 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE, "EasingMode", false, new Value (EasingModeOut), Type::INT32);
387 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ASSEMBLYPART, "Source", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
388 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::APPLICATION, "Resources", false, NULL, Type::RESOURCE_DICTIONARY, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
389 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ACCESSIBILITY, "Title", false, new Value ("Silverlight Content"), Type::STRING);
390 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ACCESSIBILITY, "Description", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
391 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ACCESSIBILITY, "ActionDescription", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
392 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::SPLINECOLORKEYFRAME, "KeySpline", false, NULL, Type::KEYSPLINE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
393 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EASINGCOLORKEYFRAME, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
394 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORANIMATIONUSINGKEYFRAMES, "KeyFrames", false, NULL, Type::COLORKEYFRAME_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
395 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BITMAPIMAGE, "UriSource", false, new Value (Uri()), Type::URI, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
396 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BITMAPIMAGE, "Progress", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
397 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TRANSLATETRANSFORM, "Y", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
398 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TRANSLATETRANSFORM, "X", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
399 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TRANSFORMGROUP, "Children", false, NULL, Type::TRANSFORM_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
400 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTOPTIONS, "TextHintingMode", false, NULL, Type::INT32, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
401 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "VerticalScrollBarVisibility", false, new Value (ScrollBarVisibilityHidden), Type::INT32);
402 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "TextWrapping", false, new Value (TextWrappingNoWrap), Type::INT32);
403 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "Text", false, Type::STRING);
404 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "TextAlignment", false, new Value (TextAlignmentLeft), Type::INT32);
405 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "SelectionStart", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, true, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
406 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "SelectionLength", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, true, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
407 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "SelectionForeground", false, Type::BRUSH);
408 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "SelectionBackground", false, Type::BRUSH);
409 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "SelectedText", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
410 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "MaxLength", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
411 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "IsReadOnly", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
412 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "HorizontalScrollBarVisibility", false, new Value (ScrollBarVisibilityHidden), Type::INT32);
413 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "FontSource", false, Type::FONTSOURCE);
414 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "CaretBrush", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new SolidColorBrush("black")), Type::BRUSH);
415 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::TEXTBOX, "AcceptsReturn", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
416 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::STORYBOARD, "TargetProperty", false, NULL, Type::PROPERTYPATH, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::StoryboardTargetPropertyValidator, NULL, false);
417 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::STORYBOARD, "TargetName", false, NULL, Type::STRING, true, false, false, NULL, Validators::IsTimelineValidator, NULL, false);
418 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SKEWTRANSFORM, "CenterY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
419 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SKEWTRANSFORM, "CenterX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
420 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SKEWTRANSFORM, "AngleY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
421 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SKEWTRANSFORM, "AngleX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
422 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "PixelShader", false, Type::PIXELSHADER);
423 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "PaddingTop", false, Type::DOUBLE);
424 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "PaddingRight", false, Type::DOUBLE);
425 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "PaddingLeft", false, Type::DOUBLE);
426 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "PaddingBottom", false, Type::DOUBLE);
427 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SHADEREFFECT, "DdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndex", false, Type::INT32);
428 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SETTERBASE_COLLECTION, "IsSealed", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
429 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SCALETRANSFORM, "ScaleY", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
430 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SCALETRANSFORM, "ScaleX", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
431 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SCALETRANSFORM, "CenterY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
432 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::SCALETRANSFORM, "CenterX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
433 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROTATETRANSFORM, "CenterY", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
434 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROTATETRANSFORM, "CenterX", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
435 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ROTATETRANSFORM, "Angle", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
436 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::QUADRATICBEZIERSEGMENT, "Point2", false, Type::POINT);
437 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::QUADRATICBEZIERSEGMENT, "Point1", false, Type::POINT);
438 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POLYQUADRATICBEZIERSEGMENT, "Points", false, NULL, Type::POINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
439 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POLYLINESEGMENT, "Points", false, NULL, Type::POINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
440 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POLYBEZIERSEGMENT, "Points", false, NULL, Type::POINT_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
441 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTKEYFRAME, "Value", false, NULL, Type::POINT, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
442 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTKEYFRAME, "KeyTime", false, NULL, Type::KEYTIME, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
443 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTANIMATION, "To", false, NULL, Type::POINT, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
444 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTANIMATION, "From", false, NULL, Type::POINT, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
445 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::POINTANIMATION, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
446 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::POINTANIMATION, "By", false, NULL, Type::POINT, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
447 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "RotationZ", false, Type::DOUBLE);
448 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "RotationY", false, Type::DOUBLE);
449 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "RotationX", false, Type::DOUBLE);
450 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "ProjectionMatrix", false, Type::MATRIX3D);
451 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "LocalOffsetZ", false, Type::DOUBLE);
452 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "LocalOffsetY", false, Type::DOUBLE);
453 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "LocalOffsetX", false, Type::DOUBLE);
454 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "GlobalOffsetZ", false, Type::DOUBLE);
455 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "GlobalOffsetY", false, Type::DOUBLE);
456 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "GlobalOffsetX", false, Type::DOUBLE);
457 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "CenterOfRotationZ", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
458 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "CenterOfRotationY", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
459 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PLANEPROJECTION, "CenterOfRotationX", false, new Value (0.5), Type::DOUBLE);
460 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "SelectionStart", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
461 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "SelectionLength", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
462 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "SelectionForeground", false, Type::BRUSH);
463 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "SelectionBackground", false, Type::BRUSH);
464 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "SelectedText", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING);
465 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "Password", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, true, NULL, Validators::NonNullValidator, NULL, false);
466 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "PasswordChar", false, new Value ((gunichar) 9679, Type::CHAR), Type::CHAR);
467 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "MaxLength", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::PositiveIntValidator, NULL, false);
468 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "FontSource", false, Type::FONTSOURCE);
469 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::PASSWORDBOX, "CaretBrush", false, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (new SolidColorBrush("black")), Type::BRUSH);
470 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OBJECTKEYFRAME, "Value", false, Type::OBJECT);
471 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::OBJECTKEYFRAME, "KeyTime", false, NULL, Type::KEYTIME, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
472 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::OBJECTKEYFRAME, "ConvertedValue", false, Type::OBJECT);
473 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::OBJECTANIMATIONUSINGKEYFRAMES, "KeyFrames", false, NULL, Type::OBJECTKEYFRAME_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
474 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIXTRANSFORM, "Matrix", false, Type::MATRIX);
475 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::MATRIX3DPROJECTION, "ProjectionMatrix", false, Type::MATRIX3D);
476 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::LINESEGMENT, "Point", false, Type::POINT);
477 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "VisualOffset", false, NULL, Type::POINT, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
478 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "PreviousConstraint", false, NULL, Type::SIZE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
479 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "LayoutSlot", false, NULL, Type::RECT, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
480 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "LayoutClip", false, NULL, Type::GEOMETRY, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
481 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "LastRenderSize", false, NULL, Type::SIZE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
482 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::LAYOUTINFORMATION, "FinalRect", false, NULL, Type::SIZE, true, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
483 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::EXTENSIONPART, "Source", false, new Value (Uri()), Type::URI, false, false, true, NULL, NULL, NULL, false);
484 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::EVENTTRIGGER, "RoutedEvent", false, Type::STRING);
485 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::EVENTTRIGGER, "Actions", false, NULL, Type::TRIGGERACTION_COLLECTION, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, AutoCreators::default_autocreator, false);
486 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DROPSHADOWEFFECT, "ShadowDepth", false, new Value (5), Type::DOUBLE);
487 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DROPSHADOWEFFECT, "Opacity", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE);
488 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DROPSHADOWEFFECT, "Direction", false, new Value (315), Type::DOUBLE);
489 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DROPSHADOWEFFECT, "Color", false, new Value (Color(0xFF000000)), Type::COLOR);
490 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DROPSHADOWEFFECT, "BlurRadius", false, new Value (5.0), Type::DOUBLE);
491 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEKEYFRAME, "Value", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
492 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEKEYFRAME, "KeyTime", false, NULL, Type::KEYTIME, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
493 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEANIMATION, "To", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
494 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEANIMATION, "From", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
495 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::DOUBLEANIMATION, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
496 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DOUBLEANIMATION, "By", false, NULL, Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
497 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::DEPENDENCY_OBJECT, "Name", false, new Value (""), Type::STRING, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::NameValidator, NULL, false);
498 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::CONTROLTEMPLATE, "TargetType", false, Type::MANAGEDTYPEINFO);
499 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORKEYFRAME, "Value", false, NULL, Type::COLOR, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
500 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORKEYFRAME, "KeyTime", false, NULL, Type::KEYTIME, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
501 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORANIMATION, "To", false, NULL, Type::COLOR, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
502 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORANIMATION, "From", false, NULL, Type::COLOR, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
503 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::COLORANIMATION, "EasingFunction", false, Type::EASINGFUNCTIONBASE);
504 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::COLORANIMATION, "By", false, NULL, Type::COLOR, false, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true);
505 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BLUREFFECT, "Radius", false, new Value (5.0), Type::DOUBLE);
506 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BITMAPSOURCE, "PixelWidth", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
507 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BITMAPSOURCE, "PixelHeight", false, new Value (0), Type::INT32, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::IntGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
508 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BITMAPSOURCE, "PixelFormat", false, new Value (PixelFormatPbgra32), Type::INT32);
509 DependencyProperty::RegisterFull (this, Type::BITMAPCACHE, "RenderAtScale", false, new Value (1.0), Type::DOUBLE, false, false, false, NULL, Validators::DoubleGreaterThanZeroValidator, NULL, false);
510 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BEZIERSEGMENT, "Point3", false, Type::POINT);
511 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BEZIERSEGMENT, "Point2", false, Type::POINT);
512 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BEZIERSEGMENT, "Point1", false, Type::POINT);
513 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::BEGINSTORYBOARD, "Storyboard", false, Type::STORYBOARD);
514 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ARCSEGMENT, "SweepDirection", false, new Value (SweepDirectionCounterclockwise), Type::INT32);
515 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ARCSEGMENT, "Size", false, Type::SIZE);
516 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ARCSEGMENT, "RotationAngle", false, new Value (0.0), Type::DOUBLE);
517 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ARCSEGMENT, "Point", false, Type::POINT);
518 DependencyProperty::Register (this, Type::ARCSEGMENT, "IsLargeArc", false, new Value (false), Type::BOOL);
521 const int VisualBrush::VisualProperty = 0;
522 const int VideoBrush::SourceNameProperty = 1;
523 const int ImageBrush::ImageSourceProperty = 2;
524 const int ImageBrush::DownloadProgressProperty = 3;
525 const int RadialGradientBrush::RadiusYProperty = 4;
526 const int RadialGradientBrush::RadiusXProperty = 5;
527 const int RadialGradientBrush::GradientOriginProperty = 6;
528 const int RadialGradientBrush::CenterProperty = 7;
529 const int LinearGradientBrush::StartPointProperty = 8;
530 const int LinearGradientBrush::EndPointProperty = 9;
531 const int SolidColorBrush::ColorProperty = 10;
532 const int TileBrush::StretchProperty = 11;
533 const int TileBrush::AlignmentYProperty = 12;
534 const int TileBrush::AlignmentXProperty = 13;
535 const int GradientBrush::SpreadMethodProperty = 14;
536 const int GradientBrush::MappingModeProperty = 15;
537 const int GradientBrush::GradientStopsProperty = 16;
538 const int GradientBrush::ColorInterpolationModeProperty = 17;
539 const int InkPresenter::StrokesProperty = 18;
540 const int Brush::TransformProperty = 19;
541 const int Brush::RelativeTransformProperty = 20;
542 const int Brush::OpacityProperty = 21;
543 const int Brush::ChangedProperty = 22;
544 const int Rectangle::RadiusYProperty = 23;
545 const int Rectangle::RadiusXProperty = 24;
546 const int Polyline::PointsProperty = 25;
547 const int Polyline::FillRuleProperty = 26;
548 const int Polygon::PointsProperty = 27;
549 const int Polygon::FillRuleProperty = 28;
550 const int Path::DataProperty = 29;
551 const int Line::Y2Property = 30;
552 const int Line::Y1Property = 31;
553 const int Line::X2Property = 32;
554 const int Line::X1Property = 33;
555 const int MultiScaleImage::ViewportWidthProperty = 34;
556 const int MultiScaleImage::ViewportOriginProperty = 35;
557 const int MultiScaleImage::UseSpringsProperty = 36;
558 const int MultiScaleImage::TileFadeProperty = 37;
559 const int MultiScaleImage::SubImagesProperty = 38;
560 const int MultiScaleImage::SourceProperty = 39;
561 const int MultiScaleImage::IsIdleProperty = 40;
562 const int MultiScaleImage::IsDownloadingProperty = 41;
563 const int MultiScaleImage::InternalViewportWidthProperty = 42;
564 const int MultiScaleImage::InternalViewportOriginProperty = 43;
565 const int MultiScaleImage::BlurFactorProperty = 44;
566 const int MultiScaleImage::AspectRatioProperty = 45;
567 const int MultiScaleImage::AllowDownloadingProperty = 46;
568 const int Image::SourceProperty = 47;
569 const int UserControl::ContentProperty = 48;
570 const int ContentControl::ContentTemplateProperty = 49;
571 const int ContentControl::ContentProperty = 50;
572 const int Grid::ShowGridLinesProperty = 51;
573 const int Grid::RowSpanProperty = 52;
574 const int Grid::RowProperty = 53;
575 const int Grid::RowDefinitionsProperty = 54;
576 const int Grid::ColumnSpanProperty = 55;
577 const int Grid::ColumnProperty = 56;
578 const int Grid::ColumnDefinitionsProperty = 57;
579 const int Canvas::ZIndexProperty = 58;
580 const int Canvas::TopProperty = 59;
581 const int Canvas::LeftProperty = 60;
582 const int TextBlock::TextWrappingProperty = 61;
583 const int TextBlock::TextProperty = 62;
584 const int TextBlock::TextDecorationsProperty = 63;
585 const int TextBlock::TextAlignmentProperty = 64;
586 const int TextBlock::PaddingProperty = 65;
587 const int TextBlock::LineStackingStrategyProperty = 66;
588 const int TextBlock::LineHeightProperty = 67;
589 const int TextBlock::InlinesProperty = 68;
590 const int TextBlock::ForegroundProperty = 69;
591 const int TextBlock::FontWeightProperty = 70;
592 const int TextBlock::FontStyleProperty = 71;
593 const int TextBlock::FontStretchProperty = 72;
594 const int TextBlock::FontSourceProperty = 73;
595 const int TextBlock::FontSizeProperty = 74;
596 const int TextBlock::FontFamilyProperty = 75;
597 const int Popup::VerticalOffsetProperty = 76;
598 const int Popup::IsOpenProperty = 77;
599 const int Popup::HorizontalOffsetProperty = 78;
600 const int Popup::ChildProperty = 79;
601 const int MediaElement::VolumeProperty = 80;
602 const int MediaElement::StretchProperty = 81;
603 const int MediaElement::SourceProperty = 82;
604 const int MediaElement::RenderedFramesPerSecondProperty = 83;
605 const int MediaElement::PositionProperty = 84;
606 const int MediaElement::NaturalVideoWidthProperty = 85;
607 const int MediaElement::NaturalVideoHeightProperty = 86;
608 const int MediaElement::NaturalDurationProperty = 87;
609 const int MediaElement::MarkersProperty = 88;
610 const int MediaElement::IsMutedProperty = 89;
611 const int MediaElement::DroppedFramesPerSecondProperty = 90;
612 const int MediaElement::DownloadProgressProperty = 91;
