stub out the Projection classes as well as duplicating the disgusting hack used for...
[moon.git] / src / cbinding.h
1 /*
2 * Automatically generated, do not edit this file directly
3 */
8 #include <glib.h>
9 #include <cairo.h>
11 #include "enums.h"
13 class Accessibility;
14 class AlsaSource;
15 class Animation;
16 class AnimationClock;
17 class Application;
18 class ArcSegment;
19 class ASFDemuxer;
20 class ASFMarkerDecoder;
21 class ASFPacket;
22 class ASFParser;
23 class AssemblyPart;
24 class AssemblyPartCollection;
25 class ASXDemuxer;
26 class AudioSource;
27 class AudioStream;
28 class BackEase;
29 class BeginStoryboard;
30 class BezierSegment;
31 class BitmapCache;
32 class BitmapImage;
33 class BitmapSource;
34 class BlurEffect;
35 class Border;
36 class BounceEase;
37 class Brush;
38 class CacheMode;
39 class Canvas;
40 class CircleEase;
41 class Clock;
42 class ClockGroup;
43 class CodecDownloader;
44 class Collection;
45 class CollectionChangedEventArgs;
46 class CollectionItemChangedEventArgs;
47 class ColorAnimation;
48 class ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
49 class ColorKeyFrame;
50 class ColorKeyFrameCollection;
51 class ColumnDefinition;
52 class ColumnDefinitionCollection;
53 class ContentChangedEventArgs;
54 class ContentControl;
55 class Control;
56 class ControlTemplate;
57 class CubicEase;
58 class CursorPositionChangedEventArgs;
59 class DataTemplate;
60 class DeepZoomImageTileSource;
61 class DependencyObject;
62 class DependencyObjectCollection;
63 class Deployment;
64 class DiscreteColorKeyFrame;
65 class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame;
66 class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame;
67 class DiscretePointKeyFrame;
68 class DispatcherTimer;
69 class DoubleCollection;
70 class DoubleAnimation;
71 class DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
72 class DoubleKeyFrame;
73 class DoubleKeyFrameCollection;
74 class Downloader;
75 class DownloadProgressEventArgs;
76 class DrawingAttributes;
77 class DropShadowEffect;
78 class EasingColorKeyFrame;
79 class EasingDoubleKeyFrame;
80 class EasingFunctionBase;
81 class EasingPointKeyFrame;
82 class Effect;
83 class ElasticEase;
84 class Ellipse;
85 class EllipseGeometry;
86 class ErrorEventArgs;
87 class EventArgs;
88 class EventListenerProxy;
89 class EventObject;
90 class EventTrigger;
91 class ExponentialEase;
92 class ExtensionPart;
93 class ExternalDecoder;
94 class ExternalDemuxer;
95 class ExternalPart;
96 class ExternalPartCollection;
97 class FfmpegDecoder;
98 class FfmpegDemuxer;
99 class FileDownloader;
100 class FileSource;
101 class FrameworkElement;
102 class FrameworkTemplate;
103 class GeneralTransform;
104 class Geometry;
105 class GeometryCollection;
106 class GeometryGroup;
107 class Glyphs;
108 class GradientBrush;
109 class GradientStop;
110 class GradientStopCollection;
111 class Grid;
112 class HitTestCollection;
113 class Icon;
114 class IconCollection;
115 class IImageConverter;
116 class Image;
117 class ImageBrush;
118 class ImageErrorEventArgs;
119 class ImageSource;
120 class IMediaDecoder;
121 class IMediaDemuxer;
122 class IMediaObject;
123 class IMediaSource;
124 class IMediaStream;
125 class InkPresenter;
126 class Inline;
127 class InlineCollection;
128 class InputMethod;
129 class InternalDownloader;
130 class ItemCollection;
131 class KeyEventArgs;
132 class KeyFrame;
133 class KeyFrameCollection;
134 class KeySpline;
135 class LayoutInformation;
136 class Line;
137 class LinearColorKeyFrame;
138 class LinearDoubleKeyFrame;
139 class LinearGradientBrush;
140 class LinearPointKeyFrame;
141 class LineBreak;
142 class LineGeometry;
143 class LineSegment;
144 class LogReadyRoutedEventArgs;
145 class ManagedStreamSource;
146 class ManualTimeSource;
147 class MarkerStream;
148 class Matrix;
149 class Matrix3D;
150 class Matrix3DProjection;
151 class MatrixTransform;
152 class Media;
153 class MediaAttribute;
154 class MediaAttributeCollection;
155 class MediaBase;
156 class MediaClosure;
157 class MediaDisposeObjectClosure;
158 class MediaElement;
159 class MediaFrame;
160 class MediaGetFrameClosure;
161 class MediaMarker;
162 class MediaMarkerFoundClosure;
163 class MediaPlayer;
164 class MediaReportFrameCompletedClosure;
165 class MediaReportSeekCompletedClosure;
166 class MediaSeekClosure;
167 class MemorySource;
168 class MmsDemuxer;
169 class MmsDownloader;
170 class MmsPlaylistEntry;
171 class MmsSecondDownloader;
172 class MmsSource;
173 class MouseButtonEventArgs;
174 class MouseEventArgs;
175 class MouseWheelEventArgs;
176 class Mp3Demuxer;
177 class MultiScaleImage;
178 class MultiScaleSubImage;
179 class MultiScaleSubImageCollection;
180 class MultiScaleTileSource;
181 class NameScope;
182 class NullDecoder;
183 class ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
184 class ObjectKeyFrame;
185 class ObjectKeyFrameCollection;
186 class OutOfBrowserSettings;
187 class Panel;
188 class ParallelTimeline;
189 class ParserErrorEventArgs;
190 class PassThroughDecoder;
191 class PasswordBox;
192 class Path;
193 class PathFigure;
194 class PathFigureCollection;
195 class PathGeometry;
196 class PathSegment;
197 class PathSegmentCollection;
198 class PixelShader;
199 class PlaneProjection;
200 class Playlist;
201 class PlaylistEntry;
202 class PlaylistRoot;
203 class PointCollection;
204 class PointAnimation;
205 class PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
206 class PointKeyFrame;
207 class PointKeyFrameCollection;
208 class PolyBezierSegment;
209 class Polygon;
210 class Polyline;
211 class PolyLineSegment;
212 class PolyQuadraticBezierSegment;
213 class Popup;
214 class PowerEase;
215 class ProgressEventArgs;
216 class ProgressiveSource;
217 class Projection;
218 class PropertyChangedEventArgs;
219 class PulseSource;
220 class QuadraticBezierSegment;
221 class QuadraticEase;
222 class QuarticEase;
223 class QuinticEase;
224 class RadialGradientBrush;
225 class Rectangle;
226 class RectangleGeometry;
227 class RenderingEventArgs;
228 class ResourceDictionary;
229 class ResourceDictionaryCollection;
230 class RotateTransform;
231 class RoutedEventArgs;
232 class RowDefinition;
233 class RowDefinitionCollection;
234 class Run;
235 class ScaleTransform;
236 class Setter;
237 class SetterBase;
238 class SetterBaseCollection;
239 class ShaderEffect;
240 class Shape;
241 class SineEase;
242 class SizeChangedEventArgs;
243 class SkewTransform;
244 class SolidColorBrush;
245 class SplineColorKeyFrame;
246 class SplineDoubleKeyFrame;
247 class SplinePointKeyFrame;
248 class Storyboard;
249 class Stroke;
250 class StrokeCollection;
251 class Style;
252 class StylusInfo;
253 class StylusPoint;
254 class StylusPointCollection;
255 class Surface;
256 class SystemTimeSource;
257 class TextBlock;
258 class TextBox;
259 class TextBoxBase;
260 class TextBoxModelChangedEventArgs;
261 class TextBoxView;
262 class TextChangedEventArgs;
263 class TextOptions;
264 class TileBrush;
265 class Timeline;
266 class TimelineCollection;
267 class TimelineGroup;
268 class TimelineMarker;
269 class TimelineMarkerCollection;
270 class TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs;
271 class TimeManager;
272 class TimeSource;
273 class Transform;
274 class TransformCollection;
275 class TransformGroup;
276 class TranslateTransform;
277 class TriggerCollection;
278 class TriggerAction;
279 class TriggerActionCollection;
280 class TriggerBase;
281 class UIElement;
282 class UIElementCollection;
283 class UnmanagedMatrix;
284 class UnmanagedMatrix3D;
285 class UserControl;
286 class VideoBrush;
287 class VideoStream;
288 class VisualBrush;
289 class WindowSettings;
290 class WriteableBitmap;
291 class YUVConverter;
294 class Accessibility;
295 class AlsaPlayer;
296 class AlsaSource;
297 class Animation;
298 class AnimationClock;
299 class AnimationStorage;
300 class Application;
301 class Applier;
302 class ArcSegment;
303 class ArrayList;
304 class ASFDemuxer;
305 class ASFDemuxerInfo;
306 class ASFFrameReader;
307 class ASFMarkerDecoder;
308 class ASFMarkerDecoderInfo;
309 class ASFPacket;
310 class ASFParser;
311 class ASFReader;
312 class AssemblyPart;
313 class AssemblyPartCollection;
314 class ASXDemuxer;
315 class ASXDemuxerInfo;
316 class AudioListNode;
317 class AudioPlayer;
318 class AudioSource;
319 class AudioSources;
320 class AudioStream;
321 class AutoCreatePropertyValueProvider;
322 class AutoCreators;
323 class BackEase;
324 class BeginStoryboard;
325 class BezierSegment;
326 class BitmapCache;
327 class BitmapImage;
328 class BitmapSource;
329 class BlurEffect;
330 class Border;
331 class BounceEase;
332 class BrowserBridge;
333 class Brush;
334 class CacheMode;
335 class Cancellable;
336 class Canvas;
337 class CircleEase;
338 class Clock;
339 class ClockGroup;
340 class CodecDownloader;
341 class Collection;
342 class CollectionChangedEventArgs;
343 class CollectionItemChangedEventArgs;
344 class CollectionIterator;
345 class ColorAnimation;
346 class ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
347 class ColorKeyFrame;
348 class ColorKeyFrameCollection;
349 class ColumnDefinition;
350 class ColumnDefinitionCollection;
351 class ContentChangedEventArgs;
352 class ContentControl;
353 class ContentDescription;
354 class ContentDescriptionList;
355 class Control;
356 class ControlTemplate;
357 class ConverterInfo;
358 class CubicEase;
359 class CursorPositionChangedEventArgs;
360 class DataTemplate;
361 class DecoderInfo;
362 class DeepTreeWalker;
363 class DeepZoomImageTileSource;
364 class DefaultValuePropertyValueProvider;
365 class DemuxerInfo;
366 class DependencyObject;
367 class DependencyObjectCollection;
368 class DependencyProperty;
369 class Deployment;
370 class DeploymentStack;
371 class DirtyLists;
372 class DiscreteColorKeyFrame;
373 class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame;
374 class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame;
375 class DiscretePointKeyFrame;
376 class DispatcherTimer;
377 class DoubleAnimation;
378 class DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
379 class DoubleCollection;
380 class DoubleKeyFrame;
381 class DoubleKeyFrameCollection;
382 class Downloader;
383 class DownloaderRequest;
384 class DownloaderResponse;
385 class DownloadProgressEventArgs;
386 class DrawingAttributes;
387 class DropShadowEffect;
388 class EasingColorKeyFrame;
389 class EasingDoubleKeyFrame;
390 class EasingFunctionBase;
391 class EasingPointKeyFrame;
392 class Effect;
393 class ElasticEase;
394 class Ellipse;
395 class EllipseGeometry;
396 class ErrorEventArgs;
397 class EventArgs;
398 class EventListenerProxy;
399 class EventObject;
400 class EventTrigger;
401 class ExponentialEase;
402 class ExtensionPart;
403 class ExternalDecoder;
404 class ExternalDecoderInfo;
405 class ExternalDemuxer;
406 class ExternalPart;
407 class ExternalPartCollection;
408 class FfmpegDecoder;
409 class FfmpegDecoderInfo;
410 class FfmpegDemuxer;
411 class FileDownloader;
412 class FileSource;
413 class FontFace;
414 class FontManager;
415 class FrameworkElement;
416 class FrameworkElementProvider;
417 class FrameworkTemplate;
418 class GeneralTransform;
419 class Geometry;
420 class GeometryCollection;
421 class GeometryGroup;
422 class Glyphs;
423 class GradientBrush;
424 class GradientStop;
425 class GradientStopCollection;
426 class Grid;
427 class GridNode;
428 class GridWalker;
429 class HitTestCollection;
430 class Icon;
431 class IconCollection;
432 class IDownloader;
433 class IImageConverter;
434 class Image;
435 class ImageBrush;
436 class ImageErrorEventArgs;
437 class ImageSource;
438 class IMediaDecoder;
439 class IMediaDemuxer;
440 class IMediaObject;
441 class IMediaSource;
442 class IMediaStream;
443 class InheritedPropertyValueProvider;
444 class InkPresenter;
445 class Inline;
446 class InlineCollection;
447 class InputMethod;
448 class InternalDownloader;
449 class ItemCollection;
450 class ITextAttributes;
451 class Keyboard;
452 class KeyEventArgs;
453 class KeyFrame;
454 class KeyFrameCollection;
455 class KeySpline;
456 class LayoutInformation;
457 class Line;
458 class LinearColorKeyFrame;
459 class LinearDoubleKeyFrame;
460 class LinearGradientBrush;
461 class LinearPointKeyFrame;
462 class LineBreak;
463 class LineGeometry;
464 class LineSegment;
465 class List;
466 class LocalPropertyValueProvider;
467 class LogReadyRoutedEventArgs;
468 class ManagedStreamSource;
469 class ManualTimeSource;
470 class MarkerStream;
471 class Matrix;
472 class Matrix3D;
473 class Matrix3DProjection;
474 class MatrixTransform;
475 class Media;
476 class MediaAttribute;
477 class MediaAttributeCollection;
478 class MediaBase;
479 class MediaClosure;
480 class MediaDisposeObjectClosure;
481 class MediaElement;
482 class MediaElementPropertyValueProvider;
483 class MediaFrame;