613 const int MediaElement::DownloadProgressOffsetProperty = 92;
614 const int MediaElement::CurrentStateProperty = 93;
615 const int MediaElement::CanSeekProperty = 94;
616 const int MediaElement::CanPauseProperty = 95;
617 const int MediaElement::BufferingTimeProperty = 96;
618 const int MediaElement::BufferingProgressProperty = 97;
619 const int MediaElement::BalanceProperty = 98;
620 const int MediaElement::AutoPlayProperty = 99;
621 const int MediaElement::AudioStreamIndexProperty = 100;
622 const int MediaElement::AudioStreamCountProperty = 101;
623 const int MediaElement::AttributesProperty = 102;
624 const int Shape::StrokeThicknessProperty = 103;
625 const int Shape::StrokeStartLineCapProperty = 104;
626 const int Shape::StrokeProperty = 105;
627 const int Shape::StrokeMiterLimitProperty = 106;
628 const int Shape::StrokeLineJoinProperty = 107;
629 const int Shape::StrokeEndLineCapProperty = 108;
630 const int Shape::StrokeDashOffsetProperty = 109;
631 const int Shape::StrokeDashCapProperty = 110;
632 const int Shape::StrokeDashArrayProperty = 111;
633 const int Shape::StretchProperty = 112;
634 const int Shape::FillProperty = 113;
635 const int MediaBase::StretchProperty = 114;
636 const int MediaBase::SourceProperty = 115;
637 const int MediaBase::DownloadProgressProperty = 116;
638 const int Glyphs::UnicodeStringProperty = 117;
639 const int Glyphs::StyleSimulationsProperty = 118;
640 const int Glyphs::OriginYProperty = 119;
641 const int Glyphs::OriginXProperty = 120;
642 const int Glyphs::IndicesProperty = 121;
643 const int Glyphs::FontUriProperty = 122;
644 const int Glyphs::FontRenderingEmSizeProperty = 123;
645 const int Glyphs::FillProperty = 124;
646 const int Control::VerticalContentAlignmentProperty = 125;
647 const int Control::TemplateProperty = 126;
648 const int Control::TabNavigationProperty = 127;
649 const int Control::TabIndexProperty = 128;
650 const int Control::PaddingProperty = 129;
651 const int Control::IsTemplateItemProperty = 130;
652 const int Control::IsTabStopProperty = 131;
653 const int Control::IsEnabledProperty = 132;
654 const int Control::HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty = 133;
655 const int Control::ForegroundProperty = 134;
656 const int Control::FontWeightProperty = 135;
657 const int Control::FontStyleProperty = 136;
658 const int Control::FontStretchProperty = 137;
659 const int Control::FontSizeProperty = 138;
660 const int Control::FontFamilyProperty = 139;
661 const int Control::DefaultStyleKeyProperty = 140;
662 const int Control::BorderThicknessProperty = 141;
663 const int Control::BorderBrushProperty = 142;
664 const int Control::BackgroundProperty = 143;
665 const int Panel::ChildrenProperty = 144;
666 const int Panel::BackgroundProperty = 145;
667 const int Border::PaddingProperty = 146;
668 const int Border::CornerRadiusProperty = 147;
669 const int Border::ChildProperty = 148;
670 const int Border::BorderThicknessProperty = 149;
671 const int Border::BorderBrushProperty = 150;
672 const int Border::BackgroundProperty = 151;
673 const int TimelineGroup::ChildrenProperty = 152;
674 const int Setter::ValueProperty = 153;
675 const int Setter::PropertyProperty = 154;
676 const int Setter::ConvertedValueProperty = 155;
677 const int Run::TextProperty = 156;
678 const int RectangleGeometry::RectProperty = 157;
679 const int RectangleGeometry::RadiusYProperty = 158;
680 const int RectangleGeometry::RadiusXProperty = 159;
681 const int PathGeometry::FillRuleProperty = 160;
682 const int PathGeometry::FiguresProperty = 161;
683 const int LineGeometry::StartPointProperty = 162;
684 const int LineGeometry::EndPointProperty = 163;
685 const int GeometryGroup::FillRuleProperty = 164;
686 const int GeometryGroup::ChildrenProperty = 165;
687 const int EllipseGeometry::RadiusYProperty = 166;
688 const int EllipseGeometry::RadiusXProperty = 167;
689 const int EllipseGeometry::CenterProperty = 168;
690 const int DeepZoomImageTileSource::UriSourceProperty = 169;
691 const int ResourceDictionary::MergedDictionariesProperty = 170;
692 const int FrameworkElement::WidthProperty = 171;
693 const int FrameworkElement::VerticalAlignmentProperty = 172;
694 const int FrameworkElement::StyleProperty = 173;
695 const int FrameworkElement::MinWidthProperty = 174;
696 const int FrameworkElement::MinHeightProperty = 175;
697 const int FrameworkElement::MaxWidthProperty = 176;
698 const int FrameworkElement::MaxHeightProperty = 177;
699 const int FrameworkElement::MarginProperty = 178;
700 const int FrameworkElement::LanguageProperty = 179;
701 const int FrameworkElement::HorizontalAlignmentProperty = 180;
702 const int FrameworkElement::HeightProperty = 181;
703 const int FrameworkElement::DataContextProperty = 182;
704 const int FrameworkElement::ActualWidthProperty = 183;
705 const int FrameworkElement::ActualHeightProperty = 184;
706 const int PowerEase::PowerProperty = 185;
707 const int ExponentialEase::ExponentProperty = 186;
708 const int ElasticEase::SpringinessProperty = 187;
709 const int ElasticEase::OscillationsProperty = 188;
710 const int BounceEase::BouncinessProperty = 189;
711 const int BounceEase::BouncesProperty = 190;
712 const int BackEase::AmplitudeProperty = 191;
713 const int SplinePointKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty = 192;
714 const int EasingPointKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty = 193;
715 const int PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty = 194;
716 const int SplineDoubleKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty = 195;
717 const int EasingDoubleKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty = 196;
718 const int DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty = 197;
719 const int WindowSettings::WidthProperty = 198;
720 const int WindowSettings::TitleProperty = 199;
721 const int WindowSettings::HeightProperty = 200;
722 const int TimelineMarker::TypeProperty = 201;
723 const int TimelineMarker::TimeProperty = 202;
724 const int TimelineMarker::TextProperty = 203;
725 const int Timeline::SpeedRatioProperty = 204;
726 const int Timeline::RepeatBehaviorProperty = 205;
727 const int Timeline::FillBehaviorProperty = 206;
728 const int Timeline::DurationProperty = 207;
729 const int Timeline::BeginTimeProperty = 208;
730 const int Timeline::AutoReverseProperty = 209;
731 const int StylusPoint::YProperty = 210;
732 const int StylusPoint::XProperty = 211;
733 const int StylusPoint::PressureFactorProperty = 212;
734 const int StylusInfo::IsInvertedProperty = 213;
735 const int StylusInfo::DeviceTypeProperty = 214;
736 const int Style::TargetTypeProperty = 215;
737 const int Style::SettersProperty = 216;
738 const int Style::IsSealedProperty = 217;
739 const int Stroke::StylusPointsProperty = 218;
740 const int Stroke::DrawingAttributesProperty = 219;
741 const int SetterBase::IsSealedProperty = 220;
742 const int RowDefinition::MinHeightProperty = 221;
743 const int RowDefinition::MaxHeightProperty = 222;
744 const int RowDefinition::HeightProperty = 223;
745 const int RowDefinition::ActualHeightProperty = 224;
746 const int PixelShader::UriSourceProperty = 225;
747 const int PathFigure::StartPointProperty = 226;
748 const int PathFigure::SegmentsProperty = 227;
749 const int PathFigure::IsFilledProperty = 228;
750 const int PathFigure::IsClosedProperty = 229;
751 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::WindowSettingsProperty = 230;
752 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::ShowInstallMenuItemProperty = 231;
753 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::ShortNameProperty = 232;
754 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::IconsProperty = 233;
755 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::EnableGPUAccelerationProperty = 234;
756 const int OutOfBrowserSettings::BlurbProperty = 235;
757 const int NameScope::NameScopeProperty = 236;
758 const int MultiScaleSubImage::ZIndexProperty = 237;
759 const int MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportWidthProperty = 238;
760 const int MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportOriginProperty = 239;
761 const int MultiScaleSubImage::OpacityProperty = 240;
762 const int MultiScaleSubImage::AspectRatioProperty = 241;
763 const int MediaAttribute::ValueProperty = 242;
764 const int Matrix3D::OffsetZProperty = 243;
765 const int Matrix3D::OffsetYProperty = 244;
766 const int Matrix3D::OffsetXProperty = 245;
767 const int Matrix3D::M44Property = 246;
768 const int Matrix3D::M34Property = 247;
769 const int Matrix3D::M33Property = 248;
770 const int Matrix3D::M32Property = 249;
771 const int Matrix3D::M31Property = 250;
772 const int Matrix3D::M24Property = 251;
773 const int Matrix3D::M23Property = 252;
774 const int Matrix3D::M22Property = 253;
775 const int Matrix3D::M21Property = 254;
776 const int Matrix3D::M14Property = 255;
777 const int Matrix3D::M13Property = 256;
778 const int Matrix3D::M12Property = 257;
779 const int Matrix3D::M11Property = 258;
780 const int Matrix::OffsetYProperty = 259;
781 const int Matrix::OffsetXProperty = 260;
782 const int Matrix::M22Property = 261;
783 const int Matrix::M21Property = 262;
784 const int Matrix::M12Property = 263;
785 const int Matrix::M11Property = 264;
786 const int KeySpline::ControlPoint2Property = 265;
787 const int KeySpline::ControlPoint1Property = 266;
788 const int InputMethod::IsInputMethodEnabledProperty = 267;
789 const int Inline::TextDecorationsProperty = 268;
790 const int Inline::LanguageProperty = 269;
791 const int Inline::ForegroundProperty = 270;
792 const int Inline::FontWeightProperty = 271;
793 const int Inline::FontStyleProperty = 272;
794 const int Inline::FontStretchProperty = 273;
795 const int Inline::FontSourceProperty = 274;
796 const int Inline::FontSizeProperty = 275;
797 const int Inline::FontFamilyProperty = 276;
798 const int Icon::SourceProperty = 277;
799 const int Icon::SizeProperty = 278;
800 const int GradientStop::OffsetProperty = 279;
801 const int GradientStop::ColorProperty = 280;
802 const int Geometry::TransformProperty = 281;
803 const int DrawingAttributes::WidthProperty = 282;
804 const int DrawingAttributes::OutlineColorProperty = 283;
805 const int DrawingAttributes::HeightProperty = 284;
806 const int DrawingAttributes::ColorProperty = 285;
807 const int Downloader::UriProperty = 286;
808 const int Downloader::StatusTextProperty = 287;
809 const int Downloader::StatusProperty = 288;
810 const int Downloader::ResponseTextProperty = 289;
811 const int Downloader::DownloadProgressProperty = 290;
812 const int Deployment::RuntimeVersionProperty = 291;
813 const int Deployment::PartsProperty = 292;
814 const int Deployment::OutOfBrowserSettingsProperty = 293;
815 const int Deployment::ExternalPartsProperty = 294;
816 const int Deployment::ExternalCallersFromCrossDomainProperty = 295;
817 const int Deployment::EntryPointTypeProperty = 296;
818 const int Deployment::EntryPointAssemblyProperty = 297;
819 const int MultiScaleTileSource::TileWidthProperty = 298;
820 const int MultiScaleTileSource::TileOverlapProperty = 299;
821 const int MultiScaleTileSource::TileHeightProperty = 300;
822 const int MultiScaleTileSource::TileBlendTimeProperty = 301;
823 const int MultiScaleTileSource::ImageWidthProperty = 302;
824 const int MultiScaleTileSource::ImageHeightProperty = 303;
825 const int ColumnDefinition::WidthProperty = 304;
826 const int ColumnDefinition::MinWidthProperty = 305;
827 const int ColumnDefinition::MaxWidthProperty = 306;
828 const int ColumnDefinition::ActualWidthProperty = 307;
829 const int Collection::CountProperty = 308;
830 const int UIElement::VisibilityProperty = 309;
831 const int UIElement::UseLayoutRoundingProperty = 310;
832 const int UIElement::TriggersProperty = 311;
833 const int UIElement::TagProperty = 312;
834 const int UIElement::ResourcesProperty = 313;
835 const int UIElement::RenderTransformProperty = 314;
836 const int UIElement::RenderTransformOriginProperty = 315;
837 const int UIElement::ProjectionProperty = 316;
838 const int UIElement::OpacityProperty = 317;
839 const int UIElement::OpacityMaskProperty = 318;
840 const int UIElement::IsHitTestVisibleProperty = 319;
841 const int UIElement::EffectProperty = 320;
842 const int UIElement::CursorProperty = 321;
843 const int UIElement::ClipProperty = 322;
844 const int UIElement::CacheModeProperty = 323;
845 const int EasingFunctionBase::EasingModeProperty = 324;
846 const int AssemblyPart::SourceProperty = 325;
847 const int Application::ResourcesProperty = 326;
848 const int Accessibility::TitleProperty = 327;
849 const int Accessibility::DescriptionProperty = 328;
850 const int Accessibility::ActionDescriptionProperty = 329;
851 const int SplineColorKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty = 330;
852 const int EasingColorKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty = 331;
853 const int ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty = 332;
854 const int BitmapImage::UriSourceProperty = 333;
855 const int BitmapImage::ProgressProperty = 334;
856 const int TranslateTransform::YProperty = 335;
857 const int TranslateTransform::XProperty = 336;
858 const int TransformGroup::ChildrenProperty = 337;
859 const int TextOptions::TextHintingModeProperty = 338;
860 const int TextBox::VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty = 339;
861 const int TextBox::TextWrappingProperty = 340;
862 const int TextBox::TextProperty = 341;
863 const int TextBox::TextAlignmentProperty = 342;
864 const int TextBox::SelectionStartProperty = 343;
865 const int TextBox::SelectionLengthProperty = 344;
866 const int TextBox::SelectionForegroundProperty = 345;
867 const int TextBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty = 346;
868 const int TextBox::SelectedTextProperty = 347;
869 const int TextBox::MaxLengthProperty = 348;
870 const int TextBox::IsReadOnlyProperty = 349;
871 const int TextBox::HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty = 350;
872 const int TextBox::FontSourceProperty = 351;
873 const int TextBox::CaretBrushProperty = 352;
874 const int TextBox::AcceptsReturnProperty = 353;
875 const int Storyboard::TargetPropertyProperty = 354;
876 const int Storyboard::TargetNameProperty = 355;
877 const int SkewTransform::CenterYProperty = 356;
878 const int SkewTransform::CenterXProperty = 357;
879 const int SkewTransform::AngleYProperty = 358;
880 const int SkewTransform::AngleXProperty = 359;
881 const int ShaderEffect::PixelShaderProperty = 360;
882 const int ShaderEffect::PaddingTopProperty = 361;
883 const int ShaderEffect::PaddingRightProperty = 362;
884 const int ShaderEffect::PaddingLeftProperty = 363;
885 const int ShaderEffect::PaddingBottomProperty = 364;
886 const int ShaderEffect::DdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndexProperty = 365;
887 const int SetterBaseCollection::IsSealedProperty = 366;
888 const int ScaleTransform::ScaleYProperty = 367;
889 const int ScaleTransform::ScaleXProperty = 368;
890 const int ScaleTransform::CenterYProperty = 369;
891 const int ScaleTransform::CenterXProperty = 370;
892 const int RotateTransform::CenterYProperty = 371;
893 const int RotateTransform::CenterXProperty = 372;
894 const int RotateTransform::AngleProperty = 373;
895 const int QuadraticBezierSegment::Point2Property = 374;
896 const int QuadraticBezierSegment::Point1Property = 375;
897 const int PolyQuadraticBezierSegment::PointsProperty = 376;
898 const int PolyLineSegment::PointsProperty = 377;
899 const int PolyBezierSegment::PointsProperty = 378;
900 const int PointKeyFrame::ValueProperty = 379;
901 const int PointKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty = 380;
902 const int PointAnimation::ToProperty = 381;
903 const int PointAnimation::FromProperty = 382;
904 const int PointAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty = 383;
905 const int PointAnimation::ByProperty = 384;
906 const int PlaneProjection::RotationZProperty = 385;
907 const int PlaneProjection::RotationYProperty = 386;
908 const int PlaneProjection::RotationXProperty = 387;
909 const int PlaneProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty = 388;
910 const int PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetZProperty = 389;
911 const int PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetYProperty = 390;
912 const int PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetXProperty = 391;
913 const int PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetZProperty = 392;
914 const int PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetYProperty = 393;
915 const int PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetXProperty = 394;
916 const int PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationZProperty = 395;
917 const int PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationYProperty = 396;
918 const int PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationXProperty = 397;
919 const int PasswordBox::SelectionStartProperty = 398;
920 const int PasswordBox::SelectionLengthProperty = 399;
921 const int PasswordBox::SelectionForegroundProperty = 400;
922 const int PasswordBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty = 401;
923 const int PasswordBox::SelectedTextProperty = 402;
924 const int PasswordBox::PasswordProperty = 403;
925 const int PasswordBox::PasswordCharProperty = 404;
926 const int PasswordBox::MaxLengthProperty = 405;
927 const int PasswordBox::FontSourceProperty = 406;
928 const int PasswordBox::CaretBrushProperty = 407;
929 const int ObjectKeyFrame::ValueProperty = 408;
930 const int ObjectKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty = 409;
931 const int ObjectKeyFrame::ConvertedValueProperty = 410;
932 const int ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty = 411;
933 const int MatrixTransform::MatrixProperty = 412;
934 const int Matrix3DProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty = 413;
935 const int LineSegment::PointProperty = 414;
936 const int LayoutInformation::VisualOffsetProperty = 415;
937 const int LayoutInformation::PreviousConstraintProperty = 416;
938 const int LayoutInformation::LayoutSlotProperty = 417;
939 const int LayoutInformation::LayoutClipProperty = 418;
940 const int LayoutInformation::LastRenderSizeProperty = 419;
941 const int LayoutInformation::FinalRectProperty = 420;
942 const int ExtensionPart::SourceProperty = 421;
943 const int EventTrigger::RoutedEventProperty = 422;
944 const int EventTrigger::ActionsProperty = 423;
945 const int DropShadowEffect::ShadowDepthProperty = 424;
946 const int DropShadowEffect::OpacityProperty = 425;
947 const int DropShadowEffect::DirectionProperty = 426;
948 const int DropShadowEffect::ColorProperty = 427;
949 const int DropShadowEffect::BlurRadiusProperty = 428;
950 const int DoubleKeyFrame::ValueProperty = 429;
951 const int DoubleKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty = 430;
952 const int DoubleAnimation::ToProperty = 431;
953 const int DoubleAnimation::FromProperty = 432;
954 const int DoubleAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty = 433;
955 const int DoubleAnimation::ByProperty = 434;
956 const int DependencyObject::NameProperty = 435;
957 const int ControlTemplate::TargetTypeProperty = 436;
958 const int ColorKeyFrame::ValueProperty = 437;
959 const int ColorKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty = 438;
960 const int ColorAnimation::ToProperty = 439;
961 const int ColorAnimation::FromProperty = 440;
962 const int ColorAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty = 441;
963 const int ColorAnimation::ByProperty = 442;
964 const int BlurEffect::RadiusProperty = 443;
965 const int BitmapSource::PixelWidthProperty = 444;
966 const int BitmapSource::PixelHeightProperty = 445;
967 const int BitmapSource::PixelFormatProperty = 446;
968 const int BitmapCache::RenderAtScaleProperty = 447;
969 const int BezierSegment::Point3Property = 448;
970 const int BezierSegment::Point2Property = 449;
971 const int BezierSegment::Point1Property = 450;
972 const int BeginStoryboard::StoryboardProperty = 451;
973 const int ArcSegment::SweepDirectionProperty = 452;
974 const int ArcSegment::SizeProperty = 453;
975 const int ArcSegment::RotationAngleProperty = 454;
976 const int ArcSegment::PointProperty = 455;
977 const int ArcSegment::IsLargeArcProperty = 456;
979 UIElement *
980 VisualBrush::GetVisual ()
982 Value *value = GetValue (VisualBrush::VisualProperty);
983 return value ? value->AsUIElement () : NULL;
986 void
987 VisualBrush::SetVisual (UIElement *value)
989 SetValue (VisualBrush::VisualProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
992 const char *
993 VideoBrush::GetSourceName ()
995 Value *value = GetValue (VideoBrush::SourceNameProperty);
996 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
999 void
1000 VideoBrush::SetSourceName (const char *value)
1002 SetValue (VideoBrush::SourceNameProperty, Value (value));
1005 ImageSource *
1006 ImageBrush::GetImageSource ()
1008 Value *value = GetValue (ImageBrush::ImageSourceProperty);
1009 return value ? value->AsImageSource () : NULL;
1012 void
1013 ImageBrush::SetImageSource (ImageSource *value)
1015 SetValue (ImageBrush::ImageSourceProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1018 double
1019 ImageBrush::GetDownloadProgress ()
1021 Value *value = GetValue (ImageBrush::DownloadProgressProperty);
1022 return value->AsDouble ();
1025 void
1026 ImageBrush::SetDownloadProgress (double value)
1028 SetValue (ImageBrush::DownloadProgressProperty, Value (value));
1031 double
1032 RadialGradientBrush::GetRadiusY ()
1034 Value *value = GetValue (RadialGradientBrush::RadiusYProperty);
1035 return value->AsDouble ();
1038 void
1039 RadialGradientBrush::SetRadiusY (double value)
1041 SetValue (RadialGradientBrush::RadiusYProperty, Value (value));
1044 double
1045 RadialGradientBrush::GetRadiusX ()
1047 Value *value = GetValue (RadialGradientBrush::RadiusXProperty);
1048 return value->AsDouble ();
1051 void
1052 RadialGradientBrush::SetRadiusX (double value)
1054 SetValue (RadialGradientBrush::RadiusXProperty, Value (value));
1057 Point *
1058 RadialGradientBrush::GetGradientOrigin ()
1060 Value *value = GetValue (RadialGradientBrush::GradientOriginProperty);
1061 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1064 void
1065 RadialGradientBrush::SetGradientOrigin (Point *value)
1067 if (!value) return;
1068 SetValue (RadialGradientBrush::GradientOriginProperty, Value (*value));
1071 Point *
1072 RadialGradientBrush::GetCenter ()
1074 Value *value = GetValue (RadialGradientBrush::CenterProperty);
1075 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1078 void
1079 RadialGradientBrush::SetCenter (Point *value)
1081 if (!value) return;
1082 SetValue (RadialGradientBrush::CenterProperty, Value (*value));
1085 Point *
1086 LinearGradientBrush::GetStartPoint ()
1088 Value *value = GetValue (LinearGradientBrush::StartPointProperty);
1089 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1092 void
1093 LinearGradientBrush::SetStartPoint (Point *value)
1095 if (!value) return;
1096 SetValue (LinearGradientBrush::StartPointProperty, Value (*value));
1099 Point *
1100 LinearGradientBrush::GetEndPoint ()
1102 Value *value = GetValue (LinearGradientBrush::EndPointProperty);
1103 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1106 void
1107 LinearGradientBrush::SetEndPoint (Point *value)
1109 if (!value) return;
1110 SetValue (LinearGradientBrush::EndPointProperty, Value (*value));
1113 Color *
1114 SolidColorBrush::GetColor ()
1116 Value *value = GetValue (SolidColorBrush::ColorProperty);
1117 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
1120 void
1121 SolidColorBrush::SetColor (Color *value)
1123 if (!value) return;
1124 SetValue (SolidColorBrush::ColorProperty, Value (*value));
1127 Stretch
1128 TileBrush::GetStretch ()
1130 Value *value = GetValue (TileBrush::StretchProperty);
1131 return (Stretch) value->AsInt32 ();
1134 void
1135 TileBrush::SetStretch (Stretch value)
1137 SetValue (TileBrush::StretchProperty, Value (value));
1140 AlignmentY
1141 TileBrush::GetAlignmentY ()
1143 Value *value = GetValue (TileBrush::AlignmentYProperty);
1144 return (AlignmentY) value->AsInt32 ();
1147 void
1148 TileBrush::SetAlignmentY (AlignmentY value)
1150 SetValue (TileBrush::AlignmentYProperty, Value (value));
1153 AlignmentX
1154 TileBrush::GetAlignmentX ()
1156 Value *value = GetValue (TileBrush::AlignmentXProperty);
1157 return (AlignmentX) value->AsInt32 ();
1160 void
1161 TileBrush::SetAlignmentX (AlignmentX value)
1163 SetValue (TileBrush::AlignmentXProperty, Value (value));
1166 GradientSpreadMethod
1167 GradientBrush::GetSpreadMethod ()
1169 Value *value = GetValue (GradientBrush::SpreadMethodProperty);
1170 return (GradientSpreadMethod) value->AsInt32 ();
1173 void
1174 GradientBrush::SetSpreadMethod (GradientSpreadMethod value)
1176 SetValue (GradientBrush::SpreadMethodProperty, Value (value));
1179 BrushMappingMode
1180 GradientBrush::GetMappingMode ()
1182 Value *value = GetValue (GradientBrush::MappingModeProperty);
1183 return (BrushMappingMode) value->AsInt32 ();
1186 void
1187 GradientBrush::SetMappingMode (BrushMappingMode value)
1189 SetValue (GradientBrush::MappingModeProperty, Value (value));
1192 GradientStopCollection *
1193 GradientBrush::GetGradientStops ()
1195 Value *value = GetValue (GradientBrush::GradientStopsProperty);
1196 return value ? value->AsGradientStopCollection () : NULL;
1199 void
1200 GradientBrush::SetGradientStops (GradientStopCollection *value)
1202 SetValue (GradientBrush::GradientStopsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1205 ColorInterpolationMode
1206 GradientBrush::GetColorInterpolationMode ()
1208 Value *value = GetValue (GradientBrush::ColorInterpolationModeProperty);
1209 return (ColorInterpolationMode) value->AsInt32 ();
1212 void
1213 GradientBrush::SetColorInterpolationMode (ColorInterpolationMode value)
1215 SetValue (GradientBrush::ColorInterpolationModeProperty, Value (value));
1218 StrokeCollection *
1219 InkPresenter::GetStrokes ()
1221 Value *value = GetValue (InkPresenter::StrokesProperty);
1222 return value ? value->AsStrokeCollection () : NULL;
1225 void
1226 InkPresenter::SetStrokes (StrokeCollection *value)
1228 SetValue (InkPresenter::StrokesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1231 Transform *
1232 Brush::GetTransform ()
1234 Value *value = GetValue (Brush::TransformProperty);
1235 return value ? value->AsTransform () : NULL;
1238 void
1239 Brush::SetTransform (Transform *value)
1241 SetValue (Brush::TransformProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1244 Transform *
1245 Brush::GetRelativeTransform ()
1247 Value *value = GetValue (Brush::RelativeTransformProperty);
1248 return value ? value->AsTransform () : NULL;
1251 void
1252 Brush::SetRelativeTransform (Transform *value)
1254 SetValue (Brush::RelativeTransformProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1257 double
1258 Brush::GetOpacity ()
1260 Value *value = GetValue (Brush::OpacityProperty);
1261 return value->AsDouble ();
1264 void
1265 Brush::SetOpacity (double value)
1267 SetValue (Brush::OpacityProperty, Value (value));
1270 double
1271 Rectangle::GetRadiusY ()
1273 Value *value = GetValue (Rectangle::RadiusYProperty);
1274 return value->AsDouble ();
1277 void
1278 Rectangle::SetRadiusY (double value)
1280 SetValue (Rectangle::RadiusYProperty, Value (value));
1283 double
1284 Rectangle::GetRadiusX ()
1286 Value *value = GetValue (Rectangle::RadiusXProperty);
1287 return value->AsDouble ();
1290 void
1291 Rectangle::SetRadiusX (double value)
1293 SetValue (Rectangle::RadiusXProperty, Value (value));
1296 PointCollection *
1297 Polyline::GetPoints ()
1299 Value *value = GetValue (Polyline::PointsProperty);
1300 return value ? value->AsPointCollection () : NULL;
1303 void
1304 Polyline::SetPoints (PointCollection *value)
1306 SetValue (Polyline::PointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1309 FillRule
1310 Polyline::GetFillRule ()
1312 Value *value = GetValue (Polyline::FillRuleProperty);
1313 return (FillRule) value->AsInt32 ();
1316 void
1317 Polyline::SetFillRule (FillRule value)
1319 SetValue (Polyline::FillRuleProperty, Value (value));
1322 PointCollection *
1323 Polygon::GetPoints ()
1325 Value *value = GetValue (Polygon::PointsProperty);
1326 return value ? value->AsPointCollection () : NULL;
1329 void
1330 Polygon::SetPoints (PointCollection *value)
1332 SetValue (Polygon::PointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1335 FillRule
1336 Polygon::GetFillRule ()
1338 Value *value = GetValue (Polygon::FillRuleProperty);
1339 return (FillRule) value->AsInt32 ();
1342 void
1343 Polygon::SetFillRule (FillRule value)
1345 SetValue (Polygon::FillRuleProperty, Value (value));
1348 Geometry *
1349 Path::GetData ()
1351 Value *value = GetValue (Path::DataProperty);
1352 return value ? value->AsGeometry () : NULL;
1355 void
1356 Path::SetData (Geometry *value)
1358 SetValue (Path::DataProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1361 double
1362 Line::GetY2 ()
1364 Value *value = GetValue (Line::Y2Property);
1365 return value->AsDouble ();
1368 void
1369 Line::SetY2 (double value)
1371 SetValue (Line::Y2Property, Value (value));
1374 double
1375 Line::GetY1 ()
1377 Value *value = GetValue (Line::Y1Property);
1378 return value->AsDouble ();
1381 void
1382 Line::SetY1 (double value)
1384 SetValue (Line::Y1Property, Value (value));
1387 double
1388 Line::GetX2 ()
1390 Value *value = GetValue (Line::X2Property);
1391 return value->AsDouble ();
1394 void
1395 Line::SetX2 (double value)
1397 SetValue (Line::X2Property, Value (value));
1400 double
1401 Line::GetX1 ()
1403 Value *value = GetValue (Line::X1Property);
1404 return value->AsDouble ();
1407 void
1408 Line::SetX1 (double value)
1410 SetValue (Line::X1Property, Value (value));
1413 double
1414 MultiScaleImage::GetViewportWidth ()
1416 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::ViewportWidthProperty);
1417 return value->AsDouble ();
1420 void
1421 MultiScaleImage::SetViewportWidth (double value)
1423 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::ViewportWidthProperty, Value (value));
1426 Point *
1427 MultiScaleImage::GetViewportOrigin ()
1429 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::ViewportOriginProperty);
1430 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1433 void
1434 MultiScaleImage::SetViewportOrigin (Point *value)
1436 if (!value) return;
1437 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::ViewportOriginProperty, Value (*value));
1440 bool
1441 MultiScaleImage::GetUseSprings ()
1443 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::UseSpringsProperty);
1444 return value->AsBool ();
1447 void
1448 MultiScaleImage::SetUseSprings (bool value)
1450 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::UseSpringsProperty, Value (value));
1453 MultiScaleSubImageCollection *
1454 MultiScaleImage::GetSubImages ()
1456 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::SubImagesProperty);
1457 return value ? value->AsMultiScaleSubImageCollection () : NULL;
1460 MultiScaleTileSource *
1461 MultiScaleImage::GetSource ()
1463 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::SourceProperty);
1464 return value ? value->AsMultiScaleTileSource () : NULL;
1467 void
1468 MultiScaleImage::SetSource (MultiScaleTileSource *value)
1470 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::SourceProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1473 bool
1474 MultiScaleImage::GetIsIdle ()
1476 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::IsIdleProperty);
1477 return value->AsBool ();
1480 bool
1481 MultiScaleImage::GetIsDownloading ()
1483 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::IsDownloadingProperty);
1484 return value->AsBool ();
1487 double
1488 MultiScaleImage::GetInternalViewportWidth ()
1490 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::InternalViewportWidthProperty);
1491 return value->AsDouble ();
1494 Point *
1495 MultiScaleImage::GetInternalViewportOrigin ()
1497 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::InternalViewportOriginProperty);
1498 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
1501 double
1502 MultiScaleImage::GetBlurFactor ()
1504 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::BlurFactorProperty);
1505 return value->AsDouble ();
1508 void
1509 MultiScaleImage::SetBlurFactor (double value)
1511 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::BlurFactorProperty, Value (value));
1514 double
1515 MultiScaleImage::GetAspectRatio ()
1517 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::AspectRatioProperty);
1518 return value->AsDouble ();
1521 bool
1522 MultiScaleImage::GetAllowDownloading ()
1524 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleImage::AllowDownloadingProperty);
1525 return value->AsBool ();
1528 void
1529 MultiScaleImage::SetAllowDownloading (bool value)
1531 SetValue (MultiScaleImage::AllowDownloadingProperty, Value (value));
1534 ImageSource *
1535 Image::GetSource ()
1537 Value *value = GetValue (Image::SourceProperty);
1538 return value ? value->AsImageSource () : NULL;
1541 void
1542 Image::SetSource (ImageSource *value)
1544 SetValue (Image::SourceProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1547 DataTemplate *
1548 ContentControl::GetContentTemplate ()
1550 Value *value = GetValue (ContentControl::ContentTemplateProperty);
1551 return value ? value->AsDataTemplate () : NULL;
1554 void
1555 ContentControl::SetContentTemplate (DataTemplate *value)
1557 SetValue (ContentControl::ContentTemplateProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1560 bool
1561 Grid::GetShowGridLines ()
1563 Value *value = GetValue (Grid::ShowGridLinesProperty);
1564 return value->AsBool ();
1567 void
1568 Grid::SetShowGridLines (bool value)
1570 SetValue (Grid::ShowGridLinesProperty, Value (value));
1573 gint32
1574 Grid::GetRowSpan (DependencyObject *obj)
1576 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Grid::RowSpanProperty);
1577 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Grid::RowSpanProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1578 return value->AsInt32 ();
1581 void
1582 Grid::SetRowSpan (DependencyObject *obj, gint32 value)
1584 if (!obj) return;
1585 obj->SetValue (Grid::RowSpanProperty, Value (value));
1588 gint32
1589 Grid::GetRow (DependencyObject *obj)
1591 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Grid::RowProperty);
1592 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Grid::RowProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1593 return value->AsInt32 ();
1596 void
1597 Grid::SetRow (DependencyObject *obj, gint32 value)
1599 if (!obj) return;
1600 obj->SetValue (Grid::RowProperty, Value (value));
1603 RowDefinitionCollection *
1604 Grid::GetRowDefinitions ()
1606 Value *value = GetValue (Grid::RowDefinitionsProperty);
1607 return value ? value->AsRowDefinitionCollection () : NULL;
1610 void
1611 Grid::SetRowDefinitions (RowDefinitionCollection *value)
1613 SetValue (Grid::RowDefinitionsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1616 gint32
1617 Grid::GetColumnSpan (DependencyObject *obj)
1619 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Grid::ColumnSpanProperty);
1620 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Grid::ColumnSpanProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1621 return value->AsInt32 ();
1624 void
1625 Grid::SetColumnSpan (DependencyObject *obj, gint32 value)
1627 if (!obj) return;
1628 obj->SetValue (Grid::ColumnSpanProperty, Value (value));
1631 gint32
1632 Grid::GetColumn (DependencyObject *obj)
1634 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Grid::ColumnProperty);
1635 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Grid::ColumnProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1636 return value->AsInt32 ();
1639 void
1640 Grid::SetColumn (DependencyObject *obj, gint32 value)
1642 if (!obj) return;
1643 obj->SetValue (Grid::ColumnProperty, Value (value));
1646 ColumnDefinitionCollection *
1647 Grid::GetColumnDefinitions ()
1649 Value *value = GetValue (Grid::ColumnDefinitionsProperty);
1650 return value ? value->AsColumnDefinitionCollection () : NULL;
1653 void
1654 Grid::SetColumnDefinitions (ColumnDefinitionCollection *value)
1656 SetValue (Grid::ColumnDefinitionsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1659 gint32
1660 Canvas::GetZIndex (DependencyObject *obj)
1662 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Canvas::ZIndexProperty);
1663 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Canvas::ZIndexProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1664 return value->AsInt32 ();
1667 void
1668 Canvas::SetZIndex (DependencyObject *obj, gint32 value)
1670 if (!obj) return;
1671 obj->SetValue (Canvas::ZIndexProperty, Value (value));
1674 double
1675 Canvas::GetTop (DependencyObject *obj)
1677 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Canvas::TopProperty);
1678 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Canvas::TopProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1679 return value->AsDouble ();
1682 void
1683 Canvas::SetTop (DependencyObject *obj, double value)
1685 if (!obj) return;
1686 obj->SetValue (Canvas::TopProperty, Value (value));
1689 double
1690 Canvas::GetLeft (DependencyObject *obj)
1692 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Canvas::LeftProperty);
1693 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Canvas::LeftProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
1694 return value->AsDouble ();
1697 void
1698 Canvas::SetLeft (DependencyObject *obj, double value)
1700 if (!obj) return;
1701 obj->SetValue (Canvas::LeftProperty, Value (value));
1704 TextWrapping
1705 TextBlock::GetTextWrapping ()
1707 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::TextWrappingProperty);
1708 return (TextWrapping) value->AsInt32 ();
1711 void
1712 TextBlock::SetTextWrapping (TextWrapping value)
1714 SetValue (TextBlock::TextWrappingProperty, Value (value));
1717 const char *
1718 TextBlock::GetText ()
1720 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::TextProperty);
1721 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
1724 void
1725 TextBlock::SetText (const char *value)
1727 SetValue (TextBlock::TextProperty, Value (value));
1730 TextDecorations
1731 TextBlock::GetTextDecorations ()
1733 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::TextDecorationsProperty);
1734 return (TextDecorations) value->AsInt32 ();
1737 void
1738 TextBlock::SetTextDecorations (TextDecorations value)
1740 SetValue (TextBlock::TextDecorationsProperty, Value (value));
1743 TextAlignment
1744 TextBlock::GetTextAlignment ()
1746 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::TextAlignmentProperty);
1747 return (TextAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
1750 void
1751 TextBlock::SetTextAlignment (TextAlignment value)
1753 SetValue (TextBlock::TextAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
1756 Thickness *
1757 TextBlock::GetPadding ()
1759 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::PaddingProperty);
1760 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
1763 void
1764 TextBlock::SetPadding (Thickness *value)
1766 if (!value) return;
1767 SetValue (TextBlock::PaddingProperty, Value (*value));
1770 LineStackingStrategy
1771 TextBlock::GetLineStackingStrategy ()
1773 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::LineStackingStrategyProperty);
1774 return (LineStackingStrategy) value->AsInt32 ();
1777 void
1778 TextBlock::SetLineStackingStrategy (LineStackingStrategy value)
1780 SetValue (TextBlock::LineStackingStrategyProperty, Value (value));
1783 double
1784 TextBlock::GetLineHeight ()
1786 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::LineHeightProperty);
1787 return value->AsDouble ();
1790 void
1791 TextBlock::SetLineHeight (double value)
1793 SetValue (TextBlock::LineHeightProperty, Value (value));
1796 InlineCollection *
1797 TextBlock::GetInlines ()
1799 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::InlinesProperty);
1800 return value ? value->AsInlineCollection () : NULL;
1803 void
1804 TextBlock::SetInlines (InlineCollection *value)
1806 SetValue (TextBlock::InlinesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1809 Brush *
1810 TextBlock::GetForeground ()
1812 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::ForegroundProperty);
1813 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
1816 void
1817 TextBlock::SetForeground (Brush *value)
1819 SetValue (TextBlock::ForegroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1822 FontWeight *
1823 TextBlock::GetFontWeight ()
1825 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontWeightProperty);
1826 return value ? value->AsFontWeight () : NULL;
1829 void
1830 TextBlock::SetFontWeight (FontWeight *value)
1832 if (!value) return;
1833 SetValue (TextBlock::FontWeightProperty, Value (*value));
1836 FontStyle *
1837 TextBlock::GetFontStyle ()
1839 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontStyleProperty);
1840 return value ? value->AsFontStyle () : NULL;
1843 void
1844 TextBlock::SetFontStyle (FontStyle *value)
1846 if (!value) return;
1847 SetValue (TextBlock::FontStyleProperty, Value (*value));
1850 FontStretch *
1851 TextBlock::GetFontStretch ()
1853 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontStretchProperty);
1854 return value ? value->AsFontStretch () : NULL;
1857 void
1858 TextBlock::SetFontStretch (FontStretch *value)
1860 if (!value) return;
1861 SetValue (TextBlock::FontStretchProperty, Value (*value));
1864 FontSource *
1865 TextBlock::GetFontSource ()
1867 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontSourceProperty);
1868 return value ? value->AsFontSource () : NULL;
1871 void
1872 TextBlock::SetFontSource (FontSource *value)
1874 if (!value) return;
1875 SetValue (TextBlock::FontSourceProperty, Value (*value));
1878 double
1879 TextBlock::GetFontSize ()
1881 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontSizeProperty);
1882 return value->AsDouble ();
1885 void
1886 TextBlock::SetFontSize (double value)
1888 SetValue (TextBlock::FontSizeProperty, Value (value));
1891 FontFamily *
1892 TextBlock::GetFontFamily ()
1894 Value *value = GetValue (TextBlock::FontFamilyProperty);
1895 return value ? value->AsFontFamily () : NULL;
1898 void
1899 TextBlock::SetFontFamily (FontFamily *value)
1901 if (!value) return;
1902 SetValue (TextBlock::FontFamilyProperty, Value (*value));
1905 double
1906 Popup::GetVerticalOffset ()
1908 Value *value = GetValue (Popup::VerticalOffsetProperty);
1909 return value->AsDouble ();
1912 void
1913 Popup::SetVerticalOffset (double value)
1915 SetValue (Popup::VerticalOffsetProperty, Value (value));
1918 bool
1919 Popup::GetIsOpen ()
1921 Value *value = GetValue (Popup::IsOpenProperty);
1922 return value->AsBool ();
1925 void
1926 Popup::SetIsOpen (bool value)
1928 SetValue (Popup::IsOpenProperty, Value (value));
1931 double
1932 Popup::GetHorizontalOffset ()
1934 Value *value = GetValue (Popup::HorizontalOffsetProperty);
1935 return value->AsDouble ();
1938 void
1939 Popup::SetHorizontalOffset (double value)
1941 SetValue (Popup::HorizontalOffsetProperty, Value (value));
1944 UIElement *
1945 Popup::GetChild ()
1947 Value *value = GetValue (Popup::ChildProperty);
1948 return value ? value->AsUIElement () : NULL;
1951 void
1952 Popup::SetChild (UIElement *value)
1954 SetValue (Popup::ChildProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
1957 double
1958 MediaElement::GetVolume ()
1960 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::VolumeProperty);
1961 return value->AsDouble ();
1964 void
1965 MediaElement::SetVolume (double value)
1967 SetValue (MediaElement::VolumeProperty, Value (value));
1970 Stretch
1971 MediaElement::GetStretch ()
1973 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::StretchProperty);
1974 return (Stretch) value->AsInt32 ();
1977 void
1978 MediaElement::SetStretch (Stretch value)
1980 SetValue (MediaElement::StretchProperty, Value (value));
1983 Uri *
1984 MediaElement::GetSource ()
1986 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::SourceProperty);
1987 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
1990 void
1991 MediaElement::SetSource (Uri value)
1993 SetValue (MediaElement::SourceProperty, Value (value));
1996 void
1997 MediaElement::SetSource (Uri *value)
1999 if (!value)
2000 SetValue (MediaElement::SourceProperty, NULL);
2001 else
2002 SetValue (MediaElement::SourceProperty, Value (*value));
2005 double
2006 MediaElement::GetRenderedFramesPerSecond ()
2008 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::RenderedFramesPerSecondProperty);
2009 return value->AsDouble ();
2012 void
2013 MediaElement::SetRenderedFramesPerSecond (double value)
2015 SetValue (MediaElement::RenderedFramesPerSecondProperty, Value (value));
2018 TimeSpan
2019 MediaElement::GetPosition ()
2021 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::PositionProperty);
2022 return value->AsTimeSpan ();
2025 void
2026 MediaElement::SetPosition (TimeSpan value)
2028 SetValue (MediaElement::PositionProperty, Value (value, Type::TIMESPAN));
2031 gint32
2032 MediaElement::GetNaturalVideoWidth ()
2034 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::NaturalVideoWidthProperty);
2035 return value->AsInt32 ();
2038 void
2039 MediaElement::SetNaturalVideoWidth (gint32 value)
2041 SetValue (MediaElement::NaturalVideoWidthProperty, Value (value));
2044 gint32
2045 MediaElement::GetNaturalVideoHeight ()
2047 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::NaturalVideoHeightProperty);