484 class MediaGetFrameClosure;
485 class MediaInfo;
486 class MediaMarker;
487 class MediaMarkerFoundClosure;
488 class MediaPlayer;
489 class MediaReportFrameCompletedClosure;
490 class MediaReportSeekCompletedClosure;
491 class MediaSeekClosure;
492 class MediaThreadPool;
493 class MediaWork;
494 class MemorySource;
495 class MmsDemuxer;
496 class MmsDownloader;
497 class MmsPlaylistEntry;
498 class MmsSecondDownloader;
499 class MmsSource;
500 class MoonError;
501 class MoonlightConfiguration;
502 class MoonWindow;
503 class MoonWindowGtk;
504 class MoonWindowless;
505 class MouseButtonEventArgs;
506 class MouseEventArgs;
507 class MouseWheelEventArgs;
508 class Mp3Demuxer;
509 class Mp3DemuxerInfo;
510 class Mp3FrameReader;
511 class MultiScaleImage;
512 class MultiScaleImagePropertyValueProvider;
513 class MultiScaleSubImage;
514 class MultiScaleSubImageCollection;
515 class MultiScaleTileSource;
516 class Mutex;
517 class NameScope;
518 class NPStreamRequest;
519 class NullDecoder;
520 class NullDecoderInfo;
521 class ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
522 class ObjectKeyFrame;
523 class ObjectKeyFrameCollection;
524 class ObjectTracker;
525 class OutOfBrowserSettings;
526 class Panel;
527 class ParallelTimeline;
528 class ParserErrorEventArgs;
529 class PassThroughDecoder;
530 class PassThroughDecoderInfo;
531 class PasswordBox;
532 class Path;
533 class PathFigure;
534 class PathFigureCollection;
535 class PathGeometry;
536 class PathSegment;
537 class PathSegmentCollection;
538 class PixelShader;
539 class PlaneProjection;
540 class Playlist;
541 class PlaylistEntry;
542 class PlaylistKind;
543 class PlaylistNode;
544 class PlaylistParser;
545 class PlaylistParserInternal;
546 class PlaylistRoot;
547 class PluginDownloader;
548 class PluginInstance;
549 class PluginXamlLoader;
550 class PointAnimation;
551 class PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames;
552 class PointCollection;
553 class PointKeyFrame;
554 class PointKeyFrameCollection;
555 class PolyBezierSegment;
556 class Polygon;
557 class Polyline;
558 class PolyLineSegment;
559 class PolyQuadraticBezierSegment;
560 class Popup;
561 class PowerEase;
562 class ProgressEventArgs;
563 class ProgressiveSource;
564 class Projection;
565 class PropertyChangedEventArgs;
566 class PropertyValueProvider;
567 class PulsePlayer;
568 class PulseSource;
569 class QuadraticBezierSegment;
570 class QuadraticEase;
571 class QuarticEase;
572 class Queue;
573 class QuinticEase;
574 class RadialGradientBrush;
575 class Rectangle;
576 class RectangleGeometry;
577 class Region;
578 class RenderingEventArgs;
579 class RenderNode;
580 class ResourceDictionary;
581 class ResourceDictionaryCollection;
582 class RotateTransform;
583 class RoutedEventArgs;
584 class RowDefinition;
585 class RowDefinitionCollection;
586 class Run;
587 class ScaleTransform;
588 class Setter;
589 class SetterBase;
590 class SetterBaseCollection;
591 class ShaderEffect;
592 class Shape;
593 class SineEase;
594 class SizeChangedEventArgs;
595 class SkewTransform;
596 class SolidColorBrush;
597 class SplineColorKeyFrame;
598 class SplineDoubleKeyFrame;
599 class SplinePointKeyFrame;
600 class Storyboard;
601 class StreamNotify;
602 class Stroke;
603 class StrokeCollection;
604 class Style;
605 class StylePropertyValueProvider;
606 class StylusInfo;
607 class StylusPoint;
608 class StylusPointCollection;
609 class Surface;
610 class SystemTimeSource;
611 class TabNavigationWalker;
612 class TextBlock;
613 class TextBox;
614 class TextBoxBase;
615 class TextBoxModelChangedEventArgs;
616 class TextBoxView;
617 class TextChangedEventArgs;
618 class TextFont;
619 class TextFontDescription;
620 class TextLayout;
621 class TextLayoutAttributes;
622 class TextOptions;
623 class TextStream;
624 class TileBrush;
625 class Timeline;
626 class TimelineCollection;
627 class TimelineGroup;
628 class TimelineMarker;
629 class TimelineMarkerCollection;
630 class TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs;
631 class TimeManager;
632 class TimeSource;
633 class ToggleNotifyListener;
634 class Transform;
635 class TransformCollection;
636 class TransformGroup;
637 class TranslateTransform;
638 class TriggerAction;
639 class TriggerActionCollection;
640 class TriggerBase;
641 class TriggerCollection;
642 class Type;
643 class Types;
644 class UIElement;
645 class UIElementCollection;
646 class UIElementNode;
647 class UnmanagedMatrix;
648 class UnmanagedMatrix3D;
649 class UserControl;
650 class Validators;
651 class VideoBrush;
652 class VideoStream;
653 class VisualBrush;
654 class VisualTreeWalker;
655 class WindowSettings;
656 class WriteableBitmap;
657 class XamlContext;
658 class XamlLoader;
659 class Xap;
660 class YUVConverter;
661 class YUVConverterInfo;
663 struct asf_bitrate_mutual_exclusion;
664 struct asf_codec_list;
665 struct asf_content_description;
666 struct asf_data;
667 struct asf_error_correction;
668 struct asf_error_correction_data;
669 struct asf_extended_content_description;
670 struct asf_extended_stream_name;
671 struct asf_extended_stream_properties;
672 struct asf_file_properties;
673 struct asf_guid;
674 struct asf_header;
675 struct asf_header_extension;
676 struct asf_marker;
677 struct asf_marker_entry;
678 struct asf_multiple_payloads;
679 struct asf_object;
680 struct asf_payload_extension_system;
681 struct asf_payload_parsing_information;
682 struct asf_script_command;
683 struct asf_script_command_entry;
684 struct asf_single_payload;
685 struct asf_stream_bitrate_properties;
686 struct asf_stream_properties;
687 struct asf_video_stream_data;
688 struct ASFContext;
689 struct ASFFrameReaderData;
690 struct ASFFrameReaderIndex;
691 struct AudioData;
693 struct Color;
694 struct CornerRadius;
695 struct Duration;
696 struct FontFaceExtents;
697 struct FontFamily;
698 struct FontSource;
699 struct FontStretch;
700 struct FontStyle;
701 struct FontWeight;
702 struct GlyphInfo;
703 struct GlyphMetrics;
704 struct GridLength;
705 struct KeyTime;
706 struct ManagedStreamCallbacks;
707 struct ManagedTypeInfo;
708 struct MmsDataPacket;
709 struct MmsHeader;
710 struct MmsHeaderReason;
711 struct MmsPacket;
712 struct MoonlightCollectionObject;
713 struct MoonlightCollectionType;
714 struct MoonlightContentObject;
715 struct MoonlightContentType;
716 struct MoonlightControlObject;
717 struct MoonlightControlType;
718 struct MoonlightCornerRadius;
719 struct MoonlightCornerRadiusType;
720 struct MoonlightDependencyObjectObject;
721 struct MoonlightDependencyObjectType;
722 struct MoonlightDownloaderObject;
723 struct MoonlightDownloaderType;
724 struct MoonlightDownloadProgressEventArgs;
725 struct MoonlightDownloadProgressEventArgsType;
726 struct MoonlightDuration;
727 struct MoonlightDurationType;
728 struct MoonlightErrorEventArgs;
729 struct MoonlightErrorEventArgsType;
730 struct MoonlightEventArgs;
731 struct MoonlightEventArgsType;
732 struct MoonlightEventObjectObject;
733 struct MoonlightEventObjectType;
734 struct MoonlightGridLength;
735 struct MoonlightGridLengthType;
736 struct MoonlightImageBrushObject;
737 struct MoonlightImageBrushType;
738 struct MoonlightImageObject;
739 struct MoonlightImageType;
740 struct MoonlightKeyEventArgsObject;
741 struct MoonlightKeyEventArgsType;
742 struct MoonlightKeyTime;
743 struct MoonlightKeyTimeType;
744 struct MoonlightMediaElementObject;
745 struct MoonlightMediaElementType;
746 struct MoonlightMouseEventArgsObject;
747 struct MoonlightMouseEventArgsType;
748 struct MoonlightMultiScaleImageObject;
749 struct MoonlightMultiScaleImageType;
750 struct MoonlightObject;
751 struct MoonlightObjectType;
752 struct MoonlightPasswordBoxObject;
753 struct MoonlightPasswordBoxType;
754 struct MoonlightPoint;
755 struct MoonlightPointType;
756 struct MoonlightRect;
757 struct MoonlightRectType;
758 struct MoonlightRoutedEventArgs;
759 struct MoonlightRoutedEventArgsType;
760 struct MoonlightScriptableObjectObject;
761 struct MoonlightScriptableObjectType;
762 struct MoonlightScriptControlObject;
763 struct MoonlightScriptControlType;
764 struct MoonlightSettingsObject;
765 struct MoonlightSettingsType;
766 struct MoonlightStoryboardObject;
767 struct MoonlightStoryboardType;
768 struct MoonlightStrokeCollectionObject;
769 struct MoonlightStrokeCollectionType;
770 struct MoonlightStrokeObject;
771 struct MoonlightStrokeType;
772 struct MoonlightStylusInfoObject;
773 struct MoonlightStylusInfoType;
774 struct MoonlightStylusPointCollectionObject;
775 struct MoonlightStylusPointCollectionType;
776 struct MoonlightTextBlockObject;
777 struct MoonlightTextBlockType;
778 struct MoonlightTextBoxObject;
779 struct MoonlightTextBoxType;
780 struct MoonlightThickness;
781 struct MoonlightThicknessType;
782 struct MoonlightTimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgsObject;
783 struct MoonlightTimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgsType;
784 struct MoonlightTimeSpan;
785 struct MoonlightTimeSpanType;
786 struct MoonlightUIElementObject;
787 struct MoonlightUIElementType;
788 struct MoonNameIdMapping;
789 struct MpegFrame;
790 struct MpegFrameHeader;
791 struct MpegVBRHeader;
792 struct Point;
793 struct PropertyPath;
794 struct Rect;
795 struct RepeatBehavior;
796 struct Segment;
797 struct Size;
798 struct TextLayoutGlyphCluster;
799 struct TextLayoutLine;
800 struct TextLayoutRun;
801 struct Thickness;
802 struct Uri;
803 struct Value;
804 struct WAVEFORMATEX;
806 struct XamlCallbackData;
807 struct XamlLoaderCallbacks;
809 typedef void ( * ApplyDefaultStyleCallback ) ( FrameworkElement * fwe , ManagedTypeInfo * key ) ;
810 typedef void ( * ApplyStyleCallback ) ( FrameworkElement * fwe , Style * style ) ;
811 typedef void * ( * ConvertKeyframeValueCallback ) ( int kind , DependencyProperty * property , Value * original , Value * converted ) ;
812 typedef ManagedStreamCallbacks ( * GetResourceCallback ) ( const char * resourceBase , const char * name ) ;
813 typedef void ( * TickCallHandler ) ( EventObject * object ) ;
814 typedef void ( * EventHandler ) ( EventObject * sender , EventArgs * args , gpointer closure ) ;
815 typedef void ( * ToggleNotifyHandler ) ( EventObject * sender , bool isLastRef ) ;
816 typedef void ( * PropertyChangeHandler ) ( DependencyObject * sender , PropertyChangedEventArgs * args , MoonError * error , gpointer closure ) ;
817 typedef void ( * DownloaderResponseHeaderCallback ) ( gpointer context , const char * header , const char * value ) ;
818 typedef void ( * DownloaderWriteFunc ) ( void * buf , gint32 offset , gint32 n , gpointer cb_data ) ;
819 typedef void ( * DownloaderNotifySizeFunc ) ( gint64 size , gpointer cb_data ) ;
820 typedef gpointer ( * DownloaderCreateStateFunc ) ( Downloader * dl ) ;
821 typedef void ( * DownloaderDestroyStateFunc ) ( gpointer state ) ;
822 typedef void ( * DownloaderOpenFunc ) ( gpointer state , const char * verb , const char * uri , bool custom_header_support , bool disable_cache ) ;
823 typedef void ( * DownloaderSendFunc ) ( gpointer state ) ;
824 typedef void ( * DownloaderAbortFunc ) ( gpointer state ) ;
825 typedef void ( * DownloaderHeaderFunc ) ( gpointer state , const char * header , const char * value ) ;
826 typedef void ( * DownloaderBodyFunc ) ( gpointer state , void * body , guint32 length ) ;
827 typedef gpointer ( * DownloaderCreateWebRequestFunc ) ( const char * method , const char * uri , gpointer context ) ;
828 typedef void ( * DownloaderSetResponseHeaderCallbackFunc ) ( gpointer state , DownloaderResponseHeaderCallback callback , gpointer context ) ;
829 typedef DownloaderResponse * ( * DownloaderGetResponseFunc ) ( gpointer state ) ;
830 typedef guint32 ( * DownloaderResponseStartedHandler ) ( DownloaderResponse * response , gpointer context ) ;
831 typedef guint32 ( * DownloaderResponseDataAvailableHandler ) ( DownloaderResponse * response , gpointer context , char * buffer , guint32 length ) ;
832 typedef guint32 ( * DownloaderResponseFinishedHandler ) ( DownloaderResponse * response , gpointer context , bool success , gpointer data , const char * uri ) ;
833 typedef double ( * EasingFunction ) ( double normalizedTime ) ;
834 typedef Size ( * MeasureOverrideCallback ) ( Size availableSize ) ;
835 typedef Size ( * ArrangeOverrideCallback ) ( Size finalSize ) ;
836 typedef UIElement * ( * GetDefaultTemplateCallback ) ( FrameworkElement * element ) ;
837 typedef void ( * LoadedCallback ) ( FrameworkElement * element ) ;
838 typedef void ( * CloseDemuxerCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
839 typedef void ( * GetDiagnosticAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , int diagnosticKind ) ;
840 typedef void ( * GetFrameAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , int mediaStreamType ) ;
841 typedef void ( * OpenDemuxerAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , IMediaDemuxer * demuxer ) ;