2048 return value->AsInt32 ();
2051 void
2052 MediaElement::SetNaturalVideoHeight (gint32 value)
2054 SetValue (MediaElement::NaturalVideoHeightProperty, Value (value));
2057 Duration *
2058 MediaElement::GetNaturalDuration ()
2060 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::NaturalDurationProperty);
2061 return value ? value->AsDuration () : NULL;
2064 void
2065 MediaElement::SetNaturalDuration (Duration *value)
2067 if (!value) return;
2068 SetValue (MediaElement::NaturalDurationProperty, Value (*value));
2071 TimelineMarkerCollection *
2072 MediaElement::GetMarkers ()
2074 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::MarkersProperty);
2075 return value ? value->AsTimelineMarkerCollection () : NULL;
2078 void
2079 MediaElement::SetMarkers (TimelineMarkerCollection *value)
2081 SetValue (MediaElement::MarkersProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2084 bool
2085 MediaElement::GetIsMuted ()
2087 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::IsMutedProperty);
2088 return value->AsBool ();
2091 void
2092 MediaElement::SetIsMuted (bool value)
2094 SetValue (MediaElement::IsMutedProperty, Value (value));
2097 double
2098 MediaElement::GetDroppedFramesPerSecond ()
2100 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::DroppedFramesPerSecondProperty);
2101 return value->AsDouble ();
2104 void
2105 MediaElement::SetDroppedFramesPerSecond (double value)
2107 SetValue (MediaElement::DroppedFramesPerSecondProperty, Value (value));
2110 double
2111 MediaElement::GetDownloadProgress ()
2113 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::DownloadProgressProperty);
2114 return value->AsDouble ();
2117 void
2118 MediaElement::SetDownloadProgress (double value)
2120 SetValue (MediaElement::DownloadProgressProperty, Value (value));
2123 double
2124 MediaElement::GetDownloadProgressOffset ()
2126 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::DownloadProgressOffsetProperty);
2127 return value->AsDouble ();
2130 void
2131 MediaElement::SetDownloadProgressOffset (double value)
2133 SetValue (MediaElement::DownloadProgressOffsetProperty, Value (value));
2136 MediaState
2137 MediaElement::GetCurrentState ()
2139 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::CurrentStateProperty);
2140 return (MediaState) value->AsInt32 ();
2143 void
2144 MediaElement::SetCurrentState (MediaState value)
2146 SetValue (MediaElement::CurrentStateProperty, Value (value));
2149 bool
2150 MediaElement::GetCanSeek ()
2152 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::CanSeekProperty);
2153 return value->AsBool ();
2156 void
2157 MediaElement::SetCanSeek (bool value)
2159 SetValue (MediaElement::CanSeekProperty, Value (value));
2162 bool
2163 MediaElement::GetCanPause ()
2165 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::CanPauseProperty);
2166 return value->AsBool ();
2169 void
2170 MediaElement::SetCanPause (bool value)
2172 SetValue (MediaElement::CanPauseProperty, Value (value));
2175 TimeSpan
2176 MediaElement::GetBufferingTime ()
2178 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::BufferingTimeProperty);
2179 return value->AsTimeSpan ();
2182 void
2183 MediaElement::SetBufferingTime (TimeSpan value)
2185 SetValue (MediaElement::BufferingTimeProperty, Value (value, Type::TIMESPAN));
2188 double
2189 MediaElement::GetBufferingProgress ()
2191 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::BufferingProgressProperty);
2192 return value->AsDouble ();
2195 void
2196 MediaElement::SetBufferingProgress (double value)
2198 SetValue (MediaElement::BufferingProgressProperty, Value (value));
2201 double
2202 MediaElement::GetBalance ()
2204 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::BalanceProperty);
2205 return value->AsDouble ();
2208 void
2209 MediaElement::SetBalance (double value)
2211 SetValue (MediaElement::BalanceProperty, Value (value));
2214 bool
2215 MediaElement::GetAutoPlay ()
2217 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::AutoPlayProperty);
2218 return value->AsBool ();
2221 void
2222 MediaElement::SetAutoPlay (bool value)
2224 SetValue (MediaElement::AutoPlayProperty, Value (value));
2227 gint32 *
2228 MediaElement::GetAudioStreamIndex ()
2230 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamIndexProperty);
2231 return value ? value->AsNullableInt32 () : NULL;
2234 void
2235 MediaElement::SetAudioStreamIndex (gint32 value)
2237 SetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamIndexProperty, Value (value));
2240 void
2241 MediaElement::SetAudioStreamIndex (gint32 * value)
2243 if (!value)
2244 SetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamIndexProperty, NULL);
2245 else
2246 SetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamIndexProperty, Value (*value));
2249 gint32
2250 MediaElement::GetAudioStreamCount ()
2252 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamCountProperty);
2253 return value->AsInt32 ();
2256 void
2257 MediaElement::SetAudioStreamCount (gint32 value)
2259 SetValue (MediaElement::AudioStreamCountProperty, Value (value));
2262 MediaAttributeCollection *
2263 MediaElement::GetAttributes ()
2265 Value *value = GetValue (MediaElement::AttributesProperty);
2266 return value ? value->AsMediaAttributeCollection () : NULL;
2269 void
2270 MediaElement::SetAttributes (MediaAttributeCollection *value)
2272 SetValue (MediaElement::AttributesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2275 double
2276 Shape::GetStrokeThickness ()
2278 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeThicknessProperty);
2279 return value->AsDouble ();
2282 void
2283 Shape::SetStrokeThickness (double value)
2285 SetValue (Shape::StrokeThicknessProperty, Value (value));
2288 PenLineCap
2289 Shape::GetStrokeStartLineCap ()
2291 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeStartLineCapProperty);
2292 return (PenLineCap) value->AsInt32 ();
2295 void
2296 Shape::SetStrokeStartLineCap (PenLineCap value)
2298 SetValue (Shape::StrokeStartLineCapProperty, Value (value));
2301 Brush *
2302 Shape::GetStroke ()
2304 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeProperty);
2305 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2308 void
2309 Shape::SetStroke (Brush *value)
2311 SetValue (Shape::StrokeProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2314 double
2315 Shape::GetStrokeMiterLimit ()
2317 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeMiterLimitProperty);
2318 return value->AsDouble ();
2321 void
2322 Shape::SetStrokeMiterLimit (double value)
2324 SetValue (Shape::StrokeMiterLimitProperty, Value (value));
2327 PenLineJoin
2328 Shape::GetStrokeLineJoin ()
2330 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeLineJoinProperty);
2331 return (PenLineJoin) value->AsInt32 ();
2334 void
2335 Shape::SetStrokeLineJoin (PenLineJoin value)
2337 SetValue (Shape::StrokeLineJoinProperty, Value (value));
2340 PenLineCap
2341 Shape::GetStrokeEndLineCap ()
2343 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeEndLineCapProperty);
2344 return (PenLineCap) value->AsInt32 ();
2347 void
2348 Shape::SetStrokeEndLineCap (PenLineCap value)
2350 SetValue (Shape::StrokeEndLineCapProperty, Value (value));
2353 double
2354 Shape::GetStrokeDashOffset ()
2356 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeDashOffsetProperty);
2357 return value->AsDouble ();
2360 void
2361 Shape::SetStrokeDashOffset (double value)
2363 SetValue (Shape::StrokeDashOffsetProperty, Value (value));
2366 PenLineCap
2367 Shape::GetStrokeDashCap ()
2369 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeDashCapProperty);
2370 return (PenLineCap) value->AsInt32 ();
2373 void
2374 Shape::SetStrokeDashCap (PenLineCap value)
2376 SetValue (Shape::StrokeDashCapProperty, Value (value));
2379 DoubleCollection *
2380 Shape::GetStrokeDashArray ()
2382 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StrokeDashArrayProperty);
2383 return value ? value->AsDoubleCollection () : NULL;
2386 void
2387 Shape::SetStrokeDashArray (DoubleCollection *value)
2389 SetValue (Shape::StrokeDashArrayProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2392 Stretch
2393 Shape::GetStretch ()
2395 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::StretchProperty);
2396 return (Stretch) value->AsInt32 ();
2399 void
2400 Shape::SetStretch (Stretch value)
2402 SetValue (Shape::StretchProperty, Value (value));
2405 Brush *
2406 Shape::GetFill ()
2408 Value *value = GetValue (Shape::FillProperty);
2409 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2412 void
2413 Shape::SetFill (Brush *value)
2415 SetValue (Shape::FillProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2418 Stretch
2419 MediaBase::GetStretch ()
2421 Value *value = GetValue (MediaBase::StretchProperty);
2422 return (Stretch) value->AsInt32 ();
2425 void
2426 MediaBase::SetStretch (Stretch value)
2428 SetValue (MediaBase::StretchProperty, Value (value));
2431 const char *
2432 MediaBase::GetSource ()
2434 Value *value = GetValue (MediaBase::SourceProperty);
2435 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
2438 void
2439 MediaBase::SetSource (const char *value)
2441 SetValue (MediaBase::SourceProperty, Value (value));
2444 double
2445 MediaBase::GetDownloadProgress ()
2447 Value *value = GetValue (MediaBase::DownloadProgressProperty);
2448 return value->AsDouble ();
2451 void
2452 MediaBase::SetDownloadProgress (double value)
2454 SetValue (MediaBase::DownloadProgressProperty, Value (value));
2457 const char *
2458 Glyphs::GetUnicodeString ()
2460 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::UnicodeStringProperty);
2461 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
2464 void
2465 Glyphs::SetUnicodeString (const char *value)
2467 SetValue (Glyphs::UnicodeStringProperty, Value (value));
2470 StyleSimulations
2471 Glyphs::GetStyleSimulations ()
2473 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::StyleSimulationsProperty);
2474 return (StyleSimulations) value->AsInt32 ();
2477 void
2478 Glyphs::SetStyleSimulations (StyleSimulations value)
2480 SetValue (Glyphs::StyleSimulationsProperty, Value (value));
2483 double
2484 Glyphs::GetOriginY ()
2486 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::OriginYProperty);
2487 return value->AsDouble ();
2490 void
2491 Glyphs::SetOriginY (double value)
2493 SetValue (Glyphs::OriginYProperty, Value (value));
2496 double
2497 Glyphs::GetOriginX ()
2499 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::OriginXProperty);
2500 return value->AsDouble ();
2503 void
2504 Glyphs::SetOriginX (double value)
2506 SetValue (Glyphs::OriginXProperty, Value (value));
2509 const char *
2510 Glyphs::GetIndices ()
2512 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::IndicesProperty);
2513 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
2516 void
2517 Glyphs::SetIndices (const char *value)
2519 SetValue (Glyphs::IndicesProperty, Value (value));
2522 Uri *
2523 Glyphs::GetFontUri ()
2525 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::FontUriProperty);
2526 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
2529 void
2530 Glyphs::SetFontUri (Uri *value)
2532 if (!value) return;
2533 SetValue (Glyphs::FontUriProperty, Value (*value));
2536 double
2537 Glyphs::GetFontRenderingEmSize ()
2539 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::FontRenderingEmSizeProperty);
2540 return value->AsDouble ();
2543 void
2544 Glyphs::SetFontRenderingEmSize (double value)
2546 SetValue (Glyphs::FontRenderingEmSizeProperty, Value (value));
2549 Brush *
2550 Glyphs::GetFill ()
2552 Value *value = GetValue (Glyphs::FillProperty);
2553 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2556 void
2557 Glyphs::SetFill (Brush *value)
2559 SetValue (Glyphs::FillProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2562 VerticalAlignment
2563 Control::GetVerticalContentAlignment ()
2565 Value *value = GetValue (Control::VerticalContentAlignmentProperty);
2566 return (VerticalAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
2569 void
2570 Control::SetVerticalContentAlignment (VerticalAlignment value)
2572 SetValue (Control::VerticalContentAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
2575 ControlTemplate *
2576 Control::GetTemplate ()
2578 Value *value = GetValue (Control::TemplateProperty);
2579 return value ? value->AsControlTemplate () : NULL;
2582 void
2583 Control::SetTemplate (ControlTemplate *value)
2585 SetValue (Control::TemplateProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2588 KeyboardNavigationMode
2589 Control::GetTabNavigation ()
2591 Value *value = GetValue (Control::TabNavigationProperty);
2592 return (KeyboardNavigationMode) value->AsInt32 ();
2595 void
2596 Control::SetTabNavigation (KeyboardNavigationMode value)
2598 SetValue (Control::TabNavigationProperty, Value (value));
2601 gint32
2602 Control::GetTabIndex ()
2604 Value *value = GetValue (Control::TabIndexProperty);
2605 return value->AsInt32 ();
2608 void
2609 Control::SetTabIndex (gint32 value)
2611 SetValue (Control::TabIndexProperty, Value (value));
2614 Thickness *
2615 Control::GetPadding ()
2617 Value *value = GetValue (Control::PaddingProperty);
2618 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
2621 void
2622 Control::SetPadding (Thickness *value)
2624 if (!value) return;
2625 SetValue (Control::PaddingProperty, Value (*value));
2628 bool
2629 Control::GetIsTemplateItem (DependencyObject *obj)
2631 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Control::IsTemplateItemProperty);
2632 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Control::IsTemplateItemProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
2633 return value->AsBool ();
2636 void
2637 Control::SetIsTemplateItem (DependencyObject *obj, bool value)
2639 if (!obj) return;
2640 obj->SetValue (Control::IsTemplateItemProperty, Value (value));
2643 bool
2644 Control::GetIsTabStop ()
2646 Value *value = GetValue (Control::IsTabStopProperty);
2647 return value->AsBool ();
2650 void
2651 Control::SetIsTabStop (bool value)
2653 SetValue (Control::IsTabStopProperty, Value (value));
2656 bool
2657 Control::GetIsEnabled ()
2659 Value *value = GetValue (Control::IsEnabledProperty);
2660 return value->AsBool ();
2663 void
2664 Control::SetIsEnabled (bool value)
2666 SetValue (Control::IsEnabledProperty, Value (value));
2669 HorizontalAlignment
2670 Control::GetHorizontalContentAlignment ()
2672 Value *value = GetValue (Control::HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty);
2673 return (HorizontalAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
2676 void
2677 Control::SetHorizontalContentAlignment (HorizontalAlignment value)
2679 SetValue (Control::HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
2682 Brush *
2683 Control::GetForeground ()
2685 Value *value = GetValue (Control::ForegroundProperty);
2686 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2689 void
2690 Control::SetForeground (Brush *value)
2692 SetValue (Control::ForegroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2695 FontWeight *
2696 Control::GetFontWeight ()
2698 Value *value = GetValue (Control::FontWeightProperty);
2699 return value ? value->AsFontWeight () : NULL;
2702 void
2703 Control::SetFontWeight (FontWeight *value)
2705 if (!value) return;
2706 SetValue (Control::FontWeightProperty, Value (*value));
2709 FontStyle *
2710 Control::GetFontStyle ()
2712 Value *value = GetValue (Control::FontStyleProperty);
2713 return value ? value->AsFontStyle () : NULL;
2716 void
2717 Control::SetFontStyle (FontStyle *value)
2719 if (!value) return;
2720 SetValue (Control::FontStyleProperty, Value (*value));
2723 FontStretch *
2724 Control::GetFontStretch ()
2726 Value *value = GetValue (Control::FontStretchProperty);
2727 return value ? value->AsFontStretch () : NULL;
2730 void
2731 Control::SetFontStretch (FontStretch *value)
2733 if (!value) return;
2734 SetValue (Control::FontStretchProperty, Value (*value));
2737 double
2738 Control::GetFontSize ()
2740 Value *value = GetValue (Control::FontSizeProperty);
2741 return value->AsDouble ();
2744 void
2745 Control::SetFontSize (double value)
2747 SetValue (Control::FontSizeProperty, Value (value));
2750 FontFamily *
2751 Control::GetFontFamily ()
2753 Value *value = GetValue (Control::FontFamilyProperty);
2754 return value ? value->AsFontFamily () : NULL;
2757 void
2758 Control::SetFontFamily (FontFamily *value)
2760 if (!value) return;
2761 SetValue (Control::FontFamilyProperty, Value (*value));
2764 ManagedTypeInfo *
2765 Control::GetDefaultStyleKey ()
2767 Value *value = GetValue (Control::DefaultStyleKeyProperty);
2768 return value ? value->AsManagedTypeInfo () : NULL;
2771 void
2772 Control::SetDefaultStyleKey (ManagedTypeInfo *value)
2774 if (!value) return;
2775 SetValue (Control::DefaultStyleKeyProperty, Value (*value));
2778 Thickness *
2779 Control::GetBorderThickness ()
2781 Value *value = GetValue (Control::BorderThicknessProperty);
2782 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
2785 void
2786 Control::SetBorderThickness (Thickness *value)
2788 if (!value) return;
2789 SetValue (Control::BorderThicknessProperty, Value (*value));
2792 Brush *
2793 Control::GetBorderBrush ()
2795 Value *value = GetValue (Control::BorderBrushProperty);
2796 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2799 void
2800 Control::SetBorderBrush (Brush *value)
2802 SetValue (Control::BorderBrushProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2805 Brush *
2806 Control::GetBackground ()
2808 Value *value = GetValue (Control::BackgroundProperty);
2809 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2812 void
2813 Control::SetBackground (Brush *value)
2815 SetValue (Control::BackgroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2818 UIElementCollection *
2819 Panel::GetChildren ()
2821 Value *value = GetValue (Panel::ChildrenProperty);
2822 return value ? value->AsUIElementCollection () : NULL;
2825 void
2826 Panel::SetChildren (UIElementCollection *value)
2828 SetValue (Panel::ChildrenProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2831 Brush *
2832 Panel::GetBackground ()
2834 Value *value = GetValue (Panel::BackgroundProperty);
2835 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2838 void
2839 Panel::SetBackground (Brush *value)
2841 SetValue (Panel::BackgroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2844 Thickness *
2845 Border::GetPadding ()
2847 Value *value = GetValue (Border::PaddingProperty);
2848 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
2851 void
2852 Border::SetPadding (Thickness *value)
2854 if (!value) return;
2855 SetValue (Border::PaddingProperty, Value (*value));
2858 CornerRadius *
2859 Border::GetCornerRadius ()
2861 Value *value = GetValue (Border::CornerRadiusProperty);
2862 return value ? value->AsCornerRadius () : NULL;
2865 void
2866 Border::SetCornerRadius (CornerRadius *value)
2868 if (!value) return;
2869 SetValue (Border::CornerRadiusProperty, Value (*value));
2872 UIElement *
2873 Border::GetChild ()
2875 Value *value = GetValue (Border::ChildProperty);
2876 return value ? value->AsUIElement () : NULL;
2879 void
2880 Border::SetChild (UIElement *value)
2882 SetValue (Border::ChildProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2885 Thickness *
2886 Border::GetBorderThickness ()
2888 Value *value = GetValue (Border::BorderThicknessProperty);
2889 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
2892 void
2893 Border::SetBorderThickness (Thickness *value)
2895 if (!value) return;
2896 SetValue (Border::BorderThicknessProperty, Value (*value));
2899 Brush *
2900 Border::GetBorderBrush ()
2902 Value *value = GetValue (Border::BorderBrushProperty);
2903 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2906 void
2907 Border::SetBorderBrush (Brush *value)
2909 SetValue (Border::BorderBrushProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2912 Brush *
2913 Border::GetBackground ()
2915 Value *value = GetValue (Border::BackgroundProperty);
2916 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
2919 void
2920 Border::SetBackground (Brush *value)
2922 SetValue (Border::BackgroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2925 TimelineCollection *
2926 TimelineGroup::GetChildren ()
2928 Value *value = GetValue (TimelineGroup::ChildrenProperty);
2929 return value ? value->AsTimelineCollection () : NULL;
2932 void
2933 TimelineGroup::SetChildren (TimelineCollection *value)
2935 SetValue (TimelineGroup::ChildrenProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
2938 const char *
2939 Run::GetText ()
2941 Value *value = GetValue (Run::TextProperty);
2942 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
2945 void
2946 Run::SetText (const char *value)
2948 SetValue (Run::TextProperty, Value (value));
2951 Rect *
2952 RectangleGeometry::GetRect ()
2954 Value *value = GetValue (RectangleGeometry::RectProperty);
2955 return value ? value->AsRect () : NULL;
2958 void
2959 RectangleGeometry::SetRect (Rect *value)
2961 if (!value) return;
2962 SetValue (RectangleGeometry::RectProperty, Value (*value));
2965 double
2966 RectangleGeometry::GetRadiusY ()
2968 Value *value = GetValue (RectangleGeometry::RadiusYProperty);
2969 return value->AsDouble ();
2972 void
2973 RectangleGeometry::SetRadiusY (double value)
2975 SetValue (RectangleGeometry::RadiusYProperty, Value (value));
2978 double
2979 RectangleGeometry::GetRadiusX ()
2981 Value *value = GetValue (RectangleGeometry::RadiusXProperty);
2982 return value->AsDouble ();
2985 void
2986 RectangleGeometry::SetRadiusX (double value)
2988 SetValue (RectangleGeometry::RadiusXProperty, Value (value));
2991 FillRule
2992 PathGeometry::GetFillRule ()
2994 Value *value = GetValue (PathGeometry::FillRuleProperty);
2995 return (FillRule) value->AsInt32 ();
2998 void
2999 PathGeometry::SetFillRule (FillRule value)
3001 SetValue (PathGeometry::FillRuleProperty, Value (value));
3004 PathFigureCollection *
3005 PathGeometry::GetFigures ()
3007 Value *value = GetValue (PathGeometry::FiguresProperty);
3008 return value ? value->AsPathFigureCollection () : NULL;
3011 void
3012 PathGeometry::SetFigures (PathFigureCollection *value)
3014 SetValue (PathGeometry::FiguresProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3017 Point *
3018 LineGeometry::GetStartPoint ()
3020 Value *value = GetValue (LineGeometry::StartPointProperty);
3021 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
3024 void
3025 LineGeometry::SetStartPoint (Point *value)
3027 if (!value) return;
3028 SetValue (LineGeometry::StartPointProperty, Value (*value));
3031 Point *
3032 LineGeometry::GetEndPoint ()
3034 Value *value = GetValue (LineGeometry::EndPointProperty);
3035 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
3038 void
3039 LineGeometry::SetEndPoint (Point *value)
3041 if (!value) return;
3042 SetValue (LineGeometry::EndPointProperty, Value (*value));