842 typedef void ( * SeekAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , guint64 seekToTime ) ;
843 typedef void ( * SwitchMediaStreamAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , IMediaStream * mediaStreamDescription ) ;
844 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_DecodeFrameAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance , MediaFrame * frame ) ;
845 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_OpenDecoderAsyncCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
846 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_CleanupCallback ) ( void * instance , MediaFrame * frame ) ;
847 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_CleanStateCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
848 typedef bool ( * ExternalDecoder_HasDelayedFrameCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
849 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_DisposeCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
850 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoder_DtorCallback ) ( void * instance ) ;
851 typedef bool ( * ExternalDecoderInfo_SupportsCallback ) ( void * instance , const char * codec ) ;
852 typedef IMediaDecoder * ( * ExternalDecoderInfo_Create ) ( void * instance , Media * media , IMediaStream * stream ) ;
853 typedef void ( * ExternalDecoderInfo_dtor ) ( void * instance ) ;
854 typedef bool ( * get_image_uri_func ) ( int level , int posX , int posY , Uri * uri , void * user_data ) ;
855 typedef gint64 TimeSpan ;
861 * Application
863 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
864 Application *application_new (void);
866 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
867 Application *application_get_current (void);
869 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
870 void application_register_callbacks (Application *instance, ApplyDefaultStyleCallback apply_default_style_cb, ApplyStyleCallback apply_style_cb, GetResourceCallback get_resource_cb, ConvertKeyframeValueCallback convert_keyframe_callback);
872 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
873 void application_set_current (Application *current);
876 * ArcSegment
878 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
879 ArcSegment *arc_segment_new (void);
882 * AssemblyPart
884 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
885 AssemblyPart *assembly_part_new (void);
888 * AssemblyPartCollection
890 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
891 AssemblyPartCollection *assembly_part_collection_new (void);
894 * AudioStream
896 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
897 AudioStream *audio_stream_new (Media *media, int codec_id, int bits_per_sample, int block_align, int sample_rate, int channels, int bit_rate, gpointer extra_data, guint32 extra_data_size);
899 int audio_stream_get_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance);
901 int audio_stream_get_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance);
903 int audio_stream_get_block_align (AudioStream *instance);
905 int audio_stream_get_channels (AudioStream *instance);
907 int audio_stream_get_input_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance);
909 int audio_stream_get_input_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance);
911 int audio_stream_get_input_block_align (AudioStream *instance);
913 int audio_stream_get_input_channels (AudioStream *instance);
915 int audio_stream_get_input_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance);
917 int audio_stream_get_output_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance);
919 int audio_stream_get_output_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance);
921 int audio_stream_get_output_block_align (AudioStream *instance);
923 int audio_stream_get_output_channels (AudioStream *instance);
925 int audio_stream_get_output_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance);
927 int audio_stream_get_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance);
929 void audio_stream_set_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
931 void audio_stream_set_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance, int value);
933 void audio_stream_set_block_align (AudioStream *instance, int value);
935 void audio_stream_set_channels (AudioStream *instance, int value);
937 void audio_stream_set_input_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
939 void audio_stream_set_input_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance, int value);
941 void audio_stream_set_input_block_align (AudioStream *instance, int value);
943 void audio_stream_set_input_channels (AudioStream *instance, int value);
945 void audio_stream_set_input_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
947 void audio_stream_set_output_bit_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
949 void audio_stream_set_output_bits_per_sample (AudioStream *instance, int value);
951 void audio_stream_set_output_block_align (AudioStream *instance, int value);
953 void audio_stream_set_output_channels (AudioStream *instance, int value);
955 void audio_stream_set_output_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
957 void audio_stream_set_sample_rate (AudioStream *instance, int value);
960 * BackEase
962 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
963 BackEase *back_ease_new (void);
965 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
966 double back_ease_ease_in_core (BackEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
969 * BeginStoryboard
971 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
972 BeginStoryboard *begin_storyboard_new (void);
975 * BezierSegment
977 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
978 BezierSegment *bezier_segment_new (void);
981 * BitmapCache
983 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
984 BitmapCache *bitmap_cache_new (void);
987 * BitmapImage
989 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
990 BitmapImage *bitmap_image_new (void);
992 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
993 void bitmap_image_pixbuf_write (BitmapImage *instance, gpointer buffer, gint32 offset, gint32 n);
995 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
996 void bitmap_image_pixmap_complete (BitmapImage *instance);
999 * BitmapSource
1001 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1002 BitmapSource *bitmap_source_new (void);
1004 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1005 gpointer bitmap_source_get_bitmap_data (BitmapSource *instance);
1007 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1008 void bitmap_source_invalidate (BitmapSource *instance);
1010 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1011 void bitmap_source_set_bitmap_data (BitmapSource *instance, gpointer data, bool own);
1014 * BlurEffect
1016 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1017 BlurEffect *blur_effect_new (void);
1020 * Border
1022 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1023 Border *border_new (void);
1026 * BounceEase
1028 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1029 BounceEase *bounce_ease_new (void);
1031 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1032 double bounce_ease_ease_in_core (BounceEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
1035 * Brush
1037 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1038 Brush *brush_new (void);
1041 * CacheMode
1043 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1044 CacheMode *cache_mode_new (void);
1047 * Canvas
1049 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1050 Canvas *canvas_new (void);
1053 * CircleEase
1055 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1056 CircleEase *circle_ease_new (void);
1058 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1059 double circle_ease_ease_in_core (CircleEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
1062 * Collection
1064 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1065 int collection_add_with_error (Collection *instance, Value *value, MoonError *error);
1067 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1068 bool collection_clear (Collection *instance);
1070 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1071 bool collection_contains (Collection *instance, Value *value);
1073 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1074 int collection_get_count (Collection *instance);
1076 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1077 int collection_get_element_type (Collection *instance);
1079 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1080 CollectionIterator *collection_get_iterator (Collection *instance);
1082 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1083 Value *collection_get_value_at_with_error (Collection *instance, int index, MoonError *error);
1085 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1086 int collection_index_of (Collection *instance, Value *value);
1088 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1089 bool collection_insert_with_error (Collection *instance, int index, Value *value, MoonError *error);
1091 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1092 bool collection_remove (Collection *instance, Value *value);
1094 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1095 bool collection_remove_at_with_error (Collection *instance, int index, MoonError *error);
1097 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1098 bool collection_set_value_at_with_error (Collection *instance, int index, Value *value, MoonError *error);
1101 * CollectionChangedEventArgs
1103 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1104 CollectionChangedEventArgs *collection_changed_event_args_new (void);
1106 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1107 int collection_changed_event_args_get_changed_action (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1109 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1110 int collection_changed_event_args_get_index (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1112 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1113 Value *collection_changed_event_args_get_new_item (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1115 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1116 Value *collection_changed_event_args_get_old_item (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1118 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1119 void collection_changed_event_args_set_changed_action (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance, int action);
1121 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1122 void collection_changed_event_args_set_index (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance, int index);
1124 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1125 void collection_changed_event_args_set_new_item (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance, Value *item);
1127 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1128 void collection_changed_event_args_set_old_item (CollectionChangedEventArgs *instance, Value *item);
1131 * CollectionIterator
1133 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1134 void collection_iterator_destroy (CollectionIterator *iterator);
1136 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1137 Value *collection_iterator_get_current (CollectionIterator *instance, int *error);
1139 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1140 int collection_iterator_next (CollectionIterator *instance);
1142 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1143 bool collection_iterator_reset (CollectionIterator *instance);
1146 * ColorAnimation
1148 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1149 ColorAnimation *color_animation_new (void);
1152 * ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames
1154 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1155 ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames *color_animation_using_key_frames_new (void);
1158 * ColorKeyFrame
1160 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1161 ColorKeyFrame *color_key_frame_new (void);
1164 * ColorKeyFrameCollection
1166 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1167 ColorKeyFrameCollection *color_key_frame_collection_new (void);
1170 * ColumnDefinition
1172 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1173 ColumnDefinition *column_definition_new (void);
1176 * ColumnDefinitionCollection
1178 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1179 ColumnDefinitionCollection *column_definition_collection_new (void);
1182 * ContentChangedEventArgs
1184 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1185 Value *content_changed_event_args_get_new_content (ContentChangedEventArgs *instance);
1187 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1188 Value *content_changed_event_args_get_old_content (ContentChangedEventArgs *instance);
1191 * ContentControl
1193 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1194 ContentControl *content_control_new (void);
1196 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1197 bool content_control_get_content_sets_parent (ContentControl *instance);
1199 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1200 void content_control_set_content_sets_parent (ContentControl *instance, bool value);
1203 * Control
1205 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1206 Control *control_new (void);
1208 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1209 DependencyObject *control_get_template_child (Control *instance, const char *name);
1212 * ControlTemplate
1214 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1215 ControlTemplate *control_template_new (void);
1218 * CubicEase
1220 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1221 CubicEase *cubic_ease_new (void);
1223 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1224 double cubic_ease_ease_in_core (CubicEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
1227 * CursorPositionChangedEventArgs
1229 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1230 CursorPositionChangedEventArgs *cursor_position_changed_event_args_new (void);
1232 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1233 double cursor_position_changed_event_args_get_cursor_height (CursorPositionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1235 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1236 double cursor_position_changed_event_args_get_cursor_x (CursorPositionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1238 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1239 double cursor_position_changed_event_args_get_cursor_y (CursorPositionChangedEventArgs *instance);
1242 * DataTemplate
1244 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1245 DataTemplate *data_template_new (void);
1248 * DeepZoomImageTileSource
1250 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1251 DeepZoomImageTileSource *deep_zoom_image_tile_source_new (void);
1254 * DependencyObject
1256 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1257 void dependency_object_add_property_change_handler (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, PropertyChangeHandler cb, gpointer closure);
1259 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1260 void dependency_object_clear_value (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, bool notify_listeners, MoonError *error);
1262 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1263 DependencyObject *dependency_object_new (void);
1265 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1266 DependencyObject *dependency_object_find_name (DependencyObject *instance, const char *name, int *element_kind);
1268 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1269 const char *dependency_object_get_name (DependencyObject *instance);
1271 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1272 DependencyObject *dependency_object_get_template_owner (DependencyObject *instance);
1274 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1275 Value *dependency_object_get_value_no_default_with_error (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, MoonError *error);
1277 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1278 Value *dependency_object_get_value_with_error (DependencyObject *instance, int whatami, DependencyProperty *property, MoonError *error);
1280 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1281 Value *dependency_object_read_local_value_with_error (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, MoonError *error);
1283 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1284 void dependency_object_remove_property_change_handler (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, PropertyChangeHandler cb);
1286 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1287 void dependency_object_set_name (DependencyObject *instance, const char *name);
1289 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1290 void dependency_object_set_parent_safe (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyObject *parent, MoonError *error);
1292 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1293 void dependency_object_set_template_owner (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyObject *value);
1295 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1296 bool dependency_object_set_value_with_error (DependencyObject *instance, DependencyProperty *property, Value *value, MoonError *error);
1299 * DependencyObjectCollection
1301 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1302 DependencyObjectCollection *dependency_object_collection_new (void);
1305 * DependencyProperty
1307 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1308 Value *dependency_property_get_default_value (DependencyProperty *instance);
1310 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1311 DependencyProperty *dependency_property_get_dependency_property (int type, const char *name);
1313 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1314 DependencyProperty *dependency_property_get_dependency_property_full (int type, const char *name, bool inherits);
1316 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1317 const char *dependency_property_get_name (DependencyProperty *instance);
1319 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1320 int dependency_property_get_property_type (DependencyProperty *instance);
1322 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1323 bool dependency_property_is_attached (DependencyProperty *instance);
1325 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1326 bool dependency_property_is_nullable (DependencyProperty *instance);
1328 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1329 bool dependency_property_is_read_only (DependencyProperty *instance);
1331 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1332 DependencyProperty *dependency_property_register_core_property (const char *name, int property_type, int owner_type, Value *defaultValue, bool attached, bool read_only, PropertyChangeHandler callback);
1334 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1335 DependencyProperty *dependency_property_register_custom_property (const char *name, int property_type, int owner_type, Value *defaultValue, bool attached, bool read_only, PropertyChangeHandler callback);
1337 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1338 void dependency_property_set_is_nullable (DependencyProperty *instance, bool value);
1340 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1341 void dependency_property_set_property_changed_callback (DependencyProperty *instance, PropertyChangeHandler changed_callback);
1344 * Deployment
1346 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1347 Deployment *deployment_new (void);
1349 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1350 Deployment *deployment_get_current (void);
1352 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1353 Surface *deployment_get_surface_reffed (Deployment *instance);
1355 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1356 Types *deployment_get_types (Deployment *instance);
1358 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1359 void deployment_set_current (Deployment *value);
1361 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1362 void deployment_set_current_application (Deployment *instance, Application *value);
1364 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1365 void deployment_set_is_loaded_from_xap (Deployment *instance, bool flag);
1368 * DiscreteColorKeyFrame
1370 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1371 DiscreteColorKeyFrame *discrete_color_key_frame_new (void);
1374 * DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame
1376 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1377 DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame *discrete_double_key_frame_new (void);
1380 * DiscreteObjectKeyFrame
1382 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1383 DiscreteObjectKeyFrame *discrete_object_key_frame_new (void);
1386 * DiscretePointKeyFrame
1388 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1389 DiscretePointKeyFrame *discrete_point_key_frame_new (void);
1392 * DispatcherTimer
1394 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1395 DispatcherTimer *dispatcher_timer_new (void);
1397 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1398 void dispatcher_timer_start (DispatcherTimer *instance);
1400 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1401 void dispatcher_timer_stop (DispatcherTimer *instance);
1404 * DoubleAnimation
1406 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1407 DoubleAnimation *double_animation_new (void);
1410 * DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames
1412 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1413 DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames *double_animation_using_key_frames_new (void);
1416 * DoubleCollection
1418 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1419 DoubleCollection *double_collection_new (void);
1422 * DoubleKeyFrame
1424 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1425 DoubleKeyFrame *double_key_frame_new (void);
1428 * DoubleKeyFrameCollection
1430 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1431 DoubleKeyFrameCollection *double_key_frame_collection_new (void);
1434 * Downloader
1436 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1437 void *downloader_create_web_request (Downloader *instance, const char *method, const char *uri);
1439 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1440 Downloader *downloader_new (void);
1442 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1443 void downloader_notify_failed (Downloader *instance, const char *msg);
1445 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1446 void downloader_notify_finished (Downloader *instance, const char *final_uri);
1448 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1449 void downloader_notify_size (Downloader *instance, gint64 size);
1451 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1452 void downloader_set_functions (DownloaderCreateStateFunc create_state, DownloaderDestroyStateFunc destroy_state, DownloaderOpenFunc open, DownloaderSendFunc send, DownloaderAbortFunc abort, DownloaderHeaderFunc header, DownloaderBodyFunc body, DownloaderCreateWebRequestFunc request, DownloaderSetResponseHeaderCallbackFunc response_header_callback, DownloaderGetResponseFunc get_response);
1454 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1455 void downloader_write (Downloader *instance, void *buf, gint32 offset, gint32 n);
1458 * DownloaderRequest
1460 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1461 void downloader_request_free (DownloaderRequest *instance);
1463 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1464 void downloader_request_abort (DownloaderRequest *instance);
1466 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1467 DownloaderResponse *downloader_request_get_downloader_response (DownloaderRequest *instance);
1469 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1470 bool downloader_request_get_response (DownloaderRequest *instance, DownloaderResponseStartedHandler started, DownloaderResponseDataAvailableHandler available, DownloaderResponseFinishedHandler finished, gpointer context);
1472 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1473 const bool downloader_request_is_aborted (DownloaderRequest *instance);
1475 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1476 void downloader_request_set_body (DownloaderRequest *instance, void *body, int size);
1478 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1479 void downloader_request_set_http_header (DownloaderRequest *instance, const char *name, const char *value);
1482 * DownloaderResponse
1484 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1485 void downloader_response_free (DownloaderResponse *instance);
1487 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1488 void downloader_response_abort (DownloaderResponse *instance);
1490 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1491 int downloader_response_get_response_status (DownloaderResponse *instance);
1493 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1494 const char *downloader_response_get_response_status_text (DownloaderResponse *instance);
1496 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1497 void downloader_response_set_header_visitor (DownloaderResponse *instance, DownloaderResponseHeaderCallback visitor, gpointer context);
1500 * DownloadProgressEventArgs