3045 FillRule
3046 GeometryGroup::GetFillRule ()
3048 Value *value = GetValue (GeometryGroup::FillRuleProperty);
3049 return (FillRule) value->AsInt32 ();
3052 void
3053 GeometryGroup::SetFillRule (FillRule value)
3055 SetValue (GeometryGroup::FillRuleProperty, Value (value));
3058 GeometryCollection *
3059 GeometryGroup::GetChildren ()
3061 Value *value = GetValue (GeometryGroup::ChildrenProperty);
3062 return value ? value->AsGeometryCollection () : NULL;
3065 void
3066 GeometryGroup::SetChildren (GeometryCollection *value)
3068 SetValue (GeometryGroup::ChildrenProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3071 double
3072 EllipseGeometry::GetRadiusY ()
3074 Value *value = GetValue (EllipseGeometry::RadiusYProperty);
3075 return value->AsDouble ();
3078 void
3079 EllipseGeometry::SetRadiusY (double value)
3081 SetValue (EllipseGeometry::RadiusYProperty, Value (value));
3084 double
3085 EllipseGeometry::GetRadiusX ()
3087 Value *value = GetValue (EllipseGeometry::RadiusXProperty);
3088 return value->AsDouble ();
3091 void
3092 EllipseGeometry::SetRadiusX (double value)
3094 SetValue (EllipseGeometry::RadiusXProperty, Value (value));
3097 Point *
3098 EllipseGeometry::GetCenter ()
3100 Value *value = GetValue (EllipseGeometry::CenterProperty);
3101 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
3104 void
3105 EllipseGeometry::SetCenter (Point *value)
3107 if (!value) return;
3108 SetValue (EllipseGeometry::CenterProperty, Value (*value));
3111 Uri *
3112 DeepZoomImageTileSource::GetUriSource ()
3114 Value *value = GetValue (DeepZoomImageTileSource::UriSourceProperty);
3115 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
3118 void
3119 DeepZoomImageTileSource::SetUriSource (Uri *value)
3121 if (!value) return;
3122 SetValue (DeepZoomImageTileSource::UriSourceProperty, Value (*value));
3125 ResourceDictionaryCollection *
3126 ResourceDictionary::GetMergedDictionaries ()
3128 Value *value = GetValue (ResourceDictionary::MergedDictionariesProperty);
3129 return value ? value->AsResourceDictionaryCollection () : NULL;
3132 void
3133 ResourceDictionary::SetMergedDictionaries (ResourceDictionaryCollection *value)
3135 SetValue (ResourceDictionary::MergedDictionariesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3138 double
3139 FrameworkElement::GetWidth ()
3141 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::WidthProperty);
3142 return value->AsDouble ();
3145 void
3146 FrameworkElement::SetWidth (double value)
3148 SetValue (FrameworkElement::WidthProperty, Value (value));
3151 VerticalAlignment
3152 FrameworkElement::GetVerticalAlignment ()
3154 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::VerticalAlignmentProperty);
3155 return (VerticalAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
3158 void
3159 FrameworkElement::SetVerticalAlignment (VerticalAlignment value)
3161 SetValue (FrameworkElement::VerticalAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
3164 Style *
3165 FrameworkElement::GetStyle ()
3167 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::StyleProperty);
3168 return value ? value->AsStyle () : NULL;
3171 void
3172 FrameworkElement::SetStyle (Style *value)
3174 SetValue (FrameworkElement::StyleProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3177 double
3178 FrameworkElement::GetMinWidth ()
3180 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::MinWidthProperty);
3181 return value->AsDouble ();
3184 void
3185 FrameworkElement::SetMinWidth (double value)
3187 SetValue (FrameworkElement::MinWidthProperty, Value (value));
3190 double
3191 FrameworkElement::GetMinHeight ()
3193 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::MinHeightProperty);
3194 return value->AsDouble ();
3197 void
3198 FrameworkElement::SetMinHeight (double value)
3200 SetValue (FrameworkElement::MinHeightProperty, Value (value));
3203 double
3204 FrameworkElement::GetMaxWidth ()
3206 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::MaxWidthProperty);
3207 return value->AsDouble ();
3210 void
3211 FrameworkElement::SetMaxWidth (double value)
3213 SetValue (FrameworkElement::MaxWidthProperty, Value (value));
3216 double
3217 FrameworkElement::GetMaxHeight ()
3219 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::MaxHeightProperty);
3220 return value->AsDouble ();
3223 void
3224 FrameworkElement::SetMaxHeight (double value)
3226 SetValue (FrameworkElement::MaxHeightProperty, Value (value));
3229 Thickness *
3230 FrameworkElement::GetMargin ()
3232 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::MarginProperty);
3233 return value ? value->AsThickness () : NULL;
3236 void
3237 FrameworkElement::SetMargin (Thickness *value)
3239 if (!value) return;
3240 SetValue (FrameworkElement::MarginProperty, Value (*value));
3243 const char *
3244 FrameworkElement::GetLanguage ()
3246 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::LanguageProperty);
3247 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3250 void
3251 FrameworkElement::SetLanguage (const char *value)
3253 SetValue (FrameworkElement::LanguageProperty, Value (value));
3256 HorizontalAlignment
3257 FrameworkElement::GetHorizontalAlignment ()
3259 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::HorizontalAlignmentProperty);
3260 return (HorizontalAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
3263 void
3264 FrameworkElement::SetHorizontalAlignment (HorizontalAlignment value)
3266 SetValue (FrameworkElement::HorizontalAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
3269 double
3270 FrameworkElement::GetHeight ()
3272 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::HeightProperty);
3273 return value->AsDouble ();
3276 void
3277 FrameworkElement::SetHeight (double value)
3279 SetValue (FrameworkElement::HeightProperty, Value (value));
3282 double
3283 FrameworkElement::GetActualWidth ()
3285 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::ActualWidthProperty);
3286 return value->AsDouble ();
3289 void
3290 FrameworkElement::SetActualWidth (double value)
3292 SetValue (FrameworkElement::ActualWidthProperty, Value (value));
3295 double
3296 FrameworkElement::GetActualHeight ()
3298 Value *value = GetValue (FrameworkElement::ActualHeightProperty);
3299 return value->AsDouble ();
3302 void
3303 FrameworkElement::SetActualHeight (double value)
3305 SetValue (FrameworkElement::ActualHeightProperty, Value (value));
3308 double
3309 PowerEase::GetPower ()
3311 Value *value = GetValue (PowerEase::PowerProperty);
3312 return value->AsDouble ();
3315 void
3316 PowerEase::SetPower (double value)
3318 SetValue (PowerEase::PowerProperty, Value (value));
3321 double
3322 ExponentialEase::GetExponent ()
3324 Value *value = GetValue (ExponentialEase::ExponentProperty);
3325 return value->AsDouble ();
3328 void
3329 ExponentialEase::SetExponent (double value)
3331 SetValue (ExponentialEase::ExponentProperty, Value (value));
3334 double
3335 ElasticEase::GetSpringiness ()
3337 Value *value = GetValue (ElasticEase::SpringinessProperty);
3338 return value->AsDouble ();
3341 void
3342 ElasticEase::SetSpringiness (double value)
3344 SetValue (ElasticEase::SpringinessProperty, Value (value));
3347 gint32
3348 ElasticEase::GetOscillations ()
3350 Value *value = GetValue (ElasticEase::OscillationsProperty);
3351 return value->AsInt32 ();
3354 void
3355 ElasticEase::SetOscillations (gint32 value)
3357 SetValue (ElasticEase::OscillationsProperty, Value (value));
3360 double
3361 BounceEase::GetBounciness ()
3363 Value *value = GetValue (BounceEase::BouncinessProperty);
3364 return value->AsDouble ();
3367 void
3368 BounceEase::SetBounciness (double value)
3370 SetValue (BounceEase::BouncinessProperty, Value (value));
3373 gint32
3374 BounceEase::GetBounces ()
3376 Value *value = GetValue (BounceEase::BouncesProperty);
3377 return value->AsInt32 ();
3380 void
3381 BounceEase::SetBounces (gint32 value)
3383 SetValue (BounceEase::BouncesProperty, Value (value));
3386 double
3387 BackEase::GetAmplitude ()
3389 Value *value = GetValue (BackEase::AmplitudeProperty);
3390 return value->AsDouble ();
3393 void
3394 BackEase::SetAmplitude (double value)
3396 SetValue (BackEase::AmplitudeProperty, Value (value));
3399 KeySpline *
3400 SplinePointKeyFrame::GetKeySpline ()
3402 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (SplinePointKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty);
3403 return value ? value->AsKeySpline () : NULL;
3406 void
3407 SplinePointKeyFrame::SetKeySpline (KeySpline *value)
3409 DependencyObject::SetValue (SplinePointKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3412 EasingFunctionBase *
3413 EasingPointKeyFrame::GetEasingFunction ()
3415 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (EasingPointKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty);
3416 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
3419 void
3420 EasingPointKeyFrame::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
3422 DependencyObject::SetValue (EasingPointKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3425 PointKeyFrameCollection *
3426 PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames::GetKeyFrames ()
3428 Value *value = GetValue (PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty);
3429 return value ? value->AsPointKeyFrameCollection () : NULL;
3432 void
3433 PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames::SetKeyFrames (PointKeyFrameCollection *value)
3435 SetValue (PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3438 KeySpline *
3439 SplineDoubleKeyFrame::GetKeySpline ()
3441 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (SplineDoubleKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty);
3442 return value ? value->AsKeySpline () : NULL;
3445 void
3446 SplineDoubleKeyFrame::SetKeySpline (KeySpline *value)
3448 DependencyObject::SetValue (SplineDoubleKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3451 EasingFunctionBase *
3452 EasingDoubleKeyFrame::GetEasingFunction ()
3454 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (EasingDoubleKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty);
3455 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
3458 void
3459 EasingDoubleKeyFrame::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
3461 DependencyObject::SetValue (EasingDoubleKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3464 DoubleKeyFrameCollection *
3465 DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames::GetKeyFrames ()
3467 Value *value = GetValue (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty);
3468 return value ? value->AsDoubleKeyFrameCollection () : NULL;
3471 void
3472 DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames::SetKeyFrames (DoubleKeyFrameCollection *value)
3474 SetValue (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3477 const char *
3478 WindowSettings::GetWidth ()
3480 Value *value = GetValue (WindowSettings::WidthProperty);
3481 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3484 void
3485 WindowSettings::SetWidth (const char *value)
3487 SetValue (WindowSettings::WidthProperty, Value (value));
3490 const char *
3491 WindowSettings::GetTitle ()
3493 Value *value = GetValue (WindowSettings::TitleProperty);
3494 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3497 void
3498 WindowSettings::SetTitle (const char *value)
3500 SetValue (WindowSettings::TitleProperty, Value (value));
3503 const char *
3504 WindowSettings::GetHeight ()
3506 Value *value = GetValue (WindowSettings::HeightProperty);
3507 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3510 void
3511 WindowSettings::SetHeight (const char *value)
3513 SetValue (WindowSettings::HeightProperty, Value (value));
3516 const char *
3517 TimelineMarker::GetType ()
3519 Value *value = GetValue (TimelineMarker::TypeProperty);
3520 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3523 void
3524 TimelineMarker::SetType (const char *value)
3526 SetValue (TimelineMarker::TypeProperty, Value (value));
3529 TimeSpan
3530 TimelineMarker::GetTime ()
3532 Value *value = GetValue (TimelineMarker::TimeProperty);
3533 return value->AsTimeSpan ();
3536 void
3537 TimelineMarker::SetTime (TimeSpan value)
3539 SetValue (TimelineMarker::TimeProperty, Value (value, Type::TIMESPAN));
3542 const char *
3543 TimelineMarker::GetText ()
3545 Value *value = GetValue (TimelineMarker::TextProperty);
3546 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3549 void
3550 TimelineMarker::SetText (const char *value)
3552 SetValue (TimelineMarker::TextProperty, Value (value));
3555 double
3556 Timeline::GetSpeedRatio ()
3558 Value *value = GetValue (Timeline::SpeedRatioProperty);
3559 return value->AsDouble ();
3562 void
3563 Timeline::SetSpeedRatio (double value)
3565 SetValue (Timeline::SpeedRatioProperty, Value (value));
3568 FillBehavior
3569 Timeline::GetFillBehavior ()
3571 Value *value = GetValue (Timeline::FillBehaviorProperty);
3572 return (FillBehavior) value->AsInt32 ();
3575 void
3576 Timeline::SetFillBehavior (FillBehavior value)
3578 SetValue (Timeline::FillBehaviorProperty, Value (value));
3581 bool
3582 Timeline::GetAutoReverse ()
3584 Value *value = GetValue (Timeline::AutoReverseProperty);
3585 return value->AsBool ();
3588 void
3589 Timeline::SetAutoReverse (bool value)
3591 SetValue (Timeline::AutoReverseProperty, Value (value));
3594 double
3595 StylusPoint::GetY ()
3597 Value *value = GetValue (StylusPoint::YProperty);
3598 return value->AsDouble ();
3601 void
3602 StylusPoint::SetY (double value)
3604 SetValue (StylusPoint::YProperty, Value (value));
3607 double
3608 StylusPoint::GetX ()
3610 Value *value = GetValue (StylusPoint::XProperty);
3611 return value->AsDouble ();
3614 void
3615 StylusPoint::SetX (double value)
3617 SetValue (StylusPoint::XProperty, Value (value));
3620 double
3621 StylusPoint::GetPressureFactor ()
3623 Value *value = GetValue (StylusPoint::PressureFactorProperty);
3624 return value->AsDouble ();
3627 void
3628 StylusPoint::SetPressureFactor (double value)
3630 SetValue (StylusPoint::PressureFactorProperty, Value (value));
3633 bool
3634 StylusInfo::GetIsInverted ()
3636 Value *value = GetValue (StylusInfo::IsInvertedProperty);
3637 return value->AsBool ();
3640 void
3641 StylusInfo::SetIsInverted (bool value)
3643 SetValue (StylusInfo::IsInvertedProperty, Value (value));
3646 TabletDeviceType
3647 StylusInfo::GetDeviceType ()
3649 Value *value = GetValue (StylusInfo::DeviceTypeProperty);
3650 return (TabletDeviceType) value->AsInt32 ();
3653 void
3654 StylusInfo::SetDeviceType (TabletDeviceType value)
3656 SetValue (StylusInfo::DeviceTypeProperty, Value (value));
3659 SetterBaseCollection *
3660 Style::GetSetters ()
3662 Value *value = GetValue (Style::SettersProperty);
3663 return value ? value->AsSetterBaseCollection () : NULL;
3666 void
3667 Style::SetSetters (SetterBaseCollection *value)
3669 SetValue (Style::SettersProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3672 bool
3673 Style::GetIsSealed ()
3675 Value *value = GetValue (Style::IsSealedProperty);
3676 return value->AsBool ();
3679 void
3680 Style::SetIsSealed (bool value)
3682 SetValue (Style::IsSealedProperty, Value (value));
3685 StylusPointCollection *
3686 Stroke::GetStylusPoints ()
3688 Value *value = GetValue (Stroke::StylusPointsProperty);
3689 return value ? value->AsStylusPointCollection () : NULL;
3692 void
3693 Stroke::SetStylusPoints (StylusPointCollection *value)
3695 SetValue (Stroke::StylusPointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3698 DrawingAttributes *
3699 Stroke::GetDrawingAttributes ()
3701 Value *value = GetValue (Stroke::DrawingAttributesProperty);
3702 return value ? value->AsDrawingAttributes () : NULL;
3705 void
3706 Stroke::SetDrawingAttributes (DrawingAttributes *value)
3708 SetValue (Stroke::DrawingAttributesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3711 bool
3712 SetterBase::GetIsSealed ()
3714 Value *value = GetValue (SetterBase::IsSealedProperty);
3715 return value->AsBool ();
3718 void
3719 SetterBase::SetIsSealed (bool value)
3721 SetValue (SetterBase::IsSealedProperty, Value (value));
3724 double
3725 RowDefinition::GetMinHeight ()
3727 Value *value = GetValue (RowDefinition::MinHeightProperty);
3728 return value->AsDouble ();
3731 void
3732 RowDefinition::SetMinHeight (double value)
3734 SetValue (RowDefinition::MinHeightProperty, Value (value));
3737 double
3738 RowDefinition::GetMaxHeight ()
3740 Value *value = GetValue (RowDefinition::MaxHeightProperty);
3741 return value->AsDouble ();
3744 void
3745 RowDefinition::SetMaxHeight (double value)
3747 SetValue (RowDefinition::MaxHeightProperty, Value (value));
3750 GridLength *
3751 RowDefinition::GetHeight ()
3753 Value *value = GetValue (RowDefinition::HeightProperty);
3754 return value ? value->AsGridLength () : NULL;
3757 void
3758 RowDefinition::SetHeight (GridLength *value)
3760 if (!value) return;
3761 SetValue (RowDefinition::HeightProperty, Value (*value));
3764 double
3765 RowDefinition::GetActualHeight ()
3767 Value *value = GetValue (RowDefinition::ActualHeightProperty);
3768 return value->AsDouble ();
3771 void
3772 RowDefinition::SetActualHeight (double value)
3774 SetValue (RowDefinition::ActualHeightProperty, Value (value));
3777 Uri *
3778 PixelShader::GetUriSource ()
3780 Value *value = GetValue (PixelShader::UriSourceProperty);
3781 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
3784 void
3785 PixelShader::SetUriSource (Uri *value)
3787 if (!value) return;
3788 SetValue (PixelShader::UriSourceProperty, Value (*value));
3791 Point *
3792 PathFigure::GetStartPoint ()
3794 Value *value = GetValue (PathFigure::StartPointProperty);
3795 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
3798 void
3799 PathFigure::SetStartPoint (Point *value)
3801 if (!value) return;
3802 SetValue (PathFigure::StartPointProperty, Value (*value));
3805 PathSegmentCollection *
3806 PathFigure::GetSegments ()
3808 Value *value = GetValue (PathFigure::SegmentsProperty);
3809 return value ? value->AsPathSegmentCollection () : NULL;
3812 void
3813 PathFigure::SetSegments (PathSegmentCollection *value)
3815 SetValue (PathFigure::SegmentsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3818 bool
3819 PathFigure::GetIsFilled ()
3821 Value *value = GetValue (PathFigure::IsFilledProperty);
3822 return value->AsBool ();
3825 void
3826 PathFigure::SetIsFilled (bool value)
3828 SetValue (PathFigure::IsFilledProperty, Value (value));
3831 bool
3832 PathFigure::GetIsClosed ()
3834 Value *value = GetValue (PathFigure::IsClosedProperty);
3835 return value->AsBool ();
3838 void
3839 PathFigure::SetIsClosed (bool value)
3841 SetValue (PathFigure::IsClosedProperty, Value (value));
3844 WindowSettings *
3845 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetWindowSettings ()
3847 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::WindowSettingsProperty);
3848 return value ? value->AsWindowSettings () : NULL;
3851 void
3852 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetWindowSettings (WindowSettings *value)
3854 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::WindowSettingsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3857 bool
3858 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetShowInstallMenuItem ()
3860 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::ShowInstallMenuItemProperty);
3861 return value->AsBool ();
3864 void
3865 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetShowInstallMenuItem (bool value)
3867 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::ShowInstallMenuItemProperty, Value (value));
3870 const char *
3871 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetShortName ()
3873 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::ShortNameProperty);
3874 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3877 void
3878 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetShortName (const char *value)
3880 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::ShortNameProperty, Value (value));
3883 IconCollection *
3884 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetIcons ()
3886 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::IconsProperty);
3887 return value ? value->AsIconCollection () : NULL;
3890 void
3891 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetIcons (IconCollection *value)
3893 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::IconsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3896 bool
3897 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetEnableGPUAcceleration ()
3899 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::EnableGPUAccelerationProperty);
3900 return value->AsBool ();
3903 void
3904 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetEnableGPUAcceleration (bool value)
3906 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::EnableGPUAccelerationProperty, Value (value));
3909 const char *
3910 OutOfBrowserSettings::GetBlurb ()
3912 Value *value = GetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::BlurbProperty);
3913 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
3916 void
3917 OutOfBrowserSettings::SetBlurb (const char *value)
3919 SetValue (OutOfBrowserSettings::BlurbProperty, Value (value));
3922 NameScope *
3923 NameScope::GetNameScope (DependencyObject *obj)
3925 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (NameScope::NameScopeProperty);
3926 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (NameScope::NameScopeProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
3927 return value ? value->AsNameScope () : NULL;
3930 void
3931 NameScope::SetNameScope (DependencyObject *obj, NameScope *value)
3933 if (!obj) return;
3934 obj->SetValue (NameScope::NameScopeProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
3937 gint32
3938 MultiScaleSubImage::GetZIndex ()
3940 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ZIndexProperty);
3941 return value->AsInt32 ();
3944 void
3945 MultiScaleSubImage::SetZIndex (gint32 value)
3947 SetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ZIndexProperty, Value (value));
3950 double
3951 MultiScaleSubImage::GetViewportWidth ()
3953 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportWidthProperty);
3954 return value->AsDouble ();
3957 void
3958 MultiScaleSubImage::SetViewportWidth (double value)
3960 SetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportWidthProperty, Value (value));
3963 Point *
3964 MultiScaleSubImage::GetViewportOrigin ()
3966 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportOriginProperty);
3967 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
3970 void
3971 MultiScaleSubImage::SetViewportOrigin (Point *value)
3973 if (!value) return;
3974 SetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::ViewportOriginProperty, Value (*value));
3977 double
3978 MultiScaleSubImage::GetOpacity ()