1502 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1503 double download_progress_event_args_get_progress (DownloadProgressEventArgs *instance);
1506 * DrawingAttributes
1508 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1509 DrawingAttributes *drawing_attributes_new (void);
1512 * DropShadowEffect
1514 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1515 DropShadowEffect *drop_shadow_effect_new (void);
1518 * EasingColorKeyFrame
1520 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1521 EasingColorKeyFrame *easing_color_key_frame_new (void);
1524 * EasingDoubleKeyFrame
1526 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1527 EasingDoubleKeyFrame *easing_double_key_frame_new (void);
1530 * EasingFunctionBase
1532 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1533 EasingFunctionBase *easing_function_base_new (void);
1535 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1536 void easing_function_base_set_easing_function (EasingFunctionBase *instance, EasingFunction value);
1539 * EasingPointKeyFrame
1541 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1542 EasingPointKeyFrame *easing_point_key_frame_new (void);
1545 * Effect
1547 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1548 Effect *effect_new (void);
1551 * ElasticEase
1553 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1554 double elastic_ease_ease_in_core (ElasticEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
1556 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1557 ElasticEase *elastic_ease_new (void);
1560 * Ellipse
1562 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1563 Ellipse *ellipse_new (void);
1566 * EllipseGeometry
1568 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1569 EllipseGeometry *ellipse_geometry_new (void);
1572 * ErrorEventArgs
1574 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1575 int error_event_args_get_error_code (ErrorEventArgs *instance);
1577 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1578 const char *error_event_args_get_error_message (ErrorEventArgs *instance);
1580 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1581 int error_event_args_get_error_type (ErrorEventArgs *instance);
1583 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1584 gpointer error_event_args_get_moon_error (ErrorEventArgs *instance);
1587 * EventObject
1589 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1590 int event_object_add_handler (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventHandler handler, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify data_dtor);
1592 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1593 void event_object_add_on_event_handler (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventHandler handler, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify data_dtor);
1595 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1596 void event_object_add_toggle_ref_notifier (EventObject *instance, ToggleNotifyHandler tr);
1598 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1599 int event_object_add_xaml_handler (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventHandler handler, gpointer data, GDestroyNotify data_dtor);
1601 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1602 void event_object_do_emit_current_context (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventArgs *calldata);
1604 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1605 int event_object_get_object_type (EventObject *instance);
1607 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1608 const char *event_object_get_type_name (EventObject *instance);
1610 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1611 void event_object_ref (EventObject *instance);
1613 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1614 int event_object_remove_handler (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventHandler handler, gpointer data);
1616 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1617 void event_object_remove_on_event_handler (EventObject *instance, int event_id, EventHandler handler, gpointer data);
1619 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1620 void event_object_remove_toggle_ref_notifier (EventObject *instance);
1622 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1623 void event_object_set_object_type (EventObject *instance, int value);
1625 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1626 void event_object_unref (EventObject *instance);
1629 * EventTrigger
1631 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1632 EventTrigger *event_trigger_new (void);
1635 * ExponentialEase
1637 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1638 double exponential_ease_ease_in_core (ExponentialEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
1640 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1641 ExponentialEase *exponential_ease_new (void);
1644 * ExtensionPart
1646 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1647 ExtensionPart *extension_part_new (void);
1650 * ExternalDecoder
1652 ExternalDecoder *external_decoder_new (Media *media, IMediaStream *stream, void *instance, const char *name, ExternalDecoder_DecodeFrameAsyncCallback decode_frame_async, ExternalDecoder_OpenDecoderAsyncCallback open_decoder_async, ExternalDecoder_CleanupCallback cleanup, ExternalDecoder_CleanStateCallback clean_state, ExternalDecoder_HasDelayedFrameCallback has_delayed_frame, ExternalDecoder_DisposeCallback dispose, ExternalDecoder_DtorCallback dtor);
1655 * ExternalDecoderInfo
1657 ExternalDecoderInfo *external_decoder_info_new (void *instance, const char *name, ExternalDecoderInfo_SupportsCallback supports, ExternalDecoderInfo_Create create, ExternalDecoderInfo_dtor dtor);
1660 * ExternalDemuxer
1662 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1663 gint32 external_demuxer_add_stream (ExternalDemuxer *instance, IMediaStream *stream);
1665 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1666 void external_demuxer_clear_callbacks (ExternalDemuxer *instance);
1668 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1669 void external_demuxer_set_can_seek (ExternalDemuxer *instance, bool value);
1672 * ExternalPart
1674 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1675 ExternalPart *external_part_new (void);
1678 * ExternalPartCollection
1680 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1681 ExternalPartCollection *external_part_collection_new (void);
1684 * FrameworkElement
1686 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1687 bool framework_element_apply_template (FrameworkElement *instance);
1689 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1690 Size framework_element_arrange_override (FrameworkElement *instance, Size finalSize);
1692 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1693 FrameworkElement *framework_element_new (void);
1695 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1696 DependencyObject *framework_element_get_logical_parent (FrameworkElement *instance);
1698 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1699 Size framework_element_measure_override (FrameworkElement *instance, Size availableSize);
1701 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1702 void framework_element_register_managed_overrides (FrameworkElement *instance, MeasureOverrideCallback measure_cb, ArrangeOverrideCallback arrange_cb, GetDefaultTemplateCallback get_default_template_cb, LoadedCallback loaded_cb);
1704 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1705 void framework_element_set_default_style (FrameworkElement *instance, Style *value);
1707 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1708 void framework_element_set_logical_parent (FrameworkElement *instance, DependencyObject *logical_parent, MoonError *error);
1711 * FrameworkTemplate
1713 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1714 FrameworkTemplate *framework_template_new (void);
1716 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1717 DependencyObject *framework_template_get_visual_tree (FrameworkTemplate *instance, FrameworkElement *templateBindingSource);
1720 * GeneralTransform
1722 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1723 GeneralTransform *general_transform_new (void);
1725 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1726 Matrix *general_transform_get_matrix (GeneralTransform *instance);
1729 * Geometry
1731 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1732 Geometry *geometry_new (void);
1734 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1735 Rect geometry_get_bounds (Geometry *instance);
1738 * GeometryCollection
1740 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1741 GeometryCollection *geometry_collection_new (void);
1744 * GeometryGroup
1746 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1747 GeometryGroup *geometry_group_new (void);
1750 * Glyphs
1752 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1753 Glyphs *glyphs_new (void);
1756 * GradientBrush
1758 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1759 GradientBrush *gradient_brush_new (void);
1762 * GradientStop
1764 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1765 GradientStop *gradient_stop_new (void);
1768 * GradientStopCollection
1770 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1771 GradientStopCollection *gradient_stop_collection_new (void);
1774 * Grid
1776 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1777 Grid *grid_new (void);
1780 * HitTestCollection
1782 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1783 HitTestCollection *hit_test_collection_new (void);
1786 * Icon
1788 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1789 Icon *icon_new (void);
1792 * IconCollection
1794 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1795 IconCollection *icon_collection_new (void);
1798 * Image
1800 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1801 Image *image_new (void);
1803 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1804 void image_set_source (Image *instance, ImageSource *source);
1807 * ImageBrush
1809 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1810 ImageBrush *image_brush_new (void);
1813 * ImageSource
1815 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1816 ImageSource *image_source_new (void);
1819 * IMediaDecoder
1821 void imedia_decoder_report_decode_frame_completed (IMediaDecoder *instance, MediaFrame *frame);
1823 void imedia_decoder_report_open_decoder_completed (IMediaDecoder *instance);
1825 void imedia_decoder_set_pixel_format (IMediaDecoder *instance, int value);
1828 * IMediaDemuxer
1830 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1831 void imedia_demuxer_report_get_diagnostic_completed (IMediaDemuxer *instance, int diagnosticKind, gint64 diagnosticValue);
1833 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1834 void imedia_demuxer_report_get_frame_completed (IMediaDemuxer *instance, MediaFrame *frame);
1836 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1837 void imedia_demuxer_report_get_frame_progress (IMediaDemuxer *instance, double bufferingProgress);
1839 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1840 void imedia_demuxer_report_open_demuxer_completed (IMediaDemuxer *instance);
1842 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1843 void imedia_demuxer_report_seek_completed (IMediaDemuxer *instance, guint64 pts);
1845 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1846 void imedia_demuxer_report_switch_media_stream_completed (IMediaDemuxer *instance, IMediaStream *stream);
1849 * IMediaObject
1851 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1852 Media *imedia_object_get_media_reffed (IMediaObject *instance);
1854 void imedia_object_report_error_occurred (IMediaObject *instance, const char *message);
1857 * IMediaStream
1859 const char *imedia_stream_get_codec (IMediaStream *instance);
1861 int imedia_stream_get_codec_id (IMediaStream *instance);
1863 guint64 imedia_stream_get_duration (IMediaStream *instance);
1865 void *imedia_stream_get_extra_data (IMediaStream *instance);
1867 int imedia_stream_get_extra_data_size (IMediaStream *instance);
1869 int imedia_stream_get_stream_type (IMediaStream *instance);
1871 void imedia_stream_set_codec_id (IMediaStream *instance, int value);
1873 void imedia_stream_set_duration (IMediaStream *instance, guint64 value);
1875 void imedia_stream_set_extra_data (IMediaStream *instance, void *value);
1877 void imedia_stream_set_extra_data_size (IMediaStream *instance, int value);
1880 * InkPresenter
1882 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1883 InkPresenter *ink_presenter_new (void);
1886 * Inline
1888 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1889 Inline *inline_new (void);
1892 * InlineCollection
1894 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1895 InlineCollection *inline_collection_new (void);
1898 * InputMethod
1900 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1901 InputMethod *input_method_new (void);
1904 * ItemCollection
1906 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1907 ItemCollection *item_collection_new (void);
1910 * Keyboard
1912 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1913 int keyboard_get_modifiers (void);
1916 * KeyEventArgs
1918 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1919 int key_event_args_get_key (KeyEventArgs *instance);
1921 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1922 int key_event_args_get_platform_key_code (KeyEventArgs *instance);
1924 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1925 KeyEventArgs *key_event_args_new (void);
1928 * KeyFrameCollection
1930 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1931 KeyFrameCollection *key_frame_collection_new (void);
1934 * KeySpline
1936 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1937 KeySpline *key_spline_new (void);
1940 * Line
1942 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1943 Line *line_new (void);
1946 * LinearColorKeyFrame
1948 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1949 LinearColorKeyFrame *linear_color_key_frame_new (void);
1952 * LinearDoubleKeyFrame
1954 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1955 LinearDoubleKeyFrame *linear_double_key_frame_new (void);
1958 * LinearGradientBrush
1960 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1961 LinearGradientBrush *linear_gradient_brush_new (void);
1964 * LinearPointKeyFrame
1966 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1967 LinearPointKeyFrame *linear_point_key_frame_new (void);
1970 * LineBreak
1972 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1973 LineBreak *line_break_new (void);
1976 * LineGeometry
1978 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1979 LineGeometry *line_geometry_new (void);
1982 * LineSegment
1984 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1985 LineSegment *line_segment_new (void);
1988 * LogReadyRoutedEventArgs
1990 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1991 LogReadyRoutedEventArgs *log_ready_routed_event_args_new (void);
1994 * Matrix
1996 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
1997 cairo_matrix_t *matrix_get_matrix_values (Matrix *instance);
1999 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2000 Matrix *matrix_new (void);
2003 * Matrix3D
2005 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2006 gpointer matrix3_d_get_matrix_values (Matrix3D *instance);
2008 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2009 Matrix3D *matrix3_d_new (void);
2012 * Matrix3DProjection
2014 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2015 Matrix3DProjection *matrix3_dprojection_new (void);
2018 * MatrixTransform
2020 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2021 MatrixTransform *matrix_transform_new (void);
2024 * Media
2026 void media_register_decoder (DecoderInfo *info);
2029 * MediaAttribute
2031 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2032 MediaAttribute *media_attribute_new (void);
2035 * MediaAttributeCollection
2037 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2038 MediaAttribute *media_attribute_collection_get_item_by_name (MediaAttributeCollection *instance, const char *name);
2040 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2041 MediaAttributeCollection *media_attribute_collection_new (void);
2044 * MediaBase
2046 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2047 MediaBase *media_base_new (void);
2049 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2050 void media_base_set_source (MediaBase *instance, const char *uri);
2053 * MediaElement
2055 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2056 MediaElement *media_element_new (void);
2058 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2059 void media_element_pause (MediaElement *instance);
2061 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2062 void media_element_play (MediaElement *instance);
2064 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2065 void media_element_report_error_occurred (MediaElement *instance, const char *args);
2067 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2068 IMediaDemuxer *media_element_set_demuxer_source (MediaElement *instance, void *context, CloseDemuxerCallback close_demuxer, GetDiagnosticAsyncCallback get_diagnostic, GetFrameAsyncCallback get_sample, OpenDemuxerAsyncCallback open_demuxer, SeekAsyncCallback seek, SwitchMediaStreamAsyncCallback switch_media_stream);
2070 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2071 void media_element_set_stream_source (MediaElement *instance, ManagedStreamCallbacks *stream);
2073 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2074 void media_element_stop (MediaElement *instance);
2077 * MediaFrame
2079 void media_frame_add_state (MediaFrame *instance, int state);
2081 guint8 *media_frame_get_buffer (MediaFrame *instance);
2083 guint32 media_frame_get_buf_len (MediaFrame *instance);
2085 gint32 media_frame_get_height (MediaFrame *instance);
2087 guint64 media_frame_get_pts (MediaFrame *instance);
2089 gint32 media_frame_get_width (MediaFrame *instance);
2091 bool media_frame_is_key_frame (MediaFrame *instance);
2093 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2094 MediaFrame *media_frame_new (IMediaStream *stream, guint8 *buffer, guint32 buflen, guint64 pts, bool keyframe);
2096 void media_frame_set_buffer (MediaFrame *instance, guint8 *value);
2098 void media_frame_set_buf_len (MediaFrame *instance, guint32 value);
2100 void media_frame_set_data_stride (MediaFrame *instance, guint8 *a, guint8 *b, guint8 *c, guint8 *d);
2102 void media_frame_set_decoder_specific_data (MediaFrame *instance, void *value);
2104 void media_frame_set_height (MediaFrame *instance, gint32 value);
2106 void media_frame_set_pts (MediaFrame *instance, guint64 value);
2108 void media_frame_set_src_slide_h (MediaFrame *instance, int value);
2110 void media_frame_set_src_slide_y (MediaFrame *instance, int value);
2112 void media_frame_set_src_stride (MediaFrame *instance, int a, int b, int c, int d);
2114 void media_frame_set_width (MediaFrame *instance, gint32 value);
2117 * MoonWindow
2119 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2120 bool moon_window_get_transparent (MoonWindow *instance);
2122 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2123 void moon_window_set_transparent (MoonWindow *instance, bool flag);
2126 * MoonWindowGtk
2128 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2129 void *moon_window_gtk_get_native_widget (MoonWindowGtk *instance);
2131 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2132 MoonWindowGtk *moon_window_gtk_new (bool fullscreen, int w, int h, MoonWindow *parent, Surface *surface);
2135 * MouseButtonEventArgs
2137 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2138 MouseButtonEventArgs *mouse_button_event_args_new (void);
2141 * MouseEventArgs
2143 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2144 void mouse_event_args_get_position (MouseEventArgs *instance, UIElement *relative_to, double *x, double *y);
2146 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2147 StylusInfo *mouse_event_args_get_stylus_info (MouseEventArgs *instance);
2149 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2150 StylusPointCollection *mouse_event_args_get_stylus_points (MouseEventArgs *instance, UIElement *ink_presenter);
2152 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2153 MouseEventArgs *mouse_event_args_new (void);
2156 * MouseWheelEventArgs
2158 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2159 int mouse_wheel_event_args_get_wheel_delta (MouseWheelEventArgs *instance);
2161 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2162 MouseWheelEventArgs *mouse_wheel_event_args_new (void);
2165 * MultiScaleImage
2167 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2168 Point multi_scale_image_element_to_logical_point (MultiScaleImage *instance, Point elementPoint);
2170 void multi_scale_image_emit_image_failed (MultiScaleImage *instance);
2172 void multi_scale_image_emit_image_open_failed (MultiScaleImage *instance);
2174 void multi_scale_image_emit_motion_finished (MultiScaleImage *instance);
2176 void multi_scale_image_handle_dz_parsed (MultiScaleImage *instance);
2178 void multi_scale_image_invalidate_tile_layer (MultiScaleImage *instance, int level, int tilePositionX, int tilePositionY, int tileLayer);
2180 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2181 Point multi_scale_image_logical_to_element_point (MultiScaleImage *instance, Point logicalPoint);
2183 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2184 MultiScaleImage *multi_scale_image_new (void);
2186 void multi_scale_image_on_source_property_changed (MultiScaleImage *instance);
2188 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2189 void multi_scale_image_zoom_about_logical_point (MultiScaleImage *instance, double zoomIncrementFactor, double zoomCenterLogicalX, double zoomCenterLogicalY);
2192 * MultiScaleSubImage
2194 gint32 multi_scale_sub_image_get_zindex (MultiScaleSubImage *instance);
2196 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2197 MultiScaleSubImage *multi_scale_sub_image_new (void);
2200 * MultiScaleSubImageCollection
2202 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2203 MultiScaleSubImageCollection *multi_scale_sub_image_collection_new (void);
2206 * MultiScaleTileSource
2208 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2209 void multi_scale_tile_source_invalidate_tile_layer (MultiScaleTileSource *instance, int level, int tilePositionX, int tilePositionY, int tileLayer);
2211 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2212 MultiScaleTileSource *multi_scale_tile_source_new (void);
2214 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2215 void multi_scale_tile_source_set_image_uri_func (MultiScaleTileSource *instance, get_image_uri_func func);
2218 * NameScope
2220 NameScope *name_scope_new (void);
2223 * ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames
2225 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2226 ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames *object_animation_using_key_frames_new (void);
2229 * ObjectKeyFrame
2231 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2232 ObjectKeyFrame *object_key_frame_new (void);
2235 * ObjectKeyFrameCollection
2237 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2238 ObjectKeyFrameCollection *object_key_frame_collection_new (void);
2241 * OutOfBrowserSettings
2243 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2244 OutOfBrowserSettings *out_of_browser_settings_new (void);
2247 * Panel
2249 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2250 Panel *panel_new (void);
2253 * ParallelTimeline
2255 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2256 ParallelTimeline *parallel_timeline_new (void);
2259 * PasswordBox
2261 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2262 PasswordBox *password_box_new (void);
2265 * Path
2267 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2268 Path *path_new (void);
2271 * PathFigure
2273 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2274 PathFigure *path_figure_new (void);
2277 * PathFigureCollection
2279 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2280 PathFigureCollection *path_figure_collection_new (void);
2283 * PathGeometry
2285 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2286 PathGeometry *path_geometry_new (void);
2289 * PathSegment
2291 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2292 PathSegment *path_segment_new (void);
2295 * PathSegmentCollection
2297 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2298 PathSegmentCollection *path_segment_collection_new (void);
2301 * PixelShader
2303 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2304 PixelShader *pixel_shader_new (void);
2307 * PlaneProjection
2309 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2310 PlaneProjection *plane_projection_new (void);
2313 * PointAnimation
2315 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2316 PointAnimation *point_animation_new (void);
2319 * PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames
2321 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2322 PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames *point_animation_using_key_frames_new (void);
2325 * PointCollection
2327 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2328 PointCollection *point_collection_new (void);
2331 * PointKeyFrame
2333 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2334 PointKeyFrame *point_key_frame_new (void);
2337 * PointKeyFrameCollection
2339 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2340 PointKeyFrameCollection *point_key_frame_collection_new (void);