3980 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::OpacityProperty);
3981 return value->AsDouble ();
3984 void
3985 MultiScaleSubImage::SetOpacity (double value)
3987 SetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::OpacityProperty, Value (value));
3990 double
3991 MultiScaleSubImage::GetAspectRatio ()
3993 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleSubImage::AspectRatioProperty);
3994 return value->AsDouble ();
3997 const char *
3998 MediaAttribute::GetValue ()
4000 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (MediaAttribute::ValueProperty);
4001 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
4004 void
4005 MediaAttribute::SetValue (const char *value)
4007 DependencyObject::SetValue (MediaAttribute::ValueProperty, Value (value));
4010 double
4011 Matrix3D::GetOffsetZ ()
4013 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetZProperty);
4014 return value->AsDouble ();
4017 void
4018 Matrix3D::SetOffsetZ (double value)
4020 SetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetZProperty, Value (value));
4023 double
4024 Matrix3D::GetOffsetY ()
4026 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetYProperty);
4027 return value->AsDouble ();
4030 void
4031 Matrix3D::SetOffsetY (double value)
4033 SetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetYProperty, Value (value));
4036 double
4037 Matrix3D::GetOffsetX ()
4039 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetXProperty);
4040 return value->AsDouble ();
4043 void
4044 Matrix3D::SetOffsetX (double value)
4046 SetValue (Matrix3D::OffsetXProperty, Value (value));
4049 double
4050 Matrix3D::GetM44 ()
4052 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M44Property);
4053 return value->AsDouble ();
4056 void
4057 Matrix3D::SetM44 (double value)
4059 SetValue (Matrix3D::M44Property, Value (value));
4062 double
4063 Matrix3D::GetM34 ()
4065 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M34Property);
4066 return value->AsDouble ();
4069 void
4070 Matrix3D::SetM34 (double value)
4072 SetValue (Matrix3D::M34Property, Value (value));
4075 double
4076 Matrix3D::GetM33 ()
4078 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M33Property);
4079 return value->AsDouble ();
4082 void
4083 Matrix3D::SetM33 (double value)
4085 SetValue (Matrix3D::M33Property, Value (value));
4088 double
4089 Matrix3D::GetM32 ()
4091 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M32Property);
4092 return value->AsDouble ();
4095 void
4096 Matrix3D::SetM32 (double value)
4098 SetValue (Matrix3D::M32Property, Value (value));
4101 double
4102 Matrix3D::GetM31 ()
4104 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M31Property);
4105 return value->AsDouble ();
4108 void
4109 Matrix3D::SetM31 (double value)
4111 SetValue (Matrix3D::M31Property, Value (value));
4114 double
4115 Matrix3D::GetM24 ()
4117 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M24Property);
4118 return value->AsDouble ();
4121 void
4122 Matrix3D::SetM24 (double value)
4124 SetValue (Matrix3D::M24Property, Value (value));
4127 double
4128 Matrix3D::GetM23 ()
4130 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M23Property);
4131 return value->AsDouble ();
4134 void
4135 Matrix3D::SetM23 (double value)
4137 SetValue (Matrix3D::M23Property, Value (value));
4140 double
4141 Matrix3D::GetM22 ()
4143 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M22Property);
4144 return value->AsDouble ();
4147 void
4148 Matrix3D::SetM22 (double value)
4150 SetValue (Matrix3D::M22Property, Value (value));
4153 double
4154 Matrix3D::GetM21 ()
4156 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M21Property);
4157 return value->AsDouble ();
4160 void
4161 Matrix3D::SetM21 (double value)
4163 SetValue (Matrix3D::M21Property, Value (value));
4166 double
4167 Matrix3D::GetM14 ()
4169 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M14Property);
4170 return value->AsDouble ();
4173 void
4174 Matrix3D::SetM14 (double value)
4176 SetValue (Matrix3D::M14Property, Value (value));
4179 double
4180 Matrix3D::GetM13 ()
4182 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M13Property);
4183 return value->AsDouble ();
4186 void
4187 Matrix3D::SetM13 (double value)
4189 SetValue (Matrix3D::M13Property, Value (value));
4192 double
4193 Matrix3D::GetM12 ()
4195 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M12Property);
4196 return value->AsDouble ();
4199 void
4200 Matrix3D::SetM12 (double value)
4202 SetValue (Matrix3D::M12Property, Value (value));
4205 double
4206 Matrix3D::GetM11 ()
4208 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3D::M11Property);
4209 return value->AsDouble ();
4212 void
4213 Matrix3D::SetM11 (double value)
4215 SetValue (Matrix3D::M11Property, Value (value));
4218 double
4219 Matrix::GetOffsetY ()
4221 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::OffsetYProperty);
4222 return value->AsDouble ();
4225 void
4226 Matrix::SetOffsetY (double value)
4228 SetValue (Matrix::OffsetYProperty, Value (value));
4231 double
4232 Matrix::GetOffsetX ()
4234 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::OffsetXProperty);
4235 return value->AsDouble ();
4238 void
4239 Matrix::SetOffsetX (double value)
4241 SetValue (Matrix::OffsetXProperty, Value (value));
4244 double
4245 Matrix::GetM22 ()
4247 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::M22Property);
4248 return value->AsDouble ();
4251 void
4252 Matrix::SetM22 (double value)
4254 SetValue (Matrix::M22Property, Value (value));
4257 double
4258 Matrix::GetM21 ()
4260 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::M21Property);
4261 return value->AsDouble ();
4264 void
4265 Matrix::SetM21 (double value)
4267 SetValue (Matrix::M21Property, Value (value));
4270 double
4271 Matrix::GetM12 ()
4273 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::M12Property);
4274 return value->AsDouble ();
4277 void
4278 Matrix::SetM12 (double value)
4280 SetValue (Matrix::M12Property, Value (value));
4283 double
4284 Matrix::GetM11 ()
4286 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix::M11Property);
4287 return value->AsDouble ();
4290 void
4291 Matrix::SetM11 (double value)
4293 SetValue (Matrix::M11Property, Value (value));
4296 Point *
4297 KeySpline::GetControlPoint2 ()
4299 Value *value = GetValue (KeySpline::ControlPoint2Property);
4300 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
4303 void
4304 KeySpline::SetControlPoint2 (Point *value)
4306 if (!value) return;
4307 SetValue (KeySpline::ControlPoint2Property, Value (*value));
4310 Point *
4311 KeySpline::GetControlPoint1 ()
4313 Value *value = GetValue (KeySpline::ControlPoint1Property);
4314 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
4317 void
4318 KeySpline::SetControlPoint1 (Point *value)
4320 if (!value) return;
4321 SetValue (KeySpline::ControlPoint1Property, Value (*value));
4324 TextDecorations
4325 Inline::GetTextDecorations ()
4327 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::TextDecorationsProperty);
4328 return (TextDecorations) value->AsInt32 ();
4331 void
4332 Inline::SetTextDecorations (TextDecorations value)
4334 SetValue (Inline::TextDecorationsProperty, Value (value));
4337 const char *
4338 Inline::GetLanguage ()
4340 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::LanguageProperty);
4341 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
4344 void
4345 Inline::SetLanguage (const char *value)
4347 SetValue (Inline::LanguageProperty, Value (value));
4350 Brush *
4351 Inline::GetForeground ()
4353 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::ForegroundProperty);
4354 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
4357 void
4358 Inline::SetForeground (Brush *value)
4360 SetValue (Inline::ForegroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4363 FontWeight *
4364 Inline::GetFontWeight ()
4366 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontWeightProperty);
4367 return value ? value->AsFontWeight () : NULL;
4370 void
4371 Inline::SetFontWeight (FontWeight *value)
4373 if (!value) return;
4374 SetValue (Inline::FontWeightProperty, Value (*value));
4377 FontStyle *
4378 Inline::GetFontStyle ()
4380 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontStyleProperty);
4381 return value ? value->AsFontStyle () : NULL;
4384 void
4385 Inline::SetFontStyle (FontStyle *value)
4387 if (!value) return;
4388 SetValue (Inline::FontStyleProperty, Value (*value));
4391 FontStretch *
4392 Inline::GetFontStretch ()
4394 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontStretchProperty);
4395 return value ? value->AsFontStretch () : NULL;
4398 void
4399 Inline::SetFontStretch (FontStretch *value)
4401 if (!value) return;
4402 SetValue (Inline::FontStretchProperty, Value (*value));
4405 FontSource *
4406 Inline::GetFontSource ()
4408 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontSourceProperty);
4409 return value ? value->AsFontSource () : NULL;
4412 void
4413 Inline::SetFontSource (FontSource *value)
4415 if (!value) return;
4416 SetValue (Inline::FontSourceProperty, Value (*value));
4419 double
4420 Inline::GetFontSize ()
4422 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontSizeProperty);
4423 return value->AsDouble ();
4426 void
4427 Inline::SetFontSize (double value)
4429 SetValue (Inline::FontSizeProperty, Value (value));
4432 FontFamily *
4433 Inline::GetFontFamily ()
4435 Value *value = GetValue (Inline::FontFamilyProperty);
4436 return value ? value->AsFontFamily () : NULL;
4439 void
4440 Inline::SetFontFamily (FontFamily *value)
4442 if (!value) return;
4443 SetValue (Inline::FontFamilyProperty, Value (*value));
4446 Uri *
4447 Icon::GetSource ()
4449 Value *value = GetValue (Icon::SourceProperty);
4450 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
4453 void
4454 Icon::SetSource (Uri *value)
4456 if (!value) return;
4457 SetValue (Icon::SourceProperty, Value (*value));
4460 Size *
4461 Icon::GetSize ()
4463 Value *value = GetValue (Icon::SizeProperty);
4464 return value ? value->AsSize () : NULL;
4467 void
4468 Icon::SetSize (Size *value)
4470 if (!value) return;
4471 SetValue (Icon::SizeProperty, Value (*value));
4474 double
4475 GradientStop::GetOffset ()
4477 Value *value = GetValue (GradientStop::OffsetProperty);
4478 return value->AsDouble ();
4481 void
4482 GradientStop::SetOffset (double value)
4484 SetValue (GradientStop::OffsetProperty, Value (value));
4487 Color *
4488 GradientStop::GetColor ()
4490 Value *value = GetValue (GradientStop::ColorProperty);
4491 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
4494 void
4495 GradientStop::SetColor (Color *value)
4497 if (!value) return;
4498 SetValue (GradientStop::ColorProperty, Value (*value));
4501 Transform *
4502 Geometry::GetTransform ()
4504 Value *value = GetValue (Geometry::TransformProperty);
4505 return value ? value->AsTransform () : NULL;
4508 void
4509 Geometry::SetTransform (Transform *value)
4511 SetValue (Geometry::TransformProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4514 double
4515 DrawingAttributes::GetWidth ()
4517 Value *value = GetValue (DrawingAttributes::WidthProperty);
4518 return value->AsDouble ();
4521 void
4522 DrawingAttributes::SetWidth (double value)
4524 SetValue (DrawingAttributes::WidthProperty, Value (value));
4527 Color *
4528 DrawingAttributes::GetOutlineColor ()
4530 Value *value = GetValue (DrawingAttributes::OutlineColorProperty);
4531 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
4534 void
4535 DrawingAttributes::SetOutlineColor (Color *value)
4537 if (!value) return;
4538 SetValue (DrawingAttributes::OutlineColorProperty, Value (*value));
4541 double
4542 DrawingAttributes::GetHeight ()
4544 Value *value = GetValue (DrawingAttributes::HeightProperty);
4545 return value->AsDouble ();
4548 void
4549 DrawingAttributes::SetHeight (double value)
4551 SetValue (DrawingAttributes::HeightProperty, Value (value));
4554 Color *
4555 DrawingAttributes::GetColor ()
4557 Value *value = GetValue (DrawingAttributes::ColorProperty);
4558 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
4561 void
4562 DrawingAttributes::SetColor (Color *value)
4564 if (!value) return;
4565 SetValue (DrawingAttributes::ColorProperty, Value (*value));
4568 Uri *
4569 Downloader::GetUri ()
4571 Value *value = GetValue (Downloader::UriProperty);
4572 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
4575 void
4576 Downloader::SetUri (Uri *value)
4578 if (!value) return;
4579 SetValue (Downloader::UriProperty, Value (*value));
4582 const char *
4583 Downloader::GetStatusText ()
4585 Value *value = GetValue (Downloader::StatusTextProperty);
4586 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
4589 void
4590 Downloader::SetStatusText (const char *value)
4592 SetValue (Downloader::StatusTextProperty, Value (value));
4595 gint32
4596 Downloader::GetStatus ()
4598 Value *value = GetValue (Downloader::StatusProperty);
4599 return value->AsInt32 ();
4602 void
4603 Downloader::SetStatus (gint32 value)
4605 SetValue (Downloader::StatusProperty, Value (value));
4608 double
4609 Downloader::GetDownloadProgress ()
4611 Value *value = GetValue (Downloader::DownloadProgressProperty);
4612 return value->AsDouble ();
4615 void
4616 Downloader::SetDownloadProgress (double value)
4618 SetValue (Downloader::DownloadProgressProperty, Value (value));
4621 const char *
4622 Deployment::GetRuntimeVersion ()
4624 Value *value = GetValue (Deployment::RuntimeVersionProperty);
4625 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
4628 void
4629 Deployment::SetRuntimeVersion (const char *value)
4631 SetValue (Deployment::RuntimeVersionProperty, Value (value));
4634 AssemblyPartCollection *
4635 Deployment::GetParts ()
4637 Value *value = GetValue (Deployment::PartsProperty);
4638 return value ? value->AsAssemblyPartCollection () : NULL;
4641 void
4642 Deployment::SetParts (AssemblyPartCollection *value)
4644 SetValue (Deployment::PartsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4647 OutOfBrowserSettings *
4648 Deployment::GetOutOfBrowserSettings ()
4650 Value *value = GetValue (Deployment::OutOfBrowserSettingsProperty);
4651 return value ? value->AsOutOfBrowserSettings () : NULL;
4654 void
4655 Deployment::SetOutOfBrowserSettings (OutOfBrowserSettings *value)
4657 SetValue (Deployment::OutOfBrowserSettingsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4660 ExternalPartCollection *
4661 Deployment::GetExternalParts ()
4663 Value *value = GetValue (Deployment::ExternalPartsProperty);
4664 return value ? value->AsExternalPartCollection () : NULL;
4667 void
4668 Deployment::SetExternalParts (ExternalPartCollection *value)
4670 SetValue (Deployment::ExternalPartsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4673 CrossDomainAccess
4674 Deployment::GetExternalCallersFromCrossDomain ()
4676 Value *value = GetValue (Deployment::ExternalCallersFromCrossDomainProperty);
4677 return (CrossDomainAccess) value->AsInt32 ();
4680 void
4681 Deployment::SetExternalCallersFromCrossDomain (CrossDomainAccess value)
4683 SetValue (Deployment::ExternalCallersFromCrossDomainProperty, Value (value));
4686 gint32
4687 MultiScaleTileSource::GetTileWidth ()
4689 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileWidthProperty);
4690 return value->AsInt32 ();
4693 void
4694 MultiScaleTileSource::SetTileWidth (gint32 value)
4696 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileWidthProperty, Value (value));
4699 gint32
4700 MultiScaleTileSource::GetTileOverlap ()
4702 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileOverlapProperty);
4703 return value->AsInt32 ();
4706 void
4707 MultiScaleTileSource::SetTileOverlap (gint32 value)
4709 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileOverlapProperty, Value (value));
4712 gint32
4713 MultiScaleTileSource::GetTileHeight ()
4715 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileHeightProperty);
4716 return value->AsInt32 ();
4719 void
4720 MultiScaleTileSource::SetTileHeight (gint32 value)
4722 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileHeightProperty, Value (value));
4725 TimeSpan
4726 MultiScaleTileSource::GetTileBlendTime ()
4728 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileBlendTimeProperty);
4729 return value->AsTimeSpan ();
4732 void
4733 MultiScaleTileSource::SetTileBlendTime (TimeSpan value)
4735 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::TileBlendTimeProperty, Value (value, Type::TIMESPAN));
4738 double
4739 MultiScaleTileSource::GetImageWidth ()
4741 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::ImageWidthProperty);
4742 return value->AsDouble ();
4745 void
4746 MultiScaleTileSource::SetImageWidth (double value)
4748 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::ImageWidthProperty, Value (value));
4751 double
4752 MultiScaleTileSource::GetImageHeight ()
4754 Value *value = GetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::ImageHeightProperty);
4755 return value->AsDouble ();
4758 void
4759 MultiScaleTileSource::SetImageHeight (double value)
4761 SetValue (MultiScaleTileSource::ImageHeightProperty, Value (value));
4764 GridLength *
4765 ColumnDefinition::GetWidth ()
4767 Value *value = GetValue (ColumnDefinition::WidthProperty);
4768 return value ? value->AsGridLength () : NULL;
4771 void
4772 ColumnDefinition::SetWidth (GridLength *value)
4774 if (!value) return;
4775 SetValue (ColumnDefinition::WidthProperty, Value (*value));
4778 double
4779 ColumnDefinition::GetMinWidth ()
4781 Value *value = GetValue (ColumnDefinition::MinWidthProperty);
4782 return value->AsDouble ();
4785 void
4786 ColumnDefinition::SetMinWidth (double value)
4788 SetValue (ColumnDefinition::MinWidthProperty, Value (value));
4791 double
4792 ColumnDefinition::GetMaxWidth ()
4794 Value *value = GetValue (ColumnDefinition::MaxWidthProperty);
4795 return value->AsDouble ();
4798 void
4799 ColumnDefinition::SetMaxWidth (double value)
4801 SetValue (ColumnDefinition::MaxWidthProperty, Value (value));
4804 double
4805 ColumnDefinition::GetActualWidth ()
4807 Value *value = GetValue (ColumnDefinition::ActualWidthProperty);
4808 return value->AsDouble ();
4811 void
4812 ColumnDefinition::SetActualWidth (double value)
4814 SetValue (ColumnDefinition::ActualWidthProperty, Value (value));
4817 gint32
4818 Collection::GetCount ()
4820 Value *value = GetValue (Collection::CountProperty);
4821 return value->AsInt32 ();
4824 void
4825 Collection::SetCount (gint32 value)
4827 SetValue (Collection::CountProperty, Value (value));
4830 Visibility
4831 UIElement::GetVisibility ()
4833 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::VisibilityProperty);
4834 return (Visibility) value->AsInt32 ();
4837 void
4838 UIElement::SetVisibility (Visibility value)
4840 SetValue (UIElement::VisibilityProperty, Value (value));
4843 bool
4844 UIElement::GetUseLayoutRounding ()
4846 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::UseLayoutRoundingProperty);
4847 return value->AsBool ();
4850 void
4851 UIElement::SetUseLayoutRounding (bool value)
4853 SetValue (UIElement::UseLayoutRoundingProperty, Value (value));
4856 TriggerCollection *
4857 UIElement::GetTriggers ()
4859 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::TriggersProperty);
4860 return value ? value->AsTriggerCollection () : NULL;
4863 void
4864 UIElement::SetTriggers (TriggerCollection *value)
4866 SetValue (UIElement::TriggersProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4869 ResourceDictionary *
4870 UIElement::GetResources ()
4872 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::ResourcesProperty);
4873 return value ? value->AsResourceDictionary () : NULL;
4876 void
4877 UIElement::SetResources (ResourceDictionary *value)
4879 SetValue (UIElement::ResourcesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4882 Transform *
4883 UIElement::GetRenderTransform ()
4885 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::RenderTransformProperty);
4886 return value ? value->AsTransform () : NULL;
4889 void
4890 UIElement::SetRenderTransform (Transform *value)
4892 SetValue (UIElement::RenderTransformProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4895 Point *
4896 UIElement::GetRenderTransformOrigin ()
4898 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::RenderTransformOriginProperty);
4899 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
4902 void
4903 UIElement::SetRenderTransformOrigin (Point *value)
4905 if (!value) return;
4906 SetValue (UIElement::RenderTransformOriginProperty, Value (*value));
4909 Projection *
4910 UIElement::GetProjection ()
4912 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::ProjectionProperty);
4913 return value ? value->AsProjection () : NULL;
4916 void
4917 UIElement::SetProjection (Projection *value)
4919 SetValue (UIElement::ProjectionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4922 double
4923 UIElement::GetOpacity ()
4925 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::OpacityProperty);
4926 return value->AsDouble ();
4929 void
4930 UIElement::SetOpacity (double value)
4932 SetValue (UIElement::OpacityProperty, Value (value));
4935 Brush *
4936 UIElement::GetOpacityMask ()
4938 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::OpacityMaskProperty);
4939 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
4942 void
4943 UIElement::SetOpacityMask (Brush *value)
4945 SetValue (UIElement::OpacityMaskProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4948 bool
4949 UIElement::GetIsHitTestVisible ()
4951 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::IsHitTestVisibleProperty);
4952 return value->AsBool ();
4955 void
4956 UIElement::SetIsHitTestVisible (bool value)
4958 SetValue (UIElement::IsHitTestVisibleProperty, Value (value));
4961 Effect *
4962 UIElement::GetEffect ()
4964 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::EffectProperty);
4965 return value ? value->AsEffect () : NULL;
4968 void
4969 UIElement::SetEffect (Effect *value)
4971 SetValue (UIElement::EffectProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
4974 MouseCursor
4975 UIElement::GetCursor ()
4977 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::CursorProperty);
4978 return (MouseCursor) value->AsInt32 ();
4981 void
4982 UIElement::SetCursor (MouseCursor value)
4984 SetValue (UIElement::CursorProperty, Value (value));
4987 Geometry *
4988 UIElement::GetClip ()
4990 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::ClipProperty);
4991 return value ? value->AsGeometry () : NULL;
4994 void
4995 UIElement::SetClip (Geometry *value)
4997 SetValue (UIElement::ClipProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5000 CacheMode *
5001 UIElement::GetCacheMode ()
5003 Value *value = GetValue (UIElement::CacheModeProperty);
5004 return value ? value->AsCacheMode () : NULL;
5007 void
5008 UIElement::SetCacheMode (CacheMode *value)
5010 SetValue (UIElement::CacheModeProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5013 EasingMode