2343 * PolyBezierSegment
2345 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2346 PolyBezierSegment *poly_bezier_segment_new (void);
2348 void poly_bezier_segment_set_points (PolyBezierSegment *instance, PointCollection *points);
2351 * Polygon
2353 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2354 Polygon *polygon_new (void);
2357 * Polyline
2359 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2360 Polyline *polyline_new (void);
2363 * PolyLineSegment
2365 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2366 PolyLineSegment *poly_line_segment_new (void);
2369 * PolyQuadraticBezierSegment
2371 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2372 PolyQuadraticBezierSegment *poly_quadratic_bezier_segment_new (void);
2375 * Popup
2377 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2378 Popup *popup_new (void);
2381 * PowerEase
2383 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2384 double power_ease_ease_in_core (PowerEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
2386 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2387 PowerEase *power_ease_new (void);
2390 * Projection
2392 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2393 Projection *projection_new (void);
2396 * PropertyChangedEventArgs
2398 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2399 int property_changed_event_args_get_id (PropertyChangedEventArgs *instance);
2401 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2402 Value *property_changed_event_args_get_new_value (PropertyChangedEventArgs *instance);
2404 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2405 Value *property_changed_event_args_get_old_value (PropertyChangedEventArgs *instance);
2407 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2408 DependencyProperty *property_changed_event_args_get_property (PropertyChangedEventArgs *instance);
2411 * QuadraticBezierSegment
2413 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2414 QuadraticBezierSegment *quadratic_bezier_segment_new (void);
2417 * QuadraticEase
2419 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2420 double quadratic_ease_ease_in_core (QuadraticEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
2422 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2423 QuadraticEase *quadratic_ease_new (void);
2426 * QuarticEase
2428 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2429 double quartic_ease_ease_in_core (QuarticEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
2431 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2432 QuarticEase *quartic_ease_new (void);
2435 * QuinticEase
2437 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2438 double quintic_ease_ease_in_core (QuinticEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
2440 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2441 QuinticEase *quintic_ease_new (void);
2444 * RadialGradientBrush
2446 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2447 RadialGradientBrush *radial_gradient_brush_new (void);
2450 * Rectangle
2452 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2453 Rectangle *rectangle_new (void);
2456 * RectangleGeometry
2458 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2459 RectangleGeometry *rectangle_geometry_new (void);
2462 * RenderingEventArgs
2464 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2465 TimeSpan rendering_event_args_get_rendering_time (RenderingEventArgs *instance);
2468 * ResourceDictionary
2470 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2471 bool resource_dictionary_add_with_error (ResourceDictionary *instance, const char *key, Value *value, MoonError *error);
2473 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2474 bool resource_dictionary_clear (ResourceDictionary *instance);
2476 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2477 bool resource_dictionary_contains_key (ResourceDictionary *instance, const char *key);
2479 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2480 Value *resource_dictionary_get (ResourceDictionary *instance, const char *key, bool *exists);
2482 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2483 bool resource_dictionary_remove (ResourceDictionary *instance, const char *key);
2485 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2486 ResourceDictionary *resource_dictionary_new (void);
2488 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2489 bool resource_dictionary_set (ResourceDictionary *instance, const char *key, Value *value);
2492 * ResourceDictionaryCollection
2494 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2495 ResourceDictionaryCollection *resource_dictionary_collection_new (void);
2498 * RotateTransform
2500 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2501 RotateTransform *rotate_transform_new (void);
2504 * RoutedEventArgs
2506 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2507 bool routed_event_args_get_handled (RoutedEventArgs *instance);
2509 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2510 DependencyObject *routed_event_args_get_source (RoutedEventArgs *instance);
2512 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2513 RoutedEventArgs *routed_event_args_new (void);
2515 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2516 void routed_event_args_set_handled (RoutedEventArgs *instance, bool handled);
2518 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2519 void routed_event_args_set_source (RoutedEventArgs *instance, DependencyObject *el);
2522 * RowDefinition
2524 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2525 RowDefinition *row_definition_new (void);
2528 * RowDefinitionCollection
2530 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2531 RowDefinitionCollection *row_definition_collection_new (void);
2534 * Run
2536 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2537 Run *run_new (void);
2540 * ScaleTransform
2542 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2543 ScaleTransform *scale_transform_new (void);
2546 * Setter
2548 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2549 Setter *setter_new (void);
2552 * SetterBase
2554 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2555 SetterBase *setter_base_new (void);
2558 * SetterBaseCollection
2560 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2561 SetterBaseCollection *setter_base_collection_new (void);
2564 * ShaderEffect
2566 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2567 ShaderEffect *shader_effect_new (void);
2570 * Shape
2572 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2573 Transform *shape_get_geometry_transform (Shape *instance);
2575 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2576 Shape *shape_new (void);
2579 * SineEase
2581 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2582 double sine_ease_ease_in_core (SineEase *instance, double normalizedTime);
2584 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2585 SineEase *sine_ease_new (void);
2588 * SizeChangedEventArgs
2590 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2591 SizeChangedEventArgs *size_changed_event_args_new (void);
2594 * SkewTransform
2596 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2597 SkewTransform *skew_transform_new (void);
2600 * SolidColorBrush
2602 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2603 SolidColorBrush *solid_color_brush_new (void);
2606 * SplineColorKeyFrame
2608 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2609 SplineColorKeyFrame *spline_color_key_frame_new (void);
2612 * SplineDoubleKeyFrame
2614 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2615 SplineDoubleKeyFrame *spline_double_key_frame_new (void);
2618 * SplinePointKeyFrame
2620 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2621 SplinePointKeyFrame *spline_point_key_frame_new (void);
2624 * Storyboard
2626 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2627 bool storyboard_begin_with_error (Storyboard *instance, MoonError *error);
2629 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2630 int storyboard_get_current_state (Storyboard *instance);
2632 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2633 TimeSpan storyboard_get_current_time (Storyboard *instance);
2635 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2636 DependencyProperty *storyboard_get_target_dependency_property (Storyboard *instance);
2638 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2639 void storyboard_pause_with_error (Storyboard *instance, MoonError *error);
2641 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2642 void storyboard_resume_with_error (Storyboard *instance, MoonError *error);
2644 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2645 void storyboard_seek_aligned_to_last_tick_with_error (Storyboard *instance, TimeSpan timespan, MoonError *error);
2647 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2648 void storyboard_seek_with_error (Storyboard *instance, TimeSpan timespan, MoonError *error);
2650 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2651 void storyboard_skip_to_fill_with_error (Storyboard *instance, MoonError *error);
2653 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2654 void storyboard_stop_with_error (Storyboard *instance, MoonError *error);
2656 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2657 Storyboard *storyboard_new (void);
2660 * Stroke
2662 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2663 bool stroke_hit_test (Stroke *instance, StylusPointCollection *stylusPoints);
2665 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2666 Stroke *stroke_new (void);
2669 * StrokeCollection
2671 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2672 StrokeCollection *stroke_collection_hit_test (StrokeCollection *instance, StylusPointCollection *stylusPoints);
2674 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2675 StrokeCollection *stroke_collection_new (void);
2678 * Style
2680 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2681 void style_seal (Style *instance);
2683 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2684 Style *style_new (void);
2687 * StylusInfo
2689 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2690 StylusInfo *stylus_info_new (void);
2693 * StylusPoint
2695 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2696 double stylus_point_get_pressure_factor (StylusPoint *instance);
2698 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2699 double stylus_point_get_x (StylusPoint *instance);
2701 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2702 double stylus_point_get_y (StylusPoint *instance);
2704 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2705 void stylus_point_set_pressure_factor (StylusPoint *instance, double factor);
2707 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2708 void stylus_point_set_x (StylusPoint *instance, double x);
2710 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2711 void stylus_point_set_y (StylusPoint *instance, double y);
2713 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2714 StylusPoint *stylus_point_new (void);
2717 * StylusPointCollection
2719 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2720 double stylus_point_collection_add_stylus_points (StylusPointCollection *instance, StylusPointCollection *stylusPointCollection);
2722 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2723 StylusPointCollection *stylus_point_collection_new (void);
2726 * Surface
2728 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2729 void surface_attach (Surface *instance, UIElement *toplevel);
2731 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2732 Downloader *surface_create_downloader (Surface *instance);
2734 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2735 void surface_emit_error (Surface *instance, int number, int code, const char *message);
2737 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2738 Color *surface_get_background_color (Surface *instance);
2740 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2741 UIElement *surface_get_focused_element (Surface *instance);
2743 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2744 bool surface_get_full_screen (Surface *instance);
2746 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2747 TimeManager *surface_get_time_manager (Surface *instance);
2749 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2750 UIElement *surface_get_toplevel (Surface *instance);
2752 MoonWindow *surface_get_window (Surface *instance);
2754 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2755 bool surface_in_main_thread (void);
2757 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2758 bool surface_is_loaded (Surface *instance);
2760 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2761 bool surface_is_user_initiated_event (Surface *instance);
2763 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2764 bool surface_is_version_supported (const char *version);
2766 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2767 void surface_paint (Surface *instance, cairo_t *ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height);
2769 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2770 void surface_resize (Surface *instance, int width, int height);
2772 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2773 void surface_set_full_screen (Surface *instance, bool value);
2775 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2776 Surface *surface_new (MoonWindow *window);
2779 * TabNavigationWalker
2781 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2782 bool tab_navigation_walker_focus (UIElement *element, bool forwards);
2785 * TextBlock
2787 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2788 TextBlock *text_block_new (void);
2791 * TextBox
2793 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2794 TextBox *text_box_new (void);
2797 * TextBoxBase
2799 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2800 void text_box_base_on_got_focus (TextBoxBase *instance, RoutedEventArgs *args);
2802 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2803 void text_box_base_on_key_down (TextBoxBase *instance, KeyEventArgs *args);
2805 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2806 void text_box_base_on_key_up (TextBoxBase *instance, KeyEventArgs *args);
2808 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2809 void text_box_base_on_lost_focus (TextBoxBase *instance, RoutedEventArgs *args);
2811 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2812 void text_box_base_on_mouse_left_button_down (TextBoxBase *instance, MouseButtonEventArgs *args);
2814 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2815 void text_box_base_on_mouse_left_button_up (TextBoxBase *instance, MouseButtonEventArgs *args);
2817 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2818 void text_box_base_on_mouse_move (TextBoxBase *instance, MouseEventArgs *args);
2820 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2821 void text_box_base_post_on_key_down (TextBoxBase *instance, KeyEventArgs *args);
2823 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2824 void text_box_base_select_all (TextBoxBase *instance);
2826 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2827 bool text_box_base_select_with_error (TextBoxBase *instance, int start, int length, MoonError *error);
2830 * TextBoxView
2832 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2833 TextBoxView *text_box_view_new (void);
2836 * TextChangedEventArgs
2838 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2839 TextChangedEventArgs *text_changed_event_args_new (void);
2842 * TileBrush
2844 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2845 TileBrush *tile_brush_new (void);
2848 * Timeline
2850 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2851 DependencyObject *timeline_get_manual_target (Timeline *instance);
2853 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2854 void timeline_set_manual_target (Timeline *instance, DependencyObject *o);
2856 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2857 Timeline *timeline_new (void);
2860 * TimelineCollection
2862 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2863 TimelineCollection *timeline_collection_new (void);
2866 * TimelineGroup
2868 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2869 TimelineGroup *timeline_group_new (void);
2872 * TimelineMarker
2874 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2875 TimelineMarker *timeline_marker_new (void);
2878 * TimelineMarkerCollection
2880 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2881 TimelineMarkerCollection *timeline_marker_collection_new (void);
2884 * TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs
2886 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2887 TimelineMarker *timeline_marker_routed_event_args_get_marker (TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs *instance);
2889 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2890 TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs *timeline_marker_routed_event_args_new (TimelineMarker *marker);
2893 * TimeManager
2895 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2896 void time_manager_add_dispatcher_call (TimeManager *instance, TickCallHandler handler, EventObject *tick_data);
2898 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2899 void time_manager_add_tick_call (TimeManager *instance, TickCallHandler handler, EventObject *tick_data);
2901 guint time_manager_add_timeout (TimeManager *instance, gint priority, guint ms_interval, GSourceFunc func, gpointer timeout_data);
2903 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2904 int time_manager_get_maximum_refresh_rate (TimeManager *instance);
2906 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2907 void time_manager_remove_tick_call (TimeManager *instance, TickCallHandler handler, EventObject *tick_data);
2909 void time_manager_remove_timeout (TimeManager *instance, guint timeout_id);
2911 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2912 void time_manager_set_maximum_refresh_rate (TimeManager *instance, int hz);
2915 * Transform
2917 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2918 Transform *transform_new (void);
2921 * TransformCollection
2923 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2924 TransformCollection *transform_collection_new (void);
2927 * TransformGroup
2929 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2930 TransformGroup *transform_group_new (void);
2933 * TranslateTransform
2935 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2936 TranslateTransform *translate_transform_new (void);
2939 * TriggerAction
2941 void trigger_action_fire (TriggerAction *instance);
2943 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2944 TriggerAction *trigger_action_new (void);
2947 * TriggerActionCollection
2949 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2950 TriggerActionCollection *trigger_action_collection_new (void);
2953 * TriggerBase
2955 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2956 TriggerBase *trigger_base_new (void);
2959 * TriggerCollection
2961 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2962 TriggerCollection *trigger_collection_new (void);
2965 * Types
2967 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2968 Type *types_find (Types *instance, int type);
2970 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2971 int types_register_type (Types *instance, const char *name, void *gc_handle, int parent, bool is_interface, bool ctor_visible, int *interfaces, int interface_count);
2973 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2974 Types *types_new (void);
2977 * UIElement
2979 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2980 void uielement_arrange (UIElement *instance, Rect finalRect);
2982 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2983 bool uielement_capture_mouse (UIElement *instance);
2985 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2986 void uielement_element_added (UIElement *instance, UIElement *obj);
2988 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2989 void uielement_element_removed (UIElement *instance, UIElement *obj);
2991 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2992 void uielement_find_elements_in_host_coordinates_p (UIElement *instance, Point p, HitTestCollection *uielement_list);
2994 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2995 void uielement_find_elements_in_host_coordinates_r (UIElement *instance, Rect p, HitTestCollection *uielement_list);
2997 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
2998 bool uielement_focus (UIElement *instance, bool recurse);
3000 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3001 Size uielement_get_desired_size (UIElement *instance);
3003 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3004 Size uielement_get_render_size (UIElement *instance);
3006 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3007 DependencyObject *uielement_get_subtree_object (UIElement *instance);
3009 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3010 GeneralTransform *uielement_get_transform_to_uielement_with_error (UIElement *instance, UIElement *to_element, MoonError *error);
3012 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3013 UIElement *uielement_get_visual_parent (UIElement *instance);
3015 void uielement_invalidate (UIElement *instance);
3017 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3018 void uielement_invalidate_arrange (UIElement *instance);
3020 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3021 void uielement_invalidate_measure (UIElement *instance);
3023 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3024 void uielement_measure (UIElement *instance, Size availableSize);
3026 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3027 void uielement_release_mouse_capture (UIElement *instance);
3029 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3030 void uielement_set_subtree_object (UIElement *instance, DependencyObject *value);
3032 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3033 void uielement_update_layout (UIElement *instance);
3036 * UIElementCollection
3038 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3039 UIElementCollection *uielement_collection_new (void);
3042 * UnmanagedMatrix
3044 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3045 UnmanagedMatrix *unmanaged_matrix_new (void);
3048 * UnmanagedMatrix3D
3050 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3051 UnmanagedMatrix3D *unmanaged_matrix3_d_new (void);
3054 * Uri
3056 bool uri_equals (const Uri *left, const Uri *right);
3058 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3059 void uri_free (Uri *instance);
3061 guint uri_get_hash_code (Uri *instance);
3063 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3064 bool uri_parse (Uri *instance, const char *uri, bool allow_trailing_sep);
3067 * UserControl
3069 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3070 UserControl *user_control_new (void);
3073 * VideoBrush
3075 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3076 void video_brush_set_source (VideoBrush *instance, MediaElement *source);
3078 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3079 VideoBrush *video_brush_new (void);
3082 * VideoStream
3084 guint32 video_stream_get_height (VideoStream *instance);
3086 guint32 video_stream_get_width (VideoStream *instance);
3088 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3089 VideoStream *video_stream_new (Media *media, int codec_id, guint32 width, guint32 height, guint64 duration, gpointer extra_data, guint32 extra_data_size);
3092 * VisualBrush
3094 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3095 VisualBrush *visual_brush_new (void);
3098 * WindowSettings
3100 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3101 WindowSettings *window_settings_new (void);
3104 * WriteableBitmap
3106 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3107 gpointer writeable_bitmap_initialize_from_bitmap_source (WriteableBitmap *instance, BitmapSource *source);
3109 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3110 void writeable_bitmap_lock (WriteableBitmap *instance);
3112 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3113 void writeable_bitmap_render (WriteableBitmap *instance, UIElement *element, Transform *transform);
3115 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3116 void writeable_bitmap_unlock (WriteableBitmap *instance);
3118 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3119 WriteableBitmap *writeable_bitmap_new (void);
3122 * XamlContext
3124 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3125 DependencyObject *xaml_context_get_template_binding_source (XamlContext *instance);
3128 * XamlLoader
3130 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3131 Value *xaml_loader_create_from_file_with_error (XamlLoader *instance, const char *xaml, bool create_namescope, int *element_type, MoonError *error);
3133 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3134 Value *xaml_loader_create_from_string_with_error (XamlLoader *instance, const char *xaml, bool create_namescope, int *element_type, int flags, MoonError *error);
3136 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3137 XamlContext *xaml_loader_get_context (XamlLoader *instance);
3139 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3140 Value *xaml_loader_hydrate_from_string_with_error (XamlLoader *instance, const char *xaml, Value *obj, bool create_namescope, int *element_type, int flags, MoonError *error);
3143 * Xap
3145 /* @GeneratePInvoke */
3146 char *xap_unpack (const char *fname);
3151 #endif