5014 EasingFunctionBase::GetEasingMode ()
5016 Value *value = GetValue (EasingFunctionBase::EasingModeProperty);
5017 return (EasingMode) value->AsInt32 ();
5020 void
5021 EasingFunctionBase::SetEasingMode (EasingMode value)
5023 SetValue (EasingFunctionBase::EasingModeProperty, Value (value));
5026 ResourceDictionary *
5027 Application::GetResources ()
5029 Value *value = GetValue (Application::ResourcesProperty);
5030 return value ? value->AsResourceDictionary () : NULL;
5033 void
5034 Application::SetResources (ResourceDictionary *value)
5036 SetValue (Application::ResourcesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5039 KeySpline *
5040 SplineColorKeyFrame::GetKeySpline ()
5042 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (SplineColorKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty);
5043 return value ? value->AsKeySpline () : NULL;
5046 void
5047 SplineColorKeyFrame::SetKeySpline (KeySpline *value)
5049 DependencyObject::SetValue (SplineColorKeyFrame::KeySplineProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5052 EasingFunctionBase *
5053 EasingColorKeyFrame::GetEasingFunction ()
5055 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (EasingColorKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty);
5056 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
5059 void
5060 EasingColorKeyFrame::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
5062 DependencyObject::SetValue (EasingColorKeyFrame::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5065 ColorKeyFrameCollection *
5066 ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames::GetKeyFrames ()
5068 Value *value = GetValue (ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty);
5069 return value ? value->AsColorKeyFrameCollection () : NULL;
5072 void
5073 ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames::SetKeyFrames (ColorKeyFrameCollection *value)
5075 SetValue (ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5078 Uri *
5079 BitmapImage::GetUriSource ()
5081 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapImage::UriSourceProperty);
5082 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
5085 void
5086 BitmapImage::SetUriSource (Uri *value)
5088 if (!value) return;
5089 SetValue (BitmapImage::UriSourceProperty, Value (*value));
5092 double
5093 BitmapImage::GetProgress ()
5095 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapImage::ProgressProperty);
5096 return value->AsDouble ();
5099 void
5100 BitmapImage::SetProgress (double value)
5102 SetValue (BitmapImage::ProgressProperty, Value (value));
5105 double
5106 TranslateTransform::GetY ()
5108 Value *value = GetValue (TranslateTransform::YProperty);
5109 return value->AsDouble ();
5112 void
5113 TranslateTransform::SetY (double value)
5115 SetValue (TranslateTransform::YProperty, Value (value));
5118 double
5119 TranslateTransform::GetX ()
5121 Value *value = GetValue (TranslateTransform::XProperty);
5122 return value->AsDouble ();
5125 void
5126 TranslateTransform::SetX (double value)
5128 SetValue (TranslateTransform::XProperty, Value (value));
5131 TransformCollection *
5132 TransformGroup::GetChildren ()
5134 Value *value = GetValue (TransformGroup::ChildrenProperty);
5135 return value ? value->AsTransformCollection () : NULL;
5138 void
5139 TransformGroup::SetChildren (TransformCollection *value)
5141 SetValue (TransformGroup::ChildrenProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5144 TextHintingMode
5145 TextOptions::GetTextHintingMode (DependencyObject *obj)
5147 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (TextOptions::TextHintingModeProperty);
5148 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (TextOptions::TextHintingModeProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
5149 return (TextHintingMode) value->AsInt32 ();
5152 void
5153 TextOptions::SetTextHintingMode (DependencyObject *obj, TextHintingMode value)
5155 if (!obj) return;
5156 obj->SetValue (TextOptions::TextHintingModeProperty, Value (value));
5159 ScrollBarVisibility
5160 TextBox::GetVerticalScrollBarVisibility ()
5162 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty);
5163 return (ScrollBarVisibility) value->AsInt32 ();
5166 void
5167 TextBox::SetVerticalScrollBarVisibility (ScrollBarVisibility value)
5169 SetValue (TextBox::VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty, Value (value));
5172 TextWrapping
5173 TextBox::GetTextWrapping ()
5175 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::TextWrappingProperty);
5176 return (TextWrapping) value->AsInt32 ();
5179 void
5180 TextBox::SetTextWrapping (TextWrapping value)
5182 SetValue (TextBox::TextWrappingProperty, Value (value));
5185 const char *
5186 TextBox::GetText ()
5188 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::TextProperty);
5189 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
5192 void
5193 TextBox::SetText (const char *value)
5195 SetValue (TextBox::TextProperty, Value (value));
5198 TextAlignment
5199 TextBox::GetTextAlignment ()
5201 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::TextAlignmentProperty);
5202 return (TextAlignment) value->AsInt32 ();
5205 void
5206 TextBox::SetTextAlignment (TextAlignment value)
5208 SetValue (TextBox::TextAlignmentProperty, Value (value));
5211 gint32
5212 TextBox::GetSelectionStart ()
5214 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::SelectionStartProperty);
5215 return value->AsInt32 ();
5218 void
5219 TextBox::SetSelectionStart (gint32 value)
5221 SetValue (TextBox::SelectionStartProperty, Value (value));
5224 gint32
5225 TextBox::GetSelectionLength ()
5227 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::SelectionLengthProperty);
5228 return value->AsInt32 ();
5231 void
5232 TextBox::SetSelectionLength (gint32 value)
5234 SetValue (TextBox::SelectionLengthProperty, Value (value));
5237 Brush *
5238 TextBox::GetSelectionForeground ()
5240 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::SelectionForegroundProperty);
5241 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
5244 void
5245 TextBox::SetSelectionForeground (Brush *value)
5247 SetValue (TextBox::SelectionForegroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5250 Brush *
5251 TextBox::GetSelectionBackground ()
5253 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty);
5254 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
5257 void
5258 TextBox::SetSelectionBackground (Brush *value)
5260 SetValue (TextBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5263 const char *
5264 TextBox::GetSelectedText ()
5266 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::SelectedTextProperty);
5267 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
5270 void
5271 TextBox::SetSelectedText (const char *value)
5273 SetValue (TextBox::SelectedTextProperty, Value (value));
5276 gint32
5277 TextBox::GetMaxLength ()
5279 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::MaxLengthProperty);
5280 return value->AsInt32 ();
5283 void
5284 TextBox::SetMaxLength (gint32 value)
5286 SetValue (TextBox::MaxLengthProperty, Value (value));
5289 bool
5290 TextBox::GetIsReadOnly ()
5292 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::IsReadOnlyProperty);
5293 return value->AsBool ();
5296 void
5297 TextBox::SetIsReadOnly (bool value)
5299 SetValue (TextBox::IsReadOnlyProperty, Value (value));
5302 ScrollBarVisibility
5303 TextBox::GetHorizontalScrollBarVisibility ()
5305 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty);
5306 return (ScrollBarVisibility) value->AsInt32 ();
5309 void
5310 TextBox::SetHorizontalScrollBarVisibility (ScrollBarVisibility value)
5312 SetValue (TextBox::HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty, Value (value));
5315 FontSource *
5316 TextBox::GetFontSource ()
5318 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::FontSourceProperty);
5319 return value ? value->AsFontSource () : NULL;
5322 void
5323 TextBox::SetFontSource (FontSource *value)
5325 if (!value) return;
5326 SetValue (TextBox::FontSourceProperty, Value (*value));
5329 Brush *
5330 TextBox::GetCaretBrush ()
5332 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::CaretBrushProperty);
5333 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
5336 void
5337 TextBox::SetCaretBrush (Brush *value)
5339 SetValue (TextBox::CaretBrushProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5342 bool
5343 TextBox::GetAcceptsReturn ()
5345 Value *value = GetValue (TextBox::AcceptsReturnProperty);
5346 return value->AsBool ();
5349 void
5350 TextBox::SetAcceptsReturn (bool value)
5352 SetValue (TextBox::AcceptsReturnProperty, Value (value));
5355 PropertyPath *
5356 Storyboard::GetTargetProperty (DependencyObject *obj)
5358 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Storyboard::TargetPropertyProperty);
5359 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Storyboard::TargetPropertyProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
5360 return value ? value->AsPropertyPath () : NULL;
5363 void
5364 Storyboard::SetTargetProperty (DependencyObject *obj, PropertyPath *value)
5366 if (!obj) return;
5367 if (!value) return;
5368 obj->SetValue (Storyboard::TargetPropertyProperty, Value (*value));
5371 const char *
5372 Storyboard::GetTargetName (DependencyObject *obj)
5374 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (Storyboard::TargetNameProperty);
5375 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (Storyboard::TargetNameProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
5376 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
5379 void
5380 Storyboard::SetTargetName (DependencyObject *obj, const char *value)
5382 if (!obj) return;
5383 obj->SetValue (Storyboard::TargetNameProperty, Value (value));
5386 double
5387 SkewTransform::GetCenterY ()
5389 Value *value = GetValue (SkewTransform::CenterYProperty);
5390 return value->AsDouble ();
5393 void
5394 SkewTransform::SetCenterY (double value)
5396 SetValue (SkewTransform::CenterYProperty, Value (value));
5399 double
5400 SkewTransform::GetCenterX ()
5402 Value *value = GetValue (SkewTransform::CenterXProperty);
5403 return value->AsDouble ();
5406 void
5407 SkewTransform::SetCenterX (double value)
5409 SetValue (SkewTransform::CenterXProperty, Value (value));
5412 double
5413 SkewTransform::GetAngleY ()
5415 Value *value = GetValue (SkewTransform::AngleYProperty);
5416 return value->AsDouble ();
5419 void
5420 SkewTransform::SetAngleY (double value)
5422 SetValue (SkewTransform::AngleYProperty, Value (value));
5425 double
5426 SkewTransform::GetAngleX ()
5428 Value *value = GetValue (SkewTransform::AngleXProperty);
5429 return value->AsDouble ();
5432 void
5433 SkewTransform::SetAngleX (double value)
5435 SetValue (SkewTransform::AngleXProperty, Value (value));
5438 PixelShader *
5439 ShaderEffect::GetPixelShader ()
5441 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::PixelShaderProperty);
5442 return value ? value->AsPixelShader () : NULL;
5445 void
5446 ShaderEffect::SetPixelShader (PixelShader *value)
5448 SetValue (ShaderEffect::PixelShaderProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5451 double
5452 ShaderEffect::GetPaddingTop ()
5454 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingTopProperty);
5455 return value->AsDouble ();
5458 void
5459 ShaderEffect::SetPaddingTop (double value)
5461 SetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingTopProperty, Value (value));
5464 double
5465 ShaderEffect::GetPaddingRight ()
5467 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingRightProperty);
5468 return value->AsDouble ();
5471 void
5472 ShaderEffect::SetPaddingRight (double value)
5474 SetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingRightProperty, Value (value));
5477 double
5478 ShaderEffect::GetPaddingLeft ()
5480 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingLeftProperty);
5481 return value->AsDouble ();
5484 void
5485 ShaderEffect::SetPaddingLeft (double value)
5487 SetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingLeftProperty, Value (value));
5490 double
5491 ShaderEffect::GetPaddingBottom ()
5493 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingBottomProperty);
5494 return value->AsDouble ();
5497 void
5498 ShaderEffect::SetPaddingBottom (double value)
5500 SetValue (ShaderEffect::PaddingBottomProperty, Value (value));
5503 gint32
5504 ShaderEffect::GetDdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndex ()
5506 Value *value = GetValue (ShaderEffect::DdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndexProperty);
5507 return value->AsInt32 ();
5510 void
5511 ShaderEffect::SetDdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndex (gint32 value)
5513 SetValue (ShaderEffect::DdxUvDdyUvRegisterIndexProperty, Value (value));
5516 bool
5517 SetterBaseCollection::GetIsSealed ()
5519 Value *value = GetValue (SetterBaseCollection::IsSealedProperty);
5520 return value->AsBool ();
5523 void
5524 SetterBaseCollection::SetIsSealed (bool value)
5526 SetValue (SetterBaseCollection::IsSealedProperty, Value (value));
5529 double
5530 ScaleTransform::GetScaleY ()
5532 Value *value = GetValue (ScaleTransform::ScaleYProperty);
5533 return value->AsDouble ();
5536 void
5537 ScaleTransform::SetScaleY (double value)
5539 SetValue (ScaleTransform::ScaleYProperty, Value (value));
5542 double
5543 ScaleTransform::GetScaleX ()
5545 Value *value = GetValue (ScaleTransform::ScaleXProperty);
5546 return value->AsDouble ();
5549 void
5550 ScaleTransform::SetScaleX (double value)
5552 SetValue (ScaleTransform::ScaleXProperty, Value (value));
5555 double
5556 ScaleTransform::GetCenterY ()
5558 Value *value = GetValue (ScaleTransform::CenterYProperty);
5559 return value->AsDouble ();
5562 void
5563 ScaleTransform::SetCenterY (double value)
5565 SetValue (ScaleTransform::CenterYProperty, Value (value));
5568 double
5569 ScaleTransform::GetCenterX ()
5571 Value *value = GetValue (ScaleTransform::CenterXProperty);
5572 return value->AsDouble ();
5575 void
5576 ScaleTransform::SetCenterX (double value)
5578 SetValue (ScaleTransform::CenterXProperty, Value (value));
5581 double
5582 RotateTransform::GetCenterY ()
5584 Value *value = GetValue (RotateTransform::CenterYProperty);
5585 return value->AsDouble ();
5588 void
5589 RotateTransform::SetCenterY (double value)
5591 SetValue (RotateTransform::CenterYProperty, Value (value));
5594 double
5595 RotateTransform::GetCenterX ()
5597 Value *value = GetValue (RotateTransform::CenterXProperty);
5598 return value->AsDouble ();
5601 void
5602 RotateTransform::SetCenterX (double value)
5604 SetValue (RotateTransform::CenterXProperty, Value (value));
5607 double
5608 RotateTransform::GetAngle ()
5610 Value *value = GetValue (RotateTransform::AngleProperty);
5611 return value->AsDouble ();
5614 void
5615 RotateTransform::SetAngle (double value)
5617 SetValue (RotateTransform::AngleProperty, Value (value));
5620 Point *
5621 QuadraticBezierSegment::GetPoint2 ()
5623 Value *value = GetValue (QuadraticBezierSegment::Point2Property);
5624 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5627 void
5628 QuadraticBezierSegment::SetPoint2 (Point *value)
5630 if (!value) return;
5631 SetValue (QuadraticBezierSegment::Point2Property, Value (*value));
5634 Point *
5635 QuadraticBezierSegment::GetPoint1 ()
5637 Value *value = GetValue (QuadraticBezierSegment::Point1Property);
5638 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5641 void
5642 QuadraticBezierSegment::SetPoint1 (Point *value)
5644 if (!value) return;
5645 SetValue (QuadraticBezierSegment::Point1Property, Value (*value));
5648 PointCollection *
5649 PolyQuadraticBezierSegment::GetPoints ()
5651 Value *value = GetValue (PolyQuadraticBezierSegment::PointsProperty);
5652 return value ? value->AsPointCollection () : NULL;
5655 void
5656 PolyQuadraticBezierSegment::SetPoints (PointCollection *value)
5658 SetValue (PolyQuadraticBezierSegment::PointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5661 PointCollection *
5662 PolyLineSegment::GetPoints ()
5664 Value *value = GetValue (PolyLineSegment::PointsProperty);
5665 return value ? value->AsPointCollection () : NULL;
5668 void
5669 PolyLineSegment::SetPoints (PointCollection *value)
5671 SetValue (PolyLineSegment::PointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5674 PointCollection *
5675 PolyBezierSegment::GetPoints ()
5677 Value *value = GetValue (PolyBezierSegment::PointsProperty);
5678 return value ? value->AsPointCollection () : NULL;
5681 void
5682 PolyBezierSegment::SetPoints (PointCollection *value)
5684 SetValue (PolyBezierSegment::PointsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5687 Point *
5688 PointKeyFrame::GetValue ()
5690 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (PointKeyFrame::ValueProperty);
5691 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5694 void
5695 PointKeyFrame::SetValue (Point value)
5697 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (value));
5700 void
5701 PointKeyFrame::SetValue (Point *value)
5703 if (!value)
5704 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::ValueProperty, NULL);
5705 else
5706 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (*value));
5709 KeyTime *
5710 PointKeyFrame::GetKeyTime ()
5712 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (PointKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty);
5713 return value ? value->AsKeyTime () : NULL;
5716 void
5717 PointKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime value)
5719 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (value));
5722 void
5723 PointKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime *value)
5725 if (!value)
5726 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, NULL);
5727 else
5728 DependencyObject::SetValue (PointKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (*value));
5731 Point *
5732 PointAnimation::GetTo ()
5734 Value *value = GetValue (PointAnimation::ToProperty);
5735 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5738 void
5739 PointAnimation::SetTo (Point value)
5741 SetValue (PointAnimation::ToProperty, Value (value));
5744 void
5745 PointAnimation::SetTo (Point *value)
5747 if (!value)
5748 SetValue (PointAnimation::ToProperty, NULL);
5749 else
5750 SetValue (PointAnimation::ToProperty, Value (*value));
5753 Point *
5754 PointAnimation::GetFrom ()
5756 Value *value = GetValue (PointAnimation::FromProperty);
5757 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5760 void
5761 PointAnimation::SetFrom (Point value)
5763 SetValue (PointAnimation::FromProperty, Value (value));
5766 void
5767 PointAnimation::SetFrom (Point *value)
5769 if (!value)
5770 SetValue (PointAnimation::FromProperty, NULL);
5771 else
5772 SetValue (PointAnimation::FromProperty, Value (*value));
5775 EasingFunctionBase *
5776 PointAnimation::GetEasingFunction ()
5778 Value *value = GetValue (PointAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty);
5779 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
5782 void
5783 PointAnimation::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
5785 SetValue (PointAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5788 Point *
5789 PointAnimation::GetBy ()
5791 Value *value = GetValue (PointAnimation::ByProperty);
5792 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
5795 void
5796 PointAnimation::SetBy (Point value)
5798 SetValue (PointAnimation::ByProperty, Value (value));
5801 void
5802 PointAnimation::SetBy (Point *value)
5804 if (!value)
5805 SetValue (PointAnimation::ByProperty, NULL);
5806 else
5807 SetValue (PointAnimation::ByProperty, Value (*value));
5810 double
5811 PlaneProjection::GetRotationZ ()
5813 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationZProperty);
5814 return value->AsDouble ();
5817 void
5818 PlaneProjection::SetRotationZ (double value)
5820 SetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationZProperty, Value (value));
5823 double
5824 PlaneProjection::GetRotationY ()
5826 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationYProperty);
5827 return value->AsDouble ();
5830 void
5831 PlaneProjection::SetRotationY (double value)
5833 SetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationYProperty, Value (value));
5836 double
5837 PlaneProjection::GetRotationX ()
5839 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationXProperty);
5840 return value->AsDouble ();
5843 void
5844 PlaneProjection::SetRotationX (double value)
5846 SetValue (PlaneProjection::RotationXProperty, Value (value));
5849 Matrix3D *
5850 PlaneProjection::GetProjectionMatrix ()
5852 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty);
5853 return value ? value->AsMatrix3D () : NULL;
5856 void
5857 PlaneProjection::SetProjectionMatrix (Matrix3D *value)
5859 SetValue (PlaneProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
5862 double
5863 PlaneProjection::GetLocalOffsetZ ()
5865 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetZProperty);
5866 return value->AsDouble ();
5869 void
5870 PlaneProjection::SetLocalOffsetZ (double value)
5872 SetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetZProperty, Value (value));
5875 double
5876 PlaneProjection::GetLocalOffsetY ()
5878 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetYProperty);
5879 return value->AsDouble ();
5882 void
5883 PlaneProjection::SetLocalOffsetY (double value)
5885 SetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetYProperty, Value (value));
5888 double
5889 PlaneProjection::GetLocalOffsetX ()
5891 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetXProperty);
5892 return value->AsDouble ();
5895 void
5896 PlaneProjection::SetLocalOffsetX (double value)
5898 SetValue (PlaneProjection::LocalOffsetXProperty, Value (value));
5901 double
5902 PlaneProjection::GetGlobalOffsetZ ()
5904 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetZProperty);
5905 return value->AsDouble ();
5908 void
5909 PlaneProjection::SetGlobalOffsetZ (double value)
5911 SetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetZProperty, Value (value));
5914 double
5915 PlaneProjection::GetGlobalOffsetY ()
5917 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetYProperty);
5918 return value->AsDouble ();
5921 void
5922 PlaneProjection::SetGlobalOffsetY (double value)
5924 SetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetYProperty, Value (value));
5927 double
5928 PlaneProjection::GetGlobalOffsetX ()
5930 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetXProperty);
5931 return value->AsDouble ();
5934 void
5935 PlaneProjection::SetGlobalOffsetX (double value)
5937 SetValue (PlaneProjection::GlobalOffsetXProperty, Value (value));
5940 double
5941 PlaneProjection::GetCenterOfRotationZ ()
5943 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationZProperty);
5944 return value->AsDouble ();
5947 void
5948 PlaneProjection::SetCenterOfRotationZ (double value)
5950 SetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationZProperty, Value (value));
5953 double
5954 PlaneProjection::GetCenterOfRotationY ()
5956 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationYProperty);
5957 return value->AsDouble ();
5960 void
5961 PlaneProjection::SetCenterOfRotationY (double value)
5963 SetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationYProperty, Value (value));
5966 double
5967 PlaneProjection::GetCenterOfRotationX ()
5969 Value *value = GetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationXProperty);
5970 return value->AsDouble ();
5973 void
5974 PlaneProjection::SetCenterOfRotationX (double value)
5976 SetValue (PlaneProjection::CenterOfRotationXProperty, Value (value));
5979 gint32
5980 PasswordBox::GetSelectionStart ()
5982 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionStartProperty);
5983 return value->AsInt32 ();
5986 void
5987 PasswordBox::SetSelectionStart (gint32 value)
5989 SetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionStartProperty, Value (value));
5992 gint32
5993 PasswordBox::GetSelectionLength ()
5995 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionLengthProperty);
5996 return value->AsInt32 ();
5999 void
6000 PasswordBox::SetSelectionLength (gint32 value)
6002 SetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionLengthProperty, Value (value));
6005 Brush *
6006 PasswordBox::GetSelectionForeground ()
6008 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionForegroundProperty);
6009 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
6012 void
6013 PasswordBox::SetSelectionForeground (Brush *value)
6015 SetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionForegroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6018 Brush *
6019 PasswordBox::GetSelectionBackground ()
6021 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty);
6022 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
6025 void
6026 PasswordBox::SetSelectionBackground (Brush *value)
6028 SetValue (PasswordBox::SelectionBackgroundProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6031 const char *
6032 PasswordBox::GetSelectedText ()
6034 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::SelectedTextProperty);
6035 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
6038 void
6039 PasswordBox::SetSelectedText (const char *value)
6041 SetValue (PasswordBox::SelectedTextProperty, Value (value));
6044 const char *
6045 PasswordBox::GetPassword ()
6047 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::PasswordProperty);
6048 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
6051 void
6052 PasswordBox::SetPassword (const char *value)
6054 SetValue (PasswordBox::PasswordProperty, Value (value));
6057 gunichar
6058 PasswordBox::GetPasswordChar ()
6060 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::PasswordCharProperty);
6061 return value->AsChar ();
6064 void
6065 PasswordBox::SetPasswordChar (gunichar value)
6067 SetValue (PasswordBox::PasswordCharProperty, Value (value, Type::CHAR));
6070 gint32
6071 PasswordBox::GetMaxLength ()
6073 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::MaxLengthProperty);
6074 return value->AsInt32 ();
6077 void
6078 PasswordBox::SetMaxLength (gint32 value)
6080 SetValue (PasswordBox::MaxLengthProperty, Value (value));
6083 FontSource *
6084 PasswordBox::GetFontSource ()
6086 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::FontSourceProperty);
6087 return value ? value->AsFontSource () : NULL;
6090 void
6091 PasswordBox::SetFontSource (FontSource *value)
6093 if (!value) return;
6094 SetValue (PasswordBox::FontSourceProperty, Value (*value));
6097 Brush *
6098 PasswordBox::GetCaretBrush ()
6100 Value *value = GetValue (PasswordBox::CaretBrushProperty);
6101 return value ? value->AsBrush () : NULL;
6104 void
6105 PasswordBox::SetCaretBrush (Brush *value)
6107 SetValue (PasswordBox::CaretBrushProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6110 KeyTime *
6111 ObjectKeyFrame::GetKeyTime ()
6113 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty);
6114 return value ? value->AsKeyTime () : NULL;
6117 void
6118 ObjectKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime value)
6120 DependencyObject::SetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (value));
6123 void
6124 ObjectKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime *value)
6126 if (!value)
6127 DependencyObject::SetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, NULL);
6128 else
6129 DependencyObject::SetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (*value));
6132 Value *
6133 ObjectKeyFrame::GetConvertedValue ()
6135 return DependencyObject::GetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::ConvertedValueProperty);
6138 void
6139 ObjectKeyFrame::SetConvertedValue (Value * value)
6141 DependencyObject::SetValue (ObjectKeyFrame::ConvertedValueProperty, Value (*value));
6144 ObjectKeyFrameCollection *
6145 ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames::GetKeyFrames ()
6147 Value *value = GetValue (ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty);
6148 return value ? value->AsObjectKeyFrameCollection () : NULL;
6151 void
6152 ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames::SetKeyFrames (ObjectKeyFrameCollection *value)
6154 SetValue (ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames::KeyFramesProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6157 Matrix *
6158 MatrixTransform::GetMatrix ()
6160 Value *value = GetValue (MatrixTransform::MatrixProperty);
6161 return value ? value->AsMatrix () : NULL;
6164 void
6165 MatrixTransform::SetMatrix (Matrix *value)
6167 SetValue (MatrixTransform::MatrixProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6170 Matrix3D *
6171 Matrix3DProjection::GetProjectionMatrix ()
6173 Value *value = GetValue (Matrix3DProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty);
6174 return value ? value->AsMatrix3D () : NULL;
6177 void
6178 Matrix3DProjection::SetProjectionMatrix (Matrix3D *value)
6180 SetValue (Matrix3DProjection::ProjectionMatrixProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6183 Point *
6184 LineSegment::GetPoint ()
6186 Value *value = GetValue (LineSegment::PointProperty);
6187 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6190 void
6191 LineSegment::SetPoint (Point *value)
6193 if (!value) return;
6194 SetValue (LineSegment::PointProperty, Value (*value));
6197 Point *
6198 LayoutInformation::GetVisualOffset (DependencyObject *obj)
6200 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::VisualOffsetProperty);
6201 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::VisualOffsetProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6202 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6205 void
6206 LayoutInformation::SetVisualOffset (DependencyObject *obj, Point *value)
6208 if (!obj) return;
6209 if (!value) return;
6210 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::VisualOffsetProperty, Value (*value));
6213 Size *
6214 LayoutInformation::GetPreviousConstraint (DependencyObject *obj)
6216 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::PreviousConstraintProperty);
6217 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::PreviousConstraintProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6218 return value ? value->AsSize () : NULL;
6221 void
6222 LayoutInformation::SetPreviousConstraint (DependencyObject *obj, Size *value)
6224 if (!obj) return;
6225 if (!value) return;
6226 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::PreviousConstraintProperty, Value (*value));
6229 Rect *
6230 LayoutInformation::GetLayoutSlot (DependencyObject *obj)
6232 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::LayoutSlotProperty);
6233 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::LayoutSlotProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6234 return value ? value->AsRect () : NULL;
6237 void
6238 LayoutInformation::SetLayoutSlot (DependencyObject *obj, Rect *value)
6240 if (!obj) return;
6241 if (!value) return;
6242 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::LayoutSlotProperty, Value (*value));
6245 Geometry *
6246 LayoutInformation::GetLayoutClip (DependencyObject *obj)
6248 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::LayoutClipProperty);
6249 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::LayoutClipProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6250 return value ? value->AsGeometry () : NULL;
6253 void
6254 LayoutInformation::SetLayoutClip (DependencyObject *obj, Geometry *value)
6256 if (!obj) return;
6257 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::LayoutClipProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6260 Size *
6261 LayoutInformation::GetLastRenderSize (DependencyObject *obj)
6263 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::LastRenderSizeProperty);
6264 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::LastRenderSizeProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6265 return value ? value->AsSize () : NULL;
6268 void
6269 LayoutInformation::SetLastRenderSize (DependencyObject *obj, Size *value)
6271 if (!obj) return;
6272 if (!value) return;
6273 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::LastRenderSizeProperty, Value (*value));
6276 Size *
6277 LayoutInformation::GetFinalRect (DependencyObject *obj)
6279 Value *value = (!obj) ? NULL : obj->GetValue (LayoutInformation::FinalRectProperty);
6280 if (!value) value = Deployment::GetCurrent ()->GetTypes ()->GetProperty (LayoutInformation::FinalRectProperty)->GetDefaultValue();
6281 return value ? value->AsSize () : NULL;
6284 void
6285 LayoutInformation::SetFinalRect (DependencyObject *obj, Size *value)
6287 if (!obj) return;
6288 if (!value) return;
6289 obj->SetValue (LayoutInformation::FinalRectProperty, Value (*value));
6292 Uri *
6293 ExtensionPart::GetSource ()
6295 Value *value = GetValue (ExtensionPart::SourceProperty);
6296 return value ? value->AsUri () : NULL;
6299 void
6300 ExtensionPart::SetSource (Uri *value)
6302 if (!value) return;
6303 SetValue (ExtensionPart::SourceProperty, Value (*value));
6306 const char *
6307 EventTrigger::GetRoutedEvent ()
6309 Value *value = GetValue (EventTrigger::RoutedEventProperty);
6310 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
6313 void
6314 EventTrigger::SetRoutedEvent (const char *value)
6316 SetValue (EventTrigger::RoutedEventProperty, Value (value));
6319 TriggerActionCollection *
6320 EventTrigger::GetActions ()
6322 Value *value = GetValue (EventTrigger::ActionsProperty);
6323 return value ? value->AsTriggerActionCollection () : NULL;
6326 void
6327 EventTrigger::SetActions (TriggerActionCollection *value)
6329 SetValue (EventTrigger::ActionsProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6332 double
6333 DropShadowEffect::GetShadowDepth ()
6335 Value *value = GetValue (DropShadowEffect::ShadowDepthProperty);
6336 return value->AsDouble ();
6339 void
6340 DropShadowEffect::SetShadowDepth (double value)
6342 SetValue (DropShadowEffect::ShadowDepthProperty, Value (value));
6345 double
6346 DropShadowEffect::GetOpacity ()
6348 Value *value = GetValue (DropShadowEffect::OpacityProperty);
6349 return value->AsDouble ();
6352 void
6353 DropShadowEffect::SetOpacity (double value)
6355 SetValue (DropShadowEffect::OpacityProperty, Value (value));
6358 double
6359 DropShadowEffect::GetDirection ()
6361 Value *value = GetValue (DropShadowEffect::DirectionProperty);
6362 return value->AsDouble ();
6365 void
6366 DropShadowEffect::SetDirection (double value)
6368 SetValue (DropShadowEffect::DirectionProperty, Value (value));
6371 Color *
6372 DropShadowEffect::GetColor ()
6374 Value *value = GetValue (DropShadowEffect::ColorProperty);
6375 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
6378 void
6379 DropShadowEffect::SetColor (Color *value)
6381 if (!value) return;
6382 SetValue (DropShadowEffect::ColorProperty, Value (*value));
6385 double
6386 DropShadowEffect::GetBlurRadius ()
6388 Value *value = GetValue (DropShadowEffect::BlurRadiusProperty);
6389 return value->AsDouble ();
6392 void
6393 DropShadowEffect::SetBlurRadius (double value)
6395 SetValue (DropShadowEffect::BlurRadiusProperty, Value (value));
6398 double *
6399 DoubleKeyFrame::GetValue ()
6401 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::ValueProperty);
6402 return value ? value->AsNullableDouble () : NULL;
6405 void
6406 DoubleKeyFrame::SetValue (double value)
6408 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (value));
6411 void
6412 DoubleKeyFrame::SetValue (double * value)
6414 if (!value)
6415 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::ValueProperty, NULL);
6416 else
6417 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (*value));
6420 KeyTime *
6421 DoubleKeyFrame::GetKeyTime ()
6423 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty);
6424 return value ? value->AsKeyTime () : NULL;
6427 void
6428 DoubleKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime value)
6430 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (value));
6433 void
6434 DoubleKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime *value)
6436 if (!value)
6437 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, NULL);
6438 else
6439 DependencyObject::SetValue (DoubleKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (*value));
6442 double *
6443 DoubleAnimation::GetTo ()
6445 Value *value = GetValue (DoubleAnimation::ToProperty);
6446 return value ? value->AsNullableDouble () : NULL;
6449 void
6450 DoubleAnimation::SetTo (double value)
6452 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ToProperty, Value (value));
6455 void
6456 DoubleAnimation::SetTo (double * value)
6458 if (!value)
6459 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ToProperty, NULL);
6460 else
6461 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ToProperty, Value (*value));
6464 double *
6465 DoubleAnimation::GetFrom ()
6467 Value *value = GetValue (DoubleAnimation::FromProperty);
6468 return value ? value->AsNullableDouble () : NULL;
6471 void
6472 DoubleAnimation::SetFrom (double value)
6474 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::FromProperty, Value (value));
6477 void
6478 DoubleAnimation::SetFrom (double * value)
6480 if (!value)
6481 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::FromProperty, NULL);
6482 else
6483 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::FromProperty, Value (*value));
6486 EasingFunctionBase *
6487 DoubleAnimation::GetEasingFunction ()
6489 Value *value = GetValue (DoubleAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty);
6490 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
6493 void
6494 DoubleAnimation::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
6496 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6499 double *
6500 DoubleAnimation::GetBy ()
6502 Value *value = GetValue (DoubleAnimation::ByProperty);
6503 return value ? value->AsNullableDouble () : NULL;
6506 void
6507 DoubleAnimation::SetBy (double value)
6509 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ByProperty, Value (value));
6512 void
6513 DoubleAnimation::SetBy (double * value)
6515 if (!value)
6516 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ByProperty, NULL);
6517 else
6518 SetValue (DoubleAnimation::ByProperty, Value (*value));
6521 const char *
6522 DependencyObject::GetName ()
6524 Value *value = GetValue (DependencyObject::NameProperty);
6525 return value ? value->AsString () : NULL;
6528 void
6529 DependencyObject::SetName (const char *value)
6531 SetValue (DependencyObject::NameProperty, Value (value));
6534 Color *
6535 ColorKeyFrame::GetValue ()
6537 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (ColorKeyFrame::ValueProperty);
6538 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
6541 void
6542 ColorKeyFrame::SetValue (Color value)
6544 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (value));
6547 void
6548 ColorKeyFrame::SetValue (Color *value)
6550 if (!value)
6551 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::ValueProperty, NULL);
6552 else
6553 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::ValueProperty, Value (*value));
6556 KeyTime *
6557 ColorKeyFrame::GetKeyTime ()
6559 Value *value = DependencyObject::GetValue (ColorKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty);
6560 return value ? value->AsKeyTime () : NULL;
6563 void
6564 ColorKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime value)
6566 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (value));
6569 void
6570 ColorKeyFrame::SetKeyTime (KeyTime *value)
6572 if (!value)
6573 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, NULL);
6574 else
6575 DependencyObject::SetValue (ColorKeyFrame::KeyTimeProperty, Value (*value));
6578 Color *
6579 ColorAnimation::GetTo ()
6581 Value *value = GetValue (ColorAnimation::ToProperty);
6582 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
6585 void
6586 ColorAnimation::SetTo (Color value)
6588 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ToProperty, Value (value));
6591 void
6592 ColorAnimation::SetTo (Color *value)
6594 if (!value)
6595 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ToProperty, NULL);
6596 else
6597 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ToProperty, Value (*value));
6600 Color *
6601 ColorAnimation::GetFrom ()
6603 Value *value = GetValue (ColorAnimation::FromProperty);
6604 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
6607 void
6608 ColorAnimation::SetFrom (Color value)
6610 SetValue (ColorAnimation::FromProperty, Value (value));
6613 void
6614 ColorAnimation::SetFrom (Color *value)
6616 if (!value)
6617 SetValue (ColorAnimation::FromProperty, NULL);
6618 else
6619 SetValue (ColorAnimation::FromProperty, Value (*value));
6622 EasingFunctionBase *
6623 ColorAnimation::GetEasingFunction ()
6625 Value *value = GetValue (ColorAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty);
6626 return value ? value->AsEasingFunctionBase () : NULL;
6629 void
6630 ColorAnimation::SetEasingFunction (EasingFunctionBase *value)
6632 SetValue (ColorAnimation::EasingFunctionProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6635 Color *
6636 ColorAnimation::GetBy ()
6638 Value *value = GetValue (ColorAnimation::ByProperty);
6639 return value ? value->AsColor () : NULL;
6642 void
6643 ColorAnimation::SetBy (Color value)
6645 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ByProperty, Value (value));
6648 void
6649 ColorAnimation::SetBy (Color *value)
6651 if (!value)
6652 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ByProperty, NULL);
6653 else
6654 SetValue (ColorAnimation::ByProperty, Value (*value));
6657 double
6658 BlurEffect::GetRadius ()
6660 Value *value = GetValue (BlurEffect::RadiusProperty);
6661 return value->AsDouble ();
6664 void
6665 BlurEffect::SetRadius (double value)
6667 SetValue (BlurEffect::RadiusProperty, Value (value));
6670 gint32
6671 BitmapSource::GetPixelWidth ()
6673 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapSource::PixelWidthProperty);
6674 return value->AsInt32 ();
6677 void
6678 BitmapSource::SetPixelWidth (gint32 value)
6680 SetValue (BitmapSource::PixelWidthProperty, Value (value));
6683 gint32
6684 BitmapSource::GetPixelHeight ()
6686 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapSource::PixelHeightProperty);
6687 return value->AsInt32 ();
6690 void
6691 BitmapSource::SetPixelHeight (gint32 value)
6693 SetValue (BitmapSource::PixelHeightProperty, Value (value));
6696 PixelFormats
6697 BitmapSource::GetPixelFormat ()
6699 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapSource::PixelFormatProperty);
6700 return (PixelFormats) value->AsInt32 ();
6703 void
6704 BitmapSource::SetPixelFormat (PixelFormats value)
6706 SetValue (BitmapSource::PixelFormatProperty, Value (value));
6709 double
6710 BitmapCache::GetRenderAtScale ()
6712 Value *value = GetValue (BitmapCache::RenderAtScaleProperty);
6713 return value->AsDouble ();
6716 void
6717 BitmapCache::SetRenderAtScale (double value)
6719 SetValue (BitmapCache::RenderAtScaleProperty, Value (value));
6722 Point *
6723 BezierSegment::GetPoint3 ()
6725 Value *value = GetValue (BezierSegment::Point3Property);
6726 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6729 void
6730 BezierSegment::SetPoint3 (Point *value)
6732 if (!value) return;
6733 SetValue (BezierSegment::Point3Property, Value (*value));
6736 Point *
6737 BezierSegment::GetPoint2 ()
6739 Value *value = GetValue (BezierSegment::Point2Property);
6740 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6743 void
6744 BezierSegment::SetPoint2 (Point *value)
6746 if (!value) return;
6747 SetValue (BezierSegment::Point2Property, Value (*value));
6750 Point *
6751 BezierSegment::GetPoint1 ()
6753 Value *value = GetValue (BezierSegment::Point1Property);
6754 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6757 void
6758 BezierSegment::SetPoint1 (Point *value)
6760 if (!value) return;
6761 SetValue (BezierSegment::Point1Property, Value (*value));
6764 Storyboard *
6765 BeginStoryboard::GetStoryboard ()
6767 Value *value = GetValue (BeginStoryboard::StoryboardProperty);
6768 return value ? value->AsStoryboard () : NULL;
6771 void
6772 BeginStoryboard::SetStoryboard (Storyboard *value)
6774 SetValue (BeginStoryboard::StoryboardProperty, Value::CreateUnrefPtr (value));
6777 SweepDirection
6778 ArcSegment::GetSweepDirection ()
6780 Value *value = GetValue (ArcSegment::SweepDirectionProperty);
6781 return (SweepDirection) value->AsInt32 ();
6784 void
6785 ArcSegment::SetSweepDirection (SweepDirection value)
6787 SetValue (ArcSegment::SweepDirectionProperty, Value (value));
6790 Size *
6791 ArcSegment::GetSize ()
6793 Value *value = GetValue (ArcSegment::SizeProperty);
6794 return value ? value->AsSize () : NULL;
6797 void
6798 ArcSegment::SetSize (Size *value)
6800 if (!value) return;
6801 SetValue (ArcSegment::SizeProperty, Value (*value));
6804 double
6805 ArcSegment::GetRotationAngle ()
6807 Value *value = GetValue (ArcSegment::RotationAngleProperty);
6808 return value->AsDouble ();
6811 void
6812 ArcSegment::SetRotationAngle (double value)
6814 SetValue (ArcSegment::RotationAngleProperty, Value (value));
6817 Point *
6818 ArcSegment::GetPoint ()
6820 Value *value = GetValue (ArcSegment::PointProperty);
6821 return value ? value->AsPoint () : NULL;
6824 void
6825 ArcSegment::SetPoint (Point *value)
6827 if (!value) return;
6828 SetValue (ArcSegment::PointProperty, Value (*value));
6831 bool
6832 ArcSegment::GetIsLargeArc ()
6834 Value *value = GetValue (ArcSegment::IsLargeArcProperty);
6835 return value->AsBool ();
6838 void
6839 ArcSegment::SetIsLargeArc (bool value)
6841 SetValue (ArcSegment::IsLargeArcProperty, Value (value));